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Full text of "A dictionary of Latin phrases : comprehending a methodical digest of the various phrases from the best authors, which have been collected in all phraseological works hitherto published"

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Ropertson’s Latin Purase Book having 
been long out of print and become scarce, many 
eminent teachers of the classics have expressed a 
desire to see a new and improved edition. .. That 
there was ample room for improvement is obvi- 
ous on the slightest inspection of the old work. 
The English is obsolete, the arrangement confused, 
the order of printing such as to render it difficult 
for consultation or reference, the redundancies so 
numerous as to increase most unnecessarily. and 
seriously the bulk of the volume, and much of the 
Latin drawn from barbarous sources. It has been 
the aim of the present editor to. remedy these 
evils, and to render the work better adapted. to 
the use of the Mddle and Upper classes in our 

It is a peculiarity in this Phrase Book thatit com- 
prehends all previous publications onthe subject: 
but the present edition has this advantage over its 


predecessors, that it is enriched with many hun- 
dred phrases which have hitherto been unrecorded, 
and these have been drawn from the purest foun- 
tains, by actual perusal ; from. Gicerp, ees Te- 
rence, Plautus, &c: , 

Thus, while the size of the volume has been use- 
fully diminished, its capacity for reference has 
been increased, and its value for pene COS 
ably enh mised. . Ah. Sana ped , 

But while the editor is eatlinis public attention 
to improvements already made, he would not be 
thought insensible to the necessity of fature im- 
provements, and will thankfully receivé such ani- 
madversions ‘as’ tidy'‘render another edition still 
more useful. } Petpet or 

The increasing attention paid to Latin Composition 
renders works of this déscription more important ; 
and by the Lewicon Ciceronianum of Nizolius, and this 
improved edition of Robertson, the access to Latin 
peculiarities is miade’ more easy and suré; for if 
correct Latinity were only to be acquired by an 
extensive and deep acquaintance -with the various 
works of classic authors, it would be absolutely un- 
attainable by arty one én statu pupillari, and could 
scarcely be iin a in our schools, 8 og 

ell —< i Uhl. — ss Tw aa 

goes a 





A, or Aw before a vowel, is an 
indefinite article, usually put before 
appellative or common nouns ; chiefly 
in the nominative case singular: as, 
A man, homo: An angel, ange- 
Ius.— A, coming after a verb of mo- 

tion, is put for the first supine, or 

a participle im rus, or gerund in dum : 

as, I go a hunting; eo venatum, eo 
venaturus, or, eo ad venandum: He 
ing; vadit piscatum, pisca- 
turus, ad piscandum, &c.—A or. an 

as used also to express time: as, 

They are a day in talking ; dum gar- 
riunt, dies est: They are a year in 
combing ; dum comuntur, annus est : 
He is an hour in telling these things ; 
hec dum dicit, abiit hora; Ter. Once 
a year, Apollo smiles ; semel in anno, 
ridet Apollo; Hor, Twice a day, they 
both count their cattle ; bis die nume- 
rant ambo pecus; Virg.—A or an, in 
distributive speeches, is used for Each, 
or Every ; singulus, unusquisque: as, 
He sets down twelve acres a man; 
duodena in singulos jugera describit ; 
Liv. So much a foot; in pedem ; Cic, 
Twice a year; in singulis sonip, bis ; 

To ABANDON, Goman tina: amo- 
vere, amandare, remittere, &c.: as, To 
abandon one’s friendship; amicitiam 
alicui renuntiare ; Cic. He has aban- 
doned virtue ; nuntium. virtuti re- 
misit; Cic. He has abandoned, or re- 
nounced, all civil offices, or employ- 
ments; civilibus omnibus officiis renan- 

Phrase. : 


tiavit. J abandon my province; pro- 
vinciam remitto, To abandon one whose 
reputation is attacked; dimicanti de 
fama deesse; Cic. 

To Axsanpon, or forsake utterly ; 
abdicare, abjicere, deserere, derelin- 
quere, abnegare, repudiare, rejicere, re- 
pellere ; nullo modo agnoscere ; pro suo 
non habere, aut, non agnoscere ; pro 
derelicto habere. To abandon or give 
oneself up; se dedere, He abandoned 
himself to despair; spem penitus abje- 
cit. Abandoned to despair; destitutus 
spe; Liv. Having, abandoned the 
love of life ; projecto lucis amore. A- 
bandoned in character; perditus, flagi- 
tiosus. The. most profligate and aban- 
doned of mortals; omnium mortalium 
profligatissimus ac perditissimus ; Cic. 
homo flagitiosissimus ; Cic. To aban- 
don oneself; capessere se prewipiient 
ad malos mores. 

To ABASE, or vilify ; abjicere, de- 
primere, obscurare, extenuare aliquem 5 : 
derogare, detrahere alicui, 

An Asasement, abasing and vilify- 
ing, or undervaluing ; imminutio, ab- 
jectio, extenuatio, detractio, depressio, 

-obscuratio alicujus ; dignitatis alicujus 

obscuratio, et ab omni laude exclusio, 

To Axase himself; abjicere, i. e. 
parvi estimare, se; to set little by, or» 
make no account of himself; Cic. Will 
you so fur abase yourself? sic te ab- 
jicies et prosternes? Cic. I do not far 
abase myself; non tantum mihi ate: 

2 AB 

To ABASH ; i.e. to make ashamed ; 
pudefacere ;_ pudore aliquem aflicere, 
suffundere ; in pudorem, ruborem, dare, 
cogere ; pudorem, ‘ruborem, incutere, 
injicere alicui; ignominia, dedecore 
notare; sensu dedecoris afficere. He 
said that two things had abashed him ; 
dixit duas res ei rubori fuisse ; Liv. 

To he ABASHED ; ‘i. e. to be asham- 
ed; vehementer, ingenue, modeste, 
verecundari, erubescere ; ingenuitatis 
speciem pre se ferre ; conscientia faci- 
noris commoveri ad verecundiam ; pu- 
dorem, ruborem contrahere; pudore, 
rubore, affici, suffundi; modestia cir- 
cumfundi ; vultum pudenter, pudibunde 

To ABATE; i. e. to diminish; di- 
minuere, imminuere. To abate in ac- 
counts ; subducere, 

To Avate somewhat of the whole 6f 
the money, sum, reckoning, or pay- 
ment’; detrahere, vel remittere, de ca- 
pite, ‘vel, ex pecunia; Cie. De nu- 
mero, summa, rationibus, debito, de- 
ducere, minuere, imminuere,’ auferre 
aliquid ; subtrahere, adimere, abjicere ; 
aliquam partem decurtare. Totum non 
exigere, poscere, postulare: minus ac- 
cipere quam debeam: summam mi- 
norem facere : partem de solido demere ; 

I cannot Azate a penny of this ; 
nummus abesse hinc non. potest; 
Plaut. When interest is abated, the 
walue and rent of lands rise much ; 
feenore diminuto, plurimum agrorum 
pretits accessit ; Suet. 

Without any AsaTEMENT; sine 
ulla deductione; Sen. I donot com- 
plain of the abatement of the tri- 
bute, or taxes; non queror diminu- 
tionem vectigalium ; Cic. 

To AsatE the charges of the city; 
sumius civitatis minuere; Cic. To 
abate something of his right ; paulu- 
lum,de suo jure decedere ; Cic. 

To Anate, or cool, one’s courage ; 
reprimere vel percellere animum; ton- 

“dere cristas. To abate one’s power ; 

refringere vim. To abate (neutr.) ; im- 
minui, decrescere, 

The heats Avatez, or are abated ; 
zestus defervescunt. 

His sickness began to Anats; 
levior morbus esse ceepit; Cic. Love 
abates by degrees; paulatim declinat 

amor; Ov, 

To " ABBREVIATE ; contrahere, in 

. AB 

compendium redigere, conferre ad eom- 

pendium; Plaut. . 

To ABDICATE; abdicare magistra- 
tum; Sall. abdicare se magistratu ; 
dictatara : ; Liv.—consulatu, libertate, 
tutela ; Cic. 

To "ABET ; incitare, concitare, in- 
stigare ; propugnare ; ; impellere ; sup- 
petias ferre; ab aliquo stare; asse- 
rere, vindicare ;- sese adjutorem dare. 

An Axsetror, partaker, or encou- 
rager, of a man, or of any thing; @ 
consiliis; particeps, socius, adjutor; 
defensor, hortator, suasor, incitator ; 
conscius, sociatus communione, oe 
sone, scil. vel, rei, alieujus. 

I am oblig ed to be the partaker and 
AxBETToR of this war ; hujus belli ego 
particeps et socius et adjutor esse 
cogor; Cic. Obs. Cicero uses adjutor 
either witha genitive or dative: ad- 
jutor honori alicujus. He declares . 
that he will abet him in that ; se ad 
eam rem profitetur adjutorem; Ces. 
fo abet, encourage, or stir up the 
soldiers ‘against one ; incitare milites 
in aliquem ; Cic. 

Fo Aner, encourage, of push for 
ward, one who is ready enough of him- 
self ; incitare currentem ; Cic. 

To ABHOR; abhorrere ; detestari ; 
fastidire; animum alienissimum ha- 
bere, et abhorrere, ab aliqua re ;_rem 
animo magnopere aversari, aspernari, - 
abominari, et tanquam auspicium ma- 
lum, aut ut pestem refugere; odisse 
cane pejus et angue; &c. Aliquem, 
vel. aliquid, repudiate, respuere, -re- 
jicere, dedignari;  alieno admodum ~ 
esse animo in aliquem; refugere et 
abhorrere ab alicujus. societate, con- 
sortio, &c. — 

To Axsuor, or loathe, studies ; ab- — 
horrere a studiis. Jo abhor mar- 
riage, or. to have no mind to marry 3 
abhorrere ab uxore, 

We Axsuor; i. e. utterly dislike, 

‘that custom; consuetudo hee a no- 

bis abhorret. 

He utterly Annors such a vil- 
lany ; penitus abhorret hoc facinus ab’ 
illo; Cic. 

I Axsnor, loathe, and am afraid to 
declare; &c. refugit animus, abhorret 
atque reformidat dicere, narrare, &c, 

He Avuons and loathes you so much ; 
animus ejus adeo a te alienus est, et ab- 
horret. ? 

He Asuonrs, or cannot endure,. 

vither to hear. or think of trifies; ab- 
horret auris ejus, et animus, a nugis. 
He has taken a great abherrence 
or loathing of wine ; ingens illum vini 
> fastidiamecepit. > é 
Memnius Asuors Latin studies; 
Memnius, literarum latinarum est fasti- 
They did ali Aznor and fly from 
him as a monstrous and pestilential 
beast ; omnes, ut immanem et pernicio- 
sam bestiam pesfemque, fugiebant ; 
To fly the sight, loathe thename, and 
Aznok the remembrance, of such aone ; 
alicujus aspectum oculis fugere,, no- 
men auribus fastidire, memoriam animo 
abhorrere; execrari;- &c. Cic. The 
errors, faults, or failings, of my age, 
did so much afflict and grieve me, that 
Z abhor to think or hear thereof ; 
tantum mihi dolorem, cruciatumque, 
attulerunt-errata wtatis mew ; ut, non 
solum animus, sed et aufes, a comme- 
'moratione abhorreant, I hate and 
abhor nothing worse than swine’s 
- flesh; nibil zeque odi nec abhorreo 
atque carnes suillas. Which thing I 
abhor; a qua re, semper abhorrui. 
I would have all honest men, so to ab- 
hor and detest such wicked wretches ; 
viros velim -omnes honestos, adeo detes- 
tari hujusmodi flagitiosos. 
_ They are such abominable monsters, 
and so much to be Avuorrep; adeo 
sunt abominanda portenta, adeoque 

Such a.thing, er person, is carefully 
to be avoided, and its, or his, fa- 
miliar use, society, or converse, to be 
AxBuoRRED as tenstrous; huic, tan- 
- quam piaculo, abstinendum, ejusque 
familiaris usus abominandus, atque 
consortium, ut monstrosum quodvis, 
abhorrendum. But no good and honest 
anen aré tobe loathed or abhorred ; 
dut, by all friendly means, rather, to be 
encouraged and cherished; nulli vero 
viri boni, virtuteque prediti, sunt ab- 
horrendi, aut detestaudi; sed, im gre- 
mium potius, recipiendi, amplectendi, 
amiceque fovendi. - 

To ABIDE; commorari, permanere, 
perdurare ; persistere. 

To AztnE in one or the same place ; 
jin eodem loco manete, subsidere, im- 
morari, diutius versari, subsistere, he- 
rere, residere, hesitare, morari; eidem 
loco adherere, adherescere. Enndem 


sy 3 
tenére, obtinere, servare, conservare, 
locum. Nusquam, non alio discessit, 
recessit, migravit, transiit, abivit. Nus- 
quam pedem. Pedem, sedem, bacu~ 
lum, alicubi figere. 

He Axipes ‘most in the countryg” 

ruri fere se continet. You are as fixed 
where you abide, as Sisyphus is to the 

wheel ; tu affixus ubi es, ut rote Sisy- 

phus. He did abide in a tavern; in- 
cubabat tabernam quandam, The em- 

met, or ant, in winter abides at 

home, and stirs no where abroad; 
domi manet formica, hyeme, nec us- 
quam prorepit, 
ever will continue, wretched and miser- 
able ; sedet, zternumque sedebit infe- 
lix Theseus. He abides or keep’ se 

_much at home, as if he were afraid to 

go beyond ihe ‘stables; domi fixus est 
adeo, quasi non procul a stabulis aude- 
ret discedere. a 

Not to Avipe; i.e. to hate, or not to 
endure; odio habere, abhorrere ab, 
eegre ferre, perpeti, sustinere. = 

He cannot Aviv me ; ille aversissi= 
mo, in me, animo est; me male odit. 
I cannot abide -to do that; ‘istud 
eegre est mihi facere. 
to see you so dainty ; delicias tuas ferre 
non possum. He cannot abide him 
out of his sight ; illim in oculis fert, 
He cannot abide a wife; abhorret 
‘a re uxoria. .No body can abide 
him ; terre odiam ambulat, 
ther cannot abide the- son ; odio, pa- 
renti, filius est; Ter. I perceive they 
cannot. abide any of us; invisos nos 
omnes, esse illis, sentio. He could not 
abide to take+pains; laboris impa- 
tiens erat. He could not abide, that, 

Theseus abides, and. 

I cannot abide - 

The fae 

§c.: pati non potuit, ut, vel quod, &c. | 

No man.was able to abide him; 
nemo posset hunc perpeti, J shall not 
abide to be present ; non possum ad- 
tiar, non feram, non sinam, Jt does, 
and it will, abide fixed; firmuin et 
stabile permansum est, et permanchit, 
Tf you abide but the 
primam si coitionem sustinueris. 

To AxtpE at home, or in the coun- 
try, or at Rome, &c. ; abdere se rus, 
vel domum ; Ter. domi se tenere ; 
Rome, aut alicubi, commorari, tardare, 
residere ; manere in tabernaculo; in 
villa residere. 

To AxsipEe in the same opinion; in 
eadem sententia commorari, hzrere. 


rst charge ; 

I will never abide it; non pa- - 


4 AB 

To Axrve, i. e. to suffer, or endure, 
great pains or griefs; sustinere, pati, 
ferre, dolores, et cruciatus, graves, im- 
modicos, acerbos, incredibiles, et qui 
vix ferri possint; cruciatibus- angi,’ 
confici, torqueri, vexari, frangi, oppri- 
mi; curis et egritudine macerari, conta- 

ABJECT; (low, mean) abjectus, 
conte, »ptus, nihili, vilis, nullo in nume- 
ro. An abject soul; animus abjectior : 
(or with a genitive) abjectiores animi ; 
Liv. nomine abjectissimus ; Cic. - 

ABILITY, or, power ; vires, facul- 
tas, efficiendi vis, potentia, efficacia, ro- 
bur: as, Every one to doaccording to his 

ability; metiri se quemque, suo mo- 


pains; ut suppetas doloribus; Hor, 

Not Ase: as, Not able to take 

pains ; intolerans laborum. He was not 
able to speak a word more ; vox eum de- 

fecit; Cic. vox faucibus hesit; Virg. - 

We were so poor we were not able 
to do it; non sivit egestas facere nos ; 
Ter. J am not able to walk; pedi- 
bus ire non queo; Plaut. Iam not 
able to pay; solvendo non sum; 
Cic. He is not able to bear so great 
an envy ; tam magne non est par invi- 
diz. Iam afraid he will not be able 
to stand to him; metud ut substet ; 
Ter. He owes more than he is able 
to pay; animam debet; Ter. He is 

not .able to resolve upon any thing ; - 

dulo, pede, sua facultate et efficacia. cui parata est ne gutta quidem certi 

Asriity, i. e. riches; opes, facul-~ 
tates, divitie, &c.: as, He is of the 
ability of a gentleman; implet fa- 
cultates equestris ordinis. To appoint 
funerals according to their ability ; 
prefinire sumptus funerum, ex propriis 
censibus. Of what ability is he? 
quanto valet annuo censu, reditu? A 
man of ability ‘may do what he 
pleases ; cum dives quis existat, facile, 
quod vult, agit; potentes potenter 

ABLE, or powerful ; potens, valens ; 
aptus, idoneus: i. e. strong ; validus, 
robustus: i, e. rich and wealthy ; 
dives, opulentis: skilful ; solers, ex- 
pertus. To be able; valere, posse-; 
queo; Sal. potesse, apud comicog ; 
habere potestatem, facultatem, vim, 
vires; potens esse; viribus valere ad 
aliquid agendum. 

As fur as IT am Ante; quod, vel 
quoad, queo; pro virili mea parte. As 
they were able to get fodder; ut pa- 
buli facultas erat. She was able to 
do it of herself; potuit ipsa per sese ; 
Cic, He is scarcely able to hold his 
eyes open; vix sustinet palpebras. 
Which one shall seldom be able to 
hive; cujus rarissima erit occasio, J 
helped as far as I was able; pro 
mea parte adjuvi; Cic. JI am able 
to allow it ; est mihi unde hee fiant, 
He is more liberal than he is well 
able; benignior est quam res patitur. 
If you be able; si modo possis, He 
withstood them as well ashe was able ; 
quoad potuit restitit; Cic. He was so 
able a man; ita bonis viribus fuit ; 
Cic.. Able to rule himself; sui com- 
pos. That you may be able to bear your 

ment ; impatiens secreti, 

suffer abortion; abortum facere: to 
cause; inferre. An abortive attempt ; 
negotium infeliciter suseeptum, quod 
successu caret, quod cedit in vanum. 

ABOVE; ‘in place ; super, supra: 
Above, and below, on every side 1 am 
oppressed ; hinc atque hinc, super sub- 
terque, premor angustiis; Plaut. He 
placed them above himself; super se 
eos collocavit. We use to cut them 
above the ground; supra terram 
precidere solemus. Atticus sat above 
me, Verrius below me; supra me Atti- 
cus; infra Verrius, accubuerunt; Cic: 
They fought above and beneath the 
ground ; pugnatum est super subterque 
terras ; Liv. . Above the moon, all 
things are incorruptible and everlast- 
ing; supra lunam, incorruptibilia sunt 
omnia et eterna; Cic. It is a foot 
and a half above the ground; extat e 
terra sesquipede, 
vVivis. : 
Tis scarcely Axnove the knees ; 
vix ‘genua superat; Liv. © He sits 
above his master at table ; superior 
quam herus accumbit; Plaut. 

Axnove ; or, higher ; superior, prior, 
major: as, Cesar-could not bear to 
have ‘one above him; Cesar prio- 
rem ferre non potuit. There is none 
above you, in degree or honor; ne- 
minem habes honoris gradu superio- 
rem; Cic. His liberality is above 
his ability ; major est benignitas ejus, 
quam facultates; Cic. or, benignitas 
ejus est supra facultates ejus. A good 
name is above, or better than, wealth; 

Not able to bear retire-— 

Above ground; in 

[7S ik Daa aes 
i ‘ < 


bona estimatio divitiis prestat; Cic. 
In arts, it is doubtful, whether this or 
that is above the ether; artibus in 
dubio est, hc sit an illa prior ; Ovid. 

He is Azove these things ; elatiori 
‘est animo, ut eaagat. A virgin beau- 
tiful above the rest; virgo formosa 
ante alias. He loved him above the 
rest ; amabat eum pre czteris. 

Azove; i.e. more, or, longer than ; 
$c. plus, amplius, magis quam; su- 
per, supra, &c.: as, Above an hour ; 
hora-amplius. Though he had above 

- @ hundred citizens ; qui cum amplius 

sentum cives haberet; Cic. There were 

above two thousand men killed that 


day; hominum eo die czsa plus duo 
millia; Liv. When he had been ili 
above a year; quum plus annum 
eger fuisset; Liv. They fought above 
4wo hours ; pugnatum est amplius dua- 
bus horis ; Liv. amplius quatuor horas, 
Cesar dixit. He wus ‘never at Rome 
above three days; neque unquam 
Rome plus triduo fait; Cic. Above 
thirty years old; plus annis trigin- 
ta -natus; Plaut. Not above a 
foot higk; pede non altior uno; Ju- 
ven. Cicero also said, annos natus 
magis quadraginta ; and Tacitus, super 
octingentos annos ; Celsus, supra quin- 
quagies ; Suetonius, super mille; and, 

_ Super faginta ducibus triumphos decer- 
_ mendos curavit; and Petron. Satyr, 

Septuaginta et supra. 

Asove; viz. beyend, more than; 
ultra, preter, supra: as, We have in- 
dlulged. ourselves, above what was 
right ; ultra nobis, — oportebat, in- 
dulsimus; Quint. Above his strength; 
ultra, vel, supra, vires; Juv. He minds 
none of these things much above the 
vest; horum ille nihil preter cetera 
studebat; Ter. Above what every 
one will believe; supta quam cuique 
credibile est ; Sal. 7 

Axsove; more than that, beside, or, 
over and above ; insuper; ad, extra, 
super hec: as, Over and above these 
mischiefs; ad hec mala; Ter. Over 
and above, or beside the prey, there 
avere. four thousand that yielded them- 
selves ; extra predam, quatuor millia 
deditorum habiti; Liv. Mere than, 
or, besides, or over and above his 
other villanies ; super cztera ejus fla- 
gitia; Suet. 

Asove what was stipulated ; insuper 
quam que pacta erant. 

Above; for, upward; sursum: as, 

a, AB 5 

Because that all smells are carried up* 
wards, the nostrils are rightly placed 
above, or upwards; nares, eo quod 
omnis odor ad superiora fertur, recte 
sursum sunt; Cic, de Nat. Deor.—and 
thus, from, is often before above, 
and it has generally no casual'word af- 
ter it; and then, From above,’ is, su- 
perne, desuper: as, He feared he should 
be set xpon from above; ne superne 
incesseretur, timuerat; Curt. They 
fought from above, eut of carts or 
waggons ; desuper, e plaustris pugna- 
runt; Flor. and so in Virgil: unde 
superne, plurimus Eridani per sylvam 
volvitar amnis; Ain, vi. 

Te ABOUND; abundare, supera- 
bundare, redundare, exuberare ; scatere, 
scaturire; suppetere; superesse; su- 
perfluere ; circumfluere, profluere: as, 
*To abound in great. plenty, to have 
great store of, &c.3 supra modum quip- 
piam possidere; copiam habere mag-. 
nam et luculentam alicujus rei. Nam, 
latine, dici potest, Abundare, seu afflu- 
ere tam bonis, quam malis. 

Fo ABouND in necessaries; neces- 
sariis, rebus necessariis, abundare, affiu- 
ere, circumfluere. | : 

-I Anounp in all the necessaries of 
life; quidquid est, quo vita carere non 
deheat, nusquam est uberius, copiosius. 
Omnia mihi que sunt opus, seu, quibus 
est opus, affluunt, profiuunt, scaturiunt, 
redundant; abunde, abundanter, uher- 
tim, uberrime, profuse, affluenter, satis 
superque, copiose, affatim, large, largi- 
ter, locupletissime suppetunt ; cumula- 
tim, cumulatissime adsunt; plena do- 
nantur, suppeditantur manu. Lorum 
guibus usus quotidianus, nihil abest, 
deest ; copia fruor ; satietas me tenet ; 
abundantia mihi est, affluentia, effiores- 
cens sylva, ubertas summa, et pleno 
copia cornu, Lis, que ad tuendam vi-. 
tam necessario spectant, conferunt, cone 
ducunt, nil, nihil, deficit. Tis, frigus 
que duramque famem depellere pos- 
sint, cumulatum, et exuberantem me 
esse fateor, Earum rerum copia est, 
que sunt necessariz ; et, queis huma- 
na sibi doleat natura negatis, Omnia 
que ad victum cultumque pertinent, 
quasi virgula, ut aiunt, Divina, suppe- 
ditantur, Res necessarie ad volunta- 
tem fluunt, earumque in abundantia me 
vivere, lubenter agnosco. 

When choler Anounns, diseases 
grow; redundante bile, fmorbi nas- 
cuntur, When I saw men abounding 

6 eB, 

in these things ; quum viderem homi- 
nes, his rebus, circumfluentes. To 
abound in corn; abundare copia 
frumenti, To abound in learning 
and wit ; abundare doctrina, eruditio- 
ne, et ingenio. To abound in great 
honors; abundare honoribus amplissi- 
mis. To abound in praises; abun- 
dare laudibus. To abound in, or to 
have much, and to be full of, mirth or 
gladness, leisure, money, wisdom, &c ; 
abundare gaudio seu letitia, otio, pe- 
cunia, sapientia, &c. To abound in, 
or to be full of, wickedness and vices; 
abundare nequitia et vitiis. To a- 
bound in eloquence, or, to he very 
‘eloquent ; abundare opibus fandi; &c, 

ABUNDANCE; i. e. plenty of, &e. 
abundantia, copia, “ubertas, affluentia, 
multitudo, plenitudo, sylva, satietas, 
&e.: as, * There is abundance. of 

“fruit this year ; . annus hic abundat, 
seu, exuberat fructibus. Abundance 
of leaves ; of straw, and fodder ; luxu- 
ria foliorum ; straminis et pabuli affa- 
tim. Corn with abundance of ears; 
seges uberibus et crebris spicis. There 
is too great abundance of this; 
hujus rei superabundantia, seu copia 
nimia, suppetit, A man of abun- 
dance of knowledge, or of great learn- 
ing ; abundanti doctrina, scientia, aut 
eruditione homo; Cic. Hereis abun- 
dance of good cheer; plus satis hic 
est deliciarum, Here is such abun- 
dance, as out of it you may have 
what you please; hec est illa cornu- 
copia, ubi inest quicquid velis. We 
have abundance of precedents of this 
kind ; hujusmodi obruimur exemplis, 
quocunque oculos, quocunque -animos 
convertimus nostros, I come now to 
abundance ‘of matter; in vastum, 
immensum mare jam descendo. He 
had abundance of matter in his 
discourse ; mira orationis ubertate lux- 

AsuNDANTLY; ex abundanti; Quin- 
til, abunde, abundanter, ubertim, co- 
piose, uberrime, affluenter, satis super- 
que, &c.: as, *The fruits of the earth 
are abundantly given to us; terre 
fructus, seu, foetus, satis superque pro- 
fundantur nobis. He is abundantly 
thankful to every one ; cumulatissime 
gratiam reddere solet omnibus, I think 
Z have abundantly satisfied him ; 
puto me affatim ei satisfecisse, We 
fare abundantly on the best and 

~ pros picere ; ; Cie. 

AB ; 

choicest provisions ; optime, — opte 
pare vivimus ; Plaut. - _ 

ABOUT;; circa, circum, circiter, 7, &C. 
as, About the king’; circa regem. 
They possessed themselves of the towns 
about Capua ; 
occupabant; Cic. He had his dogs 
about him; canes suos circa se ha- 
bebat ; Ter. A few that were about 
her ;, pauce que circum. illam essent; 
Ter. They had their winter quarters . 
about Aguileia; circum Aquileiam 
hyemabant; Ces. 
is about the green fields ; 
rentes, est animus, tua, campos, juven- 
ce ; Hor. 

Azout, is also sometimes expressed 
by, ad, apud; in, &c.: as, About 

ten thousand; ad decem millias — 

which time ; ad que tempora, About 
sun-set ; ad solis occasum. If he be 
about the market, I shall meet with 

him; si apud fora est, conveniam > 
eum; Ter. About the bottom of the 
page ; quasi in extrema pagina; Cic. — 

‘Anovr, signifies within the compass, 
or, in some part, of: as, They set up 
their abode, about the island Lesbus ; 
sedem cepere, circa, Lesbum insulam. 

Axzour, with no casual word, of per= 
son, or place after it, but put adverbi- 
ally, is circa, and beige sg 
All places, round about, 
off ; circa, omnia defecerunt ; 
about ; cepi, regiones circumeirca, 
Your damages, fel- 
low soldiers, shall be repaired with the 
spoil of all the people round about, 
who have revolted ; damna vestra, mi- 
lites, omnium circa, qui defecerunt, 
populorum preda, sarcientur. ‘I wish 
that, when 
see our walks, and all things round 
about ; nostram ambulationem, et ea, 
que circa. sunt, velim, cum ‘pares 
invisas ; Cic. 

Axout, (with words of time j for) 
well nigh, at, almost ; circa, ter, 
sub, ad; prep.: as, Return’ back 
hither about noon; redito hue circi- 
‘ter meridiem ; Plaut. About break 

of day; circa lucis ortum, vel, sub ip- . 

sim diei ortum; Cic. Curt. About 
the same time ; sub idem tempus, Ta- 
I may expect you ; ad qua tempora te 
expectem, facias me certiorem velim ; 
Cic, They are seen only about that 

urbes circa Capuam 

Your heifer’s mind » 
circa vi- — 

By a, 7 
‘began to view the countries, round — 

ou could, you would come 

Let me know about what time ~ 

> > 



month ; nec amplius, quam circa eum 

_ -mensem, visuntur; Plin. 


milliare; Cic. 

Anovr; with words of number, or 

measure ; circiter, ad, quasi, plus mi- 

nus, fere, instar: as, About seventy ; 
instar septuaginta. About forty 
pounds ; quasi quadraginta mine. A- 
bout seven o’clock ; hora quasi septi- 
ma; Suet. About ten o'clock at 
night ; circiter horam noctis decimam ; 
Cic. About thirty days; dies plus 
minus trigintae They made about 
Jifteen days’ journey ; ita dies circiter 
quindecim, iter fecerunt; Ces, About 
jifteen men assented to Curio; homines 
ad quindecim Curioni assenserunt.. I 
received your letters about the fifth 
mile; accepi tuas-literas ad quintum 
At the first, about 
‘two legions of the soldiers who fought 
at Canne, were given ; initio, milites 
Cannenses dati duatum instar legio- 
num ; Liv. 

Axowr, also, in this sense, is, some- 

_ times, in Latin, expressed by circa, and 

fere: as, About ten thousand. Per- 
sians and Arabians were killed ; ceci- 
dere Persarum Arabumque, circa decem 

 millia; Curt. 1. 4. About the same 

- hora fere'nona; Cic. 

hour the day after; postridie eadem 

fere hora; Cic. A boy about six- 
teen years of age; puer annorum circa 
‘sexdecim; Petron. About nine o'clock; 
ho And sometimes 
also by, preterpropter: as, About 
fifty years ago; ante annos, preter- 
propter, quinquaginta. Jt is certain, 
that Cadmus was in Greece, 150 years, 
er thereabouts, before the Pelasgi 
came into Italy ; certum est, Cadmum, 
centum quinquaginta annis, aut preter- 
propter, fuisse in Grecia, ante Pelas- 

- goram, in Italiam, adventum, 

Axsout, with words of measure, and 
signifying the same, or nigh, almost, 
near upon, more or less than that mea- 
sure; is‘in Latin, instar, quasi: as, 
How little seems the sun to us! to me, 
tt seems about a foot long; quantu- 
jus sol nobis videtur? mihi quidem, 
quasi pedalis; Cic. 4. Acad. It. is 
about four fingers long ; instar _qua- 
tuor est digitorum, About five bush- 
els ; instar quinque modiorum.—and 
in this sense, Petronius uses plus minus : 
as, I have jugs, about as big as-urns; 
habeo scyphos, urnales, plus minus. 

Axzout, signifying of, or concern- 
ing; ts rendered by circa, de, and su- 


AB 7 

per: as, About these things are 
divers opinions ; varia circa hc opinio 5 
Plin. I came to you yesterday about 
your daughter ; adii te heri, de filia ; 
Ter. I will write to you about that 
afair ; hac super re scribam ad te ; Cic. 

here is much controversy about the 
age of Homer and Hesiod ; super etate 
Homeri et Hesiodi non consentitur ; 
Gell. 3.11. > 

Axovut, signifying, ready to do, is 
rendered by the future in rus, of the 
verb following: as, The day following 
he was ‘about to visit Rome ; postero 
die, Romam erat invisurus. Being 
about to fight his last battle; ulti- 
mum suum prelium initurus; Val, 
Max. He was about to receive the 
government of his city; civitatis sue 
imperium obtenturus erat ; Ces. 8 

Axovr, ts.also sometimes part of the 
signification of the foregoing verb, and 
then is included in the Latin of the 
verb: as, To go about a thing; co- 
nari, moliri, aggredi; accingere se ad 
agendum aliquid, &c. Cic. To bring 
about ; efficere ; effectum dare, red- 
dere; Ter. Wherefore, at our request, - 
do you go about that affair, and 
employ convenient time in it ; quamo- 
brem aggredere, quesumus, et sume ad 
hancrem tempus ; Cic. What are you 
about? quid paras? Virg.” What 
is he about to do? Quid hic ceptat? 
Ter. See now what business he is 
about ; hoc vide quod inceptet faci- 
nus; Ter. JI know what you are 
about to do; scio quid conere ; Ter. 
I pray you mind what you are about; 
hoc agite amabo ; Ter. 

Axsovut, with some English of the 
verb sum, as, I am, you are, §c. is 
put for a verb importing one’s being 
employed in doing any thing : as, Tam 
about business; rem, jam ago, seri- 
am.—and thus, sometimes; about is 
‘put alone, the verb being understood : 
as, You are long enough about that 
business ; diu es in hoc negotio ; satis 
diu hoc Saxum volvisti; Ter. . Sée that 
you have your wits about you; fac ut 
apud te fies;.Ter. You had need to 
have all your wits about you; inge- 
nium omne tuum, opus est, in numera- 
to, or, in promptu, te habere. You 
do not go about the bush; nihil cir- 
cuitione usus es; Ter. 

Miscellaneous phrases.—Much a- 
bout the same time; iisdem ferme 

8 AB 

diebus; Curt. The place ts fenced 
round about; locus undique, vel, cir- 
cumquaque, undequaque, septus est; 
Cic. He spent it befere a year was 
gone about; non toto vertente anno 
absumpsit; Suet. Calig. c. 37. He 
came from about Rome; venit a Ro- 
ma: vide Turselin. de Parti¢, c. 1, obs. 
8. He turns, or it is turned, round 
about; flectitur in gyrum; Ovid. 
He takes her about the middle; 
mediam mulierem complectitur; Ter. 
Why go you about to destroy your- 
sef? cur is te perditum? Ter. This 
way is not so.far about; hac multo 
proprior ibis; ‘Ter. To go about to 
take up arms, or a war, &c. capesse- 
re arma, bellum. To go about to 
takea city, or take a journey to a city ; 
capessere urbem aliquam.. To be 
about to give himself up to lewdness ; 
capessere, dedere, se precipitem, in 
malos mores; Plaut.- Zé is easy for 
him to go about mischief ; flagitiis 
capessendis, facilis est; Tacit. To be 
about to flee; capessere fugam ; Liv. 
To go about to-do or execute one’s 
will ; capessere imperia vel jussa ali- 
cujus; Cic. I am now about to 
eat ; paro jam capessere cibum. He 
goes about that against his will; 
aggreditur hoc invituss To go about 
a good cause ; causam aggredi bonam. 
To be about to speak or plead ; ag- 
gtedi ad dicendum, et dicere ; Cic. 

To ABRMEDGE, or shorten, abbre- 
viare, contrahere, arctare, coarctare ; 
paucis comprelendere: as, To a- 
bridge, or shorten one’s journey ; 
contrahere iter alicujus. To abridge, 
or shorten the time of a feast ; contra- 
here tempus epularum. To abridge, 
or shorten a discourse ; contrahere vela 
orationis. Studies in old age should 
be more abridged than in youth ; 
studia, in senectute, debent esse con- 
tractiora, quam in juventute; &c. To 
abridge, or shorten a matter; chief- 
ly, in a discourse or treatise ;.§c. Res 
Misperse, diffuse, dictas, late scriptas, 
latissime’ patentes ; dicta sparsim, fusi- 
us, latam materiam ; in compendium, 
in arctum, angustum, colligere, paucis 
comprehendere ; in unum. quasi mani- 
pulum contrahere, uno fasce, fasciculo, 
breviter, et perdiligenter, complecti, ad 
certa capita, genera, deducere, reduce- 
re; in summam, epitomen, compendi- 
um, redigere, sammatim exponere ; ra 

-agam. ‘ 
ABROAD; from home ; in the open 
air ; foris, sub dio, in publico, or, in 

in apertum, 


tione, et distributione, sub uno a’pecta 

ponere, ad certum numerum, paucita- 
temque revocare, in parvum locum ad- 
ducere, concludere. Ex ingenti, im- 
mensoque campo in exiguum gyrmum 

Rerum summas tantum et - 

capita strictim persequi, paucissimis - 

perstringere. To abridge, or con- 
tract many particulars into few heads ; 
multa in pauca conferre, contrahere. 
To abridge or abbréviate the gene- 
ral histery, into the short account of 
things transacted; rerum gestarum 
summam texere, contexere, &c.- 

An AsripGEemeEnt, or abbreviation — 

of a discourse, or writing ; epiteme, 
compendium, synopsis, summarium, 
commentariolus, summa negotii. An-, 
gusta, contracta, succincta_ rerum nar- 
ratio. Precipua rerum capita. Sum- 
ma rerum facies. Brevis, et breviter, 
circumscripta rerum narratio, Pressa, 
compendiaria, concisa, rei latioris, seu 
amplioris, contractio. To cause an 
abridgement of, orto keep one straitened 
of his liberty ; coercere, in ordinem 
redigere aliquem. Re 

Iwill make an ApripGEMENT. of, 
or, I will briefly declare, the whole 
matter ; percurram rem totam brevi. 
Paucis verbis exponam. Summatim 
rem exponam, Quam brevissime potero 

[2 ex 

aperto, &c. as, * They are abroad; 
foris sunt; Ter. They often sup a- 
broad ; foris sepe cenant. To lie 
abroad all night; pernoctare in pub- 
lico; Cic. There must be a fit place 
taken abroad; idoneus sub dio su- 
mendus locus. There is no day so bad, 
but that something may be done a- 
broad ; nullus dies adeo intolerabilis, 
quo non sub dio moliri aliquid possis ; 
Col.—or, but that some are, or may 
be abroad; quin, in eo, quidam, 
foris, et sub dio, sint, vel, esse possint. 
To move abroad ; i. e. from within, 
or into the ae air ; foras, in publicum, 
$; ; 

To go Aznoap ; foras ire, exire, am- 
bulare, prorepere, migrare. Domo, ex 
edibus, prodire, abire, egredi ; educere 
vel proruere se. Domo cedere, foribus, 
tectis, excedere. Tecta, limen, limina, 
relinquere.—He took me by myself 
abroad with him; me solum, secum, 
seduxit foras, To go abroad, or out 

\ . 




of doors ; in publicum prodire. Such 

pg a report goes abroad; ea fama vaga- 

tur; Virg. Iknow you do not come 
abroad ; scio te in publicum non pro- 
dire. It is not my desire, that you 
should publish that work abroad ; 
hoe opus in apertum ut proferas nibil 
postulo, He comes abroad; prodit, 
procedit in medium. These things must 
by no means be talked of abroad ; 
hee nullo pacto divulganda sunt ; Cic. 

Asroap ; i.e. here and there; in 
many places, all about, &c. ; vage, late, 
passim, fusim, diffusim, dispersim, un- 
dique; &c.: as, To scatter abroad, 
or all over, the fields, the house, the 

_ street, Sc. passim, fusim, &c, per agros, 

domum, plateam, &c. dispergere. 
AxsrRoaD; i, e. before all men; vul- 
go, in propatulo: as, That is talked. 
of, and known all abroad; id vulgo 
dicitur, et notum est omnibus ; in pro- 

_ patulo vulgatum est ; rumor iste vulgo 
.fertur, spargitur, &c. 

Anroap, or from abroad; i. e. 
from foreign parts ; or abroad, i. e. in 
foreign parts ; peregre: as, Heis, stays, 
or is gone, abroad; est, moratur, 
abiit, peregre. He is returned from 
abroad ; i. e. from foreign parts; per- 
egre, venit, rediit, &c. 

To set Anroan; i.e. to publish; 

vulgare, publicare, edere, promulgare, 

. divulgare: as, To muke any thing 

known abroad; vulgo notum quid 
facere, divulgare. There are so many 
tales abroad, that one can scarcely 
Know what to believe ; tot divulgantur, 
circumferuntur, fabule, mendacia, ut 
vix.sciat quis quid credendum sit. 

To ABROGATE;; i. e. to make void, 
or disannul ; abrogare, antiquare, abo- 
lere, tollere ; delere, evertere, rescinde- 
re, revocare, irritum reddere, &c. . To 

abrogate, i. e. to rescind und make 

toid a law; abrogare legem. You 
have abrogated the law; legem an- 
tiquastis ; Cic. wa 

To be ABSENT; abesse, abfore, 
deesse ; desiderari: as, * You have 
been long absent; duriuscule, dure 
admodum abfuisti. He was so long ab- 
sent; tamdiu aberat. 

To Axsent himself; abesse, abdere 
se. Presentem se non sistere. Non 
comparere, appareres Vocatus non 
respondit. Ubi expectabatur, quo vo- 
cavit officium, non adfuit; loco absti- 
nuit se. Urbem deseruit, rureque se 
ceontinet. y 

- stinere, abstinere se, 

AB 9 

When I was Avsent, I longed to 
see my friends ; abséntem me, diutinum 
torsit amicorum desiderium. When he 
had been absent two or three days ; 
quum is unum jam et alterum diem de- 
sideraretur. J have been absent near 
half a year ; jam sex ferme menses ab- 
fui. To be absent a very great way 
from any place ; abesse longe gentium ; 


To ABSOLVE;; i. e. 0 acquit-; ab- 
solvere, liberare, solvere ; eximere, &c. : 
as, *To absolve in judgment; re- 
um absolvere, a culpa-expedire ; judi- 
cio, crimine, liberare, solvere, a pena 
eximere; innocentem, insontem pro- 
nunciare, declarare. Ex reis eximere, 
innocentes calamitate prohibere, e me- 
dio supplicio impunitos dimittere, om- 
nibus suppliciis liberare. Literam: sa- 
lutarem scribere. Immunitatem, impu- 
nitatem, alicui concedere, Vindicias 
sibi ipsidare. Liberum indemnem, as- 
serere,- In integrumaliquem restituere. 
Sententiis, suffragiis, aliquem a culpa 
liberum promulgare. » 

To, or, declare pure and 
innocent, or free from guilt; niveis 
Japillis absolvere culpa reos. He did 

absolve, or, thought him not - guilty, 

of such a crime; indignum crimine 

To be Ansotvep in judgment ; om- 
nium sententiis, omnibus suffragiis, cal- 
culis absolvi. Ex judicio indemnis, im- 
pune, impunitus evadere, elabi, emer- 
gere, in integrum restitui. Ex judici- 
orum laqueis expedire se, periculis exi- 
mere sew Magnis judiciorum pericu- 
lis defungi. Magnis criminibus delabi. 

ABSOLUTE, exquisite, or perfect ; 
plane absolutys, perfectus; omnibus 
partibus, numeris completus; exquisi- , 
tus, accuratus, expolitus, limatus, ad fi- 
nem perductus, ; . 

To have AnsoLuTE power; omnia 


To ABSTAIN, or refrain from ; ab- 
stinere, teimperare, avertere, continere, 
cohibere. Rejicere, repellere, aliquid : 
as, * To abstain from pleasures; 
lenociniis, a lenociniis voluptatum ab- 
‘Ab esca malorum 
devoranda, a consueta libidine animum, 
se, cohibuit, continuit, inhibuit, repres- 
sit, revocavit, coercuit, sevocavit, com- 
pescuit. A voluptatibus temperare, 
temperare se. Voluptatis invitamenta, 
illecebras, blanditias, blandimenta, de- 
clinare, aversari, repellere, tanquam 

10 AB 

saxa et scopulos, effugere, evitare, de- 
vitare. He hath abstained from all 
kind of pleasures; interdixit sibi om- 
ni genere deliciarum. He abstains 
from pleasures; voluptatum amenitates 
aspernatur, ‘rejicit, et severissime con- 
temnhit; omnem suavitatem sensibus 
excludit ; voluptatibus bellum. indicit. 

¢ . 

And so he has given a rare and an ex- 
cellent proof of his abstinence ; atque 
ita rarum edidit et egregium temperan- 
ti specimen. 

AxstatninG from wine, and wemen ; 
neque vino deditus; neque Veneri. All 
unlawful pleasures are to be abstained 
Jrom, and forsaken; ad unam™ om- 
nes Hlicite sunt omittende volupta- 
tes ; delectationis illicite studia relin- 
guenda sunt omnia. 

To Azstain from meat ; cibo absti- 
mere, Ventri bellum indicere. Frau- 
dare, defraudare suum genium; jeju- 
nare, jejunia sibi crebra, frequentia in- 
dicere. Multa inedia, jejunando se- 
pius macerare, conficere se ; maciem, 
marcorem, languorem, debilitatem con- 
trahere. He did abstain from, or did 
eat nothing of the meat set before him ; 
eppositis abstinet ora cibis. To ab- 
stain from theft and robbery; manus 
abstinere, reprimere, ab alienis pecuniis, 
Alienum nihil ad pradam rapere. He 
is a man of the greatest abstinence 
or temperance; homo est abstinentia 
Themistoclea, summa. To abstain from 
doing himself mischief; abstinere a 
secipso manus; Cic. To abstain from 
coming abroad ; abstinere. publico. 

- To abstain’ from, or leave off war ; 
abstinere armis. Abstain from an- 
ger; abstineto irarum; Hor. J can 
scarcely abstain from doiag this; vix 
abstineo quo minus hoc faciam. To 
abstain from chiding ; abstinere jur- 

ABSURD ; i.e. foolish, unreasona-- 

ble, &c.; absurdus, importunus, alienus : 
very absurd; perabsurdus: somewhat 
absurd ; subabsurdus. An absurd- 
ity or foolishness; absurditas. Ra- 
tioni dissonum et dissentaneum, mi- 
nime consentaneum. As, * That which 
is absurd, is against reason, and is 
contrary to the common sense or senti- 
ment of all mankind ; quod absurdum 
est, ratione vacat, et a sensu omnium 
communi, et mente, abhorret. That is 
so absurd, that it has not the least 
resemblance. fo truth; hoc adeo est 


absiirdum, ut nullam veri speciem, aut 
similitudinem habeat, nec pre se ferat. 
Reason does not allow, approve, grant, 
or suffer, that which is absurd, and 
contrary to good sense; ratio non con- 
cedit, nec patitur quod est absurdum, 
et sensum nullum habet bonum, But 
now, how incredible and absurd a thing 
és that! jam vero quam incredibile, 
quam absurdum istud est! Cic. quam 
rationi dissonum, et dissentaneum ! Do 
not you see a great absurdity? a 
very likely matter / nonne vides came- 
lum saltantem? Jt is an absurd thing © 
for one to dispute about wine before he 
taste it, or with a dry palate ; absur- 
dum est, sicco palato, de questione vi- 
nosa disputare. me 

To ABUSE; abuti; ledere, malefa- - 

cere, violare, vitiare, injuriam inferre, 
&e. As; *To abuse any one’s pa- 
tience; patientia alicujus abuti. To 
abuse his own right, to his own pre- 
judice ; abuti jure suo, in sui-ipsius 
injuriam. To abuse that precious 
time, which is given us to spend weil, 
orto use aright; abuti pretioso hoc 
tempore, quod nobis-est concessum, ut— 
eo bene utamur, et ut illud laudabili- 
ter impendamus. To abuse, or mis- 
spend his pains in any thing ; operam 
(for it also has the accus.) abuti in re 
aliqua ; Ter. operamet oleum perdere. 

To Axuse, i. e. to misuse, or mis- 
employ ; or also, to use or employ (for, 
sometimes, abutor is put for utor) his 
strength; abuti vim suam; Lucret. 

To Azuse; i, e. misapply or core 
rupt,§c. Abuti; i.e. pervertere quid, — 
depravare, corrumpere rectum rei usum ; 
invertere ; ad alienum, malum, profa- 
num, usum, finem, convertere, appli- 
care, detorquere. : ‘ 

An Anvusz, disorder, or ill eustom ; 
abusus ; i. e. impia, perversa, corrupta 

2 Ae 

consuetudo; mos malus, pravitas. That =~ 

abuse had grown so. great that 

were obliged to complain to the senate ;. — 

excessit res ad publicam querimoniam. 
To ACCEPT ; accipere, suscipere, 
&e. As; *To accept of a thing; 
quid, aliquid, rem aliquam, ampleeti, 
approbare, laudare, avide accipere, li- 
benter admittere, ‘ 
He Accerrs my requests and peti- 
tions ; postulata et petitiones suscipit. 
To Accept of kindly’; gratum etac- 
ceptum habere; in bonam, optimam 
partem accipere ; libenter, perhumani- 


p ( 


_ cipere. 

ter, equa mente, vultu hilari et benig- 
no, leta fronte, animo libentissimo, 

_ grato et benevolo accipere, summa 
_ animi propensione, et voluptate, am- 

plecti complecti. .Obviis manibus ex- 

part ; quale, quale est, boni consulite. 
Accept of, or receive it, with a plea- 
sant countenance ; accipe pacato vultu, 
Not to Accert kindly; severiore, 
-tetrico, tristique, vultu, animo parum 
propitio, minus xquo, iniquiore, que 
oblata sunt, gravatim, egre; admittere. 
To accept of, or receive an apology, 
or anexcuse; arepulse, or denial, &c. ; 
— excusationem, repulsam, &c, 
To Accept of, i.e. to allow, and ap- 
prove a law proposed, or one’s opinion ; 
accipere rogationem legis, vel, senten- 
tiam alicujus. 
AccrerTaBLeE, or welcome to a man ; 
aeceptus, gratus, jucundus, probatis- 

simus, &c. alicui: as, Your coming’ 

is most acceptable to us; adventus 
tuus exoptatissimus, et desideratissimus 
est nobis, summamque secum singulis 
jucunditatem adfert, f 

An ACCESS ; accessus, aditus, ad- 
missio, aditio. To have access to 
any one’s presence ; aditum ad aliquem 
habere; potestatem, copiam conveni- 
endi aliquem habere. Ad congressum, 
colloquium alicujus admitti, pervenire. 

- Sermone alicujus, aditu ad aliquem non 
_ prohiberi. Adire manum.—coram data 

copia fandi. To give access; potes- 
tatem sui facere. No man can have 
access to him; nemo ad eum acce- 
dere, aspirare, potest. Let me have 
access to your library; faxis mihi 
libri tui pateant. It is difficult to have 
nearer access to the-truth, in such 
high matters ; vix obviam est, in hujus- 

_ modi rebus arduis, ad veritatem propius 

accedere. 1 

To ACCOMPANY, comitari, comi- 
tare, concomitari, sociare, associare, con- 
sociare, aliquem ; deducere aliquem in 
via ; sectari, assectari, sequi, subsequi. 

- Alicui se vies comitem adjungere, so- 

cium itineris se dare, prebere. 

‘He Accomrantzs him; se illi co- 
mitem exhibet. Many accompanied 
him home ; frequentes eum deduxerunt 
domum. Pride usually accompanies 

promotion ; superbia comitari solet ho- 

pores. 7 
To ACCOMPLISH ; finire, absol- 

as it is, Accerr ‘of it in good 

AC I} 

vere, conficere, peragere, exequi ; con- 
summare, complere, adimplere. 

To AccoMPLIsH one’s purposes or 
designs ; instituta, cogitata perficere; . 
‘Cic. incepta complere, finire; de- 
terminata exequi. Zo accomplish « 
thing, and bring it to an end ; complere 
aliquid, et ad exitum perducere 5 Cic. 
To accomplish one’s vow, or vows ; 
voti fidem solvere, vota prestare. To 
have one’s desire or desires accome 
plished; votis frui; voti, vel -voto 
damnare ; voti sui summam consequi. 
To accomplish one’s destiny, decease; 
fate, or death; ztatis sue fata im- 
plere, fata sua complere, vel, ad exitum 
perducere, aut, exitu defungi. He wilé 
accomplish that which I please; fa- 
ciet, exequetur, id quo delector. When 
he, or they, had accomplished those 
days; peractis hisce diebus. When 
seventy years were accomplished ; 
completis, adimpletis septuaginta annis ; 
vel, ubi implebuntur 70 anni. 

An AccomMPLISHED person or man, 
‘art, work; consummatus, consummata 
ars; Mart. opus absolutum ; Plin.. 

To AccoMPLISH one’s promise ; 1. e. 
to make it good, to perform té ; promis- 
sum implere, absolvere, persolvere, per- 
ficere, prestare ; promissisummam come 
plere ; Plin. Cic. Ter. fidem exsolvere ; 
Cic. The days were accomplished ; 
completi, impleti sunt dies. He has 
accomplished my desire ; votum meim 
implevit; Curt. Thou shalt accom- 
plish my intention; tu facies volun- 
tatem meam. To .accomplish one’s 
commands; alicujus jussa, non modo 
capessere, sed et perficere. 

ACCORD; concordia, consensio, 
consensus, ’ 

There is very great force in the Ac- 
corp of good men ; Cic. maxima vis 
est in consensu bonorum. The ac- 
cord of all nations is to be accounted 
the law of nature; omnium gentium 
consensio, lex nature putanda est; 
Cic. Tusc.” There ought to be a full 
accord. or agreement, of all the es- 
tates, to defend the public liberty; ple- 
nissima debet esse, omnium ordinum 
concordia, ad defendendam libertatem, 
publicam ; Ep. There never was, 
nor can there be, a greater accord or 
agreement, between the senate and the 
people, in any thing else, than in this ; 
nunquam fuit, aut esse poterit, inter se- 
natum et populum, consensus major, in 
ulla alia causa, zque ac in hac; Cic, 


12 AC 
Phil. This is the common cause of all, 
in which all virtuous men will fully 
accord, and unanimously agree ; . hec 
publica, et communis omnium est causa, 
in qua, virtute prediti, ad unum omnes, 
unanimiter, et summe _ consentient, 
They live together in the strictest union 
and accord; conjunctissime, exactis- 
sima unione, conjunctissimo consensu 
vivunt, j 
To Accorp in opinion; concurrere 
in unam sententiam. Uno animo, ore, 
una mente, voce, consentire. Uno con- 
sensu, conjunctis sententiis, aliquid sta- 
tuere. In eadem opinione convenire. 
In eardem sententiam loqui, Unum 
atque idem sentire in re aliqua, eundem 
'animum habere. Consentire, congru- 
ere.—fraternis animis, quicquid negat 
alter, et alter, In these things, we both 
agree, or, are of one accord ; hee mihi 
tecumconveniunt. Your sentiment, in 
this thing, does not disagree from, but 
rather fully accords with our’s ;\ ves- 
trum, in hac re, judicium, a nostro non 
discrepat, non abhorret ; potius, enim, 
plane congruit. : 

To act by mutual Accorp; com- 
posito, ex composito, ex compacto, ex 
pacto, aliquid facere, agere, gerere. 

Accorp, following own: as, my, 
thy, his, her, our, your, or, their own 
accord ; denotes something done vo- 
luntarily, and is rendered by sponte, 
ultro, voluntate, mea, tua, sua, nostra, 
vestra, &c.: as, He did come to me of 
his own accord; ultro ad me venit ; 
Ter. Of his or their own accord, 
and without any violence offered, he 
gave it me, they came, &c, sponte sua, 

nulla vi, voluntate sua, ille mihi dedit, 

illi venerunt, &c. You did it of your 
own accord ; sponte tua faciebas ; Cic. 
TI will go of my own accord ; sponte, 
voluntate mea, ibo ; &c, 

Accorp, coming after with one, de- 
notes,a mutual consent of minds, or, 
wills ; concorditer, unanimiter, er, uno 
animo: as, All. mothers in law, with 
one accord, do hate their daughters 
in law ; socrus omnes, uno animo, ode- 
runt nurus; Ter. or, with one accord, 
unanimi; as, All of you, with one ac- 
cord, stand close together; vos una- 
nimi densate catervas ; Virg.—but, of 
one. accord is unanimis: as, being 
of one accord; unanimes: as, You 
may arm all your brethren, to fight, 
with one accord ; tu potes unanimes ar- 



mare in preelia fratres ; Virg.—sed, dixit 
etiam Plautus ; Ego tusum, tu es ego, 
uni animi sumus. ag 
I Accorp with you ;- consentio tibi ; 
convenit mihi tecum ; Cic. .- 
AccorpDING as; prout, sicut, quan- 
tum, perinde ut, pro eo ac, pro €o ut, © 
utcunque ; item, proinde: as, *Ac- 

ee ee ee 

> eee 




cording as they were able to follow; — 

prout sequi poterant. According as 

the opinion of every man’s manners 5 

is; perinde ut opinio est’ de cujusque 
moribus'; Cic. According as 
tate did permit ; prout facultates ejus 
ferebant; Cic. According as @é 
man’s pleasure is; prout cujusque li- 
bito est; Hor. prout pracy hae,” on 
voluptas ; prout unicuique libet; Sc. 
According as I deserve; pro eo ac 
mereor ; Cic, According as the hard- 
ness of the time would suffer; pro 
eo ut temporis difficultas tulit ; Cic. 

According as J ought ; pro eo ac de- 
According as there shall - 

bui; Cic. 
be need ; utcunque opus sit. Accord 
ing as he deserves ; proinde ac dignus — 
est. > 
For proinde is used in the same 
sense with perinde : so Plaut. proinde 
ut insanire video ; and so Cic. 
‘Accorpinc as the thing will bear, 
we must manage our business ; proinde 
uti queque res est, laborandum est; de 
Juvent. (If there be not a mistake in 


reading proinde, in such places, for pet> _ 
inde.) See Turselin, de partic. lat. 

orat. c, 141. 

le), ‘ 




AccorpINne To; juxta, ad, de, ex, ~ 

secundum, pro: as, According to 
his deserts or worth; pro ejus merito, 
aut dignitate. He conforms himself 
wholly according to the least. inti« 
mation of the pleasure and good liking , 

of his auditory ; ad arbitrium, et nutum, — 

auditorum suorum, totum se fingit,et - 

accommodat; Cic. de Orat. IJ will do 
according to your advice; de tua 
consilio volo facere; Ter. He speaks 
nothing according to truth; nihil ad 
veritatem loquitur; Cie. He does all 
according to his own mind and- plea- 
sure only ; de sua unius ‘sententia ge- 
rit ompia; Quintil. The cause shall 
be weighed according to truth; ex 
veritate causa pendetur; Cic, To 
live according to one’s own nature; 
secundum naturam suam vivere ; Sen, 
Ep. 41. According to their villany; - 
pro scelere eorum; Ces, Accord 


ing fo your own, and your progenitors’ 
_ dignity and worth; ex tua majorum- 
- que tuorum dignitate; Cie. J gave 
_ praise and commendation according to 
things done; collaudavi secundum fac- 
ta; Ter. Let him have according 
to his deserts; quod meritus sit, ferat ; 
Ter. —Jé is according to our wish ; 
voto convenit res; Ovid. Accord- 
ing to my usual way, dignity, §c.; pro 
mea consuetudine, dignitate, &c. Cic. 
According to my former custom ; 
meo pristino more; Cic. According 
to the esteem I have for you; pro eo 
quanti te facio ; Cic. These things are 
to be valued according to their. se- 
veral weights ; ea, pro eo, quantum in 
quibusque sit ponderis, zstimanda sunt ; 

ic. We must now go according 
to the times; nunc scene serviendum 
est; Cic. Att. Tempori aptare decet— 
as also, according to the place we 
-live in; sicut etiam loco, in quo su- 
mus ; nam, Rome, Romano more vi- 

Accorpinc to appointment; ex 

‘* pacto, ex composite, ex preparato, 

ex proposito : as, According to appoint- 
ment, we mustmeet some friends; ex 
pacto, conveniamus oportet amicos quos- 
dam; &c. 

AccorD1nG to my power; pro mea 
virili ; pro viribus meis. That tempe- 
rature of body is most to be desired, 
which is most according to’ nature ; 
is status corporis maxime expetendus, 
qui est e natura maxime ; Cic, 

To ACCOUNT, or reckon ; compu- 

‘ tare, supputare, numerare, annumerare, 
calculare, ratiocinari, percensere. He 
accounts all that as clear gain ; omne 
id deputat esse in lucro; Ter, ~ 

An Account ; calculus, computus, 
computum, computatio, supputatio, ra- 
tio; &c.: as, *To cast up the ac- 
counts; rationes colligere; Plaut. 
You are right in your accounts ; 
Tecte rationem tenes; Plaut. 
come short in your accounts; non 
respondet opinioni calculus, To cast 
accounts with the pen; scribendo 
conjicere rationes, Jt>is aclear ac- 
count; ratio apparet. He made them 
give an account how they lived ; ra- 
tionem vite reddere coegit. He said he 
was setting right his account ; ra- 
tionem se purgare dicebat, Our ac- 
counts agree very well; bona ratio, 
inter nos, accepti et expensi convenit, 

Phrase. ae 


AC 13 

To put into the account; in rationes 
inferre. They are not yet put into the 
account; _in rationem nondum ve- 
nerunt. J make this account; mea 
sic fert ratio ;«meus sit est computus, 
calculus. In what tribe did you give 
an account of these lands? in qua 
tribu ista predia censuisti? 

To cast Accounts ; rationes inire, 
referre, subducere, supputare, collige- 
re. Impensz, impensarum, expense, 
expensarum, expensorum, sumptuum, 
rationem numerare, recensere, exami- 
nare, supputare calculis; ad calculos 
redigere, numero comprehendere. Cum 
alio inter se rationes conferree Ad 
examimandos sumptus, impensas, ex- 
pensas, calculos adhibere, 

To call to an Account; numerorum, 
sumptuum, rationem exigere, postulare, 
poscere. Ad calculos, ad rationem et 
calculos, ad computationem, vocare, re- 
vocare, reducere, 

To yield, or give up an AccounT ; 
rationem reddere. Sumptuum rationes” 
exhibere, describere. 

To bring all Accounts inte one ; 
in summam unam Omnia reducere, con- 
fetre, cogere, redigere. Omnium sum- 
mam subduceree The account is 
right; recte rationem subduxit. Sum- 
ma rationem quadrat. Ne uno calculo, 
ne minima ratiuncula, lapsus est, erra- 
To gxamine an Account; ratio- 
nes diu jam peractas absolutasque, re- 
cognoscere, dispungere. Dati et ac- 
cepti, accepti et impensi tabulas, 
data et accepta, ratiocinarium librum, 
codicem ratiocinarium, conferre, ex- 
cutere, examinare, calculis. £ must 
examine the whole account; ratio 
de integro ineunda est mihi. 

To take an Account ; rationem ac- 
cipere; Cic. To make even accounts 
of receipts and expenses ; rationes exz- 
quare, componere, To give an ac- 
count of one’s conduct; rationem 
factorum reddere; Cic. He took an 
account of his farmer; rationem a 
colono accepit; Cic. The rest, or 
what sremains, of the account ; reli- 
quum, reliquum est, id quod reliquum 
est. The account is, or, the ac- 
counts are, fully given or stated ; ta- 
tio perputata est, rationes perputate 
sunt, ~To make or come to account 
with one ; putare rationem cum aliquo ; 
&c. Cic. To write an account or 

14 AC 

reckoning ; expensi, impensique ratio- 
nem describere. hi 

A book of Accounts ; codex, liber 
rationarius ; registrum, vulgo dicitur. 

My Accounts being cast up, E shall 
know my gain and loss; putatis, sup- 
putatis, ductis, subductis rationibus, 
rerum mearum faciam, colligam,~per- 
stringam, percipiam, conficiam, depre- 
-hendam, intelligam, sentiam, rei fami- 
liaris, lucrum, et jacturam, damnum, 
detrimentum. ; 

T will be Accountanzx for the ex- 
pense ; prestabo sumptum ; Cic. 

To make great Account of ; mag- 
ni, plurimi, facere, wstimare. Eximi- 
um, in honore summo, precipuo, in de- 
liciis, habere. Quantivis pretii zsti- 
mare. Multum, plurimum, deferre, 
tribuere, alicui. Inter primos, referre, 
reponere. In oculis ferre. In aliqua 
re multum ponere, Voluptatem, ia 
summis bonis, habere, ponere. 

Tt is a thing of great Account with 
me ; Tes est maximi, apud me, ponde- 
ris et momenti, 

A man of great Account ; vir mag- 
ne, summe, prime auctoritatis, digni- 
tatis, existimationis; celeberrime fame ; 
multi, primi, clarissimi nominis ; om- 
nium existimatione ornatissimus ; qui, 
hominum admiratione et benevolentia, 
in celo est; qui in oculis hominum 
cum gloria et dignitate versatur; in 
quo summa est auctoritas et amplitudo. 
He ts a man of great account in his 
own city; vir, in sua civitate, mag- 
nus est et clarus ; quem unice colunt 
cives, suscipiunt et admirantur; qui 
honoribus et gratia floret inter suos ; 
in quem se tota convertit civitas ; quem 
omnes unum intuentur; in quem 
omnium eculi conjiciuntur; cyjus sa- 
lutem omnes.curant; quem omnes, in 
civitate, colunt honore maximo. He is 
of so great account, for his vir- 
tue; talis, ac tanta, est opinio, de 
prestanti ejus virtute. He is a man 
much accounted of for piety and 
good deeds ; is est,—yir pietate gravis 
—et meritis ; &c, 

If you make so great Account of 
me, a8s—§c,; si me tanti facis, quanti— 
&e. Cic. I thought he had made great 
account of her; hanc intellexi ipsum 
magni facere ; Ter, She always made 
most account ef you; hee te semper 
fecit maximi; Ter. You made more 
account of a ruined house, than of 



yourself; jacentem domum, pluris, te, 
quam teipsum, estimasti; Cie. Wealth 
is now made more account of, than 
virtue and goodness ; pluris opes nunc 
sunt, quam virtus et probitas. This - 
fish was made great account of ; celebre 
nomen hujus piscis fuit; Macrob. He 
is accounted the next man to ihe king ; 
secundus a rege habetur. You made 
account it would be for your honor ; 
tibi glorie fore putasti ; Cic. #)" 
Authors of good Account ; classici 
auctores ; scriptores antiquitus celebres. 
What account did Cesar make of 
you 2.quem locum apud Cesarem ob- 
tinuisti? quo numero fuisti? qua exis- 
timatione ? quo gradu dignitatis? Cic, 
No scholar, of any account, but knows 
him; nemini, paulum modo bumani- 
ori, est ignotus; Gell, 

* To be of no Account; nullo nu- 
mero esse. Nullo loco numerari. Pro 
nihilo haberi, duci, putari, reputari, 
Nullius momenti estimari ; &c, passive, 
prout seq. active. Vilescere, et pro 
levi esse. Nulla majorum, nec aliorum, 
neque ullius rei, laude, commendari, 
honestari, aut nobilitari. ~ , 

To make no Account of ; flocci, 

nauci, nihili, pili, non hujus, non te- . 

runcii, parvi, non magni, imo minimi, 
pendere, facere, estimare. Parvi, mi- 
nimi, ducere. Nullo loco numerare. 
Pro nihilo habere, ducere, putare, re- 
putare. Nullius momenti estimare. F 
make no account of foolish or wicked 
men’s censures ; stultorum aut impro-. 
borum eensuras non moror. Nor do 
I make account of such men’s re-— 
proaches; nec, de talium, aut hujus- 
modi, hominum, convitiis, laboro. He 
is of no account with you; is tibi, 
pro vili, sub pedibusque, jacet. ~ 

A maw of no Account; homo sor- 
didus, obscurus; nullo loco, ordine, 
numero; nullius loci, ordinis, numeri, 
pretii, meriti; infima conditione, hoco- 
infimo ; imi subsellii; quinte, extre- 

mz classis; infra infimos; despectus, ~ 

despicatissimus, contemptus, abjectus. 
Qui cum infima multitudine concul-— 
catur, obruitur, consenescit, apud po- 
pulares sordet. Unus e multis; ex 
feece populi; sortis humillime; inter 
capite—censos, et proletarios. He 
is, of all others, in all things, of 
the least account; is est, rebus in 
omnibus, aliorum omnium, facile pos: » 
tremus, infimus; et quo,’ nihil con¢. 


Jct gama tee ta Beet 

Siac Se 

Wes wee evew 
i = 

temptivs, neque despicacius. Who. 

és one of the smallest account in the 
whole city; qui civitatis locum tenet 

-infmum. Mex make account of him, 

as of a most useless load and burden 
of the earth; viri eum estimant, ut 
merum—Telluris inutile pondus, 

These things are of no AccouNT, or’ 
res iste, leves sunt et nugatoriz, | 

value ; 
nullius ponderis, valoris, momenti, pre- 
tii; minutissime, levissime, tenuissime. 
Quisquilie, nugez, trict, palea, ludi- 
bria, nugamenta. They are account- 
ed’ mere trifles ; ut minutie zstiman- 
tur ludicrae; ima fx crepundia ; Ger- 
mane gerre, They are of small or 
mo account 5 jacent. 

I Account that a great sin; id 
erimen judico gravissimum ; Cic, Per- 
haps you make little account what 
becomes of me; ta fortasse, quid de 
me fiat, parvi curas, pendis; Ter. He 
4s aman of small account; haud mag- 
ni pretii homo est; Plaut. 

It must be Accounten as done by 
mo right; pro co habendum est, ac si 
aullo jure factum esset. 

To ‘give an account of a battle; 
sproolii decursum ordine exponere. They 
made great account ef him, or it; 
in'summo apud illos honore, pretio, is, 
vel id, fuit. He makes no account 
of pleasure ; voluptatem nullo loco 
numerat ; Cie, aut, nallo numero locat. 
Men of. no account; ignota capita; 
sine nomine turba. To be accounted 
proud ; arrogantie subire suspicionem ; 
opinione arrogantiz laborare. These 

cities made great account of virtue ; 

ivitates he, maximam virtutis opinio- 
nem habebant, ceperunt. And of those 
men’s justice, the people made great 
account; horumque virorum de jus- 
titia, magna ‘erat opinio multitudinis ; 

To ACCUSE, sue, or impeach ; ac- 
uso, postulo, damno, incuso, criminor, 
eulpo, arguo, insimulo. 

*To AccusEe one of some capital 
erime, treason, or felony; accusare 
aliquem capitis ; sub. crimine. To ac- 
euse one of negligence ; accusare ali- 
quem negligentie ; Ter. To accuse 

one of any thing that is blame-worthy ; 
accusate aliquem de aliqua re culpanda. not accuse you of this; te hoc 
fecisse non arguo. He accuses him 
of extortion ; pootdnt eum de repetun- © 


AT 13 

To AccusE or question ; in jus, ju- 
dicium, populi judicium, in capitis ju- 
dicium, discrimen, in medium rerum 
certamen, ducere, adduCere, accersere, 
arcessere, vocare, trahere, rapere. Ca- 
pitis aliquem postulare, arcessere. Reum 
citare, petagere, agere, referre, facere, 
tradere, exponere. Diem alicui dicere. 
Actionem, crimen, intendere, intentare, 
instituere, contrahere, conflare, in_ali- 
quem, Aliquem ad causam dicendam 
vocare, in reos referre, reponere, pro 
tribunali adducere, sistere, judicio per- 
sequi, arcessere ; sceletis, criminis ac- 
cusare, insimulare, arguere ; ad pre- 
torem rapere, 

Tofrighten one with the Atairion 
of new crimes ;—criminibus terrere no- 
vis, Yo accuse, or, give up, one, to 
be tried by the judges, or before the 
judges ; suffragiis; sententiis judicum, 
nomen alicujus objicere ; momen ali~ 
cujus ad judices, ad pretorem deferre ; 
pro tribunali aliquem adducere, sistere ; 
judicio prosequi; ante forum, puteas~ 
_que Libonis, sistere. 

To AccusE one of ' & capital crime ; 
alicui, periculum capitis, creare, de- 
hunciare; dicam  grandem impin- 
gere, scribere ; capitale crimen ob- 
jicere; judicio capitis aliquem accer- 
sere 5 re 3 les majestatis reum referre, de- 

"He AccuseD my friend of bribery ; 
nomen amici mei, de ambitu, detulit. 
But he might rather accuse another 
of that crime; at, ipse alterum, (seip- 
sum, scil. vel, quemlibet alium) hujus- 
modi ambitus crimine, potius arcesse- 

He was Accusep, or, brought Be 
fore the court, or judgment-seat, and 
was in danger of his life ; ad subsel- 
lia tractus, in extrema fortuna stetit. 

He was vexed by the judicial Acev- 
SATIONS of his enemies ; in judicio, ab 
inimicis, exagitatus erat. He was, by 
accusation, forced to give a judicial 
account of his management of affairs ; 
ad rerum, a se, gestarum, rationem, in 
judicio, reddendam, adactus erat. 

To frame an Accusation, or, to 
plead against one ; contra aliquem ae- 
cusationem suscipere, parare, instituere. 
Aspere, acerbe, graviter, libere, vehe- 
menter, acrius accusare, Partes accu- 
sationis obire, accusatoris obtinere, ‘abe 
ire, suscipere, in se sustinere ; ad accu 
sandum descendere. 


16 AC 

They loaded him with all kinds of 
AccusATION; in eum, omnia, gene- 
rum accusationis omnium, tela conje- 
cerunt, 5 

To Accuse falsely, or to slander ; 
calumniari ; calumniis, criminationibus, 
criminibus falsis, mendacibus, impetere, 
insimulare ‘aliquem ; ficto crimine in- 
‘sectari ; injuste, invidiose, criminari ; 
in falsam, iniquam, proborum insimu- 
lationem, quem vocare ; mendaciis one- 
rare ; mendaciunculis aspergere. 

He procured him the envy of many 
good men by a false Accusation ; in 
proborum multorum invidiam, falso cri- 
mine, eum induxit. ; 

It is the work of slanderers, or false 
Accusers, to insinuate and urge false 
crimes ; calumniatorum est, mos est, 
falsis criminibus urgere, insimulare. 

She was Accuszp, and brought in 
guilty of a false crime ; falsi criminis 
acta rea est. He contrives the accu- 
sation of most wicked crimes against 
the innocent youth; nefanda juveni 
crimina insonti apparat. 

To Accuses one in a plea of law; 
litem alicni intendere, inferre. They 
were accused and punished, accord- 
ing to the laws, for requiring and tak- 
ing of bribes; \egibus ambitus interro- 
gati, poenas dederunt. 

To Accuses one for injuries done ; 
injuriarum aliquem agere, postulare. 

By judicial Accusation to bring 
one in danger of losing both estate and 
life; fortanarum omnium ac mortis, in 
judicio, periculum alicui injicere. 

To Accussz one, of guilt and fault, 

-in any. thing ; vitio et culpe aliquid 
alicui dare, vertere ; Cic. 

They Accuse me as guilty of this 
fault ; hujus mibi culpe notam inurunt. 

Toclear oneself by Accustnc another; 
crimen a se in alium transferre ; Cic. 

To Accuse one legally ; legibus, et 
judiciali jure, aliquem prosequi. 

To free oneself from the Accusation 
of any crime ; crimen objectum repel- 
lere, diluere ; calumniam obterere, et 
obtundere ; ex crimine elabi ; a culpa 
removeri; a vel ex culpa seipsum libe- 
rare, expedire, exolvere, eximere, &c. 

To be well nigh undone, by the Ac- 
CUSATION of crimes and witnesses ; 
ctiminibus, et testibus, opprimi, obrui ; 


To Accusz one for a thief and pur- 

loiner of money ; arguere aliquem, fur- 

ti, et pecunie interverse ; furti, &¢. 
aliquem alligare, agere. 

To ACCUSTOM ; assuefacio, con- 
suefacio. To accustom himself; as- 
suesco ; se assuefacere. To be accus- 
tomed ; soleo, assuefio, assuesco, con- 
suesco. ¢ 

To Accustom oneself to any thing; ’ 

rei alicui se penitus dare, assuefacere, 
consuescere ; se in consuetudinem dare. 
Crebris actionibus, idem sepius agendo, 
repetendo, usu quotidiano, consuetu- 
dinem, morem, contrahere, Insuescere 
rei alicui. 

To be Accustomep to any thing 
from achild ; a teneris assuescere. 

To be UnaccustomeEp ; desuescere. . 
Men unaccustomed to war; insueti © 

homines bello. You spoke, at that 
time, much harder words than you are 

accustomed to use; gravioribus mul- . 

to verbis tunc usus eras, quam tua fere- 
bat consuetudo. Then he denied that 
the Greeks were accustomed to; tum 
ille negavit, moris esse Grecorum, ut, 
&c. That is, as our progenitors, and, 
generally all, were accustomed; id 
more majorum fit, et communi more 
receptum est. You are not yet accus- 
tomed to labor, or to industry and pains ; 
&c. nondum es assuetus, assuefactus, 
laboribus ; in laboribus non versatus, 
inexercitatus, rudis et insolens es ; non- 
dum tibi labor familiaris est ; laboris es 
impatiens ; labores ferre, sustinere, non 

-consuevisti, sensisti, tulisti, A servi- 

tude to which one is not accustomed ; 
crudum servitium; Tac. 

agnoscere; fateri; confiteri: as, J 
acknowledge, or, own, this, or that, by 
mine own experience ; hoc ex me ag- 
nosco ; id mihi expertum ¢st. 

‘To AcknowLenGe, or, own, that” 

such a thing was seen, though not by 
oneself, yet by others ; agnoscere tale 
quid visum quidem fuisse, minime ta- 
men suis, sed alienis o¢ulis. JZ do 
not acknowledge what és said of me 
in that affair ; non agnosco, quod mihi, 
hec in re, tribuitur; Cic. To ac- 
knowledge the fault, and himself to 
be guilty of it; crimen agnoscere, et 

-in se culpam suscipere. To acknow- 

ledge, or own, that he has his life 
and safety by one’s good willand friend- 
ship ; agnoscere, et acceptam referre, 
vitam et salutem suam, alicujus bene- 

volentiz, et amicitie. 

OR ee Pe Se ee ee 

ACKNOWLEDGE, confess; — 


oe > a 

nyt eke - 



To AcxnowtepcE by constraint ; 
fateri ; negare non posse. 

“To AckNOWLEDGE before an officer, 
or a magistrate ; profiteri ; coram ma- 
-gistratu agnoscere. 

To AckNowLepGE a kindness ; me- 
morem in bene meritum animum pre- 

ACQUAINTANCE ; notitia, con- 
suetude, conversatio, conjunctio, famili- 
aritas, usus, necessitudo, consortium, 

_ notio: as, To receive or take into one’s 
: acquaintance ; in necessitudinem suam 

‘janctus ‘est, 

vecipere ; adjungere aliquem ad ne- 
vessitudinem ; accipere in amicitiam ; 
Cic. Ihave great acquaintance with 
him ; est mihi, cum illo, magnus usus ; 
Cic. summa,cum familiaritate mihi con- . 
Mine, or, our, acquaint- 
ance is but of very little standing ; in- 
ter nos, nuper admodum est notitia ; 
Ter. His acquaintance, and mine, 
has’ been but of late; est, mihi, non 
longo, cognitus usu. To get, insinu- 
ate, or creep into one’s acquaintance ; ; 
in alicujus familiaritatem se insinuare ; 
in alicujus amicitiam arrepere ; venire 
in alicujus familiaritatem, vel, amici- 
tiam ; Cice To endeavor or seek one’s 
acquaintance ; ad alicujus familiari- 
tatem applicare se. I have little ac- 
quaintance with you, or with him; 
§c. ;-usus amicitiz, mihi, tecum, secum, 
&c. parvus est. I have none, or not 
so much as the least, acquaintance 
urth you, or him, §c. ; neque te, quis sis, 
nec eum, quis sit, homo, scio; albus, 
an ater, sis, vel sit, nescio. 

An AcQUAINTANCE of mine, or, one 
of my acquaintance ; notus mihi 
quidam ; Ter. He is one of my old 
acquaintance ; mihi cum eo consuetu- 
do et familiaritas pervetus est; Cic. 
or, I have been, a long time, "much 
acquainted with him ; inter nosmetip- 
sos vetus intercessit usus ; Cic. mihi 
cum illo et vetus, et magna amicitia 
fuit; Cic. JI have been acquainted 
with him ever since we were children ; 
mihi magna, cum e0, jam inde a pue- 
Titia, semper fuit familiaritas ; Cic. He- 
as-an intimate acquaintance ‘of mine ; 
unus “est ex intimis meis familiaribus ; 
est mihi, intimus a consiliis. 

Celius was accused of an ACQUAINT- 
ance with Catiline ; familiaritas Cati- 
line objecta est Czlio. _ Acquaint- 
auee with bad company makes us worse; 
malorum commercio reddimur deteri- 

AC 17 
ores. We have had along acquaint- 
ance ; usura longa inter nos fuit. To 
withdraw oneself ‘by degrees Srom 
acquaintance’; levare amicitias usus 

To Acquaint, or make acquaint- 
ed with ; to advertise, or give notice 
of; admonere, docere, commonefacere ; 
certiorem reddere, facere, aliquem de 
aliqua re. Facere, ut quis intelligat, 
sciat, cognoscat. Rem narrate, nunci- 
ate, dicere, renunciare, declarare, sig- 
nificare, indicare, ostendere, patefacere, 
aperire, exponere, demonstrare, pro- 
ferre ad aliquem. Rem alicui indicare, 
ostendere ; &c. non celare quid. Quid 
sit factum, gestum, erudire, notum fa- 
cere, docere, perscribere, impertire, cer- 
tiorare, certificare. : 

I received letters, by ‘which I was 
AcquainTED that, &c.; accepiliteras, 
quibus cognovi, videbam; ex quibus 
intellexi, perspexi, animadvert et di- 
dici. J was acquainted by reporé ; 
accepi auribus. Accidit auribus, et 

ad aures. Nunciatum, indicatum, est _ 

mihi. Which wickedness when I was 
acquainted with, or heard of, &c. 
—quod scelus ut pavidas—mibi con=— 
tigit aures. I will take care that you 
be acquainted with all things; ome 
nia tibi ut nota sint faciam; Cic. 
Ought not I to have been made ac- 
quainted with it first? nonne, mihi, 
prius, consultum, communicatum opor- 
tuit? Ter. Neither does he make me 
acquainted what that is, or, what 
he does ; nec quid sit id, neque quid 
agat, mihi certius facit; Plaut. Ace 
quaint my master, or, make my mase 
ter acquainted with it; indicium 
hero facias tu meo ; Plaut. Be very 
careful to acquaint us of that; fac 
nos, quam diligentissime, de hac re, 
Certiores; Cic. They make him ac- 
quainted with all their contrivances ; 
illi credunt omnia consilia; Ter. - 

To ACQUIT; solvere, absolvere, 
liberare, dissolvere, eximere, demitte- 
re: as, *To acquit in judgment ;ex 
reis eximere ; insontem declarare ; lite- 
ram salutarem, [i. ex literam, A, que 
absolutionis erat nota] scribere. 

To Acauirt, or free one from blame ; 
aliquem ex culpa eximéfe ; Cic. culpa 
exolvere, liberare ; Tac. Cic. He was 
acquitted by every one ; omnium sen- 
tentiis absolutus, liberatus, est; Cic. 

We do not deny but that they may be. 

18 AC 

acquitted ; quo minus, secundum eos, 
lis detur, non recusamus ; Cic. 

AcguitTep of knavery; absolutus. 
improbitatis; Cic. 

He Acquitren himself handsomely 
in that business; Jaute munus suum 
illud administravit ; Ter. 

To Acquir from fraudulent deal- 
ing, or, collusion; de prevaricatione 
absolvere ; Cic. 

To Acquit, or free from’ a vow ; 
liberare aliquem voto et voti; Liv, 

An Acqvuittance for money re- 
ceived; acceptilatio; apocha; syn- 
grapha, syngraphus, syngraphum. 

o ACT, or, to do; agere; rem ge- 
rere: as, * To act the part of a 
good and virtuous man; virum agere 

To Act or do according to one ’s di- 
rection; agere ad prescriptum alicujus. 
Lo act Sor another ; agere aliquid pro 
alio, vice alterins. To act fairly; 
agere ex equo. To act honestly; 
agere ex fide bona. To act seriously ; 
agere rem seriam, vel serio. To act, 
or doas chief, or to be the chief actor or 
person ; agere primas partes. To act 
trifles ; agere nugas. To act modest- 
ly ; agere modeste. To act according 
to custom; agere morem ; Sallust. To 
act gently ; agere remissius, To act 
treacherously ; 3 agere ex insidiis ; Cic. 
To act in his own business; agere 
negotium suum; Cic. To act his 
part at home, and abroad at war; 
partem suam agere, domi, bellique. 

' To Acr plays; ludos scenicos age- 
te; histrionicam exercere. They are 
going to act a play; fabulam acturi 
sunt statim. Jo act a comedy, or 
tragedy ; agere comediam, tragediam. 
To act Medea; Medeam agere ; Cic. 

An Act, Action, or deed ; actus, 
actio, actum, factum, gestum ; facinus. 

A noble, or famous, Acr; facinus 
nobile, claruam ; Cic. Sen, 

An unworthy, base, or loathsome 
Acr ; facinus indignun, illiberale, te- 
trum ; Ter. Sen. 

To perform noble Acts; preclara, 
egregia facinora, suscipere et conficere ; 
administrare cum laude, cum admira- 
tione omnium, Rerum gestarum gloria 
florere. Res magnas, preclaras, labo- 
rom, periculorum plenas, triumpho dig- 
nas, gerere.’ In eximiis, egregiis, faci- 
noribus, elaborare, To do brave acts ;~ 
res claras gerere, 

: oo 2 

To show his valor, or, his virtue, by 
his noble Acts; virtutem ostendere, 
vel etiam extendere, factis, To com- 
pare the famous acts of Hercules with 
yours ; Herculeos conferre tuis actus, 
You will have then done a brave act ;_ 
egeris tunc ; pugnaveris ; Ter. 

An Acr or decree; as of council, 
senate ; senatusconsultum, scitum, con- 
stitutum, decretum ; edictum, res Jatt. 
cata, sanctio, plebis: scitum, institutum ; 
&c, Casar’s acts are confirmed by 
the senate; acta Cesaris confirmata 
sunt a senatu; Cic. There wane old 
act of the senate against, &c.; sena- 
tusconsultum fuit vetus, ne each &e. 

Acts registered ; acta, oram, Acts ~ 
registered, made null, or void ; acta 
rescisca, recisa, desuetudine detrita, ab- 
rogata; &c. 

An Acrion, or suit, at law; actio, 
forensis actio, dica, lis, formula, 

An Acrion personal ; POC 
actio condictitia, or, in 

An Acrion of trespass ; ‘injuriarum | 


An Action of covenant 5 formula 
pacti et conventi. 

An Action withdrawn 5 actio Te. 

An Action to recover that which ' 
was appointed by the judge; actio 

An Action to cause to take back 
again any sia thing sold ; actio redhi- 

To enter an Action against one ; 
dicam scribere, impingere ; in jus vo- 
care; litem intendere, in jus citare, du- 

To sue upon an Action of trespass ;- 

injuriarum cum aliquo agere, 

5 lose his Action, or to be cast in 

; lite, causa cadere ; litis intentionem 

To gain his Action, or to recover 
his suit; in lite, causa sua stare ; litis 
intentionem recuperare. Rectus stetitin 
curia. Judicum, et juratorum, suffragiis, 
calculis, approbatus, litem adversam in- 
fregit, et, suos adversarios, in ea, pro- 

Didst thou ever hear of any Action 
brought against me? cedo dum an un- 
quam audisti dicam injuriarum mihi 
scriptam ? 


cere, rapere ; debitorem) interpellare, 

Active, much in action, or mo» 

tion, &c.; actuosus ; semper in opere ; 

Ree ee ee ee ee a a eee 


minime otiosus, efficax ; vires suas ex- 
‘ercens ; multos et varios effectus pro- 
ducens, in assiduo motn, 

_Actrve, or nimble ; agilis, gnavus, 
strenuus, mobilis, industrius, actuarius, 
expeditus, dexter, accinctus. 

Acriviry ; agilitas, facultas, solertia, 
dexteritas ; agendi, promptitudo celer- 
rima,expedita celeritas; membrorum 
mobilitas, habilitas ; &c. 

An Actor, or stage-player; sce- 
nicus actor ; /histrio, onis. 

ACUTE; i. e. sharp; acutus ; ab 
acuere. aoe 

AcuTs ; i. e. subtile, witty: as, An 
acute and subtile wit ; acutum inge- 
nium. Am acute, sharp, disease; 
morbus acutus. An acute, high, 
shrill, clear accent ; accentus vel tonus 
acutus. Acute in reply; acutus in 
respondendo, regerendo; salsus, Acute 
in judgment, or sharp-witted ; genio, 
ingenio, acutus; sagax, subtilis, per- 
spicax, solers, Age will easily make 
them acute enough; wtas, facile, il- 
los satis acuet ; Ter. 

To ADD ; addere, adjicere, annecte- 
Te, adjungere, subjungere, apponere, 
aggregare, asciscere, attexere, admisce- 
re,admovere. Additamento, numerum, 
cumulum, augere, amplificare. Ac- 
cessionem magnam facere, Incremen- 
tum rei dare, afferre. Accedit, accres- 
cit aliquid. To add.his judgment or 
opinion; judicivm ejus interponere, 

To add one to the number ; aliquem 
in numerum aggregare. He added 
one to the number of the flock; una 
pecude gregem auctiorem fecit. He 
added nothing new, of his own, to 
these ; de suo, nibil his novum apposu- 
it, Toadd fuel to fire; oleum addere 
camino, To add his good will to 
another’s honor ; aggregare suam vo- 
luntatem ad alicujus dignitatem. To 
add one citizen more; asciscere alium 
Gapmerels asciscere alium in civitatem ; 

speech, oration, or declamation, that it 
may be the more full ; verba afferre orati- 
‘oni, ut plenior sit ; Cic. He added sen- 
tences of the law, as appendices to his 
eloquence ; juris sententias eloquentie 
tanquam ancillulasadjunxit. Unto the 
praise of his wariike affairs, he added 
the glory of his learning and wit; ad 
laudem belli, rei bellice, doctrine et in- 
genii gloriam adjecit; Cic. When, to 



To add words to the harangue, . 

AD 19 

opportunity was also added ; im ad 
ceteras summas utilitates, hec quoque 
opportunitas adjungeretur; Cic. To 
add spirit, courage, or resolution, to 
one; 1. e, to encourage one; addere. 
animum alicui.. To add confirmation 
to any thing, or, to confirm it ; alicui 
tei fidem addere. He added poison 
to, or he poisoned, the wound ; vene- 
num in plagam addidit; To add to 
his pace; or, to go, or make one go, 
faster; addere gradum; Plin. To 
add, or make an addition, to the 
work ; addere additamentum operi. To 
add something of his own; addere 
aliquid de suo. To add over-weight, 
or above measure; addere, ex abun- 
danti, : 

Unto this is Appep, that, &¢, ;:ad 
hoc accedit, quod, &c. To add more- 
over ; superaddere, superinjicere, &c, 
To add or lay together ; superaddere, 
coaddere, Yo add in words or speak- 
ing ; superdicere, insuper dicere. 

To ADDICT, or give oneself to ; 
addicere, devovere se; seipsum dare, 
devincire, dedere: as, In those stu- 
dies, to which we are both addicted ; 
in hisce studiis, quibus uterque nostrum 
-addictus est. Yo addict himself to 
some art ;-artem aliquam colere. 

Heis Avpicrep to books and stu- 
dies ; libris et studiis alligatus est. That 
young man is wholly addicted to 
sloth and -idleness ; juvenis ille se to- 
tum otio et socordiz devovit; Ter. To 
addict himself to study ; tradere se 
studiis; Cic. . 

ADDLE ; i.e. corrupt, shallow, emp- 
ty, worthless, &c. ; irritus, vacuus, inep- 
tus, fatuus, nauci, nihili, &c.: as, Your 
brains are addle; non tibi sanum est 
sinciput, neque sincerum occiput, 

ADDLE-HEADED ; fatuus, ineptus; 
sano, sinceroque sine cerebro, 

To ADDRESS (make application 
to); applicare, dirigere, conferre, 

To Avpress himself, or to make 
application, unto the king, to his 
friend, to the senate, &c. ; seipsum, ad ' 
regem, ad amicum, ad senatum, &c. 
direxit, applicuit, contulit, &c. An 
address, or humble petition ; appli- 
catio, libellus supplex: as, The par- 
liament did address themselves, or, did 
make an humble address fo his ma- 
jesty ; senatus, sese applicuerunt, vel, 
libellum supplicem, direxerunt, obtule- 

the rest of those great advantages, this runt,&c, I know not where I should 

20 AD 

address, apply myself, or go, &c.; quo 
applicem, nescio ; Cic. 

To ADHERE ; adherere. ~ 

To AvueEre or. stick close to one, 
or to be his constant companion ; to 
stand firm for one, &c. ; adhzrere lateri, 
paftibus alicujus. ‘ 

“To Avuere to the rule proposed ; 

manere in instituto suo, 
’ To Apuene to any discipline, or to 
the best studies, &c. ; adhzrere ad ali- 
quam disciplinam, ad optima studia, 

To Apvuere to arockor stone; ad- 
hewrescere ad saxum. ; , 

He was his close ADHERENT, com- 
panion, or partner, in all things ; rebus 
in omnibus, adherens ei semper fuit; 
socius, particeps, ejus fuit, &c. 

ADJACENT ; adjoining, bordering 
upon, or lying near unto; adjacens, 
conterminus. ‘ 

‘To be Avsacent, or near to; ad- 
jacere alicui ; Cic. 

An Apvsacent island; i. e. lying 
near the main land, or, continent, , but 
not joined to it ; adjacens insula; que 
scil. est prope continentem, non tamen 
conjuncta cum ea. The borders of 
these countries are adjacent, or, lie 
near one another ; harum regionum ter- 
mini, adjaceutés sunt, et confines, 

<The Tuscan land lies Avsacent 
to the Roman; Thuscus ager Romano 
adjacet; Liv. 

To ADJOURN ; i.e. to put off, or 
discontinue for a season ; to delay, or 
prolong ; comperendinare, differre, pro- 
rogare, prolatare, protelare. To ad- 
journ or prorogue the consulship to 
one, for a year; prorogare consula- 
tum, alicuiin annum, To adjourn or 
prorogue the senate, fifteen months ; 
menses in quindecim, senatum, sive 
regni comitia prorogare. The senate 
is adjourned, or prorogued for a 
fortnight ; senatus in quindecin dies 
est prolatus, comperendinatus, proroga- 

To ADJUDGE);; i.e. to determine 

“of, or give by judgment ; adjudico ; di- 

judico, discerno, ascribo, attribuo : as, 
To adjudge, or give sentence in judg- 
ment for one, or in one’s cause ; adjudi- 
care causam alicui, 

To AbjuDGE ; i. e. to sentence, or 
give up to freedom, or, to bondage ; 
adjudicare aliquem in libertatem; vel 
ju servitutem ; Cig. 

J - 


To ADJURE;; i.e. toswear by ; ot, 7 

to swear earnestly, to promise with-an 
oath ; also, to require another to swear ; 
adjurare. Which verb is sometimes 

used for the simple verb, jurare: dsj. fe 

I swear by Jupiter, and the gods ; ad- 
juro per Jovem, et deos, &c. “Plaut. 

And so, to swear to any one; i.€. to 

promise with an oath ; adjurare alicui ; 
Ovid. To adjure; i. e, to require, 
or compel one to an oath; aliquem ad- 
jurare ; i. e. ad jusjurandum adigere. 
Also to-adjure, is used for, to add 


something to an oath; adjurare, q. d, 

ad jusjurandum addere ; Liv. As also, 
to adjure, is by charms, spells, @id 
enchantments, to cast out devils, or evil 
spirits ; i. e. to conjure, or exoreise ; 
adjurare, est etiam, conjurare, i, e. in~ 
cantationibus demones ejicere ; Lact.’ 
To ADJUST ; i. e. to set in order ; 
accommodare ; componere; &c. 
To Apsust accounts; ratiohes eom-= 
ponere. To adjust; i. e. his sword, 
by or to his side; ensem Jateri aceom- 
causes, debates, wars, &c. ; componere. 
causas, discordias, bella, &c. To adjust, 
or, to set in order his affairs, or, estate ; 
componere res suas, “To adjust ‘his 
hair ; componere capillos; Cic. To 
adjust > i. e. to fit, a pillow to his’ 
head ; componere pulvinar; Ovid. 
To ADMINISTER ; i. e. to solteit a 

_ man’s cause ; causam alicujus, admini- 

strare, procurare; or, any business ; 

negotium aliquod administrare,. To — 

administer physic; medicinam, ad- 
ministrare, adhibere.. To administer, 
in other things; ministrare: as, To 
administer, or serve one at table, m 
dinner time ; ministrare, administrare 
alicui, in prandio, To administer 
to one his cups; or, to fill, or give’ 
drink to one; administrare, seu, minis- 
trare, alicui, pocula. To administer 

or give one meat and drink; ministrare,’ - 

administrare, alicui, ‘victum suum, 
Raging anger, or fury, administers 
weapons to fight with ; furor arma mi- 
nistrat ; Virg. ee yt 
To ApMinisTER ; i. e. rule, or ma- 
nage, &c. ; as, The commonwealth, his’ 
duty or office, the war, the arniy, the 
household affairs; the city, or pro- 
vince, §c.; administrare rempublicam, ’ 
munus suum, bellum, aciem, rem fa- 

tniliarem, civitatem, provinciam, &¢, 3, 

Cic, ; 

To adjust, or compose, — 

bath Re Nap 

nah ettykeiet " 

te, Ses 


To ApMintstER judgment ; i. e. to 
decide controversies in judgment ; ad- 

_ ministrare judicium. 

To ADMIRE, or wonder at ; mirari, 
admirari, suspicere ; obstupescere ; mag- 
nifice sentire ; non satiari aspectu, stu- 
pefactus intueri ; admodim,magnopere, 
maxime, vehementer aliquem, vel ali- 
quid, mirari, suspicere ; stupescere ; Cic, 
in aliqua re, vel ad aliquam rem, excla- 
mare: as, To admire, or wonder at, one 
in any thing ; admirari aliquem in aliqua 
te. He admired or wondered at the 
shortness of your epistle ; epistole tue 
brevitatem admiratur; Cic. He it is, 
whom I both admire and love; is 
est quem admiror et diligo ; Cic. All 
admired and wondered at them, as 
rare fellows indeed, who could not be 
matched ; hosce, suspiciebant omnes, 
et admirabantur; nullos enim invene- 

_ Tunt emulos, nec habuerunt exempla. 

I admire the man ; cepit me admira- 
tio ‘viri; Liv. That was both the 
laughter and admiration of the peo- 
ple ; res hec, risus populi, et admiratio 
factaest. They all regard and admire 

_ Pompey, as a man sent down from 

heaven ; Pompeium, omnes, sicut ali- 
quem, de clo delapsum intuentur, et 
admirantur; Cic. So, any thing is 
said to be admired, or wondered at; 
thus; habere admirationem dicitur, res 
aliqua; Cic. Exploits, or, famous acts, 
or deeds, so admirable, that they 
cannot be expressed in words; much 
less, sufficiently praised; facinora, 

" gesta, adeo preclara et admiranda, ut 

que minime verbis exprimi, nedum 

~sufficienter laudari, sermonis humani 

penuria, possint, Those are looked 
upon, with a kind of admiration, 
who are reputed singular for virtue ; 
admiratione quadam afficiuntur, qui 

_ -anteire ceeteros virtute putantur; Cic, 

All men admire him, who doth not 
value money ; omnes magnopere admi- 
rantur eum, qui pecunia non movetur; 
uod in quo viro perspectum sit, hunc 
ignum spectatu arbitrantur ; idem, 
To ADMIT; admitto, intromitto. To 
admit, or let in, the light ; admittere 
diem, aut solem, vel lucem intromittere, 
To admit to one’s confidence; or to 
beliéve ; admittere fidem, I never ad- 
mitted such a thought ; tale quid, in 
‘animum, nunquam admisi, intromisi. 
To admit; i. e. to receive, or take 
unto ; admittere, suscipere, adsciscere, 

AD 21 

adscribere: as, To admit, or receive, 

one to himself; admittere, recipere, 

suscipere aliquem ad sese. To admit 

one to talk with him ; admittere ali- 
. quem ad colloquium. 

To Apmir an excuse; admittere 
_excusationem. Yo admit of a cure; 
admittere curationem, 

To Apmit one into his counsel ; or 
to be admitted fo the council; ad- 
mittere aliquem ad concilium; vel, 
admitti, admisceri, adscribi, in conci+ 
lium. He is admitted as one of the 
family ; in familiam adscriptus, recep- 
tus, adscitus est. To be admitted 
into the judge’s favor ; admitti in ani- 
mum judicis ; Quint, The defendant, 
or client, is admitted to plead his 
own cause; reus, cliens, ad causam 
dicendam est admissus.. Yo admit 
to the freedom of a city ; adsciscere in 
civitatem, Also to admit, is used, 
Sor, to approve of: as, Admittunt rite 
aves ; the birds do allow or approve it 
to be done: They give’ a prosperous 
omen ; admittunt rite aves; Liv, To 
admit; i.e. to grant, or suppose ; fin- 
"gere, concedete, &c. ‘To be admitted 
to an office ; magistratum inire. Creari, 
fieri, renunciari, consulem.  Principis, 
consulis, personam induere, suscipere. 
Munus officii subire, Administrandi 
regni, reipublice provinciam suscipe- 
re, Ad rempublicam, ad reipublice 
gubernacula, clavum, accedere. Clavo 
imperii manum admovere, Rempubli- 
cam capessere. In regnum admitti, 
recipi, In imperio locari, succedere. 
Regnum amplecti. 

To ADMONISH ; monere ; admone- 
re: as, To admonish any one concern- 
ing any thing ; admonere aliquem ali- 
quid, vel, de aliqua re, 

To ApMonisH, or put one in mind of — 
athing ; admonere aliquem alicujus rei, 

To Apmonisu one with another's 
words, or in another’s name ; admone- 
re aliquem alicujus verbis, aut, no- 

To ApMonisu, or, advertise; ad- 
monere, edocere, commonefacere ; con- 
silio juvare, consulere ; curam cavendi 
afferre ; significare, certiorem facere. 

-To ApMonisu, or warn ; to exhort, 
rebuke; prudenter, sapienter, varie, 
breviter, identidem, amice, amicissime, 
acriter, acrius, libere, liberius, accura- 
tissime, preclare, etiam, atque etiam, 
commonefacere, commonere, admonere 


22 AD 

aliquem, alicujus rei, vel, de aliqua re. 
Preclare, rectissime, commodissime 
precipere alicui, 

I shall not be wanting, on my part, 
to Apmonisu, declare, and attest, §c. 
whut I think; equidem non deero, 
monebo, predicabo, denunciabo, testa- 
bor deos atque homines, semper, quid 
sentiam ; Cic. de Ant. 

An Apmenition ; admonitio, com- 
monefactio, monitum, salutare consi- 

lium: as, To take admonition; ad-- 

monitionibus alicujus parere, auscul- 
tare, assentire, 2 

Iwas running headlong in vicious 
courses, till yous ApMONITION re- 
claimed me ; admonitio tua, me, in vi- 
tia, pronum, repressit. And therefore, 
ZI will, always, hereafter, hearken to 
your admonitions; _proinde, post- 
hac, mez aures tuis monitis semper 
parebunt. And, J will ever follow the 
admonitions of my friends, and not. 

my own sense and conjectures 3 ut et. 

semper, amicorum monitis, non sensu 
ducar et conjecturis. (The verb to ad- 
monish, in Eatin, admonere, is constru- 
ed either with the genitive case: as, 
Affairs, afterwards, falling out cross, 
admonished to attend to religious rites 
and duties; adverse, deinde, res, ad« 
monuerunt religionum; Liv. or, with 
the accus.: as, The very place doth ad- 
monish me; me, locus ipse, admo- 
net; Cic. or, with two accusatives: 
as, I admonish you to mind that; 
illud te admoneo; Quint. or, with 
the preposition de: as, To admonish 
one about any thing ; admonere de re 
aliqua ; Cic.) When I was wearied, 
the sun being somewhat hot, admo- 
nished me to go and wash myself ; 
me fessum, sol acrior, ire lavatum, ad- 
monuit; Hor. 

ADO ; i.e. tumult, bustling ; turba, 
tumultus, agitatio frivola ; perturbatio, 
procella, commotio. 

With much Avo; vix, gre, non 
sine magno labore, magno cum conatu ; 
vix tandem, difficulter admodum. 

To have much Avo; multum labo- 
rare: as, What ado, or stir, do they 

make in the court, or market? quid: 

turbz est apud forum? Ter, 

What Avo he makes? quantas tra- 
geedias excitat? Cic. 

To make much Apo; tempestates 
excitare; Cic, At last, with much 
ado I perceived; vix tandem sensi; 


Ter. I had much ado to forbear, of 
hold from laughing ; minus egre risum 
continui ; Plaut, I had much ado, to 
contain myself; zegre me tenui; Cics 
I had much ado to make them; pluri+ 
mum negotii habui, ut cogerem ; Cic. 
I have much ado to forbear, &c. ; non 
possum pati,—vix me-contineo quin— 
&c.; Cic. There was mech ado to 
keep blows from him; nihil egrius 
factum est, quam ut ab illo manus ab- 

stinerentur ; Cic. They had much ado _ 

to get over the river ; zgerrime con- 
fecerunt ut flumen transirent; Cas. 
With much ado at last he was brought 
up from the bottom ; fuudo vix ta 

redditus est imo; Virg. J requested 
him he would give his daughter, and 
at length, with much ado I obtained it, 
or he consented, Sc. ; gnatam det, oro, 
vixque id exoro; Ter. There was 

much ado to get it done, or it was not: 

done without much ado; difficulter, 
atque egre, fiebat ; Ces. ‘ ; 

Without any more Apo; sine mora ; 
statim. : pb 

To make much Apo about nothing ; 

magno conatu magnas nugas agere; de - 

re nihili laborare; fluctus excitare in 

To ADOPT; adoptare, cooptare,. sik 

bi filium eligere, heredem asciscere ; in 
familiam suam asciscere, habere et edu- 
care pro suo; alienum partum sibi 
segregare in filium, ret 
To ADORE; to worship ; adorare’; 
colere: as, To adore, or i 
God; precibus adorare Deum; Ovid, 
To adore or worship God with the 
greatest devotion ; adorare, vel colere, 
Deum, summa observantia. To adore 
or worship God in the mind and spirit, 

is the chief, and most acceptable wor- 

ship ; Divinum adorare numen, spiritu, 
et animo, cultus est preecipuus, Deogue 
maxime acceptabilis, cee 
To ADORN ; or beautify ; ornare, 
adornare, exornare, excolere, illustrare, 
insignire, concinnare, perpolire, deoo- 
rare, arte limare, quasi, dolabra levi, 
expolire, Ormnatu, cultu, ornamentis, 
rem illustrem, splendidam, nitidam, 
insignem, politam, politiorem, insig- 
niorem, &c, reddere, facere. Orna- 
Mentis et cultu facere, ut niteat res, ut 
splendeat ; rei decus et venerem dare, 
addere, conciliare. Ornatum, splendo- 
rem, nitorem, venustatem rei accersere 
limam adhibere, ~. we 

AD ; 

Aponxep with garlands and roses; 

sg sertis redimitus et rosis. The barks are 

adorned with green grass; riparum 
vestitus viridissimi. To adorn and 
about; redimire: as, To 
adorn the temples with laurel or with 
ribands, &c. ; redimire tempora lauro ; 
vel, vitta, &c. Virg.  - ; 
To ADVANCE ; i. e. to prefer, pro- 
mote ; efferre, extollere, attollere, mag- 
nificare, excitare, sublevare, exaltare, 
evehere, erigere, promovere. To ad- 
vance or promote one; promovere 
aliquem. Yow advance nothing ; i. e. 

a perk little or no progress in your 

ness; nihil promoves, 

To Apvance ; i. e. to enlarge the 
empire ; imperium premovere ; Ovid. 

To Apvancer, i, e. to accelerate 
one’s pace ; promovere,.accelerare gra- 
dum. ° 

He Apvancep himself much, by the 
brave end prosperous management of 
his affairs, in peace. and war.; rebus 
suis, tam in pace, quam in bello, pre- 
elare, prosperoque adeo cum successu, 
gestis, sese plurimum promovit, extulit, 
To advance to honor; ad honores, 
dignitatem, altiorem locum, gradum, 
evehere, provehere, perducere,: &c. ut 
supra. Amplioremi, illustriorem facere, 
Imperium, honores amplissimos, max- 
imos ; magistratum, fasces, prefectu- 
ras, alicui deferre, tradere, committere, 
in aliquem conferre ; dignitatem, ho- 
norem, alicujus augere, amplificare. In 
dignitate, amplissimo gradu, aliquem 
Jocare, collocare, constituere ; ex tene- 
bris in lucem evocare ; ab obscuritate 
in claritatem vindicare ; honore amplis- 
simo, claritate, honoris insignibus, or- 

- nare, illustrare; ad summum rerum 

apicem, efferre, extollere.—imo tollere 

_ de gradu.—tergeminis tollere honoribus. 

a F 


Ad imperium efferre. 

Whom virtue Avvancep, enry pulled 
down ; quem virtus extulit, eundem in- 
vidia depressit. 

By his own great knowledge, he 
greatly Apyancep learning, through 
the world ; divitem ingenii proventum, 
in universum orbem effudit. 

To Ap¥ancr money, or to pay it be- 
fore the day appointed for the payment 
of it ; pecuniam in antecessum repre- 
sentare, vel, ante tempus deponere. 
To advance (neut.), progredior, pro- 
ficiscor, procedo, -proficio: as, To 
advance in learning ; progredi, pro- 


gressum facere in studiis, 

What Apvancrement have you made 
in your studies? quousque progressus 
es, vel, quemnam, aut qualem profite- 
ris progressum, in studiis tuis ? 

He Apvances to meet him; progre- 
ditur obviam ei. Cesar marched on, by 
great journeys, that he might the more 
speedily stop. the enemy from advane 
cing further ; Cesar, ut, ulterior hosti- 
um progressus, citius impediretur, mag- 
nis progrediebatur itineribus. 

To Avvance to fight ; procedere ad 
pugnam. y- 

To Apvance slowly ; paulatim et 
lente procedere. 

He Apvances now much in 
multa jam procedit ztate. 

The matter ADVANCES or goes on. ~ 
but slowly ; res parum procedit. 

The work ADvANCES apace; opus 
belle procedit. y 

The summer being far ADVANCED ; 
estate jam adulta; Tac. Wages ad- 
vance much ; magnopere stipendia pro- 
cedunt; Cic, : 

ApvanceD, or preferred; celsus, ex« 
celsus; auctus, elatus, magnificatus, 
evectus, promotus, provectus, subla-- 

Apvancep to great honor ; insigni-| 
bus dignitatis excultts; in summo ho- 
nore constitutus ; ex: humili loco, ad 
summam dignitatem evectus ; Ces, Am- 
plitudine illustratus ; in dignitate’ col- 
locatus. Advancement, or preferment ; 
dignitas ; fortune amplificatio; ampli- 
tudo ; honestus, vel, honestior in re-»_ 
publica locus; conditio altior; commo- 
dior vivendi ratio ; prefectura, &c, Fo 
be advanced ; honoribus summis, am- 
plissimis, augeri, ornari, cumulari, ef- 
ferri, affici. In’ amplissimum ordinem 
ascribi, admitti, cooptari, assumi, eligi. 
Honores, magistratus a populo sibi da- 
tos, delatos, mandatos habere. Altius ad 
decus et gloriam, ad splendorem et anc- 
toritatem emergere, ascendere, surgere, 
crescere ; ad pinguiorem fortunam evehi, 

He was Apvancen, or, he passed 
through, all the degrees of honor, unto“ 
the highest place of dignity and govern- 
ment, in the kingdom or commonweatth, 
by common, and full consent, both of 
the senators and people; ad celsissimam 
sedem dignitatis, honoris, ad summum 
imperium, ad summum locum civitatis, 
reipublice, ad altissimum celsitudinis 
fastigium, ad amplissimum honoris cul- 


age ; 

24 AD 

men, idque communibus, et plenis, om- 
nium, tam senatorum, quam plebeiorum, 
suffragiis, elatus, evectus erat, ascendit, 
pervenit, aspiravit. Honores amplissi- 
mos, eosque gradatim omnes, consecu- 
tus, assecutus, adeptus est, obtinuit, 
Your friends rejoice, that you are 
so much Apvancep in honor and 

. wealth; letantur amici tui, quod mag- 
nas adeo, tibi, tam fortune, tum dig- 
nitatis accessiones vident esse factas ; 
vel, quod tua sit dignitas illustrior, do- 
mestica res amplior, quod et honoré 
magis quam antea, florere, et. abun- 
dare ceperis fortune bonis, vehementer 

You are Apvancep, by your noble 
deeds, or, acts; nihil fecisti, nisi quod 
plenissimum sit, amplissime dignitatis ; 
omnia namque. tua facta, cum dignitate, 
vehementer consentiunt, Quecungue 
egisti, ad dignitatem omnia spectarunt. 
Tuis illustribus admodum factis, tantam 
adeptus es famam et dignitatem, ut glo- 
riz et immortalitatis premia tibi deberi 
videantur, Advancement ; profectus, 
dignitas, ascensus. 

ADVANTAGE; lucrum, pecunie 
accessio, commodum, emolumentum ; 
utilitas, commoditas; compendium ; 
fructus ; quastus ; res, commodum. 

An ADVANTAGE, or opportunity ; 
commoditas, opportunitas, loci, vel, 
temporis ; rei gerende, tempestas, fa- 
eultas, adjumentum, ampla occasio, et 

ADVANTAGEOUS; commodus, lucra- 

To ADVANTAGE ; conducere, prod- 
esse, usui esse, commodare, commo- 
dum, et utilitatem, afferre alicui: as, 
That would advantage me little; id 
mihi parum prosit ; Ter. : 

To make AvvantacE of the public 
tributes; lucrum facere ex vectigali- 
bus poblicis; Cic. That will be for 
their advantage; id iis lucro futurum 
est. My letters will be no advantage 
to you; nihil tibi mez litere prode- 
runt; Cic. If you ask what advantage 
it will be to you; si roges, quid profu- 
turum sit tibi, 

- What isa man Avvantacrn, ff; 
quid prodest cuipiam, si. What ad- 
vantage is it to me? quid mihi prod- 

' est? que mihi utilitas ? 

Take that course that will be most 

Sor your ApvantaGe ; quod tibi utilis- 
sinyum erit, id consilii capias ; Cie. It 

hoc feneraret ; Ter. 


will be no advantage to the common- p. 
wealth; id e republica non est, nec 

erit; Cic. ~ 
If he should think that ApvanTaGE- 

ous for the commonwealth ; si id e'te- _ 
publica esse, vel fore censeret; Liv, © — 
| If you could do that with Apvan- — 

TAGE to the commonwealth ; si id com- 
modo reipublice facere posses; Cic, 
That will be for your advan 
e re tua erit; Plaut. If i¢ were for 
our advantage; si ex usu esset nos- 

tro; Cic. That would be more both — 

for your and our advantage ; 

‘in rem et nostram et vestram id esset 5 

Ter. We look for some advantage 

by them; eos speramus nobis profutu- — 
That is not for our ad-> — 

ros; Cic. 
vantage; id non est inrem nostram ; 
vantage by it; si hoc in rem est 
Bacchidis ; Ter. nae 
He hath the Avvantace in«place, 

or ground ; superior est loco; Cic. To 
have the advantage of one, in learn-~ 
ing, rhetoric, gravity, virtue, temper--. 

ance, good manners, §¢. ; superare ali- 
quem doctrina, arte dicendi, gravitate, 
virtute, temperantia, probis moribus, 
&e. ; Cic. ners 

He thought it would be of great 
ApvanraGe to himself ; id magno sibi 
usui fore arbitrabatur; Cas. What 
advantage then has he? quenam igi-- 
tur est ejus prestantia? It ts base to 
make an advantage of the common- 
wealth ; habere rempublicam questui, 
turpe est. Pie 

For Apvanrace-sake ; 
gratia ; questus, commedi,causa ; Cic. 
Lest they should get advantage of us ; 
ne nos ab iis ‘circumveniamur. You 
were afraid it would not be for your. 
advantage ; metuisti, ne non tibi ist- 

They defended themselves by the 
Apvanraces of the place ; se opportu. 
nitatibus loci defendebant ; Cas. This 
was of great advantage to—&c~; hec 


res maxime opportuna fuit, ad—&e. | 

You shall say, you have done that - 
kindness to good ApvantTaGt 3 

ratum isthuc beneficium tibi pulchre | 
To let slip one advan-— 

dices; Ter. 
tage for unother that is greater ; com-- 
modum aliquod, majoris adipiscendi . 
commodi causa, preterire; Cic. To 

let slip or lose an advantage; o¢ca-— 

3 id, 

If Bacchis shall have any ad-) — 









eer we 
. ae 




_ sionein negotii bene gerendi amittere ; 


; pretenmittere ; 3 


Ces. To gire one advantage ; 
riorem conditionem cedere. , 

To have Apvantace of; prestare, 
superior esse, alicui, aliquo, vel, quam 
aliquis, aut, aliquid, &c. 

To take the present ADVANTAGE of 
one ; in ipso articulo atiquem oppri- 
mere; occasionem, ansam,«arripere 5 
uti opportunitate ; facultatem rei non 
obsequi tempestati ; 
urgere occasionem. 

To ADVENTURE; periclitari, pro- 


bare, explorare, contendere. Hazard ; 

extremum discrimenadire ; se periculis 
objicere ; ir:uere in fammarum ipsarum 
pericula ; dimicationes, et pericala vite, 
capilis, adire, oppetere ; nullum vite 
Giscrimen vitare ; sese devovere, inji- 
cere, in medios hostes, in extrema pe- 
ricula, To try, or make trial of; au- 
dere, suscipere, ageredi, eniti, tentare, 
pertentare, experiri, molin, conari, 
adorizi. Periclitari fortunam, pericu- 
lum, experimentum, facere. Probare, 
aleam jacere. ~ 

To Apyventure to sea; vela ventis 
dare, permittere. Fragiiem truci com- 
misit pelago ratem. 

To Apventure his life ; 

vitam in periculum. 
To Apventure the hazard of war ; 
fortunam belli periclitari, tentare, In 
palestram, arene, certamen. descen- 

I will ia ep or make trial, 
though upon evident danger; or, on 
any or all hazard ;—experiar, discri- 
mine aperto ; vel, quovis, ime omni pe- 
riculo; &c. He adventured, or made 
trial of every thing ; nihil intentatam, 
nil liquit inausum. J adventure all 
other things to the hazard of fortune ; 
fortune cetera mando. The ignorant, 
unskilful, and unfaithful physicians 
adventure to make trial of experiments, 
though by the death of their patients ; 
experimenta, medici indocti, inexperti, 
et perfidi, per mortes agunt. rT will 
adventure’ to seek my foriune ; pericli- 
tabor fortunam ; fortune me objiciam. 

An ApvENTURE ; i.e. danger, or 
hazard ; periculum, discrimen, ausum. 

An ADVENTURE ; i. es an accident ; 
eventus, eventum ; alea; sors ; casas, 


accidens ; ex improviso, scil, aut, ino-" 

pinato, obyeniens, 

At or by ADVENTURE ; temere, 
#asu ; forte, fortuito ; forsan, forsitan, 
hrase. : 



fortassis, fortasse ; forte fortuna. 
An ADVERSARY; adversarius, ad- 


versator ; infestus alicui ; 3; Oppugnator ; 

hostis ; antagonista; inimicus. 

To be an Apversary ; alicui ad- 
versari; reniti, resistere; repugnare. 
An adversary, viz, that bears one ill- 
will; in aliquem male animatus ; ani- 
mo esse alieno, averso,soffenso, male- 
volo, iniquo, infenso, minus propitio. 
Qui cum aliquo simultates gerit; aut, 
ab aliquo, voluntate dissidet,—cui leva 
voluntas semper. 

We have a fierce, cruel, and. obsti- 
nate ADVERSARY or enemy in you; 
acerbo, infenso, vehemente, et crudeli 
te adversario utimur ; infeste nos adver- 

He is a great Apversary to this 
empire ; inimicissimus huic est im- 

ADVERSE, or contrary.; adversus, 
diversus, discors, adversatus, pugnans, 

The AnveRse party ; pars adversa, 
partes diverse. 

ApvERsity; adversitas, miseria, 
infelicitas ; adversa, orum ; (neut. pl.) 
res angustx, adverse, infeste, lapsx, 
lassz, afflict. Metaph, procella, nox, 
nubes ; angustia. 

One that is in Apversity; afflic- 
tus; dejectus, prostratus,-jacens, 

He is in-Apvensiry ; est afflictus, 
et jacens ;in multis versatur malis. 
Usque huc, adversa tempestate usus 
est. Fatis acerbis, asperis, adversis, 
fertur, urgetur, agitur, agitatur ; forta- 
na gravi et infensa utitur; cui nover- 
catur fortuna; cui afflicta est fortuna. 
Omnibus vexatus est infortuniis; mul- 
tis difficultatibus conflictatus et cir- 
cumventus est, Miser, calamitosus, 
zrumnosus, afflictus, infortunatus, mi- 
seriis oppressus est. 

To suffer Apvensity ; turbulentis- 
simis vita tempestatibus, vexari, agitari, 
obrui, Oummibus calamitatum procellis 
objici, exponi ; infensa, infesta, i inimi- 
ca, adversa, contraria, gravi, iniqua, 
fortuna uti. Infelici. esse conditione. 
or Sevientis fortune, vim, impetum, co- 
natus adversos, asperitatem, tela omnia, 
fulmina, dimicationes omnes, assi= 
duas tempestates experiri, pati, sentire, 
subire, perferre, sustinere, Multis, 
maximis, incomimodis et difficultatibus 
laborare, conflictari. In multis versati 
malis, Afflicte, adversz res, Magnas, 


26 AD. 

incredibiles calamitates haurire. Diu- 
turnis calamitatibus, miseriis gravissi- 
mis, infinitis’ malis affligi, premi, op- 
primi, implicari. Fortune, irate, ad- 
verse, ictibus, procellis, viribus, telis 
percelli, opprimi. A fortuna cradelis- 
sime mulctari; vehementer, acriter, 
acerbe, graviter oppugnari, vexari. 

I am in great Avversity ;—res 
procubuere mee. Usque adversa tem- 
pestate usus sum, Vitam extrema per 
omnia duco, ut miser, calamitosus, 
zrumnosus, afflictus, infortunatus; et 
fatis acerbis, adversis, asperis, ferri, 
urgeri, agi solitus. Me mare, me venti, 
me fera jactat hyems. Tot mala sum 
passus, quot in zethere sidera lucent; 
Ovid. ~ 

We are in great ApvenrstrTy ; nos, 
—circumstat densorum turba malorum. 
Nubila sunt subitis tempora nostra ma- 
lis. Sevee, et scevee fortune incursiones, 
pene nos penitus obruerunt, Omnibus, 
adversantis fortune, telis, patemus, ex- 
ponimur, percellimur. 

To forsake his friend in Apvvenrst- 
ty ; ab afflicta amicitia transfugere. 

To be true to his friend in Apver- 
siTy ; nullis fortune minis ab amicitia 
colenda absterreri. 

To cleave to God in Apverstry ; 
in tebus asperis ad Dei clementiam 
confugere, ' 

To help in Avvensity 3 arctis in 
rebus opem ferre ; in rebus incommo- 
dis, aliquem sublevare. 

It is some comfort to have compa- 
nions in ApvERsITY ; afflictis, aliorum 
exempla sunt solatio ; solatium, solamen 
est miseris, multos habere pares, 

Apversity tries friends ; rebus in 
angustis, apparent amici. For, pros- 
perity has many friends, -adversity 
few or none ; fortuna secunda amicos 
habet plurimos; adversitas, paucos, 
aut nullos, Donec eris felix, multos 
numerabis amicos, Tempora si fuerint 
nubila, solus eris. 

They can best bear Apverstty who 
are most used to it, or are most ac- 
quainted with it ; adversa minus sen- 
tiunt, qui iis assueverunt: malorum 
consuetudine sensus acerbior amittitur ; 
malorum usus, sensum eorum, et sen- 
tiendi vim acriorem, magna ex parte, 
aufert, et adimit ; adversas res minime 
sentiunt ii, quorum occalluit: animus, 
quorum animis callum obduxit diuturna 


To ADVERTISE ; monere, admone- 
re, commonefacere, commemorate ; do- 
cere, edocere, indicare ; edicere, enun- 
ciare, innuere, significare, notificare, 
insinuare ; intimare. 

You must Apvertise and tell be- 
forehand ; predicandum et premonen- 
dum est tibi. 

To be ApvERTISED ; commonefieri ; 
prescire, resciscere, 

Apvertisep of all by the ambas- 
sadors ; edoctus omnia per legatos, So 
far past that he will not be adver- 
tised ; admonitionibus modum, locum 
non reliquit, 

To Apvertise privily or secretly ; 

An ADVERTISEMENT ; admonitum ; 
monitum; admonitio; denunciatio, 

~ ADVICE;; consilium, sententia, ar- 
bitratus ; judicium, arbitrium ; animus, 

He will follow nobody’s .Apyice 
but his own ; de sua unius sententia 
gerit omnia. Do nothing without ad- 
vice; ne quid agas inconsulto. Do 
that with good advice which you can 
do but once ; deliberandum diu, quod 
statuendum est semel. J will always 
follow better advice ; ego melioribus — 
semper consiliis locum daturus sum. I 
still follow your advice ; ad te velut 
ad oraculum semper confugio. He did 
that with his friends’ advice ; de sen- 
tentia, illud egit amicorum. Help me 
now with good advice, and I shall 
ever after this follow your counsel ; 
consilio commodo, hac me vice, suble-’ 
va ; et semper posthac habebo te nu- 
minis loco. Your advice is good ; 
commode mones. You know what his — 
advice is in that case; ejus senten- 
tiam ea de re intelligis. Who gave 
you that advice; que Pallas istuc 
tibi in mentem misit? ’Twas mine own 
indiscretion ; non Pallas, sed Moria, 
Follow better advice after this; me- 
lioribus posthac utere consiliis, 

Be well'Apvisep ; apud te esto. 

He hath taken the best Apvice ; ra- ~ 
tionem inivit commodissimam. Is it 
your advice that I should do so? idne 
estis auctores mihi ut-faciam? JF will 
be advised by him; in illius ego 
sententia acquiescam. Your advice 
may do no hurt ; non pessime mones, 

To act ApvisepLy ; excogitata ra- 
tione res suas componere. Prudentissi- 
me, accurate, attentius, diligenter om- 


nia €xaminare, animo versare, agitare, 
- excutere ; mente revolvere: secum re- 
putare, librare, antequam statuat, sus- 
cipiat rem. Omnes actiones suas ad 
perfectam sapientie, prudentie nor- 
mam dirigere, exigere. Nihil temere, 
inconsulto, raptim, festinanter, titu- 
banter, non suscepto consilio, sine de- 
liberatione, sine magno consilio, ten- 
tare, attentare, moliri, conari, facere. 
Omnia negotia recte et sapienter, 
consiliis evigilatis, administrare; ad 
consilii calculos revocare; accurate 

ponderibus animi librare, perpendere, | 

._pensitare : recta reputare via. De re 
aliqua cogitare, meditari: consilium 
inire, capere, ‘multumque deliberare, 
consultare, priusquam aggrediaris. . 

He does nothing in his own affairs 
without serious Apvice ; ‘nihil de suis 
statuit rebus, nisi rationibus prius di- 
ligenter subductis.. To advise, or give 
advice ; consulo, consulto with a dat. 
persuadeo, hortor, moneo ; alicui con- 
sulere, consilium dare, seu prebere, 

' To ask Apvicez ; consulo, consulto ; 
cum accus. In consilium advocare, 
consulere aliquem, 

TI Anvise them to be quiet ; moneo 
ut quiescant. I am not able to advise 
you; consilii locum non habeo. We 
must take advice ; consulto opus est, 
You may say you acted by my advice ; 
fetisse dicas de mea sententia; Plaut. 
He will do nothing but by my advice ; 
nil is est facturus quicquam, nisi de meo 
consilio; Cic, _ ne 

Be well Avvisep what you do ; nil 
temere facias ; etiam atque etiam vide 

-_ quid agés, | 

He lacks good Apvicz; ductore 
perito, doctoreque indiget. 
I will be well Avvisep in this ; jam 

senatum convocabo in corde consilia- 


But, I know a far better Avvice 
and counsel for us both to follow ; cx- 
terum, consilium habeo utrique nos- 
trum multo commodius. 

To Apvise, consult, or consider of ; 
multum deliberare, considerare, cogi- 
tare de re aliqua; perquam diligenter 
videre ; etiam atque etiam cogitare, 
consilium capere, de, 

Well-Apvisep ; 
spectus, consideratus, piney 

ill-Avvisep ; male cautus, incautus, 

ADVISEDLY ; consulte, consulto, co- 
gitate, cogitato, circumspecte, conside- 

sobrius, circum- 

AD 27 

tate, caute, studiose, judicato, prame- 
ditate, parate ; perspicaciter, diligen- 
ter, cogitatim, ‘perspicienter,  sobrie, 
modeste, perpense, religiose. 

To act ApvisEDLY ; ex cogitata ra- 
tione res componere:; ad consilii calcu- 
los revocare ; nikil temere conari, &c, 

Done without Avvicr ; temerarius, 

This is my Apvice, or counsel, which 
I give, if you will be ruled by me ; hoc 
tibi consiiii do, tua de laude si laboras, 
tua si tibi laus cure. est, cordi: te 
hortor, adhortor, cohortor, et suadeo, 
auctor tibi sum: hoc est meum consi- 
lium: mei consilii hoc est: mea hec 
est sententia, opinio, meus sensus, me- 
um judicium: ita censeo: ita mihi 
videtur, placet; probatur: si me au- 
dies, hoc facies: si meum consilium 
sequeris, mea tibi sententia si probatur, 
me approbante facies, de mea senten- 
tia, meo consilio, meo suasu, me au- 
ctore: si me putas quidquam sapere, 

_ hon esse pfrorsus, insipientem, aliquid 

videre : si meum consilium habet ali- 
quid apud te ponderis, hoc facies, ages, 
aggredieris, suscipies, faciendum tibi 

Some other phrases for, Advice, to 
Advise, or, give Advice, &c. 

Whereas you ApvisE me . to— ; 
quod ’suades, ut—Cic. Some advised 
that— ; auctores quidam erant, ut— ; 
Curt. I advise you to; tibi sum 
auctor ut— ; Cic. What do you advise 
me to? or what advice do you give 
me? quid das consilii? Ter. He did 
it with good advice ; id bono consi- 
lio fecit; Cic. Advise ‘with him ; 
take advice of him; hunc cape con- 
siliis socium; Virg. ’Tis good advice; 
bene mones; Ter. admones; Pe- 
tron, Necessity forced me to give 
that advice; me egestas impulit, ut 
id consulerem ; Ter. He. advised 
that the prisoners should not be sent 
back; captivos reddendos non cen- 
suit; Cic. Whether he did it ad- 
visedly, or turned necessity into 
advice, may be doubted ;  consulto 
ne id egerit, an errorem in consilium 
verteret, dubium ; Flor. In one thing 
he was not so very well.advised ; in 
una re paulo minus consideratus fuit ; 
Cic. If you ask my advice ; si me 
consulas; Plaut. They sent for the 
augurs to advise for, for their. ad- — 
vice] about that matter ; ad eam-rem 

28 AF 

consultandam augures [ex Hetruria] 
acciverant; Liv. He desired a night’s 
time to advise [or take advice in] 
what to do; noctem sibi ad deliberan- 
dum postulavit; Cic. I will not ad- 
vise you at all; nihil ego tibi consilii 
hodie quicquam dabo; Plaut, Jt is 
no ill advice they give; non male 
precipiunt ; Cic. J will take his ad- 
vice; be advised by him; is, quod 
mihi dederit consilium, id sequar ; 
Ter. To ask advice, or consult ; ali- 
cujus consilium exquirere ; consulere 
quem; percontari, sciscitari, querere, 
aliquem, vel, ab aliquo; interrogare 
quem; tentare sententiam alicujus ; 
deferre sententiam ad aliquem. 

AFFABILITY, or ArrasLeness ; 
affabilitas, comitas, < 

ArraBte ; affabilis, comis, blandus, 
summa humanitate preditus. 

ArraBty ; affabiliter, comiter. 

ArraBLe, and courteous, or gra- 
cious, Viz. in speaking’, or carriage and 
behavior. Blande, comiter, benigne, 
humaniter, perhumaniter, hunianissime 
omnes appellare ; gerere se, cuique of- 
ferre, prebere se. Comitate summa, 
affabilitate sermonis, oratione benigna 
uti, In omni sermone omnibus jucun- 
dus, blandus, benignus, comis, facilis, 
suavis, humanus. Vir summe huma- 
nitatis, quo nemo commodior est ad 
omnem rationem humanitatis ; ex ho- 
minum omnium genere humanissimus ; 
genuina quadam dulcedine conditus, 
perfusus; ipsis Gratiis natus ; quicum 
consuetudinem jucundam, haud mo- 
lestam habeas, agas. Facile omnes per- 
ferre ac pati cum quibus erat, &c. Ter. 
And. 1.1, Nihil in eo fellis, amaritudi- 
nis; nihil morosum, tetricum, auste- 
rum, truculentum ; sed lenissima_ be- 
nignissimaque omnia. Homo commo- 
dissimis, suavissimis, mitissimisque mo- 
ribus; aditu et congressu, alloquio, 
colloquio facillimus, blandissimus, fa- 
cilitate, comitate par infimis, Expo- 
situs, familiarisomnibus. Visu facilis, 
dictuque affabilis. 

An AFFAIR, res, negotium. 

Arratrs, or business ; res, negotia, 
commercia, cure ; res agend, 

Urgent Arvairs ; necessitates, 

To handle Arrains ; res gerere, ne- 
gotia tractare. In great and weighty 
affairs, howerer the matter fall out, 
the very attempt is praiseworthy ; qui 
facinus egregium aggrediuntur, iis, eti- 


amsi non succedat, aus tamen aliqua 
debetur : qui ad res preclaras animum 
adjiciunt, animum adjungunt, sese ap- 
plicant, sua studia conferunt, praclaris — 
in rebus suam industriam exercent, 

operam ponunt, ii, vel si spem fortuna ‘ 

frustretur, fallat, vel si spei exitus non. 
respondeat, ut id quod velint, minus 
assequantur, ut quo spectant minime 
perveniant, onmi tamen excludendi 
laude non sunt, aliqua tamen eos orna- 
ri laude equum est : magna suscipien- 
tibus, ad res egregias, nobiles, precla- 
ras, eximias aggredientibus, vel si frus- 
tra labor suscipiatur, inanis opera sit, 
non plane feliciter, non prospere, non 

optime, non omnino ex animi sententia —— 

res cadat, habendus tamen honor est: 
preclara conantes, in secundis tertiis- 
que, si consequi prima non liceat, con- 
sistere laus est: qui ad summam glori- 
am sua vite cursum dirigunt, qui sum- 
ma petunt, ad summa contendunt, 
etiam si spe frustrantur, etiam si, quo 
intenderint non perveniant, etiam si 
metam non attingant,-est tamen cur 

-laudentur, non sunt omni prorsus laude 

summovendi, decus aliquod, mereedem 
voluntatis egregiz#, magni, prestantis, - 
excellentis, excelsi, erecti animi pra 
mium ferre debent. 

My Arvains had been in a better 
case, had you looked to them; res 
mea meliores essent, te defensore. Res 
mez bene ex sententia successissent, 
prospere cecidissent, nihil in rebus 
meis accidisset incommode, si tu eas 
gessisses, administrasses, tractasses, cu- 
Tasses, procurasses: si rebus meis pra- 
fuisses, operam dedisses, si rerum me- 
arum, fortunarum, cura penes te fuisset, 
ad te pervenisset : situa in rebus meis 
opera usus essem: si rationes mew te 
curatorem, procuratorem habuissent. 

AIFECTION ; affectus, us; studi- 
um, animus, voluntas; amor, deside- 
ruin; animi motio, permotio; mentis 
impetus, affectio. 

To Arrect, or love ; diligere, 

ArrecrionaTeE, or full of affection ; 
amore plenus, aflectum spirans. 

Arrecrep ; affectus, animatus, 
bitus, part. , 

To move ArrecTion ; afficere, 

Maliciously ArructeD ; malignus, 
lividus, niger. 

To Arrecr or delight the hearer ; 
animos auditorum sibi conciliare ; au- 
ditores benevolos facere, etlicere, red- 

ha- - 



le inn I 


Bee AF 

dere ; corum mentes qui audiant in- 
flammare, aut inflammatos restinguere. 
Orationem ad sensus animorum admo- 
vere; mentes adstantium, verberum, 
orationis, gravitate, ‘et suavitate delini- 
re, permulcere ; &c.’ 

To more the Arrections by speak- 
ing ; oratione, dicendo in animis au- 
dientium igniculos excitare, aculeos 
relinquere ; animos, affectus hominum 
incendere, accendere, inflammare, ex- 
citare, agitare, commovere, permiscere, 
-  quocunque velis trahere, flectere, de- 
- ducere; lachrymas exprimere, extor- 
- _ -quere, voluntates auditorum impellere 
guo velis, unde velis deducere ; mentes 
_ allicere, sensus delinire, demulcere ; 

cere, permovere, perturbare, conci- 
tare auditores ; penetrare in animos, 
verborum faces admovere; peragrare 
per animos hominum, sensus mentes- 
que pertractare, ut non tam in aures 
verba infundere,- animis in- 
scribere videatur, Flexanimus. 

You seem to me not only to kindle 
Arrection in the judges, but you your- 

- self seem also to burn in affection; . 

tu, non solum incendere judices, sed 
ipse ardere mihi videris ; Cic. 

When their transactions are de- 
clared, how do they Arrxect our minds? 
How do they suspend our expectation? 

How do. they raise our AvFEctions 
with joy, or cool them with fear? quo 
modo, cum eorum facta commemoran- 
tur, animos nostros afficiunt ? Exspec- 
tation suspendunt? Pascunt gaudio, 
‘metu macerant? Cic. 
To bridle the Avrections ; cupidi- 
tates indomitas compescere ; affectio- 
“mes inordinatas frenare ; animum co- 
_ -hibere, vincere, 5 
- + To Arrect, or set ‘one’s mind or 
_ -APrrection upon; affectare. 
. To Arrzcr or fancy a person; mag- 
nopere aliquem diiigere; suum, vel 
‘summum, studium erga aliquem osten- 
_ dere; voluntatis inclinatione propen- 
_ dere in aliquem ; egregie charum ha- 
__» bere, valde probare. 
 » Well Arrecren; graciously dis- 
_ posed ; optime animains ; omnes colens 
- \irtutes ; optimis deditus studiis ; sum- 
“mz spei ; probus. , . 
_ . _ AFFINITY; affinitas, propinquitas. 
To have, or be in, affinity, alliance, or 
Kindred. Aliquem cognatione, affini- 
_ tate, necessitudine attingere. Maxi- 
‘als Vinculis et propinquitatis et affini- 


AF 29 

tatis conjunctus. Cognatione alicujus 
teneri, Eadem stirpe prognatus, ortus. 
Cognatione propinqua sanguinis jungi, 
conjungi. Consanguinitate propinquus, 
cum aliquo affinitate devinctus, Quos 
natura necessitudine conjunxit, Mul- 
um valet communio sanguinis, magna 
vis humanitatis, Consanguineil, cog- 
nati genere fiunt; affines conjugiis. 
Quam commune mihi genus, et patrue- 

lis origo junxit, 

To AFFIRM ; affirmare, asserere, 
asseverare ; testari,attestari; perhibere ; 
autumare, dicere ; annuere, astruere, 
defendere, constabilire, corroborare, 

To Arrirm before a judge ; testifi- 
cari ; jurejurando affirmare, 

To Arrinm peremptorily; constan- 
ter, certo, pro certo, affirmare, astruere. 
Omni, magna asseveratione, asseyeran- 
ter, ore pleno, affirmare, dicere, pro- 
nunciare. Facile, leviter, libenter, ag- 
noscere ; palam, ingenue, sine ulla 
circuitione affirmare, profiteri ; -omni 
asseveratione, et verbis conceptissimis 

He Arrinms those things too pe- 
remptorily ; nimium dictatorie et pror- 
sus arroganter ista pronunciat. 

The one Arrirnms, the other denies 
it; unus ait alter negat. 

And yet whatever he Arrirs, they 
conclude, and stoutly defend; quex- 
cunque tamen is asseverat, illistatuunt, 
et mordicus~defendunt. All men ai- 
firm it; hac de re, in re omnes unum 
atque idem sentiunt ; omnes, omnes 
omnium sententiz, opiniones, judicia 
omnia congruunt,; cenveniunt ; similia 
omnes volunt, dicunt ;. unus fere sen- 
sus, consensio singularis omnium: in 
summa hujus negotii omnes conspirant. 
Omnes una mente et voce, uno ore 
consentiunt. Omnium assensu, testi- 
monio.confessum, comprobatum est. 
Nullus omnium est qui hac in re dis- 
sentiat, qui non idem et sentiat et 
dicat.. Adstruunt hoc idem, ad unum 

‘omnes, idque efficacibus argumentis, _ 

That thing is Av¥irmeEp openly and 
every where; id apud omnes palam 
et ubique testatum est. 

AFFIRMATIVE ; affirmativus; affir- 
mans, The proof lies upon the afiirma- 

‘tive ; .affirmanti incumbit probatio. 

To AFFLICT ; affligere, affiictare, 
infestare ; perturbare, molestia afficere ; 
cruciare, excruciare, vexare ; insectari ; 
exagitare, persequi, premere, opprimere. 

30 AF 

I am so Arruicrep as never any 
man was; ita sum afflictus, ut nemo 
unquam ; Cic, 

Arruictep and troubled in mind, 
and conscience ; anxius, sollicitus, la- 
bes habens in animo; angoribus im- 
plicatus ; peccatorum conscientia vex- 
atus ; rebus adversis exercitus, inqui- 
etus. . 

Arr.icrions, or troubles, &c. ; afflic- 
tiones, calamitates ; res adverse, gra- 
vissimi casus; acerbitates, perpessio- 
nes acerbe; asperitas rerum ; incom- 
moda’; miseriz. 

Arriictep, wretched, &c. ; afflictus, 
miser, calamitosus ; in magnas calum- 
nias adductus ; curis maceratus, erum- 
nosus ; adversis casibus exercitatus, 

To Arriior oneself; macerare se- 
ipsum ; vel, macerari, curis et crucia- 
tibus seipsum torquere. 

Do not sink under Arriiction; tu 
ne cede malis, If you lie under any 
affliction ; si te dolor aliquis pervellerit, 

To AFFORD ; or to yield or give 
unto ; reddere, retribuere, ministrare, 

To Arrorxp help or assistance ; 
opem, vel auxilium, subministrare, sup- 
peditare, suggerere, prabere, dare, pro- 
ferre, tradere, porrigere. ; 

_ To Arrorp in selling ; vendere: as, 
I cannot afford it at so little a price ; 
non possum tantulo vendere. I cannot 
afford it cheaper; non pote minoris. 

-I cannot Arrorp to live so. luxuri- 
ously ; res mihi non suppetit ad tan- 
tum luxum. 

To AFFRONT ; exprobrare ; pro- 
bris et contumeliis afficere, lacessere. 

To make AFRAID ; terrere, perter- 
rere, terrefacere, perterrefacere ; terri- 
tare, terrificare, horrificare ; deterrere, 
expavefacere ; consternare ; perturbare, 

To be Arrat ; pavescere, expaves- 

To make half Arrarp ; subterrere. 

To be somewhat Arratp ; subti- 
mere, subtimescere, 

Arran ; territus, perterritus, ter- 
refactus, perterrefactus, expavefactus, 
deterritus, exterritus, veritus, pertrepi- 
dus ; languens, viz, pro timore: ter- 
rore perculsus ; metu exanimatus; in 
timorem conjectus ; trepidatione exal- 
bescens; consternatus, exhorrescens, 
timidus, tremebundus. Somewhat 

_ afraid; trepidulus, 


To be Arradrp; timere, metuere, 
formidare, reformidare, pertimescere, 
horrere, cohorrere, perhorrescere, tre- 
mere, pavere, expavescere, trepidare, 
contremiscere, pavescere; ' horrescere, 
cohorrescere, extimescere, terreri, per- 
terreri, vehementerconturbari. Magno, 
gravi, eximio, ingenti metu, pavore, 
timore, terrore, formidine angi, affligi, 
vexari, affici, confici, perturbari, 
frangi, opprimi, torqueri, discruciari, 
debilitari, percelli, exanimari, sollici- 
tari, concuti, consternari. 
perfundi. Tota mente, omnibus, totis 
artubus contremiscere. Maximo in me- 
tu esse, versari. Terrore injecto exal- 
bescere, expavescere, exhorrescere. 

Tam very much Arratp ; tremo, hor- 
reo totus, Pra metu ubi sim nescio ; 
vix apud me sum: pecture non con- 
sisto.- Animus timore obstu it, 
Concutit ossa tremor, Obstupuere 
animi gelidusque per ima cucurrit ossa 
pidat formidine pectus, 

To be Arratp before the harm; pre- 
timere, preformidare. - 

Iam Arraip I cannot ; vereor, ut 
possum ; Cic. ‘ 

To be Arran of nothing ; nihil ex- 
timescere ; Cic. He is no less afraid 

than any of you ; non minus quam ves- © 

trum quivis formidat; Plaut. Are 
afraid that? num dubitas id 
facere? Cic. Cat. 
say ; religio est dicere; Ter. To make 
afraid by telling of the danger; de- 
nunciatione periculi terrere ; Cic, See 
how far I am from being afraid ; 
vide quam non reformidem; Cic. You 
are afraid it should not be of any long 
continuance ; ne non diuturnum sit fu- 
turum, times; Cic. JI am afraid he 
will not be able to stand by him ; ‘me- 
tuo, ut substet; Ter. 

To be Arratp for another ; alicvi 
timere, metuere, formidare. Anxium 

et solicitum esse ob alterius vicem. 

Anxio et solicito esse animo alterius 
causa. Pro amicissimo capite timere. 
To be afraid of every thing; omnes 
umbras horrere. Quicquid increpuit, 
extimescere. Vel umbram suam me- 
tuere. Omnia mota vento folia per- 
timescere, reformidare. Ad omnem 
strepitum expavescere. 
trepidus, pavidus, timidus, formide- 
losus. \ 
Arrricut ; see Fright. 

Horrore - 

Mihi fit timor, et pavida tre-_ 

I am afraid to 





Meticulosus, ~ 


AFTER, coming before a noun, 
which is not the nominative case to a 
verh, is rendered by one of these pre- 

‘positions, viz. a, ab, ex, post, sub. : 

As, After breakfast; a jentaculo; 
Plaut. Long after the war; longe 
a temporibus belli. Presently after the 
funeral ; statim a funere; Suet. He 
was a little after their time; recens 

ab illorum ztate fuit ; Cic. Nor indeed 

did I go away any where after that 
day ; nec vero usquam discedebam, ex 
eo die; Cic. After his death ; post 
ejus mortem; Cic. Presently after 
that letter, yours was read ; sub eas 

' (scil, literas) statim recitate sunt tue, 

I am to be out of town after the 
Ides of January; futurus sum extra 
urbem, ex Idibus Januarii; Cic. The 
same things will come to pass after 
me which have been before me ; eadem 
erunt hec, post me, que ante me fue- 
runt; Sen. 

Note; If place of dignity or office 
be expressed, then ex or post is to be 
used: as, 

Cotta, presently Arter his consul- 
ship, went into Gaul ; Cotta, statim 
ex consulatu, profectus est in Gall?am ; 
Cic. He was dead nine years after 
my consulship ; mortuus erat novem 
annis post meum consulatum ; Cic. 

But if the noun be properly or pri- 
mitively personal, there post is to be 

_ used, not ex: as, 

Callicratides was admiral of the 
navy next Arter Lysander; Callicra- 
tides, prafectus classis proximus post 
Lysandrum fuit; Cic. That office of 
magistracy was first instituted many 
years after the Decemviri ; magistra- 
tus ille multis annis post Decemviros 
erat institutus ; Cic. 

Arter, before a nominative case 
and its verb, is rendered by postquam, 
posteaquam, ubi, cum, and ut: as; 

Arter I showed them your man- 
mers ; postquam iis mores ostendi tuos; 
Ter. After I was gone in; postea 
quam introii; Ter. After he was come, 
he went to the consul; ubi is venit, 
consulem adiit; Liv. After we were 
set down ; cum consedissemus. After 
I departed from you ; ut abii abs te; 
Ter.—and in this construction, after 
may have that together with it: as, 
After that he had heard the cock crow; 
mbi gallicantum audiverat. After that 
he had saluted me, he immediately went 

’ Brundusio solverat ; 

AF 31 

to Rome; ut heri me salutavit, statim 
Romam profectus est; Cic. 

Sometimes also it is rendered by an 
ablative case absolute : as, 

Arter that the kings were driven 
out of the city; pulsis ex urbe regi- 
bus; Flor. After that many embas- 
sies had been sent in vain from both par- 
ties; multis legationibus nequicquam 
ultro citroque de pace missis; Liv. 

Arter, following a noun of time, is 
rendered by the adverb post, and quam, 
if a verb follow it : as, * alg 

A few days Arter he fortified his 
camp ; paucis post diebus castra com- 
munivit ; Liv. Hannibal, the third day 
after he came thither, drew out his 
forces for a battle ; Hannibal, tertio 
post die, quam venit, copias in aciem 
eduxit; Liv. An hour after they con- 
demned Gabinius ; hora post Gabini- 
um condemnaverunt ;Cic. Five days 
after you have gathered them; quinto 
die quam sustuleris; Colum.—thither 
also refer, tanto post; aliquanto post; 
paulo post; haud ita multo post; 
longo post tempore. The next three 
days after he was born ; triduo proxi- 
mo quam sit genitus, The third year 
after Cato had been censor; tertio 
anno quam Cato censor fuerat ; Ma- 
crob. After forty days that we had 
come thither, we gained the city ; post 
dies quadraginta, quam eo ventum est, 
oppido potiti sumus; Sal. The fourth 
day after that we had come to Britain ; 
post diem quartum. quam est in Bri- 
tanniam ventum ; Ces. The next day 
after that he came to the legions ; post- 
tidie quam ad legiones venit; Suet. 
The next day after that he had set sail 
from Brundusium ; rome die quam a 


Note; After ts not rendered by 
quam but when a verb follows it, 
which in the English has, or may have, 
that before it; and. where quam is 
used, tt is put for postquam: as, 
The fifth day Arter they had received 
answer from the senate; quinto die 
quam a senatu responsum accepissent ; 
Liv. Seven years after hé had been 
consul ; septem -annis postquam con- 
sul fuisset ; Cic. aS, 

Arter, following a verb, is often 
part of the signification of that verb, 
and is included wm the Latin verb it- 
self: as, 

For there the man gapes Artsr 

32 AF 

your inheritance like a hungry wolf ; 
nam illic homo tuam hereditatem in- 
hiat, quasi lupus esuriens ; Plaut, Sic; 
They gape after my goods; bona mea 
inhiant; Plaut. He looks not after 
any thing to find fault with it ; non 
inquirit quod reprehendat ; Cic. (Se- 
meca also has gazis inbians, in 
Her. Fur.) 

Arrer, when it signifies according 
to, especially if it have after it any of 
these words, manner, sort, fashion, &e. 
is rendered by ad, de, in, or an abla- 
tive case of the manner, without a pre- 
position: as, Make it after the same 
manner, that— ; ad eundem modum fa- 
cito, qui—; He calls him after his own 
name; suo nomine; Virg. 
After the fashion of a garden; in mo- 
rem horti; Colum, After my own 
manner ; meo modo; Plaut. He rais- 
ed money after Pompey’s manner ; 
descripsit pecuniam ad Pompeii ratio- 
nem; Cic. For she had hung her 
light hunting-bow upon her shoulders 
after the usual fashion ; namque hume- 
ris, de more, habilem suspenderat ar- 
cum; Virg. When we had plentifully 
feasted after the Salian manner ; cum 
opipare epulati essemus Saliarem in 
modum; Cic. Inthe mean time suf- 
fer me to live after my own custom ; 
sine nunc meo me vivere interea modo; 
Ter. After or according to my ancient 
way of pleading ; meo centers more 
dicendi ; Cic. 

Arrer, referring to proximity of . 

degree, order, or succession, is ren- 
dered by. juxta, proxime, secundum, 
and sub: as, — 

Nigidius is a man, as I think, the 
most learned next after Varro himself ; 
Nigidius homo, ut ego arbitror, juxta 
Varronem doctissimus ; Gell. He. is 
the wisest of men, who readily appre- 
hends what is needful to be done ; and 
he comes next after him, who accom- 
modates himself to the good invention 
of another ; sapientissimus est, cui 
quod opus sit, ipsi in- mentem veniat, 
proxime accedit, qui alterius bene tins 
* ventis se temperat ; Cic. Neat after 
converse with you, there is nothing 
more esteemed by me than solitude 
itself; secundum te, nihil est mihi 
anicitius solitudine ; Cic. After that 
the horse had done fighting, then the 
foot began to fight ; sub equestris fi- 


‘nem certaninis, coorta est pugna pedi- 
tum; Liv. Next after God it is ‘in 
your ‘power ; juxta Deos in tua manu 
est; Tac. Newt after these they are 
dear who follow your studies ; proxime 
hos chari, qui studiorum tuorum sunt 
emuli ; Cic. Next after his brother 
he attributed most to them; quibus 
ille secundum. fratrem plurimum ‘tri- 
buebat; Cic. Your letters were read 
presently after those; sub eas [literas| 
statim recitate sunt tue; Cic.- He 
was a little after his time ; erat paulo 
ewtate posterior ; Cic. The next day 
after he had killed him; proximo die 
quo eum interemerat, It was not long 
after ; haud ita multum interim tem- 
poris fuit; Liv. In the mean while, 
and that but a little while after he 
came ; interim neque ita longo inter- 
vallo ille. venit; Cic. To think on 
one thing after another; aliam rem ex 
alia cogitare; Ter. One after another, 
i, e. in order; ex ordine; Cic, They 
were after their time ; inferiores erant 
quam illorum atas; Cic. An hour 
after ; interposito unius hore spatio ; 
Colum. To wait day after day; di- 
em de die exspectare,; Cic. A little af- 
ter; brevi post tempore; postea ali- 
quanto ; Cic. He staid there the next 
day after; ibi diem posterum commo- 
ratus est; Cic. Then he walked on 
the shore, after that into the bath; 

inde ambulavit in littore, posthac in 
balneum ; Cic. 

We put off the discourse till ArreR- 
WARDS ; in posterum distulimus. ser- 
monem; Cic. To have a foresight 
of what will follow afterwards ; in pos- 
terum prospicere ; Cic. We will con- 
sider of these things afterwards; pos- 
terius ista videbimus ; Cie. They will 
have cause to rejoice afterwards ; fiet, 
ut postmodo gaudeant; Liv. Some 
while after ; interjecto deinde tempore, 

Arter is sometimes put for after- 
wards ; after that time, or from thence- 
for ward's and then it is rendered by | 
exinde or postea: as, I saw her-but — 
once, and I never saw her afterwards ; 
illam ut primum vidi, nunquam vidi 
postea; Plaut.—and sometimes also 
by post: as, At first indeed of my 
own accord, but afterwards by your 
intimation, I thought fit to send—; ut 
initio mea sponte, post ‘autem invitatu 
tuo, mittendum duxerim— ; Cic,—and 


dice A Sere BE cote ae LS 
fa ‘. _— 7 — 


sometimes also by posterius ; as, Vos 
ptiores esse oportet, nos posterius di- 
cere; ye are to speak first, and we 
afterwards. , 
Arter, being an adjective, is ren- 
dered by posterior, inferior: as, Aitate 

posterior ; vel, inferior, &c. vide supra. 

After, i. e. behind, ~is rendered by 
pone, a tergo; vel, post tergum; and 
so post templum. 
One Arter another; alternus, al- 
ternatim, invicem, ex ordine. 
AFTERNOON ; post meridiem. ~ 
The ArterNoon ; tempus pomeri- 
dianum vel postmeridianum. 
Arrerr the same sort as ; quemad- 


AGAIN ; iterum, denuo, rursus, rur- 
sum, de integro, ex integro, ab integro, 
iterato, secundo. 

As if the commons were Acain to 

_ be called to the Aventine hill; ut rur- 

sus plebs in Aventinum se-vocanda 
videatur ; Cic. I seem to myself to 
be born again, because I have found 
thee ; iterum milii recens videor natus, 
quod te reperi; Plaut. Plays not 
worth reading over again; fabulz. 
non satis dignz, que iterum legantur ; 
Cic. When they had lifted up them- 
selves again ; rursus extulissent ; 

_ Flor. A little after he went in again ; 

laud multo post recepit se intro de- 
nuo; Ter. To fall sick again; de in- 
tegro incidere in morbum ; Cic. 

Acain sometimes signifies the same 
as back; viz. after verbs signify- 
ing, to come, call, fetch, bring, &c. 
And it is mostly implied in the verb 
compounded with re: as, He wrote 
to me again; is ad me rescripsit. I 
come again to what_I wrote in the be- 

ginning ; redeo ad illud quod initio 

scripsi; Cic. I do not require again 

those things that were by violence taken C 

from me; que per vim erepta mihi 
sunt, non repeto; Cic. Ye are they 
who chiefly called me back again ; vos 
estis, qui maxime me repetistis, atque 
revocastis ; Cic. 

Note ; The use of Acatn in Eng- 
lish, and of iterum in Latin, for, 
the second time, is elegant: as, I 
named him again, and the third time ; 
iterum, ac tertio nominavi; Cie. He 
was twice preserved by me, once alone 
and apart, but again with all of them; 

AG 33 
- AGAIN sometimes is put for here- 
after ; and then it is rendered by post, 
posthac, or, postea: as, Care is to be 
taken that such a thing should never 
happen again hereafter ; id ne unquam 
posthac accidere possit, providendum 
est; Cic. If ever I find you again in 
this street ; siin platea hac te offen- 
dero post unquam; Ter. If ever he 
do so again; si unquam posthac ; Cic. 
Whom I had never seen before, nor 
should ever see again; quem ego nun- 
quam ante videram, nec eram postea 
visurus ; Liv. 
Acatn sometimes notes doing a 
thing by course, and in a4 way of cor- 
respondency to some other thing that is 

done, and then is rendered by contra, 

invicem, and vicissim ; also by mutuus 
and mutue: as, If she shall commend 
his beauty, do you again commend hers ; 
si laudabit hec illius formam, tu hujus 
contra; Cic. Now you have the affairs 
of the city, do you again write what 
is done in the country ; habes res ur- 
banas ; invicem rusticas scribe; Plin. 
What is just, is honest ; and again, 
what is honest, is just ; quod justum 
est, honestum est; vicissimque quod 
honestum est, justum est ; Cic. Your 
love to me again; tuus erga me mu-_ 
tuus amor; Cic. But I knéw what 
he meant; and again, he perceived 
what I thought; sic et ego quid ille, 
et contra, ille, quid ego sentirem, vide- 
bat; Cic. At last, let Italy have a 
little rest, which has been so long in 
trouble ; and let Africa again be de- 
stroyed by fire and sword ; requiescat 
aliquando tamdiu vexata Italia; uratur, 
vasteturque invicem Africa; Liv. Ye 
are scoffed at by him, and again, ye 
yourselves mock him ; vos ab illo irri- 
demini, et ipsi illum vicissim eluditis ; 

AGAIN AND AGAIN is rendered by 
iterum or etiam repeated with a con- - 
junction: as,-I beseech you again and 
again ; te etiam atque etiam rogo ; Cic. 
So in Virg. predicam, et repetens 
iterumque iterumque monebo; fn. 3. 
It thunders again and again; iterum 
atque iterum fragor intonat ingens ; 
Virg. Consider again and again ; etiam 
atque etiam cogita; Ter. 

Some other phrases. 

As big again ; altero tanto major; 

bis a me servatus est, separatim semel,.Cic. If ever he offend again; noxam 

iterum, cum universis, 

si aliam unquam admiserit ullam ; Ter. 

84 AG 

I entreat you again and again ; iterum 
et sepius te rogo; Cic. We must 
take heed, that we say not over again, 
what we have said once before; ca- 
vendum est, ne id, quod semel supra 
diximus, deinceps dicamus; Cic. He 
so cast what was left out of the cup, 
that it sounded again; reliquum sic 
€ poculo ejecit, resonaret; Cic. 
IT will be here again instantly ; jam hic 
adero; Ter. You may quiet your mind 
again, for nobody follows or pursues 
you ; mentem jam tuam rursum sedare 
facile potes ; nemo namque te insequi- 
tur aut impellit, 

To be AGainst ; obsistere, obluctari, 
obstare, reniti, oppugnare, impugnare, 
contra stare; adversari, resistere, re- 
pugnare ; alienari, abhorrere, asper- 

To be dashed one Acatnst another ; 
collidi, . 

Striving Acatnst ; obluctans, ob- 
Juctatus, obstans, impugnans, oppug- 

Acatnst, or contrary to ; adversus, 
adversum, contra, in, cum accus. pre- 
ter, et.ob, scil, in compos. Item a, ad, 
ante, dum, &c. For the particle 
against, referring to something to be 
done by, or at some set future time ex- 
pressed, is rendered by in, with an 
accusative case: as, Against the even- 
img ; in yesperum ; against to-morrow 
or the next day ; in crastinum ; Plaut. 
He invited him to supper against. the 
next day ; ad ceenam eum invitavit in 
posterum diem; Cic. He prepared a 
purifying sacrifice against the neat 
day ; sacrificium lustrale in diem pos- 
terum paravit ; Liv. 

But if only a verb with its nomina- 
tive case, and not any noun of time, be 
expressed after it, then AGatnst is 
rendered by dum, with a verb: as, 

They made ready the present 
Acainst he came; interea parabant 
munus suum, dum veniret. 

Acatnst, joined with over, has 
reference to the opposite position of 
some thing, person, or place; and is 
rendered by ex adverso, or e regione : 
as, That house was straight over- 
against the other; erat hec domus 
huic plane ex adverso; Ter. The 
moon when it is just over-against, or 
opposite to, the sun, is eclipsed; luna, 

cum est e regione solis, deficit; Cic.. 

Over-against that place ; ex adverso 

ei loco; Ter. Over-against one of 
those bridges ; e regione unius eorum 
pontium ; Ces. ‘ 

Acatnst, implying something done’ 

or said to the offence, damage, or preju- 
dice, of another, is rendered by adver- 
sus, adversum, and in, with an accus.: 
as, This was the end of the civil wars ; 
the rest against foreign nations. Hic 

finis armorum civilium ; reliqua adver-. 

sus exteras gentes; Flor. He used to 
arm others against himself ; adversum 
se, alios armare solebat; Cic. That 
was spoken by Plato against the philo- 
sophers; id, apud Platonem, est in 
philosophos dictum; Cic. Money ga- 
thered up against the commonwealth ; 
pecuniz conciliate adversus rempubli- 
cam; Cic. Should I speak or plead 
against him? Adversum ne_ illum 
causam dicerem—? Ter. He thought 
té spoken somewhat harshly against 
him ; dictum in se inclementius existi- 
mavit. In this sense also, for against, 

' Cicero uses contra: as, Contra nos; 
against us ; pro Quint, 

Acatnst, signifying contrary to, is 
rendered by adyersus, and contra, also 
by preter sometimes ; viz. when there 
comes after it, mind, thought, will, 
law, manner, custom, right, just, good, 
and the like: as, 

i wiii not strive AGarnsT you; non 
contendam ego adversus te; Cic, It 
was against his mind it fell out so; 
preter voluntatem, cogitationemque, 
accidit; Cic. He strives against the 
stream ; contra torrentem brachia diri- 
git; Juv. - 

When contrary to the will, nature, 

§c. of the agent is expressed, then, for 

Acatnst, invitus, and invite, are ele- 
gantly used: as, A wise man doth 
nothing against his will; sapiens nihil 
facit invitus ; Cic. Do nothing against 
your nature ; nihil facias invita miner- 
va; Hor. 

Acatinst, importing to refuse, op~ 
-pose, or hinder, is made Latin by a 
word or phrase of like import: as, I 
am against it ; animus abhorreta [ab]. 
It may very easily be done, if the se- 

nate be not against it ; facillimum fac-— 

tu sit, non aspernante senatu ; Cic, 
Acarnst, denoting defence or pre- 
servation, is rendered by a, ad, adver- 
sus, and contra: as, I defend the 
myrtles against the cold; defendo a 
frigore myrtos; Virg. We may be 



guarded against strangers ; tecti esse 
__adalienos possumus— ; Cic. I defend- 
| ed myself by arms against him; me 
- _ armis adversus eum defendi; Liv, None 
___ stood more firmly to the senate against 
4 the wretched commons ; nemo, contra 
perditos cives, a senatu stetit constan- 
ius; Cic. - 
Acaryst, after a ert of motion, 
| is made Latin by ad, or in: as, Lest 
_ thou dash thy foot against a stone; ne 
offendas ad lapidem pedem tuum. The 


 iiliduntar in littus ; Quint. 

a Some other phrases. 
jo It will not be Acatwst your duty to 
| do either of them; utrum vis salvo of- 
_ ficio facere potes; Cic. You have 
— nought to say against her ; cui tu nihil 
| dicas vitii; Ter. If he offends in any 
thing, it is against me ; si quid peccat, 
mihi peccat ; Ter. They run their 
heads one against another; adversis 
concurrunt frontibus ; Martial. They 
are so very much against a republic, 
that— ; ita a republica sunt adversi, 
ut—;Cic. Be sure you get it done 
against this night; ante istam vespe- 
ram opus expeditum approbato ; Ap- 
pul. Against nature ; invita minerva ; 
adversante natura; Cic. To sail con- 
trary to, or against, the course of the 
river ; adversus flumen navigare ; Plaut. 
Their practices are quite contrary to, 
or against you; adversa vobis urgent 
vestigia; Cic. He is too severe not 
only ,against equity, but also against 
the law and custom of the city; pre- 
, ter morem atque legem civium, nimi- 
um ipse durus est, preter equumque 
et bonim; Ter. But if they have 
done any ‘thing against civility; si 
quid contra morem consuetudinemque 
civilem fecerint; Cic. Against all 
right and reason; contra jus fasque ; 
 Cic, To contrive any thing against 
_ the pleasure of Heaven ; Deo adverso 
aliquid comminisci, moliri, We have 
_ been hitherto in a season extremely 
against ws; ita adversa_usque tempes- 
| tate usi sumus; Ter. He did as much 
indo as he could by words against your repu- 
tation ; verbis, inhumaniter, ab illo 
____impugnata est dignitas tua; acerba 
| nimis, adversus tuam dignitatem, ejus 
fait oratio: imhoneste admodum de te 
locutus est: et in te sic, ut acerbius 
aut inhonestius non potuerit. He mar- 
ried Apreeninst his will; ille invitus il- 

7 billows beat against the shore ; fluctus” 

AG 35 

lam duxerat ; Ter. [took the city of Ca- 
pua against my will ; invite, cepi Ca- 
puam. It was indeed against my will, 
that I removed Flaminius from the 
senate ; invitas ‘quidem feci, ut Fla- 
minium e senatu ejicerem; Cic. Af 
Jirst, his colleague was not against him, 
but afterwards he also assisted him im 
it ; prime, non ‘adversante, post etiam 
adjuvante collega ejus; Cic. Ye, ye 
I say, yourselves, and a full senate, or 
the senate often was against it ; vos, 
vos, inquam, ipsi, et frequens senatus 
restitit; Cic.” Unless the seniors or. 
elders had been agaiust it; nisi seni- 
ores obstitissent; Curt. J am not any 
way against it, but that—; non recuso, 
nihil impedio, quo minus—; Cic. Iam 
not against his opinion; ejus opinioni 
non repugno ; Cic. That they might 
be the more safe and secure against 
the assault of their neighbors; ut 
tutiores, a finitimorum impetu, essent ; 
Liv. Jt may be very well thought 
strange, what kinds of herbs have 
been observed by physicians for reme- 
dies against the bitings of beasts, 
against the diseases of the eyes, and 
against wounds, §c.; mirari licet, que 
sint animadversa, a medicis, herbaram 
genera, ad morsus bestiarum, ad oculo- 
tum morbos, ad vulnera, &c.; Cic. I 
know that you use to defend me 
against my unreasonable adversaries ; 
scio me a te contra iniquos meos solere 
defendi; Cic. To set up ladders 
against the walls; erigere scalas ad 
menia, aut ad muros; Liv. To run 
blindfold, as it were, or hood-winked, 
against one ; incurrere in aliquem c#co 
impetu; Cic. The sea doth beat its 
waves against the rocks; pontus in 
scopulos undas erigit; Lucan. ~ To 
dash one’s foot against a stumbling- 

block in the way; offendere ad _stipi- 

tem; Colum. The ship was broken 
against the rocks; puppis offendit in 
scopulos ; Ovid, 

An AGE; etas; seculum ; evum, 

To be Acep; consenescere; .&c. 
vide To be old. 

Old Ace; or great age; seneeta, 
senium, senectus ; grandevitas, longe- 
vitas ; etas ingravescens ; percursa et 
exacta etas; annorum multorum cur- 
riculum ; terminus vite. 

Aczp, or stricken in years ; zxtate 
provectus ; annis quam plurimis affec- 

36 AG 

‘tus; natu grandis; tristis ac decrepi- 
tus senex ; annis ac-pannis obsitus ; 
qui multos annos attigit ; grandevus, 
grandiusculus, maturus. 

Infancy, or the Acx until seven 

years; infantia ; an infant, or one of 
that age ; infans. 
Childhood ; or the AGE froin seven 

to fourteen ; pueritia ; a boy, or one~ 

of that age: puer. 

Youth ; or the Act from fourteen to 
twenty-eight ; adolescentia; a youth, 
or one of thut age ; adolescens. 

Manhood; or the Ace from twenty- 
eight to fifty ; juventus ; etas virilis vel 
constans, A young man of that age ; 

The Ace from fifty to seventy ; gra- 
vitas. An elderly man of that age; 

The Ace from seventy to death ; se- 
nectus, senecta. An old man, er one 
of that age ; senex. 

Extreme old Ace, or the end of this 
age; senium, etas decrepita, evitas, 
A very old man, or one of that age: 
senex decrepitus, 

Of or belonging to old AcE ; senilis. 

The Ace of fourteen in man, and 
twelve in women ; ubertas, ephebia ; 
one of that age ; ephebus, ners vel 
puber-&ris ; adject. 

Non-Acx, under-AcKE, or tender 
Ace ; tatula, minoritas, parvitas, 

An Acer, or term of one hundred 
years ; seculum, seclum, evum, etas. 
Full grown in age; adultus. In the 
flower of his age ; integra etate. Of 
the same age, or time; coevus, cox- 
taneus, contemporaneus, equevus, 
equalis. Equals, or those of the same 
age; cowvi, coetanei. Ejusdem eta- 
tis ; wtate, annis, pares, wquales ; 
quibus parilis est ztas. Sub eodem 
astro, sidere, nati, Eadem etate.— 
/Etate ac viribus aqui—acta non alio 
rege pueritia, mutataque simul toga. 

He is of AcE; ex pueris excessit ; 
adultus est, adolevit, etatem habet, 

At sixteen years of Ack; annos 
natus sexdecim; Ter. When he is six- 
and-thirty years of age; ubi ztas ac- 
cessit ad annos triginta sex; Cato, 
He wrote itwhen he was fourscore and 
fourteen years of age; quarto et no- 
magesimo anno scripsit; Cic. Nor 
endeed could she for age; neque, per 
@tatem etiam poterat ; Ter. 

The best philosopher that this Acxr 
efords ; princeps bujus wxtatis philo- 


sophorum ; Cic. Jor s0 many ages; 
per tot secula ; Juv. As secon as ever 
he was of age; ubi primum adoleyit ; 
Salust. There is noé three days’ differ- 
ence between their age; triduum non 
inter eos est etatis ; Piaut. At this 
age ; hoc etatis ; Plaut. At that age ; 
tantus natu; Plaut. J know my own 
age; scio ego quid ztatis sim; Plant. 
He may for his age ; pertatem licet; 
Ter. Now inmy old age ; nunc exacta ; 
etate ; Ter. 

Worn out with AcE, sickness, and 
calamities of war ; confectus senio, 
morbo, bellorumque  calamitatibus. 
He bears his age well; or, he looks as 
young as if he were not thirty years 
old ; neque canities adest, neque ru- 
gosa cutis ;—vigent oculi, nitet utrin- 
que dentium series, color vividus est, 
corpus succulentum. When, I was a 
little lad about eight years “of age; 
puer cum essem ipse, natus octo plus 
minus annos; octennis puer. Being 
in has best, or in the prime of his age ; 
firmata jam &tate. 

Tell me truly of what Ace are you? 
dic, bona fide, quot annos, numeras? 
quotum) numeras etatis annum? J 
was then about such an age ; id fere 
wtatis, tunc forte fui. For his age, he 
might seem to be half a man and half 
a boy ;—poteratque puer, juvenisque 
videri. His age hath passed childhood ; 
ad maturitatem adolevit. Old age 
comes creeping on ; atas ingravescens, 
crepusculum vite, appropinquat. Se- 
nescunt sensim. sine sensu. Of one 
year’s age ; anniculus, hornus, horno- 
tinus. Of the first age ; primevus. 
The third age; trigonia. The state 
of an age, or time, whether it be ad- 
versity or prosperity ; scena. 

AGEDLY ; seniliter, vetuste. 

In this Acz ; hodie, nunc dierom, 
hisce diebus. 4 

Of full Ace ; in viros transeripti. 
Virilem sumpsit togam. Nuces reli- 
quit. In lubrico virentis etatule. In 
illo adolescentie lubrico, ut non ca- 
dant, titubant tamen. Ut quasi ad 
juvente florem pervenerit. 

Every Ace has its proper use and 
end appointed by God himself; ztas 
omnis a Deo proprium officiam habet, 
Ex Sen. in Thebaide ; Propria descri- 
bit Deus—Ofiicia, et evum per suon 
ducit gradus.—Latitia juvenem, frons 
decet tristis senem. 

Every Acs brings something sewibs 

‘Tare, aggravare. 


the world, and greatly contributes to 
the growth of knowledge and learn- 
ing ; ztas aliquid novi secum,appor- 
‘Seve atque ad scientiam maxime con- 

Ace seasons and tempers wisdom 
and experience; xtas sapientie con- 
dimentum est; Ter. in Adel. Nun- 

uam ita quisquam bene subducta ra- 

tione ad vitam fuit,—quin res, - tas, 

usus semper aliquid apportet novi :— 
aliquid moneat, ut illa, que te scire 
credas, nescias :—et que tibi putaris 
prima, in experiundo repudies. 

Ace fades and perishes as the rose ; 
ztas ut rosa perit; Auson. in Rosa. 
Collige, virgo, rosas, dum flos novus, 
_ et nova pubes,—Et memor esto zvum 
sic properare tuum. 

Ace is not-so much to be considered 
ina man, as his virtue; etas non in 
homine, sed virtus considertuda, * Cic. 
in Cat. Maj. Noncani, non rugz re- 

ente auctoritatem afferre possunt, sed 
onéste acta superior ztas fructus auc- 

|, + toritatis prebet extremos ; Id. in Phil, ; 

~_ virtutis quam tatis cursus celerior. 

Unto whom every Acr is trouble- 
some ; tas omnis quibus sit molesta. 
Cic. in Cat, Maj. Quibus enim nihil 
opis est in ipsis ad bene beateque vi- 
* vendum, iis omnis gravis est ztas: 
qui autem omnia bona a seipsis pe- 
tunt, iis nihil potest malum videri quod- 
nature necessitas afferat. 

To AGGRAVATE; orto make more 
than the matter is ; aggravare, exagge- 
rare, exasperare, accumulare. An ag- 
gravation, aggravating; exaggeratio, 
exasperatio, accumulatio. To aggra- 
vate ; i. e. to make a, cause more hei- 
nous ; oratione, dictis aliquid exagge- 
Rei indignitatem, 
peccati atrocitatem verbis amplificare, 
augere, Rem invidiosiorem et aci- 
diorem verbis facere. Rem parvam 
-verbis magnam facere ; invidia cumu- 
lare, onerare. Causam per se minime 
malam, acrimonia, acerbitate verborum 
pessimam reddere, Vituperando rem 

To Accravarte one’s faults; agera- 
vare aliquem ; Quint. ; vel, culpas ejus 
in crimina exaggerare. 

The disease is AGGRAVATED, or 

= grows heavy, or r worse 5 morbus ag- 


To AGITATE; agitare. 

To Acirars, or to revolve ae 

- non edisti? 

AG 37 

something in his mind ; agitare ali- 
quid mente, aut animo,. vel j in mente. 

To Acirate, or vex his mind with 
careful thoughts ; curis et cogitationi- 
bus anxiis animum agitare, 

To be AGITATED, i. e hurried, or 
vexed with Furies, injuries, §c.; Fu- 
nis, injuriis, &c. agitaris 

AGO; or before ibe time ; abhinc, 
‘Long ago; olim; pridem, jampridem, 
dadnons Wenidndats. A while ago; 
jamdudum. How long ago? quam 
dudum? Ter, quam pridem? But a 
while ago ; non ita pridem ; Cic. How 
long ago was that thing done? quam- 
diu id, sive quam dudum isthuc fac- 
tum est 2 Plaut. How long ago is it 
since you have eaten? quampridem 
At what time? about 
Jifteen years ago ; quo tempore ? annis 

abhinc quindecim ; Cic. vel, fere ab- 
hinc annos quindecim ; Ter. Some’ 
years ago; aliquot ante vannis ; Cic. 
So many years ago; tot annis lapsis, 
sempreteritis ; Cic. About eight hun-_ . 
dred years ago; ante annos fere oc- 
tingentos. Thirty days ago; abhinc 
triginta diebus. J told you long ago ; 
jamdudum dixi; Ter.. We ourselves 
have seen almost all those same things 
long ago; ipsi nos pridem vidimus 
eadem fere omnia; Plin. His opinion 
was long ago exploded; hujus jampri- 
dem explosa sententia est ; Cic. Itis 
but a little while ago since he died ; 
nuper est mortuus; Cic, Jé 28 not 
long ago since; haud sane diu est 
cum—; Plaut. You look fairer now 
than you did some time ago ; formosior 
videre quam dudum; Ter, J¢ is long 
ago since we drank; jamdiu factum 
est postquam bibimus ; Plant.» 

AGONY ; angor. 

Full of Acory; animum agens, 

To be full of Acony; extremis angi 

To be in Acony; i. e tobe vexed 
to the bottom of the heart ; intimis 
angi sensibus. 

To put one’s mind in AGony or vex- 
ation with ‘inconveniences ; . angere 
aliquem, vel animum alicujus, incom- 

To put himself in ‘Acoxy ; 3 hes jas 
vex himself in his mind ; angete se 
animi, vel animo; Ter. 

To have his Acony ; i. ¢. 
to be grieved concerning any thing ; ; 
angi animo, de aliqua re. 24 

38 AG 

To be in Acony for his losses, da- 
mages; or to be vexed for his own in- 
conveniences; incommodis angi suis ; 
Cic. To bein agony through desire ; 
i. e. vehemently to desire; angi desi- 
derio. .To be in agony with the ex- 
pectation of any thing ; angi exspec- 
tatione alicujus rei. . 4 

To AGREE; assentire, assentiri, 
astipulari, consentire ; annuere ; accli- 
nare, respondere,. favere, acquiescere, 
congruere. \ 

To be AcregaBie or accéptable 
to ; esse gratus, acceptus, jucundus. 

AGREEMENT or consent ; consensus, 
consensio, condictum ; concentus, con- 
centio ; unanimitas; .conspiratio, fo- 
deratio, confederatio, transactio, pac- 
tio ; unio, unitas, compositio ; pactum. 

AGREEABLENEsS ; © convenientia, 
conformitas, congruentia, congruitas, 
competentia, concordantia, concordia; 

AGREEABLE or convenient;  com- 
_pos, consonans, congruus, consenta- 
neus.; conveniens, concordans ; aptus, 
cognatus ; gratus, secundus. 

AGREEABLY ; competenter, congru- 
enter ; congrue, apte, constanter, 

To AGREE upon; condicere. _ 

To Acre and help one another; 
conspirare, conjurare. 

AGREED upon ; pactus, transactus, 
prestitutus ; pactitius. 

AGREEING or assenting ; assen- 
tiens, consentiens, astipulans; an- 
nuens, favens, respondens, acquies- 
cens, subserviens, _ 

AGREEING together ; congruus, con- 
veniens, consonans. . 

An AGREEMENT or covenant ; pac- 
; tum, foedus. An agreement or recon- 
ciliation ; reconciliatio, 

According to AGREEMENT 3x pacto, 
ex compacto, ex composito, de com- 
pacto. To come to an agreement; ad 
concordiam adduci. To be at agree- 
~ ment; concordare, Articles of agree- 
ment ; feederis seu.pacti, articuli, con- 
ditiones, aut capita. 

Not to Acres, or be Acrexp ; dis- 
jungi; minime concordare, consentire, 
_ Not Acrexzinc or Acrexp; dis- 
junctus, minime concordans, assenti- 
ens, &c. . 

Hinc varie Phraseologie: as, 
To agree about or upon affairs ; con- 
sentire de rebus; Liv. - They do 


not agree upon that business; non 
consentitur super ea re. They agree 
together amongst themselves about 
those things ; de hisce rebus, inter se 
consenserunt; Plaut. They will have 
their days and months to agree with 
the course of the sun and moon; suos 
dies mensesque congruere volunt cum 
solis luneque ratione; Cic. These 
arts or sciences seem to agree together ; 
he discipline sibi consentanee esse 
videntur; Cic. If he agree with htm- 
self; si sibi ipse consentiat ; Cic. All 
are agreed upon it ; inter omnes hoc 
constat; Cic. The philosophers agree 
with these; cum his philosophi con- 
sentiunt; Quint. Authors agree they 
should be no higher ; auctores consen- 
tiunt non altivres esse debere; Plin, 
I agree with you in opinion ; assentio, 
assentior tibi; Cice tecum sentio ; 
Plaut. They agreed upon atruce,i. ev 
to have one; inducias condixerunt; 
Justin. ad inducias consenserunt ;+ 
Suet. J agree with other writers ; 
constat mihi cum ceteris scriptoribus ; 

constat inter omnes; Cic. 

The time 

zs agreed 6n; tempus constitutum est); 

Ter. The day is agreed on; pactus 
et constituius est dies; Cic. I do not 
believe we shall agree together ; non 

conventurum inter nos arbitror; Ter. — 

“They agreed weil then; bene conve- 
niebat tunc inter eos; Ter. They 
agree together ; illis inter se convenit ; 
Juv. Thus fur both their words agree ; 
conveniunt adhuc utrisque verba; 
Plaut. Nothing agrees better with 
nature ; nihil est nature accommoda- 
tius; Cic, J agreed for the price; 
conveni de pretio ; Quint. You may 
agree with. another for a little money ; 
pacisci cum alio paulula pecunia potes ; 
Plaut. My brother and I cannot 
agree about these things; hee fratri 
mecum non conveniunt. You may 
agree or bargain with another ; cum 
alio transigere seu stipulari potes. 
They are all agreed together ; omnes 
compacto rem agunt, 
a truce ; consentire ad inducias ; Liv. 
If I can. make you agree ; si possum 
hee inter vos componere ; Plaut, Jé és 

not in my power to make you agree ; 

non nostrum inter vos tantas compos 
nere lites ; Virg. “ 

He never Acrerep or made any 

Tt is not agreed on by ail; von © 

To agree upon — 


AG = 

_ Adreement with any, for stipend, or 
- salary; nec unquam de mercedibus 
pacins est ; Suet. 

To Kpaes. i i. e. bargain, with one ; 
cum aliquo transigere; Cic. Let them 
agree amongst. themselves 3 transizant 
inter se ipsi; Ter. If you shall agree 
with her; si concordabis cum illa ; 
'-. ~ deunt rursus in gratiam; Plaut. Are 
5 _- you now at last agreed ? "Jam vos redis- 
3 tis in concordiam? Plaut. I do mot 

agree with him ; ab illo dissentio ; Cic. 
One thing. they cannot agree about ; 
de re una dissident; Cic. They do 

not agree ; -illi inter-se dissentiunt, 
I will have them Acreep; pacem 
componi-volo, Let these things. be 
agreed bétwixt you; inter vos hec 
componantur; Ter. IZ will bring you 
P fo agree ; ego redigam vos in gratiam 5 
i Ter. Are you two agreed yet, Ipray you? 
a Jam pax est inter vos, queso, duos? 
Plaut. Jt is such, as that it can never 
agree with it ; ejusmodi est, ut cohe- 
3 rere nunquam possit; Cic. No two 
. of them agree together ; nulli duo con- 
cinunt ; Plin. To that they all agreed ; 
‘ ommes in eam sententiam ierunt, Ail 
! agree; omnes congruunt; Ter. In 

truth they agree very lovingly together ; 
sane illi inter se congruunt concordi- 
ter; Plaut. Women agree best to- 
: gether; mulier mulieri magis congtuet ; 
P It AcRerp with, or was agreeable 
to those letters; erat consentaneum 
iB? cum iis literis; Cic. It does not agree 

with the sense of the law; a sententia 

: legis discrepat ; Cic. His. deeds and 

' his words do not agree ; facta ejus cum 
dictis discrepant ; Cic. 

4 - To Acrzr together ; apte, mirifice, 
necessario, prxclare, optime, et undi- 

‘ que, convenire, coherere. —~Mirifice, 

-valde, vehementer, congruere, consen- 

tire, de—-. % 

To live with great AGREEMENT 
amongst themselves ; inter se conjunc- 
tissime vivere. They agreed in their 
minds and wills, in their studies and 
opinions, &c. Inter eos voluntatum, 
studiorum, et sententiarum summa 
-consensio fuit. , 

There is amutual AGREEMENT, good- 
will and friendship among them; mu- 
‘tua benevolentia inter illos.est orta ; 
‘mutua animorum in amore consensio ; 3 
animorum quedam et voluntatum si~ 

They agree together again ; re- 

-graére, competeze 

AG 39 
militudo mutua ; For our minds or opi- 
nions both agreed in peace and war ;_ 
nostri namque sensus, ut in pace, sic 
in bello, congruebant. To agree in the 
same mind and judgment ; ejusdem 
esse sententie et opinionis. The very 
savage bears agree among themselves, 
much more ought brethren to agree to- 
gether ; sevis inter se convenit ursis ; 
multo proinde magis, fratribus inter se e 
concordare convenit. 

You and I do not Acrex in these 
things ; hec mihi tecum non conveni- 
unt, He fully agrees to that opinion ; 
huic sententiz, plane pleneque assen- 
titury astipulatur, acquiescit. To be 
agreeable, convenient or suitable to any 
thing ; rei alicui conforme esse, con- 
; Cic. Toagree or 
accord to any thing or person ; alicui, 
astipulari, suffragari, non refragari, 
adherere, subseribere. _To agree. ta 
one’s opinion ; alicujus sententiz, ad- 
dere calculum, accedere. To agree to 
another's opinion ; in alterius senten- 
tiam, ire, concurrere, transire, deve- 

To come to AGREEMENT with one ; 
dexteras societatis alicni dare. They 
all agree in, and seem to will but, one 
and the same. thing ; unum idemque 
sentiunt omnes, ac idem velle atque 
idem nolle videntur. In unam et ean- 
dem sententiam concurrunt, deveniunt 
et pedibus (ut dicitur) eunt utrisque. 
Hine pedarti; Cic. After him they 
all. agreed to that opinion ; post eum, 
in hance sententiam, ab omnibus itum 
est, disceditur. This thing makes me 
readily agree to your mind ; hec res 
me facile in tuam sententiam adducit. 
In the main, at leust, of that business 
all agree; in summam, saltem, hujus 
negotii consentiunt omnes, 

To Acree excellently together ; sin- 
gulari conjungi concordia; in maxi- 
ma consentione, vixque credibili con- 
cordia vivere. To whose opinion I 
will mostly agree; a cujus sententia, 
mea plerumque non abhorret, aut dis- 
crepat. The senate agrees with us ; 
senatus a parte nostra est. They all 
agree with one mind and voice ; omnes 
uno ore, una mente et voce, consenti- 
unt. Yo agree with the time; to be 
even with the werld, or with the times ; 
omnium horarum hominem esse, vel 
agere ; comparare se ad omnia. To 
agree fo, or live after thefashion of, the 

40 AG 

country ; regionis moribus servire, ob- 
secundare; se moribus loci attempe- 
rare, accommodare. To agree with, 
or serve and make use of the present oc- 
casion ; servire scene, occasioni ; re- 
bus presentibus, tempori, loco sese ac- 
commodare ; tempori cedere, servire, 
pro tempore agere ; tempori se accom- 
modare ; opportunitatem exspectare ; 
necessitati parere ; tempus spectare ap- 
tum ; observare temporis occasionem ; 
amiculum pro venti aptare flatu. 

He has a nature AGREEABLE, or a- 
greeing with, and suitable to all things, 
or framed for all purposes ; naturam 
habet rebus accommodatam omnibus. 
Precipuo quodam nature munere aptus 
erat, accommodatus, appositus erat ad 
omnia ; factus ad omnia videbatur ; in- 
genium acceperata natura ad omnes res 
appositum, atque accommodatum ; eo 
erat, eo utebaturingenio, quidvis ut exe- 
- qui, et prastare satis commode posset ; 
natus ad omnia videbatur ; dederat hoe 
€i natura, quicquid aggrederetur, ut 
egregie conficeret, ut excelleret: habe- 
bat hoc a natura, ut quamcunque ad 
‘Tem se conferret, quamcunque rem ca- 
pesseret, ea non pessime perfungeretur, 
ex ea cum laude discederet. 

It is the part of a wise man to com- 
ply, or Acrex, with time and necessi- 
ty, for they have no law ; necessitati 
temporique parendum, Sapientis est, 
sapientie est, consilii est, rationis est, 
sapientem decet, tempori cedere, neces- 
sitati parere, rationem temporis habere, 
consulere temporibus, conformare se 
ad temporis rationem, consilia et ac- 
tiones tempore moderari, pro temporum 
statu, et suscipere, et deponere ; ita se 
gerere, ut precipere tempus ‘videatur, 
ut temporis ratio ferat ac postulet; 
quasi ducem sequi in agendis rebus, 
quasi consiliarium habere tempus, con- 
siliario uti tempore, nos decet. 

All Acree with your opinion ; tue 
sententie suffragantur, subscribunt om- 
nes; non pedibus sed totis\animis in 

hanc vadunt sententiam. 

In that opinion the chief of philoso- 
phers Acrue ; in hac sententia, sena- 
tus philosophorum consentit. J agree 
with you; juxta tecum sentio. The 

manners of the mind do exactly agree 

with the shape of the body ; ad corporis 
figuram, animi mores aptissime qua- 
drant. It is scarcely lawful not to agree 


philosophy ; vix fas est, summo illi ha- 
‘mane sapientiz promicondo, absentire. 
We agree very well together ; nostris 
non male convenit geniis. To agree 
again or anew, i. e. to renew friend- 
ship-almost broken off ; amicitiam fere 
dissutam resarcire, sartam tectam in- 
tegrare. They would better agree, if 
he were deaf, or she dumb ; utinam hic 
surdus, aut hee muta facta sit. I hope 
now we shall so well agree, as never 
to differ again ; dehinc zternam spero 
inter nos gratiam fore. . 

An AGREEMENT is now made; truce 
is taken; peace is now concluded; in- 
duciz jam sunt indicte. 

To be AcresD, and as it were join- 
ed, together again; coalescere in 
unum. So to agree, as to allay all 
heart-burnings ; ‘simultates mutuas 
deponere. We could not agree at 
first; non usquequaque conyeniebat 
primo. They know very well, they 
cannot long agree ; cum his dextras se 
jungere, ac contesserare, certo sciunt 
non posse. J agrée to, or am of their 
mind ; quorum ego sententiz accedo. 

By the Acrerment of all; unanimi 
omnium hominum et temporum con- 
sensu. Agreement or concord; con- 
cordia, mutua gratia, unio ; consensio, 
pax publica; tranquillitas voluntatam ;. 
consensus omnium rerum; eodem ani- 
mo, eadem velle, nolle, sentire, et de- 
cernere ; unanimitas; unus omnium 
rationum consensus; consentiens vo- 
luntas. By agreement and-concord you 
will easily perceive small estates to 
grow greater, but by dis-agreement 
and discord the greatest estates and 
riches to decuy and fade away to little 
or nothing ; concordia parvas res fa- 
cile crescere ; discordia vero splendi- 
das maximasque opes dilabi ac deflo- 
rere. Concordia respublica omnis con- 
stat quantumvis parva, nec non opes 
conservantur maxime, et augentur ex- 
igue. Contra vero; factionibus, dis- fractionibus, opulentissime 
queque et celeberrime civitates et res- 
publice funditusexscinduntur; Cic. It , 
zs agreed ; consentitur, constat : impers. 

Those things, at least if they be not 
true, yet. they fitly agree or hang to-_ 
gether ; res iste, si minus vere, apte 
tamen inter se coherentes sunt ; Cic. 

To Acree with his enemy for a 
truce for certain days ; inducias ali- 

with, or assent to, that great master of quot dierum cum hoste pacisci ; Cic. 


* > "Te agree or covenant with one to have 

areward ; premium ab aliquo pacisci ; 
Cic. To agree with pirates what to give 
for his ransom; pretiim predonibus 
pro capite pacisci; Cic. To agree or 
covenant with his te save his 
life ; pacisci vitam ab hoste ; Sal. He 
agreed with Xerxes about the mar- 
riage of his daughter; cum Xerxe 
nuptias filie ejus paciscitur; Justin, 
- Iwill easily agree with, or assent to, 
you; especially if your father like it ; 
tecum facile sentiam, assentiente pre- 
sertim patre tuo, Assentior tibi, pro- 
babo tuum consilium, meam sententiam 
* ad tuam aggrebabo, judicium meumcum 
tuo conjungam, id sentiam quod tu 
sentis, ita faciendum judicabo, si mo- 
do, id ut facias, suadet, censet, auctor 
est, consulit, pater tuus.. Assentiar ti- 
bi, assentiente patre tuo, si id facis ap- 
probante patre, si tuo cum judicio pa- 
tris tui congruit judicium, si de patris 
. sententia facis, si pater non dissentit, 
si ad tuam sententiam pater accedit, 
To AID; see To Help, Assist. _ 
To AIL;i. e. to be sick or grieved ; 
dolere, egrotare, male se habere. 
What Atts you? ut vales? 
quid te turbat? quid tibi est? quid- 
mam tibi dolet? Ter. What ails he? 
quidnam illi dolet? &c. What ails 

you, that you are so sad? quid tu ~ 

es tristis? Ter. 

What Arts your eye? quid oculo 
factum est tuo? Plaut. 

I asked what he Atrep that he was 
so angry; querebam quid excanduis- 
set; Petron. I or we ail nothing ; 
nihil mihi, nobis, dolet. 

To AIM ; collimare, collinere; tela 
dirigete ; scopum prefigere, tanquam 
ad metam eniti; collimare oculos. 

I know what you Arm at; scio quid 
conere; Ter, J aim at nothing but 
your safety ; nihil laboro nisi ut salvus 
sis; Cic.- They aim at high things ; 
magna sibi proponunt ; alta spectant ; 
Cic. What does the man aim at? 
quam hic rem agit? Ter. J aim at 
greater matters; etiam majora mo- 
lior; Cic. To aim at one’s destruc- 
tion; destinare exitium alicui ; Paterc. 
They did not only wound their enemies’ 
heads, but whatsoever part of their 
face they aimed at; non capita solum 
hostium vulnerabant, sed quem locum 

~ destinassent oris ; Liv. Jt is the aim 
of both, or they both aim at it ; ab am- 

AL 41 
bobus id destinatur; Cic. To aim or 
take aim at; collimare oculos ad—; 
Plaut. He perceived that his brother 
was aimed at ; fratrem designari sen- 
tiebat; Cas. The more they aimed 
at me, the more vexed were they when 
they missed of their aim ; quo me ma- 
gis petiverunt, tanto majorem ab his 
frustratio dolorem attulit; Cic. You 
hit another, but you aimed at me ; ali- 
um percussisti, me _ petisti; Sen. 
When one is to throw with any aim ; 
quum modus et impetus jactus, tempe- 
randus, dirigendusque est—; Gell. Ald 
their aim was, or they aimed at no- 
thing else, but, that—; nihil aliud 
querebatur nisi ut-—; Petron. , 

The AIR; aer, ether-is, m. aura, 
zthera, 2; ccelum, inane. 

. Fresh and cool evening Arr; nox 
serena ; noctes serene, - 

ZT cannot bear with this Air; non 
celum patior; Ovid. To walk abroad 
to take the air; prodire deambulatum ; 
Ter. To abide in the open air; sub 
dio morari; Hor. He hungin the air; | 
pependit in aura; Ovid. We havea 
thick air round about us; «nobis aer 
crassus offunditur; Cic. »This.air is 
so bad, I am hardly able to endure it ; 
iP sustineo gravitatem celi hujus; 


To Arr; aprico exponere. To air 
or pué in the open air ; exsiccare. 

For the Arr, Jupiter is. used by 
the poets ; and equor by Virg., as also 
inane by Lucian. 

An Air in music; modulus, to- © 

The Arr of. the face; symmetria 
vultus ; faciei aspectus. 

An ALARM, or watch-word show- 
ing the nearness of enemies; clas- 
sicum, tessera; bellicum; ad arma, 
ad arma. ae af 

To give an Atarm ; ad arma evo- 

To sound an Ataro ; classicum vel 

bellicum canere; tuba, tympano, &c. 
signum belli‘dare, Ad arma concla- 
matum est. 
_ To ALIENATE, estrange, or with- 
draw from ; alienare, abalienare ; ab- 
dicare, alienum facere ; avertere, avo- 
care ; distrahere. Sy} 

To AvrenaTE, or put one out of 
friendship or familiarity; alienare 
quempiam ase; Cic. 

To AuteNateE or sell away ; alie- 

42 AL 

nare, abalienare. To alienate one’s 
goods from one ; bona alicujus alienare 
ab aliquo, 

To ALIENATE one’s mind; de sen- ° 

tentia aliquem detrudere. Agere ali- 
guos diversos. + 

To be AienateD or estranged ; 
alienari, abalienari: as, To be alie- 
nated or estranged in mind; mente 
alienari; Cic. 

AurenatEp, estranged or with- 
drawn from ; alienatus, alienus, abalie- 
natus ; aversus, distractus, Alienated 
from, or to hate no mind to, a thing 
or person ; alienus ab aliquo, vel a re 

An Awtenation, estranging or 
putting away ; alienatio, abalienatio ; 
distractio; abdicatio. 

To AvienaTe, or put to sale, his 
own goods ; bona sua proscribere. - To 
receive a thing alienated; postliminio 
quid recipere. 

- To ALIGHT from or off a horse ; 
desilire ; descendere equo, vel ab equo, 
etexequo. , 

To Avicut, viz. asa bird ; subsidere. 

ALIKP; eque, pariter, perinde. 

AuixE, adj.; similis, equus, ‘com- 
par, zqualis, 

ALIVE; superstes, vivus. 

Hope.keeps him Aurve ; illum vivum 
seu superstitem spesalit. To be taken 
alive; in potestatem [scil. hostium] 
venire, Flor, The best philosopher 
alive; princeps. hujus etatis philoso- 
phorum; Cic. Is he alive? supe- 
yatne et vescitur aura etherea? Virg. 
Whilst he was alive; se vivo; Cic. 
He is alive and well; vivit atque va- 
let ; Ter. 

ALL, referring to the number of 
many things, is rendered by omnis, 
cunctus, and universus: as, « 

Att of. them reported all good 
things; omnes omnia bona dicebant ; 
Ter. And he advised and consulted 
with the pilot or master of the ship 
about all the stars; rectoremque ratis, 
de cuneti§ consulit astris; Virg. Ain. 
2. This ought to be the chief intention 
of all, that there may be the same 
profit of every one and of all in gene- 
ral; unum esse debet id omnibus pro- 
positum, ut eadem sit utilitas unius cu- 
jusque, et universorum ; Cic. All men 
of all orders; omnes omnium ordinum 
homines; Cic. He used to take pains 
for them all; laborem pro cunctis ferre 


consuevit; Cic. These things I speak 
of all in general ; hec loquor de uni- 
versis ; Cic. 

Att, when it is referred to the 
whole of any singular thing, is properly. 
rendered by totus, and integer; yet 

also by omnis, cunctus, and universus, 

in the singular number: as, I have not 

seen him all this day ; hodie toto non 

vidi die; Ter. Keep it all to your- 

self; integrum tibi reserves; Cees. All 

that while I was at Naples ; eo omni 

tempore Neapoli fui; Cic. Alexan- 

dria andall Egypt; Alexandria, cunc- 

taque Acgyptus; Cic. All that shall - 
shé go away with; id illa universum 

abripiet; Ter. But now I leave all 

that to you; sed jam id tibi totum 

omitto ; Cic. There can be no senate 

in all February ; senatus haberi non 

potest mense Februario toto; Cic. To 

have or possess all the prey or spoil 

without blood; integram predam sine 

sanguine habere; Cic. In so much 

joy of all the city, should I alone have 

been sad? in tanta letitia cuncte civi- 

tatis me unum tristem ‘esse oportebat ? 

Cic. JI give over unto you all my en-~ 

deavour and good-will; universum stu- 

dium meum, et benevolentiam ad te 

defero. ° isl Mili iet tot 

Att is sometimes put for only, 
and then it is rendered by unus, or so- 
lus: as, He is all my care; illum 
curo unum; Ter. He is all for him- 
self; sibi commodus uni est; Hor.- 
The Stoics were all the philosophers 
that said so ; stoici soli ex omnibus phi- 
losophis ita dixerunt ; Cic. 

ALL is sometimes put for as much, 
as, so much as, how much soever, what- 
soever; and then it is rendered by 
quantumcunque, or by quod or quic- 
quid with a genitive case, orby quan- 
tum, or quam put for quantum: as, 
All, i. e. whatsoever, I may ; quan- 
tumcunque possim; Cic. Add all 
you will thereto; quantumcunque eo 
addideris; Cic. All the judgment I 
had; quicquid habuerim judicii; Cic. 
All the beauty they had in their youth, 
they lost ; quod floris in juventute erat 
amiserant; Liv, J sent to the Pre- 
tors to bring you all the soldiers they 
had ; ad pretores misi, ut militum quod 
haberent, ad vos deducerent ; Cic, Alt 
that I can, I will withdraw myself 
from all troubles ; quanttm potero, me 
ab omnibus molestiis abducam; Cic. 

. quidem omnino; Cic. 

Fuse to help all I can; soleo quantum 
possum adjuvare; Cic, J would strire 
all that ever I could ; quantum maxime 
possem contenderem; Cic. Make all 
the haste you can ; quantum poteris 
festina ; Plaut. All that is, or lies in 

_ me; quantum ‘in me erit; Cic. He 

did all he could to overthrow the com- 
monwealth; remp. quantum in ipso 
fuit, evertit; Cic. I will help him all 
I can; quam potero adjuvabo; Ter. 
Let them make all the stir they please ; 
turbent porro quam velint; ‘Ter. Com- 
fort her all you can; istam quam potes 
fac consolere; Ter. . 

Ar att, has several negative par- 
ticles joined with it, viz. no, not, no- 
thing, never, no where ; and according- 
ly has several elegant ways of render- 
ing; as follow: . ; 

Ar att, with no, is rendered by 
omnino; with nullus, nequis, ne qui- 

‘dem, nihil: as, There can be no consti- 

tution at all; omnino nulla constitutio 
esse potest; Cic. You know it was 
moved that no body at all should bring 
the king back; scis intercessum esse, 
nequis omnino regem reduceret; Cic. 
So shall I conclude that there is in 

‘being, not only no good deed of your 
‘gods, but no deed at all; ita conclu. 

dam vestrorum deorum non modo be- 
neficium nullum extare, sed ne factum 
Between these 
things there is no difference at all; 
inter eas res nihil omnino interest ; -Cic. 

‘Ar atu, with not, is rendered by 
omnino with non, or nequaquam ; else 
by nullo modo, ne vix quidem, or pror- 
sus with nullus, or nullo modo: as, I 
do not undertake at all to touch the 

Greek poets; poétas Grecos omnino 

non conor attingere; Cic. No at all 
his equal ; omnino sibi nequaquam par ; 
Cic. It is hardly or not at all marred ; 
vix aut nullo modo corrumpitur; Cic. 
They hardly or not at all appear ; vix, 

- aut ne vix quidem apparent; Cic. J 

understand not any one word at all; 
verbum prorsus nullum intelligo ; Cic, 
I do not at all agree to that; nullo 
modo prorsus assentior ; Cic. 

At att, with nothing, zs render- 
ed by nihil with omnino, prorsus, or 

uicquam : as, So that there was no- 
thing at all left; ut omnino nihil sit 
relictum; Cic. Nothing at all; nihil 
prorsus; Ter. Jn truth nothing at all 

‘ret; Tac. 

tem -perpetem ; Plaut. 

AL 43 
makes you ashamed ; nihil te quidem 
quicquam pudet; Plaut. eed 

Ar ALL, with never, is rendered by 
omnino with nunquam: as, There was 
never any doubt atall made of it ; de eo 
nunquam omnino ¢st dubitatum ; Cic. 

AT ALL, with no where, is render- 
ed by omnino with nusquam : as, It is 
found no where at all; omnino nus- 
quam reperitur. . ; 

_ Aut one has several uses, and is 
rendered after some of these exumples: 
This is all one as if I should say ; boc 
perinde est tanquam si ego dicam ; 
Gell. I reckon it all one as if—; per- 
inde censeo, ac si—; l'ac. I¢ is all 
one as if—; idem est a¢ si— ; Quint, 
This is all one with that ; hoc unum et 
idem est atque illud; Cic. I¢ is all 
one whether ; nibil interest utrum ; Cic. 
Tt is all one to you whether ; tua nihil 
refert utrum ; Ter. I¢ is all one to me ; 
nihil moror; non magnopere laboro ; 
nihil mea refert ; Plaut. - It was all one’ 
to those that killed him what he said ; 
non interfuit occidentium quid dice- 

Some other phrases: 

_ Lt comes Aut to the-same; eodem 
recidit, tantundem egero; Ter. He is 
all for himself ; sibi soli cavet, dun-. 
taxat prospicit, All is hushed, quiet ; 
otium et silentium est; Ter. He is 
under water all but the head ; extat 
capite solo ex aqua; Ces. There If 
rested all night long ; ibi quievi noc- 
All on a sud- 
den; de improviso; Ter. My master 
bade me leave all, and mind Pamphi- 
lus ; herus me, relictis rebus, jussit 
Pamphilum observare; Ter. This is 
all; tantum est; Ter. Thisis all that 
is left of the money; tantum reliqnum 
ést'de argento; Cic. When all came 
to all; ad extremum; tandem; Cic. 
Giving all for gone; tramsactum de 
partibus ratus; Flor. We_have had 
such cross weather all this while; ita 
usque adversa tempestate usi sumus ; 
Ter. All this while; usque adhuc ; 
tamdiu; Ter. All wnder one; una 
opera; simul; Ter. Plaut. Two and 
thirty were all that were missing ; tri- 
ginta omnino et duo desiderati sunt ; 
‘Curt. All my fault is that—; summa 
criminis est, quod—; Cic. “Here and 
there, and all at once ; hic et illic si- 
mul; Plaut. There were but five in 

44 AL 

all, that—j; quinque omnino fuerunt, 
qui—; Cic. By all means; quoguo 
pacto; quacunque ratione; Ter. Cic. 
Without all doubt ; sine ulla dubita- 
tione; Cic. On all sides; quaqua 
versus; Cas. When you were busiest 
of all; in summa occupatione tua ; 
Cic. How many are there in all? 
quanta hec (hominum) summa? Plaut, 
But yet that is not all; sed nequaquam 
in isto sunt omnia; Cic. With all 
speed; quam primum; quantum po- 
test; Ter. Jn all haste; quam maxi- 
mo posset cursu ; omni festinatione ; 
Curt. The war broke owt all on a sud- 
den; bellum subito exarsit; Cic. Just 
for all the world as—simillime atque— ; 
Cic. And you and all; et te quoque 
etiam; Plaut, If we could prove that 
Ligarius was not at all in Africa; si 
probare possemus Ligarium in Africa 
omnino non fuisse; Cic. _ They say, 
those things can hardly ever, or not at 
all come’ to pass; vix, aut omnino non, 
aiunt, hee posse fieri; Cic. To the 
end that not much, no great thing, or 
_ vather nothing at all might be yielded 
to the Grecians; ut non muitum, aut 
omnino potius nihil Gracis crederetur, 
Nothing at all great or excellent is 
done in this life without some ardor or 
earnestness, or vehemency of love and 
affection ; nihil quicquam egregium, in 
_ hac vita fit, sine quodam ardore amo- 
tis; Cic. Whom he had never at all 
seen ; quem omnino nunquam viderat ; 
Cic. They did never at all hit upon 
the causes of these things ; rerum ista- 
rum Causas, omnino nunquam attigere ; 
Cic. I can find my brother no where 
at all; fratrem nusquam invenio gen- 
tium; Ter.. Alii; omnino nesquam, 
All the day long ; ab oriente sole, ab 
ortu solis, ab Aurora ineunte ad seram 
usque vesperain, Mane egredi, vesperi 
domum redire, A prima luce ad tene- 
bras usque nocturnas. Totis diebus, 
Ad finem lucis ab ortu.—Surgente e 
sole quousque Vespertina tepet regio, 
Te veniente die, te decedente canebat. 
IlJam non udis veniens Aurora capillis 
—Cessantem vidit, non Hesperus; 
nec cum? invictis equis altum petit 
zthera Titan; Nec cum—precipitem 
oceani rubro lavit quore currum; 
Nec—Cum rutulos oriens Aurora jm- 
mitteret ignes. Igneus aut roseo se 
tingeret equore Titan. He is all in 


all in this matter; ille est prora et 
puppis hujus negotii. All or every 
mother’s child ; indiscriminatim omnes, 
All of us ; non nemo a nobis, It is all 

one ; *it comes all to. the same pass; ~ 

tantamount ; res eodem redit. All or 
every thing ; 
all or every body else; quum czeteri 
fere omnes. Take notice all of you; 
noverint, noveritis, universi. All, or 

nihil non, When almost — 

many thousands of ; multe hominum | 

myriades. <All generally are of that 
opinion; nec’ de unius solum fagemis 
sibi facit vindemiam. 

To ALLAY ; sedare, lenire, minuere, 
levare, mitigare; as, to allay, assuage, 
or appease, the appetite, the war, the 

mind, the thirst, the tumult, &c.; se- 

dare appetitum, bellum, animum vel 
mentem, sitim, tumultum, &c. | : 

To A.uay, i, e. to mitigate, grief ; 
lenire dolorem. 

To Auvay, i. e. to pacify, minds by 
agreement ; 

lenire animos concordia ; 
Cic. : 

To Atay, i. e. to assuage, storms — 

or tempests; lenire tempestates. __ 
To ALLay or assuage one’s sorrow 

oaree ; levare dolorem alicujus ; Cic, 

_ To Auray, mitigate, or lessen and 

diminish the fever ; minuere, mitigare, — 

levare, febrem, . 

To Avuay, or appease and end, the 

i a 3-controversiam minuere ; 

ALLay or appease your anger ; iram 
minue tuam ; Ter. te 

The grief was ALLAYED, as forgot- 
ten ; deferbuit soporatus dolor, 

He Auuayep his hunger with leaves ; 
levavit famem frondibus. He allays 
his fierceness and severity with courte- 
ous behaviour; severitatem acerbam 
multis condimentis humanitatis mitigat, 
The tempest is allayed; tempestas re- 
cedit. 7 aed 
Hunger Autayvep by banquets ; 
fames epulis exempta. 

To Aurece, or say for himself; 
allegare ;_ proferre, pretendere. To 
allege an excuse; causari; causam 
afferre, rationem subjicere. . 

To ALLecE. business as an excuse ; 

‘causari negotium, 

Canst thou ALLEGE any thing why 
thou art not justly condemned? num 
guid causari possis, quin ab judicio 
abeas turpissime victus ? 


To allege 



dem alicui. 


maliciously or deceitfully against one ; 
Gaiden falso. ps pela An alle- 
gation ; allegatio. A false allegation ; 
calumnia, - . 

To ALLOT ; i. e. to assign or ap- 
point; delegare, imponere, assignare, 
sorte assignare: as, He has allotted 
or appointed me to this business ; me 
huic negotio delegavit ; et mihi hoc ne- 
gotium imposuit, &c, Vide To Assign. 

To Autor or appoint a piece of 
ground to any one ; assignare agrum 
alicui,. To allot or appoint a place or 
seat for oné; assignare locum seu se- 
To allot his own charge 
or office to another ; suum officium aut 
munus alteri assignare ; or, To allot or 

- appoint one to his duty ; alicui_ munus 

suum assignare. To allot, or appoint 
a proper place for any thing ; assignare 
aliquid suo loco-proprio, Nature has 
allotted, appointed or given the air to 
birds ; Natura avibus coelum assignavit ; 
Plin. After I had the care of that 

ince allotted, or appointed for me } 

_ post delegatam mihi hanc provinciam ; 


Land Axtorren or appointed as a 
reward for old tried soldiers; ager 

To ALLOW, or approve ; probare, 

approbare, comprobare ; accipere, ac- ~ 

ceptare, recipere, agnoscere ; asserere, 
admittere, ratificare ; concedere, testi- 
monio ornare, judicio confirmare. Al- 
lowable, commendable or approveable ; 
laudabilis, probabilis, acceptabilis, com- 
mendandus, approbandus, commenda- 

tus, probatus ; legitimus ; agnoscendus ; 


To Attow one towards mainte- 
nance ; exhibere, praebere, suppeditare, 
cum dat, suggerere, attribuere ; pre- 
stare, demetiri, 

To Attow or grant; concedere, 
permittere. To allow one his expenses ; 
sumptus alicui suggerere. 

To Autow in reckoning ; decidere, 

To Attow or let one have the use 
of a thing ; aliquid utendum dare, 

Atrtowance for any one to live on; 
demensum, pensio, exhibitio. 

Attowance or abatement in reckon- 
ing ; deductio, deductamen, subductio, 

ALuoweEn in reckoning ; subtractus, 
subdnctus, deductus, 

Lwill Atuow him money as long as 

AL 45 

I think fit; dabitur a me argentum, 
dum erit commodum; Ter. I thank 
God I am able to allow it; est (Diis_ - 
gratia) unde hec fiant; Ter. Some 
things are allowed to be shortened ; 
uedam breviare permittitur ; Quintil. 
t is allowed in men of our years; 
etati nostre conceditur; Cic. J allow 
of that reason or excuse; accipio cau- 
sam; Cic. excusationem ; Ib. 

To Axtow or like; aliquid admit- 
itere et laudare ; recipere et approbare, 
mirifice, maxime, valde, admodum pro- 
bare et amplecti. Suo testimonio or- 
nare ; suo judicio confirmare ; sua auce 
toritate tueri; non sententia solum, 
sed etiam studio comprobare, ratum 
facere, habere. Arridet, placet, cordi 
mihi est. Utroque pollice laudare‘ali- 

Iwill Attow him money ; dabitur 
a me argentum; Ter.. Something is 
to be allowed to custom; aliquid con- 
suetudini dandum est; Cic. As well 
as you were able to allow ; pro re tua ; 
Ter. They would be allowed to do so 
too; eandem licentiam sibi permitti 
volunt; Cic. ; 

_ To ALLUDE, og speak with some 
respect or reference to any thing; al- 
ludere, respicere ad aliquid. 

To ALLURE;; allicere, illicere, pel- 
licere, solicitare, et, apud poétas, sol- 
licitare ; allectare, illectare, pellectare ; 
irretire, inescare, invitare; seducere, 
inducere ; advocare, trahere, ducere, 
movere, rapere, conciliare, subinvitare. 
Lenocinari, blandiri,{lactare. 

To Atture forth; prolicere, elicere, 
prolectare, electare, evocare. 

To A.ture with fair promises ; 
blandiri, délinire, lactare. 

To Au.uReE or win by fair means ; 
allicere, illicere, allectare. Llecebris, 
blanditiis, blandimentis, lenociniis, 
preemiis allicere, invitare, trahere, at- 
trahere, ducere, inducere, demulcere. 
Premiis, magna premiorum spelactare. 
Invitamentis, incitamentis, illectamen- 
tis, allectamentis pellicere. Artibus, 
verbis illecebrosis captare. Pollicitati- 
onibus, mercede promissa adducere, 
provocare. Attalicis conditionibus nun- 
quam dimoveas. Excellent wits are 
allured with praise; gloria invitantur 

reclara ingenia; ut, virtutes crescunt 
audate, An allurement; illecebra; 
illectamentum ; blanditia, blandimen- 


46 AL :. : 
tum; allectatio; illectus, m. invita- 
mentum, incitamentum; lenocinium, 
ilicium ; blanditiz, arum. 

He gives himself wholly to the At- 
LUREMENTS Of vice; dedit se totum vi- 
tioruin illecebris. He had many allure- 
ments of the city ; multa habebat urbis 
incitamenta. To allure or entice out of 
doors ; seducere foras; Ter. Do you 
think to allure me with such sayings; 
etiam nunc me seducere istis dictis 
postulas; Ter. To allure the birds to 
him; solicitare ad se aves; Plin. To 
allure or entice to labor ; ad laborem 
solicitare; Sen. To allure one with 
enticements ; illecebris irretire ; Cic. 

Atturep or taken and delighted 
with pleasant songs; cantiunculis ir- 
retitus ; Cic. ; 

An ALLUSION;; allusio, respectus, 
To hare allusion unto any thing ; re- 
spectum habere, seu alludere ad ali- 

quid; Cic. An allusion to the name of - 

- any thing ; agnominatio ; i. e. a likeness 
- of namesor words. Tohave allusion to 
one’s name ; aguominare; i, e, ad no- 
men alicujus alludere. 
_ To ALLY, to associate or join ; con- 
jungere, devincire ; foedere, societate, 
Auuiance or kindred by marriage ; 
affinitas, propinquitas, 
ALLIANCE, by blood, or birth ; .cog- 
natio, consanguinitas, 
. ALLIANCE, or league of states ; so- 
cletas, foedus, confederatio. 

_, ,Auuiep by marriage ; affinis, pro- 
pinguus. By blood or birth ; consan- 
guineus, cognatus. An ally of the 
state ; socius.. By alliances or leagues, 

our fidelity is secured to our enemy ;. 

ee devincitur fides ‘cum hoste ; 
ic. . 

To be Atu1Ep with, or joined toge- 
ther by league ; feedere aliquibus con- 
jungi; Virg. To be allied or knit 
together by entertainment and friend- 
ship; mutuo inter se conjungi hospitio 
et amicitia ; Cic. 

ALMS ; eleemosyna, 2; Gr. toga, 
2. An alms or alms-deed ; stips, sti- 
pis; roga; donum pauperi erogatum. 
To receive alms ; eleemosynari ; pass. 
To ask alms; mendicare., To give 
alms ; eleemosynam conferre, erogare, 
distribuere. Stipem mendico porrigere, 
De suis bonis communicare  egenis, 
panperibus, Egenos, famelicos juvare 
cibo: nudos vestibus operire. Inopes 

sustentare, reficere, sublevare, Dare 
indigentibus. Frigus quo duramque 
famem depellere possint. Egentibus 
succurrere, subvenire, sua munifice elare 
giri. To live on the alms-bowx, or by 
begging ; emendicato cibo vivere. He 
gives alms at others’ cost; de alieno 
liberalis. He gave alms to the poor 
old man; dedit nummulum seniculo, 
To bestow that money on alms er chari- 
table uses ; eam pecuniam in pios usus 
convertere. Jt is no alnis fo give to 
these common beggars ; non admodem 
belle collocatur; quod istis mendicis 
datur publicis. J came hither in hopes 
of your alins, or, that you would relieve 
my wants; deflexi huc, ut me instruas— 
viatico. His desire was to give alms 
to the poor, or, that the poor should 
fare better by him; mendicabulis pe- 
cuniam distribuendam curavit. He 
always gave alms, or was charitable to 
poor folks; pro suis facultatibus, per 
benignus semper fuitin pauperes. You 
shall not lose by giving alms; benig- — 
nitatis fans largiendo non exhauritur, 
In giving alms the more you draw. the 
more it springs ; quo largius hauritur 
eo scatet uberius, Jn alms, what we 
give that we have ; hoc habeo quodcun- 
que dedi. Give alms, or, help to keep 
the poor from perishing ; miseria gra- 
vatis subvenito. Be charitable in alms, 
or do something for God’s sakes clade 
oppressos iniquiore, sublevato. Sua 
pauperibus elargiri, erogare. Egenti- . 
bus non deesse, Alimenta, cibaria, 
alicui prebere, ministrare, suppeditare. 
De re sua indigentibus impartiri, Af- 
flictis fidem et dextram porrigere, Re- 
gia dejectos res relevasse senes. Ex 
suis angustiis alterius sustentare tenui- | 
tatem ; Cic. Munificas in pauperes 
manus tendere. rin 

ALMOST ; fere, ferme, prope ; pro- 
pemodum, tantum non, mode non; 
propediem: parum abest; minimo mi- 
nus, paulo minus, apud Suet. Admo- 
dum, pro fere, apud Liv. : as, Their 
minds were now almost quieted ; jam 
mitigati admodum /animi, Item, ple- 
rumque, adv, apud Ter. quasi, usque, _ 
juxta: as, There is not a day almost, 

_but he comes to my house; dies fere 

nulla est, quin domum meam ventitet ; 
Cic. The standing corn was now — 
almost ripe; seges prope jam matura 
erat; Ces. My life is almost at un 
end; mibi quidem etas acta ferme est ; 

a ae a i al ee 

eae re 

és rendered by 


Cic, Almost drunk; ebrio proximus 3 

x Petron. Almost all authors; fere om- 

“nes auctores; Quint. J¢ is almost 
time that—j; prope-adest, quum —}; 
Ter. When now it was almost sun-set ; 

_ quum jam ad solis oceasum esset ; Hier. 
' I rendered it almost word for word; 

totidem fere verbis interpretatus sum ; 
Cic. I am almost out of my wits; 
‘vix sum apud me ; animi compos; Ter. 
You call almost every one by their 
names ; prope omnes nomine appellas; 
Plin. Jé came almost to a sedition ; 
jaxta seditionem ventum ;-Tac. Pro- 
mising almost mountains of gold ; mo- 
do non montes auri pollicens; Ter. 
When he saw the Romans were almost 
encompassed with the right wing ; ubi 
vidit Romanos tantum non circumiri a 
dextro cornu ; Liv. 

ALONE; solus, solitarius; incomi- 
‘tatus, unus, unicus, All alone ; per- 
solus; prorsus solus, Alone; solum, 

Left Atone, or desolate; desolatus, 
desertus. ‘ 

You may trust him Atonr ; pre- 
sens absensque idem erit; Ter. Jf 
you do any thing by yourself alone ; 
si tecum agas quid; Cic. As he was 
meditating by himself alone; cum ali- 
qua secum agitaret; Flor. We will 
do it alone; per nos agemus; Cic, 
We are now here alone ; soli sumus 
nune hic; Ter. Let me alone with 
that ; it; quiescas ; id mihi da nego- 
ti; ego videro; Ter. Let me alone; 
fer me, me missum face ; sine me; Ter. 
Only let me alone ; sine modo ; Ter. 
Whom alone you had chosen out from 
amongst all; quem unum ex cunctis 
delegissetis; Cic. Let him alone for 
my sake; mitte hunc mea gratia; 
Plaut. You are not alone in that; id 
alii fecere sepe ; Ter. Let these things 
alone ; mitte ista; Ter. Let we these. 
things alone; missa hee faciamus ; 
Ter. I am not alone in this thing; 
a jam. ante alii plures fecerunt idem ; 


ALONG, having with joined to it, 
una: as, He was 
brought hither along with me; mecum 
una advectus est; Ter. He took a 
virgin along with him; una secum 
ducebat virginem; Ter. J will go 
along with you home; una tecum ibo 

_domum; Plaut. 

Azone, when it has not with com- 

-AL 47 

ing after it, is rendered by per: as, I 
will send some along the shores; per 
littora certes dimittam; Virg. Her 
neck and her hair were dragged along 
the ground ; huic cervix comeque tra- 
huntur per terram; Virg. They did 
place their machines or warlike engines 
along the walls and turrets ; per muros - 
turresque tormenta disponunt ; Curt. 

Or else it is then rendered by the 
ablative case of the following substan- 
tive, governed by in understood: as, F 
was going Aon the highway; pub- 
lica ibam via. So, ibam forte via sacra 
sicut meus.est mos ; Hor, 

Or else it is included in the Latin 
of the foregoing word: as, To le 
Aone ; recubare: as, You are medita- 
ting whilst you lie along under the shade 
of the large beech-tree; tu patule re- » 
cubans sub tegmine fagi—Meditaris ; 
Virg. He laid himself along on the 
grass or herbs; abjecit se in herbam ; 
Cic. They did lay themselves down 
along upon the ground ; abjiciunt se 
humi; Plin. He laid himself down | 
along upon the bed; inclinavit se in 
lectui ; Petron, &c. 

ALtonc with; una cum, 

All Aone ; tota via, ubique. 

‘ All my life Lone ; in omni mea vita, 

To ALTER; alterare, alterum vel 
aliud facere, mutare, commutare, im- 
mutare ; vertere, convertere ; emutare, 
demutare, permutare; variare, trans- 
ferre ; “alternare. Item innovare, in- 
flectere. To alter his opinion or mind ; 
a sententia discedere, desciscere, de 
séatentia deduci, decedere,: dimoveri, 
In sententia sua labare, vacillare, non 
perseverare, persistere, pergere, perma- 
nere. Non stare suscepto consilio, 
Sententiam, pristinam opinionem, _re- 
ceptum consilium quod intenderat, mu- 
tare, corrigere, repudiare, relinquere, 
non retinere, non tueri, _Sensum prio- 
rem deponere, fiectere judicium suum. 
Cursus vestigium inflectere. Animum, 
institute opinionis cursum alio conver- 
tere. A proposito resilire. In proposito 
parum constanter permanere. Aliud 
statuere. Ab instituto, incepto deflec- 
tere, declinare, abduci. Consilii prioris 
penitere, Referre pedem, nec passu 
stare tenaci. De sententia dliquem de- 
trudere, deducere, depellere, abducere : 
transversum, diversum agere. 

To AtTeER or change, as old fashions 
and customs are altered ; exolere, exo- 

48 AL 

lescere, inveterescere, obsolere, obso- 
lescere ; deflecti a consuetudine ; in- 
novari, &c.: as, The custom is some- 
‘what altered’; deflexit de via consue- 
tudo. There was nothing that I 
thought fit to be altered in the laws ; 

nihil habui quod putaram novandum — 

in legibus ; Cic. : 

To ALTER one’s name; transnomi- 

An ALTERATION; mutatio, immu- 
tatio, permutatio, variatio, innovatio, 
alteratio, conversio. : 

Great ALTERATION of time; mira 
temporis inclinatio; Cic, , — 

Atreration of state; another con- 
dition; or, the case is changed with 
me; diversa. nunc mea ratio est, non 
eadem est; immutata est ratio rerum 
mearum ; alius est rerum mearum sta- 
tus ; aliter se mez res habent, non e€o- 
dem loco sunt. 

All is Atrerep there ; nihil ibi non 
‘novum. J was so far altered that I 
thought myself in another world; vi- 
_ debar mihi tunc in alium venisse mun- 
dum, They were so changed and 
altered that few knew them; alius ho- 
minum cultus erat, nec idem vultus. 

His condition is AtTERED for the 
better ; faventiora sunt illi fata. The 
world is well altered and mended with 
him ; hac illi‘est humane vite come- 
dia. ~ 

All the Aurerations, changes and 
chances here below; fluxus et refluxus 
omnis rerum humanarum. 

ALTERCATION ; rixa, altercatio : 
as, Instead of discoursing they fell to al- 
tercation or contention; ex discepta- 
tione; altercationem fecerunt ; Liv. To 
part a wrangling altercation; rixam 

ALTERNATIVE: He left meno al- 
ternative but to swear; nihil nisi ut 
jurarem reliquit. They stand on their 
feet alternately, now on one foot, then 
on another ; alternis pedibus insistunt ; 

ALWAYS ;_semper ; perpetuo, per- 
petuum 5 jugiter, continue, continen- 
ter; omnino, nunquam non; perenne, 
incessanter, indesinenter, usque qua- 
que; prorsum, prorsus, usque, inde- 
fesse; in. perpetuum, in eternum, in 
evum. Always; day and night, con- 
tinually, without ceasing ; die ac nocte, 
nocte dieque. Diu noctuque, noctes 


annos ; assidue, indefesse: nullo puncto 
temporis intermisso ; ne punctunt qui- 
dem temporis respirando, Sine inteérpel- 
latione ; sine intermissione; ne mini- 
mam quidem moram. interponendo: 
citra respirationem: protinus, apud 
Virg. Irrequieto labore. Noctibus 
continuare dies; ne genu quidem fiexo. 

He is Atways at his book ; caput 
de tabula non tollit. He is always out 
at the same note ; chorda semper ober- 
rateadem. So you always do; istud 
quidem nunquam non facis. Always, 
at every turn, or every minute; ‘nullo 
temporis puncto interjecto, intermisso. 
I shall be yours always or ever, as I 
hope you will_be mine ; reciproci amo- 

ris ignem, qui ut vestaliter eternum ar- | 

deat, pro me spondeo, de te spero. 

Always or for ever; till doomsday; © 

dum juga montis aper, fluvios dum 
piscis amabit—Dumque thymo 
centur apes.—Always, from the begin- 
ning of the world, till this very time ; 
they were so from the beginning ; post 
hominum memoriam; ab. omni retro 
antiquitate ; nata sunt cum orbe nato ; 
videbis, ut ab omni evo. He hath left 
monuments of his worth, that he will 
always be remembered ; vestigia, non 
pressa leviter, ad- exigui temporis pre- 
dicationem, sed altius fixa ad memori- 
am illius sempiternam, reliquit, exhibuit. 
-AM; as, ZI am; sum.. But it is 
most usually rendered by the persons 
of the verb to which it belongs: as, I 
am hungered; esurio; Plaut,. J am 
above thirty years old; plus annos tri- 
ginta natus sum; Plaut, Zam here; 
coram adsum; Virg. JI am about a 
truth; res vera agitur; Juv. As far 
as Iam able; quod queo; Ter. J am 
able to allow it; est mihi unde hec 
fiant; Ter. He knows I am coming; 
scit me adesse; Plaut. J am a 
Jjourncy to — ; nobis iter est in— ; Cic. 
Iam of your mind, opinion ; tecum sen- 

tio ; tibi assentior; Plaut. Cie, I am — 

roa against it; animus abhorret a— ; 
sum} sic sum, ut vides. J am con- 
tented with any thing ; mihi quidvis 
sat est. 

To AMAZE ; stupefacere, perterre- 
facere ; consternare, attonitum reddere, 
suspensum reddere ; timore percellere ; 
in stuporem vel admirationem conjicere. 
To be amazed ; stupefieri, perterrefieri. 

et dies; tempus in omne, omnes per_ He is Amazep in body and mind ; 


Iam as you see me, just so; ita 


PGT SR es 

MOP etper in 


, -&nimo et.corpore, torpet, stupet. 

horses are amazed ; consternantur equi. 
The city is amazed with fear; civitas, 
urbs, lymphata videtur horroribus. 
Amazedly ; attonite, “* 

To be AMazen or to wonder at a thing ; 
re aliqua stupere ; Hor. To be amazed 

or to wonder in beholding one ; stupere 

in aliquo; Val. Flac, To be amazed 
at one, or to have him in great admira- 
tion; stupere aliquem. The mother 
stood amazed, or was dismayed and as- 
tonished, when she heard these words ; 
mater ad auditas stupet voces ; Ovid. 

AMBITION ; ambitio, et ambitus, 
honoris occupatio ; dignitatis venatio, 
appetitus principatus, Sitis fame; 
impotens honorum sitis; studium, cu- 
piditas honorum, imperiorum; glorie 
‘appetentia. . 

Ambitious, or immoderately desi- 
rous of honor_and glory; ambitiosus, 
honoripeta-z, com. g.; ambitor. Ap- 
petens, avidus, cupidus, famelicus, glo- 
riz, fame. Sitibundus, esurientissimus 
laudis ; immoderate appetens honores ; 

onoris, potentizve cupiditate inflam- 
matus ; non alienus ab ambitione ; cu- 
jus juvenilem obsedit animum glorie 
febris, sitis ; laudis sitientissimus, mag- 
narum pomparum amantissimus; labo- 
~ rans ambitione ; honoris paulo avidior ; 
zqualitatis impatiens ; locum principa- 
lem ambiens; tumidus ; suo statu mi- 
nime contentus; dominandi libidine 
effrenatus ; de contentione principatus 

To be Ampitious, or ambitiously 
to seek for honor and preferment ; am- 
bire ; ambitione ferri; ad honores as- 

“pirare, anhelare. - Honores ambire, au- 
upari, venari, prensare, appetere, cap- 
tare, sitire, Ambitione, honoris fame, 
siti, cupiditate teneri, laborare, ardere, 
flagrare. Honoribus, dignitate, impe- 
rio nihil prius, potius, prestantius, anti- 

quius, duicius habere, judicare. Magno 

-impetu, impotenti Jibidine, omni co- 
natu, contentione, studio ad imperii 
celsitudinem, ad principatum, ad exi- 
mium dignitatis splendorem, locum niti, 
eniti, aspirare, contendere, rapi, ferri. 
De dignitate et imperio unice laborare. 
Omnia ad dignitatem et principatum 
referre. Honori suo velificari. Honoris 
paulo avidior, appetentissimus, Do- 
minandi libidine etfrenatus, prurire to- 
tus. Regnum, imperivm affectare. 
Honoribus inhbiare, inservire. Regni 

AM 49 

causa violare omne jus. Nimiam, am- 
bitiosam spem alere, fovere, Lubrica 
et preceps cupiditas dominandi. Am- 
bitio cives agitat vesana, Ad honores 
suspirare, ‘Ceca superbi pectoris am- 
bitio. Ambitus impatiens, et summo 
dulcius unum stare loco, Cui—imperia 
pretio quolibet constant, Conflare po- 
pulares honores ; sectari auras popula- 
res; ad dignitatem contendere; ad im- 
peria et honores niti, eniti; ad gloriam, 
virtutum vet vitiorum via grassari. In- 
sdlenter, se supra omnes alios efferre ; 
omnia ad dignitatem referre ; populari 
cure aut glorie vacare; glorie cupidi- 
tate nimia rapi, duci, teneri, illici, fran- 
gi. Venatur ea, que nec Deo contin- 
gunt, placere omnibus. 

Ampitiousty; ambitiose; i. e. - 
proudly or aspiringly ; atroganter'; al- 
to, amplo, vasto animo, impotenti de- 
siderio. y 

He who is Amsttious of glory by 
popular applause, builds his house on 
the sand and mud; qui populari niti- 
tur aura, domum in arena lutoque ex- 
struit. é 

Ambition is certainly most wretch- 
ed and miserable; miserrima omnino 
est ambitio honorumque contentio ; 
Cic. For ambition or desire of glory 
and honor is a most severe mistress ; 
cupiditas honoris, quam dura, quam- 
que vehemens, est domina? Many, be- 
Sore they have begun to learn what is 
good and commendable, are drowned 
aud overwhelmed in or with ambition 
or vain glory; multi, prius ‘quam, ad 
quid laude sit dignum, discendum in- 
gressi sunt, obruuntur ambitione et fu- 
co; Cic. Jam not so ambitious as to 
hunt after the vain applause of the airy 
multitude; non ego ventose plebis 
suffragia venor; Hor. I am not so 
ambitious, as to look so high; haud 
equidem tali me dignor honore ; nec 
adeo sum famz famelicus, ut cum po- 
pulo gratiam inire studerem. It is the 
greatest honor and praise not to be 
ambitious of praise or honor ; summus 
est honos, maximaque laus, honores et 
laudes minime ambire. 

Amartionis a kind of childish hunt- 
ing after vain glory ; puerile quoddam 
gloriole aucupium, est amhitio. re- 
fore it is the part of a wise man not to 
be so ambitious as to look for great 
matters in this world; altum; proimde 
hie nec spirare nee sperare, —— 

50 AM 

est. And, to be ambitious of popular 
applause is childish and foolish ; ac, 
pendere a multitudinis aura, et applau- 
sum .captare popularem, humanum, 
puerile est et fataum.. Ambition or 
lusting after the honors of government, 
knows nothing of piety and virtue ; 
nescit pietatis aut virtutis jura regnandi 
cupiditas. Ambition viciously expends 
and lavishes what covetousness vi- 
ciously gathered together; ambitio 
male profundit, quod male collegit 
avaritia. It is worse to be proud and 
ambitious of coarse clothing than of 
rich and splendid garments ; turpior 
est ambitio e vilitate cultus ; quam ex 
amictu splendido, That ambition is 
disgraceful, which hunts after praise 
by a false show and ostentation of vir- 
tue; turpis est ambitio ex fuco virtutis 
Jaudem captans. For the most part, 
men forget equity and justice, when 
they become ambitious of glory, honor, 
and government ; maxime adducuntur 
plerique, ut‘eos justitie capiat oblivio, 
cum in imperiorum, honorum, glorieve 
cupiditatem inciderint ; Cic. 
AmpiTi0us decrees; decreta ambi- 
tiosa; i. e. made by suit or favor ; 

Ulp, And so, ambitiosus judex ; et am. 

bitiosa sententia, dicitur, que gratis 
vel accepta mercede, in aliéujus favo- 
rem a judice fertur: and, amicitie ani- 
_bitiose ; Cic. i. e. feigned friendship 
with a “fair show and small effect ; 
painted Jriendship, with many fair 
signs but little good heart. Ambitious 
courts; atria ambitiosa; Mart. i. e. 
a curious or cunning art with great 
ostentation. Ambitious; i. e. curious 
diligence, seeking to get favor, or mak- 
ing an ostentatious show of diligence 
in going about any thing; diligen- 
tia ambitiosa ; Ulp. i. ¢. Nimis anxia 
- et inusitata, et que apparet in nullo re- 
missae De quibus dici solebat ; non 
amo nimium diligentes. Ambitious, 
i. e. superfluous, ornaments serving 
only for show ; ambitiosa ornamenta ; 
Hor. More ambitious than Cleophon 
himself; ambitiosior ipso Cleophonte : 
Proverb. in vecordem et indoctum glo- 
rie plus equo studiosum : Cleophon 
enim, homo ignobiilis, literaram ignarus, 
primas sibi in republica partes Athenis 

AMBUSH; insidiz-arum; subsessa, 

_Instruere vel facere, 


Ars ambitiosa ; Plin. i. e. 


pl. n. Subsesse-arum. " urtum insi- 

He that so lieth in Annus 3 insi- 
diator ; subsessor. 

To lie in AMBUSH or in wait; insi- 
diari; subsidere. Laid or placed in 
ambusli ; positus in insidtis, To lie in 
ambush ; insidias alicui parare, struere, 
tendere, moliri; insidiis et arte circun- 
dare ; esse in insidiis. To do any He 
by ambush, i. e. craftily or closely ; to 
deceive ; dé vel ex insidiis aliquid lees 
re; Cic. To lay an ambush for one ; 
i. e, to lie in wait to deceive; collocare, 
insidias alicui ;_ 
Cic. He was slain by ambush ; ex in- 
sidiis interiit ; Cie.’ Not wary “enough 
to shun the ambush of others ; incautus 
insidiis, pro, ad insidias, aliorum ; Tac. 
This place is fit for lying in ambush ; 
aptus hic est ad insidiandum locus. 
The soldiers are placed in ambush; 
milites in insidiis locantur. This is one 
that lieth in wait or in ambush for pas- 
sengers in. the road ; hic est insidiator 
The villain lieth in wait or am- 
bush for Cesar ; insidiatur Casari sica. 
Let us lay in ambush to hunt the wild 
boars; insidiemur apris; Mart. To 
lie in wait and as it were in ambush to | 
espy time and opportunity; insidiari 
tempori ; Liv. Insidie dicuntar ab 
insidendis, et occupandis locis que ad _ 

 insidias deliguntur, 

To AMEND; emendare, ‘reparare, 
restituere; restaurate, sarcire, resarcire, 
reficere, substaurare, reconcinnare, in- 
staurare. Limare, secundare, . 

To Amenp, or make better ; 
gere, in melius mutare, 

To Amend; neut. i. e. to grow 
better in manners ; resipiscere, mores 
in melius mutare. 


To AmeNn, viz. in health; conva- | 

lescere ; recuperare sanitatem, 

AMENDS ; compensatio. 

That cannot or may not be AMEND- © 
BD ; inemendabilis, incorrigibilis. 

AMENDED, or corrected ; emendatus, 
correctus, reparatus, restitutus, refectus, 
resfauratus, sartus, resartus, instaura- 
tus ; limatus, ? 

To Amend his faults; ad bonam, ” 
meliorem frugem, ad saniorem mentem, 
in viam redire, recipere, revocare, col-- 
ligere se: vitam pristinam, mores, er- 
rores veteres, antiquos, tanquam ser- 
pentis pellem exuere, deponeres Vitam 


male actam in nielius commutare ; eul- 
pas preteritas redimere, resarcire, A 
vitiis referre pedem, receptui canere. 
_ Ex vitiorum omnium ceno, colluvie,. 
' xolluvione, gurgite, barathro, profundo, 
erigere se aliquando, emergere, eluctari. 
Impurioris vite sordes abluere, emacu- 
lare. Vitiorum crapulam  edormire. 
Ex intemperantie vitioruamque somno 
suscitari, expergisci. Novam, meliorem 
vivendi rationem inire, ingredi, institu- 
ere, Resipiscere. In melius proficere. 
Se a vitiorum illecebris expedire, ex- 
plicare ; purgare ab omni nequitiz labe. 
Vitiis omnibus atque flagitiis nuncium 
remitteres Portus optimus peenitenti 
tatio consilii 

Uf he miscarry, he has the Amenvs 

in his own hands ; peribit inultus, 
| He makes’ AMenvs for his fault ; 
redimit culpam preteritam. 
To make AmeNpvs for a fault; ex- 
piare ; resarcire; culpam (ut dictum) 
redimere; vite transacte pcenitere; 
» culpa seu peccati faces diluere, pudo- 
ris labem, vite sordes eluere: scelus 
expiare ; transacte vite crimina condo- 
lere ; diligentia rem sarcire ; melioris 
vite fructus indices edere ; immergere 
aliquando, et se ad frugem bonam (ut 
‘dicitur) recipere; Cic. A vitiis se ab- 
ducere, continere; pcenitentia duci, 
tangi ; peccatorum penitentiam agere ; 
vetus vite genus exuere ; vite castiga- 
tionis propositum sumere ; emendatius 
vivere ; ad salubriora consilia animum 
appellere; benefactis pensare delictum ; 
per egregia facta cnlpam compensare ; 
ad virtutis tramitem se recipere; ab 
erroribus teterrimis se revocare; i 
rationis gyrum se reducere, ~ ; 
All your ill fortune, wisdom and so- 
lid resolution, or valiant courage, will 
. £asily AMEND or remedy; damnum a 
. fortuna compensat virtus, Quod a for- 
tuna damnum accepisti, tulisti, resarciet, 
compensabit virtus ; medebitur iis malis 
virtus ; quo te fertuna conjecit, quibus 
te afflixit fortuna, quibus te calamitati- 

- bus implicavit fortuna, iis te virtus ex- 
pediet ; ut acerbam fortunam sensisti, 
ita dulcem, ac suavem virtutem expe- 
rieris ; quantum detrimenti, incommodi, 
calamitatis, malorum a fortuna tulisti, 
tantos a virtute, atque adeo majores 
fructus capies, percipies, feres, colliges, 
' » Tomake Amenps for damages; pen- 
sare, .rependere, restituere, resarcire 

AM ' 51 

To bring one to AMENDMENT; ad 

-sanitatem animi aliquem reducere. 

AMISS ; pravus, non rectus, malus, 
vitiosus ; incommodus. adverb: prave, 
male, vitiose; perperam, minus recte, 
enormiter, mendose. ’ ; 

Todo Amiss ; delinquere, peccare, 
offendere, titubare, labi, errare, - 

Not much Amiss ; non incommrode. 
If we have done any thing amiss; si 
quid est peccatum a nobis ; Ter. You 
judge amiss of these things ; hec male 
judicas; Ter. -It will not be amiss to 
look ; non erit alienum videre. Jé is 
not amiss for you, io—; non ab re est, 
ut—. Ifyou do never so little amiss ; 
si tantulum peccasses ; Plaut. They ex- 
amine what is done amiss; quid pecca-* 
tum sit-exquirunt; Cic. They do amiss 
in that— ; in eo peccant— ; Cic. They 
do amiss; delictum in se admittere ; Ter. 

Tf any thing fall Amiss or otherwise 
than well ; si quid preter spem evene- 
rit; si quid preter animi sententiam 
contigerit ; si quid humanitus exciderit, 
Si quid aliter atque ego sensi, aut spe- 
ravi, ceciderit. Si quid mali mihi cadat; 
si quid incommodi, sive adversi, eve- 

I am grieved that this hath fallen 
out so much Amiss ; doleo hoc sic pre- 
ter votum, imo contra votum, accidisse, 
Nothing else could fall out so much 
amiss for my g'rief ; aliud nihil, ad do- 
lorem acerbius meum potuit excidere. 
This did not fall out amiss by my will; 
id non, ex voluntate mea, male accidit. 

AMONG, when it has not from be- 
Sore it, is generally rendered by inter ; 
yet sometimes by in, and apud: as, 
Hortensius, in that thing, was much ~ 
the better amongst all his equals ; Hor- 
tensius, hac in re, suos inter #quales 
longe prestitit; Cic. I never thought 
that money should be reckoned among 
the best or chief good thing's ; nunquam 
ego pecunias in bonis, seu optimis re- 
bus, esse numerandas duxi; Cic. Jé 
was questioned among our ancestors, 
whether—&c.; quiesitum est apud ma- 
jores nostros, num—&e, ; Cic. I know 
these things are said- among the 
Greeks; ‘non sam nescius ista inter 
Grecos dici solere ; Cic. He is not 
to be reckoned among great men; hic 
in magnis viris non est habendus; Cic. 
Hence there grew many great discords 
among the Athenians; hinc, apud Athe- 
nienses, magne discordie orte ; Cice 

52 - AM 

Note; Among is chiefly rendered 
by in, and apud, where consociation ts 
‘ signified ; but scarcely or not at all 
where division, or partition: as; for, 
They did divide among themselves ; 
partiumtur inter se is im Cicero, and 
inter Se diviserunt is in Livy: but, 
partiuntur apud se, or in se, avd apud 
se or in se diviserunt, or any thing 
diké it, is scarcely to be found, 

Among, whew it has from before tt, 
is rendered by e or ex: as, He made 
choice of the very chief of all from 
among the most sjlendid orders or de- 
grees of the senators; delegit, e flo- 
rentissimis senatorum crdinibus, ipsa 
Jumina; Cic. Jf ye, from among all 
the people, had the power of choice or 
election ; si vobis, ex omni populo, de- 
legendi potestas esset. And so Among 
is rendered when it stands for of, or 
out of ; or when it any way notes selec- 
tion or pre-eminency: as, He trusted 
most to him of all among, or of, the 
other Gauls; ei, ex aliis omnibus-Gal- 
lis, maximam fidem habebat; Ces. I 
thought that only should not be done 
among all the vthers, which he had 
commanded; id solum, ex his omnibus 
que imperasset, non faciendum esse 
censebam; Curt. Whom alone you 
had Gneslia iets vine SHGhg Gitt ; guem 
unum > ex cunctis delegissetis:; Cic. 
They are not liked among the commen 
sort; non sane probantur in vulgus ; 
Cic. He was like te have been lost 
among them :. pene harum ipsiusque 
opera periit; Ter, To put among the 
Gods; reponere in Deos. Among 
friends all things are commen ; com- 
munia sunt amicorum inter se omnia. 
He was accounted or esteemed among 
the chief ornaments of the age ; is, in- 
ter precipua seculi ornamenta, poneba- 
tur, We know ourselves among our- 
selves; novimus nos inter nos. They 
fight among. themselves with their 
horns ; inter se cormibus pugnant. Let 
us play among ourselves; inter nos 
ludamus; Plaut. To speak among 
themselves ; inter 8e loqui. Speak welt 
_ one of another among yourselves ; inter 
vos bene dicatis; Plaut. . 

To AMOUNT fo, as in reckoning ; 
creseere, exurgere, valere, The sum 
amounts to thus much; summa huc 
redit. ; 

‘Wheat he said-Amounts to the same 
thing ; que dixit, idem valent; Cic, 

. AN 
It amounts to nothing ; nihil valet, | 
ANCESTORS; antecessores, majo- 

res, parentes;  priores, progenitores, 
patres, avi; proereatores, seniores ; 

generis auctores; sui generis principes; - 

superioram memoriarum homines. 

To imitate his ANCESTORS ; majores, 
principes sui generis imitari, emulan. 
Eniti esse majoribus quam simillimum. 
Majorum yestigiis inherere, insistere. In 
majorum suoruni stare vestigiis. Ma- 
jorum famam satis rebus gestis, mores, 
vitam, res gestas imitatione exprimere, 
zquare. Se ad normam paterne glori, 
ad mores et consuetudinem majorum 
conformare, componere. Generi suo, 
glorie, nomini majcruam, patrum re- 
spondere, Exemplaria sue yite majo- 
res sibi ante oculos proponere, Paterne 
Jaudis, gloria, virtutis, nobilitatis emu- 
Jum esse ; vestigia feliciter persequi. 
Dignum se majoribus. suis prastare. 
Domestice laudis amplitudinem ter. 
Virtutem quam majores sui tanquam— 
hereditarem reliquerunt, retinere. Pa--- 
trum vestigia iinplere. Patrum vestigia 
legere. Sapere patrues. Fortes cre- 
antur fortibus et bonis. » 

ANcEstRY ; parentela, prosapia-2, 
f. ; stemma-atis, n. 

Unlike his Ancestors é in manners ; 

To degenerate from, or to be unlike, - 
his Axcrsrors ; a virtute, gloria, gra- 
vitate patrum, parentum, majorum de- 
generare, desciscere,.deficere. Glorie 
majorum segetem extirpare.. Suis vitiis, 
turpitndine sua, domesticis sordibus de- 
decorare majores ; jumen patene glorize 
tenebris offundere ; paterno nomini ig- 
nominiam inurere ; veteres majorum lau- 
des obterere ; dedecori esse majoribus 
suis ; perennem fontem paterne gloria 

exsiccare, exhaurire. Majorum familia, - 

stirpe indignum se prebere... Gloria 
majorum non respondere.. A via majo 
ruin deflectere. Hzereditatem paterne 
virtutis, gloriz amittere, © Vestigia ma-— 
jorum deserere. A parentum. vestigiis- 
recedere, resilire. Laudis domesticee 

To excel his ANCESTORS. in virtue ‘ 

and glory; obscuram majorum fami- 
liam sua virtute in lucem e tenebris vo- 
care. Familie sue dignitatem addere, 
augere,. Posteris suis prebere virtutis 
exemplum et nobilitatis initium, Super 
titulos majorum scandere. - Homo no- 
vus, at veteribus sue familie a il- 



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'> PVs * 

able ~ 

ws BAL if wy Ps i he Lb Sd » , a ve yore \ ty 
ES Fe gs SO 9 

1 AN 
ldstrior ; non | imaginibus majorum, sed 
virtutibus suis clarissimus. Pennas 
nido majores extendere. 

‘Our Ancestors thought it a great 
shame to lie ; majoribus mentiri turpis- 
‘simum fuit. Majorum nostrum etate, 
tempestate, temporibus, quo seculo ma- 
jores nostri vixerunt, mendacium pro- 
bro fuit maximo, mendacium oe 
res turpissima habebatur. 

' In our Ancestors’ times truth was 
so much honored and esteemed, that 
‘liars were accounted the most base and 

‘unworthy of all others ; apud’ majores 

“nostros veritas ita colebatur, ut falsi ho- 

‘mines pessime audirent. 

Our Ancestorsdid much prefer and 
esteem virtue before riches; majores 
‘nostri divitias virtuti longe post pong 
bant, Majores nostri divitias virt 
postponebanit ; majares nostri divitias 
™minimi putabant, unam virtutem seque- 
bantur’ apud majores nostros minima 
‘divitiarum, virtutis erat ratio maxima ; 
‘nullo loco ‘apud majores nostros divitize 
fuerunt, virtus una vigebat maxime ; 
plurimam semper apud majores nostros 
virtus valuit; minimum divitie ; opes 
in minimis ponebant ; postreme “omni- 
‘um rerum divitie illis erant; rem fa- 
miliarem, queeque nos bona appellamus, 
parvi, minimi, nihili reputabant, duce- 
bant, estimabant, pendebant, faciebant, 
flocci faciebant, flocci non faciebant, 

_ ‘(idem enim significatur, sive absit, sive 

adsit particula non) ; minimi erant ‘apud 
majores nostros opes, minimi ponderis, 
nullo apud eos loco, parvi momenti; 

postremum apud eos locum opes obti- 
nebant, de opibus minimum laborabant ; 

divitias pre virtute contemnebant, in- 
fra virtutem ducebant, post virtutem 
habebant, virtute posteriores judica- 

Our Ancestors, opr forefathers: 
majores apud Romanos nominabantur 
‘parentes supra tritavum, qui speciale 
nomen non haberent, nempe post pa- 
tris, preavi, abavi, atavi_vocabulum : 
minores autem non dicimus, nisi quo- 
tiens deficit graduum nomen, ut filius, 
nepos, pronepos, abnepos, trinepos. 
Alias vero generaliter majores omnes 

appellantur, qui ante nos fuerunt, vel 

ante aliquot secula, licet nullo nobis 
sanguinis vinculo sint devincti. 

In our Ancestors’ age or memory, 
such villanies were never so much as 
heard of, far less acted and committed ; 

ASR? 53 

nostrorum tate aut memoria majorum 
hujusmodi scelera nunquam audita, 
nedum perpetrata, fuerunt. 

An ANCHOR of a ship; anchora, 
As Ae 

To Ancuor, or cast anchor ; ancho- 
ram jacere, ; 

At Ancuor; in anchoris stans: 
and so, To ride at anchor ; in anchoris, 
or, ad anchoram, stare. To weigh an- 
chor; anchoram sublevare, solvere. _ 
And,sacram anchoram solvere, Prover- 
bialiter dicitur, quoties, ad extrema re- 
fugia confugitur. 

So, the Ancuor of a house ; anctio- 
ra domus: pro refugio, et columna do- 
mus. “Heaven doth often prevent the 
casting of anchor ; prevertit sepe an~ 
chore jactum Deus: quod dici solet, 
cum res preter spem evenit. He és 
held up or supported by two anchors ; 
or, as is said, by both arms ; duabus 
anchoris’ fultus est : quod. de firmis di- 
citur et immotis, To take up the an- 
chors ; anchoras tollere: i, e. discessum 
moliri., The. sheet-anchor, or sure 
anchor-hold; anchora sacra. The high- 
estanchor; anchora superior, suprema$ 
Isid. i, e. a mark set to note some great 
matter. To lie at anchor ; in anchoris, 
vel, ad anchoras, stare ; Ces. 

ANCIENT ; antiquus, vetus, pris- 
cus, pervetustus, canus, avitus, pristi- 
nus ; redojens antiquitatem ; " superiori- 
bus seculis ortus, 

Grown Ancient; or old ; invetera- ; 
tus, antiquatus. 

To grow ANCIENT 3 senescere, inve- 
Grayeere, seu inveterescere. 

ANCIENTLY, or in old time ; antique, 
antiquitus, olim, jam olim, antehac, 
quondam ; superiori, patrum, avorum 
memoria. Priscis, preteritis, antiquis 
temporibus. . tate majorum. A pre- 
senti memoria Semotum, Longe pre- 
terito et transacto seculo, Apud-secu- 
lum prius ; majores nostros, priscos, 
antiquos; qui quo propius aberant ab 
ortu et divina progenie, hoc melius ea 
cernebant, Saturno regnante. Rusti- 
ca Saturno regna tenenie fuit. Prisci 
temporis annis. Prius——tunce cum 

eliora fuerunt secula. 

An ANCIENT many senex, ztate 
prayectns, grandzvus, 

An ANCIENT custom; mos vetustus, 
vetus antiquus, 

An Anctent in war ; antesignanus, 
signifer, vexiilifer. 

54 AN 

AND ; et, ac, atque; que, autem, 
‘ vero; tam, necnon. 

And, coming next before not, and 
prohibiting an act following, is ele- 
gZantly rendered by autem: as, You 
should relieve him, and not rail at him; 
oportet te hominem sublevare, non au- 
tem jurgiis adoriri. Note: and, in this 
sense, is put in English for but; and 
may be rendered by vero as well as 
autem ; and in affirmations, as well as 
negations.. ; 

- And, parted from its negative fol- 
lowing’, is elegantly expressed in Latin 
by nec or neque: as, Those stars are 
turned ‘about the earth itself, and they 
do not return to the same place, not in 
a great many years afterwards ; citca 
terram ipsam volutantur ista sidera, 
nec in hunc locum nisi multis exagitata 
seculis revertuntur; Cic. There was 
a time when men inhabited country 
villages, and scarcely had any town or 
city to dwell in ; fuit tempus cum rura 
colerent homines, neque urbem ullam 
haberent. He begins again the old 
wars, and cannot he quiet; renovat 
pristina bella, nec potest quiescere ; 
Cic. And donot you say, you were 
not told of this ; neque tu hoc dicas, 
tibi non predictum; Ter. 

Note: ac and et may also in this 
sense be used: as, Bring home your 
wife, Ann do not oppose me ; reduc ux- 
orem, ae noliadversari mihi; Ter. This 
man ¢f he agree with himself, and be 
not sometimes overcome with goodness 
of nature ; hic, si sibi ipse consentiat 
et non interdum nature bonitate vin- 
catur 3, Cie. 

And, coming before yet and there- 
fore, may in Latin be omitted, having 
nothing for it but the Latin of those 
particles: as, The consul sees, and 
yet he lives; consul videt, hic tamen 

vivit; Cic. And therefore, while you 

have time, consider ; proin tu, dumest 
tempus, cogita ; Ter. : 

And, with if, many times has nothing 
more in Latin for it, than the word for 
if ; sometimes it has quod: as, What 
and ¢f ye shall see? quid igitur si vide- 
ritis? But and if— ; at si——. 

Note: sometimes And alone is put 
for and if, (in this sense): as, 

_ But Ann if you will not forgive ; 
si aulem non remiseritis, 
you would have killed me; non si me 
occidisses ; Petron. . 


When And comes between two 
verbs active, there may be an elegant 
translation of them by putting a par- 
ticiple, instead of the former verb and 
the particle and: as, Whom his 
mother conceived and bore; quem ma- 
ter conceptum genuit; Virg. 3 

And, in most other cases, is to be 
translated by ac, atque, et necnon, que 
and tum: as inthe following examples: 

Servitio premet ; ac victis dominabitur . 

Argis ; Virg. Ain,1. Etiam atque etiam 
cogita; Ter. Eun.i. 1. Sunt alii phi- 
losophi et hi quidem magni, qui—— ; 
Cic..1. de Nat. Deor. Nunc te, Bac- 
che, canam, nec non sylvestria tecum 
virgulta; Virg. Georg. 2. Tibi, 
ut debeo, gratulor letorque ; Cic. 2. 
Fam, 9. Lentulum nostrum cum cete- 
ris artibus, tum in primis imitatione tui 
fac erudias ; Cic.1. 1. Ep, 8, 

Anp you and all; et te quoque eti- 
am; Plaut. He had lost his faith and 
all; perdidisset fidem quoque ; Quint, 
And why so? nam quid ita? .quamo- 
brem tandem? Ter, By ltile and 
little; paulatim; sensin; pedeten- 
tim; Cic, Now and then; nonnun- 
quam ; interdum; identidem ; subinde. 

To run up Ann down; sursum de- 
orsum cursitare; Ter. Hither and 
thither ; nunc hue, nunc illuc; Virg. 
Huc et illuc ; Cic. I commend them 
and that deservedly ; ego illos laudo, 
idque merito. And because; that, 
lest ; simul quod; quia, ut ne; Ces. 

Sal. Cic. Ter.. How can we go out. 

and not be seen? quomodo possumus 
egredi, utnon conspiciamur? Petron, 
By a little dimness of sight Iam 
Jorced to dictate this epistle, AND not 
write it myself, as I use to do to you; 
parvula lippitudine adducw8 sum, ut 
dictarem hanc epistolam, et non, ut so- 
leo, ad te ipse scriberem; Cic. That 

‘out any trouble to you; sine tuo labore, 

‘quod yelis, actum est tamen; Plaut.- 

And yet every one cannot be Scipio ; 
nec tamen omnes possunt esse Scipio- 
nes; Cic. And yet every one cannot 
go to Corinth; nec tamen cuivis con- 
tingit adire Corinthum. 

Whom the neighbours, or those who 
are neat, did receive, Ann take into 
their camp ; quem proximi exceptum 

ot and if in castra receperunt; Curt. He made 

me drunk, and put out my ou j me ine- 
briatum excecavit, And no 

which you desireis done, and yet with- — 

long after ... 






“neque ita longo intervallo, And not 

, cause ; nec injuria. And you 
cannot but know it ; nec clam te est. 

And yet why should I teach you this ? 

quanquam te quidem quid hoc doceam ? 
I suffer for my ceo j and yet what 
rashness was there in it ? do peenas te- 
meritatis mee ; etsi que fuit illa teme- 
vitas? And yet they will not do that 
neither ; neque tamen id facient. | 
AND THEREFORE, is rendered by 
proin, proinde: as, And therefore while 

' you have time consider ; proin tu, dum 

est tempus, cogita. And therefore be 
as courageous as the case requires ; 
proinde, fac tantum animum habeas, 
quanto opusest. Indeed I already ex- 
pected your letters, and that with many 
others ; equidem jam expectabam tuas 

_ Titeras, idque cum multis aliis ; Cic, 
_ Although, my son Marcus, you must 

needs be instructed with a great many 

precepts, since that you have heard 

for above a year, and that 
at Athens ; quanquam te, Marce -fili, 
annum jam audientem Cratippum, id- 
que Athenis, abundare oportet precep- 
tis M Cic. > . 
Without ifs or Anns; plane, ab- 
Anpv so forth; et cetera,,.&c. Et 

_ que sequuntur. 

ANGER ; ira, itacundia ; indigna- 
tio, furor ; stomachus, excandescentia ; 
savitia; bilis ; animi calor, tumor, effer- 
vescentia, animus; or animi, pl. m, 
as, pone animos. Anger quickly 
moved ;" iracundia ; or aptness to anger. 
Tuclination to anger; or also, extreme 
anger ; excandescentia, 

To make one ANGRY,or to provoke one 
to anger or wrath ; aliquem lacessere, 
irritare, exulcerare, exacerbare, exaspe- 
rare dictis; ad iram, iracundiam accen- 
dere, instigare, provocare ; verbis in- 
flammare ; ad furorem impellere ; com- 
motum, duriorem et acerbiorem red- 
dere; iratiorem, asperiorem_ facere ; 
furiis, furoribus incendere. Alicui ani- 
mum commovere, exulcerare: stoma~- 
chum, bilem movere, facere, conci- 
tare, commovere ; irarum faces admove- 
te, subjicere : iram incitare.—Stimulis 
haud mollibus iram incitat.—Verbis 
odia aspera movit. Acuere furorem, 
Incenditque animum dictis, atque ag- 
gerat iras. In alium instigare, incen- 
dere, incitare, asperiorem reddere, &c. 
Alicujus animum turbare, exulcerare ; 
incensum dare, pro, iratum dare; Ter, 


AN 55 

To be Anony, or to be vexed or dis- 
pleased ; irasci, succensere, indignari, 
stomacbari, acrius incalescere, incandes- 
cere, excandescere, fremere, maxime 
fervere. Ira, iracundia efferri, commo- 
veri, vehementer ardere, exardere, in- 
tumescere, furere, effrenatum ferri, fu- 
renter flagrare, accendi, inflammari, in- 
cendi, fervescere, effervescere, incitari, 
agitari, Irarum stimulis exardescere, 
Irato, percito esse animo. Pre ira- 
cundia non sumapud me. Animus 
mihi ardet, cor cumulatur ira. In fer- 
mento sum totus, Ingentes irarum 
motus in animo concipere, Furente 
iracundia exire de potestate, consilio, 
ratione, mente, Animus exulceratus, 
Exarsere ignes, animo sumitiram. Va- 
rio, magno——lirarum fluctuat estu,, 
Ingentes animo. colligit, concipit, exer- 
cet iras——-Animus tumida fervebat ab 
ira. Ardet et iram non capit ipse suam, 
Meum fervens difficili bile tumet jecur, - 
Sui furiis agitata. doloris, 
Meum jecur urere bilis——Ambazs ira- 
tus buccas inflat. Trarum omnes ef- 
fundit habenas. Furor iraque men- 
tem precipitant, Tumidas exarsit 
in iras, Immani concitus, fervidus 
irae Iracundior Adria, 

Ancory, angered, or displeased and 
vexed; iratus, infensus, iracundus ; 
stomachans, indignans, indignabundus, 
svus, irritatus, exacerbatus ; acerbus ; 
concitus, commotus ; ardens, ira com- 
motus, affectus, agitatus, adductus, im- 
pulsus, incitatus, actus, accensus, in- 
flammatus; qui irritabili est ingenio, 
To be half angry; subirasci. To bz 
violently angry ; furere, sevire, obsa- 
vire ; rabiare, debacchari, estuare, ex- 

Exceedingly Axery ; incensus ira ; 
vehementer ira commotus. 

Quickly Ancry ; iracundus, stoma- 
chosus, irritabilis, stomachabundus. d 

To be AnGry for every trifie; nulla, 
Jevissima causa irasci. Minima offen- 
sionis causa oblata, interposita ; occa- 
sione admodum levi assumpta, arrepta, 
accepta exardescere, efferri, incendi- 
iracundia ; animo impotenti, effranato 
invehi, invadere in aliquem. AAcriter, 
acerrime de quavis offensiuncula dimi- 
care, digladiari, depugnare. De nihilo, 
de Jana caprina, de asini umbra (quod 
aiunt) altercari, contendere, decertare. 
Injuria, offensione nulla fere lacessitys, 
provocatus, cum amico litem contesta- 
tam habuit, Pro levibus noxis iras graves 

56 AN 

sumere, plumbeas gerere. Cause leves 
impulerunt ad iras. Unum verbum in- 
ter eos odium constituit. Pusilla de 
causa, de re quantumvis levi litem, rix- 
am movere. Prave sectum: stoma- 
charis ob unguem. Rixatur de lana 
seepe caprina. Propugnat nugis armatus, 

To be furiously ANGRY; animus ex- 
ulceratus ; stomachi perturbatio acer- 
rima ; furor alicujus effrenatus ac pre- 
ceps ; admodum, furenter, irasci alicui. 
Plane, maxime, succensere alicui ; laxas 
ire permittere habenas; acrius incales- 
cere; iracunde rabioseque quidquam 
facere ; furor illum invasit; iras secum 
animo coquere; plumbeas iras gerere ; 
Plaut. Iram in aliquem effundere ; 
iram acerbiorem intimo odio et corde 
concipere ; inter estus iracundie fluc- 
tuare ; flagranti percitus ira ; quodam 
quasi animi zstu effervescere; seevit 
animis ignobile vulgus; maximo ire 
zestu excandescere. 

To repress or stay, to bridle or re- 
strain his ANGER or fury ; iram, ira- 
cundiam suam reprimere, cohibere, 
comprimere, temperare, coercere, con- 
tinere, compescere, decoquere, refre- 
nare. Ire modum frenumque ponere, 
statuere, adhibere. A®stus iracundie 
suz comprimere. Dissimulare stoma- 
chum, mussare injuriam. 

To smother his Ancer; vince ani- 
mos iramque tuam. Compesce men- 
tem. Animum rege, qui nisi paret, 
imperat ; hunc frenis, hune tu compes- 
ce catenis. Ire moderari. Animos 
iramque ponere. Mitiga pectus ferum, 
Iras remisso pectore ac placido feras. 
Revocare animum ab ira, Stomachum, 
ob rei indignitatem, effervescentem, ra- 
tione cohibere: rationis moderamine 
reflectere ire appetitum. . 

To appease one’s ANGER; iram, ira- 
cundiam, furorem, impetum alicujus 
lenire, mitigare, delinire, componere, 
comprimere, compescere, — temperare, 
minuere, sedare, diminuere, extenuare, 
extinguere. Iratum, commotum, pacare, 
placare, conciliare, mollire, lenire, de- 
Jenire: in pacem, gratiam restituere, 

reducere. Animum offensum compo-. 

nere,,permulcere, sopire, consopire fu- 
rorem, zstum iracundie. Tidem qui 
facimus, factam tenuabimus iram, iram- 
que minasque supplicibus superare votis 
mollitque animos et temperat iram. 
Alio aliquem placare et lenire : incen- 
sum Testringere: pacatum, placatum 


Wise men ought not to be moved 
with excessive ANGER by the inju- 
ries of others ; sapientes, aliorum in- 
juriis, ira nimia minime commoveri de- 
bent. € 

Do not lay aside the greatness of 
your own mind, in being Ancry for 
the wrong or iniury of any one; mag- 
nitudinem animi tui ne reflectas cujus- 
quain injuria. : ete 

He is too ANGry with you now for 
that ; is nunc propterea tibi succenset ; . 
Ter. Hadkiee’s 

Heis Ancry with you for some- 
thing ; est quod succenset tibi ; Ter. 

A little matter will serve to make 
them AnGry ; pro levibus noxiis iras 
gerunt ; Ter. 

They are Ancry at one another, i. 
e. fallen out; ira inter illos intercessit ; 
Ter. 2 

To be very ANGRY; gravius com- 
moveri; ira ardere, inflammanri, efferri, 
incendi, excandescere; \iracundia in- 
flammatum esse, efferri, moveri, exar- 
dere, graviter irasci; Cic. 6 tS 

Iam so Axncry Iam not myself; 
pre iracundia non sum apud me; Ter, 
He was so angry at it ; hoc animo tam 
iracundo tulit; Ter. ' 

I was a little Ancry when I wrote 
back to you ; rescripsi tibi subiratus ; 
Cic. They were very angry with us ; 
erant nobis perirati ; Cic. 

Whatsoever thou dost in thine An- 
cer, it will return to thy shame at 
last ; iracunde commissum dedecus, 
Quicquid ages iracunde, iratus, in ira, 
éum ira, irato animo, animo ira com- 
moto, ira affecto, ira agitato, commotus 
ira, adductus, inductus, impulsus, in- 
citatus, actus, accensus, inflammatus, 
iracundiz vi impulsus, turpiter ages, 
tua cum infamia, ignominia, tuo cum 
dedecore, turpi te macula inquinabis, 
labe inficies, dedecus, infamiz turpis 
nota consequetur. a a 

He is very ANcry ; animus ilji ar- 
det ; stimulis irarum exardescit ; plum- 
beas gerit iras ; nunc in fermento “totus 
est animus ejus; spirat piperatis nari- 
bus; tota excandescit bile. Contorta 
nare, truci supercilio, fremit, et fren- © 

i hes : 

The affair seemed to be ‘below the 
decency, or decorum, of ANGER; res 
infra dignitatem ire videbatur. 

Be not so Ancry as to scold; absit 
vultus torvitas, verborum acerbitas aut 
morositas, He was so‘ahgry that he 


Sia ee, iol AM 
= ‘ 

- AN 

_ if he would have eaten us up, 
_ er looked through us ; corrugans fron- 

tem, porrigens labia, Gorgoneis nos ob- 
‘tuebatur oculis, 

When any one is in his ‘Loont 
mood, we then speak him fair ; siquan- 
do quis ira commotior evadat, blando, 

tunc temporis, sermone leniendus est. 

Be not so Ancry, I pray you; bona 

-verba queso ; ne sevi tantopere. 

Do ANGER snap us up so; 
ne, quzso, in nos, destringas iram tuam, 

In Ancen he has a Sierce and Su- 
rious look ; vultus, in ira, talis est ei, 
qualis esse solet Martis irati. I do not 
care for your anger; tuam non moror 
morositatem. You are angry without 
a cause; uris absque torre. His looks 
showed he was angry ; nubilo iram vultu 
declaravit ; excandescebat fremens et 

His look was louring or Ancry ; 

' vultu' ad severitatem composito, I 

speak him fair, when I see him frown 
for anger ; ubi quid stomachatur, re- 
pente illi abblandiri soleo. Whatever 
his anger makes him speak ; quicquid 
illi suggesserit splendida bilis, 

Ancry or choleric folks; qui sto- 

machi erant impatientioris. Concealing 

his anger; dissimulato stomacho, What 

‘makes you so angry or moody? quenam 

illa tempestas, in vultum gue tuum 

- inundavit? The remembrance of their 

country did presently appease all their 
anger; extemplo iras omnibus memoria 
patrie permulsit. 

_ An ANIMADVERSION ; animad- 

~ versio ; observatio. 

To Anrmapvert, or remark or take 
notice ; animum advertere. 
To ‘ANIMATE, i. e. to encourage; 

-animare; animos addere; incendere ; 

‘cohortari, cohortationibus impellere, 
studium inflammare ; mentem alicui re- 
ponere. To animate much, or highly 
to encourage ; faces alicui addere, sub- 
dere ; calcar addere currenti; spiritum 
alicui afferre; metum et diffidentiam 
alicui adimere, If this man be par- 
doned, many more will be animated and 
encouruged to do mischief ; si luic fu- 
erit remissum, alii plures alacriores ad 
maleficia futuri sunt; Cic, - 

To ANNIHILATE, i. e. to bring to 

_ nothing ; annihilare, in nihilum redi- 

gere. - Annibilated ; annihilatus; in 
nihilum redactus, 

-To ANOINT; ungere, ‘inungere, 

_ perfundere; mulcere, induere. 

AN 57 

perungere, exungere, linere, illinere; 
petlinere, allinere, oblinere, sublinere ; 
illinire, perlinire, delinire ; imbuere, 
ungere, superinungere, superlinere, 
superillinere. Corpus nardo tingere, 
ungere oleo; unguento suffundere, 
perfundere ; unguentis perlinere ; os, 
caput perfricare. Nudatos humeros 
oleo perfusa nitescit.—Crassis lutatus 
amomis, . 

ANOTHER ; alter ; alius, 

One Anoruer ; ; imvicem, se invi- 
cem ; alii alios. 

One after ANOTHER; alternis. 

ANOTHER man’s; alienus, Another 
way ; aliorsum. Ad another time, or 
in another place ; alias. 

Were it with you as it is with me, - 
you would be of AxotuER mind; tu — 
si hic sis, aliter sentias; Ter. He is of 
another mind ; aliter putat ; Ter, He 
published two “laws : one—another— ; 
duas leges promulgavit : unam—ali- 
am— ; Ces. I have spoken of friend- 
ship in another book ; de amicitia alio 
libro dictum est; Cic. To think on. 
one thing after another ; aliam rem ex 
alia cogitare; Ter. They stand now 
on one foot, now on another; alternis 
pedibus insistunt ; Plin, They contend 
one with another ; inter se contendunt; 
Cic. Their society one with another ; 
societas ipsorum inter ipsos ; Cic. Lest 

he be of another mind; ne‘is mutet 

suam sententiam; Ter. He is of ano- 
ther mind now ; de sententia deductus 
est ; Cic. One is bigger than another ; 
aliud alio majus ; Cic, They may as- 
sist one another ; ‘alii aliis prodesse pos- 
sunt; Cic. Good turns done one from- 
another ; ; beneficia ultro citroque data 
acceptaque ; Cic. One mischief after 
another ; aliud ex alio malum; Fer. 
One after another, in order ; ex ordine ;- 
Cic. Alii ex aliis; Flor. They run 
their heads one against another; ad- 
versis- concurrunt frontibus; Mart. 
They differ one from another ; inter se 
dissident; Cic. They like one another 
well ; uterque utrique est cordi; Ter. 
The boys love one another ; pueri amant 
inter se.; Cic. They use to be compared 
one with another; inter se comparari 
solent ; Cic. It is one thing to revile, 
another thing to accuse ; aliud est ma- 
ledicere, aliud accusare; Cic. He 
dispersed them abroad, some to one 
place, some to another ; alia alio dissi- 

58 AN 

pavit ; Cic. Another thing at-another 
time ; alias aliud; -Cic. They killed 
one another ; mutuis ictibus occidere ; 
Tacit. At one time he attempts my 
soldiers, at another my friends ; modo 
milites meos, modo amicos solicitat ; 
Curt. Liberal with another’s purse ; 
de alieno liberalis. To be lavish at 
another man’s cost ; de alieno corio li- 
beralis ; ex alieno lata secare lora, ~ 

To ANSWER ; respondere, respon- 
sare; subjicere ; responsa dare. Ex- 
cipere verba, dicta, orationem alicujus, 

I have AnsweEnrep your letter ; epis- 
tole tue persolvi. To answer nothing 
_ to the purpose ; alienum a proposito, 

preter rem responsum dare. 

To ANsweER again, as an echo; re- 
sonare, assonare, responsare ; resequi. 

To Answer, or to be bound to an- 
swer in an action or suit-at law ; re- 

To Answer from the purpose ; alie- 
num respondere, 

To Answer in law for another ; va- 

-dimonium obire pro aliquo. 

To Answer objections ; 
nodos dissolvere. 3 

He that Answers for another in 

his absence; responsalis, Pras; vas, 
aig, )%- ° bate 

ANsWERED for ; is pro quo vadimo- 
nium obitur. 

ANSWERABLE or \ correspondent ; 
congruus, conveniens, quadrans, 

ANSWERABLE, or bound to answer 
#t ; obligatus ; obnoxius. — 

To ANsweER one; respondere alicui. 

To Answer like for-like; malevo- 
Joram dictis respondere. Par pari re- 
ferre. Verbum verbo ‘reddere. Re- 
criminari. Crimen, convitium regerere. 
Fallacia fallaciam trudere. Remorde- 
re. Lege talionis agere. Contumeliam, 
convitium retorquere, retaliare. Con- 
vitiis convitia retundere. Eodem ma- 
Jedicis propinare poculo, 

To Answer for one; respondere 
pro aliquo, To answer to that which 
was asked ; respondere ad rogatum. 
To answer, or to do what one wishes ; 
respondere voto alicujus. To answer in 

' short ; respondere paucis et pauca. 

The event Answers to the expecta- 

tion; ad spem respondet eventus. He 

answers like for like; pat pari refert ; 

lege talionis agit. Thus JI answered 
what a little before I coneluded ; ratio- 



ni illi, quam paulo ante conclusi, sic 
occurri. That does not agree or an- 
swer to what was before; id minime 
superiori respondet; Cic. The profit 
does not answer, or is not equal to 
the labor ; fructus non’ respondet labo- 
ti; Ovid. . 

To Answer, or to be equal to, the 
praises of the Grecians; laudibus re- 
spondere Gracorum. To answer ar- 
guments or objections ; objectas argu- . 
mentationes diluere. Adversarii nodos 
dissolvere : rationes, argumenta, firma- 
menta, argutias, captiones refellere, 
enervare, elevare, infirmare, convincere, 
retundere, redarguere, rejicere, nefuta- 
re, infringere : tela frangere, retorque- 
re: argumentorum nervos elidere. Qua 
objecta sunt diluere. . 

To build a gallery, which may be 
AnsweERABLE fo, or right over-against, 
the palace; edificare porticum, que 
palatio respondeat ; Cic. : 

To Answer men’s expectations ; ho- 
minum spem de sc conceptam’ minime 
fallere, ‘ 

‘Not to ANsweER men’s expectations ; 
ab hominum de se opinione dissentire, 

' To Answer the expectation one has 
of himself; sustinere expectationem 
sui. I offer you my good will, but am 
not yet able to answer for success ; ego 
voluntatem tibi emetiar, sed rem ip- 
sam nondaum posse videor; Cic. ‘The 
republic had made herself answerable 
for any damage that might be done by 
a tempest ; publicum periculum erat a 
vi tempestatis; Liv. I will be an- 
swerable for the expense; prastabo 
sumptum ; Cic, é' 

a, um; exoletus, 

ANTIQUITY ; antiquitas, vetustas, 
multorum annorum curriculum ; h, e. 
A multitude of years past ; diuturuitas 
temporis, seculorum series; &c. Vide 
Ancient. : a 

Monuments of great AnrTiquiTy ; 
evidentiora veterum —monamentorum 
vestigia extitere. You see on 
these marbles fragments of antiquity ; 
durissimo marmori inscripta vestigia vi- 
debis literarum. To gather out of the 
ashes of antiquity some rare pieces and 
relics ; ex antiquitatis umbris, tenebris, 
et ruderibus, in solem et splendorem 
proferre, vindicare, If you search an- 
tiquity ; si primorum replicaveris an- 

antiquus ; archaicus, 


To reckon from ANTIQUITY ; eX Om- 
nium seculorum memoria, ab antiquis 
temporibus rem deducere. That cus- 
tom has the more force, because of its 
antiquity ; consuetudo hac magis inva- 
Juit et plus roboris habet propter ve- 
tustatem ipsius. .Those things which 
you mention are antiquated, and out of 
date; que tu recenses antiqua sunt et 
obsoleta. That case) which you have 
undertaken is of greater antiquity than 
you can remember ; causa hec, quam 
suscepisti antiquior est memoria tua. 

You bring down those things from the . 

st, highest or greatest antiqui- 
ty of them; hec tu deducis, ut dicitur, 
ab ovo, et ab ipsis rerum ipsarum pri- 
mordiis. In your discourse there is a 
great appearance of antiquity ; in tua 
narratione magna est antiquitatis effi- 
gies. Your discourse bespeaks anti- 
quity ilself ; for you prove the design 
from antique or ancient annals ; vetus- 
tatem sapit tua narratio; veteribus 
enim annalibus rem ipsam confirmas. 
And that you have done by frequent in- 
spection. into the records of men of 
great antiquity ; idque fieri non potuit 
absque frequenti revolutione monumen- 
torum a viris ant auctoribus pristine 
antiquitatis editorum, For you bring 
many examples of great antiquity ; ve- 
tustatis‘enim exempla plurima adfers. 
ANXIOUS; anxius, solicitus. Anxi- 
ety; anxietas, solicitudo, angor ani- 
mr . 
In Anxtety or trouble for the dan- 
er he was in; anxius vicem suam; 
ve : 
Anxious or troubled with cares ; 
anxii curis; Liv, Anxious or careful 

for his nephew’s safety ; anxius secu- 

ritatis Nepotum;'Plin. To have an 
anxious and careful mind ; anxio esse 
animo; Cic. Anxious or careful old 
men ; anxii senes ; Cic. f 
_Anxiovs or careful for the glory of 

_ another ; anxius gloriz alterius; Liv. 

I was very Anxsousor careful about 
the affairs of the city ; sollicitus eram 
de rebus urbanis; Plaut. Anxious or 
careful about this; in hoc «olicitus ; 
Quint. Pro hoc solicitus ; Gell. De 
hoc—; ex hoc—;Ter. Anxious or trou- 
bled for another; solicitus vicem al- 

Wealth, causing Anxtety and care ; 
opes solicite; Hor. What great anxi- 
eties and cares has this man made? 


‘quodpiam, quodvis, 

AN 59 

quantas hic eonfecit  solicitudines ? 
Cura est in spe bonorum 3; solicitudo 
in metu malorum. . 

- ANY; ullus, quiyis, quispiam, quis 
libet, aliquis. * 

Any thing; quicquam, quidpiam, 
Any? ecquis ? 
ecquisnam? Any where; -quoquam, 
quovis, quopiam ; usquam, uspiam. 
Any while; aliquandiu. Any one; 
quivis unus; Cic. Any one of you; 
quivis vestrum; Plaut. Any dangers 
are to be ventured on for honor’s sake ; 
adeunda sunt quevis pericula decoris 
causa ; Cic. 
suffer any thing, so they may but have 
their ends; sunt, qui quidvis perpeti- 
antur, dum quod velint, consequantur ; 
Cic. If he would have any thing of 
me ; si quid me velit; Ter. As I was 
asking whether any ship were come ; 
dum percontor ecqua navis venerit; 
Plaut. Ho, is any body there? heus, 
ecquis hic est? Plaut. Whereas you 
ask whether there be any hope—; quod 
queris ecque (ecquenam) spes sit— ; 
Cic. But ¢f there shall be any neces- 
sity for this ; sin que necessitas hujus 
obvenerit ; Cic. Nor could any wind 
blow, but—; neque ullus flare ventus, 
poteratquin; Ces. Scarcely any has 
escaped the like death; haud fere quis- 
quam talem interitum effugit; Cic. 
They denied that they had any further 
commands; negabant sibi ultra quic- 
quam mandatum esse ;' Liv Whereto 
is banishment open for any one? quid 
attinet cuique exilium patere? Liv. 
Nor indeed-did I go any where after 
that day; nec vero usquam discede- 
bam ex eo die; Cic. If there be any 
questioning or disputing about any 
thing ; side quapiam re queratur dis- 
puteturque ; Gell. Are you going any 
where ? iturane quopiam es? Ter. Any 
never so small a matter ; quzlibet vel 
minima res; Cic, Was he any thing 
the richer, when— ; nunquid copiosior 
fuit, cum—; Cic. Jt were better to 
live any where, than— ;_przstabilius 
fuerat ubivis gentium eztatem agere, 
quam—; Ter. The weather will not 
suffer them to go any farther; tem- 
pestas prodire longius non patitur; Var. 

If they had any mind—; si in animo’ 

esset; Liv. He that is any thing 
slack in revenging ; qui in ulciscendo 
remissior fuerit; Cic. While there 
was any treating of peace; quoad de 

Some there be that will . 


69 AWN 

pace ageretur; Cic. Jn any thing ra- 
ther than this; _ubivis facilius, quam in 
hac re; Ter. Jf you provoke me any 
more; preter hec si me_ irritaris ; 
Plaut. The most of any; maxithe om- 
nium; Cic. Those legions were con- 
tent with any prince; ex legiones con- 
tente qualicunque principe; Tac. J 
know he would do any thing you would 
have him; facturum que voles scio 
esse omnia; Ter. Nor is there any 
where room for counsel; nec est us- 
quam consilio locus; Cic. Whether 
there be any law wriiten any where, 
or no where ; sive est ulla Tex scripta 
uspiam sive nusquam ; Cic. If he of- 
fend in any thing; si quid peccat; 
Ter. JI understand not any one word; 
¥erbum prorsus nullum intelligo ; Cic. 
There was never any doubt at all made 

_ of tt; de eo nunquam omnino est dubi- 
tatum ; Cic. He doesnot yield to any in 
bravery ; nemini cedit splendore ; Cic. 
Think you there will be any the fewer 
statutes made— ; an minus multa sena- 
tus-consulta futura putas, si—}; Cic, J 
do not believe I shall have any where 
any settled abode ; commoraturuam me 
nusquam arbitror ; Cic. Nor was any 
but one present; neque extra unum 
quisquam aderat; Ter. She is said to 
have respect to this above any country ; 
fertur terris magis omnibus hanc co- 
luisse ; Virg. He looks not after any 
thing to find fault with; non inquirit, 

‘ quod reprehendat; Cic. J cannot find 
a penny of money any where; num- 
mum nusquam reperire-argenti queo ; 
Plaut. - 

At Any time ; any day ; quovis die; 
Tet. Were you any where else? tu 
si alicubi esses? Js any man alive 
more fortunate than I? ecquis me 
vivit hodie fortunatior? Ter, Jf any 
one ask for me; si quis me querat.. 
Any thing pleases me; mihi quidvis 
sat est. He took as much pains as any 
of you; que ac unusquisque vestrum 
laboravit. No less than any one of 
you; non minus quam quivis vestrum; 
Plaut. Js there any thing else yet ; 
etiamne est quid porro; Plaut, 

Any, with if; siquis. Any where ; 
ubivis, ubilibet- Any how; quocun- 
que modo, quoquo modo. At any 

time ; unquam, quandocunque, If | 

‘where; siquo. If any how ; siqua. 
any where; sicubi. If at any time; 
- siquando, 


AP | 
APACE, or in haste, with speed ; 

' cito, celeriter, propere, festinanter, pra- 

properanter, curriculo. To write apace ; 
currente calamo literas exarare. He 
runs apace; currit gradu incitato. He 
speaks apace; precipitat sermonem. 
He reads apace ; cursim legit., The 
ship or navy sails apace ; navis, clas- 
sis, cito fertur gurgite. It rains, snows, 
apace; vehementer pluit, ningit. 

APART; i. e. asunder or aside ; 
seorsim, se aratim, sigillatim, segre- 

To stand Avant ; distare, distitare ; 
absistere, ‘ 

Apart from or separate ; separa- 
tus, sejunctus; secretus, segregatus. 
To lay apart ; amovere, abjicere, seor- - 
sim reponere, . 

Apart ;.i. e. privily ; secreto, clam, 

APPAREL;  vestis-is; _vestitus, — 
us ; vestimentum ; amictus, cultus, ha- 
bitus; apparatus-us; m, &c. A suit 
of apparel; indumentum; synthesis ; 


To put off Arparen; vestes, amic- 
tum, &c, ponere, deponere, exuere, 
cinctas resolvere, rejicere ex humeris. 
Mollia de tenero velamina corpore po- 
nit. ; 

To be. Arpare.uep splendidly ; ni- 
mio cultui, ornatui corporis, vestitui in- 
dulgere. Vestes nitidissimas, illitas auro 
atque purpura induere, indui. Purpura, 
vestibus pretiosis, fulgere, nitere, splen-. 
dere. Vestibus sumptuosis, inauratis, 
elegantissimis, splendidis ornari, ami- 
ciri—Aurata corpora veste tegi, Ty- 
rio saturatas, ardentes murice, ostro 

profusas, pratextas vestes indui, ge- _— 


Meanly AvraRre.uen ; vili veste in- 
dutus; adeo sordidus, ut non unquam 
servo se melius vestiret. Foedius ves- ~ 
titus, Vili veste tegi. .Plebeia in 
veste cubare, envi 
‘In mourning Arpanet; pullatus ; 
pullo vestitu indutus. Mourning ap- 
patel; lugubris habitus. Apparelled 
in purple; purpuratus, purpurea veste 
indutus. Handsomely apparelled ; cul- 
tus, comptus ; politus ; elegans; ter- 
sus, Apparelled unhandsomely; in- 
cultus, incomptus, impolitus ; sordida- 
tus; inelegans; pannosus. Players’ 
apparel ; siparium, scenicum, chora- 

His or her Arrange. was too long, 

4 RP : 
even to the ine : pais defiuxit ad imos 
To make curious apparel ; arte 
laborare vestes, ostrogue superbo. His 
or her apparel was too sumptuous ; ves- 
tis insignis erat’ aurogue rigens ; picta 
croco, et fulgenti murice vestis, —illius 
erat. Illum vestis serica tegit. Loose, 
large, or wide apparel; vestimenta 
ArpaRELLeD like a Spaniard ; ha- 
bitu, ornatu Hispaniensi ; Hispanorum, 
Hispaniensi more indutus ; speciem ho- 
minum Hispanorum referens, pre se fe- 
_ Tens; veStitus, ut in Hispania solet, ut 
Hispania mos, et consuetudo fert. 
How well does a loose Arparer be- 
come her / quam decet nulla adstricta 
cingulo, vestis, ac liberis diffluens laci- 


ery thing in her Aprare. became 
Poe ere nihil illam, in ornatu, non 
decebat. Yow see the apparel, or fau- 
shion of clothim® in older times, which 
she wears ; vides prisci seculireliquias ; 
ulis enim illa utitur. 

His Apparet was girded ebout 
with a golden belt, richly embellisied ; 
vestes erant circumcincte baltheo inau- 
rato, ac gemmeis distincto bullulis. Jf 
"he can but get good apparel ; st splen- 
dide vestiatur, si incedat annulatus. 
. Let me have for my apparel, coarse 
twmespun cloth, to keep me from the 
cold ; sit mihi—toga que defendere © 
frigus, quamvis crassa, queat. 

APPARELLED in a threadbare cloak; 
vestitus depexo mendici pallio. He 
_ was apparelled in a long garment, 

down to the very heels ; talarem vestem 
gerebat, ad talos usque ’ demissam. 
Arpanet, orclothes »bespangled with 
gold ; vestes aureis intertincte guttu- 

ApraretLeD after the Venetian, 
e fashion; omatus cultu Veneto, 

zallico, Romano, Hispanico, &c. 

_ A virtuous woman does not put off 
her modesty, when she puts off her 
ArvpareL; cum veste, mulier honesta 
pudorem et modestiam svam nequa- 
quam exuit. Abroad it is seemly tobe 
~ apparelled with decent clothing, but at 
home with what is necessary ; vestiri 
decet in foro honeste, doini quod satis 
sit; The usual diet and apparel bespeak 
the manner and way of life or living; 
‘cultus et victus familiaris vitam indi- 
cant. It is not apparel, but modesty 
and chastity which argue a true and 
Phrase. . 

AP 61 

virtuous matron ; non vestis, sed pudi- 
citia, verum est matrone argumentum. 

APPARENT ; evidens, manifestus, 
conspicuus, liquidus : as, Apparent to- 
kens of wickedness; expressa sceleris 
vestigia. An appemnt crime ; crimen 

It is APPaRrEnt ; patet ; vel, liquet, 

- constat.— 

To make ArraREnt, and evident ; 
manifestare, in apricum proferre, pate- 
facere; omnem cbscuritatem tollere ; 
tenebras) discutere ; 3 nullum dubitandi 
locum relinquere.” 

ApraRENTLY; liquido, manifeste, 
manifesto, perspicue. Apparentness, | 
clearness, or evidence ;. perspicuitas, 
manifesta evidentia, It is most appa- 
rent, om manifest ; facile apparet; ab 
‘omnibus videtur; sole clarius) evasit ; 
ante omnium ecules positum est, ek rf 
apertum, nemini obscurum est, sed in 
confesso apud omnes. 

To APPEAL, as, to a higher court ; 
appellare, provocare ad; tribunos, po- 
pulum, regem appellare. A pretore 
ad tribunos appellare, provocare, cau- 
sain referre, A populo, tribunis, rege, 
iniquo judicio oppressis auxilium pe- 
tere. Ad moderandam, mitigandam, 
temperandam suimmi juris acerbitatem, 
rigorem, summi judicis auctoritatem, 
equitatem, lenitatem implorare. Ad te 
confugio, et supplex tua numina posco. 

Letters of caer pgs libelli Sepener 

IT Appear you, viz. for help or 
relief; te appello et imploro; taum 
presidium invoco; tuam tutelam ex- 
posto. For, I have none, whom I can 
appeal or fly to, but yourself; quem 
enim appellem, preter te, habeo nemi- 
nem. For I can neither appeal to 
Caesar, nor to the senate ; neque ete- 
nim ad Czsarem compellare, neque ad 
senatam causam referre, possum, J 
appeal to you as judges ; vos appello 
judices.. To appeal to any as witness, 
or to call any to witness ; appellare 
testem aliquem. (For the verb is 
const, cum acc. persone, et ablat, cum 
prep. as, To appeal to any one about 
any thing; appellare aliquem de re 
aliqua; Plaut.) When the one had 
appealed to the tritunes, and the other 
to the senate ; cum alter ad tribunos, 
alter ad, senatum provocasset; Cic. 
Appealing, or an appeal, to superiors, 
ought to de free to all; ad Nie 6-3 

62 | AP 

appellatio omnibus libera est relin- 
quenda. Appellare, namque, et men- 
dicare cuilibet est liberum. 

To APPEAR; « apparere, compa- 
rere ; patere; illucere, elucere, illuces- 
cere, effulgere ; evadere. To appear 
to one; exhibere se alicui; adesse, 
presto esse alicui;. comparere, exis- 
tere, extare. 

He or it no where. AvrEeanrs; nus- 
quam apparet; Ter. This thing ap- 
‘pears to me; hujus rei vestigia video ; 
heec res mihi sic videtur.. He appeared 
to me; in conspectum se mihi dedit. 
4, whom you seek, appear before you; 
coram, quem quaritis, adsum. | This 
appears to me; hoc est oculis meis ob- 
vium. However he will have himself 
appear affected ; utcunque se affectum 
videri volet; Cic. As fur as can ap- 
pear by what is written ; sed quod li- 
teris extet; Cic. I will make it ap- 

pear to be true; id verum esse ostend. 

am. . Whereupon it easily appears ; ex 
quo facile apparet; Cic. Jt appears 
_ by this, that— ; illud judicium est, quod 
—. Lt does not well appear; id mi- 
nus apparet; Cic. To appear openly ; 
in medium, in publicum conspectum, 

aspectum, in publicam frequentiam ; in 

orbis theatrum prodire, exire, se con- 
ferre. In medio esse. 
lis hominum omnium frequens Versari. 
E latebris, e tenebris erumpere, palam- 
que volitare, Extare, et in omnium 
,conspectu esse, To appear; oriri, 
exoriri, surgere, emergere, exurgere. 
To appear above ground; extare. To 
appear above water ; emergere, extare 
ex agua. Jo appear on high; eminere. 
To appear im court; sistere se. To 
appear for another ; vadimoniuin obire, 
ft does plainly or somewhat appear ; 
comparet vestigium; vestigia extant ; 
paret, proyapparet; Cic. objici; Cic. 
spectari; Plaut. So many lakes or 

standing pools, so many fields, §c, ap- 

_pear; occurrunt oculis tot paludes, tot 

campi, &c.; Colum. A great many 
rich ornaments were seen, of which but 
a few, or small number, now appear ; 
multa visebantur ornamenta, quorum 
nunc pars tantum exigua comparet; 

To Arrrar so, does not prove a 
thing really io be so; apparere non fa- 
eit esse: barba non facit philosophum ; 
cucullus» non* facit monachum ; non 
omnes sancti, qui calcant limina tem- 

In luce, in ocu-. 

pli; barba tenus vir, vel philosophas , 
formosus sine pulchritudine ; plamas 
video, aves non video. Virtue, wit, 
Sc. appears; virtus, &c, elucet, eni- 
tet, It appears; patet, videtur, liqui- 
do constat. To make it appear; ar- 
guere, manifestare. Or, to make ap- 
parent ; indicare, revelare, aperire, de- 
monstrare. -To. mgke one’s fault ap- 
pear; or to convince him of his fault ; 
arguere aliquem culpa. 
I will Avpzar, or be at home, by 
and by; mox apparebo domi; Plaut. 
To Arrean, or to be seen in any - 
place ;, apparere in aliquo loco; Cie. . 
They cannot tell what is become of the 
cup or platc, or they cannot make it 
appear; non apparet patera; Plaut. 
The thing appears evident ; res appa- 
ret; Ter. Jé appears tome; mihi ap- . 
paret. Whence it appears; unde, vel 
ex quo, apparet. This man appears to 
be a poor gentleman’s servant ; appa- 
ret hunc esse pauperis domini servum ; 
Ter. Let the work appear; fac opus 
appareat; Ter. He does not appear, 
or is not like, the man he was; nulle 
in eo apparent reliquie frontis pristi- 
ne. There appears no sign of that 
thing in him; hujus rei ‘nulla in eo 
apparent vestigia; Ter.. To be made 
appear before a judge; in judicium - 
sisti. To appear through any thing, 
as glass. S§c.; transparere. “3 
An APPEARANCE; species, verisimi- 
litudo, A very good navy in appear- 
ance ; preclara classis in speciem ; 
sed—; Cic. Anappearance of truth; 
probabilitas, verisimilitudo. Jt has an_ 
appearance of truth; verisimile appa- 
ret. Under the appearance of an em- 
bassy, he was sent away; per spe- 
ciem legationis, ablegatus est. Under 
the appearance of aid, help,—or of a 

league, &c. ; sub specie auxilii,—vel sub 

umbra feederis, &e,; Flor. Liv. 

Not to Apprar at the trial; non 
venire ad constitutum ; Cic. 

To APPEASE ; mitigare, Jenire ; 
placare, sedare, demulcere, pacare, tran- 
quillum facere, placabilem reddere, 

To Avrzast, or pacify anger ; iram ~ 
compescere, minuere, imminuere, com- 
primere, restinguere, exlinguere, com- 
ponere, frangere, reprimere. 

To Aprxasez, or pacify one’s own 
anger ; iram suara remittere, relaxare, 
temperare, ponere, inhibere. 

Yo Arrerasr one’s wrath, or to pa- 


el/yan angry person; ira furentem 
moilire ; iracandum pacificare, sedare, 
resedare, placare, complacare, “mitifi- 
cate ; quietum reddere ; iratum lenire, 
delenire, mulcere, coumaleere,: demul- 
cere, permulcere, 

To Arpease by sacrifice ; propiti- 
are, expiare, litare, litari, collitare. 

To Avrrase strife; litem compo- 

To be Apprasn ; quiescere ; coni= 


bere, defervescere; pacari, placari, mi- 
tescere. Iram, offensam. ponere, de- 
ponere, remittere. 

The remembrance of their country 
did instuntly Apeease ail their anger ; 
extemplojras omnibus memoria patria 

-To Arvreass, or . quiet complaints, 
“wars; Consopire querelas; componere 
bellorum undas. Before his anger 
was appeased; priusqeam iram de- 
coxerat suam. Pray be appeased, or 
pacified ; reprime istam tuam iracundi- 
. am, But we are tossed by the waves, 
' nor have ye, that I know, appeased 

‘Bolus by sacrifice ; sed nos jactamur, 
nec AZolo etiam vos, ut video, Jitastis. 

Sinn Dap sy 7 a ee 

my, al 

pertinere, attinere ; spectare, respicere, 
competere. Appertaining; pertinens, 
spéctans, attinens, &c. J¢ appertains 
to; refert, interest: .as, I¢ appertains 
to thea or him; it belongs to thy or his 
dnterest, §c. ; tua refert, ipsius inter- 
_e@st; spectat, attinet, pertinet: im- 
pers. It appertains or xe to me ; 
, ad me pertinet. 

An APPETITE; appetitus,-us, mM. 5 
Appetitio, appetentia. 

An Arvrtitr, or earneser desire, 
after any thing ; desiderium summum; 
incensa cupiditas; ardor, seu expetitio 

_ ardens, 

An Apperire ; i, e. a desire to eat 
or drink ; entities sitis. 

An insatiable or greedy Appetite ; 
gula,-z ; jagluvies,-ei, f. Full of ap- 
petite ; avidus, gulosus. . 

A good Appetite to eat; peredia, 
#, f. ; stomachus,-i, in. 

To get an Arperite ; obsonare fa- 
mem ; acuere stomachum. 

To have an APPETITE ; esurire, val- 

_ de appetere. - 

To APPLAUD ; applaudere, plau« 
dere, plausum dane, plausu approbare, 

. ApeLauss; applausus, plausus,-us, 




weg h ue mel 0% 
ad ‘ . 


pesci; deleniri ; deferrere, vel defer- « 

To APPERTAIN, or belong to; 


in.; acclamatio; ‘ plausu approbatio. 
Applauded ; plausus, applausus-a-um ; ; 
plausu approbatus. 

They ArveLavp, or give applause ; 
piauditur, i impers. ; plausus datur, plau- 


su approbatur, 
There was great ArPLavsE}; ingenti 

sonuerunt omnia plausu. 

To Appiavup, praise, er commend 
any one ; applaudere alicui. 

To give an open signification of Ar- 
PLAOSE, or approbation ; plausu magnd 
et clamore approbare,- Aperto gestu 
suam approbationem, maximo strepitu 
et clamore.suam voluntatem significare. 
Plausus maximos et signa benevolentiz. 
impertire, dare, edere. Maxima accla- 
matione, secundis admurmurationibus, 
faustis acclamationibus prosequi. To 
gain applause, eredit, or commendation; 
applausum invenire; gloriam-consequi ; 
multos virtutis sue precones habere ; 
auctoritatem, seu reverentiam conciliare. 

A man who seeks popular APPLAUSE; 4 
aure popularis homo ; Liv, 

- To APPLY, in general ; sGaplicane, 
accommodare, adjungere, adhibere.. 

To Arrxy, or bend to ; applicare ; 
inclinare ; tribuere; attribuere, con- 
ferre, adjungere ; submittere, cum ac- 
cus. pers. et dat. rei; studere, operam 
navare, incumbere, indulgere ; invigi- 
lare, insudare, inservire, insistere; va- 
care, iustare, obsequi, cum ‘dat. rei ; 


accutrere ; cum accus. rei, dedere se ;’ 


To Appiy the mind; appellere, ad- 
jungere, intendere’ animum ; deditus, 
intentus, mancipatus esse. * 

To AvpLy or mind a business 3 ac- 
curare, cum accus. incumbere; operam 
navare, insudare, studere ; cum dat. _ 

To Aprrry to one by way of address 
and entreaty ; adire, accedere, insinu- 
are se, ad aliquem ; orare, exorare, 

To Avery to; aptare, admovere, ap- 
plicare, accommodate, concinnare, = 

~To Arpry to his task; pensum ac- 

To Arpriy his mind to philosophy ; 
mentem ad philosophiam appellere. 

He Aeruiss his whole mind to praise ; 
incuinbit toto pectore ad laudem. He 
applied his mind to writing ; animum 
ad scribendum appulit; Ter. He ap» 
plies to his book ; studiis se totum dat, 
vel dedit. 

~He Avruiss himself to study music ; 

64 AP 

applicat se ad studium musicum. To 
' apply, or set up, ladders to the walls ; 
applicare scalas muris, vel ad muros ; 


All my endeavors were APppuLiED 
to that end; eo’ excubuerunt, potissi- 
mumgue referuntur, omnes cogitatio- 

_ nes mez; omnes cure, omne studium. 

Thither was the whole course of our 

industry applied ; isthuc omne curricu- 

jum industrie nostre, elaboratum est ; 
, Cic. They resolved to apply them- 
selves wholly to that affair ; accuratius 
huic rei studere, atque inservire, insti- 
tuerunt; Ces.. To apply to any busi- 
ness ; aliquid temporis rei alicui imper- 

_ To Aprpty the mind to wisdom; sa- 
pientiz invigilare. -Itis most unhappy 
to apply one’s younger years to intem- 
perance ; pueritiam, aut adolescentiam, 
intemperantie addicere, pessimum est. 
To apply one’s endeavors to any thing: 
as, Rei nautice, pecuniarie,militari, 
studere, operam dare, navare ; reipub- 
lice studium navare ; patriz usui esse ; 
toto animo se dedere alicui rei; agris 
colendis se tradere; diligentiam adhi- 

here, omnem curam ponere, in aliqua 

re; accuratissime aliquid persequi; in 
agendo industriam, et in conficiendo ce- 
leritatem, adhibere. 

Tam now Arriyinc myself to that 
business; id nunc operam do;. &c. 
Ter. They applied, or used, all means 
to disturb him; quem ut exturbarent, 
omnem movere lapidem. To apply 
one’s whole strength, wit, diligence, §c. 
to any business; omnes nervos, etatis 
industrizque sue, in re aliqua conten- 
dere ; vires omnes in aliqua re exercere ; 
suas omnes curas, vigilias, et cogitatio- 
nes defigere, configere; Cic. Nihil 
intentatum relinquere ; aninii atque in- 
genii vires omnes profundere, in re 
aliqua ; Cic. Omnem‘conatum, in ali- 
quod studium conferre ; Cic. 
diis colendis, &c. opere plurimum, 
studiique consumere ; in aliquam rem 
omnes curas, aciem mentis, animum, 
&c. conferre, defigere, intendere, omni 
cogitatione incumbere ; Cic. 

They neglect the purity of language, 
to which they should chiefly Avpiy 
themselves ; lingue puritatem, in quam 

primum, toto pectore, incumbeére debe- 
ant, negligunt. He applied himself 
wholly to justice and equity ; omni im- 
petu in justitie studium incumbere. 

In pre-~ 


And 80; insistere mente et animo in— 
rem aliquam ; inclinare aninrusm ad rem 
aliquam ; studium ad aliquod adhibere ; 
ad aliquod opus, &c. se accingere ; ad 
amicitiam alterius se aggregare; ad 
eloquéntiz studia se conferre ; &c. Cie. 
Cas. . 

They eagerly Arruten themselves to 
recover their liberty; ardentes et erecti 
stabant, ad libertatem recuperandam. 

ApPLy your wit, &c.—variously ex- 
pressed: as thus, omni industria con- 
tende, omni studio Jabora, incumbe 
tuto. pectore, confer hue tuas omnes 
vires, tua studia, curam, industriam ; 
enitere quantum in te est, quantum in 
te situm est, quantum potes, quam po- 
tes maximne, cunctis viribus ac nervis; 
hoc age diligenter, da operain quam 
potes diligenter ; summam adhibe dili-~ 
gentiam, studio contende quam licet 
maximo, quantum potes maximo, sum- 
mo prorsus ; ‘hoc unum cures, labores, 
studeas imprimis, preter ceteras res, 
precipue, potissimum, ante omnia. 

To APPOINT; statuere, instituere, 

constituere, prestituere ; jubere, pre- . 

scribere, injungere. 

To Arpornt by law; prescribere. 

To Appoint upon agreement ; con- 
stituere, condicere. 

To Apvvornr one to do a thing; jn- 
bere, in mandatis dare. 

To Arpotnt a person for a place ; 
legare, delegare, nominare. 

To Avvornt in place of another; 
substituere, sufficere, sublegare. = * 

To Avprornt, or make an appoint- 
ment of, a thing ; assignare, destinare, 

To Apvoint -before what shail be 
done ; “prestituere, prescribere, preefi- 

To Arrotnt, or assiga, bounds; 
terminare, limitare, terminos et limites 

To Arrotnt one what to do ; alicui, 
que sunt gerenda, prascribere ; Cic. 

IT Aproinrep to meet her to-day ; 
constitui me hodie conventurum illam ; 
Ter. The wedding was long ago ap- 
pointed to be on this day; diem olim 
in hune sunt nuptie constitute > Ter, 
To appoint where temples are to be 
built; effari templa, sistere fana. To 
appoint a tutor for his children ; liberis 
tutorem ascribere, 

Aprroint what judge you will ; ce- 
do quemvis arbitram, Ze appoint 

tages ; statuere metcedem ; Cie. 
- appoint a day ; statuere diem. 
The senate has Arrornren:; senatus 
- statuit; Cic, 




Apprenenvep by the 
‘To AppREHEND ; i. e. to understand ; 


way ; inter. 

To appoint or make _percipere, tenere. 

_ one his watchman ; constituere aliquem An APPREHENSION, oO” perceiving, 

vigilem, To appoint pay for the sol- 
diers ;. constituere stipendium militi, 
vel, wra militantibus; Liv. To ap- 
point or assign one a day ; constituere 
diem alicui. To appoint time and 
place; locum et tempus constituere ; 
Cic. Toappoint a safeguard of de- 
fence in any thing; presidium defen- 
sionis in aliqua re constituere. To 
appoint a day of appearance; constitu- 
ere vadimonium ; Cic. To appoint a 
time for any thing ; tempus alicui rei 
.constituere; Ces. To appoint, or 
establish, a king’; regem constituere. 
I have appointed, or determined, to 
come ; constitutum est mihi, vel con- 
stitui, venire, me venturum, ut veniain, 
&e.; Cic. Plaut. A day appointed, 
and agreed upon ; constituta et pacta 
dies. To appoint process of judgment 
against one, in w matter of life and 
death ; constituere judicium capitis in 
aliquem ; Cic. 

ApporinteD, or ordained ; statutus, 
eonsiitutus, préstitutus, ordinatus, de- 
eretus ; certus, edictus, condictus, sta- 
tus, pactus, depactus. 

ApPorInreD, or assigned; legatus, 
delegatus, destinatus, designatus, de- 
notatus. Appointed, or condemned to 
a thing; auctoratus-a-um. 

Well, Arrotnrep; probe instruc- 
tus. . a 

An AppotnTMeENT ; assignatio, de- 
signatio, delegatio, destinatio, nomina- 
tio, prefinitio; mandatum; prescrip- 

By ApvointTMent ; constituto; ex. 
prescripto. An hour appointed ; hora 

prestituta. By your appointment ; 
jussu tuo. Without my appointment ; 
injussu meo. . So tt is appointed, or 

determined ; si¢ stat sententia. 
That is not of our AppoinTMENT ; 
non est id instituti nostri. 
To APPREHEND, or lay Hold on; 
‘ apprehendere, prehendere, prehensare, 
apprehensare, deprehendere, compre- 
hendere, capere. ° 
An ArpreHEnsion, or laying hold 
- upon ; apprehensio, prehensio, &c. 
To AprprenEND unawares, or by 
the way ; intercipere, — 

understanding ; apprehensio; captus,- 
us,m. 3; conceptio, perceptio, intellectio. 

An APPREHENSION ; i. e. jealousy 
or fear ; suspicio, metus. 

APPREHENDED ; prehensus, appre= 
hensus, prehensatus, - apprehensatus, 
deprehensus ; captus, perceptus, com- 

To APPROACH; appropinquare, 
accedere; imminere; propinquare, 
proximare; approperare; advenire, 
adventare, accelerare; appetere, ad- 
repere, obrepere ; admovere ; ingruere, 
impendere; adesse, instare; prope 
adesse. Prope, non procul, non longe, 
abesse. Propius accedere, ‘advenire, 
appellere. In propinquo, in foribus, 
in limine esse, adesse. The night ap- 
proaches; nox appetit. Judgment 
approaches ; judicium, pena, imminet, 
impendet. The day was approaching > 
dies adventabat. Death is approach- 
ing; mors instat, imminet, impendet.. 
As, or so, soon as we'or they ap- 
proached nearer; ut propius ven- 
tum est. That approaches nearer 
the truth ; id propius fidem est. © The 
winter approached ; hyems precipita- 
bat. Lucius Philippus approached, er 
came next (but at a great distance ), to 
the two great men Crassus and Ante- 
nius ; duobus summis, Crasso et Anto-” 
nio, L. Philippus proximus accedebat, 
sed longo intervallo tamen proximus 5 
Cic. That which is the best, or chiefly 
good, is to be accounted to approach, 
or come nearest to, God ; id habendum 
est Deo proximum, quod est optimum ; 
Cic. I dreamed that a shepherd ap- 
proached or came near me; visus est, 
in somnis, pastor ad me appellere ; 
Cic. The winter approaches ; hyems 
subest, adventat ;’ Sal. te 

To Aprroacn, or come very near ; 
i. e. to be hard by, at hand ; in limine, 
vel in foribus esse ; fores pulsare; in 
cardiue versari. ; 

To APPROPRIATE ; appropriare ; 
sibi assumere, atrogare ; pro suo, pre 
suo jure, tanquam suum jus, ut suum 
peculium assumere ; arripere, habere : 
sibi vendicare, arrogare, asserere. In. 
suis rebus, bonjs’ numerare, Swis fa- 


66 AP... 

cultatibus adjungere, adjicere, appli- 
care, apponere, annectere, ascribere. 

To APPROVE; approbare, com- 
probare, probare. 

Ali men Arrrove or like it; om- 
nium calculis, suffragiis probatur, com- 
probatur. Omnibus approbantibus fac- 
tum est. Probant laudantque omnes. 
Nemo est, nullus omnium est qui repre- 
hendat, qui non probet, qui non optime 
factum fateatur, predicet; cui non 
satisfeceris abunde; qui non laude 
plausuque accipiat. 

_APPROVED ; approbatus, comproba- 
tus, probatus ; spectatus ; luculentus; 
classicus: as, An approved or allowed 
author ; auctor idoneus, classicus. 

Arprovep of all men; approbatum 
ab omnibus; omnibus approbantibus 
hoc facies; nemini non satisfeceris; 
hoc tuum factum nemo reprehendet, 
nemo non probabit, nemo erit qui non 
probet; hoc tuo facto letabuntur omnes. 

I Approve your reason; I am of 
your mind, it is very well; pulchre 
dicis; tuam rationem probo ; bene ha- 
bet. J approve the condition; let it 
be a match then; placet lex, et rata 
esto. J do not approve of that; it 
likes me not; hoc mihi non arridet. 
1 approve what you say; you speak 
hike a wise man,—home,—to the pur- 
pose; placet consilium; graviter, acu- 
te, vereque judicas. He also ap- 
proves of it; album is etiam addidit 
calculum. _ You shall have my appro- 
bation ; for you offer fair and honest- 
iy; I like the terms; suffragium tu 
meum Gemerebere ; haud enim iniquas 
conditiones etleges prescribis, 

APT ; aptus, congruus, idoneus ; 
appositus, commodus ; sufliciens, con- 
gruens, conveniens ; consentaneus, ac- 
commodus, accommodatus; respon- 
dens ; non inconveniens; concors ; ha- 
bilis: as, An apt or fit place to do any 
thing; aptus, appositus, &c. locus 
agendi quid. He is as apt and fit 
for that as if he were born to it ; ad 
id adeo aptus ést, quasi ad illud ipsum 
natus esset, Apt to learn; docilis. 
Apt to take or conceive ; capax. Apt, 
or forwardly inclined ; propensus, pro- 

Aptwess, fitness, or meetness ; ap- 
titudo, dexteritas. Aptness, or fit in- 
clination to. good or evil ; indoles ; pro- 
pensio, Aptness to learn; docilitas ; 

ingeniositas, Aptness ¢@ receive or 
conceive ; capacitas. Aptiy; apte, 
congrue, commode, &c. ‘ 

To be Arr to sleep; facile in som- 
nos delabi. og tae or 

To be Arr to fall; propendere ; in 
ruinam vergere. It is apt so to be 
done, or to do so; ita fieri_assolet, in 
more positum est. 

To ARBITRATE ; arbitra-re vel ri ; 
Plaut. Decidere, dijudicare, senten- 
tiam ferre. > 

An Aruirration; arbitrium, n. 
arbitratus,-us, m. ; disceptatio, dijudi- 
catio, compromissio, = 

To put to ARBITRATION; compro- 
mittere. areit 

Ansitrary, or that which is put to” 
one’s own determination ; arbitrarius ; 
pro libitu. _ Arbitrarily ; arbitrarie, ex 

vel pro arbitrio, pro libitu aut volun- | 

tate. ; 

To AnpiTRaTe or determine the 
question, controversy, or any thing ~ 
with any one, or about and concerning 
any thing ; decidere questionem, con- 
troversiam, aliquid cum aliquo; vel_ 
aliquid de re aliqua, ; 

To Arpirrate or judge between 
truth and falschood, orto discern true 
things from false ; dijudicare vera a 
falsis, seu inter vera et falsa. 

He that should be Anziter or judge 
in the matter, is in a great passion ; 
arbiter, seu judex, in hac re estu fer-” 
tur. - 
That ‘which is not yet AneITRATED 
or determined ; quod alicujus arbitrio | 
relictum est. 

ARDENT 3 ardens, vehemens, ier- 
ArpeENTLY; vehementer, ardenter, ~ 
fervide ; &c, Ardor; ardor,-oris, m, ; 
estus,-us, Ms 2 

ARDENT, i. e. angry, or earnest, 
letters ; ardentes litere; Cic. 

To be AnpEnt ; i.e. earnestly and 

greatly affected with ; ardere. 
To be Arventty, or gregtly, in- 

flamed with anger ; ardere furore, ira- 

cundia, &c. Ardently, or greatly, to 
affect one ; ardere aliquem ; Virg. = 
' ARDENTLY, orearnestly, to love euc: 
other ; ex equo ardere ;- Ovid. | 
All have an Anpent courage ; ardor 
omnes habet ; Virg. 
His mind, or heart, is Arnprent to 
be revenged ; ardet ejus animus ad ul- 






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, Cie. 


eiscendum. To be ardently, i, e. ear- 

 nestly, affected, or inflamed, with the 

‘dove of any thing ; ardere amore, vel 

erio, alicujusrei, Tobe ardently, 
er earnestly, affected with envy, or 
love of learning, or ‘resolution of war, 
&e.; ardere invidia, amore literarum, 
studio belli, &c. Iardently desire to 
see you; ardeo te videre. When all 
_ places, or persons, were ardently, or 
~ vehemently, raging in war; quum 
_ cuncta, vel cuncti, arderent bello ; Liv. 

ARDUOUS; i.e. high, hard, or dif. Ci 

ficult ; arduus-a-um : as, Richens: or 
hard and high, to ascend or goup; ar- 
duus ascensus ; Cic. An arduous ac~ 
cess, or difficult passage, to get unto ; 
arduus aditus ; Liv, * 

Arpvuovs; i. e. high, great, and 
difficult, matters or affairs ; ardua ne- 
gotia; res arduz, et difficiles ; Cic, 

ARE; as, They are, ye are, we are, 
§c.; sunt, estis, sumus, &c.—which 
English word is variously rendered in 
Latin; and mostly either by the verb 
substantive, sum; or included in the 
signification of other verbs: as, They 
are brought very low ;~ad egestatis ter- 
minos redacti sunt; Plaut. You are 
jar away; tu abes longe gentium ; 
Cic. They are less than they are said 

. to be; infra famam sunt; Quint. You 

are never likely to see me any more. 
hodie me postremum vides ; Ter. They 
are nearer Brundusium than you; a 
Brundusio propius absunt quam tu ; 
You are not trusted on either 
side ; neque in hac, neque in illa parte 
fidem habes; Sal. You are afraid it 

_ should not last ; ne non diuturnum sit 

futurum times; Cic. They are fain 
te live all upon honey ; melle coguntur 
solo vivere; Var. Mind what you are 
about ; hoc agite amabo ; Ter, 

are at odds ; inter se dissident ; Cic, 
They are beside the business; a re dis- 
cedunt; Cic. Accounts are even be- 
tween us ; bene igitur ratio accepti et 
expensi inter nosconvenit ; Plaut. We 
are likely to have war ; impendet no- 
bis belli timor ; Cic. 
the soft grass; in molli consedimus 
herba; Virg. They are as very fools ; 

pari stultitia sunt; Cic. They are a 
year in combing themselves ; dum co- 
muntur, annus est; Ter. You are plot- 
ting mischief ; pestem machinaris ; Cic, 
They ate discouraged~from learning ; : 
a discendo deterrentur; Cic. You 


We are set upon 

AR 67 

are come too soon ;> nimium advenisti 
cito; Plaut. As rich as you are he 
cares not a pin for you; non enim pili 
facit te quamlibet divitem. Now you 

are taken, redeem yourself for as little 

as you can; te redimas captam quant - 

queas minimo ; Ter. Are you afraid 
to doit at my bidding? num dubitas 
id meimperante facere ? Cic. Cat. They 
are excellent in that kind; in eo genere 
excellunt; Cic, They “ere for that 
kind of study ; sunt ab ea disciplina ; 

To ARGUE; arguere, disceptare, 
disputare, &c, 

To ArcveE, or dispute, by reason, or 
philosophically; philosophice, dialec- 
tice, dialecticorum more disputare, ar- 
guere, disceptare ; disserere in utram- 
que partem, ad investigandam, excu- 
tiendam rei cujusque veritatem, Ar- 
guinentis, rationibus, ingeniorum teiis 
pugnare, certare, decertare, confligere, 
concertare, contendere, quo eliciatur 


veritas; ut constet quid in quaque re. 

sit verum, vero simillimum, rationi max- 

ime consentaneum, Disputando, ratio-— 

cinando, argumentando, veritatem cu- 
jusque rei examinare, discutere, eruere. 
Ingeniorum conflictibus excutere verum. 
Contra alterius opinionem, in contrae 
rias partes disserere. | Controversias 
disceptare.. Philosophice agitando in 
utramque partem, controversas res cer- 
tas reddere. Argumentorum pugna re- 
bus obscuris lucem, dubiis atque am- 
biguis certitudinem dare, afferre. 

An ArcuMENT, or reason for any 

thing ; : argunentum, Nn. ;Tatio, ratieci- — 


An ArcuMENT, or subject of a dis- 
course or treatise, &c. Thema, lemma, 
-atis, n. 

An ArGcument, or contents of a dis- 
course ; periocha; hypothesis, f. Gr. 

A_ subtle AncuMENT;  sophisma, 
-atis,n.; stropha,-«, f. Gr. ; fallacia. 

A strong, or firm, ARGUMENT 3 ar- 
gumentum demonstrativum ; demon- 
~ A poor, or weuk, Arcument ; 3 Tatio 
ficulna. ' 

An ARGUMENT that convinces every 
way ; dilemma,-atis, n 

The first part of an ARGUMENT ; an- 
tecedens, The latter part ofan argu- 
ment; conséquens. 

Full of Arcuments ; argumento- 



68 , AR 

To hold or maintain an AnGUMENT 
with one; disputare adversus aliquem. 

To take-an ARncuMENT ; argumen- 
tum elicere, colligere, trahere, capere, 
yenari ; institutum capere ; Cic. . 

They can never answer this Arcu- 
MENT ; potentissima est hec et invicta 

Iwill prove that by strong Arcu- 
MENTS, or reasons ; Achilleis id evin- 
cam rationibus. This opinion is not 
supported by strong arguments ; parum 
valido tibicine fulta est ec opinio. 
Those are very poor arguments which 
he brings ; ratiuncule tantum suntiste, 
quas ille ‘profert. That is @ thread- 

bare argument or theme; and an ordi- 

nary or common subject ; argumentum 
id est vilissimum, tritissimum, e triviis 
petitum. J will prove that by a for- 
cible argument; id argumento com- 
probabo baculino. Let us therefore 
prove that by a mathematical argument 
or demonstration ; 
igitur ratione mathematica. How did 
he answer that argument? quomodo 
ab hoc se nodo expediebat, obsecro. 

To ARISE; surgere, eagiageres as- 

To Anise together ; consurgere. — 

To AnisE before ; ; presurgere. 

To ARIsE again ; resurgere. 

To Arise as the sun or stars do; 
exoriri, oriri, aboriri. 

To Anise up to one ; ‘assurgere, cum 

To Arisx: before day ; antelucare, 

They Arise; consurgitur, assurgi- 
tur, assurrectum est: impers, 

To Arise, or flow, out of: as, True 
friendship arises and flows out of the 
good qualifications of the mind ; amici- 
tia ex animi non fortune bonis exoritur, 
existit, emanat, effluit, emergit. From 
avarice, or covetousness, many evils 
arise; ex avaritia multa mala proficis- 
cuntur, proveniunt, 

Someone will Anise to revenge this ; 
exorietur aliquis ultor, 

Waris Arisen or begun; bellum 

exortum est. Grief, or fear, arises ; do-. 

Jor, timor, exoritur. The day arises, or 
begins to arise ; dies exoritur. A tem- 
pest, arcport, a star, arises ; teiwpestas, 
fama, stella, exorta est. The> sun 
arises ; sol exortus est, A delay arises ; 
mora exoritur. All these arise from 
you; ate omnia hec exortasunt; Cic, 

demonstremus_ id 


An. ARM, or a man’s arm; bra 
chium, n. ; lacertus, m. ; ulna, ala, >, 
By strength of Arm ; valida manu. 

A little Arm ; btachiolum ; lacertu-- 

To take one in his Arms; complec- 
ti ; ambabus ulnis amplecti. To pull 
one out of one’s arms ; e complexu avel- 
Jere, To carry a thing under one’s 
arm; portare sub ala. An arm-full ; 
manipulus; quantum complexu tenere 

My An» is too short ; ale mez pen- 
nas non habent, We must. put out, 
our arm’no farther than our sleeve will 

reach or permit ; ut quimus; quando - 

ut volumus, non licet. ; 

Arms, or weapons ; arma, tela, pl. n, 

Deeds of Arms ; res bellicw, gesta 

By force of ‘Aten $i lawl et armis. 
They are up in arms ; in armissunt. To 
bear arms ; arma ferre, induere; in ar- 
mis esse. To lay down arms; arma 
ponere : as, They laid down their arms 
and called for quarter ; armis positis, 
ad victorum (i.e, vincentium) fidemcon- 
fugerunt. Arms put arts to silence ; 
artes inter arma, litereque silent omnes. 
Tympanis perstrepentibus, clangenti-_ 
bus bellicum tubis, intonantibus bom- 
bardis, reboantibusque tormentis belli- 
cis, musa mute fiunt, obtumescunt Ji- 
tere ; exiles lenesque Pieridum cantus 

exaudiri non possunt;.Tibias Euterpe — 

cohibet, et Polyhymnia Lesboum refu- 

git tendere barbiton. Horrent Tyrrhe- . 

nos Heliconia plectra tumultus. Dum 
bello ardent provincie, frigent studia, 
litere languent. . Cum furie belloram 
seviunt, fugiunt philosophi, et triam~ 
phant, si latere tecto liceat abscedere. 
Bella matribus detestata, alma impri- 
mis matri academiz. Discordiis civi-. 
libus laborante regno deseruntur artium 
et literarum studia, ipseque philoso- 

Warlike Arms; arma bellica ; 3 ar. 
matura varia; Cic. armatus,=us). m5 
Liv. univérsitas armorum; Amm, = 

Diverse_or various Anus’ 3 arma, 
varia, diversa ; his lingua, illis dentes. 

To Arm, or put on arms ; arma ¢€a- 
pere, se telis induere ; ferro et armis se 
‘accingere. Jo arm one ; aliquem ~ar- 
mare, munire, armis instruere. 

ARMED ; armatus, obarmatus, armis 
instructus, munitus; armiger-a-um;. 
scutis, telisque paratus, ormatusque ; 

loi ALA Se 

-~ munire. 


Cie, gravis armature miles; id. suc- 

cinctus armis, ferro; loricatus ; Liv, tho- 

racatus; Plin. cataphractus; Liv. 
clibanarius; i, e. instar clibani ferro 
tectus; Curt. laminis ferreis, in modum 
plume, contectus miles; Sal. ferrate 
caterve, per singula membra densis !a- 


minis tecte, ut juncture rigentes com- 

pagibus artuum convenirent ; incedebat 
_ordo armatorum clypeatus atque crista- 
tus, corusco lumine radians, nitidis lo- 
ticis indutus. Equites, thoracum teg- 
minibus et limbis ferreis, cincti ; quos 
Jaminarum circuli tenues ambiebant ; 
_ To be AnmeED, or in arms; afmari, 
obarmari; armis muniri, cingi; et ar- 
- matos (si Latine loqui volumus) opjnor 
e038, qui scutis telisque parati et ornati 
sunt. In armis, paludatum, expeditum 
ad bellum sustinendum, paratum ad in- 
cursiones hostium propulsandas, esse. 
Scutatum incedere, accingi, instrui, ar- 
mari ex omni parte ad rem militarem. 
Ad hostium vim, impetus repellendos, 
‘sustinendos, propulsandos przpatari, 
robe muniri. Ferrei stant in acie. 

* Ferro accingi. - Cingi fulgentibus armis. 

Armati ferro, et cristis capita alta co- 
ruscis,—-—-Clypeo munitus et hasta. 
Fulgere in armis. __ isi sry 
Armen cap-a-pie, or allover ; perar- 
matus ; panoplia armatus ; loricatus ; 
To put on Anmovr ; ‘arma parare, 
exercere ; consurgere in arma; dis- 
onere enses et scuta ; ad arma cogere. 
rma Capere, capessere.. Armis, scutis, 
telis se induere, accingere, parare, or- 
hare, instruere. Togam deponere, et 
armaturam. induere; sagum sumere, 
Armorum presidiis corpus suum tegere, 
Armare se. 
se circundare, indere. Circundat lo- 
_vicam humeris et inatile ferrum, A 
man in anger soon finds arms ; furor 

_ arma ministrat. 

To put off Anmour,; prelia re- 

tum, scuta telaque omnia ponere, 
deponere, abjicere, exuere. Nudum 
armis, togatum, inermem ; sine armis, 
scutis, ferro esse, incedete. Nullogla- 
dio, telo succingi. Nullis presidiis 
sui defendendi eausa indui, muniri. 
Neque ferri quicquam, neque scutum 
ullum habuit, Defigunt tellure hastas, 
et scuta reponunt. — - 

An Army; exercitus,-us, m. 3 acies, 
-ci, f.; agmen, n.; militum copiz, tur- 

Arma sibi, armis- 

linquere ; .arma, sagum, paludamen- 

AR © & 

mz, caterva, cohortes, legiones ; mili- 
tum manus, cuneus, 

An Army in good array ; exercitus 
instructus ; acies ; Liv, acies instructa; 
Cic. acies disposita; Tac. instructe 
copie ; agmen compositum; Liv: pro-_ 
ciuctum ; acies procincta; procincta 
acies. — ‘ 

Toraise an Any ; condere lustrum ; 
legiones, milites, militum vim, manum ; 
copias, exercitum, multitudinem homi- 
num ad militiam cogere, parare, armare, 
comparare, instruere, conficere, contra- 
here, colligere, conilare, expedire, con- 
ducere. Militesconscribere. Militum 
delectum habere. In militiam descri- 
bere. Vires omnes in unum conferre, 
congregare.. Homines vicatim con- 
scribere, et decuriare. Cogere ad arma 
viros.—Exercitum lustrare, recensere, 
recognoscere. Aciem instruere——— 
‘In turmas legesque severi Agminis dis- 
ponere. sd ie aft oe 

The Army in great peril, or danger 
and distress; copie in discrimine ; 
Cesar Hispaniensi bello Pompeii copias 
in summas angustias compulit, in maxi- 
mas omnium rerum difficultates conje- 
cit; eo redegit, ut omnium rerum pe- 
nuria laborarent, inopia premerentur, 
conficerentur, pessime acciperentur; in 
maximis angustiis, difficultatibus versa-_ 
rentur; plurimis incommodis afficeren- 
tur, plurima sustinerent incommoda. 

An Army strong in prowess and 
valiant. soldiers, but not in number of 
men}; copie genere, non numero fir- 
me; genere potius, quam numero, fir- 
mum exercitum habebat Cesar; fre- 
quentes admodum Cesaris copie non 
erant, sed fortitudine prestabant ; erat 
in castris Cesaris virtus, multitudo non 
erat; non milifum copia, frequentia, 
‘numero, sed eorum virtute, robore, for- 
titudine, animi prestantia, corporis vi- 
-tibus valebat Czsar; numero exiguus 
erat Cesaris exercitus, firmitate amplis- 
simus. ~ 

Tolead an AnMY ; agmen, exercitum, 
copias, militum manum, &e. ducere. 

They took up Arms; arma ceperunt 5 
Cic. They are up in arms; in armis 
sunt; Cxs. J defended myself by 
arms; me armis defendi; Liv. 
vants were armed, or put in arms, 
against.their masters ; armabantur ser- 
vi in dominos ; Cic. > ss 

He tired the Army with continual 
marchings ; exercitum quotidianis iti- 
neribus defatigavit; Ces. He said 

Ser- - 

70 + AR 
the army would be routed ;dixit fore 

ARREARS ; reliquie, pl f.; relia 

ut exercifus; pelleretur. .The review of quatio, f.; reliquium, residuum, n.; re- 

the army; armilustrium; Var. recen- 
sus,-us, m.; Suet. transvectio equitum 
ante conspectum ducis; Val. Max, 
Not to play, but fight with Arms; 
armis versis pugnare ; abjectis. lusoriis 
armis transire ad vera; Lips. Ad cer+ 
tun dimicare; Tertull. versis gladiis 
depugnare; Plaut. Ponite jam gla- 

dios hebetes, pugnetur acntis; Ovid.’ 

Decretoriis armis pugnare; Sen. The 
use of arms for show, in public solem- 
nities ; armorum ars ludicra; Cic. cer- 
tamen curule; _Lamprid. decursus; 
Gell, decursio pretorianis indicta in 

foro; Suet. ludicri concursus ;~ Lips.» 

ludicram certamen; Sen. ludicrum ; 
Mart. Trebell, militia imaginaria; 
Suet. hostici ludi; id. curules dimica- 

tiones; Amm, equiria,-um, pl. n.; Fest. . 

To ARRAIGN ; ad tribunal sistere; 
reum agere 5 postulare criminis ; in ju- 
dicium vocare, adducere ; sistere tribu- 
nali; pro tribunali adducere. To ar- 
raign, or accuse one of; postulare ali- 
quem alicujus rei, criminis, &c.. vel de 
re -aliqua aut crimine aliquo. 

To ARRAIGN or accuse one asguilty ; 
postulare aliquem' reum, . 

To ARRAIGN or sue one in law; 

lege aliquem postulare. The most in- 
nocent Cato Censorinus was arraigned ; 
Cato Censorinus, omniuui innocentissi- 
mus, in judicium vocatur : Cato, cog- 
nomento. Censorinus, qui Censofini 
cognomen tulit, qui Censorinus est 
nuncupatus, qui Censorini cognomine 
usus est; cum nemine esset probitate 
inferior, neminem haberet integritate 
supetiorem, nemini de probitate conce- 
deret, bonitate excelleret, prestaret ; 
quinquagies tamen accusatus est, in 
judicium vocatus est, postulatus est, ei 
dies dicta est, ejus nomen delatum est, 
causam dixit vite sue; actorum suo 
rum, rerum a se gestarum rationem 
reddere, vitam suam atque innocentiam 
probare, coactus est; subiit judicium, 
reus fuit, factus est, sedit reus, sedit 
reorum loco, judicum tribunal adivit, 
- accusatoruin audivit impura maledicta, 
acerba convitia, accusationis molestiam 
sustinuit. ’ 

An ARRAY ; ordo, series: as, A 
batile in array ; acies instructa, 
array ; ordinare, instruere, 

Out of Array; turbatus; ordine 
perturbatus, confusus. 

liqua, pl.n. To be in arrears ; relin- 
quor ; reliquari. er 

To ARREST ; prehendere, appre-. 
-hendere, capere, captivare ; in jus tra- 

here, rapere, vocare ; manus inferre, 
injicere ; curripere ; reum_prehendere, 
capere, apprehendere, comprehendere, 
corripere ; dare in vincula; injecta 
manu in carcerem, ad judicem ducere, 
abducere, abripere obtorto collo, Reo 
manus, catenas injicere; manus affer- 
re, inferre. : 

He commanded the man to be Ar- 
RESTED 3 hominem corripi jussit; Cie, 

To Arrest, or seize upon, a man’s 
body or goods to the disposal of the so- 
vereign ; confiscare.- 

ARREsT ; tractio in jus. Prehensio, 
apprechensio, retentio, f.; manus injee- 
tio. ie 
To ARRIVE; appellere, cum dat. 
in portum agere, attingere, applicare, 
advenire. wy pod &. 

To Arrive, or land, at a place ; ad 
littus, oram, portum, in portum, appel- 
lere. Terram, portum, attingere. 
lure potiri. In portum: penetrare, de- 
ferri, ex alto invehi,. Ad terram classe 
pervenire, navibus accedere. Portum 
tenere, ingredi, inire, obtinere, subire. 
—Ripam felici tangere portu. Prende- 
re littus, littora. Arripere tellatem 
votis.—Optata Troes potiuntur arena. 
Portus intrare petitos. . Proram terris, 
puppim ripe advertere.—duci dextris 
ad littera remis. Contigimus portus 
quo mihi cursus erat, 
tum tetigere carine. Puppibus et leti 
naute imposuere coronas, ; 

- To make the ship Arrive at*land ; 
terre subducere puppim. Tellurem 
velis arripere ; in portum ex alto inve+ 
hi; navem ad terram applicare ; Ces, 

ad. littora tendere cursu; clavum ad_— 

Pressz jam por- - 

Tel- _~ 

littus torquere ; carina littora tangunts ~~ 

I unhappily Arrivep here; haud 
auspicato me hic appulis Ter, 
At your Arriva ; in adventu tuo, 
To ARROGATE; i. e. to assume 
much to oneself ; arrogare, assumere, - 
ARROGANCE ; arrogantia, insolentia, 
superbia ; elatio animi; sublimis ala- 

rum vectio ; ostentatio sui; tumor, subs ~ 

limitas animi. ‘ 

ARROGANT; arrogans,’audax, ela- 
tus, superbus, insolens ; spiritus immo-. 
deratos habens; intemperantis animi ; 



beng tirgcscens 5 ; contemptor alio- 

Very Annocant ; arrogantiz ple- 
4 nus ; ; Cic. inflatus opinione; ferox 
forma ; 3 Plato; tumidus homo; Hor. 
 nimius animi ; Liv. 

Too Arnocant ; 3 nimis _atrogans ; 

a —* sibi‘ tribuens, arrogans, assu-' 

wre ARROW ; sagitta, telum, spi- 
‘culum; 3 jaculum ; ferrum missile, pen- 
natum ; calamus; arundo. 
 Alittle Arrow ; 3 sagittella, f, 

A broad Aknow; or an arrow forked 
in the head; tragula,-z,. f. 
ee An Avaaion head ; spiculum, mM; cus- 

. “pis, f., ferrum, ferramentum ; cuspis sa- 
gitte ; mucro, uncinus, iene sagitte, 

To shoot, or pierce withan Arrow ; 
sagitta transfigere;' telo penetrare. 
Shot, or pierced, with an arrow ; sagit- 
ta, telo, transfixus, penetratus ; sau- 
cius ictu teli. 

Swifter than an Anrow from a 
bow; sagitta celerius ; neque aves, ne- 
que venti, citius. 

An ART, science or occupation, &c. ; 
ars, scientia, studium ; vite institutum, 
Vivendi via, vite propositum. 

“Art, learning, knowlege, §c. ;, ars ; 
liter, pl. f., eruditio, doctrina, scien- 
“tia; humanitas politior ;_ professio li- 
terarum ; cognitio, peritia- erudita ; 
philosophia ; i.e. notitia rerum divi- 
narum humanarumque ; solertia cogi- 
 tandi et agendi; facultas oratoris, 

 poetze, &e. Cic.  Machinatio et soler- 
tia queedam, qualis etiam apparet in 

_s araneolis ; id. 

Well instructed in the Arts ; ; in ar- 
tibus doctus, bene instructus.' 

Art deludes and frustrates art ; ars 
deluditur atte ; pulchre fallit vulpem, 

One of many Ants seldom thrives; 
_ artes varie obsunt; septem artes, qua- 
_ tuordecim calamitates : qui multiplicat 
 seientiam, multiplicat dolorem, 

Arts and sciences lack their due 
honor ; artes merito honore carent, va- 
_ cant; non quanti deberent,, estiman- 
tur; non quo equum esset, loco.sunt ; 
non quem debent.locam obtinent; non 
admodum in honore sunt ; dignitatis, 
 existimationis, honoris, loci, non ha- 
bent satis; exigui, parvi, pretii sunt ; 
haud magni reputantur bone artes ; 
bonis artibus honor non est, non tribui- 

Se eccket ArroGantT ; subaudax, © 

_ omnium magnarum rerum et artium ; 

-machinosa navis ; 

tur, locus non est ; bone artes non co- 


luntur, jacent, minime vigent. 

The liberal Ants; artes liberales : 
literatura; Jiterarum scientia; Cie. 
doctrine ‘ingenue ; studia humanita- 
tis; mansuetiores muse ; politior hu- 
manitas; id.  studia disciplinarum ; 
Quint. To know arts, is profitable ; 
artes scire, utile; ars portus inopiz, 
High or subtle arts; artes subtiles ; 
literee interiores et recondite ac exqui- 
site ; artes difficillima, . gravissime 5 
sumine, perfect, spinose ; spine dis- 
definiendi; Cic.  scientiz 


majorum rerum scientie; Cic. Un- 
lawful or magical arts; artes magice, 
prestigie; Cice scelerate preces, et 
nefaria vota nocturna; id. artes se- 
crete, nefande; Amm. _§funeste ; 
Vopise. Zoroastri susurri; Prud, ma- 
gica sacra; Virg. — 

By Ante: or artificially; ex arte, 
argute, perbelle ; Cic. faberrime po- 
litus thorax; Amm. lepide id effici- 
am; per doctos dolos aliquid auferre ; ; 

Full of Ant ; &c. ; artis plenus; Cie. 
argutus; operosus; Cic. artifex dimi- 
catio, ingeniosa; Plin. affabrum ; Fest, 
dedala tecta; Virg. 
omnia ingenia illi sunt ; Plaut. Mi- 
hervz opus; novem musis celatum 
opus; dedali opera; Dedalus ipse. 

Let nothing be done without the most 
consummate Art and accuracy; nihil 
nisi cum summa venustate, decore ac 
solertia et perfecte fiat; Cic. é 

Whatever he does, ts with the utmost 
Art and elegance ; quicquid agit, cum 
lepore et elegantia eximia peragit, et pe- 
ritia admirabiliad exitum perducit ; Cic. 

This Art was all his revenue § hee 
ars illi sua census erat. 

An ARTICLE ; chief head, or prin- 
cipal point ; articulus; m., clausula, f., 
articulum, n, Principium, fundamen- — 
tum, caput, 

Arrticues of accounts ; nomina, pl. 
n., capitacomputorum, computationum, 

Articres of a covenant or treaty ; 
capita, conditiones, fcederis. 

Arricte by article ; articulatim. 

An Arricte of agreement ; condi- 
tio,-onis, f.; pactum, n. 

To agree upon ArticLEs ; conditi- 
ones inire, 

ARTICULATE, or distinct ;  arti- 
culatus ; distinctus, p. 

To surrender on Anzseuxs 3 sub 


72 AS 

certis conditionibus dare, reddere. 

To draw up AnticLes against one 
for treason; postulare capitis; lese 
majestatis Hisimnlare. 

An ARTICULATE voice, sound, word, 
or speech ; articulata, explanabilis, ar- 
ticulate distincta, vox, oratio. Hence 
articulate dicere, est, syllabatim, ex- 
planate, explanatius, enodate; Cic. 
signate et proprie, significanter, dicere 5 

An Anrtirice; artificium,n., stropha, 
specimen ingenii; Cic. artificium, i. 
e. opus artefactum, magnificum; mira- 
bili arte vel artificio perfectum ; re 
elegantioris artificis ; id. 

An Artiricer ; officinator, opera- 
rius ; machinator ; artifex, opifex, me- 
chanicus. Opifex ‘questuarins, me- 
chanicus, manuarius, sedewtarins ; qui 
artem habet, exercet sedentariam, ma- 
nuariam, mechanicam, questuariam, 
cujus ars, disciplina, artificium per ma- 
nus traditurs non scriptis librisve doce- 
tur; Cui ars pro viatico est. Fabrica- 
tor ; Cic. concinnator; Col. technicus ; 
Quint. homo operarius ; humili arte 
preditus ;*Cic. professionis ultima 
homo; Lampr. eas 

ArtiriciaL ; technicus, artificia- 
lis, dedalus, artificidsus, perfectus, 
graphicus, elaboratus, politus, perpoli- 
tus, exquisitus, arte laboratus; Virg. 
exactus, scitus, affabre factus, 

Arvriricran, as opposed to natural ; 
pactitius, artefactus. 

AS; ut, uti; velut, veluti; sicut, 
sicuti ; prout; ceu. 

As well as; tam, quam; que ac; 
pariter ac ; petinde atque ; tanquam, 
wque atque ; eque quam; non minus 
‘quam; haud, vel — minus quam ; 

I. As, before a verb, ora participle 
of the present tense, having the sign of 
d verb passive before it, implies time of 
action, and is rendered either by a par- 
ticiple, or by a verb with dum, cum, 
ubi, or ut: or by the preposition in, 
with an ablative case ; inter or super 
with an accusative case. 

And As he flew (or was fiying), he 
looked downu upon the Munichian fields ; 
Munichiosqué volans despiciebat agros ; 
Ovid. As I stood (or was standing ) 
at the door, an acquaintance of mine 
came towards me; dum ante ostium 
sto, notus mihi quidam obviam venit ; 
Ter, As J.was folding up this letter, 


ten you, as you were at 

the carrier came to me; cum compli- 

carem hanc epistolam, ad ‘me venit ta- 
bellarius ; Cic. As I was going: into 

the nursery , (or was about to go); ubi 

in gynexcium ire occipio; Ter. As he 
was sitting on a green bank of grass; 

ut viridante toro consederat herbe ; 
Virg. He studies as he goes (or is 
going) his journey; in itinere secum 
ipse meditatur ; Cic. Had this befal- 
; si in- 
ter conam hoc tibi accidisset ; Cic.. 
‘hese things Hegelochus said ‘as we 
were at supper; hee Hegelochus dixit 
super coenaim; Curt. The tribunes of 
the people were wounded as you your-. 
selves were looking on; tribuni plebis, 
vobis ipsis inspectantibus vulnerati ; 

Cic. As you were reading those things, © 

then I thought thut it would be decreed 
by the senate ; cum hee legeres, jam 
tum a senatu decretum arbitrabar fore ; 
Cic. In the mean while as those things, 
which were scattered abroad, are ga- 
thered together; interea, dum hec, 


quz dispersa sunt, coguntur; Cic. | 

For, as the money was told down, it  — 

happened that the man himself came in 
unexpectedly; nam, ut numerabatur 

forte argentum, intervenit homo de im- | 

proviso; Ter, Just as we were upon 
our departure, I received letiers from 
you ; accepi a te epistolam in ipso dis- 
cessu nostro; Cic.. Those things, as 

we were at supper, I dictated to a 

young man; bee, inter cenam a 
lescenti dictavi ; Cic. 

Il. As, with the particles to or 
for after it, is put for concerning, or so 
far as concerneth, and then is rendered 

by de, quod, quatenus, ad, quod ad, 

or quantum ad ; in which phrases atti- 
net, pertinet, or spectat, is understood, 
as ié is sometimes expressed. 

As to the keeping of our liberty, T 
agree with you ; de libertate retinenda 

fibi assentior ; Cie. As for what he 

said of religion ; quatenus de reli 

dicebat ; Cic. JI will do that, which, 
as to the severity of it, shall be more 
mild, and as to common safety, more 

utilius ; Cie. 

As for Pomponia, I 

would have you write, if you think | 
good ; quod ad Pomponiam ; si tibi - 

As for 

videtur, scribas velim; Cic? 

= te er purges; Ter. As 

profitable ;-faciam id, quod est ad se- ~ 
veritatem lenius,ad communem ce : 

your excusing yourself ‘afterwards; tw 

conte ot MRT i ae i ica a tae ar econ i 


i ik ido hare ir 
oa ay oe 
lB wl - 

. di sumus quos— ; Plin. 

“ ‘. 


shaded my daughter Tullia; de 
lia mea filia; Cic. J saw the court, 
as to show or appearance ‘indeed, 
adorned magnificently; but, as to 
sense and understanding, very mourn- 

fully ; vidi forum adornatum, ad spe- 

ciém, magnifico ornatu; sed ad sensum 
cogitationemque, acerbo et lugubri; 
Cie. -As for what concerns that city ; 
quod ad eam civitatem attinet; Cic, 
For, as for what the man now accuses 
me of; nam, quod me accusat. nune 

‘vir; Ter. 

III. As, in the latter clause of a sen- 
tence answering to such, or such a 
one in the former, is rendered by qui, 
or qualis, 
| Show yourself such a one As I 
have known you from a child to be; 
preesta te eum, qui mihi a teneris un- 
guiculis es cognitus ; Cic, Show your- 
self now to be such a one as you have 
already shown yourself before ; prebe 
te talem hoc tempore qualem te jam 
ante prebuisti ; Cic. For neither are 
we such as those whom— ; neque enim 
Who, if he 
be such a one, as you write you think 
him to be ; qui, si est talis, qualem tibi 
videri scribis; Cic. ~ It is necessary 

therefore for you to be such a one, as to - 

separate yourself wholly from converse 
with bad citizens ; talem igitur te esse 
oportet, qui te ab impiorum civium so- 
cietate se jungas ; Cic. : 

IV. As, coming in the former part 
of a similitude, together with or for 
these particles, like, even or answer- 
ing in the latter part to so in the for- 
mer, and gencrally when manner or 
custom is referred to, is rendered 
quemadmodum, ut, velut, sicut, quo- 
modo, and atque ; which lust, viz, at- 
que, is only used in the latter clause. 

- Even As it is the part of a wise man 
to bear the chances of fortune bravely, 
$0 it is the property of a madman to 
be the author of his own bad fortune ; 
quemadmodum sapientis est, fortuitos 
casus Magno animo sustinere ; ita de- 

mentis est, ipsam sibi malam facere for-: 

tunam. As that was troublesome, so 

as this pleasant ;° ut illud erat moles- 

tum, sic hoc est jucundum ; Cic. From 
which judgment he escaped naked as 
from a fire ; quo ex judicio, velut ex 
incendio nudus effugit; Cic. I went 
as my manner is ; ibam, sicut meus est 
mos; Hor. You have so made me 

Phrase. . 

AS eo eae 
consul, as few have been made in this 
city ; ita me fecistis consulem quomo- 
do pauci in hac civitate facti sunt; 
Cic. The end of felicity shall be like 
as it was before; similis erit finis boni, 
atque antea fuerat ; Cic. 

Hitherto may be referred As coming 

_ with or without to before a verb, and 
having so with an adjective eoming be- 
fore itself, in which use it is made by 
ut, or qui: as, Should I be so foolish 
as to think—; ego nunc tam sim 
stultus, ut hunc putem mihi esse ami- 
cum? Cic. Would he be so foolish as to 
trust me? an ille tam esset stultus, qui 
mihi mille nummum crederet? Plaut. — 
But who is such a fool, or so brutish, 
as to dare gainsay? czxterum quis 
tam stultus, aut brutus est, ut audeat 
repugnare. Those things were so done 
as I have declared; hec, sicut exposul, 
ita gesta sunt; Cic. It is but a short 
request, and, as I am persuaded, some- 
what reasonable ;, postulatio brevis, et, 
quomodo mihi persuadeo, aliquanto 
equior; Cic. ‘ 52 5F 

V. As, in the'body of a sentence, rs 
often put for which, i.e. which thing, 
and is rendered by quod, or id quod, 

put for que res: as, : 

She did As her mother bade her ; ma- 
ter quod suasit sua, fecit; Ter. But of 
our country affect us, as it should, very 
much}; at si nos, id quod maxime debet, 
nostra patria delectat ; Cic. [fany man- 
ner of way it be, or can be,.as I hope 
it may ; si ullo modo est, aut possit, 
quod spero fore; Ter. The senate 
cannot sit now, as you know; senatus 
nune haberi, id quod scis, non potest ; 

VI. As, in the latier clause of « 
sentence, answering to so, or as great, 
much, little, soon, fast, &c., is ren- 
dered either by quantus, or else by qui, 
quam, or ut, with a superlative degree 
of the adjective or adverb going toge- 
ther with it, especially if may, can, 
could be, &c. be added to it: as, 

Give her As much as I bade you ; 
quantum imperavi date; Ter, As 
great honor as might be was given to 
the gods; diis quantus maximus pote- 
rat, habitus est honos ; Liv. I show you 
as much respect as can be ; qua possum 
veneratione maxima te prosequor. Let 

the business be dispatched as soon and 
with as little trouble as may be ; quam 
pumum, et quam minima —— 


_ 74. 


_quamlibet divitem. 


res transigatur; Cic. J ran away as 
fast as I could; ego me inpedes, quan- 
tum queo, conjeci; Ter. I commended 
you to him as earnestly, and as dili- 
gently as I could; sic ei te commen- 
dayi, ut gravissime diligentissimeque 
potui; Cic. He suffered to expend, 
or disburse, as much as he pleased ; 
quantum vellet, impendere permisit ; 
Liv.” I will discourse with as much 
brevity as possibly I can; dicam quan- 
ta maxima brevitate potero ; Cic. There 

is amongst them as much difference as T: 

can be, between their studies and their 
manners; tanta est inter eos, quanta 
maxima potest morum studiorumque 
distantia; Cie. He extolled my au- 
thority as highly as possibly he could ; 
dignitatem meam, quibus potuit ver- 
bis amplissimis, ornavit; Cic. The 
birds build their nests, and make them 
at the bottom as soft as possibly they 
can ; aves nidos construunt, eosque 
quam possunt mollissime substernunt ; 

Cic. I led the army to Amanum with 

as great marches as possibly I could; 
quam potui maximis -itineribus, ad 

Amanum, exercitum duxi. As far as 
I am able; quod queo; Ter. With 
as honorable words as I can possibly 
conceive ; ut honorificentissimis verbis 
ipse consequi potero; Cic. JI will 
bring the physician as soon as may be ; 
adducam medicum jam quantum po- 
test ; Plaut, , 

VIL. As, redoubled with an adjec- 
tive or adverb betwixt and the words 
it is, they be, &c. after it, is many 
times put for though, although, and 
rendered by quamlibet, or quamvis : 

As rich as you are, he cares not a 
pin for you; non enim pili facit te ; 
As if it were any 
hard matter to me to name them, as 
many-as they are; quasi vero mihi 
difficile sit, quamvis multos nomihatim 
proferre ; Cic. 

Sometimes it is so put for howsoever, 
and rendered by quantuscunque, or 
quantuluscanque, 7 great or little come 
betwixt: as,  - . 

- All this, as great as it is, is thine ; 
totum hoc, quantumcunque est, tuum 
est; Cic. By this, which I say, as lit- 
tle as it is, it may be judged ; ex eo, 

_ quod dico; quantulum idcunque est, 

judicari potest; Cic. 

That the fields 

may satisfy the husbandman, 


bs | 


though as covetous as any ; ut quamvis 
avido parerent arva colono; Virg, As 
little as may be; quamlibet parum ;. 
Quint. Nevertheless whatever shall _ 
be found in these schedules, as little so- 
ever as it may seem to be, this at least 
will certainly be evident ; sed tamen 
quicquid erit in his libellis, quantulum- 
cungue videbitur esse, hoc quidem - 
certe manifestum erit ; Cic. As great 
as my poverty is, yet—&e.; quanta 
hec mea paupertas est, tamen—&c. ; 
er. f < tbs 
- VIII. As sometimes is put for, in 
this regard, or respect, and then it is 
rendered by ut, or qua: as, I will - 
pursue him to death, not asa just 
enemy, but as a poisonous murderer 
ad internecionem mihi persequendus 
est, non ut justus hostis; sed ut per- 
cussor veneficus; Curt. He %s.not va- 
lued as he is any man’s son, but as he is. 
aman ; non qua filius alicujus, sed qua 
homo estimatur, The right of punish- 
ing belungs to him, not as a creditor, 
but, as he is placed m greater or 
higher authority ; jus. puniendi. non 
competit illi ut creditori, sed quatenus 
superior est constitutus ; Liv. - 

IX. As sometimes signifies the same 
as accordingly as, or proportionably as, 
and then is rendered by ut, uti, sicut, 
ita ut, pro, prout, pro eo ac, pro eo at- 
que, perinde ut, perinde atque, pro- ~ 
inde ac: as for example: As I wrote. 
to you before; ut scripsi ad te antea ; 
Cic. The one, as Isocrates said, needs 
a bridle, the other a spur; alter, uti 
dixit Isocrates, frenis eget, alter calca- 
ribus; Cic. He feed to his house as to 
an altar ; sicut in aram, confugit in hu- 
jus domum ; Cic. As i¢ is fit; ita ut 
equum est; Plaut. I loved himas my 
own; amavi pro meo; Ter. As they 
were able to follow ; prout sequi pote- 
rant; Flor. As I ought; pro eo ac ~ 
debui; Sulpit. Jé must be considered 
as done by no right ; pro eo habendum 
est, atque si nullo jure factum esset. 
These things are, as is the mind of him 
that has them; hee perinde sunt, ut 
illius animus, qui ea possidet; Ter. 
He did not seem to apprehend it, as I 
had thought; non perinde atque ego 
putaram,. arripere visus est; Cic. He 
is not hated as he deserves; quem ne- 
quaquam, proinde ac dignus est, ode- 
runt homines; Cic. The woman loved 
her, and brought her up as her own ; 

ES eT er oe” a“ 
Ss ENN ei ovine — 871 9 
+ es 

Pier wt eh 

ee a ae 

AS | 
ilexit eam, et educavit mulief pro sua. 
Tt was a dish not so great as was ex- 
pected ; ferculum non pro expectatione 
magnum erat. First of all I ought to 
hope, that all the gods, who have the 
care of this city, will reward me as I 
deserve ; primum debeo sperare, deos 
omnes, qui huic urbi president, pro 
eo mihi, ac mereor, relaturos esse gra- 
tiam; Cic. According as the abilities 
of such a man were ; prout facultates 
hominis hujusmodi ferebant ; Cic. He 
is now looked upon or esteemed as if he 
were fully and judicially acquitted ; 
‘perinde habetur atque si judicio abso- 
jutus esset. 

X. As, answering to so, or as, in 
several members of a sentence, wherein 
there is intimated an equality , or compa- 
rison of something with another, is ren- 
dered by some of these particles ; eque 
ac, eque atque, eque quam ; tam, quam, 
non, haud ; or nihilo minus quam: as, 

What great advantage is there in 
prosperity, unless you have some one 
to rejoie in it As well as yourself? 
quis esset tantus fructus in prosperis 
tebus, nisi haberes, qui illis eque, ac 
tu ipse, gauderet? Cic, These bene- 
Sits are not to be accounted so great as 

_ those which—j; hec beneficia eque 

magna non sunt habenda, atque ea, 
que—; Cic. They can see as well by 
night as-by day ; noctibus xque quam 
die cernunt; Plin. J love thee as well 
as myself ; tam te diligo, quam meip- 
sum; Ter. He is afraid of harm as 
much as any of you; non minus quam 
vestrum quivis formidat malum ; Plaut. 
Z thought he made as much account of 

. her as of himself ; quam ego intellexi 
-haud minus quam se ipsum magnifa- 

cere; Ter. He is in as great misery 
as he that—; nihilo minus in miseria est 
quam ille qni—; Cic. You shall 
really find me such a one, as to whom 
you shall be as dear and as pleasing as 
ever you were to your own father ; me 
certe habebis, cui charus eque Sis, et 
perjucundas, ac fuisti patri; Cic. But 
he honors and respects me as much as 
he doeshis own lord and patron ; sed me 
colit atque observat, zque atque illum 
ipsum patronum suum; Cic. As lov- 
ingly as his most beloved child ; eque 
atque liberum charissimus. | Jé is said 
that nothing is so good against the bite 
of @ viper, as the juice of a yew-tree ; 
nihil wque. facere fertur ad vipere 

AS 75 

morsum, quam. taxi arboris succum ; 
Suet. This thing as much vexes me 
as you; hec ‘res non minus me male 
habet quam te ; Ter. 

Several other phrases: 

According As every man’s pleasure 
is ; prout cuique libido est; Hor. Ac- 
cording as.the opinion is of any one’s 
manners, so— ; perinde ut opinio est de 
cujusque moribus, ita—; Cic. Tore- 
solve upon any thing, according as af- 
fairs and time shall require; ex re et 
tempore constituere aliquid ; Cic. Con- 
sider well what to say according as 
there shall be need of speaking ; tu ut 
subservias orationi, utcunque opus sit 
verbis vide ; Ter. To do according as 
any one shall advise; de, ex, alicujus 
sententia agere; Cic. According as 
the occasion requires; pro re nata ; 
Cic. Lucius, his brother, ordered the 
affair as being one that had fought 
abroad ; Lucius, frater ejus, utpote qui 
peregre depugnavit, rem gerébat ;. Cic. 
Sisenes, as one being not suspected of, 
or free from guilt, did often attempt to 
carry those letters to Alexander ; has 
literas Sisenes, utpote innoxius,ad Alex- 
andrum sepe deferre tentavit; Curt. 
As far as I perceive by his countenance ; 
quantum ex vultu ejus intelligo; Cic. 
All the ground, as far as one could see, 
was covered with darts and weapons ; 
omnia, qua yisus erat, constrata telis et 
armis ; Sal. They trembled, as if they 
had been surprised by ambush; pro- 
inde ac si insidiis circumventi fuissent, 
trepidarunt; Liv. Who since she so 
fought as if she had no mind to over- 
come ; que cum ita pugnaret tanquam. 
que vincere nollet; Ovid. I desire 
you would mind his affair as if it were 
mine ; ejus negotium sic velim suscipias, 
ut si esset res mea; Cic. As ¢f in- 
deed I were ignorant what you desire; — 
or as ifany thing new were now brought 
to light ; quasi vero nescirem quid vos 
velletis ; et nunc novum-quid proferre- 
tur; Plaut. That is just as if I should 
say—; perinde hoc est quasi (tan- 
quam si) ego dicerem—; Gell. He used 
me with as much civility as if he had 
been my own brother ; me officiis, juxta 
ac si meus frater esset, sustentavit; 
Cic. She carried herself as if she had 
been a daughter ; ipsa sese ita gerebat, 
ut st esset filia; Ter. You shall be 
with me no otherwise than as if you were 
my own brother ; mecum eris, non se- 

76 AS 

cus ac si meus frater esses; Cic. As 
at were ‘bloody drops of rain; quasi 
cruente gutte imbrium; Cic. The 
sound was heard, sometimes as it were 
at the threshold, sometimes as it were 
within the threshold, of the door ; jam 
ut in ostii limine, jam ut intra limen 
sonus audiebatur; Plin.. They live 
mostly as if they were blind moles ; vi- 
vunt plerumque ceu talpe ; Plin. Glory 
accompanies virtue as it were its very 
dow ; gloria virtutem tanquam um- 
bra sequitur; Cic. And as it were in 
the very streets where they dwell; et 
in ipsis quasi plateis ubi habitatur ; 
.Cic. He gave the woman as little as 
he thought fit ; mulieri reddidit quan- 
tum visum est; Cic. You shall learn 
as long as you will; disces quamdiu 
voles; Cic, So long as the senate had 
any business to do; tam diu dum se- 
natus negotii quidquam habebat pera- 
gendum ; Cic. I have only rest and 
quietness, so long as I am writing to 
you; ego tamdiu requiesco, quamdiu 
ad tescribo; Cic. J will only so long 
own you for mine, as you do that which 
is worthy of yourself; ego te meum 
esse dici tantisper volo, dum quod te 
dignum est facis; Ter. He lived as 
long as he could live well and quietly ; 
vixitqué tamdiu, quam licuit bene et 
tranquille vivere; Cic. As long as 
any one had lived ; quoad quisque eo- 
rum yixerat; Cic, There is as ovat 

* ‘ + ~ wl em, grouse 
differénéé dnd variety. of voice and 
countenance, as of minds ; vocis et vul- 
tus mutationes totidem sunt, quot ani- 
morum, What a misery is it, that he, 
who was appointed or designed to be 
consul, as many years as he had lived, 
yet never could enjoy the consul- 
ship; quid miserius quam eum, qui tot 
annos, quot habebat, designatus consul 
fuerit, fieri consulem nec consulatu frui 
potuisse? Cic, Iftwo laws or statutes, 
or more, or as many as are already or 
shall be, do appoint that, yet—&ec.; si 
duz leges, si plures, aut quotquot sunt, 
vel erunt, id constituant, attamen—&c. § 
Cic. I entreat you to collect as many 
soldiers as possibly you can; vos hor- 
tor, ut quotcunque milites contrahere 
poteritis, contrahatis; Cic. As if I 
alone had not credit for six hundred 
times as much ; quasi mihi non sexcen- 
ta tanta soli soleant credier; Plaut. 
They reaped six times as much as was 

sown; sexies tantum, quam quantum’ 


satum sit, demessum est; Cie. Pro~ 
vided that I come safe back, let them 
make as great a bustle and stir as they 
please; dum me reducam tutum, tur- 
bent porro quam velint; Ter. For as 
much as he urges my soldiers to trea- 
chery by his letters; cam milites meos 
literis ad proditionem sollicitet; Curt. 
For as much as their way of living and 
their manners are more gentle; prop- 
terea quod eorum vita Jenior, et mores 
faciliores ; Cic. He knew- that you 
would do so, for as much as he had in- 

telligence that you were afraid of him; 

sciebat vos id facturos, quippe qui in- 
tellexerat vereri vos se; Plaut. Jn as 
much as I see you do desire it ; quando 
te id video desiderare; Cic. 
much as it is the pleasure of God that 

it should be so ; quando ita Deo placet. 

ut ita sit. In as much as you so much 
approve of those orators ; quandoqui- 
dem tu istos oratures tantopere laudas ; 
Cic. Say that you can do that, in as 
much as you are able; tu. te posse id 
prestare, dicito, quandoquidem potes ; 
or thus: Say, that you are able, in as 
much as you are so; tu posse te, dicito, 

quandoquidem potes; Cic. In as much. 

as all our discourse is about popular bu- 
siness, it will be necessary now and then 
to speak popularly ; quoniam de popu~ 
laribus rebus omnis noster versatur ser-- 
mo, populariter interdum loon necess¢ 
crit; Cie. Jn, or for, as much as yo 
will have it so, I will own myself to be 
too grateful or thankful; quoniam tu 
ita vis, nimium me gratum esse conce- 
dam; Cic. Ofall the variousand dif- 
Jerent sorts or kinds of learning or 
learned men, that of the poets is, or is 
to be accounted, the most ancient ; in 
as much as Homer and Hesiod were 
before the building of Rome ; antiquis- 
simum e doctis genus fit poetarum ; si- 
quidem Homerus fuit, et Hesiodus ante 
Romam conditam ; Cic. J am exceed- 
ingly well pleased at our baths, in as 
much as you write, that they are sud- 
denly become good and healthful again ; 

gratulor Baiis nostris, siquidem, ut scri-_ 

bis, salubres repente rursus facte: sunt ; 
Cic. He did not use to feast with his 
brother, in as much as he-did but very 
seldom come to the city ; convivia cum 
fratre non inibat, quippe qui ne in op- 
pidum quidem nisi «perraro veniret ; 
Cic. As often as it is commanded ; 
toties quoties preeipitur ; Cic. As after 

In as 



-Cic. As 

' diit Quintius; Cic. 

_potuissent; Flor. 

AS ; 

-asT plead, sooftenI think I am coming 
before the judge; quotiescunque dico, 

toties mihi videor in judicium venire ; 
Cic. As soon as we set foot on land ; 
ubi primum terram tetigimus; Plaut. 
And as soon as ever it was light the 
next day ; et lux cum primum terris se 
crastina reddit ; Virg. As soon as he 

perceived me go to the daughter; ubi 

me ad filiam ire sensit; Ter. To whom 
as soon as I came; ad quem ut veni; 
is soon as ever he saw me; ut 
me primum vidit; Cic. As soon as I 
pleased, the image presented itself; 
simulac mihi collibitum est presto est 
imago; Cic. As soon as ever the op- 

deus, se gerit; Jovi 

AS 47 

is most worthy of glory, so is he most 
regardless of it ; ut quisque est glone 

dignissimus, ita glorie est negligentis- 

simus ; ut quisque est. gloria maxime 
dignus, ita gloria est minime avidus ; 
quo quisque dignior quo laudetur, hoc 
minus laudarigaudet. Hecarries him- 
self as if he were more than man; ut 
paria intonat. 
Should I be so foolish as to think? 
ego nunc sim tam stultus ut putem ? 
Would he be so foolish as to trust me? 
an ille tam esset stultus qui mihi cre- 
deret? Aslong again, and longer; al- 
tero, tarito longior. As big again, and 
better; altero tanto major. I have set 

portunity was first offered; simulac forth the oracles as briefly as I could ; 

primum ei occasio visa est; Cic. So 
soon as she did turn her cruel mind and 
eye; simul obvertit sevam cum lumine 
mentem; Ovid. The which thing so 
soon as he perceived ; quod is simul at- 
que sensit. So soon as ever I shall see 
Curio; simul ut videro Curionem ; 

ic. As. soon as ever Quintius re- 
turned to Rome ; statim ut Romam re- 

as a book ; instar voluminis epistola ; 
Cic. They think it as ill as death, as 
bad as to die; instar mortis~putant ; 
Cic. As wise a man as any in our 

eity; sapiens homo cum primis nostre the 

civitatis; Cic. As these things are 
very unprofitable,.so they are very 

base; hec cum summe inutilia, tum 

multo turpissima sunt; Cic. He thinks 
nobody can do so well as himself ; ni- 
hil nisi quod ipse facit, rectum putat ; 
Ter. If t 

well as to our empire and government ; 
si tam vitia nostra, quam imperia ferre 
The Sicilians are 
grieved at it aswell as I; mecum pari- 

- ter moleste ferunt Siculi; Cic. You 

exposui quam brevissime potui oracula. 
He bespeaks the man as kindly as he is 
able; appellat hominem quam blandis- 
sime potest. J loved you as my own 
brother ; te in germani fratris dilexi 
loco. They are as very fools; pari 
stultitia sunt. As it is fit; ita ut e- 
quum. Asthere shallbe need of speak- 
ing ; utcunque opus fuerit verbis, Ass 

A letter as big for what he spake of réligion; quate- 

nus de religione dicebat. J, as being a © 
very wise man, presently understood ; 
ego, scilicet homo prudentissimus, sta~ 
tim intellexi, They went as far as to 
works ; ad molem usque penetra- 
bant. As it may stand with your 
health; quod commodo valetudinis tue 
fiat. As far as it is possible; quoad 
ejus fieri possit. As far as from Tmo- 
lus; ab usque Tmolo. As far as from 
‘Ethiopia ; ex Ethiopia usque. As 

hey could have endured, or far as from thence; usque isthinc. 
submitted themselves unto our vices, as 

As far as it shall be needful ; usque eo 
quo opus erit. As far as from beyond 
the Alps; trans Alpes usque. “As fur 
as the empire extended ; totum denique 
qua patebat imperium. As far as I 
remember ; ut mea memoria est. As 

may know these things as well as I; far as I gather by his looks ; quantum, 

eque mecum hec scias; Ter. The 
goods or estates of those that were ab- 
sent, as well as those that were killed, 
were divided ; absentium bona, juxta 
atque interemptorum,. divisa fuere ; 
Liv. In what condition our affairs 
are, all of you, as well as I, do under- 
stand; quo in loco res nos‘re sint, 
juxta mecum omnes intelligitis ; Sal. 

According as the matter requires, or 

as affairs and times are ; prout -res 
postulat ; ut se res et tempora dant; 
pro rebus natis. According as any one 

ex vultu ejus intelligo; Cic. - They 
looked as if they had run away ; fuge 
Speciem prebuerunt, He makes as 
though he had not-been willing ; dissi- 
mulat se noluisse, As long. as they 
live; usque dum vivunt. J gave as 
long as I had it; dedi dum fuit, 

Above Jive times as much as lawful ; 

quinguies tanto amplius quam licitum 
sit.’ Though I lose as much more ; 
etiamsi alterum tantum perdendum sit. 
Who ought to use these things as much, 
or more; quem pariter uti his decuit; 

78 AS . 

aut etiam amplius, As if I'were not 
as much concerned in tt as you; quasi 
isthic minus mea res agatur quam tua, 
As much as lay in you; quod quidem 
in te fuit. J will do as much for you ; 
reddam vicem, reddetur opera. Which 
zs as much as any plaintiff can desire ; 
quod est accusatori maxime optandum, 
Add as much as you will thereto; quan- 
tumcunque €o addideris. They are as 
much to blame; simili sunt in culpa ; 
tam sunt in vitio. We have doneas 
much as we promised and undertook ; 

. satisfactum est’ promisso nostro, ac sus- 

cepto. He made as much account of 
the good will of the freemen, as ‘of his 
own credit ; is voluntatem municipum 
tantidem, quanti fidem suai, fecit. The 
house is famed as much now as ever ; 
domus celebratur ita, ut cum maxime, 
As lean as a rake; lapsana vivit. As 
poor as Job; iro pauperior. As true 
as an oracle ; Apollinis responsum. As 
ye s0W, So shall ye reap ; ut sementem 
feceris, ita et metes. He acts asincon- 
siderately as any one; tam ridicule, 
quam quispiam, ille facit. Jf he were 
as famous fer his actions, as he is bold 
in-shis undertakings; si, quam audax 
est ad conandum, tam esset clarus et 
insignis in agendo ; Cic. Are you such 
a foolas to think, as to trust? tam 
stultus es, ut ptes, qui credas? Thatis 
as much as it is ; ‘non ultra excedit. 
As, in comparison with an adjective ; 
tanquam. Even as, like as; quemad- 
modum, sicut, ita, ita ut, similis atque. 
WhereAs ; quum. 

As for example ; Puta, utpote, ut, ’ 

exempli causa, verbi gratia. As it 
were, as Y; or as though ; quasi, tan- 
quam, ac si, perinde, haud secus, non 
aliter, non minus ac si. 

As, for whilst, one %s doing any 
thing ; dum, cum, ubi. 

As great; tantus. As much; tan- 
tum, tantundem, As many ; -tot, toti- 
dem. As often; toties. Such a one 
as; talis qualis, is qui. As well as; 
zeque ac, perinde atque, pariter ac, tam 
quam, juxta atque, tanquam, aque at- 
que, que quam, non minus quam, 
haud, vel nihilo minus quam, 

As soon as; 3 ut primum, quampri- 
mum, simul ac, simulatque, statim ut, 
“—_ mox, ubi primum, cum primum. 

As long as; donec, quamdiu, quoad, 
dum, As far as; quatenus, quoad, 
quantum, As often as ; toties, quoties, 


quotiescunque. As many as ; tot quot, 
totidem quot. As many ia. i, €&. never 
so many ; quotquot. As much as, (an 
adj.) quantum, As much as, i. e. never 
80 much ; quantumcunque, quantum- 
vis,, quantumlibet, As much as, (an 
adv.) haud minus quam. For, in as 
muchas ; quandoquidem, J , quando, 
siquidem, quoniam, quate us 
quod. As big as; instar, cum gen 
As big again, or twice as via apie 
major, As rich as he is; utut, or 
quamlibet’dives. (Such as itis ; qualis 
qualis. As well as I; juxta mecum; 
Sal. mecum pariter ; Cic, eque * 
cum; Ter. As for the residue of t 
time ; cetero. For as much as, i. - 
as great ce as; tanti, quanti. ©: 
great aber ent i) As little 
as; quantuluscunque, As, i. €. in this 

“regard, or in this respect ; qua, ut. As 
‘to, as for, as touching, as far as con+ 

cerneth, as concerning ; quantum ad, 
‘quod attinet ad, de, quatenus, ad, quod 
ad. ; 

According As, proportionably as, 
even as: ; quemadmodum, i ita ut, ut, vel- 
ut, sicut, _ quomodo, uti, pro, prout, 
pro eo ac vel atque, petinde ut vel at- 

2” To ASCEND; ascendo, conscenido, 
scando ; peto, subeo ; ; supervenio. 

To Ascenp, or come to a higher de- 
gree } ascendere ad gradum altiorem. 

To Ascenp ‘or climb up the hill ; 
ascendere in montem, _~ 

To Ascxenp a wall ; ascendere mu- 

The voice or sound AsceNDs by de-~ 
grees ; vox gradatim ascendit. 

To Ascenn or mount up on high ; 
alta petere ; ‘sursum evehi, ferri, nati 
gradibus; superiores sedes, locui alti- 
orem, capessere ; ad summia festigia cul- 
minis evadere ; ‘altius emergere. 

To make an Ascent ; ascensionem - 
facere; Plaut. Gradum ‘ad aliquid fa- 
cere; scandere malos; Cic. Ascen- 

-dere in summum: Plaut. 

A high and difficult ASCENT, or pas- 
sage ; difficilis atque arduus ascensus, 
gradus, aditus. 

To ASCRIBE; ascribere, tribuere, 
attribuere, imputare. 

Do not Ascrizg or impute any neg- 
ligence of that affair to me; ne mihi - 
negligentiam, hac in re, velim ascribas, 

To Ascrise any thing to any one ; 
ascribere, assignare, imputare, tribuere, 

\ - x Ss 

attribuere, quid, alicui; aliquid confer- 
re in aliquem; alicujus rei auctorem 
aliquem facere.. 

To Ascrise any thing to oneself ; 
aliquid *sibi adsciscere, ascribere, attri- 
buere, arrogare, assumere. 

_ Those things are to be Ascrizep or 
attri to his arms and victories, 

not to himself ; armorum ista et 
Motion’ t facta, non ipsius Cesaris ; 
Cic. € ought to ascribe or impute 
those les to you alone ; calamita- 

tes hasce uni tibi referre debemus ; Cic. 
Nobody did then think that was ‘to be 
ascribed or imputed to the man, but to 
' the time ; nec vero homini tunc quis- 
quam, sed tempori, assignandum puta- 
vit; Cic. I pray you do not ascribe 
. that to their wickedness, but to their 
imprudence ; amabo te, ne hoc sceleri- 
bus, potius quam imprudentie eorum 
assignes. He ascribes all the quiet- 
ness and rest of his old age wholly to 
your clemency ; omnem autem tran- 
quillitatem et quietem senectutis ejus 
penitus clementie tue refert; Cic. And 
$0, in general, is used ; aliquid alicui 
acceptum referre. But if they ascribed 
or attributed this to us disdainfully ; 
si vero id nobis insolenter impingerent ; 
Cic. .They ascribe the invention of 
those things to themselves ; horum in- 
ventionem referunt, derivant, ad, vel, 
in se.. 

« ASHAMED ; confusus, padefactha, 

pudore suffusus. 

To make AsuaMep; pudefacere, 
pudore afficere, confundere, pudorem 
alicui incutere, pudore aliqaem suffun- 
dere ; in ruborem dare, cogere ; pudo- 
Tem, "ruborem, alicui injicere; igno- 
minia, dedecore, aliquem notare, sensu 
dedecoris afficere. 

Tam Asuamep ; pudet me. 

Iam half Asuamep ; suppudet me. 

To be Asuamep ; verecundari, eru- 
bere, erubescere, pudere, pudefieri 5 
confundi. Vehementer, ingenue, mo- 
deste, erubescere, verecundari; inge- 
nuitatis speciem pre se ferre ; consci- 

entia facinoris commoveri ad verecun- | 

diam; pudorem, ruborem, contrahere ; 
rubore, pudore, affici, suffundi, affundi; 
modestia circumfundi; vultum puden- 
ter, pudibunde demittere. 

Iam Asuamep that I did so; pu- 
det me facti istius. .He was AsHaMED 
to come in your sight:; erubuit ora ves- 
tra; Cic. I am ashamed togo to them; 

AS 79 

ire ad illos erubesco; Sen. He is a- 
shamed of his condition ; erubescit for- 
tune sue; Curt. J am ashamed te 
speak it ; erubesco loqui. I am ashamed 
of thee; pudet me tui; Cic. Are 
you not ashamed? ecquid te pudet? 
Ter. They are not at all ashamed ; 
nihil pudet; Ter. J shall be ashamed 
to tell it ; me hoc dicere pudebit ; Cic. 
I'am ashamed .to tell you; pudor est 
mihi dicere ; Ovid. vereordicere; Ter. _ 
They are not ashamed ; non verentur . 
Ter. . He may be ashamed ; habeat pu. 
dorem; Ter. Be not ashamed to love 
knowlege, goodness, virtue, &c.; ne 
sit scientie, virtutis, probitatis, &c. 
Aimor tibi pudori; Hor. Ashamed éo 
look so unhandsomly ; pudefactus oris . 
deformitate ; Gell. . Jam ashamed te 
have such a trick put upon me; dispu- 
det sic mihi data esse verba; Ter. He 
és ashamed of that; pudet eum hujus 
rei, et pudet eum ‘ois Those are crimes 
to be ashamed of; crimina hec sunt 
erubescenda. Conscience makes some 
so ashamed, that—;-nonnullos pius 
quidam pudor hue adegit, ut—. Jam 
so ashamed that I know not how to 
look him in the face ; quo ego. ore com- 
pellabo hominem, nescio. He was so 
ashamed that he blushed as red as fire ; 
—niveos infecit purpura vultus} per li- 
quidassuccensa genas—. So that Iwas 
ashamed to take in secret what I shamed 
not to beg openly ; adeo ut clam eru- 
bescam accipere, quod palam mendi- 
care non erubui. Jt would make not 
the writer only but the paper ashamed 
and blush ; non scriptorem modo, ‘sed 
ipsas quoque chartas erubescere oppor- 
tebat.» The maiden blush did show 
he was ashamed ; purpurat ora 

ASHORE ; in littore ; in tellure. To 
come ashore ; terra potiri. 

ASIDE, or apart ; seorsim, separa- 
» Asipr, or aside-long ; 
latere. . 

To call’AstpE ; sevocare. 

To lay Astvz ; deponere. 

To cast or throw Astpe ; abjicere. 
-. To go AsipEe; secedere. He looks 
aside proudly ; visus superbos obliquat, 
aspectum, contorquet. Come aside 
hither; secede huc; Ter. To turn 
aside, or go out of the way ; secedere 
de via; ‘Plaut. To go aside into a 
place; secedere in locum aliquem, To 

oblique, a 

80 AS 
tay aside, or lay by, money to build 

with ; seponere pecuniam in zdifica- 
tionem. To set aside or reserve time 
to himself to do a thing ; seponere sibi 

tempus ad rem aliquam. 

To lay AstpE arms, cares, studies, 
offices, &c. ; arma, curas, studia, offi- 
cia, &c. deponere. To lay aside a 
book out of one’s hands ; deponere li- 
brum de manibus ; Cic. To lay aside 
his wildness ; ingenium sylvestre depo- 
nere. To lay aside, or put money into 
a common stock ; deponere pecuniam 
in fidem publicam. To lay aside some- 
what of his inconstancy or lightness ; 
de levitate pristina aliquid deponere ; 
Cic. To lay aside his authority; de- 
ponere imperium, To lay aside trifles, 

- or to trifleno more’; deponere ineptias ; 

Cic. To lay aside, orto put any thing 

out of one’s memory or remembrance ; 

memoriam alicujus, memoria, ex me- 
moria, aliquid deponere. To lay aside, 
or put off his shoes; deponere soleas; 
Mart. To lay aside his good will or 
affection towards one; voluntatem, 

. benevolentiam, erga aliquem deponere ; 

Cic. He commanded to draw them 
aside or apart ; illos alterum ab altero 
separari jussit. 

To ASK ; interrogare, querere, ro- 
gare, scrutari, exquirere ; expiscari, re- 
quirere, percontari, sciscitari, perscru- 
tari, exigere. Crebris solicitisque in- 
terrogationibus urgeres Anxie, curiose, 
sigillatim querere. 

To Asx, or desire ; rogare, petere. 

To Asx boldly, or to demand ; pos- 
tulare, | 

To Asx importunately ; efflagitare. 

To Asx so as to obtain ; impetrare, 

To Asx the price ; licitari. 

To Asx a price, as the seller doth ; 
indicare: as, How much do you ask 
for it? quanti indicas ? 

To Asx alms ; emendicare stipem, 
To ask for God’s sake ; vehementer ob- 
testari. To ask after one ; requirere. 

Asx and have quicquid rogaveris, 
oraveris, optaveris, petiveris, exorabis, 
impetrabis; potieris voto, tuum est. 
Nihil tanti est quod tuis precibus non 
sit vilius, levius, minus, inferius. Fa- 
ciam ego te compotem voti, quodcun- 
que id sit—Quod vis pete munus, et 
illud me tribuente feres. .Elige munus, 
ait, nullam patiere repulsam. Elige— 
quid optes ; optatis potiere tuis. Tuus, 

O regina, quid optes explorare, labor ; 


mihi jussa capessere fas est. ~ Elige 
quid voveas; sint tua voce licet secura 
repulse. En age, quid cessas ? annuit 
ille, roga. Annuet—quodcunque ro- 
gabis. Cape, quod optas, 

A man may Asx ;-roget quis; Ter. 
We may ask what it is ; rogemus sal- 
tem quid sit; Ter. J ask you who I 
am ; qui sum te interrogo ; Ter. 

To Asx earnestly ; flagitare, efflagi- - 
tare, perpetere, etiam atque etiam pe- 
tere vel rogare. To ask, require, or de 
mand ; rogare, petere, interrogare, pos- 
cere, exposcere, postulare, expetere, 
querere, exquirere, orare. — 
something to ask you; est quod te 
rogem; Ter. Are you also so mad as 
to ask me that? num tu quoque etiam 
insanis, que me id interrogas? Plaut. 
Tell me what he asks; cedo quid pos- 
tulat; Ter. He asked from whence 

that letter came; quesivit unde esset 

epistola ; Cic. ; 

To Asx privily ; suppetere. 

To Ask again ; reposcere, repetere, 
repostulare, condicare. 

To Asx diligently ; percontari, per- 
quirere, queritare, exquirere. | 

To Asx humbly ; petere, supplicare; 

To Asx that which is due; teposcere, . 

To Asx often; rogitare, requiritare, 
tepetere. He often asks what a man 
he was ; rogitat, qui vir esset ; Liv, .To 
ask and sue for an office against an- 

- other ; competo. To ask forgiveness 

of God ; poscere Deum veniam, 

ask them the news ; quas res cogno- 
verint, querunt; Cic. Jf any body 
ask for me; si quis me queret; Plaut. 
Does he ask for me? Men’ querit? 
Ter. If any one chance to ask for these 
beasts ; si forte armenta hec requiret 
aliquis; Ov. They ask for nothing ; 
nihil requirant ; Cic. Jt asks the more 
to maintain it ; eo plus requirit ad se 
tuendam; Cic. Why do yowask that? 
qui id exquiris tu? Plaut. Do you ask 
me that? tu me id interrogas? Plaut. 
As I was asking the porters whether 
any ship were come; dum percontor 
portitores ecqua navis venerat; Plaut, 
See what he asks ; vide quid postulet ; 
Ter. Toask for that again, which 
one has given; reposcere, quod dedis- 
ti; Ter, I ask you forgiveness; ve- 
niam peto, posco. You ask reason; 
eequum oras; Plaut. Jf you ask my 
advice or opinion; si me consulas ; 

DOT Ty Bie inane, veneer th Om TIT 



Plant. When I could come and ask , 
you; cum haberem tui copiam; A. 
that asks if; consilium fidele delibe- 
ranti dare ; Cic. He asked a hundred 
sesterces for tt; id centum nummis in- 
dicavit ; Apol. He asks me_ thirty 

“pounds for her ; me poscit pro illa tri- 

ginta minas ;_ Pl. Shall I give him his 
asking, or what. he asks for hex? tanti, 
quanti poscit vin’ emam illam? Plaut. 
Ask my ellow whether I be a thief ; 
omnes compacto rem agunt, 

To Asx familiarly ; ; blande, familia- 
riter, concinne ; iterum et sepius, in- 
terrogare. What does he ask so soli- 
citously for? quid tam anxie quzrit 
iste? To ask aid or help; alicujus fi- 
dem et misericordiam implorare, expos- 
cere, exorare. Patronum aliquem sibi 
asciscere, Opemque meam et pre- 
sens auxilium implorabunt. Eorum 
magis nos miseret, qui nostram miseri- 
cordiam non requirunt, quam qui illam 
efflagitant; Cic. Tendit ad vos virgo 
vestalis manus supplices, eas quas pro 
vobis diis immortalibus tendere con- 
suevit, Ad meam fidem diu cognitam 
confugiunt, Ad me sicut ad certum 
asylum confugientes, &c. In miseri- 
cordiam alicujus confugere. 

To ASPIRE to ; anhelare, anniti, 
ambitiose contendere ; captare munera 
gerenda, — 

To Asptnx to honor; honori velifi- 
cari, honores ambire ; honoris flagrare 
fame, ad honores éontendere, tendere. 

_To ASSAIL, ASSAULT ; invadere, 
adoriri, aggredi, oppugnare, irruere, in- 
currere, involare, irrumpere, incessere, 
infestare. } 

To carry by AssauLt.; expugnare. 

- An Assavtt in battle; ; impetus, in- 
cursus ; irruptio, oppugnatio, aggres- 
slO.; congressus,-us, m. 

The first Assauxt ; preludium pug- 
nw, prelusio pugna. 

To Assait or Assautt the enemy ; 
hostes omni conatu adoriri, invadere, 
impetere, aggredi.. In hostes, in hos- 
tium aciem impressionem facere ; vi 
facta, omni impeta irruere, incetrees, 
ingruere, irrumpere, insilire ; impetum, 
vim facere; involare, concitato impetu 
ferri, inferri, inferre sez equo effusis 
habenisseimmittere. In confertos hos- 
tes ruere. Medium agmen penetrare. 
-——— Mediis se immiscuit armis,—Den- 
sos fertur moriturus in hostes, _ 

To give faithful advice to him 

AS | 81 

To AssauLtT or storm a town; as- 
sultare meenibus, Scalis adhibitis mu- 
ros trdnscendere, superaree Tormentis 
bellicis aperire muros, diruere, compla- 
nare ; urbem apertam capere, invadere, 
diripere, incendere, , Omnes admovere 
machinas, omni vi, summis viribus im- 
petum facere, Viam sibi vi, armis ad- 
itum patefacere, et-in urbem captam 
ferro ac flammis grassari, sevires ruere, 
rapere, delere, pessundare omnia. ¢ 

To withstand an Assautrt ; hostes 
assultantes muris propellere, pellere, 
repellere depellere ;_ meenibus propul- 
sare, facile a pinnis defendere; ferventi 
oleo, saxis, telis reprimere. Hostium 
oppugnantium audaciam, impetus, vim 
frangeré, opprimere; conatus irritos 

To Assait the enemy in close fight, 
or at near_distance; cominus cum 
hoste congredi. 

To make an Assavtr with sheld 
and spear; clypeo impetum facere et 

To Assauut the enemy in the midst 
and thickest of their forces ; im medium 
legionis cursu concito se proripere; in 
confertissimos hostes incurrere ; Sal. 

See Attack. 

To ASSEMBLE, call, or gather to- 
gether; convocate, congregares  co~ 
gere ; frequentare, corrogare. 

To be. AssEMBLED, or to come toge- 
ther } convenire, congregari, coire, con- 
fluere ; } accurrere, congredi, conglo- 
merari, convolitare. 

To AssemB1eE the senate; senatum 
cogere, senatum habere. Jo assemble 
an army ; exercitum conflare, militem 
conscribere. Jo assemble a congrega- 
tion; populum, multitudinem, in unum, 
,in unum locum cogere, contrahere, 
‘ compellere, congregare, aggregare, col- 
ligere, adducere, convocare, concire. 
Concilium, populi cetum, conventum, 
concionem convocare, celebrare, insti- 
tuere. Conventum, conventus, pera- 
gere, celebrare. Habere .senatum, co- 
mitia, . Vocare ad concionem, ad con- 
cilium, multitudinem.—Socios in ¢ce~ 
tum littore ab omni advocat, concili- 
umque vocat, Magna populi frequen- 
tia in unum coivit, convenit, congressa 
est, confluxit, convalatit, coacta, con~ 
gregata est. | 

To dismiss an ioectines 5 populum 
dimittere, missum facere, concilium, 
conyentum solvére.. 


82 AS 

There was a great AssrMBLyY, or a 
world of people, there; concio erat ibi 

You are Assemnuen or come hither 
with good will and welcome to-day ; 
et frequentes hodie convenistis et ala- 
cres. That assembly was flocked to by 
all sorts far and near ; commeantium 
frequentia multa celebrabatur conven- 
tus ille. 

To ASSENT, or agree to ; assentire, 
assentiri; astipulari; assensum pre- 

This was AssentED to; huic as- 
sensum est, de hoc convenit. With 
one assent; unanimiter, concorditer, 
(adv.) Uno ore, consensu, animo, una 
mente, pari voto. 

To AssENT or agree in opinion or 
judgment ; alterius opinioni, sententiz 
favere, acclamare, astipulari, suffragari, 
subscribere, assentire, assentiri liben- 
ter ; calculum suum addere, adjicere. 
In alterius opinione, sententia acquies- 
cere. In sententiam alterius concedere, 
discedere, pedibus ire. Sententiam al- 
terius probare, approbare, comprobare, 
admittere, recipere, confirmare. Suam 
sententiam ascribere. Suum consen- 
sum testari. Alteri, ad alterum, ad 
alterius sententiam accedere. Alteri, 
‘cum altero concinere, consentire. Al- 
texius sententiam sua comprobare. 

Jt is Assentep and agreed to by all; 
emnium assensu, sententia, testimonio, 
constitutum, concessum, comprobatum 
est. To yield or grant assent to any 
one in any thing ; “assentiri aliquid ali- 
cui; assentiri alicui de aliquo, seu in 
aliquo ; Cic. To whom they all assent- 
ed; cui assensi sunt ad unum; Cic. 
I assent wholly to your opinion ; valde 
tibi assentior ; Cic. 

All antiquity AssEnts or agrees to 
this ; quin tota hic assenserit antiqui- 
tas. So that all the ancients give their 
assent ; adeo ut, si priscos illos videas 
patres, denso agmine a nobis omnes 
stant. And the poets also assent to, 
or side and say with us ; atque suffra- 
gatur hic etiam poetarum chorus. JI 
cannot assent to them, nor be of their 
mind, who,—&c.; non libet ab illis 
stare, qui—&c. It was assented to 
without contradiction, or so much as 
one negative voice ; nullo Lpseinae tecla- 
mante constitutum erat. 

To ASSERT or affirm ; asserere, as-— 

severare, affirmare, To assert confi- 


dently ;. asseverare firmissime ; oinni 
asseveratione affirmare ; pro comperto 
afferre; Liv. Instare factum; Ter. 

Neither to Assert nor to deny ; 
neque asserere seu affirmare, neque ne- ~ 
gare; in medio aliquid relinquere ; 
Cic. Quod discrepat, in medio sit ; 
Suet. In medium relinguere; Gell. 
Nihil statuere ; sed de hoe ut tu vide- 
ris ; viderint ista viri boni; Cic. Nihil 
definire; tu videris; tuum jJudicium 
esto ; Cic. 

erogare, taxare. 

To Assess farms ; censere predia. 

To Assess high, or put a high tax . 
on.any thing ; taxare magni aliquid ; 

ASSIDUOUS, or diligent ; assiduus, 
industrius, diligens. 

Assipuiry, or diligence, and indus- 
try; . assiduitas, diligentia, industria. 
Assiduity masters difficulty ; gutta ca- 
vat lapidem. Let us go as fast as 
we can; for assiduity and diligence 
in things commendable can never be 
blamed ; eamus quam celerrime ; non 
potest ‘enim—justa diligeutia unquam 
reprehendi. Virtuous men, who are 
assiduous and industrious, dare under- 
take great things, and are never fear- 
ful in any thing which they lawfully 
go about; boni viri subire labores— 
Audent, et nusquam in ulla re licita 
sunt timidi. For assiduity and indus- 
try (as they say) always procure good 
fame and fortune; labor enim (ut 
aiunt) bone fame et fortune pater est. 
Persons of diligence and assiduity must 
labor and take pains, so long as they 
live; for idleness and Sloth cannot 
maintain one that intends to tivrive in © 
the world ; generos oportet, quoad vix- 
erint, laborare ; ignavia enim non alet 
frugalem vitam. Assiduity accomplishes 
things incredible ; assiduitas incredibi- 
lia prestat; aquilam testado vincit; 
assidua stilla saxum-excavat. Whoso- 
ever would live happily, must necessa- 
rily use assiduity in labor dnd indus- 
try; for more are made virtuous by 
assiduous endeavors, than by nature ; 
necessum est ut laborent, qui volunt 
feliciter agere ;—Plures studio boni 
sunt quam natura. All good things 
are increased to men by assiduous pains 
and labors ; for eager or earnest assi-+ 
duity and industry in labor and pains 
surmount and overcome all difficul. 

Ree > 

tributum imponere, 


ties ; bona per labores augentur ho- 

minibus.—Labor improbus omnia vin- 

_ cit; Virg. Never any one, so long as 

Sees eect 


he shuns assiduity in labor and indus- 
try, and leads a slothful and idle life, 
can purchase any greatness in glory ; 
but labor and pains must be used; for 
we greatly honor those excellent men, 
who by assiduous industry do perfect 
any excellent work; nullus est, qui 
dum molli vite studet »—gloriam adep- 
tus sit ; sed laborandum est ;—prestan- 
tes enim et qui faciunt aliquid eximium, 
—honoramus. For all great achieve- 
ments are accomplished by assiduity ;. 
omnia enim assiduitate conficiuntur ne- 
gotia. Yea, even God himself helps 
and assists the assiduous and diligent 
person ; solet -laborantem Deus pariter 
adjuvare; Id. <A voluptuous and idle. 
life is good for nothing ; for you can- 
not live happily without assiduity in 
labor and diligence ; voluptuosa autem 
vita, et mala timiditas,—nec domui, 
nec victui guicquam prosunt —Haud 
poteris flix absque labore degere. It 
is a shameful thing for a young man to 
refuse to labor and take pains ; and it 
is excellent, decent, and cbmely, for an 
old man to use assiduity and diligence 
in the study of virtue and wisdom ; et 
juvenem laborare nolle, turpis res est ; 

‘—pulchrum est etiam senem sapientie 

studere. Jt is easy for assiduity and 
diligence to undertake and compass any 
thing ; assiduitati, quelibet assequi, 
datur. <Assiduity in labor produces 
glory and fame ; labores generositatem 
pariunt, He must use much assiduity 
in labor and pains, who would attain to 
glory and praise; multum oportet il- 
jum laborare, qui gloriosam—laudem 
consequuturus est. All difficulties are 
overcome by assiduity and diligence ; 
omnia diligentiz subjiciuntur. 

Too Assipvous in studies; i. e. 
over studious; you are never from 
your books; assiduus nimium in stu- 
diis ; nunquam non legis, assidue, om- 
dibus horis, die noctuque, noctem cum 
die legendo conjungis ; heluo librorum 
es ; tua legendi nunquam sitis extingui- 
tur, satiatur, expletur-: totus in studiis 
és : literis omnino deditus es : nunquam 
studia intermittis : nunquam te sejungis 
a studiis libros de manibus nunquam de- 
ponis : Jibros assidue in manibus habes, 
tractas, evolyis, lectitas, legendo conte- 
ris : iodum in studiis non tenes, non re- 

: es AS 83 
tines, non servas, nullum agnoscis ; im- 
moderate legis: non infra modum, sed 
supra modum sunt studia tua: nimiam 
te studiis dedisti ; nimium in studiis ope- 
re consumis: nimius es in studiis: 
usum studiorum nunquam dimittis. 

To ASSIGN or appoint ; assignare, ' 

delegare, attribuere. To assign a place 
or seat to one; assignare locum alicui. 
To assign or appoint one to his charge, 
office, or duty ; assignare munus suum 
or appointed place ; assignare aliquid 
loco suo. Nature has given or assign- 
ed and appointed the air to birds or 
fowls ; natura avibus ceelum assignavit ; 
Plin. To assign or appoint a day, 
place, time, &c.; designare, prefinire 
diem; constituere, preestituere diem, 
locum, tempus, &c.; Cic. -Prodicere 
et~ prodere diem; Cic. To assign 
bounds or limits; determinare limites ; 
Plaut. To assign the difference between 
two things ; signare, assignare differen- 
tiam duarum rerum; Quint, pro assig- 
are; Cic. habet, annotare, adnotare 
et denotare. To assign or impute the 
cause of calamity to one; calamitatis 
causam alicui attribuere. To assign, 

give, or deliver, money to one ; pecuni- © 

am alicui attribuere, assignare. Nature 
hath assigned or given me this ; hoe 
mihi natura tribuit, attribuit, assignavit. 
This province was assigned to you ; 
hec provincia tibi assignata et addicta 
est. An annual pension was assigned 
to him ; annuus sumptus |.uic decretus 
est. - 

-To ASSIST; assistere, assidere, 
adesse, opitulari, subsidium ferre, auxi- 
liari. Alicui succurrere, subvenire, 
auxiliari, patrocinari, opitulari, suppe- 
tias ferre ; manum auxiliarem, auxiliares 
manus porrigere ; consilio, auxilio, sub- 
sidio esse; a consilio esse; adesse, 
presto esse, assistere, subsidio venire, 
auxillum, opem  ferre, suppeditare ; 
prestare, prebere se propugnatorem,; 
adjutorem, defensorem, patronum dare, 
prebere, profiteri. -Aliquem propug- 
nare; ope, auxilio sublevare. 

AsstsTANce or help; auxilium, sub- 

He desires AssisTAaNCe ; coi oti 
invocat, implorat. 

To desire help, aid, or Assistance ; : 
alicujus, ab aliquo auxilium, opem, &c. 
petere, querere, expetere, efflagitare, 
rogare, rogitare, poscere, Suppetias, 

To set a thing in its assigned 



84 AS 

_ auxilia vocare, invocare, advocare, im- 
plorare. Operam alicujus poscere. 
Quasi'in portum, tanquam ad aram, ad 
asylum summis in periculis, ad aliquem, 
ad alicujus opem, fidem, presidium, 
auctoritatem ; in opem, in presidium 
alicujus sicut in aram magnis difficulta- 
tibus affecti, afflicti confugere. In re- 
bus perditis, afflictis, asperis, adversis, 
duris, lapsis alicujus fidem, presidium 
rogare, magnopere implorare ; ad fidem, 
in fidem alicujus et clientelam se sup- 
plicem conferre. Maximam,omnem sa- 
lutis, dignitatis, vite spem in alterius 
ope collocare, reponere. 

An AssIsTANT; socius, particeps 
laboris. Adjutor, auxiliator ; mutuam 
commodans operam. 

For other phrases, see Heir. . 

To ASSOCIATE; associare, conso- 
ciare, jungere, adjungere, conjungere, 
societatem contrahere, inire, adjungere, 
applicare se; assistere sibi socium. 
Cum aliquo societatem facere, inire ; 
se copulare, conjungere. Aliquem sibi 
adjungere, asciscere socium; in soci- 
etatem suam admittere, assumere, as- 
cissere, ascribere. Arma, consilia con- 
sociare cum aliquo, Socium sibi lege- 
re, jungere. 

* To be AssociaTED, or coupled and 
joined together ; consociari, congregari. 

An AssoctaTE ; socius familiaris ; 
societate conjunctus ; sodalis; in so- 
dalibus ejus ast 3 contubernalis ; con- 
sors, comes periculorum, &c. Ex fami- 
liaribus ; in familiaribus ejus est ;_ per- 
familiaris alicujus et alicui;. gregalis 
alicujus ; conjunctissimus mihi est usu, 
consuetudine, officiis; Cic. Compar; 

The manners of familiar AssoctaTEs 
are often alike; sociorum mores sepe 
similes sunt; talis quisque est, qualis, 
quibuscum quis est familiaris ; nosci- 
tur ex socio, qui non cognoscitur ex se. 

To be an Associate in calamity ; 
socium esse calamitatis; eodem urgeri 
jugo ; in eodem jacere valetudinario. 

The company of bad Associates is 
very hurtful ; sodalitium pravum-ad- 
modum est noxium; affricat morum 
suorum scabiem convictor impurus ; 
claudo vicinus claudicare discis, Ma- 
lorum commercio reddimur deteriores. 

To Associatre with profligate per- 
sons ; in perditissima juvenum colluvi- 
one versari. 


He is an Associate of the same so- 
ciety ; societatis.est ejusdem ; de gre- 
ge illo est; ejusdem faring ;  ¢jusdem 
Musz emulus ; in eodem luto hasitat. 

An unequal Association ; societas © 
inequalis; leonina societas; vulpium 
cum leonibus congregatio; commer- 
cium cum virtute non habet Pete garni 5 

To be Assoctatep with any one ; 
sociari cum aliquo. Consociari cum 
aliquo. Societatem cum aliquo conflare, 
inire, jungere, conjungere, copulare, 
coire, facere, habere. Ascribere se 
alicui socium. Venire in societatem. 
Venire, intrare, recipi in familiarita- 
tem; contrahere familiaritatem ; ap- 
plicare se ad familiaritatem ; dare se in 
familiaritatem, conisuetudinen's ut, De- 
dere se “penitus in familiaritatem. In 
consuetudinem alicujus se immergere ; 
colligare se cum multis; facere hospi- — 
tium cum aliquo; Cic. Facere amici-- 
tiam’ et societatem. Jungi. societati 
alicui ; assumere in societatem ; pan- 
gere cum aliquo societatem ; Liv. Con- 
gregare se cum aliquo ; Cic. Contu- 
bernium philosophi inire ; Suet. Com- 
ponere societatem cum ; ’Salust. Ac- 
cedere .ad societatem ; Ter. Conflare 
familiaritatem Ter. 

To ASSUME or take to himself; 
assumere, arrogare, sibi; in se trans- 


An AssuMPTION ; assumptio, arro- 

An Assumpsir ; i. e. promise ; ues 
tum, promissio, sponsio. Pro, assu- 
mere; Cic. Habet, as¢iscere sibi. 
Sumere secum; Liv. Secum rapere, 
agere, ferre, ducere ; Virg. 

To Assume or arrogate something 
to oneself ; arrogare aliquid sibi. 

To Assume or attribute some rare 
title to oneself; arrogare sibi nomen 

To ASSURE ; certum reddere. Fir- 
mare, confirmare. 

To Assure a person by promise ; 
fide interposita polliceri. 

To Assure by bare relation; cer- 
tiorem facere, fidenter affirmare, asseve- 


To Assure himself, i. e. to be as- 
sured; apud se statuere, persuasum 

An Assurance; cautio, pignus, 
confirmatio, securitas, fides data, cau- 


“eb a 

tela; stabilimentum ;’ certioratio, A 
slender assurance ; infirma cautio, Full 
assurance ; cautio plena. 

To give AssURANCE ; satis dare, va- 
dimonium prestare. 

To take sufficient AssuRANCE 3 8a- 
tis accipere. 

J do Assure myself; certo scio. 
Assure yourself ;. sic habeto; Cic. Be 

‘assured of this; crede hoc; Ter. J 
assure, or do assure you ; tibi confirmo, 
omni asseveratione affirmo ; Cic. 

To Assure one of,—&c.; securum 
reddere, confirmare aliquem, de—&c. 
Certo aliquid alicui polliceri ; aliquem 
persuasissimum dimittere. 

Assure yourself I will never fail 
you nor leave you; nunquam tibi de- 
ero; @ me omnia in te studia atque of- 
ficia, que quidem ego prestare potero, 
velim expectes : mea omnia studia at- 
que. officia polliceor, presto tibi sem- 
per fore me velim existimes planeque 
tibi persuadeas, si quid valebo, valebo 
tibi: hoc editum ex oraculo puta, hoc 
tibi confirmo, ac re prestabo, nullum 
me studii genus aut officii, quod ad 
rem tuam sit, pertineat, quod ad rem, 
laudem, dignitatem tuam valere videa- 

* tur, ullo esse loco pratermissurum. 

Be Assurep thou art loved ; certo 
Scias te amari: sic habeto illum nemini 
concedere, qui te magis ex animo dili- 
gat: te illi neminem esse chariorem : 

- neminem illo esse ad amandum propen- 

siorem ; singularem illius esse in te be- 
nevolentiam : summam in illo esse ad 
te amandum.-propensionem animi, ve- 
lim sic habeas, pro certo habeas, plane 
credas, tibi persuadeas, prorsus animum 
inducas, in animum inducas, cum ani- 
mo tuo constituas, pro certo habeas, 
pro explorato, pro comperto, oraculi 
loco, ut minime dubites, minime dubi- 
tanter credas, persuasum atque fixum 
in animo tuo sit, velim ita credas pror- 
sus, ut minime dubites, ut dubitatio 
_tibi nulla relinquatur, supersit, reliqua 
sit, credas mihi itidem, ut oraculis cre- 
deres, hoc mihi ita credas, ut editum ex 
* oraculis putes. 

To ASSUAGE; mitigare, demiti- 
gare, sedare, placare, complacare ; le- 
nire, mulcere, commulcere ;_pacare, 
compescere, mollire, levare, allevare, 
elevare, relevare, minuere, imminuere, 
diminuere,. “ 

To Assuace or be assuaged after 
swelling ; deturgere, detumere, 



a 85 

~ Time Assvaces grief; dies lenit 

dolorem ; doloris vis cum tempore Jan- 
guescit. The sorrow begins to as- 
suage; dat intervalla, et relaxat se do- 

lor. That the fierceness of the king 

might assuage ; ut impetus regis relan- 
guescat. The fever is assuaged ; fe- 
bris conquiescit. Thérst assuaged ; si- - 
tis relevata. 

To ASTONISH ; stupefacere, ob- 
stupefacere, exanimare; terrere, con- 
terrere, exterrere ; terrefacere, perterre- 
facere, pavefacere, perpavefacere ; at- 
tonare ; conturbare, consternare, com- 
pungere, obtundere, confundere. 

To be AstonisHED); stupere, obstu- 
pere, stupescere, obstupescere, stupe- 
fieri, torpere, torpescere, pavere, paves- 
cere, expavere, expavescere, horrere, 
trepidare, confundi, contremere, con- 
ticescere, exanimari, conterreri, contur- 
bari, perturbari, consternari, terreri; 

To Astonisu exceedingly ; procel- 
Conturbare magnopere. Sus- 
pensum, stupidum, attonitum, exani- 
matum reddere. De statu mentis di- 
movere, dejicere ; stupore, torpore op- 
primere, percellere. Hec nos attonitos 

They were AstonisHep in their 
minds ; obtorpuerunt animi. He was 
astonished at the sight; aspectu obmu- 
tuit. ~~ : 

To be AstonIsHED exceedingly ; ob- 
stupescere. Admiratione, rei novitate, 
gravitate perculsus, attonitus, suspen- 
sus, obstupefactus, exanimatus; extra 
se positus, consternatus; stupore op- 
pressus, perculsus; in exstasim quan- 
dam raptus, conjectus obstupuit ; apud 
se non fuit, excidit sibi, mente concidit. 
Animo, vehementer perturbato. Nec 
mente, nec lingua, nec. ore consistere. 
Animus atrocissime rei cogitatione.con- 
fusus. Obstupui, subitusque comas 
erexerat horror, Obstupui, steterunt- 
que-come, et vox faucibus hesit. Non 
aliter stupui, quam qui Jovis ignibus 
ictuss Vivit, at est vite nescius ipse 
sue. Talibus attonitus visis. Mentes 

_perculse stupent.—Gelidus cui pectore 

manat Sudor, et e subito membra stu- 
pore pavent.—Ad auditas stupuit ceu 
saxea voces; Attoniteque diu similis 
stetit.— Duroque simillima saxo torpet. 
Illa nibil ; neque enim vocem viresque 
loquendi, Aut aliquid toto pectore men- 
tis habet, Magnis exterrita is cael 

86 AT 
Diriguit visu in medio, &c. Virg. En. 
He stood Astontsuep at his bro- 
ther’s sight ; fratris aspectu stupefactus 

They stood AsrontsuEp and amazed 

in their minds ; attonitis hesere ani-, 

mis. Astonished with a sudden blow ; 
subito sopitus ictu. Astonished with 
the strangeness of the thing ; rei novi- 
tate perculsus, percitus. 

- To go ASTRAY ; vagari, divagari ; 

deerrare, errare ; palare ; a’cursu recto: 

divertere ; variis erroribus duei. 

To go ’ AstRay very much ; errare 
valde; errare toto ceelo; errare tota 
regione ; longe avius a recta via, a 
vera ratione, vagaris ; procul avius er- 

Man is subject to go Astray ; er- 
rare humanum est ; cuique mortalium 
suus attributus est error, You are far 
astray or out of the way ; longe erras ; 

er. . 

ASUNDER; seorsim, separatim, 
separate, sigillatim, segregatim, se- 
juncte, disjuncte, distincte, disperse, 
discrete, abinvicem ; adv, ab invicem. 

To cut AsunpER ; dissecare. 

To pull Asunpen j 3 separare, sejun- 
gere, dissolvere. 

AT; ad ,apud ; 3 in, with an abl. ; de, 
penes, sub, inter, super, pro. 

At, of time, price, instrument, man- 
ner, or cause, is a sign common ly of 
the abl.: as, At that time; eo tem- 
pore. Ata smallcharge ; parvo. At 
a large rate ; profusis sumptibus. 
play at ball, bowls ; ludere pila, glo- 
bis. At first sight ; primo aspectu. 
At one blow ; uno ictu. At one’s com- 
mand or entreaty ; jussu, rogatu, At 
a word; verbo. At my peril; meo 
periculo, ‘At your pleasure ; tuo arbi- 

I. Av, relating to time or occasion, 
is rendered by ad and sub, or an abla- 
tive case of the substantive that it is 
joined with, sometimes without, some- 
times with, a preposition: as, 

We will depart Ar the day ap- 
‘pointed ; ad constitutum diem decede- 
mus; Cic. At the name of Thisbe he 
looked up ; ad nomen Thisbes oculos 
erexit; Ovid.. At the coming of the 
Roman pretor, Hannibal quitted the 
country of Nola; sub adventum pre- 
toris Romani Peenus agro Nolano exces- 
sit; Liv, At sun-set they gave over ; 


’ AT 

sub occasum solis destiterunt; €zs. 
At that time he held the chief com= 
mand ; eo tempore principatum obti-: 
nebat ; Ces. He went away at break 
of day ; cum diluculo abiit; Plaut, 
When he did not furnish or bring in 
the corn which he owed at the time ap- 
pointed ; quando ille frumentum, quod ~ 
debebat, ad diem non dedit; Cic. At 
those things the soldiers raised a shout > 
ad hec, consentiens reddebatur militum 
clamor; Liv. Who at break of day 
entered the town through the open 
gates; qui, sub lucem, apertis portis 
urbis, ingrederentur ; Liv. He at the 
Jirst appearance, of light came to Pom~ 
ponius’s house; is, cam prima luee, 
Pomponii domum venit; Cic. The 
Helvetians were much moved at his 
sudden approach; Helvetii, repentino 
ejus adventu, commoti; Ces. At the 
very name of Hector I always trem- 
bled ; nomine in Hectoreo pallida sem- 
per eram ; Ovid. 

II. Ar, referring to something said 

or done during some other thing or 

action, is rendered. by in, inter, ané 
super: as, 

No longer since than yesterday Av 
the feast; vel heri in convivio; Ter, | 
Had this befallen you at supper-time ; 
si hoc tibi inter coenam accidisset. 
His wickedness was the common talk 
of all at supper ; de hujus nequitia in 
commune omnes super coenam loque- 
banter; Plin. His friends were 
ashamed that a father-in-law should be 
chosen amongst the captives, at his 
wine and banquetting ; pudebat amicos, 
super vinum et epulas, socerum ex 

~deditis esse electum ; Curt. 

II. Ar, relating to rate or valwe, is 
rendered by the ablative case of the word 
expressing that rate or value: as, j 

He lives Av great expense ; profu- 
sis sumptibus vivit; Quint. They 
were provided at a small charge ; par- 
vo eurata sunt ; Cic. 

But if the Latin substantive be not 
expressed, then may the adjective, a 
rerbs of valuing and esteeming, Se. be 
of the genitive ease: as, 

They hold certain floors Ar a great 
rate ; areas quasdam magni estimant 5 
Cic. He sold the very same grain or 
corn twice, and that not at one and the 
same, but at double price ; bis, neque 
uno, sed duobus preciis, unum etidem ~ 
framentum vendidit; Cic, Whew 


Brain was sold at the price of two or 
three sestertia, er sesterces ; cum esset 
frumentum sestertiis binis aut ternis ; 
Cic. I had heard also that which you 
wrote, at what price gardens were let 
out or sold; de hortis, quanti licuisse 
tu scribis, id ego quoque audieram ; 

b Cc. 

IV. Ar, before a word of place, ard 
signifying in, or within, is rendered by 
in: as, At school; atchurch; at Caje- 
ta; in schola; in templo; in Cajeta. 

Note 1. Ar signifying in, before the 
proper name of a place of the first or 
second declension, is usually rendered 
by the genitive case: as 

Wheat shall I do At Rome? quid 
Rome faciam? Juven. She dwelé at 

_ Rhodes ; ea habitabat Rhodi; Ter. 

Note 2. Ar before the proper name 

_ of aplace, either of tie third declension, 

or wanting the singular number, is 
rendered by the ablatwe case: as, 

He said that Sextus had been Ar 
Carthage with only one legion ; Sex- 

4um autem nunciavit cum una solum 

Jegione fuisse Carthagine; Cic. There 
are now no oracles spoken at Delphos; 
jam oracula Delphis non redduntur ; 
Cic. At home or in the house, he by 
Aimself may learn these things which 
shall be prescribed to him; but at 

School those things also which are pre- 

scribed to others ; domi, ea solus dis- 
cere potest; que ipsi precipientur ; in 
schoia, etiam que aliis; Quintil. He 
received two letters from you, dated at 

-Corcyra; binas a te accepit literas 

Corcyre datas; Cic. When he had 
heard that Pompey was seen at Cy- 
prus ; cum audisset Pompeium Cypri 

visu; Ces. He had secretly a wife 

at Lemnus ; clam habebat Lemni uxo- 
vem ; Ter. : 

Yet here it is to be observed, that 
these genitives are governed by some 
word understood, though not ex- 
pressed: viz, urbe, oppido, of insula ; 
whence Cicero ad Att. v. 18. Cassius 
in oppido Antiochiz cum omni exer- 
citu. : 

Ar Lacedemon is the most honora- 

“ble retirement for old age; Lacede- 

mone honestissimum est presidium se- 
nectutis; Cic. And now bread is 
begged at Carthage after it was onee 
laid desolate ; et mendicatus victa Car- 
thagine panis; Juv. And now, my 
son, you must needs be well instructed 

AT 87 

in the precepts and directions of phile- 
sophy, after you have been a whole 
year a disciple of Cratippus; and that 
at Athens ; te, mi fili, annum jam au- 
dientem Cratippum, idque Athenis, 
abundare oportet preceptis institutisque 
philosophie ; Cic. Unto whom they 
willingly betook themselves while. he 
lived at Cures, a city of the Sabines ; 
quem Curibus Sabinis agentem ultro 
petivere ; Fler. 

Note 3. Ar, in this sense, is some- 
times the English of ad and apud : as, 

The which thing she had done, Ar 
Troy, for her beloved Argives ; quod 
ad ‘lrojam pro charis gesserat Argis ; 
Virg. Iwas at Corinth ; fui ad Co- 
rinthum ; Cic. He being ignorant of 
all that was done at Chius; ignarus 
-omnium que ad Chimm acta erant, &c.; 
Curt. When he had been at the town, 
he did hear —; ad urbem cum esset, 
audivit— ; Cic. At the market, Da- 
wus just row told me; apud forum, 
modo e Davo audivi; Ter. I reviewed 
the army at Iconium; exercitum lus- 
travi apud Iconium; Cic. He is at 
the village ; apud villam est; Ter, 

V. Ar, before a word of place signi- 
Jying near, nigh, or close by, is ren- 
dered by ad and apud, and sometimes 
by pro: as also by aandab: as, ‘ 

He commands the bridge Ar Geneva 
to be broken down; pontem, qui erat 
ad Genevam, jubet rescindi; Ces, 
There were three hundred and six slein 
at Cremera; cxsi apud Cremeram.tre- 
centi et sex ; Flor. At the door ; .pro 
foribus ; Suet. ad fores; Plaut. ob os- 
tio; Id. They begged that those that 
were taken at the river Granicus, 
should be restored back to them; pete- 
bant ut capti, apud Granicum amnem 
redderentur sibi; Curt. They place 
watches at the gates ; custodes ad por- 
tas ponunt; Liv. Annibal encamps 
at Canne ; Annibal ad Cannas sedet ; 
Liv. You see military guards at all 
the temples ; presidia pro templis om- 
nibus cernitis; Cic. J heard all these 
things at the door ; omnia ego isthec 
auscultavi ab ostio; Plaut. 

“VI. Ar, before home on house, és 
rendered by domi, or apud with the 
accusative case of the possessor of the 
house: as, J shail be at home; dori 
ero; Ter. He was brought up at his 
house; qui istius domi erat educatus’; 
Cic. You were therefore that night 


- Plaut. 

88 AT 

at Lecca’s house ;' fuisti igitur apud 
Leccam ea nocte; Cic. Now they 

’ please me at home; nunc me oblectant 

domi; Cic. Whereis he, I pray you? 
with me at home ; ubinam est queso ? 
apud me domi; Ter. Pompeius re- 
quested me to be with him, and at his 
house every day; Pompeius a me petiit, 
ut secum, et apud se quotidie essem-; 
Cic. | 

VIL. Art, signifying: in, or near, and 
applied to some particular. part, or 
point of place, or time, is rendered by 

in: as, I liked it at the very first ; 

jam in principio id mihi placebat.; 
My consulship is now at an 
end; in exitu est jam meus consulatus ; 
Cic. The memory lies’ at the bottom 
of the ear; est in aure ima memorize 
locus; Plin. Thée things I wrote to 
you at the very beginning ; hec tibi, 
in ipso ingressu scripsi; Plin. Why 
do we so unhandsomely stumble at the 
very threshold? cur indecores in limine 
primo deficimus? Virg. - 

VIII. Ar, when presence at any 
action or thing is implied, is rendered 
by intersum, either with a dative, or 
an ablative case with in: as, 

He was Ar that discourse; ei ser- 
moni interfuit;:Cic. He was at the 
feast ; in convivio interfuit; Cic. J¢ 
is not to be believed how unhandsomely 
I seemed to myself to act when I was 
present at the transacting of those af- 
fairs; incredibile est quam turpiter 
mihi facere videar, qui his rebus inter- 
sim ; Cic, ; 

IX. Ar, referring to the moving 
cause, command, entreaty, &c. és ren- 
dered by the ablative case of the cause, 
&c.: as, It is at the command of Jove 
that Icome ; jussu Jovis venio ; Plaut. 
Amph. When at Sestius’s entreaty I 
had been at his house ; cum Sestii ro- 
gatu apud eum fuissem; Cic. You 
married her at my imstance ; impulsu 
duxisti meo; Ter. J um sometimes 
Forced to defend those men who have 
not deserved much from me, at the re- 
quest or entreaty of those who are my 
special friends; cogor nonnunquam, 
homines non optime de me meritos, 
rogatu eorum, qui bene meriti sunt, 
defendere; Cic. 

X. Ar, joined with a verbal in ing, 
if it may be varied by a verb with 
when, or after that, is rendered by a 

Latin verb with cum or ubi: or an 
ablative case absolute: as, 

Ar my first beginning to act it ; 
cum primum eam agere cepi; Ter. 
At the first appearing of Cesar; Czx- 
sar ubi primum illuxit; Ces. Are 
you afraid to doit at my bidding? num 
dubitas id me imperante facere? Cie, © 
At the first appearing of light they 
betook themselves to their own forces ; 
Searing lest they should be environed 
or compassed about at the wing of the 
army ; cum appareret lux, veriti ne ab 
latere circumvenirentur, se ad-suos re- 
ceperunt ; Cas. At his speaking, or 
after he had said these things; bec 
ubi dicta dedit; Virg. At the report 
of that, the Gauls immediately fled; 
fit protinus, hac re audita, Galloruam 
fuga; Cas. 

XI, At, put for according to, before 
will, or pleasure, &c, is rendered by ad, 
or an ablative case: as, 

Ar the will and pleasure of God are 
all things ordered; nutu et arbitrio 
Dei omnia reguntur; .Cic. Not for 
the favor of the fairest and most noble 
ladies, at whose pleasure and favor he 
had been praetor or magistrate for three 
years ; ne mulierum nobilium et for- . 
mosarum gratia, quarum iste arbitrie 
praturam per triennium gesserat; Cic. 
But more forces coming in, they did 
at their pleasure dissipate and scatter 
all the troops ; singulas autem cohortes, 
plures adorte copie, ad arbitrium dis- 
sipavere; Flor, ~ vase 

XII. Ar, when it only serves to 
make up the sense of the foregoing 
word, has nothing more than the Latin 
of the foregoing word for it: as, . 

And now he is angry Av you for 
that ; et is nunc propterea tibi succen- 
set; Ter. Weare deservedly laughed 
at; jure optimo irridemur; Cic, 
Hard to be come at; aditu difficilis ; 
Flor. - ; 

Some other phrases added to the for- 
mer. ; 

I will begin Ay Romulus ; incipiam 
a Romulo; Cic. Do you take him 
at his word? credis huic quod dicat? 
Ter. At present; in presenti; in 
presentia, impresentiarum; Cic, At 
hand; ad manum ; Liv. presto; Ter. 
If you be at leisure; si vacat; Juv. si 
vacas; Cic. At every ‘word the tears 
fall ; lachryme in singula verba cadunt $ 


Ovid. He found him just at work ; 
virum in ipso opere deprehendit; Flor, 
At a venture ; in incertum ; Liv. . At 
the first sight; primo aspectu; Sen. 
At the gate; ante januam; Ter. At 
my, your, kis peril ; periculo meo, tuo, 
suo, hujus; Plaut. Cic. Ter. The 
_knave was atastand ; herebat nebulo, 
quo se verteret non habebat; Cic. At 
the most; summum; Liv. ad sum- 
mum; Cic. plarimum; Plin, At all; 
omnino, prorsus; Cic. At last; ad 
ultimum; Liv, ad extremum; Cic. 
At length; aliquando, tandem ; deni-. 
que, demum; Cic. At the least; mi- 
nimum; Var. minime; Col. At least; 
saltem ; quidem, certe ; Cic. Atonce ; 
simul; Plaut, semel; Quint. They 
ure at odds; inter se dissident; Cic. 
At the beginning ; inter initia ; Plaut. 
To be at pains and expense ; impendere 
laborem et’ sumptum; Cic. He is 
perfumed at my expense ; olet unguen- 
ta de meo; Ter. As if their honor 
lay at stake ; quasi suus honos agatur ; 
‘Cic. To love at one’s heart ; amare 
ex animo; Cic. You were never at 
sea ; nunquam es ingressus mare ; Ter. 
Nor was ali quiet at sea; nec ab oce- 
aro quies; Flor. Good at a dart ; 
jaculo bonus; Virg. When he heard 
what it was at—; audito precio — ; 
Plin. I say that is done at Carthage; 
ego aio hoe ficri Carthagini; Plaut. 
Getulicus writes that Lentulus was 
born at Tibur; Lentulum Getulicus 
Tibure genitum scribit; Suet. The 
garrison, or military guard of soldiers, 
és neglected, or slighted at Anxur; 
neglectam + Anxuri presidium; Liv. 
Carthagini, Tiburi, and Anxuri, are ab- 
dative cases. See Farnab, System. 
Gramm, p. 85. And so we use also 
_ruri or rure, in the ablative: as, 

Ar my father’s country-dwelling, 
ar country-house, I may have a litile 
bread to eat ; rure paterno—Est mihi 
far modicum; Pers. To reside or 
dwell at a country-house, or in the 
country; rari habitare; Cic. I am 
at my country-house or dwelling, or 
in the country, &e.; sum ruri; Cic. 
Whom I think indeed to be at his 
eountry-house or dwelling ; quem equi- 
dem rure suo esse arbitrot; Cic. At 
Troy; ad Trojam, At the market; 
apud forum. At the beginning; in 
principio, At church; intemplo, At 

AT 89 

the feast ; in convivio. At midnight; 
de media nocte, At your house; pe- 
nes vos, apud vos, At supper-time ; 
inter ceenam, vel super cenam. At 
sun-set; sub occasum solis. At the 
door; pro foribus, ante ostium, At 
any time or ever; unquam, At no 
time or never; nunquam, necquando, 
Lest at any time; nequando. At that 
time; tum, tunc, tunc temporis, At 
hand; presto, prompte, in promptu, 
prope, sub manu, numerato, cominus ; 
adv. ad manum. At leisure; per oti- - 
um: as, Per otium scribam; I will 
write at leisure. At the last, or at 
length; tandem, demum, postremo, 
postremum, denique ; in posterum, ad 
posterum, novissime; adv, At least ; 
saltem, tandem, minimum, ad mini- 
mum. At most; ad summum, sum- 
mum, plurimum. He went away at 
break of day ; cum diluculo abiit. bf 
I may not enjoy agood commonwealth, 
at least I will be without a bad one; 
si mihi respublica bona frui non lice- 
bit, at, carebo mala. We were two 
hundred of us at least ; fauimus omnino 
ad ducentos, At first; in principio, 
inter initia. At supper; inter, super 
cenam, At first dash; in Jimine. 
Just at work ; in ipso opere. At the 
end of two days ; postduos dies. [fat 
any time > siquando, At one time or 
other; aliquando. At first; primum, - 
At once ; simul, pariter, simul et semel, 
una atque eadem opera, At second, 
third time ; secunda, tertia vice. To 
do a thing at leisure ; otiose, per otium, 

Ar for when, with a participle in 
ing: as, At my bidding ; me jubente. 
At his first coming-; ubi primum 
advenit. At hearing this ; hac re au- 

Ar, of price; by a genitive case of 
some adjectives: as, What do you set 
it at? quanti indicas? At a great 
rate; magni. At more; pluris, At 
less ; minoris. 

Ar, of instruments, sometimes implies 
skill, and is a sign-of a genitive cus, 
as, Excellent at the harp; peritissimus 
lyre, So with a gerund: as, Good at 
shooting ; peritus jaculandi. 

Art, of manner, is expressed some- 
times by a preposition or adverb: as, At 
will and pleasure ; ad arbitrium, pro ar- 
bitrio. At heart; i.e. heartily; ex 
animo, At my charge; de meo, At 

90 A-T 

all; omnino, At least; saltem. At 
a venture ; in incertum, temere, forte, 

At, of place ; ; in, with anabl.: 

At school ; in schola. At the top 3 in 
summo, ‘At the bottom; inimo, At 
the further end; in extrema parte. At 
the gate; ante januam. -At the door ; 
pro, or pre foribus. At hand; ad 
manum, prestd,in promptu. At one’s 
house; apud: as, At my house ; apud 

Ar after verbs: as, To laugh at ; 
tideo. Tothrow at; peto. To come 
at; adeo, assequor, with an accus. To 
be angry at one ; succenseo, witha dat. 
To begin at ; incipere a. To be at, or 
to be present at; intersum, with a dat, 
To be at work, play, §c. ; operor, ludo, 
To be at sea; navigo. To be at study ; 
incumbere studiis, To be at pains and 
charge ; laborem et sumptum impen- 
dere. To be at hand; appropinquare, 
instare.. To be or lie at stake ; agitur 
de: as, My life is at stake ; agitur de 
_ eapitemeo. To be at leisure; vacare. 
Lam at leisure ;: vacat mihi. To be at 
a loss; in dubio esse. To be ata 
stand ; herere. To be at odds; dissi- 
dere. To set at one ; -conciliare, redi- 
gere in aan To be at a point ; 
propemodum consentire. 

To be At a word; verbo -expedire. 
To take one at we word ; accipere Coe 

conficere, consummare; patrare, per- 

An ACHIEVEMENT, or exploit ; ; Tes 
gesta; preclarum facinus. 

Great AcHIEVEMENTs ; excellent ex- 
ploits; res preclare geste ; egregia 

To AcutEve or accomplish a busi- 
ness ; absolvere negotium ; defungi ali- 
qua re; ad exitum, ad summum per- 
ducere ; fastigium — operi imponere ; 

cursum conficere, emereri; Cic. Ac- 
cessit operi manus extrema ; id, Ad 
culmen perducere; Liv. Consum- 

mare opus; Plin. Imponere summam 
manum ; Sen. Profligare bellum, per- 
petrare ; Tac. Ad umbilicum dedu- 
cere; non recedere sine. corollario. 
Fabule extremum actum addere ; cir- 
culum complere;, supremam manum 
addere ; colophonem addere; apicem 

It is much more easy to begin, than 

i, e. to on sig 

; AT 

to AcuIEVvE, absolve, perfect, or accom- 
plish, a business; incipere multo est, 
quam impetrare, facilius ; Plaut. Not 
to achieve or accomplish what was well 
begun; non absolvere solemniter cep- 
ta; preclare captis minime defungi ; 
cadere in cursu. 

To be ATTACHED fo; alicui ad- 
herere, inberere ; alicujus partibus fa- 
vere ; ab aliquo stare 3 in aliquid in- 

ATTacHED to an opinion ; doctrine 
vel sententie favens. Too much at- 
— to rene j prolixior in Pom- 

a To. ‘ATTACK : invadere, corripere, 

An Arrack ; impetus, insultus, 

A sore sickness AttTackEp him; 
eum morbus invasit gravis. When the 
pestilence had attacked one or two; 
cum unum vel alterum perculerat pese 
tis. J know all his methods of attack ; 
novi omnes hominis petitiones. To at- 
tack any one with a sword, spear, Sc. ; 
petere aliquem ense, hasta, &c. He 
whom he prepared to attack ; is quem 
petebat ; Sall. 

To Attack only one part - the 
army ; carpere aliquem partem exerci- 
tus; Liv. 

To ATTAIN ; assequi, 
pervenire ad ; acquirere. 

Virtue is the ready way to Arrain 
a quiet life; tranquille vite semita 
per virtutem patet. They cannot at- 
‘tain to that praise; ad illam laudem 
aspirare non possunt; Cie. 

Easy ready ways to Arvatn promo- 
tion ; aditus ad capessendos honores 

To Attain to one’s aim; metam, 
scopum, attingere ; voti compos fieri ; 
volis frui. Quod voluit adipisci, asse- 
qui, consequi, nancisci, ferre, acqui- 
rere. Pervenire quo voluit. Voto, 
conatuum suorum et laborum fructu, 
premio, mercede potiri, frui, Meta 
propositam, scopum destinatum attin- 
gere. Spem, rem optatam, opere-pre- 
tium lucrari, obtinere, comparare. 

They never Atratnep so far as to 
come near this learned school ; erudi- 
tum hunc pulverem nunguam attige- 
runt. But if I should not attain to 
their force and industry or diligence ; 
quod si borum vim et navitatem non 
assecutus fuerim. J hope now that the 
happy time is come when I may attain 



greatest desire; spero jam. 
advénisse diem semper optabilem, qui 
_ me maximi voti compotiret ; i. e. com- 
ena faceret; ex Plaut. et Apul. 
To Meh 'ange: honors ; acquirere, asse- 
qui honores’; adipisci gloriam ; Plaut. 

_ consequi f famam j nanscisci imperium ;- 


hy. Po ee great wealth by unlaw- 
ful gains; magnas conquirere opes 
questu illicito ; Plin. To attain the 
possession of the town by force and 
arms; vi et armis urbem obtinere ; 
Liv. To attain some degree of ho- 
nor; gradum dignitatis aliquem asse- 
qui. To attain a name or to get fame; 

ui nomen. - 

To ATTEMPT ; conari, moliri, at- 
tentare ; incipere, aggredi. ' 

An “Arremr ; impetus ; conatus, 

“= US, m. Inceptum ; molimen, n, Nisus, 
enixus,m. ~ 

To Arrempr boldly ; audere. 

A bold ArremprT ; ausum, n. 

To Arremrr or undertake any thing 
at vast expense ; magno pecuniz sump- 
ta tentare rem aliquam. 

Not ArrempteD or un-ArTEeMPT- 
ED ; intentatus, inausus : as, 

He left nothing un-AtTEMPTED ; 
nihil intentatum, inausum vel inexper- 
tum reliquit. 

To ATTEMPT, or endeavor to cor- 
vupt one’s fidelity ; attentare fidem ali- 

To Arremét or try by policy to 
take the town; urbem attentare. 

To Artemet or iry to make war 
om one; attentare ~ aliquem bello; 
Stat. To attempt or to incline one by 
_ earnest entreaty ; precibus aliquem at- 
~ tentare ; Val. 

ke Awremrr or undertake earnestly, 
to—$c.; eniti, conniti, virés impen- 
dere, seu intendere, ad—&e. 
To ArtEemer or try the hazard of 
any thing ; facere periculum alicujus 
rei, vel in aliqua re, jacere aleam, &c. 

To Arrempr any thing; great 
things; or to attempt a lie, or to raise 
hatred against one; moliri, concep- 
tare aliquid ; Amm. Res magnas mo- 
vere ; struere mendacium ; struere odi- 
um in aliquem; Cic. 

To set the mind upon, or to Ar- 
temeT all deceit and wickedness or 
malice; versare.mentem ad omnem 
malitiam et fraudem ; Cic. 

To Atremrr things which are good 

AT 91 

or praiseworthy; rerum laudabilium, 

conamen, molimen, aygredi, attentare ; 
vel res Jaudabiles 2a heit moliri, ag- 

To ArremrPr_ any thing foolishly, 
or honestly and commendably ; rem ali- 
quam, seu aliquid, inepte, vel honeste 
et laudabiliter aggredi, conari, moliri, 
attentare, &c. 

To ATTEND; attendere, auscul- 
tare, advertere, animadvertere. 

To ArtEenD or mind a business; va- 
care, invigilare, with a dat.; curare, 
with an accus. 

_To AtTEND upon or give attend- 
ance ; servire, astare ; apparere, 

To ATTEND or wait upon one in 
company ; comitari; stipare; dedu- 

To AtrenD cattle ; custodire, ser- 
vare, curare. 

To ATTEND or serve a master ; “doe 

mino famulari, ministrare, inservire, 
subservire, operam dare, addicere se, 
fidele obsequium prestare ; omnem ope- 
ram et studium navare. Totum se ad 
alterius voluntatem nutumque compo- 
nere, fingere, accommodare. Merce- 
dula adductus alteri se ministram pre- 
bere. Heri nutum expectare, obser- 
vare, intueri. Quid sibi mandetur soli- 
cite expectare. Reena sub- 

To ATTEND, listen-or ihoaeloiie earn- 
estly, or attentively ; > attentis, avidissi-, 
mis auribus audire, auscuitare, exci- 
pere; cum silentio animadvertere ; au- 
rium judicio ponderare ; diligenter at- 
tendefe ; animo adesse presenti; cum 
magna audiendi cupiditate considere. 
Aures alicui arrigere, erigere, prabere, 
adhibere, patefacere, admovere ; auri- 
bus aliquid inbibere, recipere, et mente 
percipere, recondere ; sensibus imis re- 
ponere ; attento animo, summaque be- 
nignitate audire ; ab ore alicujus pen- 
dere; in disciplinam alicujus se. tra- 
dere, commendare. Silent, arrectisque 
auribus, adstant; Virg. 

To be Arrenpep, waited upon, or 
accompanied, with a train or company 
of young men; choro juventatis comi= 
tatum, stipatum esse. 

ATTENDANCE or service ; opera, ob- 
servantia; obsequium, ministerium ; 
servitus, f. 

ATTENDANCE; 1.€..@ train of at- 
tendants, or a company of servants ; co- 
mitatus,-us, m. Famulitium, n, Fa- 


92 AT 
mulatus, us, m. Pompa, turba clien- 

To dance ATTENDANCE ; diu et fras: 
tra expectare. 

A great man’s ATTENDANTS; pom- 
pa. regalis, turba clienium frequens ; 3 
mumerosus comitatus. 

ATTENTIVE or heedful ; attentus, ar- 

AtTTENTION; attentio, f., silentium, 
n., favor, m. 

Very ATTENTIVE ; perattentus. 

ATTENTIVELY ; attente, arrectis au- 
ribus, tacite; cum silentio. 

Very ATTENTIVELY ; perattente. ArrEnp, not to be attentive, 
nor hear attentively ; ; aures alicui pre- 
cludere, non adhibere, nec accommo- 
dare ; hebetiores, obtusiores aures ha- 
bere ; oscitanter observare ; aures re- 
mittere, dimittere. 

My ears are not, or my mind is not, 
ATTENTIVE ; aures mez peregrinantur, 
et mens mea pretervolat, pretergre- 
ditur. Attention, heed, care or dili- 
gence, &c., auscultatio, audiendi avidi- 
tas y cura animadvertendi quid; dili- 
gentia, respectus, consideratio. 

To procure ATTENTION ; auditores 
attentos, beuevolos reddere, erectos ad 
audiendum facere, efficere. Hominum 
expectationem concitare, benevolenti- 

' an conciliarey animos demulcere, quo 
ad audiendum: alacriores fiant, acce- 
dant, prebeant se. 

That I may procure your hers 
TION, or keep you attentive, by the vu- 
riety of the crimes; ut varietate crimi- 
num vos attentos tenerem ; Cic. 

To make the judges ATTENTIVE to 
hear his cause ; judicam aures et ora 
ad audiendam causam suam, sibi con- 

To procure the judges’ AttENTION, 
and as it were an appetite of hearing 

further ; stomachum judicibus commo- 
vere, facere, 
away the judges’ attention from. hear- 
ing him ; judicum mentes a se abalie- 

To ATTEST, or witness ; attestari, 

contestari, testimoniis confimare, 

A?rrTEsTation, or an attesting and 
witnessing ; attestatio ; testimoniis con- 
firmatio, astipulatio. 

Artestxp ; testimoniis confirmatus, 
approbatus, comprobatus, 4 

To ATTRIBUTE, or ascribe ; attri- 

To estrange, or turn . 


buere, ascribere, imputare, eee 2 

To ArrrisuTeE to himself; 5 arrogare, 

To ATTRIBUTE, or ascribe tos ali- 
cui tribuere, attribuere, assignare, as- 
cribere ; acceptam rem ferre, referre, 
Hujus reiinventionemad Deos referunt. 
Tibi uni referunt hec mala, Te cau- 
sam auctoremque faciunt hujus calami- 
tatis. Culpamin aliquem nese de-— 

He Arrrinutes’ his vices to old 
age; vitia sua, in senectutem suam, 
confert.. Heattributes his own praise 
to another; .laudes suas ad alterom 
transfundit. He attributes to me the 
sufeguard of the whole Roman empire ; 
judicat imperio Romano et orbi terra~ 
rum, me attulisse salutem. He attri- 
butes praise to himself ; laudem sibi as+ 
sumit, arrogat, 

To ArtRiBuTE to, or lay the fault 
or blame on one; culpam im aliquem 
assignare, derivare, conferre, 

_To AtrrisuTe, ascribe, or impute 
any thing to one as to the author ; tri- 
buere, attribuere, ascribere, imputare, 
aliquid alicui, ut, auctoris Acceptum 
referre alicni; Cic. _ Accepto ferre, Fe~ 
ferre; J. C. Decus alicujus rei ad ali- » 
quem trahere; Liv. Gratiam recte. 
factorum sibi tribuere; Tac. Trans- 
fundere ad alium laudes, &c. Assu~ 
mere sibi aliquid. Addicere aliquid 
alicui._ Propriumaliquid alicui tradere, 
Assignare aliquid homini, sceleri, mise+ 
ricordiz ; fortune, civitati. Mihi sa- 
lutem imperii adjudicavit ; Cic, eg 
movere in se verbis gloriam alieno 

bore partam; Ter. Affingere alicuivi- - 
‘tium ; Lucr. 

Damnare aliquem tardi- — 
tatis; Quint.. Sordium; Plin. Eam 
mihi debeo gratiam, atque animo meo;_ 
Plaut. Crimen in aliquem ultro fateri ; 

An ArrrisuTeE, title, or name; at- 
tributum; titulus, nomen, appelletiog 
predicatum, nuncupatio, 

To AVAIL, or profit ; prodesse, vas 

lere, juvare; conferre, conducere. 

Avatiaste, or profitable ; nS, 
utilis; conducibilis, efficax, nd 

Jt Avatxs, or is profitable ; interest, 
refert, conducit. It avails much ; 
multum, plurimum, interest, prodest, 
juvat, conducit, expedit, facit, valet ; 


valde commodum est, et opportunum. 
‘It is available to this or that purpose, 
matter, or affair ; huic proposito utili- 
ter inservit ; est preclare comparatum 
ad hanc rem. What did it avail? quid 
retulit? Jt avails nothing to a good 
life; nihil ad bene vivendum. IJ¢ 
avails little; parum juvat. IJ¢ avails 
nothing to speak truth against envy and 
malice; adversus invidiam nihil pro- 
dest vera dicere. They made them 
hope, that it would much avail or be 
profitable for their interest or purpose ; 
spem illis faciebant de re sua maxime 
fore. I¢ is of little or much avail ; pa- 
rum vel multum refert; pluma haud 
interest; Plaut. Permultum interest ; 

multum mea interest ; magni, permag-- 

ni refert, interest ; permagna res agi- 
“tur; Cic. Pernimium -interest; Ter, 
Momentum parum vel magnum in re 
aliqua positum est ; Quint. 

AVARICE; i. e. covetousness ; 
avaritia ; sordes ; 3 Cic. cupido; Hor. 
avarities ; Lucr. 

Avaricious, or covetous; avarus, 
Avaricious, covetous, or earnestly de- 
sirous of praise; avarus laudis ; Hor. 
Avarus semper in reprehensione est ; 
avidus autem in laude interdum etiam 
i quia laus etiam est honeste cu- 

Insatiable 1 errs or covetouss 
ness; avaritia insatiabilis ; inexplebilis 
avaritia; crescentem sequitur cura pe- 
cuniam; Hor, Crescit amor nummi ; 
Juv. Crescunt opes, et opum crescit 
furiosa libido ;—Et cum possideant plu- 
rima, plura petunt.—Quo plus sunt 
pote, plus sitiuntur aque ; Ovid. Lo- 
culi mendicorum semper inanes; Hy- 
dropico ‘nihil siccius; — Non "mittit 
ecutem nisi plena cruoris hirudo; Hor. 
Multa desideranti desunt multa; Id. 
Avarus semper eget ; argentea fames. 

Avanice corrupts the judges ; ava- 
ritia corrumpit judices ; auro concilia- 
tur amor; auro loquente nihil pollet 
quevis oratio. An avaricious or ¢o- 
vetous man; avarus ; ardens avaritia ; 
hiante avaritia homo.  Iliberalis et 
sordidus; ic. Pre pretio, lucro, 
predaque, non auctoritas, non gratia 
cujusquam valet; Jd. Attentus ad 

rem; Ter. Accipiter pecunie ; pro- 

ax; trahax; polypus ; hiulca 
AR 5s Plant Sordis infime homo ; 
Apul. Gluto sorbens salivam Mercu- 


AU 93 
rialem ; Pers. Cui pecunia vita est; 
pumice aridior; obolum- supra Deos 
evehit ; res est inexplebilis, 

All men are less or more Avanicr- 
OUSs or covetous ; avari sumus omnes ; 
omnes ad rem attentiores ; Ter. 

AUDACIOUS ; podax : . impudens, 
improbus ; audacissimus, 

Avpacity or boldness; audacitas, 
audacia, confidentia, impudentia, pune 
cia nimia. 

Avupactousty or boldly ; oddiectter’ 
audacter ; audenter; Ulp. Improbe; 
impudenter, audentius ; fac. Audacis- 
sime, prelicenter ; Gell. 

Desperate Avnacity ; projecta au- _ 
dacia ; licentia, petulantia; contuma- 
cia, pertinacia ; temeritas furiosa; fe- 
rocitas; protervitas; Cic. Audentia. 

Aupacrry does not always prosper ; 
audacia non semper succedit ; qui ni- 
mis est audax sepe infeliciter ‘audet, 

Avupacious or bold to enterprise 
great thiigs; audaculus ad magna ; 
catulus leonem allatrans; confidentia 
Herculis vel Herculea; aquilam cornix 

Desperately Avpactous or bold; 
audax nimis ; nimium audax ; projec- 
tus ad audendum ; animis armatus au- 
dacissimis ; confidentissimus ; Cic. Ni- 
mius animis; Sen. Columen: audaciz ; 
Presumptor ; ; Amm, Animos 
leonum preferentes ; Icaro audacior. 

Aupaciovs, bold, and hot-spirited 
men disturb all things; calidi omnia _ 

That a man ought not to be too Av- 
pacious or bold ; ultra prudentiam au- 
dacem non deberesesse; cedendum 
multitudini ; cedendum casui ; ne Her- 
cules quidem contra duos; cui cere- 
brum est vitreum, vitet pugnam lapi- 

To be Aupacrovs and bold ; aude- 
re; adesse animo; Cic. Nec quis- 
quam tanto ausu esset; Plaut. Quod 
an fieri possit interrogate audaciam ves- 
tram ; Petron, 

Avpactry, or boldness, ts Siuc thos 
if there be not strength and forces suit- 
able to the spirits ; periculosa est auda- 
cia, si vires non suppetant spiritibus. 

The consideration of the danger often 
restrains Aupacity and beldness ; ex- 
pensio periculi revocat eins aa ab au- 

That wariness or sautioue restraint 

O4 AY 

of Aupacity and boldness, which de- 

ters from unreasonable actions, and 

makes a man prudently circumspect, ts 

good and commendable; bona est timi- 

ditas et cautela audacie, que deterret a 

turpibus, et reddit hominem circum- 

AUDIENCE, or hearing ; audientia, 
auditio, auditiuncula ; f. 

An Avupience of un ambassador ; 

An AupiEnce, or a company of au- 
ditors or hearers; cetus, concursus, 
frequentia ; auditorum confluxus. 

To give one AupiEnce, or the hear- 
Ing 5 auscultare, attendere; cum atten- 
tione andire. 

Avuprsxe, or loud, which may be 
heard ; audibilis ; sonorus. 

An Avpitor; auditor; ausculta- 
tor; concionatorius populus ; Cic. Au- 
ritus populus ; Plaut. 

Orators, or they who speak, are very 
desirous of a great many AvDiTORS or 
hearers ; humanum genus est avidum 
auricularum, i, e. auditorum ;, Lucr. 

An Avupiror of accounts ;.rationum 
examinator; rationarius; calculator, 
computator. : 

_An AupitTory ; meaning the place ; 
auditorium. An auditory ; meaning the 
company ; cetus, auditorum frequen- 

An Avopir of accounts; compu- 
tum ; rationum subductio, 

To Avpit aecounts ; ad calculos vo- 
cate, rationes examinace, subducere. 

To speak before a great AupitToRyY ; 
in magna populi frequenutia; ingenti 
multitudine ; amplissima corona, fre- 
guentissimo conventu, cetu; quamplu- 
rimis audientibus, presentibus, coram 
turba hominum infinita ; in frequenti 
senatu, theatro, foro ; pro rostris; apud 
‘ populum, verba facere, orationem ha- 

To desire that he may have Avpt- 
BNCE or a hearing; audientiam sibi 
fieri velle. 

To AVENGE;, ulcisci ; vindicare ; ; 
talionem, seu jus talionis reddere ; par 
pari referre. 

To AVER; i.e. to affirm stedfast- 
Wy } asserere, asseverare ; serio aflirma- 

e; pleno ore affirmare, &c, See To 

To Aven, or affirm any thing con- 
cerning any one ; asseverare aliquid de™ 



To AveER, or affirm most surely or 
constantly ; asseverare firmissime, con- 
stanter asserere, 

AVEBRSE, or cross ; aversus; abhor- 
rens. Jo be averse from a thing; ab- 
horrere ab. 

To be Averse from; i, e. to make 
no esteem of, or to refuse honors, of= 
fices, &c.; aversari honores, officias 

To be Averse from; i. e. to dis- 
dain one ; aversari aliquem; Liv. 

To be Avense from; i. e. to reject 
one’s prayers or suits ; aversari ened 

To be AvERsE from or to loath meat ; 
fastidire cibum. 

_Averse from, or disdaining me; 
fastidit mei; Plaut.’ Aversion or aver- 
sation, or dislike, &c.; aversio, aver- 
satio ; fastidium. 

To "make one AVERSE, from any thing ; 3 
fastidium movere alicui; fastidium, ta- 
dium alicujus rei facere}, Liv, Fastidium - 
alicui afferre ; Cic. Adducere aliquid 
in fastidium ; alicui fastidium creare, 
gignere; Plin. Fastidium stomache 
movere ; Hor. 

To AVERT, turn from or turn aside ; 
avertere, » 

To Avert or turn away the mind '' 
i. e. to think no more of misery ; aver- 
tere mentem, cogitationem a miseriis. 
To avert or turn away the blame from 
or to lay it on another; avertere cule — 
pam a se vel ab uno aliquo, in alterom. 

‘To avert or turn away himself from 

speaking with one ; i. e. to disdain to 
hear one talk; avertere se a sermone 
alicujus ; Cic. To avert or turn aside 
the rivers another way ; avertere fia- 

To Avenr or turn away a plague or 
mischief ; avertere pestem ; Virg. To 

avert or turn himself from; i. e. to 

forsake one’s friendship ; avertere se ” 
amicitia alicujus ; Cas, ° 

To Avert, or turn one aside fates 
doing those things which he endeavored 
against the commonwealth; conatus 
alicujus avertere a republica ; Cic. — 

To Avert, or turn away and alienate 
his mind from one ; ae. anipuin 
ab aliquo; Ces. 

To Avert, turn, or take away. sus- 
picion. from a thing; avertere rem a 

To AUGMENT ; augere, adaugere ; 
aggerare ; exaugere, ampliare, coaug- 


Pier? a hee 



menitare, locupletare. Ampliare, am- 

ever is AUGMENTED or in- 
ereased may decrease. again; quod 
erescit, minuitur ; quicquid augetur, 

crescit, majus atque amplius sit, am-— 

plificatur, queecunque sit ad rem acces- 
sio, que res accedit, accrescit ;_ ean- 
dem minui, imminui, diminui; commi- 
Rul Necesse est, attenuari, extenuari, 
jacturam pati, de ea detrahi, diminui, 
adimi, auferri. i: 
To AucmeEnt, or increase a benefit 
or good deed in a great measure ; au- 
gere beneficium cumulo magno ; Cic. 

To AvcMeENnt, or increase one’s stock 

‘with riches ; augere aliquem divitiis, 
To augment or magnify the fault, the 
debt, the name and dignity of any one ; 
augere culpam, debitum, dignitatem et 
nomen alicujus. 

To AuGMENT, or increase the empire, 
the commonwealth, &c. ; augere impe- 
rium, rempublicam, &c, 

To make the disease AUGMENT, or 
inerease ;-dare pabula morbo ; Ovid. | 

To AVOID ; vitare, evitare, devi- 
tare, fugere, fugitare, diffugere, effugere, 
defugere, refugere, subterfugere ; de- 
clinare, cavere, precavere, abhorrere, 
defiectere, decedere, recedere, ~ 

To Avot peril by pumping water 
out of a ship; sentinare. 

That may be AvotpeED ; evitabilis, 
devitabilis ; adj. 

That ought to be Avoipep; vitan- 
dus, evitandus,”~deyitandus, cavendus, 
prohibendus, precavendus, fugitandus, 
fugiendus, declinandus, diffugiendus, 
subterfugiendus, abhorrendus ; part. 

‘That cannot be Avorpep ;" inevita- 
bilis, ineluctabilis ; adj. 

To Avorn the sight of one ; alicujus 
aspectum aufugere. . 

To Avoin a blow; ictum declinare. 

To Avon the light ; fugere lucem. 

To AVOW ; affirmare, asserere, ap- 
probare, vendicare, profiteri ; in ee re- 

“ The faulé was openly Avowep; 

_ culpa professa est. 

Avowepty ; ex professo, 

An Avowep enemy ;. hostis declara- 
tus, apertus. ‘ : 

AUTHENTIC ; authenticus, ratus, 

‘Made Avruentic ; ratificatus, au- 
thenticus factus. 

- Most Aurnentic; summe authen- 

ticus ; fide dignissimus ; omni excep- 

AU 95 
tione major ; incorruptus et integer ; 
sanctissimum. testimonium; Cic, Cui 
constat fides indubitata. — : 

An AutHentic or credible witness » 
idoneus testis. 

Sufficiently forcible or Auturntic 
to be credited for itself; ex, et in seip- 
so fidem habens; vere authenticus ; 
propter se credendum, certissima fidei, 

An AUTHOR; auctor, sen autor 
vel author, oris, m. 

An Autnor, or ringleader; prin- 
ceps, dux, impulsor, . 

-An Autuon, or contriver and maker > 
inventor, molitor, conditor, machinator, 
causa, origo; caput ; fons. 

Fo be the first Aursor, or to sign 
Jirst ; presignare. 

An approved or good Avutuor ; 
idoneus auctor; auctor classicus ; 
singulariter enim classici diceban- 
tur prime tantum classis homines ; 
qui centum et viginti quingue millia 
zris, ampliusve censi erant, The chief 
author, actor or mover, cause; dux 
et signifer; auctor, princeps, archi- 
tectus et machinator sceleris. Funestz 
seditionis fax. Malorum omnium fons, 
origo, scaturigo. A te exorta sunt hee 
mala ; tibi accepta referenda sunt. Tuo 
hortatu, consilio ; tua opera, te impul- 
sore, adjutore, suasore, instigatore, in- 
ventore, hortatore, monitore, incitatore, 
inceeptore, preemonstratore, auspice, te 
a consiliis principe facta sunt,. Tu ca- 
put fuisti et primus auctor omnium, Ut 
Helena Trojanis, sic iste huic reipubli- 
ce causa belli, causa pestis atque exitii 
fuit. Ut in seminibus causa est herba- 
rum et stirpium, sic hujus luctuosissimi 
belli semen tu fuisti, Tu hec pepe- 
risti, excitasti mala; horum faces ma- 
lorum incendisti. _ 

I see the real Autuor of these two 

_erimes; horum duorum criminum video 

fontem, auctorem, rectum nomen et 
caput; Cic. 

‘AutHority, power, or chief rule ; 
auctoritas, potestas, potentia, ditio, 
dominatio, jurisdictio, f., imperium, 
jus, n. Dominatus, us, m. Provincia, 
gravitas, f, Auspicium, pondus, n. — 

Chief AuTHORITY § primatus, prin- 
cipatus, us, m, ; 

The Autuority of a king; majes- 
tas, regia majestas, 

Avutuorirty above or over another ; 
prerogativa, 2, f, Mancipium, ii, ne 
@ manceps, cipis; (ut principium a 

96 AU 

ptinceps) dict. quasi manuceps, quod 
manu capiat ; qui quid a populo emit, 
conducitve, quia manu sublata signifi- 
care solebat se auctorem eniptionis es- 
se; Fest. Princeps in conductione ; 
aliquando etiam prafectus, custos, cu- 
rator. ; 

To be of his own Autuortry, to be 
free and at his own disposal ; sui man- 
cipil esse. ( 

Avuruonrry, or leave to do a thing ; 
privilegium, licentia. : 

Chief men in AurHORITY ; primates, 
optimates, proceres. _ 

He that is often in Avurnorirty ; 
trismegistus, yor: : 

With Auruoriry ; cum privilegio, 
cum imperio. . 

A man of AuTHORITY ; vit gravis et 
potens ; princeps, magistratus, m., mag- 
nas, atis, m.- 

On what Autuoriry? quo jure? 
quo fretus ? sang 

Full of Avruonity ; majestativus, 

To be in or of AuTHORITY ; prees- 
se; presidere, plurimum pollere, emi- 

To exercise AurHoRITy ; regnare, 
dominari. 4 

To put in Auruorrry 3 preficere. 

To put out of Auruoriry, to de- 
grade or deprive of authority ; exauc- 
torare; abrogare alicui magistratum ; 
abdicare aliquem magistratu. 

To AutHoRisE, or give power or 
authority to; auctorizare, auctorita- 
tem tribuere ; jus alicui facere ; publi- 
ca auctoritate licentiam concedere ; 
auctoritate munire, 

_ AuruorisEep ; publica auctoritate, 
publico jure permissus, constitutus, 

IT hare Aursoriry ; licet mihi, 

The Auruor, cause, or beginning 
of all evil; auctor mali. Tu horum 
malorum causa, tu fons et origo: tu 
tantas malorum faces incendisti: tu 
horum malorum initium attulisti; tu 
hec mala peperisti, heec mala excitasti : 
actor horum malorum preter te nemo 
fuit: a te fluxerunt hec mala, hec in- 
commoda, calamitates, acerbitates, in- 
fortunia, damna, detrimenta, pernicies, 
exitium, rerum eversio: horum malo- 
rum culpam sustines, horum in te ma- 
lorum culpa conferenda est’ omnis: 
hec tibi sunt ascribenda, assignanda : 
has calamitates uni tibi acceptas referre 

AU | 
debemus, Tuo beneficio vivit “hee ° 

pestis. . all 

Be not the Aurnor ; ne sis auctor. 
Noli me hortari, cohortari, adhortari, 
ut hoc faciam: ne mihi sis auctor hu- 

-jus consilii; ne me rationibus ad hoc 

impellas, ne cohortatione utaris, ne co- 
hortationem suscipias. 

You were my first founder, or all 
my preferment and Auruority first 
began by you ; dignitati mex prefuisti, 
a te primum fluxit, manavit, profectus 
est, ortus est, natus est, extitit honor 
meus, tu mez laudis origo, fons, prin- 
cipium fuistis 7 Nal 

Ingreat Avrnorrty and estimation 
amongst his citizens or count ; 
clarus apud suos cives ; valesauctoritate 
apud tuos cives; magnus atque hones- 
tus es in civitate : magno es in honore, 
ac nomine apud tuos cives: magni te 
facit patria tua, multum tibi defert, 
rmoultum tribuit. Primarius, honestus, 
honesto loco natus, optime inter tuos’ 
cives conditionis, tui te cives magni fa- 
ciunt: magnus es, honoratus, clarus 
apud tuos cives: multum tibi cives de- 
ferunt: patria tua tantum tibi tribuit, 
quantum fortasse nemini. | x 

One of great AuTHoRITY ; clarus in 
republica. Vir clarissimus, spectatissi- 
mus, et in republica maximis gravissi- 
misque causis cognitus, atque imprimis 
probatus: homo valde honoratus, mul- 
te existimationis et auctoritatis: cui’ 
plurimum tribuitur, cujus est gravissima 
auctoritas: cujus sententia ac volun- — 
tas pondus habet: penitus adminis- 
trandz reipublice gnarus, ac sciens 
tractande reipublice : non parum ver- 
satus in publica re: minime omnium 
peregrinus in republica: omnes fei- 
publice partes optime tenens : minime 
omnium rudis in republica; homo in 
rebus admodum versatus, magno rerum 
usu, rebus agendis exercitatus. 

To have the highest Aurnority’; 
potestitem summam obtinere, “Audio 
te Mediolanun summo cum imperio 
obtinere, tuam esse summam potesta- 
tem, summum jus, administrandi Me- 
diolani res, preesse te Mediolano ¢o 
jure, quod amplissimum esse potest, ea 
potestate, que potest esse maxima : ita 

. te Mediolanum regere, ut summo uta- 

ris imperio, liceat tibi quicquid velis. 
Jason was the AutHor or inventor 

of the first ship; prime- ratis molitor 

Jason erat. ." 


The first Aurnor of mischief ; 
ptinceps sceleris, You are the author 
of these mischiefs; a te exorta sunt 

hee mala. The chief author; dux et 
To be the Autuor of one’s own 

harm ; asciam cruribus suis elidere., 

Laws in war have no Autnority ; 

silent leges inter arma. They tere in 
great authority; in republica judicio- 
que plurimum pollebant. He is of 
such authority that all‘men obey him ; 
tanto in dominatu locatur, ut vel ejus 
nutui omnes obtemperent, 
. He is advanced to the highest Av- 
THORITY ;, fastigium tenet. Let us 
rule the people with equal authority ; 
communem hunc populum paribus au- 
spiciisregamus. No man was in greater 
authority than another ; nemo magno- 
pere eminebat. He does té of his own 
authority ; suo jure agit. 

Iam the Avtuor ; auctor sum ali- 
cui; ansam do; materiam prebeo; 
Cic, Auctoritatem afferre; Id. Pate- 
facere alicui viam, aditum ad aliquid ; 
Id.. Fenestram alicui ad nequitiam 
patefacere; Ter. Sternere viam; Stat. 

Mischief returns often upon the Av- 
TuOR of it ; in auctorem malisepe re-- 
cidit malum ; malum consilium consul- 
tori pessimum ; faber compedes quas 
fecit, ipse gestat; flagellum ipse pa- 
ravit, quo vapularet; sepe in magis- 
trum scelera'rediere suum}; quicquid 
intrivit, ipsi exedendum erit. : 

To read Autuors ; auctores legere ; 
nocturna diurnaque manu versare ; ma- 
nibus terere ; Cic. ‘ 

‘That custom has Auruority, 0 
bears sway, every where ; maxime po- 
tens, et latissime patens est hec con- 
suetudo. Authority is every where ob- 

structed ; auctoritati passim oppeditur. 

He was a man of high authority ; is 
erat vir prepotens, et illius civitatis 
procerum unus, 

He appears in Avutuonriry above 
his parts ; or he is unfit for his place ; 
asinus est sub exuvio leonis. ° 

They who were the Avruors or first 
contrivers of that business, ought also 
to have the praise of making an end of 
it ; qui exorsi sunt hanc telam, etiam 
detexte merentur decus. big 

_ He has the chief Avtuoriry ; ille 
hic regnum possidet, et funem ducit in 
ter omnes istos, 

I think their Autuoriry undeniable ; 


AU 97 

quorum auctoritatisscuto me putem sine 
ulla alia ratione, contra gigantes istos 

He would deny his Avrnority ; 
auctoritatem ejus imminutum iret, 

Avutuors of approved credit ; new 
or old, or of smaller authority ;. aucto- 
res classici; neoterici ; antiqui; ple- 
beii ;.moderni ; minuti ; minorum gen- 
tium. ‘ 

Iwas always the Auruor and ap- 
prover of peace ; ego pacis semper lau- 
dator, semper auctor fui, 

An Avutnor in evil ; impulsor, in 
re mala. pei 

An Avutuor in good ; adjutor, in re 
bona. He was the author of an un- 
happy sedition ; funestas seditionis fa 
et machinator erat; Cic. 7h 

Iwas chiefly the Avtwor or cause 
that he did not,—&c. ; illi magnopere 
auctor fui ne,—&c. 

Those mischiefs we ought to ascribe 
to you as the Auruor of them; has 
calamitates uni*tibi acceptas referre 
debemus. For they were done by 
your authority; tuo namque hortatu, 
te impulsore ac auspice, &c, evene- 
runt, , 

You are the Autyor of all these 
evils ; exorta sunt mala hee omnia a 
te; Ter. 

I see the right and true Autor or 
cause of these two crimes ; horum duo- 
rum criminum video fontem, video auc- 
a video rectum nomen et caput; 


As the cause of trees and plants is 
in the seeds, so thou hast been the Av- 
THOR and cause of that most mischiev- 

‘ous war; ut igitur in seminibus causa 

est arborum et stirpium ; sic hujus luc- 
tuosissimi belli semen tu fuisti, 

As Helena was the Autnor and 
cause of war, desolation and destruc- 
tion to the Trojans ; so was he of this 
commonwealth ; ut Helena Trojanis, 
sic iste huic reipublice, causa ‘belli, 
causa pestis et exitii fuit. 

Covetousness is the AuTHOR, cause, 
and fountain of all mischiefs ; malorum 
omnium fons et scaturigo est in avari- 

This was undertaken and done by 
your AuTHority ; natum id, confla- 
tum, susceptum, confectum opera tua 
est ; Cic. 

To give Avutnority to do any 
thing ; potestatem aliquid —_— ali- 

98 AW. 

cui dare, facere, impertire ; fascibus et 
securibus aliquem decorare; aucturitate 
aliquem communire. 

AUXILIARY or helping, helpful ; 
auxiliaris, auxiliarius. 

AvuxiLianigs or auxiliary forces ; 
auxilia, copie socioram; subsidiarie 
copie; auxilium militare ; supplemen- 
tum; Cic. Auxiliarius miles, auxilia- 
rie cohortes; Id. Subsidiaria cohors ; 
Liv. Auxiliaria manus; Volc. Subi- 
tarii milites ; Liv. Ferentarius; Varr. 

AWE, or fear ; metus, reverentia. 

To stand in Awr; timere, metuere, 
revereri. | 

To AwE one ; incutere:metum, 

To keep in Awe; coercere, in ordi- 
nem redigere ; gravi imperio premere ; 
arctis habenis coercere. . 

He perceived you stood in Awe of 
him ; intellexerat vereri vos se et metu- 
ere; Plaut. He does his duty for awe 
or fear; malo coactus suum officium 
facit ; Ter, 

To make one stand in Awe, or be 
afraid of, and so to cause duty to be 
done ; in metu et officio continere, im- 
perio frenare, coercere ; metu compri- 
mere; severitate legum perdomare ; 
supplicii formidine refrenare; minis 
atque metu constringere ; tremore et 
trepidatione legis arrogantiam hominum 
reprimere et supprimere. 

To AWAKE out of sleep; experge- 
facere, exsuscitare. 

To Awakk, or sti? up ; excitare, sus- 
citare, expergefacere, expergere, exper- 
giscere, expergificare. 

To be Awake ; vigilare. 

To Awake himself, or to be awaked ; 
expergisci, expergefieri, suscitari, ex- 
pergi, excitari, evigilare. 

Awake ; vigil, vigilans. 

Broad Awaxe; somno solutus, pla- 
ne vigilans, 

To AwakeEN one; somno, de, e, ex 
somno, dormientem, sopitum excitare. 
E lecto evocare. Somnum alicui rum- 
pere, abrumpere, excutere. Dormien- 
tem, quiescentem interpellare. Somno, 
€ somno excitare.— Matutinos abrum- 
punt murmure somnos ; adimunt. Di- 
vellit somnos cura, Clamore solvere 

To Awaxe from death, or to raise 
Srom death to life ; vivificare, a mortuis 
resuscitare ; vite restituere ; ad vitam 
revocare; recreare; defunctis vitam 
reddere, restituere; putre cadaver in 

\ AW 
vite novitatem restituere ; animas ex- 
ire sepulchris; Virg. Dare vivis; 
vitam, vel vite reddere ; reddere ali- 
quem vivis ; superas ad aura’ resusci- 
tare ; astantium oculis exhibere redivi- 
vum ; reddere vivendi functionem pris- 
tinam; mortuum suscitare; vocare e 
sepulchro; arentia deplorataque ossa 
vitali flatu animare ; mortua corpora 
revocare ; facere reducem ab Orco in 
lucem ; Ter. Ad lumina surgere ; ex- 
citare, renovare ab inferis, umbris in- 
fernis ; animam revocare Orco; a Sty- 
ge vitales revocare ad auras. Reeeris 
demortuum vite denuo dare, Resus- 
citare corpus in vitam novam, : 

To AWARD or judge to; adjudi- 
care, addicere. 

An Awarb, or sentence in arbiira- 
tion ; arbitrium, adjudicatio.. 

To stand to one’s AwWarp ; atbitrio 
alicujus rem permittere, dedere. 

AWARE of; prescius, presentiens ; . 
sciens, providens. Not aware of; ig- 
norans, inscius, ignarus ; inopinanter, 
nec opinate, ex insperato, improviso, 

To be Aware of; presentire, ani- 
madvertere, previdere, percipere ; ca~ 
vere, pracavere, ~ 

Look back as if you had. not been . 
Aware of him; quasi de improviso 
respice ad eum ; Ter. 

Here is my master, and I was not. 
Aware of him ; herus est, nec previ- , 
deram ; Ter. 

He attacked himere he was AWARE ; 
imparatum adortus est ‘Ter. 

I was not Aware of you; haud te 
aspexeram; Ter. He surprised them 
before they were aware ; inopinantes 
deprehendit; Cas. She tasted of it 
before she was aware ; de eo imprudens 
gustavit ; Petron. 

AWAY ; far away ; longe, procul. 

Away, get you gone; apage, apa- 
gete, apagesis; adv. aufer te, auferte 

Away with it, away with this; tolle, 
remove, hinc istud ; apage, aufer, &c, 

I, Away, having a verb before it, 
is generally included in the Latin of 
that verb, especially if it be compounded 
with a or ab: as, 

' To pine Away with grief; dolore 
tabescere ; Ter. He hath been away 
three months; tres menses abest; Ter. 
Get you away hence; aufer te hinc ; 
Ter. Make haste to take away the 
‘woman ; propera mulierem abduccre ; 


Ter. J am sorry you have been so 
long away ; ego te abfuisse tamdiu do- 
~ leo; Cic, Get you away presently ; 
hinc te modo amove; Ter. They shall 
not go away with it so; haud sic au- 
ferent; Ter. What have you done 
when I was away? quid tu, me absen- 
te, fecisti? Petron. 4 | 
IL, Away, having no verb before it, 
is often put for a verb that is under- 
stood, as coming before it: as, I will 
away hence; “i. e. go away; abibo 
hinc; Ter I will haste away ‘to 
Chremes ; ego me Chre- 
mem; Ter, Away therefore with such 
advisers ; quamobrem hoc quidem de- 
liberantium genus pellatur e medio ; 
Cic. Away with that barbarous cus- 
tom; tollite morem barbarum ; Hor. 

Ill, Away, having the particle 
- with after it, is sometimes put for, to 
abide, endure, §c. and so rendered by 
facio, fero, &c.: as, I cannot away 
with this ai; non celum patior; 
Ovid. They can ill away with it; 
graviter ferunt; Ter. They do not. so 
easily away with idleness, as I do la- 
bor and pains; ii difficilius otium fe- 
runt, quam ego laborem; Cic. They 
will not easily away with these things ; 
non facile hec ferent; Ter. He shalt 
mot go away with it so; haud im- 
pune habebit; Ter, Away ! there’s no 
danger; vah! nihil est pericli; Ter. 
Away with you; apage te; Ter. He 
stole away from me; se subterduxit 
mihi; Plaut. He was about to run 
away; ormabat fugam; Ter. The 
cloth is taken away ; sublatum est con- 
vivium ; Plaut. Away with those fop- 
peries; pellantur ineptiz iste ; Cic. 
Away with those brawls; scordalias 
de medio; Petron, Away with those 
frauds or cheats ; fraudes tollas; Mart. 
Away with all the speed that can be ; 
remigio veloque quantum poteris festi- 
na et fuge; Ter, He has been away 
three months ; tres menses abfuit; Ter. 
ZI cannot away with it; non possum 
ferre. He can ill away with it ; gra- 
viter, non facile fert. 
_ Away, after verbs, is rendered by 
ab: as, To be away; absum. To go 
away; abire. Tocast away ; abjicere. 
To stand away; absistere. To send 
away ; ablegare. To take away ; au- 
ferre. To run away; aufugere. To 
have one away; abducere. To get 

BA 99 
away ; evadere. To pine away ; con- 
tabescere. To steal away ; subducere se. 

B. r 
BACCHANALS, or the feasts of 

Bacchus ; Bacchanalia; Orgia; Dio- 
nysia; Gr. pl. n. Liberalia ; Cic, Hila- 
ria, Agonalia; Ovid. Jus luxuriz pub- 
lice datum est; exuenda est toga, dum. 
hilarius in voluptates omnis turba pro- 
cumbit ; Sen. Floralia. Pridie Cine-. 
rum ; Cic. . 

To keep Baccuus’ feasts ; bacchari; 
Bacchanal exerceres Bacchanal faci- 
tis in cella vinaria; Plaut. _Baccha- 
nalia vivere; Juv. In illa vita tarpis~ 
sime perbacchatus es; Cic. Furere et 
bacchari;. Id. Temulento agmine 
commessabundus incessit ; commessan~ 
tium modo agere; Liv. Parentare 
luxurie; Sen. Effundi in’ luxum, epu- 
las, nocturnos cetus ; Tacit. Lustris 
perire; Lucr. Luculente habere diem ; 
Plaut. Tuburcinari de,suo, si quid 
domi sit; Id. Profusissime celebrare 
dies festos; Suet. Popinari; Jul. 
Capit. | 

BACK ; (an adv.) retro. | 

Back, with verbs made by re: as, 
To look back; respicere. To drive 
back ; repellere. To keep back ; reti- 
nere, tetardare. To cast back ; reji- 
cere. To go back; regredi. To give 
back or recoil; retrocedere,resilire. 
To drive back ; retroagere. 

Bacxs.ipine 3 tergiversatio, apo- 

A pull-Bacx ; impedimentum, re- 

To Back, aid or assist ; adjuvare, 
favere, animos addere ; suffulcire, sub- 
venire, alicui succurrere ; subsidio ire, 
venire currere ; Cic, aliquem propug- 
nare, defendere, tueri; alicui adesse, 
se adjutorem profiteri, et ostendere, 

To put Bacx ; repellere, distinere, 

To put Bacx often; repulsare. — 

He was put Back; repulsam tulit ; 

To keep Bacx ; demorari, remorari, 

To hold or keep Back often ; reten-— 

Cast Back ; rejectus ; part. 

To go or fly Back; tergiversari ; 
terga vertere, : 

100 BA 

To come Bacx or to return; redire, 
revenire, revertere. 

Our husbands are come Back; viri 
nostri reveniunt; Ter. He is not 
come back yet ; nondum rediit; non- 
dum reversus est. Very desirous to 
come back ;° cupidissimus redeundi. 
Make haste back again; matura redi- 
tum; Ter. I will quickly come back 
again; redibo actutum; Plaut. To 
write back ; rescribere. He wrote 
bach again to me ; is ad me rescripsit. 
Business hindered me from writing 
back ; negotia impedierunt quo minus 

Look Back as if you had not been 
aware of him ; quasi de improviso x, 
ce ad eum ; Ter. 

To send Back; remittere. 

To bring Back ; reducere. To pay 
back; renumerare. Jo give back ; 
pedem referre; Cic. — 

BackwaRp ; aversus ;-part. retror- 
sus, preposterus, recurvus, adj. 

Bacxwarp; adv. retro, retrorsum, 

Bacxwarp,or slow ; piger, segnis, 

BackwWaRDNBss ; pigritia. 

The Bacx ; dorsum, dorsus, tergum. 

To break one’s Bacx ; edorsare, de- 

To tie men Back to back ; aversos 

His hands, cast behind his Baces 
manibus, a tergo, ad tergum, rejectis ; 
Cic. To attack one behind his back ; 
a tergo aliquem adoriri; Cic. To rail 
at one behind his back ; absenti male 
Jogui; Ter. He wiil be the same both 
before your face and behind your back ; 
presens, absensque idem erit; Ter, 

To sit on horse-Bacx ; equo sedere, 

They set him on horse-Backx ; 3 illum 
in equum sustulerunt; Cic., 

To serve on horse-Back ; 3 equo me- 
teri; Cic. 

To Jight on horse-Bacx ; ex equo 
pugnare ; Plin. 

To run away on horse-Bacx ; cum 
equo fugere ; Flor. 

To keep, hinder or stop one from 
going Bacx ; aliquem reditu interclu- 
dere ; Ces. 

They turned their Bacxs and fled ; 
terga verterunt ; Ces. 

They turned their hatred Back 
JSrom the Romans to Hannibal ; verte- 
runt retro ad Annibalem ab Roianis 
odia; Liv, 


To BACKBITE;; obtrectare, male- 
dicere, obloqui; absentem rodere, de- 
trahere absentis fame. | Clam vitupera- 
re, Clanculum, a tergo Cynica petu- 
lantia mordere. Absenti contumeliose 
maledicere, maledice obtrectare, de- 
trahere ; infamie notas inurere. Faimam 
ealienam clam, absentis existimationem 
ledere, violare. Nefaria quedam de 
aliquo dissipare ; de fama alicujus de- - 
traliere clam. Obscura odio, morsuque 
venenare- alicujus famam. Clandesti- 
nus aliene existimationis expugnator. 
Fame ajicujus insidias comparare. Mor- 
dere a tergo, traducere; a tergo pinse- 
re ; Pers. Venenatis pungere aculeis ; 
acerrimos invidentie stimulos alicai ex- 
citare; linguis veneno tinctis confodere, 
lancinare ; procul allatrare, coram ne 
verbam quidem; lingue vibrare spicu- 
lum; .petulanter facundiam caninam 
exercere, &c. Probra alicui ingerere, 
Crimen alicui inferre; dedignari ab- 
sentem ; crimen in aliquem confingere, 
contumeliis vel convitiis aliquem pro- 
scindere, exagitare, -aflicere, prosequi, 
incessere, lacessere ; dicteriis acerbis- 
sihis aligquem rodere. De alicujus fa- 
ma, dignitate, vel auctoritate detra- 
here. aoe ver ’ 

A Back-siTer or privy slanderer 3 
obtrectator, maledicus, qui clam ledit 
famam alienam; clandestinus aliéne 
existimationis expugnator, calumniator. 

We cannot help the Back-niTine 
slanders of men; linguas hominum 
virulentds vitare non possumus; Cic. 
To back-bite and slander an excellent 
man; lacerare incesto ore virum opti- 
mum, cumgue carpere maledico dente, 
sinistris sermonibus carpere, vellicare ; 

BAD; malus, pravus, nequam. 

A Bap act; flagitium; scelus. Bad 
company; prayvum commercium, con- 
sortium malorum. Bad times; tem- 
pora calamitosa. Bad weather; tris- 
tis, parum lata tempestas. No bad 
man; homo minime malus; Cic. 

He is the cause of his own Bap for- 

_ tune ; ipse sibi malam facit fortunam. 

He is as bad as before ; as ever; rur- 
sun ad ingenium redit; Ter. He 
takes bad courses ; ingurgitat se in fla- 
gitia; Cic. Jt is a bad business ; 
pessima hc res est. To be very bad ; 
1. e. sick; pessime se habere, vehemen- 
ter laborare. To keep bad hours ; sere, 
vel multa nocte domum redire, 

e - 


-To BAFFLE; deludere, illudere, 
confundere. Frostrari. 

To Barrxe or confute; refutare, os 

To Barrte the expectation and hope 
of any one; frustrari expectationem et 
spem alicnjus, J have been often 
bafiled or disappointed in that my 
hope ; sepe me spes hec frustrata est ; 
Ter. To be baffied or disappointed by 
one ; frustrari abaliquo. To be baffled 
in, or to lose his labor; frustrari labo- 
rem ; Colum..- 

To Barrre or confute by witnesses ; 
refutare aliquem testibus. To bafile 

er disappoint one’s sptencetne? refu- 

tare conatus alicujus. 

A BALL, or surety ; the per 30n ; Vas, 
‘vadisy fidejussor. 

To Bait or put in sureties ; vadari, 
vadimonium promittere, vel constituere. 

To be Baiu for one; vadem se sis- 
tere. - 

To save himself and his Bait by 
appearing at the day appernted ; vadi- 
monium obire. 

~ Barren or put under sureties ; vadi- 

monioe obstrictus vel prebitus ; vadi- 
monio interposito liberatus. 

A Bazine or putiing in bail ; 
dimonii interpositio. 

A Bait, mainprize, or bond of ap- 
pearance ; vadimonium,  satisdatio ; 
traditio, tributio. 

He requires me to put in Batt ; va- 
datur hic me; Plaut. He puts in bail 
to stand to the award ; judicatum solvi 
satisdat ; Cic. The other became bail 
for his appearance ; vas factus est alter 
sistendi ejus ; Cic. 

A BAIT, as for fish or birds, &c.; 
esca, illecebra. 

To Barr, or lay a bait, entice witha 
bait for fish or birds ; inescare, illicere, 

+ To Bair a hook ; esca obducere ha- 

Barren, as a hook for fish; esca 
obductus, He spent-all that money in 
fish-baits, or baits for fishes ; eam om- 
nem mercedem escis, quas dabat pis- 
cibus consumebat ; Varro. 

% To Bait his hook; imponere amo 
escam; Petron. 

To Barr, or refresh oneself at an 
inn ; divertere, diverti, diversari, hos- 

- i pitari. 

To Barr one, i. e. to set upon him, 

and not iet him alone; aliquem impe- 


.* . , - 
+ NE eo 

BA _ 101 

tere, invadere, sollicitare. 

You know not how to lay Batts for 
men ;-nescis inescare homines ; Ter. 

To BALANCE, or make even ; we 
quare, exeequare. To balance accounts ; 
rationes equare. They have balanced 
their accounts ; convenit inter eos ra- 
tio accepti et expensi. 

A BAND of soldiers ; caterva, cO- 
hors, turma. . 

Of or belonging to a Banp of sol- 
diers ; catervarius, turmalis; adj, 

A Bang or host of footmen ; pedi- 
tatus, m. 

A small Bawp of men; cohorticula, 
chortiuncula, f. militum manus, 

A Bann of ten soldiers ; manipulus, 
m. globus militum. 

Of or belonging to that Bann; ma- 
nipularis ; adj. 

ats Banps ; ; turmatim, catervatim ; 

By Banps wv ten soldiers; manipu- 
latim; adv. 

A Bans of six thousand footmen, 
and seven hundred and thirty horse- 
men; legic, f. 

Of or belonging to that Bann; le- 

By Banos or legions; légionatim ; 
adv. ~ ‘ 
He had a Banp in readiness to kill 
the consuls ; consulum interficiendorum 
causa manui paravit ; Cic, 

He put him in Banps; non ul- - 
tra quam compedibus coercuit. 

To divide into Banps or companies ; 

Banvep together ; conjuratus, 

A Banp-roll, or muster-roll ; Jater- 
culus,-i, m.. Laterculum, «. 

To BANISH; exilio mulctare. In 
exilium agere, pellere, ejicere, mittere, 
ablegare. E& patria, e patria finibus, ex 
urbe, civitate; rep. suis sedibus ejicere, 
exigere, exturbare, pellere, expellere, 
excludere, exterminare, depellere, pro- 
fligare, submovere. Aqua et igni inter- _ 
dicere, patria probibere. Ab aris fo- 
cisque patriis ; a tectis menibusque ur- 
bis; a domo et conspectu patrie arce- 
Te, abstrahere, abigere, mandare, aman- 
dare, deportare in remotissimas gentes : 
in terras exteras, longinquas, ultimas. 
Patriam, civis jus adimere. Ab oris 
patriis pellere, Humum natalem deme- 
re. Urbe, patria, focis patriis jubere 

To Bawnisu one; aliquem proscri- 

102 BA 

bere, patrie conspectu et libertate ali- 
‘quem privare. E conspectu civium ali- 
quem exturbare, dimoverc, avitis fini- 
bus aliquem detrudere ; de finibus hu- 
mane nature aliquem exterminare ; 
patriis expellere ab oris; e sinu et gre- 
inio patria aliquem abstrahiere ; fundi- 
tus € republica tollere ; a diis penati- 
bus aliquem abstrahere, relegare, exi- 

For ye, out of hatred, have Banisu- | 

ED me from my father’s house ; enim- 
vero vos exegistis me e domo paterna, 
pre odio. és : 

To be Banisuep or cast out, or ex- 
iled ; exulare ; exilii causa solum verte- 
re. Patriam et civitatis jus amittere. 
Urbe finibusque facessere: extorrem, 
profugum, exulem agere, agi. Exula- 
tum abire, proficisci. In exilium ire, 
abire, pelli, ejici, &c. Sinu gremioque 
patriz, et a suorum complexu abstrahi, 
abigique in exilium. In terra peregri- 
na exilium perpetuum agere. Patriis 
sedibus actus ; expulsus ab oris: fini- 
bus, ejectus, focis carere. Nos patria 
fines et dulcia linguimus grva. Nos 
patriam fugimus, ‘Terras alio calentes 
sole mutamus, Patria quis exul se 
quogue fugit, Exulis nomen subire ; 
patrie fines et dulcia tinquere arva, 
Patria cedere, excedere, carere, orbari ; 
a liberis suis abstractus ; a conjuge ab- 
reptus, ab aris focisque projectus, &c. 
est. Dejici de urbis presidio, et de cus- 
todia civitatis deturbari; qui vagis lus- 
trat erroribus orbem, et ut ludibrium 
fortune extorris aberrat. 

Banisuep or exiled; being in ba- 
nishment, Sc. ; exulans; exul, extorris, 
profugus, pruscriptus, ablegatus, rele- 
gatus, exterminatus, amandatus, ejec- 
tas, fugatus, deportatus, civitate priva- 

Banisurp yearly or for a year; 
abannitus, abannatus. 

Banisurtne in the city of Syracuse 
Sor five years, practised by writing the 
name of the party in an olive leaf; 
petalismus-i, m, 

A kind of Baxisument among the 
Athenians, for ten yeurs’ space ; ostra- 

cismus-i, m, 
Banisument, or ewile ; exilium, ex- 

terminium, fuga, liminium; ejectio ex 

patria; exulatio, in alienas terras de- 


__ To go into Bantsument willingly ; 

m exiljum yoluntarium, ‘spdntaneum 


proficisci. Ultro, libenter; animo z- 
quo, equissimo ; sponte sua patria ce+ 
dere, carere: e patria discedere : natale 
solum relinguere : patriam deserere. Pa- 
triz nullo studio teneri: nullo deside- 
rio affici : desiderium haud inique, non 
wegre ferre. Quasi ad aram in exiliam 
confugere. j 

They were BantsueEp their country ; 
a Diis penatibus exterminati sunt. 

He Banisuxp himself; in volunte= 
rium exilium concessit. ' 

To recal from BanisuMENT ; exules 
restituere, reducere, Diis penatibus red- 
dere: in patriam~revocare, Dare, 
reddere civitatem exulanti. Ejecto, 
extorri, profugo, exuli reditum in pa- 
triam patefacere, reserare. Facere ut 
quis familiares revisat, redeat ad suos 
lares familiares. Exulem in suam pris- 
tinam dignitatem revocare: in anti- . 
quum statum restituere: de exilio re- 
ducere, Exilio quempiam liberare. 

To return from BANISHMENT; in 
suos Lares familiares redire ;_ pristinam 
libertatem reparare ; in patriam reduci. 

Metellus took his BantsuMENT pa- 
tiently, and left his country willingly ; 
Metellus equo animo exul, seu exulavit 
gequo animo; summa fuit Metelli wqui- 
tas animi in patria relinquenda; sum- 
ma voluptate Metellus patria cessit, 

“egregiaque animi alacritate abfuit : dis- 

cessum a patria equissimo animo™ 
tulit Metellus, et abfuit nullo do- 
lore. Metelli animus cum e patria 
discessit, equissimus ; dum abfuit le- 
tissimus fuit, erectus, alacer; minime 
demissus, aut dejectus. 

To Banisu out of the world—out 
of all honest men’s company ; ultra ex- 
celsas Herculis columnas, ultra Gara- 
mantas et Indos, protrudere; extra 
anni solisque vias, exterminare, 

They Bantsuxp them out of the 
city, or disfranchised them; eos ab 
urbe, utramque ab urbano commercio’ 
submovebant, Fis baal 

They Banisnev him out of their 
company, and shut him out of doors; 
abs se iJlum efiminarunt. , 

They Bantsuxp him from house and 
harbor ; penatibus eum suis expulerunt. 

Aristides wags Bantsurp by the peo- 
ple for ten years; Aristides, ostracis- 
mo populi jussus est vertere solum. 

BANKRUPT; decoctor ; contur- 
bator; non ;solvendo; furo cedens ; 
non habens ‘unde solvat. 



‘To be Bangrvrt ; decane con- 

To turn Banxrurt by sealing 
wastefully all his substance ; suas con- 
turbare fortunas; Cic. Decoquere. 
Fidem labefactare, decoquere, consu- 
mere, perdere, ris alieni_ magnitu- 

- dine oppressus, decocta sua re profugit, 

diffugit ; urbe, foro cessit; in asylum 
se recepit. Obzratus. Qui solvendo 
non est. Qui suam rem confecit, di- 
lapidavit. -Qui non habet, cui non sup- 
petit unde solvat, unde creditoribus sa- 
tisfaciat. Qui domium suam bonaque 
omnia comedit, devoravit.. Cui fides 
cecidit, consunspta .est. Quem fides 
deficit. Creditoribus cuncta relinque- 
3.propter debita fugere ; decoctare 
aliena ; in asylum se recipere ; sedem, 
Jocum, mutare; ob decoctam pecuniam, 
urbi cedere ; cedere creditoribus ; Au- 
son. Collectis vasis migrare ; eris ali- 
eni magnitudine urbem fugere, patria 
facessere. Decedere de/omnibus bo- 
nis, et suis cedere honis; decoquere 
creditoribus ; negotiationem abrum- 

Cato used to say in jest, against a 
Bankrupt who had nothing left but 
had wasted all, that he had eaten up his 
own house, and ail his own goods; do- 
mum suam bonaque omnia comedisse, 
Catonis joco dicebatur, in decoctorem 
guendam, cui nihil erat bonorum; quod 
prodigus esset ; et dilapidasset omnia. 

A BANQUET ; epulum, convivium, 
n. Epule, dapes, pl. f. A banquet- 
ing; epalatio, compotatio; symposium, 
n,; convivium, 

To Banquer together; convivari, 
compotare ; agere convivia, et sympo- 


To eat at a Banquet; 

To provide a Banquet ; pollucere ; 

To make great feasts or BANQUETS ; 
instituere dapes vel epulas opiparas ; 
ore terere dulcem escam; dapibus 
mensag ornare, et pocula ponere ; 3 pa- 
rant epulas, potandaque vina minis- 
trant ; cibo pasci suavi; dapibus epu- 
lare opimis ; ; epulis fungi. 

To welcome friends home with a 
Banquet; prandium exhibere adven- 
torium, i. e.. pro amicorum felici ad- 
ventu. — 

All the guests came to the Banquet; 
venit ad dapes turba vocata. 


BA 103 

' A princely Banquet ; saliarem in 
morem epulari, 

To Banevuet and fare like a prince ; 
apud Cic. Convivium magnifice in- 
structum ; exquisitiores epulv ; Ter, 

A BAR or hinderance ; obstaculum, 
n, exceptio, f. 

To Bar or keep from ; interdiccre. 

To plend at the Bar in @ court of 
law ; pro tribunali agere ; Cic. 

To pitch the Bar ; sudum jactu vi- 
brare ; Quint. - 

She Barrep up the door; ostio 
(foribus) obdit pessulum ;_ Ter. 

The way is BARRED up ; ones est 
via; Plaut. 

He is to be Barre fia giving 
his roice ; de ponte dejiciendus est. 

Bar up the doors; occludite «des 
repagulis; Plaut. 

To.break open the Bars ; 
repagula ; Cic. 

They endeavored to beat down the 
statue with Bars ; demoliri signum, ac 
vectibus labefactafe conantur ; Cic. 

_ He Barren the Romans out of all 
Gaul; omni Gallia Romanis interdix- 
it; Ces. © 

To Bar out the sea with a mound 
and works ; extrudere mare aggere ac 
molibus ; Ces. 

baricus, | 

BarBaRism in eis 3 barbarismus, 
solecismus, See SoLecism, 

Barpearovus or cruel; 
trux, truculentus, 

To speak BaRBAROUSLY ; 
inculta uti ; incongrue loqui. 

Barparity or cruelty; barbaries, 
seevitia, immanitas. 

Rude or Barsarous in speech; in 
sermone aggrestis 5 ; -inconditus in dia- 
lecto sua 5 inquinate, incondite, i mpe- 
rite, incongrue, ineleganter loquens. 

To speak BARBAROUSLY ; ; sermone 
barbaro, rudi, agresti ; oratione inculta, 
inconcinna ; elegantia rusticana, culi- 
naria, uti, Crasse, barbare, imperite, 
impolite, i incongrue, incondite, incon- 
cinne, ineleganter, inepte; indiserte lo- 
qui, garfire nescio quid. Obsoletum, 
peregrinum, a’ puritate Romani sermo- 
nis alienum quid effundere, effutire, 
Veram, germanam, genuinam Latinitatis 
suavitatem, kar non sapere, non 

Savage, cruel, and BarBanovws ; 
sceleribus ferox, ferus ; spirans crudeli- 


barbarus, bar- 



tatem, miserorum illusor, exagitator, He said he had Bancatnep with 
barbarus, sevus ; incultus horri- you for five pence farthing ; se ternis 
dus, truculentus, sanguineus, nummis tecum transegisse dicebat; 
BARE, er naked; nudus; adj. Cic. | ’ 
nudatus, detectus, p.; glaber. To break one’s BarGaIn; a pace 
Bare-footed ; nudipes, excalceatus, tione- abire, discedere ; pactum fran- 
discalceatus ; planipes. gere, rumpere, violare. 
Bare-foot and hare-legged ; pedes You have bought a very good Bar- 
et crura nudus. GAIN}; pecunia tua bene collocata est 
Bare in -clothes ; veternosus, pan- isto mercimonio. 

nosus. To sell one a good BarcGatn; vili, 
Bare, without hair, grass, or herbs; parvo pretio aliquid vendere. 
glaber, glabellus ; adj. BARREN 3 sterilis, infoccundus, ef- : 
A Barz plat, without corn or grass; foctus, infertilis; infrugiferus, vel in- 
glabretum. fructuosus ; nudus, arenosus, aridus, 
To make Bare; glabrare, detegere, siccus, asper, siticulosus, exhaustus ; 
nudare, denudare, macer: as, Ra SRY 
To make Bare again; renudare. _ A Barren land; terra sterilis, je> 
Barety, i. e, slenderly or poorly ;_ juna, infrugifera, rupibus aspera, squa- 
nude, tenuiter, exiliter, jejune. lens, macra, macilenta, infeecunda, du- 
Bare of money ; indigens pecunia, 1a, infelix; arenosa, infructuosa, Hu- 
Thread-Barx ; tritus, attritus, . mus nuda, arida, sicca, segnis, imers ; 
He will believe me upon my Bare nec herbida, nec fragifera. Solum si- 
word; injirato credet mihi; Plaut. ticulosum et peraridum, incultum et de- 

I will shear him to the Bane skin; relictum; tam exile ut aratro perstringi 
tondebo hune usque ad vivam cutem; non possit. Locus spinis obsitus, 

Plaut, Ager malignus, propter  sterilitatem, 
To run Banr-foot, on his bare feet; malignitatem, incultus, desertus, inuti- 
pede nudato currere; Tibull. - lis; qui nihil procreat, parit, fert, pro- 

He entertains such us are Bare of fert: qui maligne fractum edit, nulluin 
help and wealth; orbos auxilii opum- producit, fruges non emittit, Triste 
que recipit huc ad se; Plaut. solum, sterilis sine fruge, sine arbore 

To go Banx-headed,—with hishead tellus. Deserta siti regio: lapis 
bare; capite aperto ambulare; Petron, omnia nudus: limosoque palus ob- 

A BARGAIN, or contract ; pactum, ducit pascua junco. Terra nihil pro- 
conventio; contractus-us, m, Sponsic, -creans, ferens, producens, fructum non 
stipulatio, f. Sponsum, n. cedens. . afc See 

To Barcatin, or tomake a bargain; A Barren woman; mulier sterilis, 
pacisci, pangere, depacisci, contraliere, infoecunda, nullorum liberorum parens. 
stipulari; rationem contrahere; pac- Cui steriles thalami, nulloque ululata 
tum, pactionem, stipulationem, facere, dolore. Respexit Lucina . domum, 
sancire, conflare, conficere, instituere, Nulla prole beata parens. Z 
cum aliquo; pacto, pactione, stipula- | Very Barren; permacer, admo- 
tione, se obligare, dum sterilis. 

To Bancatn with, or to traffic; ne- The land is grown Barren ; exole- 

gotia tractare, rem agere, mercaturam scit ager; fatiscit solum segetibus; 

libere exercere, negotia cum aliquo effeti sunt agri; Virg. i. e. continua 
contrahere ; commercium cum aliquo fertilitate lassati; exinanitur seges ; 

hahere, Col. Defrugatur ager; Plin. Ema- 
To stand to one’s Baran; stare ceratur terra satumillii; Plin. Vanes- 
conventis, manere pacto ; Cic. cit seges in herbam sterilem ;_Ovid, 
_ Po deal deceitfully in Bancaryinc 3 Malignus est ager; colles maligni ; 
circumvenire aliquem, - Virg. Messes que male creyerant ; 
A Banoain ; i. c. it isagreed; pla~ Ovid. Ager malus est, cam quo, lucta- 
cet conditio, _ tur dominus; ager ad sterilitatem dam- 

To make a Barcain with another; natus, a 
cunaltero contrahere, pacisci; Cic. Liv, The tree is grown Barren 3 evales- 

He hath passed it away by Barncarn; cit arbor; Plin, 
pactione transmisit, BASE, adj. i. e. mean and low ; 

Teepe i) Nt 



~ perculso est animo. 


bumilis, obscurus, vulgaris, abjectus ; 
turpis, sordidus, ” 

A Base spirit; degener animus; 
animus abjectus, 

Bass, i. e. of mean parentage ; ig- 
nobilis, plebeius, terra-filius, 

The Baser sort; plebecula, fex 

Base-born; spurius, nothus, adul- 

* terinus. vee 

Base or counterfeit, as metal ; adul- 
teratus, . 

Basz, or vile; turpis, vilis, sordi- 
dus. Base or wicked; pravus, ne- 
quam, nullius precii. 

A Base wretch; homo impurus, im- 
probus, scelestus; scelus, subst. infa- 
mis nebulo, 

Base, or sneaking and cowardly ; 

Basengss of spirit ; abjectio animi. 

The Base sort; infimi, infimates, 
ignota capita, sine nomine turba. 

A Base shuffling trick ; fraus, ver- 
sutia, indignum facinus.; stropha,-z, f. 

Of a Bast mind; homo angusti, 
coutracti atque demissi animi, qui ni- 

hil altum aut sublime, nihil magnificum | 

aut generosum cogitat, sapit, qui om- 
nes suas cogitationes in res humiles, 
contemptas abjicit, conjicit: cui,.mens 
parva et prava, oppleta tenebris, sordi- 
<jus, cui animus est ab omni glorie stu- 
dio aversus : in humiles, planeque sor- 
didas cogitationes dejectus : cujus ani- 

mus humi repit, serpit, jacet: demisse . 

et humiliter .sentiens: ad servitutem 
natus, cujus in animo est natura molle 
guiddam, demissum, languidum, lu- 
mile et.efervatum. Homo natus ad 
servitutem ; qui debilitata virtute fracto 
est animo; Tac. Qui abjecto, demis- 
so, pusillo, fracto et debilitato, humili 
set. abjecto, jejuno, servili, angusto, et 
Qui omnes cogi- 
tationes in res humiles et abjectas con- 

A Base and low mind is not capa- 
ble of an earnest desire of glory ; ex 
pusillo animo glorie cupiditas non 
emergit, exoritur, existit, effluit; an- 
gustos animos, ampla et praclara cogi- 
tatio non ingrediturs 

Of Base and low birth ; homo no- 
vus, inglorius, atque ignobilis: majori- 
bus obscuris, genere, loco, sanguine, 
familia, gente infima, ignota, ignobili, 
humili, sordida, obscura, abjecta ortus, 
patus, prognatus, editus, _Homo re- 

BA 106 

pentinus, a se ortus, ex infimo genere 
et fortune gradu, nou modo nobis, sed 
nec inter suos quidem notus. Home 
plebeius, obscurus, minorum gentium, 
infime conditionis; natalibus ignotis, 
plebeia stirpe oriundus: humillimis pa- 
rentibus editus, qui nullis generis aucto- 
ribus, nulla majoram laude honestatur, 
commendatur, insignitur. Terre filius, 
nescio quis. Subdititius, qui ne ma~- 
trem quidem novit: quem nemo prop- 
ter ignobilitatlem nominat, Pauperum 
sanguis parentum: orta domo parva.— 
Humilis, vulgi\ pars infima nostri.— 
Non ille loco nec origine gentis clarus, 
Syri Dame aut Dionysii filius—Nul- 
lis majoribus ortus—Humili de stirpe 
creatus.—Ingenuo qui non est patre 
natus : cujus nemo queat patriam mon- 
strare parentis. Non refert quali sit 
quisque parente ortus, dum ingenuus, 
&c. Horat. Serm. 1. 6, 

Though he were never so Bast @ 
fellow; ut homo turpissimus esset ; 

To get wealth in a Base way; in- 
honeste parare divitias ; Ter. 

O Bass! O facinus indignum ! Ter. 

It is Base ; turpe est; Ter. 

What can be more Base a speech 
than—&c. ; que vox potest esse con= 
temptior, quaam—&c. ; Cic. : 

She had_a mind to get wealth 
Basety ; inhoneste optavit opes ac- 
quirere; Ter, 

A Base mind; one that ‘thinks 
too basely of himself; animus abjec- 
tus ; exigui, pusilli, infirmi, imbecilli 
animi es, infirmus ab animo es, animo 
jaces, jacet animus tuus: roboris ac 
nervorum in animo tuo parum est, ni- 
miam demisso, nimium imbecillo animo 
es ; animus tibi sine animo est; abest 
animus ab animo ; facile commoveris ; 
facile animo concidis, langues animo, 
languet animus tuus, animum in te de- 
sidero, requiro. 

A Bass arrant knave ; profligatissi- 
mus nebulo. But he is not so Basr- 
minded ; is autem non tam humi re- 

He is so Base as to—&c. ; is tam 
abjecto est animo, ut—&c. 

It is Basx to be a liar ; illiberalis 
est voluptas ex mendaciis capere vo- 
luptatem. For that is the temper of a 
base and wretched disposition ; id enim 
pusilli minutique vitium est animi. 

He is of so mean, Base, and low ¢ 



106 BA 

a diction, that he is nothing to be com- 
pared with Cicero; oratione utitur 
adeo tenui et abjecta, ut eodem non 
hominandus sit die cum Cicerone. 
BASHFUL, or modest; verecun- 
dus, pudens, pudicus, modestus, pudi- 


To be Basurut; pudescere, pude- 
fieri, &c. 

Basurutness ; pudor ; verecundia, 

Shamefaced or Basurut; erubes- 
cens, rubore tinctus, rubicundus, timi- 
dus, gratiam in fronte habens.. 

A Basurvut man; homo timidus et 
permodestus, verecundus, virginali vere- 
cundia, modestia summa ; in quo mo- 
destiz multum est. Modestissimus vir. 
Admodum verecunda fronte puer, quem 
levissima causa in ruborem dat: vultu 
permodesto.—Verecundo vix tollens 
lumina vultu.§ Modestus, modestissi- 
mus adolescens, moderatus vir; tem- 
perati mores; sedatus animus; Cic. 
Modicum gaudium, domiti oculi, 

Co : ( 

A BASTARD, or ‘base-born child; 
Spurius, nothus, bastardus, illegitimus, 
adulterinus, filius populi, nullius filius, 
submissitius, supposititius, terre. filius, 
subdititius, inventitius. Cui fortuna 
non dedit, ut patre certo nasceretur. 
Partus illegitimus ; e stupro natus, stu- 
pro, illegitimo coitu, thalamo genitus, 
Nothus, Spurius, ex meecha, patre in- 
certo editus, atque susceptus, Non 
justa uxore genitus, Populi, terre fi- 
fius, Puer furto conceptus. Male con- 
ceptus infans; illegitimo thalamo ge- 
nitus ; incerto patre, muliere non nota 
natus ; haud proprio de conjuge geni- 
tus ; qui ne patris quidem nomen di- 
cere possit; male conceptus infans ; 
Ovid. Incertus; Virg. Varius; ex 
patribus conventitiis infans ; Plaut. 

To BATE, or abate ; subducere, di- 
minuere ; remittere de summa, dimit- 
tere, detrahere ; decessionem facere. 

Yo Bare, or to be abated; immi- 
nui, decrescere, residere, 

Barep ; detractus de summa, remis- 

A Batine ; detractio, remissio de 

_He Baten him not an ace, but told 
him all; nihil reticuit; Ter. 

A BATTLE, conflict or fight, &c.; 
pralium, pugna, dimicatio, congressus, 
congressio, conflictio, conflictus-us, m. 


In open Barriz; aperto Marte, 
aperto bello. *. 

A set Barrie; pugna stataria. A. 
battle by sea ; naumachia, pugna na- 
valis. ; 

To Batre ; preliari, dimicari, pug- 

To engage in Battue ; confligere. 

To begin the Batrxe ; velitari, pug- 

“ne preludere. 

He that is sent out before the Baz- 
tie to defy or provoke the enemy; 
emissarius. : 

To join Battie; pralium con- 
serere, confligere, signa conferre ; col- 
latis signis pugnare. Aa ' 

A Barrie before a city or town; 
bellum antarium; quod scil, ante ur- 
bem geritur, oe 

To sound to Batre ; militibus sig- 
num dare; Martem instruere, signa, 
bellum canere. BRA ie 

To sound a retreat from Batrte ; 
classicum, bellicum canere ;~ receptui 
canere ; canere recessus. dO 

To fight in Barrie against, §c.; 
preliari cum aliquo ; prelium commit- 
tere; prelio dimicare ; decertare pre- 
lio, manu, vel, ferro, confligere, conflic+ 
tari; Cic. Prelio contendere, confli- 
gere: conficere prelium ; Cas, Inire, - 
facere prealium: decernere prelio; 
dimicare acie; ad manus venire; cone 
ferre, conserere manum cum hoste; 
Liv. Decernere; absol. Tac. De- 
scendere in arenam; Plin. ’Concurrere 
cum aliquo ; Salust. committere ; Ulp. 
decernere, absol. Tac, ei 

They fought many Batties before 
the gates ; serebant-crebra pralia pro 
portis. : ; 

To put his forces in BatTLe array ; 
legiones in acie constituere; Cas. - 

To offer Bartie; productis copiis 
pwgnandi potestatem facere ; Cas, 

He resolved the next day to give 
them Barrie ; posterum diem pugne 
constituit; Ces. 

Tt came to a Batre; res ad ma- _ 
nus, atque pugnem veniebat ; Cic. 

To put it to a Battie; pugna de- 
certare; Cas, : 

The BarrLe was doubtful; vario 
Marte pugnatum est. 

To begin a Battie; certamen, 
pugnam, prelium inire ; Ces. 

Night ended the Batrie;. nox pre- 
lium diremit; Plaut. 

To make ready for Battie; ad cer- 


tamen se accingere ; ad saga ire: (Sa- 
gum autem vestimentum erat militares) 

He has won the Barr e ; vicit, su- 
perior evasit. 

A doubtful Barrie; prelium an- 

To run the hazard of a general 
Battie; in casum universe dimica- 
tionis venire. 

To BAWL, or cry out ; vociferari, 
clamare, exclamare ; vocem nimis ex- 
tendere ; plenis faucibus eructare, so- 
num edere: clamorem et contentionem 
adhibere ; alta voce inclamare, excla- 
mare tragice. 

You had better not have made a 
Bawtinc here; non fecisse erat me- 
lius hie cohvitium; Ter. Lycisca kept 
a great bawling; multum latravit 
Lycisca; Virg. He came bawling to 
me ; venit ad me clamitans ; Ter. 

To keep or hold one at a BAY; 
morari, sistere, tenere; aliquem ruen- 
tem impetu sustinere. 

To BE; esse, existere, fieri, Be i 
$0; esto, licet, fiat, fac ita esse.. To 
be hereafter; futurus. That which 
may or may not be ; contingens. 

To Be, is variously rendered in La- 
tin, according tothe word following it: 
as, To be in good health ; bene se ha- 
bere, recte valere. Tobe sick ; morbo 
affici, - To be in danger ; in discrimine 
versari, To be always before one’s eyes ; 
oculis obversari. Tobe at enmitr y with 
ene; inimicitias graves cum aliquo ge- 
rere. To be thankful; gratum se pra- 
bere. To be of no authority, i.e. to 
have little authority ; parum valere ; 
non multum posse. To be -a father to 
one, §c.; fungi vice patris, &c. ; ali- 
cui. He having been consul; perfunc- 
tus consulatu, 

Otherwise, to Be is usually a sign 
of a verb passive or neuter: as, To be 
taught; doceri. To be beaten ; vapu= 
lare. To be afraid; timere. To be 
under; subesse. To be in; inesse. 
To be away or absent ; abesse. Tobe 
present ; adesse. 

It is in Berne ; est in rerum na- 

They are not now in Brine; jam 
nusquam sunt; in rebus humanis non 
sunt. — 

I do little with Berne here j-pre- 
sens commoveo parum ; Ter. 

Beinc, or that is in being; exis- 
tens, positus, ens, 

BE 107 

I had Been at his house ; apud 
eum fuissem; Cic.: 

He has Bren absent these three 
monihs ; tres menses abest; Ter. £ 
was afraid you had beengone ; metue- 
bam ne abiisses; Plaut. J have been 
here a great while; ego jamdudum hic 
adsum; Ter. J will ‘make as if I had 
been there ; 3 quasi affuerim assimulabo ; 

Various phrases for, to Br. 

That Ishould Be at so much labor 
jor—; tantum me laborem ¢apere 
ob—; Ter. Jt cannot be but you 
must "say—} fieri nullo pacto potest, 
ut non dicas; Cic, Fieri id non po- 
test quin— ; "Ter, T believe he will be 
here by and ‘by ; 3 credo illum jam adfu- 
turum esse; Ter. Be it that masters 
may use severity ; heris sit sane adhi- 
benda sevitia; Cic. Not so much as 
I used to be ; non tam quam solebam ; 
Cic. If she be never so much of kin ; 
si cognata est maxime ; Ter. Be the 
price never so great, it is well bought ; 
sed quanti quanti bene emitur; Cic. 
Though you be never so excellent ; 
quantumvis licet excellas; Cic. Be 
they never so many; quantuscunque 
numerus adbibeatur; Quint. You 
would hardly be on his side ; cum illo 
haud stares ; Ter. So be it; be it so; 
e4, Ter. "What should the matter 

be; ” quid sit? Ter. So it be no trou- 
ble to you; quod commodo tuo facere 
poteris ; Cic. Sine molestia tua fiat—; 
Id. He could not bear to be out of 
command ; imperio Carere non potuit ; 
Cic. He ‘cannot be without this ; hoc 
carere non potest; Cic. If ang be 
grown so insolent ; si quis eo insolen- 
tie processerit; Plin, Till the rest of 
the company be come up; quoad reli- 
qua multitudo advenerit ; Sall. Desi-: 
rous to be gone ; cupidus decedendi ; 
Cic. He was making ready to he 
gone; abitum parabat; Virg. But be 
it so— ; suppose it be so, yet—; ve- 
rum ut ita sit, tamen—; Cic. IJ will 
soon (or quickly) be back again ; re- 
dibo actutum ; Plaut. But be that as 
it will be, or may be ; sed quoquo mo- 
do sese illud habet; Cic. Cui cui 
modo,est; Gell. If you be any where 
away; si absis uspiam; Ter. J shall 
be as mad as he; insaniam profecto 
cum illo; Ter. Be assured of this; 
crede hoc; Ter. You shall be put to 

_your cath; dabitur jusjurandum ; Ter, 

108 BE 

It will be ill for you; feres infortu- 
nium; Ter. It will not be; non fiet ; 
Ter. It happened as well as could be ; 
melins fieri haud potuit quam factum 
est; Ter. If he be true to himself; 
hie si sibi esse consentiat ;—Consen- 
taneus sit; Cic. Jt is as ill as it can 
be; pejore res loco esse non potest. 
There was no reason why you should 
be at so great pains— ; non fuit causa, 
cur tantum laborem caperes—j; Cic, 
Not to be tedious ; ne longum faciam ; 
Hor, He cannot be quiet ; non potest 
quiescere ; Cic. To be the cause of 
his own bad fortune ; sibi malam facere 
fortunam ; Colum. With as litle trou- 
ble as may be; minima cum molestia ; 
Cic. As great honor as might be; 
quantus maximus poterat honos; Liv. 
Tt must be accounted of as—; pro eo 
habendum. est atque—; Ulp. Jf so 
be he be willing ; si est, ut velit; Ter. 
Admit it be so; fac itaesse; Cic. But 
be it so; verum esto; Cic. So came 
he to be in fault ; hinc in illum crimen 
oritur ; Cic, Be it that all things hap- 
pen contrary ; ut omnia contra accide- 
rent ; Cice 

To BEAR or carry; portare, ferre, 
gestare, bajulare. 

To Bear or suffer; tolerare, per- 
ferre, pati. 

To Bear or bring forth ; parere. 

To Bear or support;  sustinere, 

To Bear down a thing in its way ; 
prosternere, proturbare, obruere, 

‘To Bear one down in discourse, and 
make him yield ; evincere, adigere in 

To Bear off at distance; neut. 

To Bear off; act. ; prohibere, pro- 
telare ; avertere, : 

To Bear one out ina thing ; secu- 
ram prestare, 

To Brar out, or stand jutting out; 
prominere, propendere. 

To Bear up; fulcire, suffulcire. 

To Bear up against the wind, tide, 
stream, &c. ; obniti. 

. To Bear up against a person; re- 

To Bear towards a coast in sailing ; 

To Bear with one ; indulgere, par- 
cere, dare veniam. 

| To Bear affection to one; ardere 


amore alicujus ; amare aliquem pluri- 
mum. ; Se 

To Bear one good will or respect ; 
animo esse in aliquem benevolo ; fave- 
re aliquem, complecti beuevolentia ; - 
voluntate in aligquem propendere. _ 

To Bear one a spite ; odisse, infen- 
sum esse. 5 Salto) 

- To Bear one company; comitari, 
deducere. es 

To Bear one’s. charges ; suppedi- 
tare, suggerere sumptis. = 

To Bear sway ; dominari, regnare, 
imperium exercere. : 

To Bear witness; testari, testimo- 
nium perhibere. 

The paper will not Bear ink ; charta 
transmittit literas. ; 

To Bear fruit ; fructum ferre, fa- 
cere, nent. 

To. Bear a loss ; prestare damnum, 

To Bear with or sufferunpunished ; 
sepius delinquentem tolerare, integrum, 
impunitum, liberum, intactum, sine 
pena, sine animadversione dimittere, 
nulla poena afficere, coercere. Delicta, 
noxas, offensas dissimulare, impune 
preterire. Facilitate, clementia, leni- 
tate summa, mira, delinquentibus par- 
cere, ad multa connivere, nihil in reos 
gravius statuere. Multa sciens, pru- 
denter, studio; data opera, conniventi- 
bus eculis, quasi velatis et clausis ocu- 
lis, dissimulanter transiit atque celavit. 

To Bear with patiently ; equi bo- 
nique consulere ; nedum illis. succe- 
sere ; clementia in aliquem, vel aliquos 

But they use to Bear somewhat 
with soldiers ; verum_ militibis aliquid 
concedi solet. 

To Bear the blame of the matter; 
rem aliquam sui periculi facere; Ter. 
Crimen in se trahere ; rei alicujus infa- 
miam, dedecus, subire ; damnum sar- 
cire. Suo ut periculo id fiat ; suo fac- 
tum iri in periculo ultro pollicitus, 

I will Bear it as well as I can; ut. 
potero feram; Ter. They say they 
bear a great load ; onus se A®tna gra- 
vius dicunt sustinere; Cic. He bears 
the chances of fortune very well ; fortui- 
tos casus magnoanimo sustinet ; Colum. 

That office did I Bean when Tudi- 
tanus and Cethegus were consuls; il- 
lum magistratum gessi consulibus Tudi- 
tano et Cethego ; Cic, 

To Bear one’s charge; or the 

charge of any thing ; alicujus sumptus 
sufferre ; tolerare ; Ter. : 

To Bear arms against— ; ferre arma 
contra—; Cic. _ 

ZI Bear it in mind ; in memoria ha- 
beo ; memini; Ter. _ 

’ You yourself shall Bear me witness ; 
ipse mibi tu testis eris; Virg. What 
prices bear swine here? quibus hic pre- 
ciis porci veneunt? Plaut. They bear 
a price ;, corum precia vigent ; Colum. 
Let him seli oil if it bear any price ; 
vendat oleum si pretium habeat ; Cato. 
Sicilian honey bears away the bell; 
Siculum mel fert palmam ; Varr. 

When for some cause they Bear qf- 
fection to any; cum aliqua de causa 
quempiam diligunt ; Cic. I bear good 
will to that maid ; illi faveo virgini ; 
Ter. They bear a singular good affec- 
| tion towards you; sunt singulari in te 
benevolentia; Cic. He bears an he- 
reditary hatred against him ; heredi- 
tarium in eum exercet odium ; Paterc. 
She is so old she is past bearing chil- 
dren ; parere jam diu hec per annos 
non potest; Ter. He gives more than 
his estate will well bear; benignior 
est quam'res patitar; Cic. He is not 
able to bear so great an envy; tam 
magne non est ‘par invidie; Mart. 
. He bears himself as consul; con- 
sulem-se fert; Tacit. As far as your 
estate would bear ; pro re tua; Ter. 

Not able to Bear such great costs; 
sumptibus impar. ~ Quis ita firmus 
ab opibus est, ut sustinere sumptum 
possit? Cujus divitiz sumptui pares 
esse possint? ferendo sumptui quis sit 
tantam impensam quis sustineat? Ita 
magni sumptus fiunt, ut ferri non, pos- 
sint: ita gravis est impensa, ut debili- 
tare atque opprimere quemvis possit : 
non is est sumptus qui ferri possit : su- 
pra modum, immoderatus est. 

To Bear rule, or to be in office and 
authority ; cum imperio esse. Gessi 

-maxima imperia, sustinui, administravi 
maximas res, summis rebus prefui, sum- 
ma mibi commissa sunt imperia, credi- 
ta, mandata, tradita: curam gessi re- 
rum maximarum; amplissimo imperio 
non semel usus_sum, magno sepe cum 
imperio fui. 

He Beans two faces under a hood, 
He says one thing and means another ; 
aliud pre se fert, aliud sentit. Vultus 
simulatione sustinetur ; aliud'vultu sig- 
nificatur, aliud in animo latet; non 


BE 109 
congruit animus cum vultu ; dissentit 
animus a vultu; animi sensum vultus 
occultat. Covelousness: now bears the 
sway ; avaritia hodie dominatur. His 
temporibus latissime patet avaritia ubi- 
que, ubique locorum, ubivis, ubivis lo- 
corum, nusquam non est, dominatur, 
regnat, viget maxime, orbem terrarum 
est complexa, omnium animos occupa- 
vit, ac tenet, in animos omnium irrep- 
sit, infecti sunt omnes avaritie labe : 
plus opere in re querenda, in opibus 
congerendis, in divitiis colligendis, com- 
parandis, contrahendis, ponitur, con- 
sumitur, locatur, quam deceat; avari- 
tie vitio hodie fere nemo non laborat ; 
propensi omnes fere sunt ad avaritiam ; 
ad summum pervenit avaritia, eo pro- 
cessit, eo est, avaritia progressa, quo 
maxime potuit, quo longius ,non datur, 
quo non licet ulterius. 

A BEARD ; barba. 

A little Bearp ; barbula. 

A long Bearp; barba promissa. 

He that has much hair upon his 

-Bearp 5; multibarbus. 

The ~ appearance of a BEaRp ; 
prima lanugo. To begin to have a 
beard ; barbescere, pubescere. 

Bearp.gss ; imberbis. 

A Bearp of corn; arista, spica. 

A Bearvep ear of corn; arista spi- 

His Brarp is newly grown; jam 
primum, nuper barbam induit, barba 
mento succrevit, exeruit se, effloruit. 
Jam prima puras barba signabat ge- 
nas. Jam prima genas vestibat flore ju- 
venta, Et suberat flave jam nova bar- 
ba come.—Prima_ tectus lanugine ma- 
las. Signarat teneras dubia lanugine 
malas. : 

To shave the Bearp ; barbam tonde- 
re, abradere ; barbam ponere, deponere. 

To let the Beary grow; barbam 
promittere, fovere, pascere, nutrire, 

To have a Bearp growing ; barbam 
emittere, pilos emittere; barbare, pi- 
lare: as, func primum pilabant gene ; 
Aatius. A long, grisly beard ; barbam 
alere hirsutam, sordidam, horridam, ca-_ 
prinam. Summogue cadit barba hispida 
mento.—Passus erat— genis increscere 
barbam. Cui plurima mento canities 
inculta jacet. Impexa pendet barba 
horrida. Mulcens promissam ad pec- 
tora barbam. 

To Bearp, i.e, teoutbrave; barbam 
alicui veliere, . 


110 BE 

BEARDED, or outbraved ; insolenter 
habitus, tractatus. : 

A BEAST ; bestia, bellua ; brutum. 

A little Beast ; bestiola. 3 

A wild Breast; fera. 

Beasts of chase ; feree campestres. 

Beasts of a forest ; fere sylvestres. 

Beasts or cattle; pecora. A herd 
of beasts ; armentum. 

A Beast for service ; jumentum, 

A Beast for sacrifice ; victima. 

Beast ty or brutish; rudus, 

BeastLy or filthy; foedus, obsce- 
nus, . : ; _ 

Beastuingss; bestialitas. Belong: 
ing to a beast ; bestialis, belluinus. 

Wild or brute Beasts ; fere bestie, 
mute bestia, belluz, bruta, animantia, 
animalia ; jumenta, a juvando; ut ar- 
menta, ab arando, majora sunt; pecu- 
des, pecora, pecuaria"minora, greges pe- 

Beastiy or cruel; belluinus, imma- 
nis, ferus, agrestis, importunus, atrox, 

Beastiiness and sensuality; effu- 
sio in voluptates, voluptuaria vitia, mol- 
lities, libido’ immoderata, belluina vo- 
luptas, foeditas contaminatissima. 

To BEAT or strike ; cedere, verbe- 
rare, ferire, percutere. j 

To Bear or knock; pulsare, plan- 
gere. - 

To Bear or punish ; plectere, pu- 
nire, male mulctare. 

To be Beaten or punished ; vapu- 
-lare, cedi, — . 

To Bear or overcome ; vincere, pro- 
fligare, superare, superiorem evadere, 

To Brat against, as the waves 
against the rocks; illidi, plangere. 

To Brat back ; repellere, repercu- 
tere. « 

To Bear down; demoliti, pessun- 
dare, discutere, obterere.. 

To Beara thing into one’s memory ; 

To Beat out, as corn with a fuail ; 

To Bear with a cudgel ; fustigare, 

To Bear black and blue ; sugillare. 

To Beat ina mortar; tundere, con- 
tundere. 3 , 

To Bear the price ; licitari. 

To Bear his brains; excogitare, in- 
genii hervos intendere. 

Beaten or stampt down close ; sti- 

A BEATEN way ; via trita, 

The Beatine of the pulse; pulsus 

- sare os. Tripode caput pectere. 

a Reig. 
arterie. The slow beating of the pulse ; 
pulsus languidus. The quick beating - 
of it ; creber pulsus. ee 

To Brat or strike with violence ; 
manus, vim alicui offerre, afferre, inferre. 
Vim facere. Fustibus, pugnis tundere, © 

‘contundere, verberare, ferire, affligere, 

percutere, pulsare, excipere, prosterne- 
re, diverberare, male accipere, diminu- 
ere caput. Male multare usque ad ne- 
cem. Colaphos, alapasinfligere, ingere- 
re, impingere, incutere, infringere alicui. 
Colaphis, pugnis, verberibus accipere, 

excipere, cedere, obtundere ; pessime 

tractare. Terga baculo fatigare, Pul- 
bus onerare. Omnes dentes labefecit_ 
mihi, Pugnus in mala hesit. Cola. ~ 
phis tuber est totum caput, Tergum, 
corpus virgis inscribere ; verberibus 
laniare, lacerare cruentis. te 
To Beat down with artillery, or te 
batter ; machinis oppida subruere ¢ tor- 
mentis concutere ; bombardis, dira ja- 

' cere fulmina; verberare urbem tormen- 

tis; machinis bellicis muros contun- 
dere, perfodere ; meenia ariete quatere ; 
Liv. Crebris- arietibus muros impe- 

To Bear one; colaphum -alicui in- 
cutere, inflectere, impingere; pugnos 
alicui ingérere ; manus alicui inferre ; 
pugnos in aliquem exercere; pugnum 
in os ingerere ; minus amice aliquem 
accipere ; male accipere ; asperius trac- 
tare ; vix manus ab aliquo abstinere ; 
virgis, verberibus; flagris, flagellis, pla- 
gis, loris, scorpiorfibus, quempiam, cx- 
dere, coercere, mulctare, cruentare, ex- 
animare, lacerare, ictibus aliquem one- 
rare ; duris onerare_pectora plagis. 

The Spartan boys were Beaten to 
death ; Sparte pueri verberibus exci- 
piuntur ad necem; Cic. 

To Brat one often; ictus crebros 
alicui congerere. . ee 

He Beat me with about five hundre 
blows ; plus quingentos colaphos impe- 
git mibi. (oe 

To be Beaten, or whipt with rods ; 
scuticis, loris, plagis, virgis, scorpioni- 
bus, verberibus lacerari, cruentari, va- 
pulare, muictari, conscindi, cedi, confi- 
ci, onerari, coerceri, frangi; ad necem 
accipi ; ita accipi ut multus e visceribus 
Sanguis exeat; ut multa vibice totum 
corpus rigeat; cruciari, foede laniari, 
dilaniari ;\ dari totum in ruborem, Vir- 
gis verberari, gravissimas plagas exci- 
pere, accipere, perferre, Flagellari, 


Flagris cedi. _Usque ad necem operiri 
loris, Loris uri. Flagra pati. Prabere 
corpora plagisx—Verberibus cadun- 
tur terga nefandis, Mea crudeli la- 
cerantur verbere terga. Duris one- 
rantur pectora plagis. Inusta turpiter 
tibi flagella. Laesus flagellis ad mortem ; 
preconiis ad fastidium. 

He Beat me with stones ; petiit me 

Words will do no good on such an 
ass, he must be Beaten with blows; 
asinus non sentit, nisi fustem. 

I will Bear him so, that he shall 
Jeel my fists; is pugnos sentiet meos, 
He made three great swellings by beat- 
ing on my head with his book ; tria is 
tubera, libro suo in verticem meum 
/ percusso fecit. 

Bzaten like stock-fish ; asello prox- 
imus. He beat me severely ; male me 
muictavit ; sam obtusus pugnis pessime, 

Thou shalt be Beaten soundly ; va- 
pulabis largiter. 

I shall be Beaten for it, if—; de 
meo alioquin tergo dependendum est, 

To Beat to death; mulctare ; dever- 
berare usque ad mortem; necem; Ter. 

He Beat them so, that—; adeo 
cecidit ut— ; Flor. ¢ 

You Bear, I only am beaten; tu 
pulsas, ego vapulo tantum ; Juv. 

He did Berar the consuls, or the 
consuls were Beaten by him; ab eo 
consules superati sunt ; Cic. 

To the end they might be the more 
easily Beaten ; quo facilius vinci pos- 
sent ; Cic. 

The billows Bear against the shore ; 
fluctus illiduntur in littus ; Quint, 

An old Beaten soldier ; miles eme- 
titus, veterahus. 

I will Bear out your brains ; tibi_ 

jem cerebrum dispergam hic ; Ter. 

BEAUTY ; forma, pulchritudo, spe-~ 
. Cles, venustas 3 decus, n. decor, m. 

A great Beauty ; egregia-sive la- 
_eulenta forma, 

To Beautiry or adorn; exornare, 
condecorare. To beautify the skin, 
and make it look handsome ; inducere 
cuti nitorem. To beautify the face with 
painting ; fucare, culorare, purpuris- 
safe, punicare. 

To be BeavutiFvut ; splendescere. 

To lose Beauty; deflorere, defio- 

Somewhat Beautirur ; venustulus, 
pulchellus, floridulus. 

BE .- 

Very Beavutirut ; 5 

That which makes more Beavrirus 

A Beavurirut youth; puer foriitod 
sus, speciosus, venustus, pulcher et ele- 
gans ; eximia pulchritudine excellens ; 
elegantia forme conspicuus ; cunctis 
forme dotibus insignitus; dignitate 
corporis prestans, Qui tantam habet 
pulchritudinem; ut nulla species ne 
excogitari quidem possit ornatior, Lon- 
ge ante alios specie ac: pulchritudine 
insignis. - Formosi , corporis. spolium 
dies auferet. “Candidus, et talos a ver- 
tice pulcher ad imos, Facie, specie in- 
signis. Forma conspiciendus, egregius, 
Egregio spectabilis ore. Qui forma vin- 
cit Nerea.—Magnum egregio decus eni- — 
tet ore.—Quis Apollineo peichiioe ore 
fuit ?. 

A BEAUTIFUL maid, or woman ; 
adolescentula, virgo, virguncula, fwemi-— 
na prestanti; eleganti, egregia, summa, 
eximia, singulari pulchritudine, venus- 
tate mira, specie : facie, forma bona, 
insigni, preter ceteras honesta, liberali, 
amabili, vultu venusto.. Venus altera, 
Venere formosior.: Ad-hanec quidem 
altera Venus invenusta est. Digna 
principe marito, vel ipso Apolline, 
Jove. Fulgor faciei rapitur momento. 
Forma nisi in veras non cadit illa deas, 
&c.; Ovid. Epist. 17, Non pulchrior 
ignis aceendit obsessam Ilion. Non 
tibi par usquam,—nec solis ab ortu, 
inter formosas altera nomen habet, 
Digna dea facies,—Nulli tua forma se- 
cunda est, Clara decore. Clarissima 
forma: multorumque fuit spes invidio- 
sa procorum, Nitor feemine splenden- 
tis. Pario marmore purior: enitescit 
sidere pulchrior; rosei decus. oris. 
Quanto splendidior, quam cztera si- 
dera, fulget Lucifer, &c. ; Ovid. Metam, 
2. 12. 

It is madness to Beautiry the face 
with painting ; genas purpurissare, fa- 
ciem fucis circumlinere, aspergere ; co- 
loribus genas inficere, pingere, depin- 
gere 3 naturale decus arte ficta juvare, 
et fuco occultare, cerussa faciem venus- 
tare (unde. cerussata mulier ;) \compo- 
sitis linere ora venenis ; et sic, effigiem 
mutare nature, amentia est ; Sen. 

To Beavriry or illustrate a dis- 
course ; orationi lucem dare, addere, 
rebus obscuris nitorem dare; aliquid 


rpulcher, cone 

- illustrius reddere 5 politius uberiusque 

112 BE 

ornare, perpolire, concinnare, illustrare, 
arte oratoria sermonem excolere, ex- 

Beautiriep with the gifts of mind, 
and of fortune ; ornatus animi et fortu- 
ne bonis. Honestus, gravis, plenus 
officii, bonus plane vir, et cum virtuti- 
bus, tum etiam fortuna satis ampla or- 
natus: animi bonis abundat, nee for- 

tunz tamen bona desiderat: animi bo-. 

na multa, fortune pauca possidet. 

To Bravtiry or adorn with figures 
of eloquence ; composite et ornate rem 
explicare, expolire, pingere, insignire, 
illustrare ; omnibus dicendi luminibus 
distinguere ; cum omni gravitate et ju- 
cunditate exprimere ; verborum senten- 
tiarumque floribus aspergere. 

Rhetorical flowers of eloquence 
much Beavutiry a discourse; elegan- 
tie rhetorice dant lucem orationi. 

Some other phrases for, to Beauri- 
Fy the face. 

Coloribus pingere, inficere, picturire, 
depingere, genas, faciem, vultum ; fa- 
ciem fucis aspergere, vultam materiali 
candore, rubore oblinere; preteritam 
jeventutem in ragis anilibus polire ; 
eolorare labra; purpurisso, stibio, va- 
riisque fucis ora, oculosque depingere ; 
vitia corporis fuco occultare; fuco 
splendente ornare comam; unguentis 
cuti candorem, raborem inducere ; vul- 
tum fingere ; Ovid. . 

A Beavtirvt lady ; altera Helena, 
quasi ex ovo nata; ut cerasum matu- 
rescens, aut uva purpurascens ; facies 
roseo niveoque colore mista, 3 

An excellent Beauty ; forma nulla 
parte non felix, 

She looks with a good honest face, 
and of native Braurty ; ila erat honesta 
facie et liberali, nullo inusta calamistro, 

The sun has injured her Bravry; 
sole admodum denigrata est. 

As fair as Beauty can be; I never 
saw a more beautiful countenance ; 
deum immortalem! qui fulgor? que 
forme majestas? ad hanc quidem al- 
tera Venus invenusta est. 

IT love not thy fair or Beavtirut 
Jace ; but thy fair virtue’s grace; ego 
non contemplor tantum istud undique 
florens, et elegans domicilium, hospie 
tem magis amo, viz, animam. 

A woman so completely Beautirut, 
that her person was portion enough ; 
uxor ea forma, que vel indotatam com- 
inendate poterit, 


A lady incomparably Beavtirvt, 
Sesercbg a prince for her husband ; 
digna vel principe marito,—Venerem 
celesti corpore vincit. , 

The Beauty of eloquence ; eloquen- 
tie nitor, - 

The perfect Beauty of the age; 
evi decor integer; seculi hujus forma 

Beauty is but a blossom ; forma ho- 
num est fragile. 

Beauty ts potent, but money 78 om- 

nipotent ; (forma quidem valet, et 
amabilis est; at,) quid non speremus 
si nummos possideamus. 

Beauty will soon fade; isti forme 

flos brevi defluxerit, que jam subrubet, 
ut vernis mane, pruina, rosis. ; 
BECAUSE; quia, quoniam, prop- 

terea quod, quippe, quippe quod, ideo 

quod, &c raete 
Becavseof ; propter, with an accus. 
ut, propter te; because of thee; and 
ergo, with agen.: as, Toi ergo; be- 
cause of thee. 
A little after he came back, Br- 

cause he said he had forgotten some-— 

thing ; rediit paulo post, quod se obli- 
tum nescio quid diceret, y 

Neither is there any man that lores 

pain Because it is pain; neque 
quam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor 
sit, amet. Zz 
He was somewhat angry with me, 
Because I defended him; mibi quod 
eum defendissem leviter succensuit, 
Yet she must die Brcausz she was 
born of the human race ; tamen ei mo- 
riendum fuit, quoniam homo nata erat. 
Because you acted the part of a 
good servant to me; propterea quod 
mihi serviebas liberaliter. ; 
A BECK or nod ; nutus,-us, m, 

To be ready at one’s Becx ; pendere 

ex nutu; gubernari nutu, et arbitrio 
alicujus ; Cic.: as, 

“At his master’s Breck ; ad domini 
nutum. He is at his beck ; nutu gu~ 

To Breck, beckon, or nod; nuete, 

innuere, nutare. 
To Becxon to one; annuere, innuere, 
\ Ready at a Becx ; expeditus ad nu- 
tum alicujus ; Cic. 
To signify or intimate any thing bg 
a Beck, or beckoning; nutu aliquid 
significare ; annuere alicui capiti ; nutu 
capitis assentiri, 7 

uis- | 



_ He Bucxons or gives a beck to one ; 
ne nods or winks to another ; alii ad- 
nutat, alii adnictat. 

To Becxon or nod with the head ; 
fiutu,, putu capitis gue vult loqui, 
pata et inclinatione capitis animum 
et mentem signifigare, indicare, aperire, 
patefacere. Quod fieri vult tacitus 
innuit, Annuere, nutu assentiri, Ad 
numen, nutum mentis moventur ; Lucr. 
supercilium ; Hor. 

Your Beck or nod shows what you 
think; significatio vestra declarat quid 
sentiatis ; Nev. 

To BECOME, to fit or beseem; 
decere, convenire. 

Becomine ; decens, conveniens. 

To Become, or come to be;  fieri, 

This garment Becomes:me; de- 

cet mevhec vestis; Plaut. 

So long as you do what Becomes 
you ; tantisperdum quod te dignum est, 
facis, : 

This does not greatly Become you ; 
hoc tibi non ita decorum est; Cic, 

Jt Becomes you to be mindful of my 
condition ; fortuna memorem te decet 
esse mee; Ovid. 

Tt Becomes incurable; evadit incu- 

_ What remedy but T must Become 
a miserable wretch; quid restat, nisi 
ut porro miser fiam? Ter. ; 

You make small account of what 
Becomes of me; tu quid de me fiat 
parvi curas; Ter. What do you 
think will become of you? quid te fu- 
turum censes?. Ter. But what will 
become of my brother? sed de fratre 
quid fiet? Ter. Whatsoever becomes 
of me; quicquid de me fiat; quicquid 
de me futurum sit. . 

He Became perfect ; evasit perfec- 
tus. He became so arrogant; eo ar- 
rogantiz processit. : 

What will Become of me? quid 
mihi, vel de me, fiet? Ter. 

Such as Becomes a banished man ; 
qualem decet exulis esse. 

Ii Becomes not an orator to be 
angry, but it does not mis-become him 
to feign or dissemble ; oratorem irasci 
non decet, simulare non dedecet ; Cic, 

In pleading few Become worthy the 
name of orators; in dicendo pauci 
oratorum nomine digni evadunt; Cic. 

Who you said was Become rich ; 

BE 113 

quem tu aiebas esse divitem, factum ; 
Plaut, : 

See, I pray you, what will Becom 
of you; vide, queso, quid tibi futurum 
sit; Cic. What will become of me 
afterwards? quid mibi fiet postea ? 
Plaut. What will become of thim 
whom I shall leave? quid illo fet, 
quem reliquero? Cic. What will be- 
come of my little daughter Tullia? 
quid Tulliola mea fiet? Cic. : 

You do as it Brcomes you ; facis 
quod par est facere ; Ter. Dike e. 

To Become more learned ;-doctior 
esse, evadere. : 

To Become a scholar ; sacre musa-~ 
rum militiz sub alicujus auspiciis no- 
men dare, 

They at length Become excellent 
and virtuous men; hi demum in visos 
virtute preestantes evadunt. 

It Becomes not your dignity, ho- 
nor, or majesty; est preter dignitatem 
tuam ; inferius majestate tua est; Tac. 

_ It is not at all Becomine ; haadqua- 
quam decorum est; a decoro alignum 
est; contra quam decet, &c,. 

This Becomes not a wise 

; hoc 

~ sapienti non obvenit. Hoc in sapiente 

minime cadit; non est, ut obvenire hoc : 
sapienti possit; hoc a sapiente ali- 
enum ; pertinere hoc ad sapientem non 
potest. f 

It is Become a proverb; abiit in 

A BED;; lectus, cubile ; torus, stra- 

tum, grabatus, &c, 

To go to Bsn ; ire cubitum. 

To lie in Bev ; decumbere. 

To keep his Ben ; lecto affigi. 

A Bep-fellow ; consors lecti, conta-. 
bernalis.- ; 

To be brought to Bev; eniti, partu- 
rire, parere. ; 

To make a Bev; lectum sternere, 
insternere, concinnare,. 

To go to Brep and sleep; dare se 
somno; quieti se dare, tradere, defessa 
thoro membra deponere, ad quietem 
se componere, nocturnam quietem ca- 
pessere, conferre se dormitum, : 

To lay one'on a Ben; aliquem in 
cubili collocare ; Cic. 

Bep-time ; hora somni; Suet, 

Let us go to our Beps; quin lectis 
nos commendamus ; Plaut. 

He goes Bzp ; it cubi- 
tum ineenatus ; Plaut. 

114 BE 

Bid them make the Bens for us; 
Jectulos jube sterni nobis ; Ter. 

We went to Bep ; cubitum discessi- 
mus; Cic. , 
6 He keeps his Bev; lecto tenetur; 


He is not able to rise out of his Bev; 
e lecto nequit surgere; Ter. — 

Why do you not rise out of Brp 
quickly ? quin igitur e nido provolas? 

At what o’clock are you accustomed 
to get out of Bev? qua tandem hora 
soles lectum relinquere? 

I make haste to Bep ; mature me ad 

Get you home and to Bep ; ocius te, 
tecto et lecto condas. 

Every one to his Bep; suum -quis- 
“gue nidulum adeat. 

To lie long in Bed; in multam lu- 
cem stertere, : 

I lay on'a down Ben, and slept 
soundly ; lectulo e lana anserina refer- 
to, indormiebam -suaviter, Olorine 
substernuntur culcitre, toralia perdicum 
subalaribus plumis referta. 

Have you made my Ben? lectum 
concinnasti meum? composuisti lecti 
stragulas ? ; 

A poor lodging, a bad Ben, fora 
weary man ; diurno itinere lassescenti 
torus ligneus pretenuibus paleis inster- 
nebatur. . 

Some phrases of the English word 
BEEN : as, 

Z have Bren ; fui. Thou hast been ; 
fuisti, &c. Had it been so that—; 
si ita esset factuin, ut— ; “Cic. 

I was afraid you had Bren gone ; 
metuebam ne abiisses ; Plaut. 

You have Been long enough about 
this ; satis diu jam hoc saxum volvis ; 

So as it had never Bren before ; 
quod alias nunquam ; Flor. 

I have Brxn here a long time ; ego 
jamdudum hic adsum ; Ter. 

It is never said to have Burn but 
once ; semel unquam proditur; Plin, 

I would tt hod Bren otherwise ; 
nollem factum ; Ter. 

We have Bren of great assistance 
to them; magnum his attulimus adju- 
mentum ; Cic, 

Iwill make as if Ihad Bren there ; 
quasi affuerim assimulabo ; Plaut, 

As we have ever Bexn used ; ut con- 
suevimus hactenus, . 


I had Ben at his house ; apud eum — 

fuissem ; Cic. 

He has Been away these three 
months ; tres. menses abest; Ter. 

Death has Bern present before my 
sight ; mors ob oculos mihi versata est ;_ 

Many things might have Ben ob- 
jected ; multa objici potuissent ; Quint. 

I have Buen up and down all Asia; - 

a me Asia tota peragrata est ; Cic. 

To BEFALL or happen ; contingere, 

accidere, evenire. 

BEFALLEN; quod contigit; quod 
accidit. ih ee 

If any. thing should Beratu me 
otherwise than well; si quid mihi hu- 
manitus accideret. A 

An accident or chance BeraLLinc 3 
‘easus, accidens, 

I know what has BeraAtien me ; 
quid mihi obtigerit scio ; Ter. Before 
I knew of any good that had befallen 
you; priusquam ego tibi, qued evenit 
boni resciscerem ; Ter, There has no 

- sorrow befallen him in his joy; huic 

nulla egritudo gaudio intercessit ; Ter. 
The same things would befall me; ea- 
dem mihi usu venirent; Cic. That 
cannot befall many ; id non potest mul- 
tis contingere ; Cic. 

I do not see that — 


it has as yet befallen any; idmemini * 

videg adhuc. contigisse; Cic. He 

guessed by what had befallen his ships ;+ - 

_ ex evyentu navium suarum suspicabator ; 


This has Berauuen me contrary to 
my expectation ; prater spem hoc mi- 
hi contigit. 

Pomcdceny, of time; ante, prep. et 
adv, wee." 

Berors, i. e. formerly ; olim, antea, 
antehac, dudum, prius. ; 

Long Brrore 
dum ; ztatem, 

A little Berore; paulo ante; sub, 
with an accus. 

The day Berore the wedding, fair, 
§c.; pridie nuptiarum, nundinarum, &c. 

Berorg, or before that ; antequam, 

Brrore, of place ; ante, pro, pre. 

Berore and behind; a fronte et a 

Bzrore, an adv. after to write, say, 
§c. ; supra, ante, prius, RB. 

Bzrrore, an adj. prior, anterior. 

BEroreE, i. e. in presence ; coram, 


3 jampridem ; du- - 



apud, ante, in conspectu. 
Berore all men ; palam, in propa~ 
tulo. Before one’s face or sight ; ante, 

_ ob, preter oculos ; sub oculis. - 

To be Brrore one’s eyes ; wale 

Berore, of comparison, i, €. more 
than ; plusquam.’ Ruiher than ; potius 
quam. Sooner than ;'citius quam. 

To prefer ong thing Brrore ano- 
ther ; preferre, anteponere aliud alii. 

_ To go Brrore ; preire, precedere, 

To get Berore one; prevertere, 
ptiorem esse. 

To know Berore-hand; prescire 


To pay money Berore-hand ; in an- 
tecessum dare. 

To doa thing Berorz it is desired ; 
prevenire desiderium. 

. Berore-hand in the world ; sipent 
on dives, locuples, &e. > 

I. Berore, coming before time, per- 
son, or thing, and importing the being 
or doing of something before that time, 
or the time wherein that person or 
thing was, is render ed by the preposi- 
tion ante: as, 

Nor did I ever see her Berore to- 
day ; neque ego hanc oculis vidi ante 
hune diem; Plaut. All philosophers 
hefore him, i. e. before his time ; omnes 
ante eum philosophi; Cics No man 

ought to be. pronounced happy before 

his death; dicique beatus ante obitum 
hemo supremaque funera debet ; Ovid. 
That in the mean time he should plead 
his cause before that day ; ut causam 
interea ante. eum diem diceret; Cic. 
They ploughed no lands before Jupiter ; 
ante Jovem nulli subigebant arva co- 
Joni; Virg. 1. Georg. Why should 
soldiers be afraid before the sound of 
the trumpet? cur ante tabam tremor 
oceupat artus? Virg. Ain. 11, He who 
was quite cast down and afflicted be- 
fore you were consul, is now quite re- 
stored and comforted again by your- 
self ; qui afflictus ante te consulem, re- 
creatus abs te nunc totus est; Cic. 

- IL, Berone, coming before a person, 
end wnporting the being or doing of 

_ something in the presence of that per- 

“son, is rendered by coram, apud, and 
ante: as, 

The matter was pleaded Berort the as 
senate ; coram senatu res acta est, The 
matter is pleaded before the judge ; 
res agitur apud judicem ; Plaut. Your 


BE 215 

sword was taken before the senate ; 
ante senatum tua sica deprehensa est 5 
Cic. Before Publius Cuspius I spoke 
with you; coram Publio Cuspio tecum 
locutus- sum; Cic. I am afraid to 
plead for the guilty person before that 
council; pavet animus apud concilium 
istud pro reo dicere ; Cic. He punished 
Mutina with torments before the con- 
suls and ambassadors ; aute consules 
oculosque legatorum ones Muti- 
nam verberavit; Cic, 

Note, if any thing be eaidt to. be, or 
be done, before the face, eyes, or sight, 
of any person, then will before be ren- 
dered, as by ante, so by in, ob, sum, 
and preter: as, 

Thou art present Berore my eyes 
night and day; mihi ante oculos dies 
Roctesque. versaris ; Cic. He cuts the 
children’s throats before their fathers’ 
faces ; in ora parentum fiios jugulat ; 
Sen. Death has been often present be- 
fore my sight; ob oculos mihi sepe 
mors versata est; Cic. Having re- 
ceived-so great a loss before their eyes ; 
tanto sub oculis accepto detrimento ; 
Ces, They were all carried before the 
sight of Lollius ; preter oculos Lollii 
omnia ferebantur ; Cic. How willing- 
ly would he suffer him to be before the 
eyes of all; quam libenter eum palam 
ante oculos omnium esse patiatur ; 
Cic. Lam afraid to praise you any 
more before your face; vereor coran. 
in os te Jaudare amplius; Ter, I had 
banishment only before my eyes ; mihi 

exilium duntaxat ob oculos versabatur ; 
Cic. No image being put before the 
eyes; nullo posito sub cculis simula- 
chro; Cic. The enemies poured them-. 
selves into the camp before the faces of 
our men; preter nostrorum ora, hostes — 
intra castra sese effundebant ; Cic. To 
fix these thefts before the eyes of all ; 
defigere hac furta in oculis omnium ; 
Cic. I had the honor of the common- 
wealth before mine eyes; mihi ante 
oculés obversabatur reipub. dignitas. 
That was not only in their minds, but 
almost before their eyes; istud non ani- 
mis modo, sed ooulis fere obversabatur. 
>a Burros; coming before place, 
and importing vicinity, or nearness — 
thereto, is rendered by ante, and pro: 

‘Lay it down Beroret our door; ante 
januam nostram appone; Ter. As he 

sat before Castor’s temple, he said ; 

116 BE 

sedens pro ede Castoris, dixit ; Cic. 

The spear being placed before the tem- 
ple of Jupiter, the defender of the com- 
monwealth ; hasta posita pro ede Jovis 
statoris; Cic.e Murders will be com- 
mitted before your feet, O judges! 
and amongst the very seats you sit on; 
ante pedes vestros, judices, inter ipsa 
subsellia, cedes future sunt ; Cie. 

IV. Bzrore, coming before action or 
passion expressed by a verb, is rendered 
by ante,-and prins, with quam : as, 

Berore I depart this life ; antequam 
ex hac vita migro ; Cic. As soon as I 
saw you, before you spoke ; simulac te 
aspexi, priusquam loqui cepisti ; Cic. 
He decreed, that nothing should: be 
done before the law should be-put to 
the vote for approbation ; decerncbat, 
ut, antequam rogatio lata esset, ne quid~ 
ageretur; Cic. To whom before I an- 
swer to any of the other things, let us 
discourse a little about friendship ;. cui 
priusquam de ceeteris rebus respondeo, 

~ de amicitia pauca dicamus ; Cic. 

Note: quam is elegantly parted from 
its particle ‘signifying Brrore by 
another word: as, 

Which cause was quite dead. and 
out of mind Brrore you were born; 
que causa ante mortua erat, quam tu 
natus esses; Cic. I knew long before 
you, that she had a friend ; multo pri- 
us scivi quam tu, illam amicum habere ; 
Ter. Before ever you stir withgut 
the compass of this circle; prius, quam 
hoc circulo excedas ; Val, Max, Nep- 
tune will first destroy Salamina itself, 
before that—, &c. ; antea enim Salami- 
nam ipsam Neptunus obruet, quam—, 
&c. ; Cic, 

V. Berore, coming after a noun 
of time, or an adverb, and having no 
declinable word following it, is render- 
ed by ante, tuken adverbially : as, 

I had thought of it four days Br- 
FORE ; id ipsum quatriduo ante cogita- 
ram; Cic, You will see them coming 
long before ; que venientia longe ante 
videris ; Cic. And a few days before, 
when he might have been brought out of 
prison, he would not; et paucis ante 
diebus, quum fagile posset educi e cus- 
todia, noluit; Cic. These things were. 

Sound out many ages before ; reperta. 

hec sunt multis seculis ante ; Plin. Al- 
though that had been given out and de- 
clared by the oracle of Apollo. a thou- 
‘sand years before ; quanquam id mil- 


lesimo ante anno Apollinis oraculo edi- 
tum _edset; Cic. , 
VI. Brrore, coming after a verb, 

and having no deelinable word after it, 
if it refer to something formerly writ- 

ten, or spoken, is rendered by supra, 

ante, or prius: as, : i 

I promise you those things which I 
wrote of Brerore; tibi illa polliceor, 
que supra scripsi; Cic. But,.as was 
said before; sed ut ante dictum est ; 
Cic. I wrote to you before ; prius ad 
te scripsi; Cic. 6 eae 

Note: Anrx so placed may be applied 
generally to any thing formerly done; 
but not supra, which properly signify- 
ing above, comes to signify BEronreE ; 
because, according to the old way of 
writing in volumes, that which was writ- 
ten before, was really above what was 
written after, and from this use of it 
in writing, it was easily drawn into 

These things also moved me, which I 
had expressed Berore ; movebant me 
etiam illa, que supra dixeram; Cic. 
But all that oration (as Ihave already . 
said before) is mine; verum hee om- | 
nis oratio, (ut jam ante dixi) mea ést ; 
Cic. There is nothing now said, or 
spoken, (or there is not any one. saying 
now ) which has not been said and spoken 
before ; nullum est. jam dictum, quod 
non dictum sit prius; Ter. 

VII. Barone, coming after a verb, 
and having reference to priority in 
order, space, place, or comparison, és 
rendered either by ante, and pre, or a 
verb compounded with one of them, or 
by the comparative prior: as, 

I love him Berore myself; quem 
ante me diligo; Cic. ‘Go youbefore, I 
will follow; 1 pre, sequar; Ter. 
prefer the most unjust peace before the 
most just war ; iniquissimam pacem jus- 
tissimo bello antefero ; Cic. The author 
preferred this work before that ; hoc 
illi pretulit auctor opus; Ovid. We 
will go Lefore; nos priores ibimus ; 
Plaut. One most savage, cruel, and 
barbarous in villany, before or beyond, 
i, e. more than all others; scelere ante 
alios immanior omnes; Virg. Ain, 1. 
And long before the bodies of all the 
rest, Nisus appears; longeque ante 
omnia corpora, Nisus—emicat; Virg.. 
En. v. Go you before; I tu pre; 
Plaut. That perchance may be ques- ° 
tioned, whether that common converse 


ought to be esteemed before modesty ; 
illud forsitan querendum sit, nnm hec 
communitas modestie sit anteponenda ; 
Cic. It became me to declare the mat- 
ter before ; oportuit rem pfenarrasse 
me; Ter. You must speak before, and 
we afterward ; vos priores esse opor- 
tet, nos posterius dicere; Plaut. In 
many arts before all, and in rhetoric 
or eloquence behind none ; artium mul- . 
titudine prior omnibus, eloquentia nulli 
secundus; Apul. 

VIII. Berore, put for rather or 
sooner, is rendered by ante, potius, ci- 
tius, and quam: as, I wish that Clo- 

- dius might live before I should see such 

-quam redeam, si—; Ter. 

a sight; utinam Clodius viveret, ante- 
quam hoc spectaculum viderem ; Cic. 
I would run quite away before I would 
come’ back, if—; aufugerem potius 
I shall 
want voice before I want names ; vox 
me Citius defecerit quam nomina ; Cic. 

Pritts is used in this sense by Ho- 
race, with an ablative case: as, Nullam 
vite prius severis arborem, (Plant no 
tree before [i. e. rather or sooner than] 
the vine,) 1. 1. Carm, Od. 18. 

I will destroy the one Berore that. 
[i. e. rather than, I should suffer my- 

self to be scoffed and mocked without 

_ ejus diei fregeramus ; ; Cic. 


any satisfaction ; alterum certe perdam 
potius, quam sinam me impune irrisum 
esse; Plaut. 

‘And so Cic. Vicinum citius adjuve- 

.tis in fructibus percipiendis, quam aut 

fratrem ‘aut familiarem ; lib. 1. Offic. 
The day before I went forth ; pridie 

-quam domo profectus sum. 

Other phrases. 

The day Berore he was killed ; 
pridie quam occideretur ; Suet. We 
had laid aside the opinion of Bibulus 
the day before that ; sententiam Bibuli 

day before I wrote these things ; pri- 
die quam hee scripsi; Cic. Ought I 
not to have had knowledge of it seoveti 
hand ; nonne oportuit prescisse me 
ante? Ter. Never before? nunc pri- 
mum ; Boéth, Antehac nunquam ; Ter, 
Nunquam ante hunc diem ; Pet. "They 
stand with their swords before the 8e- 
nate ; stant cum gladiis in conspectu 
senatus; Cic. The matter is yet be- 
fore the judge ; et adhuc sub judice 
lis est. 

Berore, id est , formerly, or in for- 
sh times ; antea, treviri liberi antea ; 



BE -117 

The enemy pressing on Brerore, and 
their own party behind ; cum hostis in- 
staret a fronte, a tergo sui urgerent ; 
Curt. ZI commended those things be- 
fore you; hee te palam laudaveram ; 
Hor. Before any authority came from 

‘you; nondum interposita auctoritate 
vestra; Cic. A little before his death ; 
sub exitu quidem vite ; Suet. A little 
before night, sunset, day-light; sub 
noctem, occasum solis, ortum lucis. He 
died the year before Iwas censor; an- 
no ante me censorem mortuus est; Cie. 
He forbade that he should come before 
him ; eum in conspectum suum venire 
vetuit ; Cic. The night before the day 
on which the murder was done; ea 
nocte cui illuxit dies cedis ; Sueton, J 
am ata great deal more uncertainty 
than I was before ; incertior multo sum, 
quam dudum; Ter. The day before ; 
proxima luce ; "Petron. The night be- 
fore ; proxima nocte; Cic. Before J 
had done complaining, she came in; 
nondum querelam finieram, quum illa 
intervenit ; Petron. 

Brrore, or a little before day-light ; 
anteluculo, antelucano, antelucio, adv. 
ti is before day-light ; antelucanus, 


Berore his eyes ; vivus vidensque, 
Before the eyes, face, or sight, of any 
one; ante oculos, ora ; in ora, os, ocu- 
lis ; ob oculos; sub oculis; preter ocu- 
los, ora; in conspecta. 

Brrore all things, i. e. chiefly o or 
Jirst of ali ; in primis; adv. &c. Vide 

Cuterty. Before this time; antehac, 
adv. Never before this time ; antehac 
nunquam, A little before night ; sun> 

set, daylight ; sub noctem ; sub ocea- 
sum solis; sub ortum lucis. 

To BEFRIENDone ; gratiam alicui 
impertire ; gratificari, gratia sublevare, 
amici officium prastare ; .adesse alicui ; H 
officia omnia amicitie prestare ; dlicui 
nullo loco deesse, usui esse, subvenire, 

To BEG, or humbly entreat; hu- 
militer et submisse petere, supplicare-; ; 
abjicere se ad pedes alicujus, 

To Bec, or earnestly desire ; obnixe 
rogare, obtestari. 

Let me Bec it of you; sine te exo- 
tem. To beg leave to play ; impetrare 
veniam ludendi. To beg or ask alms ; 
mendicare, stipem cogere. 

To Beccar one; ad inopiam, ad 
egestatem redigere. A beggarly fel- 
low; Irus. 

118 BE 

Let him be Beccen, for a fool; 
Prov. ad agnatos et gentiles deducen- 
dus est. 

They Beccen his pardon ; ut igno- 
sceretur petiverunt; Ces. 

She Brcs you would be just to her ; 
fidem vestram implorat; Ter. He has 
not a bit of bread but what he begs for ; 
vibo mendicato pascitur ; Ovid. To 
get hisliving by begging ; ; mendicando 
vivere; Plaut. 

I Beccep of him with tears ; pro- 
fasis ego lachrymis rogo, quescque, ut 
—); Petron. 

Grown as idle and lazy.asa Brc- 
GaR 3 otio resolutus. 

He is as idle and lazy as a Becoar ; 
otio torpet. 

A BecGar’s purse is always empty ; 
mendici pera non impletur. 

Various phrases for, to Bec or go 
a begging ; mendicare, emendicare os- 
tiatim ; obambulando, oberrando os- 
tiatim, mendicando victum querere, pe- 
tere, queritare, conquirere, colligere. 
Vestibulatim stipem rogare, cogere. 
Pro foribus panem efflagitare. — Preca- 
rio, aliena misericordia vivere. Manum 
ad stipem porrigere. Civium domos 
reece victus gratia oberrare. Men- 

icato pane vivere, Suam indigentiam, 
inopiam extremam sublevare. Eleemo- 
synam, stipem emendicare. Ex alieno 

Miserum est aliena vivere qua- 
dra. Vilia qui quondam miseris ali- 
menta negavit ; nunc mendicato pasci- 
tur ille cibo. - Exul, inops, erres, aliena- 

gue limina lustres ; exiguumque petas_ 

ore tremente cibum. Pontes per urbis 
errat exul et clivos, interque raucos ul- 
timus rogatores, Orat caninas panis 
improbi bucceas. Incertas et suspen- 
sas habere vivendi rationes. 

All is come to Beccary; res ad 
manticam venit; itur nunc ad sacu- 
lum, A beggar; pauper, inops; pau- 
perrimus; Plaut, Egens,. egenus, 
Egestosus, afflictus, #rumnosus, calami- 
tosus, flebilis, miser ; tedactus ad ino- 
piam extremam, miseriam ; indigens et 
pauper: angusta cui res. domi est ; 
Juv. Homo exili re, tenui fortuna : 
tenuis, per metaph, Homo tenuis 
conditionis: vel hosti miserandus ; 
nudus plane, qui censum*omnem devo- 
ravit, proterviam fecerit: defectus ad 
calamitatem ; natus miseriis ferendis ; ' 
cui contracta res est et adducta in an- 
gustum ; tenuiter peculiatus : Pausono, 

5 ' BE 

Codto; Tro, Telonico pauperior : qui 
omnem facultatem, seu universam sub- 
stantiam, indutus est, omnia sua secum 
portans: non habens obulim, unde 
Testim emat; non habens ubi pedem 
ponat : pistillo, paxillo, liberide nu- 
dior ; mendicus et mendjcabaltm £ To= 
gator; Plaut, 

To BecGar or undo, §e.3 militias 
opibus evertere ; fortunis exuere > Nau- 

- fragiam bonis alicujus inferre :_prasi- 

diis omnibus nudare : omnibus fortunie 
spoliare: ad mendicitatem redigere : 
nihil de bonis alicujus relinquere : om- 
nibus bonisviduare. BroGary ; sum- 
ma paupertas, inopia extrema, mendi- 

citas, rerum omnium penuria, ad nihi- yy 

lum redactio. 

To BEGET ; gignere, generare, pro- 
creare, propagare, progignere, Ae 28 

First Becotrten ; primogenitus, . 

An only BeGorren ; unigenitus, - 

The jirst BEGETTING} Renee 

Not Becorren ; improcreabilis, i in- 

BEGOTTEN unlawfully ; illegitimus, 

Becorten or born of the earth ; ter- 

To Becet children ; liberos gignere, a 
suscipere, procteare, generare, progig- 
nere, sobolem propagare, procreare, 
liberis procreandis operavi, dare ope- 
ram; concubitu indulgere, Veneris 
feedus i inire. Pueres creare. 

If I had Becorren any children 
with you; siqua mihi de te soboles 
suscepta fuisset. 

To Brcer or procure; ; conciliare, 
parere, parare: as, 

To Brcer, procure, or make friend 
ship ; conciliare amicitiam, 

To Brcer or procure men’s favor 
to oneself; conciliare -sibi animos 
hominum, wide 

To Brcet, procure, or cause, da- 
mages or inconveniences to one ; CORCi- 
liare alicui incommoda; Lucr, 

Virtue Becers and procures friend- 
ship ; virtus conciliat amicitias ; Cic. 

To Brcer or procure credit ; favor, 
&c. to himself; conciliare fidem, gia- 
tiam, &c. sibi, To beget or procure 
the favor of the army to himself by 
money ; conciliare legiones sibi pecu- 
nia; Cic. To beget or procure peace 
amongst any ; conciliare pacem inter 
aliquos, To beget or procure sleep, 
rest; conciliare somnum, quietem, 

 nere ad res majores. 



To Becrn ; incipere, occipere, in- . 

choare, ordiri, exordiri; cceptare, in- 
To Bzcin, neut. ; nasci, oriri: as, 
There Becan a quarrel between 
them; orta est inter eos lis maxima, 
The plague began ; coorta est pestis. 
To Bec afresh; redintegrare, in- 
staurare. ; 3 
To Becin a design ; instituere: as, 
To Becin to discourse ; orationem 
instituere. ae 
As you have Brecun to do; sicut 
facere instituistis. 
To Becrn a journey; ingredi iter. 
' To Becin a war; capessere ar- 
To Becin a quarrel first ; lacessere ; 
prior aggredior, adorior. 
To Brciw a thing luckily ; auspi- 
cari, auspicato aggredi. 
When the year Brcrns; ineunte 

Since the world Becan ; ab orbe 
condito, post homines natus, post ho- 
minum memoriam.’ 

To finish what he hus Becun ; per- 
texere quod exorsus est. 

To Been or undertake a work; 
‘opus ordiri, exordiri, inchoare, institu- 
ere, aggredi, incipere, auspicari, ado- 
tiri, inceptare. Operis fundamenta ja- 
cere, ponere. Rem institutam, sibi 

propositam babere. Operis rationem 

suscipere : primas lineas ducere. Ex- 
ordium, initium rei facere, capere, su- 
mere, Accingi, accingere se ad rem, 
-opus. Telam exordiri. Ex portu sol- 
vere : limen, vestibulum operis trans- 
ire. Evcarceribus prodire. Prima spa- 
tia ingredi. Aditum facere, iter ster- 
Felix operi prin- 
cipium dare. Dimidium facti qui 
bene ceepit habet: sapere, aude, in- 

. To Becry, or be begun ; redinte- 
gtascere, redintegrari, redordiri, re- 

To Brcrn to speak ; preloqui. 

To Beatin or come forth ; aboriri. 

To Becin to arise, as the sun; sub- 

Bzcuw afresh, or anew ; redinteger, 
novitius, renatus, repetitus. 

A BeEcinner ; inceptor, auctor, in- 
ventor, princeps, caput, semen, parens, 
dux; machinator; suasor, factor, ef- 
fector. oe ee 

The chief Bectnner ; proauctor, 

BE 119 

A Bzcinner, or young noviee in 
any thing ; tyro, tyrunculus, 

Seeing how things went, I Becan to 
suspect ; ex ipsa re mihi incidit suspi- 
cio ; Ter, 

Before I Brecan to speak ; antequam 
dicere instituo; Cic. I will begin 
tg Romulus ; incipiam a Romulo ; 


To Brcin with a definition ; a de- 
finitione proficisci; Cic. Go on as 
you began ; perge ut occeepisti; Plaut. 
I had a mind to begin with that; ab 
eo exordiri volui; Cic. . When I begin 
to speak ; initio dicendi ; Cic. 

When first I Becan to act; cum 
primum agere ceepi; Ter. 

He Becins the old wars again; 
renovat pristina bella; Cic. 

_ Charity Becins at home ; proximus 
sum egomet mihi; Ter. Tunica pallio 
propior. This mischief begins afresh ; 
hoc malum integrascit; Ter. As soon 
as you should begin to be a little better ; 
cum meliuscule tibi esset ; Cic. 

Jy heart always Brcins to ache 
when— ; horresco semper, ubi—; Ter. 
To begin a war; bellum suscipere ; ul- 
tro inferre ; Cic. Priores belium infe- 
runt; Ces, : 

By this time it Becawn to be light ; 
jam: lucescebat; Liv, Lucere cepit; 
Cic. I am to Bucin; mez partes — 
sunt prime; Varr. J began to sus- 
pect, to havea jealousy, to mistrust ; 
mili incidit suspicio; Ter. To begin 
a battle ; certamen inire; Ces. Liv. 

A Becrnnine or entrance; princi- 
pium, initium, exordium, primordium, 
origo, inceptum, ceeptum, ortus, in- 
choatio, inceeptio, caput, ingressus, 

The Becinninc of a matter ; causa, 
fundamentum, fomes, fons, scaturigo, 
radix, seminarium, &c, 

A Becinnine of any knowledge ; 
rudimentum, tyrocinium, 

A fresh BeGinninc ; redintegratio. 

A BgGinnino or rise; orige, pri- 

A Becinnine or first entrance ; in- 
troitus, ingressus, vestibulum, limen, 

The Becinn1nc of a speech; exor- 
dium. ‘ 

The Becinninc. is. most difficult ; 
principium, initium in quaque re dif- 
ficillimum.—Difficiles aditus primos 
habet. ~ Ardua prima via est. Princi- 
pio clivi noster anhelat equus.—Est 
artis tristissima janua nostre. Et la- 

 impingere, in carcere titubare: in li-. 

120 | BE 
bor est unus tempora prima pati, &c. 
Ovid. de Remed. Amor, 1.—Ut te- 
neros ledunt juga prima juvencos, fre- 
naque vix patitur de grege captus 
equus. € : 

To fail in the Becinninc ; in portu 

mine offendere, in ipso ingressu operis 

You were the Becinnine of all my 
preferment and authority; dignitatis 
mez auctor es. Dignitati mee pre- 
fuisti: a te primum fluxit, manavit, 
profectus est, ortus, natus est, extitit, 
honor meus: tu mez laudis origo, fons, 
principium fuisti. 

To Becin war is often rashness, but 
to end the same as it ought to be, is 
always the point of wisdom and man- 
hood; bellum suscipere, temerarium 
est: finire, virtutis, _Bellum suscipere, 
inire, inferre, movere, ad bellum aggre- 
di, arma capere, ire ad arma, sape te- 
meritatis est: conficere autem, perfi- 
cere, absolvere, restinguere, ad exitum 
feliciter perducere, victoria terminare, 
optato exitu concludere, non fortune 

» solum, sed virtutis etiam esf argumen- 

tum: gui’ bellum suscipit, is temere 
sepe facit, temerario impellitur consilio, 
temeritatis impulsu peccat: qui vero 
belli extrema delet, bello finem impo- 
nit, finem facit, finem statuit, belli re- 
liquias aufert, conficit, delet, non for- 
tune solum, sed virtuti quoque aceep- 
tum referre debet. : 

To renew war, to Becin war afresh; 
Lepidus bellum civile, inter cives reno- 
vavit, redintegravit, suscitavit. jam ex- 
tinctum, inflammavit jam restinctum, 
rursus excitavit, concitavit, denuo com- 
movit, conflavit, novo bello cives im- 
plicavit, cives in bellum denuo conje- 
cit, magnis belli fluctibus objecit: ex 
presenti jam tranquillitate magnas belli 
tempestates commovit, 

From the Becinninc of the world ; 
ab ipso mundi, orbis conditi, rerum, 
temporis ortu, exortu, exordio, initio, 
principio. Ab evo primo. A tem- 
pore conditi orbis: ab. orbe, mundo 
condito, creato. Ab ipsis nature, re- 
rum, mundiincunabulis. Una cum na- 
tura, tempore, genereque hominum 
prodiit, Post homines natos. Post 
hominum memoriam. Ex quo primum 
ceepit rerum natura, universitas, A se- 
culo mundi primo.—A prima nascentis 
origine mundi.—Prima repetens ab 


origine mundi, TF 

1 wish I had heard you all from the 
Becinninc; ac vellem a principio 
te audisse ; Cic. From the very be- 
ginning his letter is impudent ; inde a 
principio jam impudems epistola est ; 
Plaut. At the beginning ; inter initia ; 
Plaut.. I wrote in the beginning ; ini- 
tio scripsi; Cic. At my first begin- 
ning to act it ; cum primum eam agere 
cepi; Ter. Even from the beginning ; 
jam inde a principio— ; Cic. The be- 
ginning first shall be declared; pri- 
mum origo explicabitur; Cic, 

A BeGinneER; inceptor — i 

A BEGINNER or designer ; auctor, 
inventor. : . 

A BeEGInner. or setter on; dux, 
auctor, suasor. ; 

One man both the worker, cause, or 
Becinneg, of all our sorrow, and the 
revenger also; idem fuit nostri doloris 
auctor et ultor. Nostram vicem ultus 
ipse est; quem hostem eundem suimet 
ultorem habuimus ; eundem et iniquum 
adversus nos, et iniquitatis atque inju- 
Tiarum vindicem habuimus ;-auctor fuit 
ac punitor doloris nestri; quod nos- 
trum erat, ipse effecit, ut injurias nos- 
tras in seipso vindicaret, ulcisceretur, 
persequeretur. “ 

A work Brecun; opus inchoatum. 
Opus non modo non perfeetum, con- 
fectum, absolutum, ad unguem factam, 
sed inchoatum, ac rude reliquisti ; tan- 
tum abes a perfectione operis, ut prin- 
cipia vix appareant; tantum abest ut 
opus ad finem perduxeris, ut minimum 
ultra principia pracesseris, ut in ipsius 
pene principiis constiteris, heeseris, vix 
opus instituisti, vix aggressus es, operis 
initium fecisti, a fine autem longe dis- 
tas ; rem tu quidem habes institutam, 
sed perpolitio requiritur ; instituta res 
est, non perpolita; operis tu quidem 
fundamenta jecisti; fastigium adhu¢ 
tamen nullum videmus, nullum extat. 

From the Brecinninc to the end; 
ab initio ad finem, a principio ad exi- 
tum. Ab ovo ad mala. A prologo 
fabule ad epilogum. Ab exordio ora- 
tionis-ad conclusionem. A procemio 
ad perorationem. <A primo ad postre- 
mum, A carceribus ad metam, A 
capite ad calcem, Ab introitu ad exi- © 

In the Becinn1nG ; in principio, in 
capite, initio, in fronte, in frontispicio : 
in ipso operis ingressu, in exordio, pri- | 



mo gestu, in ipso vestibulo, prima fa- 
cie, prima fronte, primo aspectu, primo 


From the Becinninc ; ab exordio, 
ab initio, a primo, i, e. principio, a 
capite, ‘ab intégro ; ab radice, a cat- 
cere sive repagulo. 

To give a happy Becinntnc to the 

disputation ; disputationi felix princi-. 

pium dare,, 
To Brein to write; primas lineas 
ducere. He began his discoursé in 

' these words; in hec verba prefatur. 

He firste begins, or is the ring-leader 
amongst them all; funem ducit inter 

To fix the first Becinnine of a 
work ; operis fundamenta jacére. Now 
we enter upon the beginning or first 
boundaries of the empire ; jam nos pri- 
ma imperii spatiaingredimur. These 
were his beginnings, and the first rise 

- of greater things to him; hec illi in- 

cunabula erant, et veluti rudimenta re- 
rum majorum. 

To BEGUILE, or deceive ; decipere, 
fraudare,.deludere, frustrari, verba'da- 
re, astutia fallere, dolis deludere ; fu- 
cum facere, circumvenire. _ 

Although I have often been Br- 
GUILED in this case before now ; etsi 
sepe jam hec me spes frustrata est. 
Thus was I beguiled ; ad illum modum 
sublatum est os mihi. You may ea- 
sily beguile these; his facile imponi- 

BEHALF ; vicis, vicem, vice ; Hete- 
roclit.: as, In my behalf; mea causa, 
meo nomine, mea vice. So, tua causa, 
tuo nomine, &c. 

To BEHAVE himself; gerere, pra- 

bere se. 

To Benave himself well, ill, in his 
office; bene, male, provinciam admi- 
nistrare. _ 

Well or ill Benaven; bene, male 

Benaviour ; gestus-us, m. mos ; 
conversatio, &c. 

Good, or ill Benaviour ; boni vel 
mali mores. 

To Beuave himself well ; bene, op- 
time, preclare se gerere. "In 0 mu- 
nere optime se paravit, comparavit, vi- 
rum se preclarum, egregium, integerri- 
mum prestitit ; omnibus probavit se ; 
virum bonum, civem optimum implevit. 

Bexaviour, or manners; vite con- 


BE {21 

snetudo, mores, vivendi ratio, sui com - 

positio, sui ae en, 

Of good Beuaviour; facillimis 
moribus et compositissimis 5 in vite 
a consuetudine elegantissimus; optime 

They so Benaven themselves that— ; 
ita se gerebant ut—; Cic. I am re- 
solved so to behave myself i in my con- 
sulship, that— ; mihi constitutum est 
ita gerere consulatum, ut—j; Cic. 
Have you so behaved yourself that you 
are out of all hope; itane parasti te, ut 
spes nulla reliqua in te sit tibi? Ter. 
It is the part of a very great man, so 
to behave himself in so great power, 
that—, &c.; permagni hominis est sic 
se adhibere in tanta potestate, ut— ; 
Cic. He behaved himself so; ita se 
gessit, ita se comparavit. I have heard 
how you behaved yourself towards 
him ; perlatum est mili qualem te pra 
stiteris in illum, &c. He in that em- 
bassy behaved himself to the satis- 
faction of all ; is in ea legatione omni- 
bus se probavit. He resolved so to 
behave himself, that he might not seem 
to give any occasion of trouble or com- 
motion ; stamebat ita se comprobatu- 
rum rationes suas, ut ne ullius turbe 
causam dare videri. possit. To be 
bound. to one’s good behaviour; ad: 
bene se gerendum obligari. 

To BEHEAD, or to cut off the 
head; decollare, detruncare, obtran- 
care. Securi percutere, ferire. Secu- 
rim infligere. Capite multare, plec 
tere, orbare. Collum, caput, prascin- 
dere, precidere, Cervicem cedere. 
Caput amputare, auferre ; ense meteré, 
demetere, decutere. Capitali pena 
afficere, extinguere, tollere. A cervice 
caput rescindere, recidere, avellere, re- 
vellere ; abscindere cervicibus. 

Ferro colla rapit—Dividuum trans 
corpus hiantes Truncum oculi querunt, 
animus caput, Falcato vulnerat en- | 
se, Qua Ccollo est confine caput. De- 
cutit, abstulit ense caput. Caput cer- 
vice recessit. Jacet ingens truncus, 
Avulsumque humeris caput, et sine no- 
mine corpus. Sejungere corpore collay 
Qua cervix humeros con tinuaa tegit. 

He Beuravep near about five hun- 
dred ; capitis peene subjecit plus mi- 
nas quingentos. Cinna commanded 
his colleague to be beheaded ; Cinna 
college suo precidi caput jussit. 

122 BE 

the conspiracy being discovered, ali the 
barbarians were heheaded ; sed, con- 
spiratione detecta, barbari omnes capite 
diminuti sunt, 

BEHIND ; « prep. post: an adv. 
-- To be Brurnp, or, to be left be- 
hind ;-rélingui, superesse, reliquum’ 
esse, restare. 

What is Bentnp; quod superest ; 
reliquum, residuum, 

I. Beninn, referring to place, is 

rendered by pone, and post: as, 

My wife comes Bruin ; pone su- 
bit conjux; Virg. You lay lurking 
behind the sedges; tu post’ carecta 
latebas ; Virg. Behind the temple of 
Castor, there they are; pone edem 
Castoris ibi sunt ; Plaut. The cavalry 
or horsemen are soon perceived behind 
their back ; repente post tergum equi- 
tatus cernitur ; Ces. 

II. Bruin, importing something 
remaining to be heard er done, is ren- 
dered by porro, or the adjective reli- 
quus, or the verb supersum: as, Is 
there any thing yet behind? etiamne 
est quid porro? Plaut, Is there any 
more mischief yet behisti? nunquid 
est aliud mali reliquum? Ter. He 
says he has one work yet behind ; sibi 
memorat unum superesse laborem. 

What remains now behind ? quid nunc. 

porro? Ter. Goon I pray, for I de- 
sire to hear all that is behind ; 3 perge, 
queso, reliqua nempe gestio scire om- 

Other Phrases: 

To rail on one Beuinn his back; 
absenti male loqui; Ter. I will not 
come behind ; non posteriores feram ; 
Ter. What is behind, will be done 
within ; intus transigetur, siquid est, 
quod restet; Ter, They are behind. 
hand, in the world ; ad inopiam redacti 
sunt; Ter. He will be the same before 
your ‘face, and behind your back ; pre- 
sens absensque idem erit; Ter. J will 
not_ be behind-hand in courtesy ; non 
ero impar ad vicissitudinem rependen- 
dam ; Cic.* Officio posterior non ero. 
To take up behind him’; ad terga re- 
cipere ; Plin. Desirous to hear what 
is behind; cupidus ulteriora audiendi ; 
Plin._ He attacked them behind ; ag. 
gressus est a tergo; Flor, He has an 
eye behind him too; in occipitio quo- 
que habet oculos ; Plaut, 


To be BEHIND, in arrears ; reliquari. 

To be Bruinp in business ; weer. 
sare, , | 

Beutnp-hand in the world ; ad ino- 
piam redactus ; ere alieno oppressus, 

To come BEHIND one for estate, 
skill, &c. Cedere, posteriores ferre, 
imparem esse. To speak ill of one 
behind his back ; absentis famam le- 
dere, J will place myself here behind ; 
hic ego ero post principia,- Behind: my 
back ; me absente, : 

BEHOLD, or see; an adv. En, ec- 
ce! Behold him, her, those, these,’ 
§c.; eccum, eccam! eccos, eccas! el- 
lum, ellam! But behold another small 
epistle ; ecce autem pusilla - epistola ; 

Bruowp a miserable man, if—}; eece 
hominem miserum, si—; Cic. Look 
upon him, behold his countenance ; 
aspicite ipsum, contuemini os ; Cic. . 

To Bruowp a thing earnestly ; ali- 
quid quam maxime intentis oculis (ut 
aiunt) acerrime contemplari ; Cic, — 

Benotp the crime, behold the cause 
why— ; en crimen, en causa cur— ; Cic. 
We behold the faces and eyes of ail ; 
ora omnium atque oculos intuemur g. 

To Bruowp, view or -see; videre, 
cernere, spectare, aspicere, conspicere, 
intueri, inspicere, speculari, contem- 
plari, conspicari, advertere, animad-_ § 
vertere, obtueri. Oculis. rem haurire, ~ 

percipere, obire, prosequi, lustrare, per- ; 

lustrare, contrectare, intueri, contem- 
plari. Oculos in aliquam rem conji- 
cere, convertere ; alicui rei admovere, 
Obtutu. oculorum, diligentius observare. 
Collustrare oculis abunde, 

Lumina, oculorum orbes, aciem ali- 
quo vertere, advértere. Oculo, pro- 
spectu metiri aliquid. Huc illuc vol- 
vens oculos, totumque pererrat orbem 
luminibus tacitis, Singula visu eae 

—Totum lustrabat Jumine corpus.— 
Ad surgentem conversa lumina so- 
lem.—Cuneta perlegere animis_ oculis- 
que sequacibus, 

To Brnoxp, or view with earnest- 
ness or delight ; contemplari, obtueri, 

To Brenoip one with compassion ; 

To Brenowp afar off, or to espy; 
prospicere, speculari. 

After he had fully BenEwn or viewed 

all_things; omnia postquam abunde 
oculis collustraverat. - 

The eyes of all men Brnotp you ; 
in te omnium oculisuntintenti. These 
also are friends of Antonius, whose 
countenances my eyes gladly behold ; 
hi etiam fautores Antonii, quorum in. 
vultu habitant oculi mei; Cic. 

Benoup here; huc adhibe vultus 5 

To Benouv’ any thing earnestly 5 
ardentes oculorum acies aliquo torque- 
re; oculos dere aliqua nusquam deji- 
cere ; figere obtutum aliquo; ut, Ly- 
dice defixit lumina regnis ; Virg. De- 
fixis herere oculis ; Virg. 

To Benorp every where, round 
about ; aciem oculorum in omnes par- 
tes dntendere; inflectere; Cic. Passim 
eculos. per omnia ferre ; oculos per. 
singula volvere. 

To Benoxtp the earth or ground 
,/ stedfastly ; oculos in terram defigere. 
 Terram ‘oculis metiri ; obtutus humi 
- deprimere. 

In Benoxpine his or her excellent 
beauty we have all our eyes fixed ; in 

illius venustate, pulchrifudine notanda esse queam ; 

defixos oculos omnes habemus, 

To Brno any thing lightly or 
slightly ; per transennam aspicere. _ 

To Brnow any thing unwillingly ; 
zgris oculis aliquid aspicere. - 

That which we cannot Bexoup; 

_ qnod non cadit sub sensum oculorum. 

To make one to Benoip; ponere 
aliquid in conspectim alicujus; ante 
eculos statuere, sistere, ponere, consti- 
tuere’; in aspectum adducere, proferre ; 
in conspectu exhibere. Sub aspectum 
locare; ob oculos ponere ; “in oculis 

0 be BEHOLDEN, i. e. bound, or 
obliged to; deviacivi,; obligari. To 
make beholden ta; obstringere, - obii- 
- gare. 

Iam more Benoupen to him than 
to any one ; nemo est cujus officiis tam 
sum devinctus ; ; Cic. I was not be- 
holden to him at ali; obligatus ei 
nihil eram; Cic. We are greatly be- 

~holden to them; illorum_ beneficiis 
maxime obligati sumns; Cic. He is 
beholden to me for his life ; mihi vitam 
suam refert acceptam ; Cic. You are 
beholden to both the consuls; quod 
vats consulibus gratias agas est ; 
_ standing by him in his troubles; ille 

He was beholden to me fur . 

BE 123° 
mihi debebat, quod non defueram ejus  - 
periculis ; Cic. I donot mean to bring . 
it to that, that we shall be beholden to’ 
your courtesy for our safety ; non com- 
imittam, ut vestro beneficio salvi esse 
possimus; Cic.. I am little beholden 
to him; non optime de me meritus 

est; Cic. J am beholden to them; 
bene de me meriti sunt; Cic. He: 
wus beholden to his swore for his not 
being taken alive ; ne veniret in potes- 
tatem a gladio suo impetraverat ;. Flor. , 
Weare beholden to them for our live-: 
lihood; illorum beneficio panem man- 
ducamus ; Petron, I am. very much 
beholden to him; ego illi plurimum. 
debeo.. I acknowlege myself to be. 
beholden to you, (your debtor); mul- 
tus sum fateor in ere .tuo. Iam in= 
Jinitely bound and beholden to you, for. 

| this lute and great favor ; ex omnibus 

officiis, qua tu plurima in me contu- 
listi, hoc est longe gratissimum. J am 
so deeply beholden to you for this, 
that I shall live and die your 
debtor ; item’; hoc ego nomine plus 
tibi debeo, quam ut unquam solvendo 
si beneficiorum ‘momenta 
perpendam ‘quibus: tibi sum obligatus. 
I am so beholden to you, that I must 
« never expect to requite so great kind- 
ness ; non solum omnia debeo tua causa 
qua .possum, sed ea quoque que non. _ 
possum > hoc tu beneficio arctius me 
uibi devinxisti, quam ut possim dissol- 
vere ; tantum illi debeo, quantum homi- 
nem homini fas est tribuere. 

I must say you havebeen my bene-. 
factors, or that I have been. beholden. 
to you; 

You have sede me so much Br- 
HOLDEN to you that I cannot tell_ how 
to be thankjut enough; I am for ever 
your obiig ged friend and servant ; obli- | 
gatiorem me tibi reddidisti, quam ut 
nomen meum e diario possim unquam 
expungere; multis me nominibus tibi 
haud vulgariter devinctum esse agnosco. 
libere. ; devinctiorem me tibi reddidisti, 
quam ut zs alienum possim resolvere : 
hisce me officiis eternum devinxeris— 
demerueris. J am infinitely beholden 
to you; infinvilis ego nominibus tibi de- 
beo. Infinitely beholden or, engaged 
to him; irremunerabili illius beneficio 

To be Bexuoupen to other nitetns 
aliorum auctorum fontes delibare, “He 

istud. ego vobis acceptum: * 

124 BE 

is beholden to, and may thank his 
friends; ex aliorum fontibus suos hor- 
tos irrigavit. I am the most beholden 
to you, or youare the best friend I have 
in the world ; non vitam modo debere 
tibi me, sed animam quoque fateor. 
I was beholden to, or had these pas- 
sages out of, Tully ; hos flores ex Cice- 
ronis agris decerpsi. Fgive you hearty 
thanks for your good will to me, by 
which I am so well pleased that I ace- 
count myself much beholden to you for 
it ; habeo igitur gratiam de isto tuo 
erga me studio, quo hercule ita delec- 
tor, ut me tibi hoc nomine plurimum 
debere putem. Jam for ever beholden 
and obliged to you ; tibi sum obstrictus 
memoria beneficii sempiterni. J am 
much beholden to you ; in ere tuo sum. 
The which if ye will do, you will make 
me greatly beholden te you, us you 
have hitherto been tender in affection 
to me, like a father ; quod si feceris, 
me, quem voluntate et necessitudine 
paterna semper habuisti, maximo bene- 
ficio devinctum habebis. 

A BEING;; natura, f.; &c. 

I. Berne, coming between two casu- 
al words, the former whereof has some 
verb governing, or agreeing with it, 
has, nothing rendered for it, but is 
only a sign of the apposition, or agree- 
ing of these words im case: as, - 

My father Berne a man, loveth me 
# child: pater meus vir amat me pue- 
rum. They drive away the drones, 
being a sluggish catile, from their 
hives ; ignavum fucos pecus a prese- 
pibus arcent; Virg. They, being born 
of mean parents, aim at high things; 

“magna. sibi proponunt obscuris orti 

parentibus; Cic. Riches, being the 
occasion of much mischief, are dug' out 
of the earth ; effodiuntur opes irrita- 
menta malorum; Ov. 1. Met. The 
Gauls being repulsed with great loss 
take counsel what they should do; 
magno cum detrimento repulsi Galli, 
quid agant, consulunt ; Ces. 

Note 1. If the former of the two 
words, between which Brine comes, 
have not a verh either preceding or fol- 
lowing, that agrees with it, or governs 
it, then both the words are rendered by 
the ablative case absolute: as, 

Gaul Brine quiet, Cesar goes into 
Italy ; quieta Gallia, Casar in Italiam 
proficiscitur; Cas, Teucer being our 
captain, nothing is desperate; nil de- 


-sperandum Teucro duce; Hor. But 
the duties and offices of the youth or 
young men being declared, now- we 
must speak of heneficence to others ; 
sed expositis adolescentum officiis, de- 
inceps de beneficentia dicendum est ; 
Cic. . 
Note 2.-In expressions of this kind, 
the particle Berne answers to the 
Greek particle wy, or the Latin ens, 
formerly used, but now out of use,unless 
in the compounds of it, presens, absens, 
&c., and may be rendered jby existens ; 
but the omission of it is more elegant, 
or the variation of it by a verb with 
qui or cum, as ¢f for lgnavum fucos 
pecus, should be said,—qui sunt, or 
cum sint ignavum pecus : or for, letor 
guod absens es consecutus, should be 
said,——quod cum esses absens———$o 
Cicero, ille enim cum esset consul in 
Gallia, exoratus est For he being, 
i. e. while, or when he was, in Gaul— ;_ 
Cic. de Sen. 
Note 3. The ablative case absolute 
is governed of some preposition under- 
stood, viz. a, sub, cum, or in: as, Op- 
pressa libertate patrie [the country’s 
liberty being oppressed] nihil est quod 
speremus amplius, id est, ab, id est, 
after, as we say, (a prandio, after din- 
ner, &¢.) oppressa libertate——So, 
Saturno rege [Saturn being king] id. 
est, sub Saturno rege, or regnante, as 
Quintil. 1. 5. c. 10. sub Alexandro. So — 
Christo duce is cum Christo duce, or 
ducente; as in Greék we say, ovv beg. 
So, temporibusque malis [and the times 
being bad} ausus es esse bonus, id est, — 
in temporibus malis. See Voss. de Con- 
struct. c. 49. uP 
Note 4. The particle Bene in thi 
sense mau be rendered by @ verb with 
some one of these purticles, dum, cum, 
ubi, quando, si, postquam : as, Credo 
pudicitiam Saturno rege [id est, dum 
or quando Saturnus rex erat] moratam 
in terris; Juven. Arcadia judice [id 
est, si ipsa Arcadia judicet}; Virg. Ecl. 
quam res hz cognite sunt]; vide Far. 
nab. Syst. Gram. p. 78. ¥ 
II. Bretne sometimes denotes the 
essence or existence of a thing, and 
then it is rendered by essentia: as, 
Acting infers being; essentiam in- 
dicat operatio. Note, ens, essentia, 
and existentia, are words much used in 

theology and philosophy: rarely else- 

His rebus cognitis [id est, post- 

DN vere OULD Am AS 

TAMA | SVEN Tare das bs ML 

BLY ee a3 1k 

baat ve ert 
« # 

raid ema nek | 

7 BE 
where; Quintil. 1. 2. c. 14.. “Et hee 
interpretatio non minus dura est, quam 

illa Plauti essentia atque entia; 1d. 1, 
3. c. 6. odcla, quam Flavius essentiam 

-vocat : neque sane aliud est ejus nomen. 

Latinum ; Seri. Ep. 58. Cupio si fieri 
potest propitiis auribus tuis essentiam 
dicere: sin minus, dicam et iratis : 
Ciceronem auctorem hujus verbi habeo, 
puto locupletem.—Rogo itaque per- 

. mittas mihi hoc verbo uti; nihilominus 

_Sentia obstet, quin—; Ter. 

dabo operam, ut jus a te datum parcis- 

‘sime exerceam: fortasse contentus ero 

mihi licere; Quintil. 1. §&. c. 3.—Quo- 
rum dura quedam admodum videntur 
ens et essentia ; que cur tantopere as- 
pernemur, nihil video, nigi quod iniqui 

_ jadices adversus mos sumus, ideoque 

paupertate sermonis laboramus. 

Ill. Beine sometimes signifies pre- 
sence in a place, and is rendered by 
presentia: as, © > 

That my Burne here may not be 

any hindrance, but that— ; ne me pre- 
Your be- 
ing here prevents the doing of these 
things ; ea facere probibet tua presen- 
tia; Ter. 
- FV, Beine, before the English of 
the infinitive mood, is a sign that the 
word following is to be rendered by a 
participle in rus : as, . 

Tfone Bec to plead.a cause do think 
with himself— ; siquis causam acturus 
secum meditetur—; Cic. Cesar being 
to come, I wish I could see the day ; 
Cesare venturo, Phosphore, redde di- 
em ; Mart, 

V. Beinc, with a participle of the 
preter tense coming after a verb im- 
porting hindrance, is rendered by a 
passive verb of the infinitive mood, or 
of the subjunctive mood with ne: as, 

Winter kept the thing from Berne 
done; hyemws rem gen [ne gereretur 
res} prohibuit; Cic.. You both could 
and ought to have hindered that thing 
from being done ; et potuisti prohibere 
ué id fieret, et debuisti; Cic. ~ + 

VL. Berne, with a@ participle of the 
preter tense after the particle near, is 
rendered by a passive verb of the sub- 
junciive mood with parum quin, or 
prope ut: as, 

- Hewas near Beixc killed; param 
abfuit quin occideretur. The left wing 
of the Romans was now near being 
routed— ; jam prope erat ut sinistrum 
cofhnu pelleretur Romanis, ui — ; Liv, 


There was very little between his 
living, and his being killed ; propius: 
uili!l est factum quaim. ut occideretur 5 
Cic. Appius overcame, and was very 
near being made Dictator ; Appius vi- 
cit, ac’ prope fuit ut Dictator ille idem 
crearetur; Liv. The Roman common- 
wealth was very near being utterly 
undone, and destroyed; parum abfuit, 
quo minus Romana res funditus eversa 
periret ; or, nec multum abfuit, quin— 
&c. ; Liv. hae fae 
VIL. Berne, coming after these par- 
ticles far, from, is rendered by ut, aid 
a verb of the subjunctive mood: as, So 

far is death from being an evil, that— ; 

tarnitum abest ab eo, ut malum mors 
sit—; Cic. To the which I'am so 
far from: being a hindrance, that. on 
the contrary, O Manilius, I. exhort 
and encourage you to it; cui ego rei 
tantum abest ut impedimento sim, ut - 
contra te, Manili, adhorter; Liv,» 
Vill. As Burne is rendered by ut= 

pote, or quippe: us, A people that 

may be numbered, as being small; po- 
pulus namerabilis, utpote parvus; Hor. 
Democritus, as being a learned man, 
thinks the sun to be of a great compuss ; 
sol Democrito magnus videtur quippe 
homini erudito ; Cic, 

Note, Jf one that, &c. follow As 
Bzrnc, then the whole phrase is to be 

rendered by ut, utpote, or quippe, with ~ 

qui: asj~__- 

As Brine one who came to great 
sorrow by her death; utad quem sum- 
mus meeror murte sua veniebat; Cic, 
His breiher Lucius, as being one that 

had fought abroad, is the leading man 3 ah. 

125 _ 

Lucius quidem frater ejus, utpote qui: — 

peregre depugnayit, familiam ducit ; 
Cic. He knew you would, as_ being 
one that understood that you both reve- 
renced and feared him; scibat factu- 
ros, quippe qui intellexerat vereri vos 
se, et metuere ; Plaut. . 

Hither refer, ut, sometimes used 
alone for utpote, qui, &c, :: as, 

Tney say that he, As Beinc & furi- 
ous man, did answer —, &c. 3 aiunt 
hominem, ut erat furiosus, respondisse ; 
Cic. And so, scilicet: thus, 

i,:As Berne a very wise man, pre- 
sently-understood what he was; ego, 
scilicet homo prudentissimus, statin 
intellexi, quid is esset; Petron. 

“IX. Berne, after ceriain adjectives, 
viz. no, good, i, bad, safe, dangerous, 


126 BE BE 

&c., is sometimes put for to be, and is commorandi locum, incerti laris, My - 
rendered by esse, or some compound of being here ; mea presentia, 
it, which may be varied by a sub- Burne, i. €. to be: as, Tis good 
junctive mood, with quod, or ut: as, being here ; bonum est esse hic. There 
._ There is no Berne for me at Rome; is no being for me here ; non licet mihi 
non licet mihiesse Rome; Cic. I be- esse hic. tee. ; 
lieve it will be the safest being for Beinc, before an infin. is a sign of 
you here ; te hic tutissime fore puto; the future in rus; as, Being 0 come ; 
Pomp. Cic. . venturus. fig 
Note; If Betnc be put for living, Bein, betwixt two nouns, is a sign 
dwelling, continuing, &c. then it will of apposition, and that sometimes in the 
be better rendered by an impersonal ablative case: us, Christ being my 
passive. Nam hie manere diutius non guide, I rule; Christo auspice regno. 
potest; he can have no being [i. e. — This apposition is sometimes expres- 
abiding] any longer here. In this sed by, As Berne ; quippe, utpote, ar, 
time an honest man has but a most As being one that ; ut qui, utpote qui, 
wretched being at Rome; hoc tempore quippe qui. ue, 
_ bono viro Rome esse miserrimum est; To keep from Buino done; prohi- 
Cic. bere, impedire aliquid, ne fiat. Jt was 
Other phrases : * near being done; param abfuit quin 
Ttis in Brine; est in rerum natura, fieret. J am so far from being ; tan- 
I do little good with being here ; pre- tum abest ut sim. ; 
sens promoveo parum ; Ter. Youneed To BELIEVE; credere, fidere,con- 
not trouble yourself with [at or about] fidere ; fidem habere vel adhibere ; con- 
his being gone ; quod decesserit, non -cedere ; audite. Alicui credere, assen- 
est quod commovearis, As to your tiri, fidem dare. Rei fidem, firmissi- 
being surety for Pompey —; quod mam fidem dare, labere, adhibere, tri- 
sponsor es pro Pompeio; Cic. For buere, attribuere, addere, adjungere.: 
in him we live, move, and have our Aliquid certa fide complecti: persua- 
being ; in ipso enim vivimus, et move- sum persuasissimum habere. Dicentis 
mur, et sumus; Hieron. His speech auctoritatem revereri. De fide, integri- 
is yet in being; ipsius extat oratio; tate auctoris non dubitare. Hanc opi- 
Cic. Do think there will be any nionem imbiberunt. Certissima fide, 
thing the River decrees of the senate, argumentis indubitatis persuasum “est 
for my being at Naples? an minus mihi, adducor ut credam, ut non ambi- 
multa senatus consulta futura putas, si gam, ut mihi dubium non sit. Fidem 
ego sim Neapoli? Cic. So far was dictis addere, Prona venit cupidis in 
he from being covetous of money, that sva vota fides. 
—; tantum abfuit a cupiditate pecu- . Not to be Briieven; incredibilis, 
nie, ut—; C. Nepos. They are now fide absonus. ~ 
not in being ; jam nusquam sunt;— A person not to be BuLiEveD as a 
in rebus humanis non sunt; nulli sunt ; witness ; intestabilis. ” 
Cic. Do not think that after Iam .No way Bexrevep; nequaquam . 
gone from you, I shall not be at all in creditus, nullatenus creditus, 
being ; nolite arbitrari me, cum a _vo- More than any one will BELieve 5 
bis discessero, nusquamautnullumfore; supra quam cuique credibile est ; Sall. 
Cic. I believe I shallnot have anywhere One would not believe (or, it is more 
any settled being ; commoraturum me than any will believe ; or it is not to 
nusquam sane arbitror; Cic. A man be believed;) credibile non est; Cic. 
that has no settled being; homo in- incredibile est; Ter. Who will be- 
certi laris, The two camps being so lieve a word we say? quis habebit di- 
near the one to the other; in tanta pro- centibus fidem? Petron. If I may be 

pr ape castrorum ; Ces. believed ; #f you will believe me; si 
te chief uses of Berne may be ex- qua fides; Mart. Petron. JZ cannot 
pressed as follows : believe any such thing; mihi quidem 

_ 1. A Berne; ens, essentia. To be hercle non fit verisimile; Ter. I but 
in being ; esse in rerum natura, extare. -made you believe, to the intent to try 
One’s being or abode ; habitatio. To you; ea gratia simulavi, vos ut perten- 
have no settled being; non habere tarem; Ter. J believe she hardly knows 



- qui huic credas, 


me; illam me hand nosse credo; Ter. 
You shall never .make me believe this 

tale; munquam mihi fidem facias hu- 

jus fabule. To make one believe he ts 
in fear ; opinionem timoris prebere ; 
Ces. Maice me believe it if you can ; 
perfice si potes, ut putem; Cic. You 
are a fool to believe him; stultus es 
I could not believe ; 
non poteram animum inducere; Ma- 
crob. He could never have made any 
believe it, but that— ; nemini persua- 
sisset, nisi— ; Cic. 

Not to Betteve, or to distrust ; ali- 
cui minime, parum credere, confidere. 
Alicujus fidem suspectam habere ; in 
dubium, in suspicionem vocare, addu- 
cere, Ea fidem apud me oratio non 
habet, Nec Homerum audio, &c. Fa- 
bulis, rebus minime probabilibus, su- 
pra communem opinionem fidemque 
nature demere, negare, detraliere, de- 
rogare, nullam habere fidem. In nu- 
mero fabularum reponere, habere. Ad- 
jungere fidem rebus commentitiis nul- 

lam debemus. Omnia mibi sunt sus- 
pecta. Diffidere. 
Judicio fidem negat. Ne cito credi- 

deris, Tarda solet magnis rebus adesse 
fides. Tarda venit dictis difficilisque 
fides, Tarde que credita ledunt Cre- 

To Bewieve readily ; nihil reniti, 

- non reluctari. 

J Bewreve it not; minime credo, 
inibi non fit verisimile ; verbis, dictis, 
tuis fidem non habeo; supra commu- 
hem opinionem, fidem nature; abro- 

-gatur, detrahitur, fides tuis verbis cum 

vero dissidentibus, haud verisimilibus, 
sed absurdis. 

We ought not to Betteve feigned 

fables ; rebus commentitiis nullam de-- 

bemus fidem adjungere. 

Do not easily Be.seve false fellows, 
or dissembling flatterers in any thing 
they say of me ; ne quid temere credas 
sycophantis de me. Believe those 
things as the oracles of Apollo; hec, 
ut Apollinis Pythii adyta, tibi puta. 
I can scarcely make myself believe ; 
vix mihi persuadere possum, Yo make 
a thing not to be believed; alicui rei 
fidem abrogare ; Liv. One who be- 
lieves stedfastly or strongly; cujus in- 
certa, infirma, fluxa, fides non est.. If 
you do not believe what I say; si fi- 
dem apud te non habet oratio mea. 

Who, I pray you, is soignorant of all 

BE 127 

arts and sciences, as to Bevieve these 
things to be true? quis, queso, est 
tam ignarus omnium disciplinarum, ut 
ista vera esse, in animuminducat suum? 
You see how the Rutilians do believe 
things; cernis que Rutilos habeat fi- 
ducia rerum ; Virg. 

- So to behave himself that no man 
will Betizve him; abrogare sibi fi- 
dem. This will make your discourse 
easily be believed; hoc et auctorita- 
tem orationi afferet et fidem. The api- 
nions of many make me more firmly 
believe that; concurrunt multe, mul- 
torumqne opiniones, que mihi animum 

To BELIEVE new opinions, and dis- _ 
believe the old ; inserere novas opuo- 
nes, et evellere insitas. 

Beuier ; fides. 

Apt to Beuteve ; 3; credulus. 

Hard of Bewier ; incredulus, © 

Easiness of Bevter.; credulitas, 

Hardness of Bevier ; incredulitas. 

A wrong Bevier ; fides erronea, 

To have litle Bruier; diffidere, 

Past all Better ; incredibilis dictu, 
superans omnem fidem. 

‘Who weuld Beuteve it / proh deum 
atque hominum fidem ! 

I verily Betrzeve ; istud mihi est 
persuasissimum. J believe, or am very _ 
confident, that—; pro fide non dubia 
teneo. J will believe you, you need 
not swear ; credam tibi vel injurato ; 
nihil opus est jurejurando. J cannot 
believe that ; istud mihi non est verisi- 
mile, May I believe you? vis ut istud 
tibicredam? You may soon make me 
believe, or persuade me; mihi facile 
fidem facis. If you will not believe 
me—; si mihi parum habes fidei. I 
cannot believe you ; verba tua apud me 
fidem non faciunt. 

IT will Bevreve or trust him no fur- 
ther than I can see him ; parum spec- 
tate fideiest. I so fir mly believed it, 
that I durst have sworn—; vel fide 
mea dejerassem—. 

Betizve me, I speak the truth, in 
sober sadness ; me vide ; quod res "est 
dico ; serio loquor ; dispeream nisi— ; 
emoriar ni loquar ex animo. 

You may Bruteve me, and I dare 
warrant you, for it is no fiction; pe- 
nes auctorem fidei periculum esto; ne 
quod dico videatur tibi commentum, 

df dare teen aiid next unto gospel, 


128° BE 

what he says ; quicquid is de singulis 
pronunciaverit, ceclestis mihi oraculi 
vice fuerit, 

Bevieve tt if you will; id quidem 
est preter symbolum nostrum, 

To BELONG to; pertinere, atti- 
nere, ad ; competere, cum dat. 

He thinks not himself unconcerned 
in any thing that Betoncs to man ; 
humani nihil a se alienum putat ; 
He judged it to belong to them; id 
illis adjudicavit ; Cic. 
belongs to the- matter ; si quid etiam 
hoc ad rem pertinet ; Cic. What does 
that belong to me? quid me 
attinet? Plaut. ~ 

It BetonGs ; pertinet, spectat. 

To whom does it BELONG ? cujus-a- 
um, | 

Brtoncine ; attinens, Jt belongs 
much, little or not much, §c. to us; 
nostra‘maxime, magnbpere, parum, non 
multum, interest. That very much be- 
longs to the commonwealth ; hoc vehe- 
menter interest reipublice. 

This question Briones to philoso- 
phy ; hee questio in philosophia versa- 
tur. That duiy belongs to me; illa 
res ad meum officium pertinet. 

BELOW ; infra, subtus, Frem be- 
low ; inferne, de, sub, &c. See Be- 
neath, : 

To BELIE; mentiri, calummniari, 

To Bewie, or slander any one; in 
aliquem mentiri; mendaciis aliquem 
onerare ;. affingere aliquid in aliquem ; 
crimen in aliquem confingere ; de ali- 
quo mentiri; novis mendaciis ‘aliquein 
ageredi; mendaciunculis aliquem as- 
pergere ; Cic.: Laudibus alicujus ob- 
trectare ; laudi detrahere ; -falsa alicui 
obji jicere ; falsa predicare, contumeliose 

fo BEND; 

To Benn back; reflectere, retor- 

_ To Benn towards; inclinare, 

To Benn from ; declinare, 

To Benv inward ; incurvari, 

To Benp round ; in orbem fiectere, 

To Benv a bow ; arcum tendere, ab- 
ducere, sinuare, curvare, 

To Benn his brows ; caperare fron- 

To Benn his Sists ; os pug- 

To Benn himself, he mind to a 

flectere ; tinflectoie, 

If this at all 

thing ; a licarese, animam ad 
rhe LT BEND flexibilis, fen 
To Bend; neut, vergere, age 4) Oi: 
To Bux, or shrink under a burden 5 

sub pondere nutare. ~ > : 
To Benn, or stoop. down; ; incurvare 



proclinare, inclinare. : 

To Benn backward; recurvare, re- : 

plicare, reclinare. 

To Benp a little, or incline ; incli- 

nare » acquiescere, 

To Ben himself to ; applicate, 

To cause to Benn, or lean to; an- 

nectere, subnectere. 

To Benn downwards ; -inclinae, 
propendere, proclinare. , 

To Benp upwards ; acclinare, 

’ Benn all your wits about this ; toto . 
totam huc converte’ 
mentem ; Sen. He bends his mind to; - 

animo id age; 

animum iatelidlit ad; Curt. 

To Benp oneself wholly toa thing ; 
omni studio, tota mente, toto animo et. 
studio, toto pectore, omni cogitatione, 

curaque incumbere ad (in) aliquid; Cic. 
He kept his mind Bent like a bow; — 

animum intentum — arcum es 
bebat ; Cic. 
Benr on war; instinctus in Bellu j ; 

Paterc. Is he so bent on it? itane ob-. 

stinate operam dat, ut? Ter, © 
A crooked staff, and a little Benp- 

InG toward the top; bacillum incur-. 

vum, et leviter a» summo inflexum ; 3 

Cic. ‘ 

They are not able any longer to. 

Bend themselves; curvare se 
desinunt; Macr. He bends his bow ; 
intendit arcum; Cic. They bend 
them which way they pleasey: Hlectunt, 
ut volunt; Cic. 

It has a Benpinc course ; flexuosum 
iter habet ; Cie. 

They saw I began to Benp a little 
through fear; me paulum inclinare ti- 
more viderunt ; Cic. 

See which way these things Bako, 
ie. tend ; prospice quo ita v 
fo; ad id untm cogitationes omnes 
intendit; huic uni studet ; Quint. Cic. 

To Bun with the course of a ri- 
ver ; secundum naturam fluminis ei 
cumbere ; Ces. 

Benpinc to; inclinans. 


To Benn forwards; ‘propendere Ms 

ergant ; . 
This is all he bends his mind 

 Resolutely Bent; destinatus, obi 



Maliciously Bex against one; in- 
_ fensus cum Dat. ‘i 

The Bent .of one’s body; corporis 
nixus, Bent, or ready ; promptus, pro- 
nus, . 

Benz to a thing ; deditus, addictus; 
propensus, proclivis; adj. Psropen- 
dens ad, se convertens ad ;_ studiosus, 
appetens rei alicujus. 

Earnestiy Bent ; intensus, intentus. 

Bent against one; aversus, aversis- 
simus ; ad). 

A Benoine, or bowing ; curvatio, 
curvatura, flectio, inflectio. A bending 
backward ; recurvatio. A bending for- 
ward; proclinatio. A bending from 
or downward; declinatio, declivitas, 

BENEATH ; adj. infernus, inferns, 
inferior, infimus. Beneath; a prep. 
infra, sub, subter; an adv. Infra, 
subtus, deorsum. 

_ From Bengatu; inferne, ex inferis, 

I, Beneatn, having a casual word 
after it, is rendered by infra, sub, and 
subter: as, 

Beneath the moon there is nothing 
bué what is mortal ; infra lunam nihil 
est nisi mortale; Cic. They were be- 
neath those hills; sub illis mottibus 
erant; Ovid. Virtue has all things 
that may befall a man beneath itself ; 
virtus omnia que cadere in hominem 
possant, subter se habet; Cic. Cyteris 
did sit beneath or below E ; 
infra Eutrapelum Cyteris accubuit. He 
was advertised by the spies that the 
enemies had encamped beneath or be- 
law the mountain ;: per exploratores 
certior est factus, hostes sub montem 
consedisse ; Cxs. Almost beneath or 
below the middle of the country; sub- 
'_ ter mediam fere regionem: Cic. 

H. Benzatu, not having any casual 
word after it, is rendered by infra and 
subter: as, There is a copy ef that 
letter written beneath; earum litera- 
rum exempluim infra scriptum est; Cic. 
They said, ali these things which are 
above and beneath, are one thing ; om- 
nia hec, que supra, et subter sunt, 
unum esse dixerunt ; Cic. 

Other phrases : 

So that we might see all above, Br- 
NEATH, between ; ut omnia supera, in- 
fera, media videremus; Cic. But if 
he cast the net beneath or below, he 
heeps thé fish from escaping ; infra sin 

BE ~ 129 
jecit rete, piscis ne effugiat, cavet; 
Plavt. They have nerves and joints in 
the upper part, but only lines or. small 
incisures beneath or below, as a man’s 
hand ; nervos et articulos in superiore 
habent parte, incisuras vero subter, ut 
manus humana; Plin. |. 16. c. 24. 

A BENEFIT ; beneficium, gratia, 
officium, munus. 

Benerir, advantage, or profit ; com- 
modum, emolumentum,, utilitas, 

-To Benerir or profit one; act. Be- 
nefacere, prodesse. 

To Benerirt or profit by one, or by 
any thing; proficere. - 

To Brnerit or to do good to a man; 
prodesse, non deesse, emolumento esse ; 
usui esse, commodis alicujus inservire, 
beneficiis ornare ; gratum aliquid facere 
alicui ; aliquem adjuvare, ornare. 

I will never forget your Benerits | 
towards me, while I live ; beneficii me- 
mor. Tua in me officia nunquam ob- 
liviscar, semper meminero, memoria te- 
nebo, perpetua memoria tuebor, custo- 
diam, conservabo; tua erga me merita 
nulla unquam apud me delebit oblivie; 
nulla dies, nulla temporis vetustas ; 
non casus ullus, non fortuna magnitu- 
dinem tuorum erga me meritorum me 
minuet, ex animo meo delebit, tollet, 
auferet, oblivione delebit, obruet, ob- 
scurabit, extinguet ; vigebit in me tuo- 
tum beneficiorum eterna, perpetua, 
nunquam interitura memoria, nullum 
apud me tuum beneficium intermoritu- 
Tum existima ; tuam in me singularem 
benignitatem, incredibilem — liberalita- 
tem, semper in animo, semper in oculis” 
habebo; tuum beneficium omnibus 
meis sermonibus illustrabo, efferam, ex- 
ornabo, perire apud me, aut evanescere 
nunquam patiar; herebunt mihi in 
animo, mente, memoria fixa permane- 
bunt, impressa in animo ac mente pa- 
tebunt, extabunt tua beneficia; vite 
par, zqualis erit recordatio meritorum 
tuorum ; qui mihi vitam dies, illé ipse 
tuorum officiorum memoriam termina- 
bit, finis mihi, ac terminus vite, benig- 
nitatis et liberalitatis in me tue idem 
erit, futurus idem est; quam amanter 
me tractaveris, quam benigne mihi fe- 
ceris, quam studiase omni te commo- 
daveris, quam humaniter et benefice 
mecum egeris, quibus officiis amicitiam 
nostram colueris, prosecutus sis, quibus 
me rebus auxeris, ornaveris, honestave- 

130 BE 

ris; ipse mihi atque etiam aliis com- 
memorabo ; ita diu recordabor, quam- 
diu mibi vivere contigerit. : 

Other phrases for, memor beneficii; 
mindful of a Brenerit or good turn ; 
semper meminero, memoria retinebo, 
tuebor mente atque animo, nunquam 
obliviscaft, nunquam apud me delebit 
oblivio beneficia, officia, merita erga 
me tua, memorein me tibi, quecunque 
se occasio dederit, obtulerit, probabo ; 
gratum me tibi memoremque prestabo, 
prestabo tibi eam, quam debeo memo- 

riam meritorum tueram; gratum me | 

nullo non loco, nullo non tempore, me- 
morem gratie referenda, -studiosum 
senties, experieris, cognosces; grati 
animi laudem in me non requires, non 
desiderahis ; non committam, ut ingra- 
tum me appellare possis ; ut in illo of- 
ficio, quod bene merentibus debetur, 
jure me ac merito quisquam reprehen- 
dat; ut in vitium ingrati animi non in- 
cidam’; ne quis mihi turpem ingrati 
animi notam possit inurere, ingrati ani- 
‘mi vitium, crimen, culpam possit obji- 
cere ; ut ab ingrati animi vitio, crimine, 
culpa, turpi-infamia longissime sejun-' 
gar, discedam, absim, valde procul ab- 
=m > Ut éa culpa vacem, vacuus sim, 
Caream ; ejus culpe sum expers, quam 
committunt, qui nullam referendz gra- 
tiz curam suscipiunt, qui de referenda 
gratia minimum Jaborant ; enitar, et at. 
Spero, consequar, ut te de me optime 
esse meritum leteris, ut officia erga me 
tua voluptati ac letitie tibi sint, ut ex 
tulsin me officiis voluptatem capias, of- 
ficioram tuorum fructum feras, perci- 
pias, colligas ; ut gratie tue gratiam a 
me feras, ut parem tibi referam gratiam, 
par pari ut referam, ut officia tua pari- 
Lus officiis equem, compensem, remu- 
nerem, remunerer.. 

An especial Benerit ; summum be- 
neficium., Hoc ego summi_beneficii 
loco ponam, numerabo, inter, maxima 
beneficia, referam ; hoc apud me non 
exigui beneficii, non vulgaris gratie lo- 
cum obtinebit; ita credam, tulisse me 
beneficium singulare, gratiam tantam, 
guanta potest esse maxima. 

Your Benvrirs deserveall I can do : 
omnia debeo tuis beneficiis. Omnia 
tibi studia, omnia prorsus officia debeo 
tuis beneficiis; prasstare cogor tuacausa 
guicquid possum, quantum valeo, quan- 
tum consequi viribus possum, quantum 
est in me sitnm ; tua in me beneficia, 

’ Hor. 

BE | | 

meum omne studium, meum officium 
omnes a me curas, omnem industriam, © 
omnia denique que in me sunt, non 
solum postulant, verum etiam exigunt 5 
quid est quod ey tua causa non debe-" 
am? obsequi tue voluntati, morem ge- 
rere, parere, inservire prorsus omni re 
debeo. / : 
A conferring of Brenerits on one ; 
collatio beneficiorum in aliquem, __ 
They will either Benerir or delight ; 
aut prodesse volunt aut delectare ;* 



To BEQUEATH ; legare, testamen: 

to, voluntate ultima legare alicui omnia - 

suabona ; heredem ex asse facere, con- 
stituere, scribere, heredem relinquere ; 
aliquid dare, assignare, deferre.—- 


Hunc tabulis heredem, stulte, supre-_. 

mis scribis. Nil tibi legavit. Hare- 
dem fecit me Numa, convaluit. - a 
Yo Brequeatn first to one, leav-" 
ing the remainder to another; prele- 
To BESEECH ; supplicare, obtes- 
tari, obsecrare. Humbly to beseech ;° 
suppliciter, submisse precari. ° 
To Brsrrcu, or pray earnestly ; 
magnopere petere; aliquem impense,’ 
siudiose, obnixe, pluribus verbis, sup- 
pliciter, demisse, vehementer, iterum 
atque iterum, orare, rogare, obsecrare, 
obtestari, precari, implorare, sum-" 
qmopere, magna obsecratione: interpel-- 
Jare. Precibus cum aliquo agere, apud’ 
aliquem contendere; indefessis pos- 
cere ; prostratus, provolutus ad pedes, 

acriter, vehementer petere ; acrius, ve-— 

hementius instare, Omnes admovere: 
machinas. Summo, acerrimo studio ;’ 
maximopere ; majorem in modum ab 
aliquo petere. Ita te rogo, ut majore 
studio rogare non possim. Votis ar- 
dentibus, incredibili contentione pos- 
cere, exposcere, flagitare. Humillime. 
alicui supplicare. Maxima ope niti, 
ambire, Per amicitiam, amorem ; per. 
ego hance te dextram oro, obsecro. Per. 
genu tuum obtestor, Per tuam fidem 
comprecor. Preces descendere in omnes.. 
Supplice voce rogant,. Te pauper am- 

. bit sollicita prece ; per omnes te deos: 

oro. + ies 

_ To Besexrcu with tears ; implorare, 

I Beseecu thee ; sodes, pro, si au- 

des ; queso, obsecro, adv, a. 
I Brsercu you heartily ; magnopere 

a te pelo. / (ee. 



- Cic. No mortal man beside thee 


ZI Besercu you as you are honest ; 
_ per fidem tuam te obtestor. 

BESIDE, a prep. ; by, or nigh to ; 
prope, prupter, juxta, secundum, 

Besipr, i, e. except, save, but ; pre- 
‘ter, extra. 

_ Besipx, i.e. above, more than ; pre- 
ter, ultra. 

BEsIpEs, a conj. i. €. more, or more- 
over, furthermore ; preterea, porro, ad 

I. Besrpe sometimes denotes vi- 

_einity or nearness, put for by or nigh 
to, and is then rendered by prope, prop- 
ter, juxta, and secundum : as, 

Beste that village Annibal pitched 

his camp ; prope eum vicum Annibal ‘ 

castra posuit; Liv. Two sons lying 
beside their father ; duo filii propter 
patrem cubantes; Cic. We sat down 

* ina little meadow beside Plato’s statue ; 
_ in pratulo propter Platonis statuam con- 

sedimus ; Cic. He was buried beside 
or high by the Appian way ; juxta vi- 
am Appiam sepultus est; Cic. He 
received two wounds, one inthe stomach, 
the other in the head, beside or nigh 
the ear ; duo vulnera accepit, unum in 
stomacho, alterum in capite, secundum 
aurem; Cic, Puta little rod beside 
or nigh me ; bacillum prope me poni- 
tote; Cic. But I will go out and 
stand beside my father ; ego autem exi- 
ens consistam ad latus patris mei. The 
princes that stood beside the king ; 
principibus qui adstabant regi. 

Al. Brsipe sometimes denotes ex- 

, ception, put for but, fsave, or except, 

. and is then rendered by preter, preter- 
quam, and extra: as, 

Nobody thinks so Brsipe myself ; 
hoc nemini prater me videtur; Cic, J 
ask of you no reward beside the eternal 
remembrance of this day; nullum a 
vobis premium postulo preterquam hu- 
jus diei memoriam sempiternam ; Cic. 

There was not any of the kindred by 

beside one old wife; neque cognatus 
extra unam aniculam quisquam aderat ; 

Ter. Herillus so thought, that there 
is nothing good beside knowlege ; ; He- 
rillus ita sensit, nihil esse bonum preter 
scientiam ; Cic. I gave no 
them, beside what I gave to you; nul- 
das iis, preterquam ad te, dedi literas ; ; 

. &e. 

&c. ; nemo mortalium extra te 

BE 131 

IIL. Bzsipe sometimes signifies 
more, or more than, or over and above, 
and is then rendered by preter, or pre- 
terea: as, There were many things be- 
side these, which might justly have 
been objected ; multa erant preter hee, 

que objici merito. potuissent ; Quint. 
Except the captain and a few beside ; 
extra ducem paucosque preterea ; Cie, 

‘Therefore I think that I alone, beside, 

i. e. above or more than others, do have 
or esteem that thing chiefly ; itaque u- 
num hanc rem me habere, preter alios, 
precipuam arbitror; Ter. But after- 
wards we said nothing beside ; deinde 
autem nihilne preterea diximus ; Cic. 

And hither may be referred, preter- 
quam with quod, signifying besides 
that, or over and above that: as, in 
that ‘of Cic., nam preterquam quod te 
moveri arbitror. oportere injuria, que 
mihi a quoquam facta sit, ,preterea te- 
ipsum quodammodo hee violavit, &c. 
Att. 1. 9. And so in 3. deleg, 

For Brsrpes that those conventions | 
or assemblies were kept or held in the 
time of the civil wars— ; preter enim 
quam quod comitia illa essent in armis 
gesta civilibus ; Cic. 

IV. Brsipes sometimes signifies 
moreover, and then is rendered by porro, 
preterea, and ad: as, 

And Besipes, my wife would hear of 
it, by some means or other; atque id 
potro aliqua uxor mea rescisceret ; Ter. 
And then besides, that which would 
have been a second dowry to her, is 
lost; tum praeterea, que secunda ei 
dos erat, periit; Ter. Besides he at- 
tacked them in due season ; ad hoc eos, 
in tempore aggressus est; Flor, But 
besides whilst I endeavour to do as 
much as possibly I can for them, I have 
almost spent and worn out my life; 
porro autem illis dum studeo, ut quam- 
plurimum facerem, meam pene contrivi 
vitam; Ter. “But besides they say 
that you are going to Cyprus ; Seth 
rea autem te aiunt proficisci Cyprem ; 
Ter. Indeed besides those labors which 
I undertake in that cause,—; equidem 
ad reliquos labores, quos in hac causa 
suscipio, &c.; Cic.. 

Hither also may be referred, tum, 
which is sometimes so used: as, 

Bestpes,or moreover, I had no mind 
to wrong her ; tum ipsam despoliare 
non libet; Ter. Besides that he could 

132 BE 

not deny that he was taken; tum se 
deprehensum negare non potuisse ; Cic. 

Other Phrases : 

He is Besipr himself; delirat et 
mente captus est; Cic. Demens est ; 
Ter. Jt runs beside the very wall; 
preter ipsa meenia fluit; Liv. They 
must have water near them, to run be- 
side them ; oportet esse aquam propin- 
quam, que preterflaat; Var. 
are beside the business in hand ; a re 
discedunt; Cic. Besides that he was 
old, he was also blind ; ad senectutem 
accidebat etiam, ut cecus esset; Cic. 
de Sen. “ 

Besripes that; preterquam quod. 

Besipe the purpose; abs re.  Be- 
side the cushion; nibil ad rhombum. 
His wit serves him no more than if he 
were beside himself, or mad ; acumen 
delirat.. To go beside, or quite from the 
purpose; deerrare, declinare, aberrare, 
egredi, a proposito. 

To BESIEGE; obsidere, obsidione © 

cingere, circumvallare, oppugnare. 

To Bestzce a town; urbem, oppi- 
dum circumsedere, circumsidere, cir- 
cumvallare ; castris circundare ; corona 
cingere ; ferro obsessam tenere; obsi- 
dione, oppugnatione, vallo tenere, pre- 
mere, Cingere ; maxima militum copia, 
multis firmisque presidiis obsidere et 
oppugnare. . Muros obsidione claudere. 
Hostes exercitu, armatis copiis sepire ; 
vallo, aggere circumsepire, circumclu- 
dere, concludere, continere, prohibere 
ab egressu. Ad muros castra promovere, 
vineas et turres admovere menibus,— 
Celsam magnis oppugnat molibus ur- 
bem. Bello oppida quatere, tentare. 
Muro imminet hostis, Circundant un- 
dique muros. Urbem densa includere 
corona.— Montana sedit circum castella 
sub armis. Septena.muros castra The- 
bangs premunt, - Muris agmen, exerci- 
tum advertere, admovere. Ingenti ur- 
bem obsidione tenere. Urbem castris 
sepire ; bellicis machinis, tormentorum 
copia, et apparatu maximo, attentare ; 
longa obsidione fatigare; trahere in 
longius urbis obsidionem ; fame urbem 
suffocare,‘ obsidione premere ; castris 
positis ad urbem sedere ; hostem inter- 

To relieve the town from being Br- 
SIEGED ; obsidionem solvere, Urbem 
ab obsidione eximere, vindicare, libe- 
rare, Urbem ex obsidione eripere ; 
ab obsidione destitere, absistere. Ob- 

They . 

sidione, oppugnatione, absistere ; Liv. 
Castra movere, amovere; locum com- 
mutare, exercitum alio deducere. — 

BEST, an adj. ; optimus, prestan- ~ 
tissimus ; lectissimus, potissimus. Best, 
an adv. ; optime. Best of all, or chiefly ; 
potissime, potissimum, rectissime. t, 
beyond comparisen ; tam bene, ut ni- 
hil supra. 

To do his Best ; facere sedulo, pro 
virili, summo opere niti ; intendere ner- 
vos. To make the best of a bad bar- 
gain ; redimere se captum quam queat 
minimo. But what think you had we 
best do now ? .sed nunc quid faciendum 
censes ?—facto est opus? Ter. You 
had best do as I bade you; fac tu ut 
dixi, si sapis; Ter. J will do my best ; 
sedulo faciam ; ego quod potero, eni- _ 
tar sedulo ; Ter. They did their best; — 

ro se quisque» sedulo faciebant; Ter. — 
But when I had done the best I could ; 
sed cum omnia fecissem; Cic, —_. 

‘It is the Best course you can take ; ; 
nihil prius; Ter. “We must do the 
best we can (our best—) that— ; omnis 
adhibenda cura erit, ut—; Cic. J 
may hence be best understood ; ex hoe 
intelligi maxime potest ; maxime per- 
spici; Cic. From whence it might be 
best seen ; ex quo maxime conspici po- 
terat; Plin. The society of men will 
be best preserved, if— ; optime socie- 
tas hominum servabitur, si—; Cie. 

So as they may Best hang together ; 2. 
ita ut quam aptissime cohereant; Cic. 

We strive who should leve himBgsr ; 
quem certatim amamus ; Cic. I think 
you had best come to me; censeo ad 
nos venias; Pomp. Every man likes 
his own best ; sua cuique res est caris- 
sima; Petron. He is none of the best ;. 
homo non probatissimus ; Cic. ‘ 

I think it Best for you ; nihil puto 
tibi esse utilius ; Cic. To the best of 
my power; pro virili parte ;—modo 
virium ;—viribus ; Cic, Quint. quod 

‘queo. Tothe best of my r 

ut nunc maxime memini; Plaut. Ut 
mea memoria est; Cie. You can tell 
the best yourself ; tu es optimus tes- 
tis—; Cic. The best philosopher ; 
princeps philosophorum; Cic, - — 

What had we Best ‘ quid consi- 
lii capiemus? quid nobis potissimum 
opus facto fiet? They could not tell 
what were do ;—what course 
were best to take ; nesciebant quid pree+ 
staret; Ces. They buy their wares at 





the best hand; mercimonias a’magna- 
riis negotiatoribus, qui in solidum ven- 
dunt; coemunt. Do your best to get 
it done ; operam, ut fiat, da; Ter. To 
make the best of every thing 3 lucrnm 
undicunque captare ; utilitatem in om- 
nibus sectari. 

To put the Best construction on any 
thing ; wqui bonique consulere. To 
strive who shall do best; zmulari, 
Striving who shall do best ; zemulatione 
virtutis moti. He is absolutely the best ; 

quo sol nihil unquam vidit excellentius. 

This is the best, I prefer it to all; 
ego hoc optimum, prestantissimum, an- 
tiquissimum, habeo. He is the best; 

ille palmam fert, preripit. Spes eregis: : 

qui eminebat inter illos. Plurimis su- 
_ perat parasangis. This is the best, or far 
better ; optimum hoc, vel satius 
multo quam—,&c. He hus done 
his best, his masterpiece ; summam artis 
expressit. When you have all done your 
best; vos, cum omnes officii numeros 
impleveritis, The best that ever man 
saw ; quicquid eximium noster habet 
aut alter orbis, longo post intervallo 
sequitur. The best men of the city ; 
optimates urbis. To have the best 

~ of  aliquem aliqua re vincere, su- 

To BESTIR himself ; j; omnes nervos 

- intendere ; inniti sedulo-; omnem ope- 

Tam navare; summe laborare ; omnem 
movere lapidem ; nallam laborem pre- 

To BESTOW, or give; largiri, con- 
_ferre, impertiri. 

To Besrow, or lay out ; brpbaiees, 
impendere, msumere, erogare. 

To Bestow, or place ; “locare, collo- 
care, elocare. 

To Brstow on charity ; erogare. 

To Bestow, or lay up ; recondere, 

To Bestow cost ; sumptum facere. 

To Bzstow his pains ; locare ope- 
ram, Curam ponere in re aliqua, 

To Brsrow his time; conterere 
tempus ; collocare bonas horas. 

To Busvow gifts on one; aliquem 
muneribus cumulare, 

To Bestow a daughter; filiam col- 
locare ; nuptum dare. 

How will you Bestow yourself? 
quid interea acturus es? You bestowed 

expense on her ; sumptus fecisti in eam ;’ 

Ter. He scarcely bestowed ten groats 
in provisions ; vix drachmis of agp rome 
est decem ; Ter. 


BE 133 

It is the best Bestowep money” I 
have laid out this good while; nec quic- 
quam argenti locavi. jamdiu usq 
que bene; Plaut. My labor will be 
well bestowed ; bene erit opera posita; — 
Cic. Tam sure I could never have be. 
stowed my labor better; certe ego ope- 
ram nusquam melius potui ponere ; 
Plaut. They wonder that I bestow so 
much pains and time in it ; in eo tan- 
tum me opere et temporis ponere mi- 
rantur; Cic. All that time wus be- 
stowed in reading ; id omne (tempus) 
consumebatur in legendo; Cic. Bestow 
all upon this one ; omnia in hunc unum 
“conferas ; Cic. 

To Brstow pains on things; ope- 
ram conferre in res; Cic. 

Kindness is. better BestowreD on 
good, than on rich men; melius apud 
bonos, quam apud fortunatos beneficium 
collocatur; Cic. Bestow some time 
on this consideration ; aliquid imper- 
tias temporis huic cogitationi; Cic. 
The booty he bestowed on the 
soldiers; predam wmilitibus denat; 

To Bestow a kindness ; ;_beneficium 
alicui dare, deferre, in aliquem conferre, 
collocare ; Cic. 

To Brstow, or give, a present or 
gift; munere afficere: Donare cui- 
quam, dona dare, largiri, munus offerre 
cuiquam, donis quenquam ‘aflicere, do- 
nare quenquam munere, dona in quen- 
quam conterre, munera conferre, li- 
beralis in quenquam esse, liberalitate 
uti, liberalitatem exercere non soles, i in 
consuetudine non habes. : 

To Bestow a benefit on, or to doa 
good turn ; beneficentia prosequi ; be- 
nevolentia, amore, amicitia afficere. 
Beneficiis, bonis conditionibus aliquem 
augere ; cumulare officiis ; beneficium 
in aliquem conferre ; bene dé aliquo 
mereri ; beneficio afficere; observantia 
coleré ; benefacere ; benefacta cumu- 
lare ; rem facere alicui gratam, quam . 
gratissimam ; benignitatem, officia con- 
ferre ; benevolentiam declarare, ‘prz- 
stare ; ; apud Cic, Tribuere operam a- 
micis, officium homini amicissimo ; be- 
nigne alicui facere ; aliquem beneficio 
demereri ; plurimum humanitatis alicui 
impertire; thesauros sue bonitatis alicui 
explicare; aliquid alicui beneficit loco 
deferre ; ‘officia omnia amicitie alicui 
prestare ; 3 arctissimo meritoram vinculo 
aliquem sibi astringere. ae » sigs 

134 BE 

‘num, testimonium, pignus humanitatis . 

apud aliquem relinquere; bene po- 
nere beneficium apud aliquem; bene- 

ficiis et liberalitate aliquem prosequi ;: 

large, munifice, honorifice aliquem ex- 
cipere, tractare; suo beneficio aliquem 
astrictum habere ; muneribus magnitu- 
dine immensis, numero infinitis, digni- 
tate excellentibus aliquem afficere. 

Besrow this benefit on me; pre- 
stes mihi hoc beneficium. ~ I do hearti- 
- ly wish, O Brutus, that you could 
bestow your endeavours in that affair ; 
quam vellem, Brute, studium tuum hac 
in re navare potuisses ; Cic. 

Benefits being Bestowep on both 
sides ; beneficiis ultro citroque datis et 

I am bound and obliged to him by 
the perpetual memory of a_ benefit 
Bestowep on me; illi sum astrictus 
memoria beneficii in me collati sempi- 
_ terna. 

He Bestowen the greatest benefits 
on this city, at this man’s request ; 
summa in eam civitatem, hujus rogatu, 
studia et beneficia contulit. 

For when the king had Bestowep 
and heaped upon him all the benefits 
he could ; cum enim in illum omnia 
quz potuisset beneficia plena mann rex 

I know that all the benefits I have 
BestowrD on you are very grate- 
fully accepted by you; cognovi omnia 
que a me profecta sunt beneficia in 
te, tibi accidisse gratissima. 

Is there any on whom the benefits 
of God’s goodness are not BrestowxEp? 
ecquis est in quem Dei beniguitas non 
exstet ? 

By whom when he had Bestowrp 
a benefit but upon one, yet he seemed 
to procure the favor from a great 
many ; @ quo cum apud unum posuis- 
set beneficium, videatur a multis ta- 
men gratiam inire. By bestowing his 
Savors largely, he kept all in the exer- 
cise of their duty ; liberalitate sua om- 
nes in officio continebat. To bestow 
benefits sparingly ; tenuiter largiri, be- 
nevolentiam contrahere, 

. To BET, to. lay a wager; certare 

A Bgt, stake, or gage ; depositum, 
pignns, sponsio. 

Having a mind to make Bers; 
sponsionibus concitatus, Name your 
bet, say what you will bet on it; tu 


dic mecum quo pignore certes; Virg. — 

I will lay you any bet ; quayis sponsi- 
one provoco. J will bet nothing; I 
will lag no bets with you ; non ausim 
quicquam deponere tecum; Virg. 

To BETAKE himself some where ; | 
recipere se, conferre se. For safety ;— 

They Brtaxe themselves home; do- 
mum se referunt, 

I Betoox myself wholly to the com- 
monwealth; me totum reipublice tra-. 
didi; Cic. I betook myself chiefly to 
this kind of study; ad hoc nos stu- 
dium  potissimum contulimus; Cic. 
They betook themselves thither ; se eo © 
contulerunt ; Ces. 

To Brraxe himself to the study of 
virtue; ad virtutum studium se con- 
ferre ; Cic. 

They Betoox themselves 
se in fugam contulerunt; Cic. 
quickly betook themselves tu their wea- . 
pons ; celeriter arma ceperunt; Ces, 

To BETHINK himself ; cogitare, 
considerare, recolligere se. See to con-_ 
sider or think. 7” 

To Breruinx and muse upon before- 
hand ; or, to bethink himself what te 
do or say; meditari, premeditari, re-. 

is flight 7% 

colligere se. J bethink myself what ~ 

to do; quid agam cogito ; Ter. 

I Betruoveut me of many things; 
multa mihi. veniebant in mentem ; 
Cic. Bethink yourself, I pray you, 
of these things ; queso facito hec te-. 
cum cogites; Ter, To bethink one’s 
self: as, I did bethink myself; oc- 
currebat illa ratio; in hance cogita- 
tionem veni;\sic mecum cogitabam ;_ 
hac tacitus mecum ipse voluto ; in eam 
Cogitationem incidi; hic est mentis. 
mez sensus ; hec mentis agitatio ; sic 
mecum meditabar; huc me converti 
animo et cogitatione. 

I will spend some time to Beturnx 
of that ; ego huic cogitationi aliquid 
temporis impertiam ;. in hac cogitatione . 
curaque versabor. 

I Beruink myself often of you when 
you are absent ; te absentem cogitati- 
one spe complector. 

I will Betuinx .myself of those 
things which you have suid ; hec que 
djxisti mente complectar; hec repeto, 
et djes et noctes cogito; ratione et 
animo hee lustrabo, ae 
- To BETIDE, or happen; accidere, 
evenire, contingere, See to befall, 



Woe Berive thee! ve tibi! 

BETIMES, or very early; bend 
mane, multo mane. Betimes, or in 
food time ; mature, cito, tempori. 

To be old Berimes ; mature fieri se- 
nem ; Cic. 

Betimgs in the morning he gare me 
your letters ; multo mane mihi tuas de- 
dit literas ; Cic. 

' Being come Betimes in the morn- 
ing to the bridge; quum diluculo ve- 
nissem ad pontem ; Cic. 

- In those countries winter comes Br- 
TIMES ; in iis locis mature sunt hy- 
emes; Ces. 

To BETRAY-; prodere, tradere. 
To betray, or discover a thing ; indi- 
care, arguere. 

To Berray a town or country; pa- 

triam, civitatem, salutem publicam ci- 

vium, prodere, Urbem venalem ha- 


dere, in hostium manus tradere. Pretio 
depacisci excidium patrie. Perduel- 
jionibus patriam venditare. Proditio- 
nis in patriam reum teneri.—A®ratas 
hosti recludere portas. Civitatem hos- 
tibus dare; pietatem illam, quam prin- 
cipi patrieque debeas, violare. 

To Betray one ; perscelus aliquem 
insidiosissime deserere; cum aliquo 
perfide agére. | . 

Either you Betray me, or you for- 
sake thé care of my safety; aut mei 

ipsius proditores estis, aut desertores 

mee salutis. 

Your own wickedness will Betray 
you; tua ipsius nequitia te prodet. 

To Berray one’s cowardice ; imbel- 
les animos detegere. 

BETTER, an adj.; 
rectius. Somewhat better; melius- 
cule. Never the better; nihilo me- 
lior. Ra 

A Berrer man; homo dignior. 

A Betrer cause; superior causa. 

A Betrer bargain; potior condi- 

A Berrer fortune; fortuna secun- 

To have the Better of ; superare, 

To give one the Better ; cedere, 
herbam porrigere. 

It is Berrer ; prestat, satius est. 

To Berrer, or to make better; 
emendare, meliorare, provehere in me- 
linus. . 

melior, potior, 

Better, an adv. ; melius, ~ 

BE 135 

To grow Better in health; con- 
valescere. | 

To grow Better in manners ; mo- 
res in melius mutare. 

To be never the Better ; nihil quid- 
quam proficere. 

One’s Betrers ; superiores, 

It is Berrer, more fit or conveni- 
ent; satius, rectius, melius, utilius, 
commodius, prestantius, tutius, pre 
stabilius est. Multo potius, optatius, 
optabilius videtur, Prestat, magis con- 
venit, conducit nostris rebus, magis 
aptuin, accommodatum, idoneum, op- 
portunum, commodum est. 

For your Berrzer understanding 
of ; ut rem teneatis rectius ; Plaut. 

I shall get the Better of it; vin- 
cam scilicet; Ter. For the most part 
he had the better of them; plerumque 
superior fuerat ; Paterc. 

No Better soldier than citizen ; 
nec in armis prestantior, quam in . 
toga; Cic. - 

I take it so much the Betrer ; 
hoc fero animo equiore ; Cic, 

She is somewhat Befrenr ; meliuse 
cula est; Ter. He is in so much the 
better condition ; eo est meliore condi-_ 
tione; Cic. When am I better for 

-this? quid tamen hoe prodest? Ovid. 

Quid profuit olim—Hippolyto grave 
consilium ? Juv. , *t 

What is one man Better than ano- 
ther ? homini homo quid prestat? Ter. 
His writings are no better thun they 
are said to be ; ejus scripta tantum in- 
tra famam sunt; Quint. They like 
their new house the better; novo do- 
micilio potius contente sunt, 

As big again and Better ; alterg 
tanto major; Cic. You would do « 
great deal better—; plus agas; Ter. 
I had better not have done it ; me mi- 
nus fecisse satius sit; Ter. 

The Better I knew it, the oftener 
I used it ; quo magis novi, tanto sz- 
pius—; Ter. J the better remember 
it by this ; hoc adeo commemini ma- 

‘gis; Plant. 

It were Better I were dead; mori 
me satius est; Ter. Satius esse eredo ; 
Id. Jtis better for you to lose a thou- 
sand pound that way, than for himone 
single pound ; tibi perdere talentum 
hoc pacto satius est, quam illo minam ; 
Id. What are you the better now? 
nunguid nunc és certior? Plaut, 

136 BE 

You will be never the Better ; ni- 
hil promoveris ; ‘Ter. He loves it ‘bet- 

ter than his own self ; carius illi est, 1 

quam ipse est sibi ; Ter. 

That I believe to be the Bertzr 
way ; credo isthic melius esse ; Ter. 

To Better his estate ; rem “familia- 
rem amplificare ; Cic. I can make no 
better shift ; nullam aliud habeo per- 
fugium ; Cic. The nearer I come, the 
better I see; eo melius mibi cernere 
videor, quo propius adsum ; Cic. 

One could not tell which loved him 
Better; intelligi non potuit, uter 
eum plus diligeret; Corn, Nepos. Now 
one side had the better of it, now the 
other ; vario Marte pugnatum est. 

To repay with the Brerrer ; ma- 
jore mensura reddere ; Cic. Our sol- 
diers had far the better of them ;nos- 
tri milites facile superabant ; ; Cas. 

To Betrenr a man’s estate, to prefer 
or exalt him; dignitatem alicujus au- 
geres fortunam amplificare ; ad altio- 

rem locum proyehere; in feliciorem 

statum asserere ; aliquem attollem, dic 

To grow Brrrer and Berren ; ; pro- 
ficere in melius ; melior in dies fieri ; 
pristina vitia deponere; ad studium 
melioris vite concitari; mores corri- 
‘gere et emendare. - 

When you hear your Berrers 
speak, be silent ; quoties te alloquitur 
quisquam cui debes honorem, tu sileas. 
£ did as my betters bade me ; majorum 
feciimperio, He revérently presented 
the gift .to his betters ; munusculum 
licet levidense, venerabungus superio- 
ribus suis tradidit. 

Berter be idle than not well em- 
ed; prestat otiosum esse, quam 
ale occupari. « Better be happy than 

hie’ } gutta fortune pre dolio sapien- 


Better once a mischief, than al- 
ways inconvenience; prestat semel 
malum quam semper incommodum, 

BETWEEN ; inter. « 

Between. themselves, 

Berween both, i. e, in the middle ; 
in medio, medius, intermedius, inter 

Between both, i. e. indifferent ; 
in neutram partem propendens ; in 
confinio positus. 

Between the one and the other ; 
altrinsecus, - 


privately ; 

-amici inter nos simus ; Ter. 

BE : 

To be Burween ; intereaeg lanase- 
cores «J 

To go Between ; intercedere,. 

To put or lay Between 5 interpo- : 
nere, interjicere. ' 

Of a middle nature Between good 
and bad ; medioximus. 

Between is generally rendered by 
inter, sometimes alone, som in 
composition, and sometimes together 
with a word compounded with itself: 

as, : i 
Let us be friends Berween ourselves ; 
There are 
vast deserts between ; vaste solitudines 
interjecte sunt; Cic. There was but 
one river between the two camps ; inter 
bina castra, unum flumen tantum in- 
tererat; Ces. Between the two con- 
sulships ten years did intervene ; inter 
duos consulatus anni decem interfluxe- 
runt; Cic, This is the difference - 
tween me and them, that—, &c.; hoe 
inter me et illos interest, quod—, &e, ; 

A day or two had intervened Br- 
TWEEN, when the affair seemed 
uncertain ; unus aut alter dies inter- 
cesserat, cum res parum certa videba- - 
tur; Cic. 

Yet there are other ways by which, 
Between is rendered, as, for instance, , 
in the following phrases. ~ 

Between the devil and the deep 
sea ; inter sacrum, saxumque sto, Proy. 
ex Plaut. Nunc ego, inquit, omnino 
occidi ; nunc ego inter sacrum et sax- 
um, nec quid faciam scio. Sumptum. 
apparet ex priscis foederis fetiendi ce- 
remoniis, in quibus fecialis porcum 
saxo feriebat, hac interim pronuncians : 
Qui prior populus fdas rumpet, Jupi- 
ter eum ita feriat quemadmodam ego 
porcum hoc lapide ferio, Sed undi- 
cunque fluxit adagium, satis liquet dici 
solitum, in eos qui perplexi, ad extre- 
mum periculum rediguntur, Quo in 

-casu, inter Scyllam et Charybdim; dici 

etiam solet. ’ 

The senate appointed him to be the 
umpire Berwern the Nolanes and 
Neapolitanes ; arbiter Nolanis et Nea- 
politanis a senatu datus est; Cic. 
There was a parcel of ground loft he- 
tween ; aliquantum agri in medio reli- 
quum est ; Cic. So as that we might 
see all above, beneath, and between ; 
ut omnia supera, infera, media videre- 

mus; Cice She placed herself between 

them ; se mediam locavit ; Virg. Has 

. there nothing: else been between you? 

nunquidnam amplius tibi cum illa fuit,? 
Ter. . See what a difference there is 

between man and man; hem, vir viro; 

quod prestat; Ter. Many words 
passed between ws; multa verba ultro 
citroque habita sunt; Cic. All the 
time between youth and old age; quic- 
“quid est illud inter juvenem et senem 
medium ; Sen. 

Berween whiles ; per media inter- 
valla ; interea ; interim. 

To BEWAIL; deplorare, lugere, 
Jamentari, deflere, plangere. 
’ To Bewatt a friend’s death; amici 
familiaris, hominis conjunctissimi obi- 
tum, jacturam, mortem lugere, deplo- 
rare, deflere, lamentari: dolore, me- 
rore et lachrymis prosequi, excipere, 
wgre, ac dolenter ferre ; ferre, susti- 
nere toleranter, equanimiter, sine fletu 
ac dolore maximo non posse. De 
» amisso altero se vehementissime con- 
queri. Hominis perfamiliaris- desideri- 

um ferre non posse.. Morti alicujus . 

illachrymare. /Tu semper urges flebili- 
bus modis amicum ademptum. Quis 
desiderio sit pudor aut modus tam cha- 
ri capitis? Socium suspirat ademptum. 
Da lachrymas, lugubriaque indue, nec 
me Indeploratum. sub inania. Tartara 
mitte.—Amici calentem debita sparges 
lachryma favillam. 

.\ To Bewatt with tears ; dolorem la- 

chrymis testari, 

F ho alone with tears Bewattep 
the death of the innocent person ; qui 
morti innocentis unus illachrymavit ; 


To Bewatt the miseries of another 
most bitterly; miserias alicujus acer- 
bissimo animi dolore prosequi. ; 

- A man much BewaiLep ;.magnum 
relinquens sui desiderium, multumque 

’ Te BEWARE, or take heed ; cavere, 

precavere, providere, videre, curare, - 

vitare, evitare. 
> To Beware, or look before him; 

To Beware, or avoid a thing ; de- 
vitare, fagere, effugere. - 

To Beware, or take heed to him- 
self, to have a core of himself; sibi 
' €avere, providere, timere, prespicere, 
ne rationes suas ad eos scopulos appel- 
Jat, ad quos afflictam aliorum navem 
viderit, Diligenter, studiose, magna 

4 BE 137 

cum diligentia precavere, animadver-— 
tere. Cautionem quandam in omni te 
adhibere. Omnia consilio experiri. — 
Providere ne quid periculum eveniat. 
Consilia instructa habere, quibus mala 
possis avertere. Caute observare ne 
quid accidat. Que consilio provideri 
ora cavebo, ne imprudentia labar. 
Jide, cave quid agas, ne temere facias. 
Quod cavere possis stultum est admit- 
tere. Cautio et provisio incommodo- 
rum, ; 

But we must chiefly now Beware 
of that; verum ‘caute jam hoc obser- 
vandum est, 

We must especially Beware, or 
have a care, that prudence be joined 
with power; illa. speciatim cautio re- 
quiritur, ut adsit cum potestate pru- 
dentia, - 1 SS 

But now we must Beware lest we 
be deceived by humble supplication, or 
by the feigned representation of equi- 
ty; jam vero erecti, parati, armati 
animis esse debemus, ne blanda aut, 
supplici oratione, aut equitatis simula- 
tione fallamur ; Cic, in Ant. 

Beware or take heed you tell it to 
nobody; cave ne cuiquam dixeris ; 
vide ne mortaliym ulli indicaveris ; 

vide ne temere apud aliquem effutias ; 

digito labellum compresseris ; Harpo- 
cratem egeris, finxeris.. Harpocratés 
autem dicebatur silentii Deus inter 
4Egyptios; qui proinde depingebatur 
cum digito ori suo admoto; Ovid. At 
revera Graecus erat philosophus, cujus 
eruditio ac precepta eo maxime tende- 
bant, ut silentium preciperet, et omni-' 
bus rebus anteponeret ; unde prover- 
bium, Harpocratem reddere; ‘Catull. 
To make one hold his tongue, as if he 
were dumb. 

Beware what you do; vide etiam 
atque etiam quid agas. 

Beware that you be not deceived ; 
vide ne fallaris, . 
Beware of an. inquisitive person ; 
percontatorem fugito. n 

To BEWITCH; fascinare, effasci- 
nare, incantare, _Veneficas, maleficas, 
magicas artes, artis magice prestigias 
exercere. Cantilenam aliquam magi- 
caminsusurrare. Veneficiis atque can- 
tationibus, carminibus, magicis arti- 
bus, fascinis patrare maleficia, damna 
daré, perniciem afferre. Circzeo pocu- 
lo, cantationibus Thessalis. naturam in- 
vertere, homines in bestias ferasque 

138 BE 

mutare. They seemed to have be- 
witched the young man; ii mentem 
omnem adolescenti videbantur excan- 
tasse. This is done by bewitching en- 
chantments ; veneficiis et cantionibus 
hoc factum est, She hath bewitched 
me; per prestigias me compilavit._ 

By Bewircuine enchantments they 
have laid this sickness on him ; incan- 
tamentis et malis artibus morbum hunc 
adolescenti immiserunt, 

This juggler, by Bewircuine and 
enchanting tricks, deceives the sight 
of the eyes ; hic preestigiator oculorum 
aciem fallit. 

To BEWRAY, or disclose; prodere, 
edere, promulgare, deferre, patefacere, 
divulgare, publicare, indicare, significa~ 
re, retegere, revelare. 

To Bewray, or discover secrets ; 
res arcanas, fidei commissas, commen- 
datas prodere, indicare, effundere ; fo- 
ris effutire; foras efferre ; divulgare, 
promulgare, aperire, notas facere, in 
medium producere, patefacere, detege- 
re, tetegere, in vulgus dissipare, edere, 
spargere, efferre, denudare, predicare, 
enuntiare, vulgare, declarare, pandere. 
' Arcana, occulta consilia apud omnes 
exponere, palam facere; in publicum 
emittere, proferre ; in solem educere, 
producere, rem patefacere, et in forum 
proferre. Que clam audivi palam ede- 
re, Plenus rimarum es; huc atque 
luc diffluis, profluis : tibi tradita non 
retines, contines, effluunt omnia. .In- 
continentis lingua, Cribro, dolio per- 
tuso incontinentior, infidelior, Later- 
na pellucidior.—Dare facta latentia 

Your own knavery will Bewray 
you; tua ipsius nequitia te prodet, 

To Bewray his fault by his look ;- 

crimen prodere vultu; Ovid. To be- 
wray one’s cowardliness ; imbelles ani- 
mos detegere ; Lucan. 

BEYOND, a prep.; trans, ultra, 
supra, preter, extra: as, 

Bexonp all measure; ; supra modum. 

Bryonp, an adv. ; ulterius, porro. 

Bryonp sea, an adj.; transmarinus, 

To go Brvonn ; transire, transilire, 

That is Beyoxp the Alps; transal- 
pinus, adj. 

To go or travel Beronp the Alps ; 

To go Beyonp one; i, e, to overs 


reach one; circumyenire, circumsefir 

To go BEYOND ; i.e. to excel ; pre- 
stare, superare, preterire, anteire, — 

I. Bryonn, referring to place on 
or to the further side of which any 
thing is, or goes, is rendered by trans, 
and ultra, and sometimes (though sel- 
dom ) by super, extra, and preter. 

At that very time was I Beyronp 
the sea; ego eo ipso tempore trans 
mare fui; Cic. Whilst I was wander- 
ing without any care beyond my bounds ; 
dum ultra terminum curis vagor expe- 
ditus; Hor. I think sometimes of 
planting some gardens beyond the 
river ; cogito interdum trans flavium 
hortos aliquos parare; Cic. Even be- 
yond the mountain Taurus they have 
heard of marriage ; trans montem Tau- 
rum etiam de matrimonio est auditum ; 
Cic. There is nothing beyond those 
high hills but the ocean itself; nihil 
est ultra illam altitudmem montium us- 
que ad oceanum. He passed over be- 
yond the river Mosa, lye bridge made 
of boats; ultra Mosam navali ponte 
transgreditur; Flor. The river Tiber 
overflowed beyond the banks; super 
tripas Tiberis effusus amnis; Liv. He 
shall govern far and wide beyond the 

farthest Indians; super Garamantas et 

Indos—Proferet imperium; Virg. 
There is a land situate beyond the 
stars ; beyond the courses of the sun 
and the year ; jacet extra sidera tellus, 
extra anni solisque vias; Virg. Zin. 6. 

The horse must be driven beyond the _ 

known inns; diversoria nota puaex 

agendus equus; Hor, . 
- Note, If from be before Bryvonps 

then it is rendered by trans alone, or in 

composition, with a preposittan an- 
nexed: as, 

From a country Rivcas the. seas 
e transmarina regione. In a country 
beyond the river ; in regione transflu- 
viali. He is carried even beyond the 
Alps; trans Alpes usque transfertur ; 
Cic. From beyond Jordan ; rag ite 
Jordanem ; Hier. ) 

II. Bryonp, referring to measure, 
and signifying above, is rendered by 
preter, supra, extra and ultra: as, 

The Athenians are excellent in that 
kind Beyonp others; Atticiineo gene- 
re preeter ceteros excellunt ; Cic. 

must take heed you be not expensive 


4d V 



beyond measure ; cavehdum est ne ex- 
tra modum .sumptu prodeas; Cic. 
They set down a certain measure, be- 
hte, which ngne ought to go; adhi- 
nt modum quendam, quem ultra pro- 
gredi non oporteat ; Cic. The Alban 
lake flowed beyond measure ; lacus Al- 
banus preter modum crevit; Cic. If 
ir number increase beyond measure ; 
sisupra modum se numerus eorum pro- 
fuderit; Colum. So accurately that 
nothing could be beyond ; ita accurate, 
ut nihil possit supra; Cic. Nothing 
possible beyond ; nihil pote supra. A 
voice or sound beyond measure harsh 
and out of tune, or disagreeing ; vox 

- extra modum absona ; Cic. i. e. preter 

modum; Niz. The bounds or limits 

— which right or equity can neither con- 
_ sist beyond, nor on this side; fines 

quos ultra citraque nequit .consistere 
rectum; Hor. An oration so excel- 
lently wriiten that nothing can go be- 
yond zf; oratio scripta elegantissinie, 
ut nihil possit uléra; Cic. ff that be 
such a kind of cause that we can pro- 
pose things certain, beyond which no- 
thing can be said; si id genus erit 
cause, ut proponere pessimus certa, 
extra que nihil dici possit ; Quint, 
Note ; if what come after Beyonp, 
then ultra may have quam after it: 


It is lengthened Bevoxp what is 
sufficient ; ultra quam satis est, produ- 
citur; Cic, Although there be no 
mischief beyond what we have suf- 
Jered ; etsi nihil ultra malorum est, 
quam quod passi sumus; Liv. Nei- 
ther can we go beyond what is offered 
or seems to be likely and probable ; nec 

- ultra quam id, quod verisimile occur- 

reret, progredi possumus; Cic. We 
have indulged or given liberty to our- 
selves beyond or more than, what we 
ought to have done ; ultra nobis quam 
oportebat . indulsimus; Quint, . And 
so supra is used: as, Beyond what is 
credible to every one; supra quam cui- 
que credibile est; Sall. Do not aim 
at what is beyond your reach; nil 
pete supra ; ne sutor ultra crepidam ; 

Ill. Beyonp, coming with gone or 
went, &c., sometimes signifies to over- 
reach, circumvent, defraud, &c.; and 
is rendered by a veri of that significa- 
tion: as, Ir 

They go Beyonp all others in valor; 

| aS 

virtute omnibus prestant ; Ces. om- 
nes superant; Cic. How much’ so- 
ever they fly beyond or short ; quam- 
vis ultra citrave pervolent; Plin. 
You cannot go beyond me; mihi pal- 
pum obtrudere non.potes; Cic. Ob- 
trudere autem palpum est arte fucoque 
decipere ; unde et palpari pro, adulari, 
et palpones adulatores vocamus. Me- 
taphora tracta ab equisonibus, qui fe- 
rocientibus equis plausu manus adblan- 
diuntur, Palpum enim dicitur; fair 
speaking, flattery, §c. a palpare. 

To BID, er command ; jubere, man- 
dare, precipere, iwperare. Mandatum, 
in mandatis dare ; imperio, auctoritate 
sua, suo'jussu poscere ut aliquid fiat, 
agatur; committere, imponere alicui 
quod ages edicere, discernere, sciscere. 

To Bip or invite guests ; invitare, 
vocare. . 

Tv Bro the enemy battle ; lacessere, 
provocare ad pugnam, denunciare bele 

To Bip defiance; provocare. : 

To Bip a price or money for a thing ; 
licitari ; liceri mercem pretio ; pretium 
facere mercis, — 

' What -do you Br for it? quanti 
licitaris? To him that Brps most ; lici- 
tanti plurimo. 

At your Bippine; tuo jussu. With- 

. out bidding; injussu. -To do as he 

is bid; morem gerere monenti;-dicto 
audientem esse. 

To Bip one adieu or farewell; vale- 

To Bip one good morrow ; salutare, 
salvere jubeo. : 

_ Doashe Bins you; quod imperabit, 
facito; Ter. Do as EF bid you; fac 
ita ut jussi; cura que jussi; Ter. Plaut. - 
Are you afraid to do it at my bidding ? 
or, when I bid. you? num dubitas id 
me ‘imperante facere? Cic. Jf you 
would have done as I bade you; si 
meum imperium exequi voluisses ; Ter. 
You had best do-as I bid you; tu fac 
“ut dixi, si sapis; Ter. Do as you are 
bidden ; quod preceptum est fac exe- 
-quare. I will do as you bid me ; faci- 
am ut jubes; Ter. 

Bip her welcome when she comes ; 
advenienti des salutem; Plaut. You 
sent them to bid me good morrow ; eos 
tu mane ad salatandum miseras ; Cic. 

He Bins them welcome back; gratu- 
latur reduces; Virg. There was hardly 
any body that bid him to his house ;, 

140 . 7 

domum suam istum non fere quisquam 
vocabat; Cic. 

To Brp one to supper; invitare ; 
vocare ad cenam ; Cic. Plaut, ‘Rogare 
ut ad cenam veniat; Ter. 

He has Bippvew defiance to the peo- 
ple of Rome; bellum populo Romano 
indixit; Cic. 

If any body will Bip more; si ex- 
istat qui hes liceatur ; Ulp. 

Brn the nurse come here; curre, ob- 
stetricem accerse } Ter. 

I never did Bip that any such thing 
should be done; non me indicente hec 
fiunt; Ter. 

He ought to do all things just us he 
és BippEN; omnia agere ad prescrip- 
tum debet ; Cic. 

Bip the boy enquire; puero nego- 
tium da, ut querat ; Cic. 

To Bip, or command by authority ; 
suo imperio imponere quid faciendum ; 
sua auctoritate injungere. To bid one 
welcomé ; venienti salutem dicere; ad- 
ventum alicujus gratulari. , 

BIG, or great; grandis. 

Somewhat Bic ; grandiusculus. 

Bie in bulk ; crassus, turgidus. 

Bic with pride; tumidus. 

Bic through authority ; potens, am- 
plus.. Big with child ; gravis, gravida, 

Biccer ; grandior, major. 

To make Biccer ; extendere, am- 

To grow Bic ; 

To grow Biccer and BicceEr ; 
gescere, adolescere. 

To look Bic; caperare frontem ; 
torvum tueri. 

_ A Bic voice ; vox magna, stentorea. 

As Bic again and better; altero 
tanto major ; Cic, 

One is not so Bic as the other ; 
aliud alio majus ; Cic. 

I am not scared with your Bic 
words, looks; tuam non miror‘morosi- 
tatem. x 

A mind too Bre for his estate ; ani- 
mus quam pro fortuna major; Liv. A 
letter as big asa book; epistola instar 
voluminis ; Cic. 

Bic men; immani corporum magni- 
tudine homies ; Czs. 
not thought big enough ; urbs parum 
magna visa est; Cic. Big books ; li- 
bri elephantini, He talks big ; ampul- 
las loquitur et sesquipedalia verba ; Pers. 

turgere, incrassari, 


The city was - 


To BIND; ligare, vincire, nectere, 
connectere, copulare. 

To Binp hard or tie i -arcte as- 

To Bind toa stale ; deligare ad pa- 

To Binp up in bundles ; colligare 
in fasciculos. 

To Brinn one hand and foot;or neck 
and heels ; quadrupedem constringere. 

With his hands Bounpn behind him ; 
manibus ad terga revinctis. 

‘To Brxv one with an oath ; jurejuran- 
do obstringere, in juramentum adigere. 
To bind one by covenant ; obligate pac- _ 
to. To bind a servant by giving him” 
earnest ; oberare. To bind a bargain 
with earnest : arrha data confirmare, 

To Binp a book; librum compin- 

; To Bixp himself by promise ; stipe- 

To Binp himself for appearance to 
answer a charge in law ; satisdare, va~ 
dari, vadimonium prestare. 

Bovunp, or beholden ; devinctus. © 

To Binp with benefits; beneficiis 
devincire ; obstringere ; Cic. To Bixp 
himself to make good ‘his vow ; signare 
votum. To bind himself to pay what 
shall be adjudged ; satisdaresjudicatum 
solvere. " 

To Bixp himself to stand to the 

judgment of the court; satisdare, rem 
ratam habere. 

To Binp up a wound; vulnus obli- 
gare ; Cic. 

To Binp, or fasten to something 
alligare, adstringere. 

To Binp together ; colligare, eon- 
nectere, conjugare, jugare, appingere, 

To Bind one’s legs; prepedire, 

To Binp about ; cironmligere, cir 

To Brinp upon ; superligaie, gt seg 

To Brinp back; restringere, revin- 
cire, religare. 

I am Bovunp to hish by thestrongee 
le ; hic de me optime meritus 

i BIRD ; avis, volucris, ales, aliger, ° 
volatile, penniger. 
A Brrp in the hand is worth two in 
the bush ; -presentem mulgeas ; quid 
fugientem i insequeris? spem pretio non 
emo ; Ter. 
ferre in presentia ; Ter. 

Quicquid possim, malo . 



Bias of a feather flock together ; 
- Semper graculus assidet graculo ; 

cicada cicade chara, formicre formica.- 

Simile gaudet simili. Pares cum pari- 

bus facile congregantur. 

One beats the bush, another catches 
the Birp ; alii sementum faciunt, alii 

Every Birp must hatch his own 

egg; tate hoc intristi, omne tibi exe- 

dendum est; Ter. Faber compedes, 
quas fecit ipse gestet; Auson. | 

To kill iwo Brrps "with one stone ; 
Prov. unica fidelia duas dealbare pa- 

Tt is an ill Brap that defiles its own 
nest ; propria vineta czdit. 

To bring up a Binp to pick out your 
own eyes ; serpentem alis ; serpentem 
foves; Prov. 

BIRTH ; nativitas, ortus. 

Birtn, or bringing forth ; partus, 

Bintu or parentage and extraction ; 

natales, parentela. 

Of good Brirtx ; nobilis. 

Of mean Birre ; 3 ignobilis, 

An untimely Birru ; abortus abor- 
tio, abortium. 

_ By Brrr ; natu. 

To cause untimely Bretu ; abortio- 
nem inferre, abortum facere. 

To bring forth an untimely Brats ; 
abortiri, abortire, abortare. - 

One’s Birtu-day; natalis, m., dies 
natalitius ; natale, n. 

To keep one’s Birtu-day ; diem na- 
talem quotannis agere, celebrare ;_na- 
talitia dare. 

A man of low Brrtx; homo infimo 

. loco natus ; homo infima natalium hu- 

wilitate ; terre filius, ~ 
To give Birrx to any thing; prin- 
ey initium, exordium ~alicui rei 

Binrn-right : 

That which isin us Jrom our Birra ; 
originalis, adj.; ingenitus. 

He that deprives one of his Brrtu- 
right ; heredicapa, -x, m, ex hares, 
-edis, et capio. Nativity or birth, §. ; 
generatio, origo ; 3 in vitam ingressus ; 

primogenitura,. jus 

_ prime. lucis intuitus; in.lucem hanc 


Citizens by Brrtu ; cives nati. 

You wrote a letter to me on your 
Brirtu-day; natali tuo scripsisti ase 
tolam ad me ; Cic. 

BL 141 
Princes very noble by Bintn ; mag, 

no natu principes; Liv. 

To have two at a Birtu ; dare partu 
geminam prolem; partus eniti gemel- 
los; prolem eniti gemellam; Virg. 

To BITE; mordere. Morsu, den- 
tibus occupare, invadere, divellere, la- 
niare, dolorem exprimere., Dente cat- 
pere. Dentes infigere in aliquid. Mor- 
sus inferre. Mbordicus tenere, auferre ’ 
aliquid.—Ferus immani laceravit viscera 
morsu.—Morsis in corpora rostris dila- 
cerat.—Confert in corpore dentes.— 

_ Fero consumere viscera morsu.—Mise- 
ros morsu depascitur artus. 

To Bire off; demordere, abradere, 

To Bits to the quick; admordere. 

To Bure as frost does the grass, 
or as pepper does the tongue, &c.; 

BLACK ; niger, ater, pullus, opacus. 

Somewhat Buack ; 3 nigellus, subni- 


; Buacxisx ; fuscus. 
Bright or crow Brack ; coracinus. 
Brack as pitch; piceus. 

To BLacken ; denigrare. 

Brack and blue ; lividus, 

To be Buack and blue; livere, - 

To beat one Brack and blue; sugil- 

Very Buacx ; quovis carbone atrior. 
Piceus, obscura ferrugo.—Color est 
contrarius albo. Que nigrior « est ca- 
dente moro.—Moro coma nigrior ca- 
duca. Atra pice, unda Stygia ni- 

Brack will take no ‘other hue; la 
narum nigre, seu nigre Jane nullum 
colorem bibunt; Prov. Sensus, Vicious 
persons are seldom or never reclaimed, 


7 Brack is your day; ve tibi; im- 

pendet tibi malum. 

To BLAME ; culpare, eriminari, . 
reprehendere, accusare, vituperare. ; 

BuaMEABLe, or blame-worthy ; oTe- 
prehensjone dignus, culpabilis, vitupe- 
rabilis. — 

But do not afterwards lay the 
BLAME On me; verum ne post confe- 

ras culpam in me; Ter. Some 

him, others blame him; laudatur ab 

his, culpatur ab illis; Hor. He will 

lay the blame on you; culpam in te 
transferet; Ter, Who are so much 
the more to blame; quibus eo minus 


142 BL 

ignoscendum est; Cic. They blamed 
the multitude for it; laid the blame 
of it on the multitude; ejus rei culpam 
in multitudinem conjecerunt; Ces. He 
blamed me for breach of friendship ; 
emicitiam a me violatam esse crimina- 
tus est; Cic. 

Without Brame; extra noxiam ; 
Ter. They are both to blame ; ambo 
_ accusandi; Ter. Take heed you be not 
blamed ; nequid accusandus sis vide ; 
Ter. He is to blame ; in vitio est; 
Cic. He is as much to blame, as if— ; 
tam est in vitio, quam si— ; Cic. I do 
‘sot blame you ; non reprehendo ; Cic. 
They blame his doing of that; illi id 
vituperant factum; Ter, 

I shall be Buamen for it; the blame 
wili light on me} at enim isthec in me 
cadetur faba; Ter. Others might per- 
haps have been blamed, if—}; ceteris 
forsitan vitio datum esset, si— ; Cic. 
See I pray, what they blame him for ; 

quam rem vitio dent, queso, animad- 

vertite ; Ter. 

I confess myself to Buame for these 
things; hec mea culpa fateor fieri ; 
Ter. Zam not to be blamed for this ; 
a me hee culpa procul est ; Ter. 

Brame Atticus for it; Attico as- 
signa; Cic. I cannot blame you for 
ét ; non possum id in te reprehendere ; 

To free from BLAME; absolvere, ex- 
cusare. ; 

Bramevess, or faultless ; inculpa- 
tus, irreprehensibilis, Extra culpam, 
non affinisculpe ; experscriminis, purus, 
insons ; culpa vacuus. In me conferen- 
‘da causa non est ; culpa vaco-; culpam 
ego non sustineo ; expers culpz sum ; 
affinis culpe non sum; purus a culpa 
sum, culpam ignoro ; longissime absum 
a culpa, ut qui maxime culpz mihi non 
sum conscius; extra culpam sam, in 
culpa non sum. 

To lay the Brame on one; fabam in 
aliquem cudere. 

Others shall bear the Buame rather 
than you; aliis magis vitio dabitur, 
quam tibi. Id majori illis fraudi, quam 
tibi erit ;~hoc illis plus inferet infamiz, 
quam tibi; plus illi subibunt infamie, 
quam ta; hoc illis vitio magis tribue- 
tur, quam tibi, Majori hoc iis erit 
fraudi, quam tibi ; vitio dabitur iis po- 
tus quam tibi; culpz plus in eos quam 
in te conferetur; plus ipsi ferent infa- 
mie, dedecoris, ignominie, culpx ; 

_contumeliam intorquere, 


gravior ad eos, quam ad te redibit in- 
famia.. seat 

To Buiame, dispraise or dishénor 
one ; contumeliam jacere in aliquem ; 
imponere ; 
blasphemo calamo aliquem notare, in- 
cusare, perfundere ignominia; scom- 
matibus, contumeliis operire; lacerare, 
concidere ; turpi crimine ledere; ig- 
nominia afficere, deformare; in con- 
tumeliam agere; probra ad satietatem 
ingerere; contumelia insequi; deho- 
nestare, inhonorare ; improbare, repre- 
hendere, incusare, arguere, carpere, re- 
darguere ; reprobare, objurgare, vitio 
dare ; sugillare, criminari, traducere ; 
insimulare, notare ; dammare, culpare, 
accusare ; diffamare, obloqui, condem- 
nare; derogare, detrahere, erogare et 
infligere ignominiam; ignominia no- 
tare. / : 
To be greatly BuaMED, or to have 
an ill name; infamia flagrare, h. e. 
summa infamia laborare; vituperari, 
diffamari, laborare fama, improbari, © 
male audire. : ‘ 

To get or receive Buame, or shame ; 
accipere contumeliam, sordes, i, e. ig- 
nominiam; Cic. Ut, has a Q. Ticino 
sordes accipimus. Concipere maculam, 
turpitudinem, infamiam, dedecus ; sub- 
ire contumeliam, infaniiam,; notam 
turpitudinis ; perfundi aceto; Hor. 
pro, convitiis affici, dep 

He will Buams me much; accinet 
mihi haud suave encomium, 

I Btamez you not for it; nee te 
nunc ¢atpo. This blame falls not only 
on me: hoc convitii non in me solum 

For yout are all in the Buame; in 
culpa namgue omnes estis, Yow 
blame theni too mich } vellicas eos odi- 
osius, You are always to blame in 
this one particular; eadem oberras 
plerurique chorda. You must bear the 
blame for this; isthec in te cudetur 
faba. “You are much to blame for your 
tattling ; ne, tu suavis es nugator! 
None that had any brains would have 
done so, or have deserved to be so 
blamed, except yourself ; nec quisquam 
a te alius, qui aliquid non solum sapi-. 
entie habeat, sed sanitatis, tale quid 
fecisset. Iam nothing to blame; me 
mea non remordet conscientia. He 
blamed them too much; he was too 
sharp in his reproof; dictum in illos 
inclementius, : 


To Buams a little ; subaccusare. 

To Brame often; culpitare, incre- 
pitare. _ 

To lay the Buame upon ; imputare. 

To Buame in words ; premére. 

Buame incurred ; offensa. Blame- 
ableness ; noxietas.. 

Worthy of Buame ; culpandus, cul- 
pabilis, . vituperabilis, reprehensione 

Let me bear the Buame of that ; me 
' suasore atque impulsore id factum di- 

He Buames another for his own 
fault ; invidiam facti in alium trans- 
fert. . ‘ 

Don’t lay the Buame on me; ne 
eonferas culpam in me; Ter. 

To Biame again one that rebukes 
us; retaxare. 

To Buameany one for his incon- 
stancy ; inconstantiam alicujus redar- 
guere ; Cic. 

A BLEMISH; macula, labes, vi- 

There was no Buremisx in his beau- 
tiful body ; aol. in egregio corpore 
nevus erat. 

A Bremisn to one’s credit; infa- 
mia, ignominia, dedecus. 

To BLeMIsH ; maculare. 

To Bremisn one’s reputation ; ma- 
culam nomini inurere, infamia notare. 

He Buemisuep his reputation; fa- 
mz notam inussit. 

Buemisn, spot or blot, variously 
used ; Si ad corpus referatur, nevus, 
labes, labeeula, macula, vitium, nota; 
st metaphorice ad mores accommodetur 
sermo, dedecus, infamia, ignominia ; 
sicut quoque dicimus, labem perfidiz, 
notam infamie, perjurii: tubera etiam 
pro vitiis majoribus posuit Horatius, 
verrucas minora appellans. 

To BLESS ; benedicere alicui; beare 
aliquem ; omne bonum alicui precari. 

Fortune Buessgs or Savors our — 

frst undertaking ; adspirat primo for- 
tuna labori. 

To Buzss, or bestow blessings or hap- 
piness ona man; felicitatem in aliquem 
conferre, beatum reddere, felicitatem 
alicui afferre, impertire ; prosperos suc- 
cessus alicui tribuere; bonis aliquem 
cumulare; bona in aliquem effundere. 

To declare or acknowlege Buxssep ; 
beatum predicare, laudare.. 

Buxssep, or happy ; miseriis vacuus, 
emnis expers turbe malorum ; in por- 


BL 143 

tu ; beatus, felix; omnia bene vivendi 
presidia i in se et extra se habens, . 

BLEssepNEss or happiness ;- beatitu- 
do, felicitas, prosperitas, pax, tranquil. 
litas; secundissima vite conditio ; 
prosper, secundus fortune flatus; om- 
nium bonorum perfruitio. 

May God Buss your undertaking ; 
tuis ceeptis adsit Deus. 

Bressep with an excellent wife ; 
felix uxore honis moribus predita, 

BLIND; cacus, oculis captus, lu- 
minibus orbus. ; 

Burnp of one eye ; monoculus, lus- 
cus, cocles. 

To Buinp one, or put out his eyes ; 
occecare, excecare ; oculis orbare, 

To Burnp, or hoodwink one ; velare 
oculos, m 

To be Burnp; cecutire, 

BLINDED 3 exceecatus, 

A Buinp man ; cecus, lumine, oeu- 
lis, luminibus, sensu luminis, visu,*as- 
pectu captus, cassus, orbus, orbatus, 
destitutus, privatus, expers, carens. Vi- 
su oculorum privatus. ~ Qui.circumfusa 
sempiterna nocte in tenebris ruit. Qui 
in summa obscuritate, caligine ; in al- 
tissimis, densissimis tenebris ; ; in umbra 
perpetua versatur, vivit ; caligine per- 
petua circumfusus. Qui aspectum, lu-. 
men oculorum, beneficium et ameenita- 
tem lucis omnino, prorsus amisit; ocu- 
loram jacturam fecit, Talpa cecior. 
Cui sunt oculi eruti, occecati et cali- 
gine oppleti ; sublata lamina cecitate ; 
adempta est lucis usura. Exoculatus. 
Caligant oculi, et parum absunt a ca- 
citate. Lumine. czxcus, cassus. His- 
pea cecior.— A.terna damnatus lumen 
nocte. Orbus visu, spoliatum lumine 
corpus ; cui lumen ademptum est, 

Am I Buinp, or did I not see? 
utrum oculi mihi eecutiunt, an ego 
vidi? Varr. 

He was born Buinp ; cecus genitus 
est ; Paterc. 

Buinp men cannot judge of colors ; 
quid czco cum speculo? 

A Buinp man may by chance hit the 
mark; sepe. etiam est olitor valde 
opportuna locutus. 

Brinp-born ; cecigenus, cecigena, 

Half-Buinp, or almost blind; se- 


The man is Burnp ; lippitur, ims ~ 

144 BL 

To make one Bund 3 excecare, oc- 
cxcare, exoculare. - Oculos, visum, as- 
pectum, lumina, lumen ‘oculorum, usu- 
ram lucis adimere, auferre, eripere ali- 
cui, Visu, oculis, &c. privare. Ocu- 
los effodere, eruere, excalpere. Sem- 
piternam alicui noctem, caliginem, te- 
nebras' perpetuas, densissimas oculis 
offundere ; cecitatem inferre, iniducere, 
~ Unguibus in oculos involare. 

Burnpep, walking in darkness ; in 
altissimis versatus tenebris ; densa qua- 
dam ac tetra impietatis caligine occe- 
catus ; in densissimis ignorantie tene- 
bris sepultus ; qui in profundum venit 
malorum. ‘ 

A Burnvep mind ; mens ceca, lucis 

indiga ; exhausta divino lumine ; Cim- 
meriis immersa tenebris ; in erroram 
densitate vaga ; oppleta tenebris. 
_ Pleasure or voluptuousness Buinp- 
Frotps the eyes of the mind; voe 
luptas mentis persfringit oculos ; quasi 
per caliginem perstringit aciem animi. 

The sight of the mind is BLinpED 
or darkened by errors ; animi acies cz- 
catur erroribus. 

As Bunn as a beetle; Tiresia ce- 
cior; Prov. a notissima fabula sump- 
tum. Juvenal. Nec surdum nec Tire- 
siam quenquam esse Deorum. Tiresiam, 
proverbiali figura, pro caco dixit; ut 
et Horat. pro paupere, Iram ; Intere- 
rit multum divesne loquatur an Irus. 
And so is used, talpa cecior; de iis, 
qui supra’ modum cacutiunt, aut, qui 
minime recte judicant. Et sic apud 
Hor. Hypsea cecior, satis apparet 
parceemiam ab Hypsea muliere quapiam 
infami, noteque cecitatis esse profet- 
tam. : 

To be Burnpep, as in the blackest 
darkness ; in Cimmeriis constitui tene- 
bris; Prov. Multam -obscuritatem, 
aut animi caliginem, Cimmerias appel- 
lant tenebras; natum adagium a Cim- 
meriw regionis prodigiosa obscuritate. 

A Buinp speculation ; ceca specu- 
latio. Suidas proverbialem esse dictio- 
nem admonet, quoties aut connivent, 
quibus datum est negotium, aut ipsi ni- 
hil vident, quibus observandi partes 
sunt delegate. 

The Bunn leading the blind; cecus 
ceco dux; Hor. Prov. 

Use neither a Bunn guide nor a 
mad counsellor ; neque cecum ducem, 
neque amentem consultorem; subau- 
diendum, adhibeas ; h. e. disce sed a 

doctis ; consilium pete, sed a consul. 


do ; palpari in tenebris ; manu tentare 
in tenebris. ~~ caeeiee 

To Buinp one’s eyes; pulverem 
oculis offundere ; Hieron, Sic dicitur¢ 
qui de industria rem obscurat, et adver- 
sario judicium eripit. A blind man’s 
direction ; ceci preescriptio ; ceci jus- 
sio, sive exhortatio dicitur absurda, 
quoties ipse, qui prescribit, non intelli- 
git quid dicat. Plane convenit homi- 
ni insigniter caliganti. Sie 

Avarice Buinps our eyes; nos ce- 
cos reddit avaritia. The hope of plun- 
der blinds their minds ; spes rapiendi 

-atque predandi occecat animos ev-’ 

rum. i 
To attack one on his Butnp side; 
imbecillitatem alicujus aucupari ; alicui 
incauto insidias struere. 

He is Buinp of one eye; altero ocu- 
lo capitur. ; eimai 

A BLOT; litura, macula, f. erratum, 
i + ol 

To Biot; maculare. shih ae 

To Buor out, or deface; delere, ex- 
pungere, obliterare, delinere, defor- 
mare, sale P 

The letter is all Buotrep; liter. 

suffusas habet maculosa lituras; Ovid. 

I Buorren i with crying ; lachry- 
mee fecere lituras ; Ovid. J even blotted 
the letters all out with crying; li-— 
teras ego lachrymis prope delevi ; Cic. 
Time hath blotted. i¢ out; tempus, 
wtas delevit ; Hor. dtr 

You must wipe out that Buot ; de- 
lenda est-vobis illa macula; Cie. 

To BLoramai sreputation with com-" 
mending him ; viro laudatione labecu- 
lam ‘aspergeré';' Cic, seh ae 

To Buior out the remembrance of 
disagreements with forgetfulness ; me- 
rea discordiarum oblivione delere ; 

ic. : Bc Piste 

Biorrep out; deletus, obliteratus.” 

Quite to obliterate or Biot out ; mas 
culam, labem, mendam diluere, eluere, 
obliterare, detergere, abstergere, fundi- 
tus delere. E tabulis eradere. Macu-°- 
lam, que penitus insedit, atque invete- 
ravit, delere, emendare, litura defor- 
mare.—Nostros emendare jocos una li- 
tura potest. See Ee 

To Buor or spot; maculare. Ma- 
cula, labe, lituris, aspergere, consperge- 
re, contaminare, inficere, foedare, inqui* 

To grope in the dark, as Burxy men 

VE EOS ey & RD A Ih hd 


nare, deformare,  Vitium, turpitudi- 
nem, feeditatem, maculam, labem offun- 

BLOOD ; | sanguis, cruor. 
corrupt blood ; sanies, tabum. 
Letting of Buoop ; venisectio. 
Boop, for kindred ; prosapia. 


Buoop, for murder ; cedes, homi-. 


A Buoop-hound ; 
Trius ; canis inductor. 

To open a vein, to let Buoop; venam 
alicui ferire, aperire, incidere, solvere ; 
sanguinem nimium, corruptum, vitio- 
sum, feculentim, adustum detrahere, 
elicere. Sanguine i amipary, exuberante, 
inflammato corpus !evare, exonerare. 

Tt stops Buoop ; sanguinem fluentem 
sistit ; Plin. 

He was let Bioov without any pain ; 

canis. investiga- 

“missus est sanguis sine dolore ; Cic. 

One of the Bioop royal ; vir generis 
regil ; regie stirpis, regia stirpe ortus ; 

If you stir up my Buoop ; si mihi 
stomachum moveritis; Cic. 

The young man’s Bioop begins: to 
rise; commoveri videtur adolescens ; 
Cic. | 

My or his Broop is up; mihi ani- 
mus ardet; cor cumulatur ira; Cic. 
Sanguen illi fervet ; Petron, 

To embrue with Boop, or to make 

~ bloody ; cruentare, sanguinare. - 

To conyert or turn into BLoop; in 
succum et sanguinem vertere. 

To train up in Broop or bloody 
courses ; cedibus innutrire, 

Bioovy, or full of blood; sangui- 
neus, sanguinolentus, sanguinans. 

The earth or ground is wet with 
Broop ; sanguine terra tabet, madet. 

The thorns of -thickets spread a- 
broad are bedewed with Bioop ; sparsi 
rorantur sanguine vepres. ; 

The ground was warm or moist with 
the Buoop shed ; cede tepebat humus ; 
arva cede madescunt. The whole place 

- swam with blood ; aspersus sanguine 

locus natat omnis, 

‘The earth was made warm by the 
Boop ; atro tepefecta cruore terra; 
funditur ater ubique cruor. 

The ditches overflow with BeOCR 
inundant sanguine fosse.* 
' The hair of the head was clotted to- 
gether with Bioop ; squalent Sanguine 
crines concreti,, ~ | 


BL 145 

He Buen so much; tantum sangul- 
nis effudit. 

To ease, the body by letting of 
Bioop; venam incidendam curare ; 
venas sanguine exonerare ; venam cul- 
tello solvere ; corpus sanguinis exube- | 
rantia levare, sanguinis detractione eva- 

To wash his hands cruelly and mon- 
strously with BLoop ; manus suas san- 
guine tetre et impure cruentare.. 

To BLOW; flare, afflare, coiflare, 
spirare, aspirare. The wind blows ; 
spirant aure, zepliyri flant. 

To puff and Brow; anhelare. To 
blow the fire ; ignem exsufllare, exsus« 

To Brow away; diffare. To blow 
upon ; afflare. To blow an instrument ; 

To Biow or spring out as a flower ; 
efflorescere, germinare, 

A Buow, or stroke ; ictus, plaga. 

A Brow, or cuff on the ear; alapa, 
colaphus. To give onea blow or buf- 
fet; alapam, colaphum, impingere, 

To Brow the nose; emungere na- 

To Buiow up or full; sufflare. 

To Biow vehemently, or shorenenly 

To Bow, or breathe together ; con- 
flare, conspirare. To blow or wind an 
horn ; cornicinare, cornu instare, 

A Biow with a staff; fustuarium. 

He Buows the fire with his mouth ; 
bucca foculam excitat; Juv. Take the 
beliows and blow the fire; admotis fol- 
libus flatu ignem accende ; Curt. 3 

No wind could Bow but— ; neque 
ullus flare ventus poterat, quin— ; 

He missed his Biow ; vires in ven- 
tum effudit ; Virg. 

To get a "Buow, i i, e. receive ; acci- 
pere ictum; Lucret. Since we have . 
got such a blow in Asia ; cum ea pla- . 
ga in Asia accepta sit ; Cic. 

To Biow a trumpet ; buccinam in- 
flare; Var. To come together when 
the trumpet blows ; ad inflatam bucci- 
nam convenire ; Var. 

To avoid one’s Buow ; declinare ic- 
tum; Liv. Macrob. Togive one a side 
blow ; 3 ictu obliquo et inflexo ferire ; 
Plin. To receive one’s blow on his’ 
helm; ictum galea excipere ; Ov. 

To Buow his fingers, parr in 

146 BO 

manus ori admotas; pultem fervidam 
inflare, With the same breath to blow 
hot and cold ; ex eodemoré calidum et 
frigidumefflare. One might have blown 
them down with a blast ; quos si suf- 
flasses, cecidissent; Petron. 

To BLUSH ; rubere, erubere, rubore 

To make one Briusu ; ruborem in- 
cutere, rubefacere, pudefacere, ruborem, 
pudorem alicui movere, imponere. 

A Buusuinc ; pudor, rubor, m. tu- 
bentia, x, f. 

All is well, he Biusuep ; erubuit, 
salva res est; Ter. 

I Buusuep deeply ; totis erubui ge- 
nis; Ovid. He bluslied as red as fire ; 
incanduit ore ruber; Claud, Scholars 

may well blush at if ; res digna in qua * 

docti erubescant ; Cic. 

To put one to the Brusu ; alicui pu- 
dorem incutere; Hor. He put his 
sisters to the blush ; rubefecerat ora so- 
rorum; Sil. 

At the first Biusu ; prima fronte ; 
aspectu primo; Quin. Liv. 

To get a Buusu of a thing ; per 
transennam aspicere; Cic. 

To Buiusyu again; ejectum semel 
attrita de fronte ruborem recipere. 

To Buvusu out of modesty ; capit eum 
verecundia; Liv. Pudor ora subit; 
erubuere gene totoque recanduit ore ; 
conscientia rei alicujus ad verecundiam 
coinmoveri; contrahere ruborem ; infi- 
citur teneras ore rubente genas; inge- 
nue, erubescere, modeste verecundari ; 
ingenua modestia aflici, pudore facino- 
ris commoveri. 

To lay aside shame or Buusatnc ; 
pudorem ponere, violare. 

To BOAST, or vauné; ostentare, 
gloriari, jactare. 

Boastinc or bragging words; verba 
sesquipedalia ; ampulla. 

To Boast, or brag ; gloriose, immo- 
‘dice, magnifice, nimium, plenis buccis, 
arroganter, arrogantissime venditare, 
ostentare, laudare, efferre se, suas lau- 
des crepare, predicare ; sua narrare fa- 
cinora; suas gestas, preclaras res, suas 

vires ostentare, Majora narrare quam . 

prestiterit. De rebus suis gloriosius 
predicare, Jactantia, jactatione, os- 
tentatione nimia rerum gestarum uti. 
' Verbis magnificis in coelum suas res ges- 
tas efferre, tollere. Crebram, frequen- 
tem recordationem, co 

suarum rerum gestarum usurpare. Mag- 



nopere de suis rebus, insolenter, impu- 
denter, intuleranter, immodice, immo- 
desteque impudenti ore de suis precia- 
ris facinoribus gloriari. Magmloquos 
flatus edere. Frequenti sermone, non 
sine audientium fastidio facta sua jac- 
tare. Falsa gloria exornare se. Arro- 
gantius, tragice, grandia, maxima que- 
que de se loqui. Labore alieno partam 
gloriam verbis in se transmovet Thraso ; 
sui insolens preedicator; suarum laudum 
preco, tubicen.. Stultitize hinnitus jac- 
tantia est. Deforme est de seipso pra- 
dicare falsa, preesertim et cum irrisione 
audientium imitari militem gloriosum. 
Grandiloguus. Te niminm laudas. Et 
genus, et proavos, ét regia nomina jac- 

Boastinciy; jactanter, gloriose, 
Thrasonice. Srige 

BoastinG, or apt to brag ; jactabun-- . 

dus, gloriabundus. 
A Boaster ; jactator, Thraso, glori- 

~osus, 2 

Tam able to BoAst as much as; (or, 
to make the same boast that ;) possum 
idem gloriari, quod— ; Cic. He made 
his boast that he descended from Achil- 
les ; Achille auctore gloriatus est; Pa 
terc. ‘ a8 

To Boast of his riches and learning ; 
divitias ejus atque eruditionem jactare. 
To make a boast of his pains, memory ; 

‘labores, memoriam estentare; Claud. ~ 

Cic. To boast of his wit or valor or 
kindred; ingenium, virtutem, genus, 
jactare. a > 
| Do not Boast of any thing ; absit 
jactantia. ssi Eee 
The Boastine man follows the false 
shadows of his own honor; jactator » 
Thrasonicus falsas honoris sui umbras 
‘consectatur. ; 
They Boast and brag ; plenis buccis 
et buccinis crepant. He boasts of his 
bags ; crepat divitias, He boasts and 
brags still as high as ever ; nec quic- 
quam jam loquitur modestiu oF 
He thought he had done something 
io be Boastep of ; rem palmariam, ac 
triumpho dignam sibi visus est fecisse. 
To make a Boastine of a mere tri- , 
fle; arcem ex.cloaca facere, © 
To Boast of many good morrows ; 
fumos vendere. What an unheard-of 
insolence is it to boast and brag of vil- 
lany itself! O superbiam inauditam in 
facinore et scelere gloriari! ; 
He Boasts and brags,-as if he were 




so greata scholar that learning must 
stand and fall with him ; gloriatus est 
insuper secum natas esse literas, secum 

Tf he talk nothing: ordinary, but 
Boasts and brags. of, state affairs, of 
castles, battles, wars, and all high and 
terrible things; si nihil loquatur ple- 
beium, sed arces, pugnas, bella, ac 
Thrasonica crepat omnia. 

He has but bad neighbors, for he 
is fain to Boast of and praise him- 
self; suarum laudum preco insolens, 
pleno ore et magno cum triumpho cla- 
mitat, et gloriatur. 

He Boasts of his own exploits ; 
sua narrat facinora. He makes a blus- 
tering noise and siir by his boasting ; 
celum terramque jactantia sua miscet. 

A BODY; corpus, n. A little 
body ; corpusculum. 

Bopy of an army ; acies. 

A Bony without the head ; truncus,. 

‘A dead Bony ; cadaver. 

Bigness of Bopvy ; corpulentia, f. 

To embrace by, or take hold of the 
Bopx ; amplecti. 

_ No Bopy ; nemo, nullus. 

Some Bovy; aliquis, quidam. 

But if there be any Bopy, that— ; 
sin quisquam sit, qui— ; Cic. 

Perhaps you have heard it of some 
Bopy that— ; audisti ex aliquo for- 
tasse, qui—; Ter, 

And yet that some Bopy was not 
Ligarius ; atque is tamen aliquis Li- 
garius non fuit ; Cic. 

I fear no Bopy’s finding it; non 
metuo ne quisquam inveniat ; Plaut, 

See you let no Bopy-come into the 
house ; cave quenquam in edes intro- 
miseris ; Plaut. 

That no Bovy do hurt to any body ; 
ne cui quis noceat; Cic. 

You arein no more danger, than any 
other Bopy ; nihilo majore in discri- 
mine es, quam quivis ; Cic. 

No Bopy understands me; non in- 
telligor ulli; Ovid. Nor was he seen 
by any body ; 3 nec cernitur ulli; Virg. 

No Bopy observed that fault ; id vi- 
tinm nulli notatum erat; Ovid. No 
body thinks so but I; hoe nemini pre- 
ter me videtur; Cic. 

Every Bopy cries shame on it ; cla- 
mant omnes indignissime factum.;- Ter. 
He thinks that ne body can do 20 well 
as himself ; nihil nisi quod ipse facit, 
rectum putat; Ter, 


BO- 147 

The Bony. he ‘sold for gold ; auro 
corpus vendebat; Virg. 

I was wellin Bopy, but sick in mind ; 
amorbo valui, ab animo eger fui ; 
Plaut. . 

Open the door quickly, s some Bopy ; 
aperite aliquis actutum ostium ; Ter. 

It is in every Bopy’s-mouth ; in ore 
est omni populo; Ter. Every body 
knows ; nemo ignorat; Cic. Let any 
body be judge; cedo quemvis arbi- 
tram; Ter. 

No Bony else looks after us; alius 
nemo respicitnos; Ter. Hardly any 
body ; non fere quisquam ; Cic. 

h no Bopy praise it. yet—; 
etiamsi a nullo landetur—; Cic. 
_ It makes every Bovy in love with it; 
mirabiles sui amores excitat; Cic. J 
had to do then with no body else ; quo- 
cum tum uno rem habebam ; Ter. 

He had every Bopy’s leave to give 
over; ei desinere per omnes homi- 
nes licuit; Cic. No body could tell ; 
in incerto fuit; Tac. There is no 
body, but—; non est quisquam, quin 
—; Cic. 

No Bopy, not any ore body ; nemo 
quisquam ; nemo homo; nemo unus 
vir;-non quivis unus; Ter. Cic. Liv, 
No body ever thought any of these 
things would come to pass ; horum ni- 

-hil ita fore putatum est ; Cic. 

He came to the enemy’s camp with 
his army in three Bovixs rank and file ; 
acie triplici instructa ad hostium castra 

rvenit; Ces. 

Of or belonging to the Bepy, or that 
hath a body; corporeus, corporalis, 

There is no Bopy here but we ; hic 
soli sumus, 

BOLD ; andax, fidens,strenaus, im- 
pavidus, intrepidus. ‘Bold or sancy ; 
insolens, audaculus. 

| To be Botp; audere. To make 
bold ; animare, dnimos addere. 

A Boup fellow ; homo audax, anda- 
culus, confidens ; stolide ferox ; longe 
audacissimus; summa, effreni, projecta 
audacia, Qai plus animi quam Consi- 
liihabet. “Audaciaelatus. Qui nimia, 
procaci libertate loquendi se venditat ; 
non dubitanter, titubanter, timide, ve- _ 
recunde, modeste: sed presenti animo, 
libere, liberius, liberrime, sine metu’ et 
vérecundia, audacia et impudentia fre- 
tus dicit, facitque omnia. 

Bouipness ; audacia, 

148 BO 

Boupness in speaking ; libertas, lo- 
quendi libertas,- — 

Botpness in asking or begging ; 
procacitas, f. 

Being Bown upon ; fretus, with an abl. 

‘Grown Botp ; obfirmatus.. : 

ABotp feat; ‘facious audacissimum. 

We may be Botp to imitate the 
Stoics; audeamus iwitari Stoicos; 
Cic. \He was so bold as to say ; est 
enim ausus dicere; Cic. How dare I 
be so bold as to do it? qua fiducia id 
facereaudeain? — 

Upon your promise we have made 
Boup to speak; tuis promissis freti 
linguam resolvimus; Plin. Nobody 
ever thought that any man would have 
been so bold ; nemo quenquam tam au- 
dacem fore, arbitrabatur ; Cic. 

Nor, though I know it, dare I be so 
Botp as to say it; nec si sciam dicere 
ausim ; Liv. Who more bold than A 
quis me andacior et confidentior? Plaut. 
f dare be bold to say ; audacter affir- 

I made Boxp to ask him ; duravi 
interrogare illum ; Pet. 

A prudent, wary captain or leader 
is better than arash and Botp com- 
mander ; melior est dux circumspectus, 
quam projecte audaculus. 

He isa Bown fellow, and ready for 
any mischief, to hazard though he should 
be hanged for it ; fidens animiatque in 
utrumque paratus, Seu versare dolos seu 
certa occumbere morte; Virg. He 
was a monstrously bold fellow ; erat 
incredibili armatus audacia, 

Although desperate Borpness does 
not become prudent men, yet we ought to 
be prepared and resolved in our minds ; 
quamy is homines prudentes projecta 
minime deceat audacia; at.vero pa- 
rati et armati animis esse debemus; 
Cic. Yet in that affair he seems to 
me to have had more boldness of cou- 
rage than prudence of counsel ; tamen 
in hac re plus mihi animi, quam consi- 
lii, videtur habuisse ; Cic, 

We must be Bown and confident to 
set a good face on it ; audendum est ; 
formandus et firmandus est animus. 

. Be Bown, fear no shame, never 
blush for the matter ; have your wits 
about you, take a good heart, and see 
you be not daunted ; aude, frica.faci- 
em ; ne quid pudeat ; ; perfricanda est 
frons : fac apud te sies ; resume-ani- 
mum; fac presenti sis animo, 



We.must set upon him some Born - 
fellow that will not easily be baffled ; 
protrudendus est aliquis legatus, non 
admodum verecunde frontis, quem non 
protelet illico. 

He is a Bown fellow, and can speak 
well; perfricte frontis est, bene lin- 
guax, ac musca impudentior, 

You area Boup beggar ; satis au- 
dacter petis. 

Botpness is not safe against those 
who are bolder; be not too bold with 
your betters ; ineaudaces non est auda- 
cia tuta, 

I am a little Botprer than to be 
afraid of every bug-bear ; non is sum 
gui fulgura ex vitro reformidem, 

He-would hare spoken if he had had 
Boipness enough for it ; compellatu- 
rus erat si audacie fuissdt satis. They 
were so bold when so many were by ; 
mirum certe est-istos tantum audere 
facinus, tot testibus consciis. Un- 
dauntedly and boldly ; magno anime 
atque erecto. 

You must be Botp and not a 
them, if you mean. they should not 
hurt you ; urticam si cunctanter attin-, 
gas, adurit; si fortiter, hebescit. 

He is a Born fellow, but rash; ha- 
bet os; plus autem animi quam con- 
silii habet. 

It is a Bown part ‘of him; facinus 

audax incipit. Who so bold as blind 
Bayard? inscitia confidentiam pa- 

A BOND, obligatory ; obligatioy 
instrumentum obligatdrium. 

A Bonn for appearance ; vadimoni- 
um, sponsio sistendi. 

A Bonn for payment or perform- 
ance ; satisdatio. 

To give Bonp ; satisdare. 

To enter into Bonn for the perform- 
ance of a bargain; se nexu obligare, 
To sue one upon a bond; ex syngra- 
pla, seu instrumento obligatorio cum 
aliquo agere, 

Bonos ; vincula, compedes. 
put one in bonds; compedibus c 
cere aliquem ; Suet. Injicere vincula 
alicui ; Cie. F 

To put in Bonns to answer; deji- 
cere libellos. 

“ Tied in Bonps; vinculis astricti ; 
ic. ; 

To enter into Bonn for appearance 3 
promittere vadimon nium, 

BonpaGe, or slavery ; servitus,-utis, 





f. servitium, n. captivitas, f. That 
is in bondage; servus, adj. Mancipa- 
tus, part, from mancipare, i, e, manu- 
capére, to bring into bondage. 

Of or belonging. to Bonpace ; ser- 
_Vilis, adj. 

A Bonnp-man or bond-slave ; servus, 
mancipium, mancupium, q. d. manu- 

A Bonp-man_ bern, and browght up 
in the house ; verna, c. g. 

A Bonv-man made free ; libertus. 
A bond-woman made free ; liberta. 

To bring into Boxpace -or capti- 
vity ; aliquem in servitutem, in servi- 
lem conditionem dare, redigere, rapere, 
conjicere, corripere, adducere, abda- 

‘ cere, abstrahere, mittere: jugo servi- 

tutis premere, opprimere : suo dominio 
_subigere, subjicere : servituti addicere : 
‘libertate privare, spoliare : -in suum do- 
minium redigere, sub jugum’ mittere : 
imposuistis in cervicibus nostris sempi- 
ternum dominium, jugum, Alicui ser- 
vitutem, dominium, jugam servitutis 
imponete: libertatem eripere, adimere, 
_praecidere.. Servitio premere.—Humili 
sub pede colla premit, tenet. 

_ To be in Bonvace or, captivity; 
serviré, servitutem, servitutis jugum, 
domini potentiam, imperium, domina- 

_ tum alterius: dominum ferre, susti- 

nere, pati: domino potenti, imperio- 
so ; domini potestati, tyrannidi, i impe- 
rio ‘subjici, parere. In servitute, man- 
cipii, servitii loco, conditione servili 
esse. Libertatem amittere. In servi- 
tutem, captivitatem venire, adduci, re- 
digi, &c. Dare cervices crudelitati 
aliene. Servus est qui-captus bello 
vitam libertate redemit, non sui juris 
jam, sed arbitrii et nutus alieni. Grave 
servitium, servitii jugum ferre, pati. 
Tristi servitio subjectus. 
cla pati. De lapide empti.—Eversa 
corpora capta domo. Qui lora re- 
strictis lacertis sensit iners, timuitque 
mortem.—lIbericis perustus funibus la- 
tus, et crura dura compede. 

To become one’s Bonp-man; eman- 
‘cipare se alicui ; Plaut. 

To make a Bonv-man free, or to 
free ‘one from bondage ; émancipare, 

A multitude or company of Bonp- 
men ; servi,-orum 3 servitia,-orum. 

A BONE; os, ossis, n. ossum, n, 

A little Bone oe: 

- The back-Box 3 spina, fs 

Barbara vin- © 


The jaw-Bone, 
mandibula, maxilla. 
The hip-Bone ; coxa, coxendix. 

The shin-Bone ; tibia. 

To pull out or break the Bones ; 

That which is bred in the Bone, 
will never out of the flesh ; Prov. (sem- - 
per fere in malam partem accipitur ;) 
lupus pila mutat, non mentem; natu- 
ram expellas furca, tamen usque recur- 
ret ; Hor. 

T have given hima Bone to pick ; 
injeci scrupulum homini ; Ter. 

He made no Bones of it, to run 
away from the fre non dubitavit ce- 
dere flammis ; Ovid, 

‘He is nothing but skin and Bones ; 
ossa atque pellis totus est ; Plaut. 

Hunger makes hard Bones sweet 
meat ; Prov.; fames efficit, ut crude 
etiam fabz saccarum sapiant. 

I tremble every Bone of me; tota 
mente atque omnibus artubus contre- 

They may as soon take a Bone from 
a dog ; lupo agnum eripere postulant. 

A BOOK; liber, codex. 

A little Boox ; libellus, codicillus. 

A Book of accounts ; codex rationa- 
rius, ratio accepti et expensi. 

A Book of remembrance; commen- 

A day-Boox, or journal ; diarium, 

Books of civil law ; pandecte: 

Books: of public record ; libri -ele- 

A note Boox ; sdvotsinte (pl. n. ) 

‘A Book without. thé author’s name 
to it ; liber adespotus. 

A’ Boox published under a false 
name; liber supposititius, subdititius. 

A Boox pudlished after the author’s 
death ; opus posthumum. 

To mind his Boox ; incumbere stu- 
diis, vacare musis. 

One that loves his Boox ; studiis 

or cheek-bone ; 


A great reader of Booxs 3 librorum 
helluo. : 

To say a thing without Boox; re- 
citare memoriter, 

A Booxtsn fellow ; merus scholas- 

Belonging to Booxs ; librarius. 

A Boox-binder; bibliopegus. 

A-Boox-seller + bibliopola. 
: A Boox-worm ;. blatta. 

150 BO 

To make an end of a Boox; librum: 

ad umbilicum ducere. 

It is in the latter end of that Boox ; 
est in extremo illo libro; Cic. 

The Boox. wilh please me; me liber 
delectabit ; Cic. He will not let me 
have my bvok ; prohibet. mihi librum. 
To get without book ; memorize man- 
dare; Cic. We must show it in these 
books ; his libris explicandum est; 
” Cic. 

Booxs of account; tabule accepti 
et expensi, 

Statute Books, or books of record ; 
abule publice. 

To read over a-Boox ; evolvere li- 
brum. To write a book; volumen 
conscribere; Cic. To put forth a 
book ; scriptum dare foras ; Cic. 

To Boox a thing down ; aliquid in 
codicem; commentarium; libellum 
referre ; Cic. ‘ 

Jt is not so in your Book ; aliter est 
apud te; Cic. He never looks off his 

book; caput de tabula non tollit ; 


Your Books are in great estimation ; 
libri tui in honore habentur, Libri tui 
omnibus vigent, egregia tuis de libris 
opinio est, existinmatio est; preclare 
de tuis libris omnes existimant, senti- 
unt, judicant, tui libri magno. apud 
omnes in honore sunt, omnium judicio 
‘probantur, laudibus ac testimoniis or- 
nantur, in manibus sunt, in manibus 
habentur, manibus teruntur, sinu fo- 
ventur, circumgestantur, circumferun- 
tur, assidue tractantur, diligenter evol- 
vuntur, accurate, studiose lectitantur. 

To be given to his Boox, to mind 
his learning; totum se in scientia et 
cognitione collocare ; in studia incum- 
bere; animum studiis adjungere ; dis- 
cendi cupidum esse; contemplationi 
vacare ; se iiteris abdere, et involvere ; 
quotidie commentari. ite 

A BORDER; ordo, margo, extre- 
mitas. 4 y 

A Borper of a country ; limes, finis, 

A Borper of a garment; limbus, 
fimbria, instita, 

The Borvers, or marches ; confinia, 
termini. rye 

To Bonper upon; adjacere, con+ 
terminum esse, 

Borperine near together ; conter- 
minus, finitimus, contiguus. 

Places Boroerine ; loca finitima, 



contigua. Regiones contermine, tor- 

Fines alterius regi- 
Fines habere com- 
munes conjunctos. Convenire finibus. 
Oceanum attingunt. Proximi Caribus 
sunt Lycii.—Domus domui conterntina 
nostre. Contiguas habuere domos. 

fines, adjacentes. 
onis contingere, 

Falsehoods Borper on truth ; -falsa” 

veris finitima sunt ; Cic, ~ 
They cannot agree about their Bor- 
DEks ; ambigunt de finibus ; Ter. 

* Those who Borner on the sea; qui- 
Those who border. 

oceanum attingunt, 
on the Rhine; qui proximi Rheno 
flumini sunt. A house which borders 
on the country ; domus que prospicit 
ae , 

To quarter the soldiers on the Bor- 
DER of the country; milites per fron- 
tem regionis distribuere. : 

Soldiers garrisoned on the Bor- 
DERS ; limitanei milites; qui in colli- 
mitio sunt constituti ; in prasidio ad- 
versus inimicos excubantes in limiti- 

To be BORN ; nasci, procreari, ori- 
ri, gigni,, exoriri. Matris utero, ex 
utero, in auras, sub auras cocli prodire, 
In viam; in Incem hane edi, ingredi, 
prodire, suscipi, venire, advenire, pro- 
cedere, introire, emitti, Ad sidera et 
celum et vite lumen accedere. Qui 
simulac pedem limine -extulerat, &c. 
In vitam, in lucem emergere. ‘thera 
videre.—Prodire in ]uminis auras. In- 
fans maturus—communes exit in aus 
ras. ; 

To be Born again; renasci. To 
be born before due time ; aboriri, 

Born ; satus sanguine alicujus, pro- 
seminatus. Natus, prognatus, satus, 
cretus, creatus, ortus, editus, with an 
abl. Born or descended of a stock or 
lineage ; oriundus. va 

First-Born ; primo-genitus. ; 

Born before its time ; abortivus. 

Base-Born ; spurius, nothus, adul- 
terinus. if 

Born after the death of his father ; 

posthumus, m. 


Twins Born at one birth; gemini, 

Born three at once; trigemini, 
A native Born ; indigena.’ = 
| Born in the country ; rurigena. 
Born of the earth; terrigena, 
He was Born a slave ; verna natus 
est; Plaut. He was born for nothing 
but this—; ad- joc unum est natus 5 


a's : 

Aan et oho 



' tion ; hac lege gencrati sunt ; 



Cie. are born under this condi- 

Born of mean, base,-obscure parent- 
age; obscuris orti parentibus ; Cic. 

The year before Ennius was Born ; 
anno ante natum Ennium ; Cie. 

Alas that ever I was Bory ! heu, 
me miserum! Ter. 

Well Born ; honesto loco natus. 

When you were Born ; cum te de 
matris utero natura produxit; Boeth. 

As soon. as ever he was Born ; si- 
mul atque editus in lucem foret. 

Born together ; cougai, congeni- 

Still-Born ; ; natus.mortuus, 

‘As soon as I was Born, or ever 
since I was a child; from my infancy 
or youth; ab initio etatis, a primo 
wtatis exordio; (quamprimum natus 
sum) a prima tate, ab ineunte etate, 
a primis temporibus, a puero, jam inde 
a puero, jam inde usquesa puero, a 
prima puerilia, a primis annis, a tene- 
ris, ut Greeci dicunt, unguiculis, a die 
natali, ab ortu primo, a quo die natus 
sum, ex quo ingressus in vitam sum, ex 
quo lucis asura frui ceepi, ex quo vite 
limen attigi, animam ducere, spiritum 
haurire de ceelo, ccepi. 

To be Born or brought forth; in- 
troire ad vitam, vel, in vitam; edi in 
lucem, emergere, prodire in ” vitam : 
fieri, nasci, utero matris prodire; ve- 
nire ad sidera, ethera, surgere ad lu 
mina vite; venire sub auras ceeli; ac- 
cipere vitam; emitti in auras. Item, 
aves, accipitres et animalia dicuntur 
quogue feetum emittere: ut, foetus ex- 
pellit se in auras. 

I wish I had never been Born ; “ 
ce. utinam susceptus non essem ; 

“ You understand how your were Born, 
and how you were adorned by nature ; 
intelligis quemadmodum in vitam ve- 

 neris, et quomodo a natura ornatus; in 

puero refert qua affectione ceeli spiri- 
tum.duxerit ; Cic. de Nat. 

Ye who are Born of the gods; vos 
qui deorum satu orti estis ; Cic. 

The people that were Born of or 
that came from Japhet ; gentes et fa- 
miliz que a Japeto profluxerunt. 

Priamus had jifty sons, of which 
twenty were Born of his lawful wife; 
quinguaginta filios Priamus habuit, e 
guibus justa uxore nati sunt viginti. 

Cic. “~f 

BO 151 

BORNE, as a burden, §c.; latus, 
gestus, portatus. 

We have seen Massilia Borne in 
triumph ; portari in triumpho Massili- 
am vidimus; Cic. 

He has Borne gently with me hi- 
therto ; me leni passus est animo us- 
que adhuc; Ter, 

Té may be Bonne with; ferendum 

aliquo modo est. 
' To BORROW ; matuari. Mutuo, 
commodatum sumere, accipere. Ali- 
unde petere mutuo quod opus est, 
quod sibi deest. Pecuniam mutuam 
sumere. AZre alieno se implicare. 
Utendum aliquid accipere, usum rei 
ad tempus rogare, impetrare, habere, 
Nomina, ws alienum facere. _ Vestem, 
librum commodatum sumcere. 

To Borrow upon usury; foenerari. 

. To Borrow of one to pay another ; 
versuram facere ; Corn. Nep, Versura 
dissolvere.; Cie. 

He Borrowep forces of them for 
that war; ab iis ad id bellum auxilia 
mutuatus erat; Ces, 

BOTH ; ambo, uterque. 

On Boru sides ; _utrinque, utrinse- 
cus, utrobique. 

To be on Bors sides ; duabus sellis 
sedere. > 

A Jack of Boru sides ; ; ambidexter, 

Boru ways ; ambifariam, adv. utro- 
que. % 

I. Boru, spoken of two, is rendered 
by ambo, or uterque: as, They both 
count their cattle twice a day ; bisque 
die numerant ambo pecus; Virg. Both 
the orators were undone by their wit ;* 
Eloguio sed uterque perit orator ; Ju- 
ven. Both of them Arcadians and 
young men in the flower of their age ; 
ambo florentes ztatibus, Arcades am- 
bo; Virg. Ecl. The father and mo- 
ther were both at home 3 uterque mater 
et pater, domi erant ; Ter. Conscience 
is of great efficacy on both sides ; mag- 
na est vis conscientie in utramque par- 
tem ; Cic. Many things ure said on 
both sides ; in utraque parte multa di 
cuntur ; Id. 

“1. Note: “Some make this differ- 
ence between ambo and uterque ; as if 
ambo were to be used when two were 
or did the same thing together, uter- 
que when asunder. But others refute. 
that ; yet this difference there is ; that 

» 152 BO- 

ambho has after it only a verb plural, 
but uterque either singular or plural: 

When Boru the armies were in 
sight of one another; quum uterque 
‘utrique esset exercitus in conspectu ; 
Ces. They were both wonderfully 
deceived; uterque deluduntur dolis 
mirum in modum ; Plaut. 

Also uterque is used partitively with 
a genitive after it: as, Boru of them 
were overcome ; horum uterque cecidit 
victus; Cic. But ambo is hardly ever 
so used. ) 

2. Note: Some contend that omnis 
is rightly said of two; and Gellius 
seems so to use it, 1. 16. ¢.9. Susque 
deque fero, aut, susque deque habeo, 
his enim omnibus modis dicitur—&c. 
And so Demipho in Ter. Phor. 2. 
speaking of Antipho and Phedria: 
For Botu do agree,if you know one 
you know them both, says, omnes con- 
gruunt, unum cognoris, omnes noris. 

Il. Boru, answered by and, ts ren- 
dered by cum, tum, et, vel, qua, &c. : 


I displease Boru myself and others ; 
ipse cum mihi, tum ceteris displiceo ; 
Cic. Both in time of peace and war ; 
tum in pace, tum in bello; Cic. Much 
tossed to and fro, both by sea and land ; 
multum ille et terris jactatus, et alto; 
Virg. _ To attend much both on honor 
and on danger; multum vel honori, 
vel periculo inservire ; Cic. - Famous 
both for his father’s glory and his 

own ; insignis qua paterna gloria, qua. 

sua; Liv, Both by seaand land ; qua 
mari, qua terra. They use words both 
more frequently and more boldly; 
transferunt verba cum crebrius, tum 
etiam audacius; Cic, Orat. We both 
desire and trust we are beloved by you; 
nos a te amari tum volumus, tum etiam 
confidimus ; Cic. He both thinks 
and commands the same thing ; hoc 
idem et sentit et precipit. 

And so simul is used: as, 

Bors covetous and prodigal; sordi- 
dus simul et sumtuosus. 

As also juxta and pariter : as, 

They killed Botu aimed and un- 

armed, both women and men; truci- . 

dant inermes juxta, atque armatos ; 
foeminas pariter atque viros ; Liv. A 
man all his days much beloved both by 
the senators and by the common peo- 

BO \ 

ple; vir omni vita pariter-patribus ac 
plebi charus ; Liv. 

And so also in the poets, que and 
atque: as, : es 

I admired Born the Trojan cap- 
tains, and Priamus himself; mirabar- | 
que duces Teucros, mirabar et ipsum , 
Laomedontiaden; Virg. Who follows 
after both the males and females alike ; 

qui consectatur eque maresque et fe- 

minas; Plaut. The mother calls both 
the gods and the stars cruel ; atque deos, 
atque astra vocat crudelia mater ; Virg? 

Note: If Boru be rendered by cum, 
then and is rendered by tum: as, We 
are wretchedly unprovided both for 
soldiers and for money; sumus flagi- 
tiose imparati cum a militibus, tum a 
pecunia; Cic. 

Some other phrases. 

Many being killed on_ Born sides ; 
multis utrinque interfectis; Ces... J 
had great enemies on both sides ; utro- 

-bique magnos inimicos habebam ; Cic. 

Armies were sent to both places ; utro- 
que exercitus. missi; Liv. They may 
be said both ways; utroqueversum 

dicantur ; Gell. Do that which shall be. 

Sor the good of both ; in commune con- 
sulas ; Ter. And, ; 

The BOTTOM, or ground and found- 
ation, of any thing ; fundus, fundum, 
imum, solum. 

The Borrom or settling, or dregs 
of liquor; fex, sedimentum. ~ 

To settle or go to the Bottom ; 
subsidere. ; 

Settled in the Borrom; subsiduus : 
adj. Ko 

The Borrom of the sea; maris pro- 

The Bottom of a ship; carina. 

A Bortom or valley ; convallis. 

The Borrom or lowest ; imus, adj. as, 

From the Bortom of the heart ; ab 
imo pectore. At the bottom ; in imo. 
To the very bottom; funditus. Jn 
the bottom of hell; in imo Tartaro. 
Sharpened at the bottom; paulum ab 
imo (i. e. ab inferiore parte) preacu- 
tus ; Ces. 

Bottromtusss ; fundo carens; ex- 
pers fundi. 
_ Without Bottom ; immensus, ad). 

From, to the very Bottom; fun- 
BOUGHT ; emptus, &c. (See To 
Bur.) To be bought ; emi, — 



Bovcur again ; emptus, redemptus. 
Which is to be Boucutr; merca- 
I Bovcur this for you ; hoc merca- 
tus sum tibi. He would have me let 
him have it as I bought it; tantidem 
emptum postulat sibi tradi; Ter. J 
bought for just so much; nec pluris 
nec minoris emi. 

Bovucur wit is the best; duro fla- 
gello mens docetur rectius, 

To BOUND or limit, or to set 
bounds ; limitare, terminare, finire, de- 

finire, terminos panyere, intra limites _ 

coercere. Terminos, limites, cancellos 
prescribere, prestituere,. circumdare, 
Terminis, limitibus-definire, sepire. Fi- 
nibus quibusdam, certis spatiis, regio- 
nibus terminare, continere, circumscri- 
bere, includere. Intra cancellos coer- 
cere, .In gyrum ducere. Constituere 
sibi certos fines et ternainos. Limitare, 
limitari, determinare, fines terminare, 
—Liimitibus discreverat omnia certis, 
Signare et partiri limite campum. Hic 
terminus heret. 

To Bounn or border on; contermi- 
nari, collimitari. 

A Bovunp or bounds; meta, finis, 

The Bounps or limits ; confinia. 

A Bovunpary-stone, to part one 
man’s apes another ; lapis ter- 

The meeting of Rovevt: 5 caltieds 

Bounoine or bordering’ near_toge- 
ther ; conterminus, confinis, adjacens, 

Bounpuess, that hath no bounds or 
limits ; 

Of or belonging to Bounps; termi- 

As I wandered beyond my Bounps; 

- dum ultra terminum vagor ; Ter. 

To keep within their own Bounns ; 
intra suos limites coercere. 

To be Bounn; teneri, obligari, ob- 
stringi, vineiri, devinciii: 

To be Bounn with sureties for pay- 
ment or performance ; satisdare, va- 

Bounp or tied; 

Bovunp or beholden to one; devinc- 
tus. He is bound ; vinctus est; Ter. 

Bounp with an oath; jurejurando 
astrictus ; Cic. 

Bounp to performaiee of (i. 

ligatus, vinctus, 

e. to 

interminatus, infinitus, i immen- 

BO 153 
make good ; to fulfil) his vow ; dam- 

natus voti, voto. 

Whither are you Bounp? quo tendis,” 
iturus, iter paras? Quo nune est tibi 
iter? ; 

BOUNTY ; liberalitas, benignitas, 
beneficentia, munificentia. 

Bounrirut, liberal; beneficus, be- 
nignus, valde liberalis, promptissimus 
ad largiendum, ab avaritia remotissi- 
mus, benigne faciens omnibus, in dan- 
do non restrictus; bonitatis thesauros 
explicans, See Liperat. 

Fo BOW or bend; (act.) flectere, 
incurvare, To bow ; (neut.) inclinare, 

“To make a Bow ; inclinare corpus. ° 

To Bow the knee ; flectere poplitem, 

To Bow the head ; annuere, nutare. 

To Bow down and worship; ado- 
rare, advenerari. 

To Bow or hang downward ; pro- 

To, Bow the knees; genua summit- 
tere ; Plin. 

I Bow my knees ; flecto genua mea, 

They are Bowen down, and yield to 
weight; incurvantur, ceduntque pon- 
deri; Plin. 

He Bowep himself towards the 
ground; incurvavit se in terram, 

He Bowen his head and gave up 
the ghost; inclinato capite tradidit 

A Bow ; arcus. 

A Bow-string ; chorda, amentam, 

.A cross-Bow ; arcubalista. 

A steel-Bow ; chalibea balista. 

To bend a Bow ;- arcum tendere. 

A Bow-ian, or archer ; sagittarius, 

A Bowyer; arcuarius, 

Like a Bow ; arcuatim. 

A rain-Bow ; Iris, arcus celestis, 
arcus pluvius. 

It flies like an arrow out of a Bow ; 
noto citius volucrique ‘sagitta fugit ; 

He kept his mind bent like a Bow ; 
intentoum animum tanquam arcum- ha- 
bebat ; Cic. 

A Bow too much bent, breaketh ; 
arcus nimis intensus rumpitur: arcus 
tensus rumpitur; ‘arcus, quemadmo- 
dum aiunt, quum intenditur, rumpi so- 
Jet: contra, animus, quum remittitur; 

A BOX on the ear; colaphus, alapa. 

To Box the ears; colaphizare, pug- 
num impingere. Colaphum alicul in- 

154 BR 

cutere ; infligere; impingere; Ter. 
Juv. Plin. He gives himself a box on 
the ear ; in sinum suum conspuit. 

A BOY ; ; puer, m. 

A little Boy or lad; puellus, pu- 

A school-Boy ; ludi-discipulus. 

Boyisu ; puerilis, adj, 

Bovisuness ; ; puerilitas, 

The Boys love one another; pueri 
inter se amant; Cic. To leave boy’s 
play; nuces relinquére. He is past a 
boy ; virilem togam sumpsit; ex pue- 
ris, ex ephebis excessit ; Cic. Ter, 

It is Boy-like ; the trick of a boy ; 
done like a boy ; puerile est; Cic. To 
play the boy; pueriliter facere ; Cic. 
Vhen I was a boy; me puero; Cic. 
Boys will have toys ; parvulus facit ut 

A Boy under fourteen years of age ; 
impuber, m. impubes, 

A Boy about fourteen years of age; 

A pleasant Boy ; puer festivus, le- 
pidus ; nihil est eo puero festivius, ni- 
hil lepidius ; lepores habet, qui amorem 
concilient ; lepore, festivitate, morum 
elegantia conferendus cum illo puero 
nemo est, quibusvis aliis preferendus, 

A Boy of an excellent disposition ; 
summa ingenii indole, summaque vir- 
tute puer preditus. A boy born to 
great honor; puer ad amplissimam 
wee natus. 

ors’ age wants experience; ztas’ 

puerorum est improvida. 

Yo BRAG or boast ; gloriari, jactare, 

A Brae, or vain boasting; gloria- 
tio, jactatio, 

A. Braccapocio; Thraso, glorio- 
sus, jactabundus, jactator. 

You use to Brac of your doing it; 
te id fecisse etiam gloriari soles ; Cic. ° 

To Brac of any thing; in "aliquo 
gleriari; Cic. He brags of his ex- 
ploits; de virtutibus suis preent s 
Cic. How would you brag? quo te 
modo jactares? Cic. 

To Brac of his kindred, wit, beau- 
ty, §c.; genus, ingenium, virtutem, 
&c. Jactare, ostentare; Ov. Quint. 
To brag of oneself; intolerantius se 
jactare ; insolenter se efferre; Cic. 
He makes a great bragging; se mag- 
nificé jactat atque ostentat ; Cic. 

The BRAIN ; cerebrum. 

The. Brain-pan; cranium, testa, 
calvaria, f. 


The hinder part of the. Brain; ¢e- 

To Brain, or dash oe one’s beadaa's 
cerebrum extundere, elidere, excere- 

A light or - shuttle-BratEeD fellow ; 
instabilis, futilis. 

Hare or hair-Bratnep ; cerebrosus. 

Your Brains are addled ; _non tibi 
sanum est sinciput. 

The caul or films of the Brain ; pia 

Bratn-sick ; cerebrosus, temerarius, 

BRAVE or excellent ; elegans, con- 
cinnus, nitidus, splendidus, splendide 
vestitus, mollibus amictus vestibus. 

Brave or gallant ; lautus, magnifi- 
cus. Brave, stout ; magnanimus. — 4 

A Brave soldier; miles e ° 
A brave young soldier ; acer belli ju- 
venis ; Paterc. 

A Brave navy to see; preclara 
classis in speciem ; Cic, 

How Brave a man he is; quam 
claro animo est; Cic. A brave man¢ 
speech ; elegans homo; oratio; Gell, 
Since he braves me to it; quando eo 
provocat ; Ter. Jt is a brave thing te 
be pointed at with the finger—; pul- 
chrum est digito monstrari; Pers. 

As Brave a man as lives ; splen- 
dore neminicedit; Cic..  » 

To Brave it; ostentare, speciem 
pre se ferre, magnifice incedere, wae 
ciose ingredi, plumas extendere. 

To Brave one; lacessere. 

A Brave answer; preclarum re- 
sponsum. Bravery ; decor, splendor, 
ornatus,-us, m. 

To carry a Brave or honorabie 
mind; ad summa contendere, summa 
petere, praclara sibi proponere; ad 
summam gloriam vite cursum dirigere ; 
ad Jaudem incensus et incitatus esse ; 
existimationis et dignitatis studiosus 
esse; animi lucem ostendere; omnia 
leavanis infra se ducere ; divino motu 
res Magnas concupiscere. 

To BRAWL or scold; rixari, liti- 
gare, altercari, jurgare, cavillari, Jur- 
gia, lites, rixas movere, creare, exercere, 
Jurgiis, verbis, dictis mutuis conten- 
dere, certare, pugnare, dimicare, digla- 
diari, velitari. Adrixam concitari, Al- 
tercationem, rixam cum aliquo habere, 
facere. In jurgium.descendere. Jur- 
gio excidere. Strepitu pugnaque ver- 
borum concertare, Pugna contentio- 


_ neque vocali perstrepere ; objurgare, 
_ increpare, incessere, distringere ; mul- 
_ tis’ verbis male aliquem accipere ; Cic. 
Severe excipere, aspere movere ; insec- 
tari austeris, acribus, mordacibus, ex- 
asperantibus verbis ; verborum amaru- 

agere censorium ; Democritum quen- 
dam agere ; Divis ipsis obloqui. 

To BREAK ; frangere, confrmgere, 

To Breax small_or in pieces ; con- 
terere, comminuere, contundere, discu- 
tere. - ‘ ! 

To Breax one’s head; diminuere 
caput, cerebrum. ! 

To Break his brains about a thing ; 
- * macerare se cogitationibus, 

To Break his heart ; animum me- 
rore conficere. 

To Break one’s necic ; cervicem dif- 
fringere, guttur, collum elidere. 

To Break his own neck with a 
fall ; precipitem se dare. 

To Breax into a house ; fores ef- 
fringere. Aides expugnare. In edeés 
alienas irruere, invadere. Fores insul- 
tare calcibus. Vasto impetu fores toto 

cardine demoliri, convellere. Graviter - 

fores pulsare. Parietes perfodere. Ali- 
-_—- €no vires suas ostentare ostio. Pulsan- 
do assulatim foribus exitium affero. 
. Vecticularius.—Noctarna frangatur ja- 
nua rixa. Concusse patuere fores, 
oras frangere portarum. 
To Break company; dissociare.; a 
societate se abstrahere. 
To Breax his course; institutum ab- 
rumpere, intermittere. 
To Break his custom; receptum 
morem negligere. , 
To Breax his faith ; fidem ledere, 
: fallere. - a“ 
_-  .~To Breax his fast ; jentare. 
’ To Break a horse ; domare, man- 
To Break a jest ; jocari, risum joco 
movere ; jocum solvere, 
: To Breax a law; legem violate, 
_ transgredi. . 
To Breax his mind to one ; aperire 
sensa animi, consilium detegere. 
To Breax his oath; violare jusju- 
To Break his promise; promissis 
non stare, fidem fallere, solvere. 
To Breax his rest or sleep; noctem 
insomnem agere. 

lentia; conficerealiquem verbis; Plaut. 
i. €. minaci voce terrere; Catonem - 

, BR 155 
To Break asunder; dirum 
defringere, distrahere. ee 

To Break in; irrumpere, irruere. 

‘To Breax out, or to break forth; — 

erumpere, prorumpere, 

To Break out as water out of a 
spring ; scatere, scaturire, prosilire, 
To Break out, as the sea does; ex- 
undare, exzstuare, 

To Breax out into pimples ; pustu- 
las, ulcera emittere, 

To Break out as a fire or the plague 
does ; grassari. 

To Break off; abrumpere, rescin- 

To Break down; demoliri, diruere. 

To Break up land; occare, offrin- 
gere, proscindere, 

To Breax up school, house, &c. ; 
scholam, familiam dimittere, 

To Break up a letter or writ ; re- 


To Break with one, i. e. to fall out ; 
discordare, amiciti# nuncium remittere. 
As though he would Breax through 

a wali; ut si murum_ perrumperet; ~ 

Tacit. ] 

He bids them Breax down the 
bridge ; pontem jubet rescindi ; Ces. 
Scarcely was the company Broxe 
up, but I found ; vixdum jam ccetu di- 
misso comperi; Cic, , - 

To Break, i. e. be bankrupt ; de- 
coquere ; Cic, Foro cedere; Juv. 

It Broxe out like a storm; velut 
nimbus erupit; Flor. The war broke 
out all on a sudden ;. bellum subito ex- 
arsit; Cic. 

I will Breax your head ; diminuam 
tibi cerebrum ; frangam caput; Plauts 
Ter. Petr, ; 

They Breax the ranks;  ordines 
perturbant ; Ces. ; 

_ At Brkax of day ; cum lucesceret; 
Cic. Primaluce; Ter. Cum diluculo; 
Plaut. Circa lucisortum; Curt. Sum- 
mo mane, Luce oriente; ubi primum 
diluculahbit ; Gell. 

He has somewhat to Breax his 
sleep; habet propter quod rampere 
somnom debeat; Juv. Totas noctes 
pervigilet; Plaut, Noctu vigiliasagat; 
de nocté vigilet ; Cic. 

I will Breax this custom of yours ; 
adimam hanc tibiconsuetudinem ; Ter. 

He Breaks the league of hospitali- 
ty ; tesseram hospitii confringit. 

They Break their fast betimes in 
the morning ; multo mane jentant; Cic. 

156 BR 

To Breax up a letter; epistolam 
resignare ; linum incidere ; Cic. 

T will Break into the house ; imtro- 
rumpam in wdes; Plaut. Aides ex- 
pugnabo ; Ter. 

To Brea into the tents; in castra 
irrumpere ; Cass. 

To Breax off on a sudden ; ‘repente 
pra-cidere— ; Cic, 

“ To Break the force of things; re- 
rum vim minuere ; Ces. © 

To Breax off (leave) work; pas 
intermittere ; » Cees. 

The cold serpent in the meadow is 
Broken. by incantation, or enchant- 
ment ;~frigidus in prato cantando rum- 
pitur anguis. 

He Breaks through the doors ; limi- 
ha perrumpit, postesque a cardine vellit, 

To Breax ali the bounds and bands 
of shame or modesty ; frena pudoris 

The weather Breaks up, i. e. clears ; 

~” qedit post nubila Phoebus. 

The frost Breaxs ; resolvitur gelu. 

To Break with sorrow ; mcerore con- 

To Break with age ; senio confici, 

You may as soon Break your neck 
as your fust there; salinam servo ob- 
" signant cum sale. 

Breax of day; diluculum, n. oe 

To Breax, or to train up, to tame 
or to make tame; perdomare ; a feri- 

tate ad mansuctudinem perducere, ab 
agresti vita ad civilem revocare ; spiri- 
tus alicujus retundere ; frangere, man- 
suefacere, subjugare. 

To Break the league or promise, to 
do contrary to the promise or agree- 
ment ; foedera solvere, abrumpere, dis- 
solvere, pacta, conventa convellere, re- 
scindere, violare, irrita reddere, facere ; 
non stare conventis, pactis, conventio- 
nibus ; pace labefactare initam; pac- 
ta eludere, commento Thracio, i. e. 
callido vafroque rejicere conditiones 
semel acceptas ; abire ab emptione, a 
contractu priore ; discedere a fide data, 
a conditione ; conventiones non servare, 

To BREATHE; spirare, respirare. 

To Breatue fast and thick; anhe- 

. .To Brearne out, or cast forth a 
breath, or fume ; exhalare, 

To Breatue himself with running ; 
exercere se cursu. 


To BreatuE in or on; ‘ihepirare, 

To Breatue out, or give up the 
ghost; expirare, exhalare, raxcith: ani- 

A BREATHING ; > Tespiratio. . 

A Breatuine with difficulty ; an- 

A BreatuinG out ; expiratio. 

Breats ; halitus, flatus, spiritus. 

a shoriness of Breau ; anheli- 

8; spirandi difficultas. 

a Breatu, or air ; vapor. ° Ys 

dry breath or fume ; exhalatio. 
A BREATHING kale, sak of which 

breath, wind, air, or ent passes ;— 


A stinking Breatu ; anima foctens, 

A Breatuine sweat ; sudor remis- 
sus, To suck’s Bazaru ; sor- 
bere spiritum. 

He is out of Breata ; , exanimatus 
est; Ter:- 

Keep in your BreatH; animam 
comprime ; Ter. 

Like a man out of Breatu ; anhe- 
lanti similis ;-Virg. 

They will not suffer you to take your 
Brearn ; terespirare non sinunt; Cic. 

We Breatuep in one another’s 
faces ; inque vites vest captatus an- 
helitus oris ; Ovid. 

To the last Breatu ; usque ad ex- 

tremum spiritum ; Cic. 
I am run out of Brearu; cucurri 
usque dum fatiscit spiritus. 

Take your Breatu ; animam recipe ; - 

Ter. . 

His Breatu stinks ; he has a stink- 
ing breath; hujus ne spiritus puree est; 

To take his Brearu ; recipere an- © 

helitum, vel facere; spiritum ducere, 
reddere ; anhelitum per vices recipere ; 
animam trahere, remittere. Without 
taking breath ; continenti spiritu. ~ 
To spend one’s Breatu im vain; 
verba inutilia profundere ; frustra loqui. 
To be BRED of ; nasci, oriri. 
Brep ; natus, generatus, nutritus: as, 
Where were you Brep? ubi tu na- 
tus, educatus? They are well bred 5 
bene nati sunt; Sen. J¢ is for man’s 
sake that beasts are bred ; hominum 
gratia generantur, aluntur bestiee ; Cic. 
He is a well-Brepv man; homo est 
ingenuus et liberaliter educatus ; Cic. 
That which is Brev in the bone 

will not out of the flesh ; naturam ex- 

ee a Tn, a Ped 



. trare, obtinere. 


pellas furca, tamen usque recurret, Quo 

, semel est imbuta recens, servabit odo- 

rem testa diu. 

To Breen ; feetare, feetificare, gene- 
rare, parere. 

To Breen teeth; dentire. 

To Breen, bring up or give breed- 
ing to ; alere, educare. 

To Breep one a mischief; creare 
periculum alicui. 

A good Breevtnc ; liberalis insti- 
tutio, ingenua educatio. : 

Breepine, or great with young ; 
pregnans, utero habens ; feta, gravida. 

A Breen, kind, or race; genus, 

A good Breeper; fccunda geni- 
trix, * 

See that they be of a good Breen ; 
videndum ut boni sint seminii; Varr. 

What Breev are they of? quo 
sant sentinio? Varr. 

They do not Breen above four times 
a year; non plus quater in anno pari- 
unt ; Varr. ; 

You may seek those you put to 
Breep there; quas ibi posueris ad 
partum, ipsas queras; Varr. 

To BRIBE, or corrupt with gifts ; 
muneribus corrumpere, captare ; polli- 
citationibus, pramiis, judicem tentare, 
illicere ; animum judicis captare, invi- 
tare, corrumpere, conciliare, occecare, 
a vero abducere ; mentem cecare, flec- 
tere, pervertere, labefactare, delinire, 
inducere, adducere, allicere ; integrita« 
tem, fidem, sanctitatem judicis cor- 
rumpere, labefactare, expugnare, adul- 
terare, Constuprare; moliri corrup- 
telam judicii, emere sententiam: rem, 
causam suam agere: quidvis impe- 
Traducere ad mala 
consilia corruptum largitionibus ani- 
mum. Argenteis hastis pugnare, pro- 
pugnare causam, Spe prede trans- 
versos egit, Judicium donis solicitare, 

To Brise or solicit men to give 
their voices and consent ; prensare, 

To labor for an office by giving 
BrizeEs ; ambire. 

Brisep;: corruptus, captus auro, 

_sordidus, corruptus muneribus. 

A Brise; munus, donum; repe- 
tundarum (genit. plur.) donum ad cor- 
rumpendum judicem oblatum, 

To be corrupted with Brises ; mu- 
neram gratia legibus inferre vim, judi- 
cia pervertere. Addictam pretio ha- 

raat, 2 


BR at > S| 
bere fidem. Questui habere rempub- 
licam. Crimine repetundarum, pecu- 

miarum repetundarum teneri. Merce- 
narius pretor, cui bos in lingua: qui 
argentauginam patitur.—Qui leges figit 
pretio atque refigit.  Corruptus judex, 
He bids fair by a Brise; aureo 
piscatur hamo, Who would bribe so 
dear? stultum piscandi genus: He 
accused him of bribery 5 postulavit eun. 
repetundis. ; 

He is guilty of extortion and Bri- . 

BERY; repetundarum est reus, 

You must grease him in the fist 
with a new fee, for a Brine; novam 
parabis escam, aureamne an argenteam 

- Brisinc by money is the most pre- 
valent pleading; dominatur legibus 
auruu, . 

You may persuade him to any thing 
with a Briss of gold; aureis catenu- 
lis captivum ducere potes. He cram- 
med him with bribes ; multis: suffarci- 
navit muneribus. 

The great and greedy dog must 
have a Brize; offam Cerbero. 

‘Your Brisery makes you hated ; 
invidiosa est apud omnes bonos tua 
largitio ; invidiam tibi parit, invidiv 
tili est ista largitio, ledit animos bo- 
norum ; tua largitione gravius afficiun- 
tur bonorum animi; largitione alienas 
a te bonortim animos. 

The commonwealth is heavily op- 

pressed by justice being perverted by 
Brisery ; afflicta respublicaest empto 
constuprata judicio ; Cic. 

Which neithercan be moved by fa- 
vor, nor perverted by power, nor cor- 
rupted by Brisinc ; quod neque in- 
flecti gratia, neque perstringi potentia, 
neque adulterari pecunia pussit. 

One that will be Brizep or Sell his 
_— and soul for money; venaiis, 

A BRIDLE; frenum, retinaculum. 

To Bripte; frenare, infranare, 
equo franum injicere. 

He lets the horse have the Bripte ; 
laxas equo remittit habenas. I will 
bridle him to some purpose ; illum frx- 
nis arctioribus reprimam, 

BRIEF, or short ; brevis, compen- 
diosus, succinctus, concisus, 

A Brier discourse ; angusta et con- 
cisa oratio. 

To be Brier in speaking, or to speak 
briefly ; presse et anguste dies in 



158 BR 

compendium redigere; leviter, brevi- 
ter, strictim, carptim, succincte, paucis, 
paucis verbis, quasi preteriens attin- 
gere,. perstringere, decurrere, percur- 
rere, absolvere, transire. Cursim ac 
leviter pertransire, Minime multis mo- 
rari; verbis non multis, parsimonia, 
compendio verborum ; Laconica brevi- 
loquentia uti. Verbo expedire, Quid 
multa ?- Ad paucaredi. Quid multis 
verbis opus est? quin uno verbo dic. 
Ne sim prolixus: ne que sunt infinita 
persequar : quo parcam aurium fastidio, 
et satietati occurram, quam potero in 
verba conferam paucissima. Ne tedio 
sit prolixitas, ne in re perspicua mul- 
tus, nimius, insolens, molestus sim, cz- 
tera quam paucissimis expediam, La- 
conice loquar, ut multum nil moror. 
Uno verbo complecti. Paucis dabo, 
docebo. Paucis accipe. Presse et 
-anguste rem definire, . Brevius et an- 
gustius concludere. Pauca ac modice 
dicere, Astricte faeta oratio.—Pauca 
canam, frondes ut si quis ab Ida, Aut 
summam Libyz per mare carpat aquam. 
Ne longo sermone morer tua- tempo- 
ra.— Multi placent brevitate loqueidi. 
Quicquid precipies, esto brevis: ut 
cito dicta Percipiant animi dociles, te- 
neantque fideles,—Brevis esse laboro, 
obscurus fio. 2 

Brier, compendious, short or pithy ; 
pressus, compendiosus, compressus, 
angustus, concisus, strictus, contractus, 
in pauca coactus, coarctatus. 

A Brisr, or short kind of speaking ; 
pressum, compressum, breve, strictum, 
succinctum, compendiarium, compen- 
diosum, concisum, angustum, Laconi- 
cum, contractum, coarctatum, coactum, 
circumscriptum genus dicendi, non 
Asiaticum illud, verbosum, copiosum, 
fluens, redundans ; Laconica loquendi 
ratio. Non sunt longa, quibus nihil 
est quod demere possis. 

These things concerning art are dis- 
patched by you Brizrty ; hxc abs te 
breviter de arte decursa sunt, summa- 
timque describuntur et absolute com- 

To discourse Brixrty, i. e. lightly 
or slightly about any thing ; leviter 
transire ac tantummodo perstringere 
unamquamgue rem; Cic. Logic is 

but as it were eloquence or rhetoric 

briefly contracted ; dialectica quasi 
contracta et astricta eloquentia putanda 
Gat 5s" Cla 

(Formule quedam orationis co- 

arctande@ : ) . 
To be Brizr; ut summatim expo- 
nam, &c. Ne diutius vos demorer ; 
Cic. Neque gravabor breviter quid 
quaquam de re sentiam dicere; Cic. 
Nec si cuncta velim breviter decurrere 
possim; Ovid, Nune complectar id 
quod proposui brevi; item brevi expe- 
diam. In animo est leviter transire, et 
tantummodo perstringere unamquam- 
que rem; Cic. Quid ultra provehor? 
Sed quid plura de, &c. Ut multa 
paucis concludam. Paucis multa ab- 
solvam ; Sal. Ut in pauca multa eon- 
feram. Ut rem paucis complectar, 
perstringam. Ad summam,agam de 
singulis. In summa, eo tota hec nos- 
tra sententia redit, ut, &c. Longa est 
injuria, longe ambages, sed summa se- 
quar fastigia rerum; Virg. Ne te 
multis morer, paucis rem accipe. _ Sed 
ne multis vos ipse fatigem exemplis, 
&c. Sed id satis superque. Paulo 
longius oratio mea provecta est. Ami- 
citia nostra minime patitur ut te pluri- 
bus rogem. Ac ne plura, que sunt 
pene innumerabilia consecter, compre-. 
hendam brevi; Cic. Ne sim prolix- 
us, longior. Ex ingenti quodam im- 
mensoque campo in exiguum gyrum 
oratorem compeéllere. In unum quasi 
manipulum contrahemus. Sed quid 
ego infinitam pene copiam exemplorum 
persequar? Sed ne re nota et pervul- . 
gata multus et insolens sim. Non ob- 
tundam diutius aures vestras, Sentio 
moderandum mihi esse orationi mea, 
fugiendamque vestram satietatem, Sed 
hec hactenus, ne videar, &c. Satis 
hee de causa, extra causam_fortasse 
multa, &c.; Cic. Longiores hoc loco 
sumus, quam necesse est. Sentio (ju- 
dices) occurrendum satietati aurium, 
animorumque vestrorum; Cic. Eo ce- 
lerius de isto transigamus, quo matu- 
tius ad Apronium possimus venire. 
(Formule fusius loquendi.) Fusius 
loqui. Dilatet’ nobis atque explanet 
sententiam suam; Cic. Et certe om- 
nium de hac re sententias adferre ain- 
bitiosam, Sed hee fuse persequitur 
ipse Cesar, Producte pluribus verbis, 
&c. See to amplify. 
(Formule comprimende  alterius 
orationis. ) 
Quas ambages mihi narras? Quin tu 
uno verbo dic, em ipsam verbo ex- 
pedi. Desine prolixe loqui. Aperte 
ut res se habet enarra. Recta via, 
justo ordine enarrato, gi. 


¥ will handle Briezrty ; in transitu 

Z will Brizrty tell you what I 
would have you do; nunc in pauca 
conferam quod ego te velim. 

As Brierty as I could; quam bre- 
vissime potui. 

ZI will Brreriy state the cause; 
summam cause breviter exponam. 

To BRING;; ducere, adducere, af- 
ferre, apportare, . 

To Brine out of another country ; 

To Brine by force or violence ; at- 
trahere, adigere, perducere. 

To Brine from one place to ano- 
ther ; deferre, deportare, deducere. 

To Brine or carry over on the 
other side ; traducere, transferre. 

To Brine about a thing ; ad exitum 
perducere, effectum dare. 

To Brine an action against one ; 

litem alicui intendere. 

' To Brine down; humiliare, depri- 
mere, dejicere. 
To Brinc down or lessen a rate; 

To Brine down or weaken; atte- 
nuare, labefactare, accidere. 

To Brine forth; producere, pro- 

» ferre. 

To Brine forth young ; parere, pro- 
gignere, edere, eniti. 

To be ready to Burne forth; par- 

To Buinc forth before the time; 
abortire, abortiri. 

To Brine forth witnesses ; testes 
producere, allegare. 

To Brine forth fruit ; fructum fa- 
eere, proferre, edere, educere. 

To Brine in; inferre, invehere. 

To Brine one in the place of ano- 
ther ; substituere, succenturire, —suffi- 

To Brine low ; humiliare, dejicere. 

To Brrxo low or: bring to decay ; 
labefacere, attenuare, 

To Brine one on the way ; comita- 
ri, deducere. 

- To Brine one to poverty ; ; redigere 

- ad inopiam. 

+ To Brinc to nought}; in nihilum 
redigere. _ 

To Brinc to remembrance ; rodlu- 
aes revecare in memoriam. 

To Brine to pass ; efficere, exequi, 
effectum dare, 

BR 159 

To Brinc tidings; nunciare, an- 

To Brine up or nourish ; educare, 
pascere, alere, 

To Brine up children virtuously ; 
liberos, filios, natos, pueros, recte, ho- 
neste, liberaliter, sancte, pie, religiose 
educare, educere, instituere, erudire, 

-informare bonis artibus, honestis disci- 

plinis : ad equabilem, temperatam vi- 
vendi rationem ; ad humanitatem; pie- 
tatem, virtutem ‘instruere, instituere, in’ 
via virtutis manuducere: in ~ scholis 
perpolire, arcte cohibere. Puerilem 
ztatem rectis, piis documentisimbuere. 
Teneros puerorum animos doctrina et 
pietate abincunabulis excolere. Pue- 
rorum ingenia ad omnes artes, virtutes 
stimulare, allicere, provocare. Inge- 
niis puerilibus, ingenue filioram indoli 
veram Dei venerationem quam primum 
inserere, instillare. Animos, ingenia, 
mores liberorum artibus, disciplina, 
recta institutione, consilio et ratione ad 
humanitatem, omnemque virtutem for- 
mare, informare. Rudibus annis do- 
cumenta salutaria precipere. 

To Brine word again ; renunciare, 

To Brine into a fool’s paradise ; 
blandiri, vana spe lactare. 

To Brine a mischief on himself ; 
suo sibi jumento malum accersere. 

We must Brine it to pass that— ; 
efficiendum est autem ut—; Cic. 
There are two ways to bring it to pass ; 
duabus viis, rebus effici potest; Cie. 
You bring it to pass, that— ; conse- — 
queris, ut— ; Cic. ‘We labored hard: 
to bring it to pass ; opere maximo da- 
bamus operam, ut fieret; Ter. Till 
he bring some other mischief to pass ; 
dam aliud aliquid flagitii conficiat; 

They Brine me to that pass, that— ; 
eo (in id loci) me redigunt, ot— ; 
Ter. : 

I will Brine it about for you; hoc 
ego tibi effectum reddam ; Ter. 

I will Brine him to your face; 
coram adducam ; Ter. Bring him be- 
fore me; coram ipsum cedo; Ter. 

To Brinc to an end; ad umbil- 
cum ducere ; Hor, 

To Brine envy on one; one into 
envy, disgrace, &c.;° “confiare alicui 
invidiam, &c. ; Cic. 

To Brine into a snare, danger ; m 

- fraudem illicere; Ter, 

160 BR- 

If any man Brine you into ques- 
tion; site in judicium quis adducat ; 

See how one thing Brixcs in ano- 
ther; ut aliud ex alio incidit ; Ter. 

To Brine abroad; in medium. af- 
ferre; Cic. 

Why do you not Brine it oul? 
quin tu id profers? Cic. 

Time will Brixe it to light; in 
apricum proferet ztas ; Hor. 

Iam afraid it should Brine you to 
trouble; vereor ne in nervum erum- 
pat; Ter. 

They will Brine the boy hither by 
and bye; mox deferent puerum huc ; 

Bring me some water for my 
hands ; cedo aquam manibus; Plaut. 
Bring me a candle quickly; quin tu 
lucernam actutum mihi expedis? Apul. 
Bring your wife home again; reduc 
uxorem ; Ter. 

I will give as good as you Brine ; 
reddam vicem ; Plin. 

Twish you could Brine him into 
that mind ; opto ut id ipsi persuadeas ; 
Cic: ; 

As you Brine him up, so you must 
have kim}; ut quisque suum vult, ita 
- ests. Ter aoe 

I shall the more easily Brine my 
purpose to pass ; conficiam facilius ego 
quod volo ; Ter. 

They purposed to Brine it up; 
decreverunt tollere; Ter. He. brings 
up a fashion grown out of use; rem 
desuetam usurpat; Cic. No medi- 
ciné brings so much pain as— ; nulla 
medicina tam facit dolorem, quam— ; 

To Brine one to his death ; alique 
vita expellere ; Cic. To bring to one’s 
remembrance ; alicui aliquid in memo- 
riam revocare; Boeth. Bring it oué of 
doors ; foras profer. 

To Brine a thing to a good end, to 
have success as heart could wish, or as 
J would desire ; ad finem optatum rem 
perducere, Puto fore ut rem ex sen- 
tentia geram ; feliciter, prospere, ex a- 
nimi sententia, ut animus fert, expe- 
diam, conficiam ; ad eum, quem volo, 
exitum perducam ; felici exitu conclu- 
dam; efliciam, opinor, ut res optime 
succedat ; ut exitum res habeat, qua- 
lem optamus; ne res, contra quam 
volumus, succedat; ne quid adversi 


contingat in re; ne sit infaustus, adver- 
sus, alienus a nostris voluntatibus, alius 
atque volumus, exitus rei, eventus rei, 
rei finis ac terminus; spero futuram, 
ut in hac re meis optatis fortuna re- 
spondeat, cum animo meo fortuna con- 
sentiat, ab animo meo fortuna minime 
dissentiat, nihil adversi fortuna objici- 
at, nequaquam fortuna repugnet, re- 
sistat, obsistat, adversetur, sese oppo~ 
nat, suam vim objiciat, impedimentum 
ullam injiciat, occurrat, obviam eat ; 
futurum existimo, ut in hoc secunda, 
facili, prospera, propitia, perbenigna 
fortuna utamur, 

To be Brovcut; afferri, deduci. 

To be Brovcut to pass ; effici, con- 
fici. The matter is brought to that 
pass; in eum locum res deducta est, 

Brovéur into the world ; natus, in 
lucem editus. ! 

Brovcur to poverty ; redactus ad 
inopiam. | 

Brovent to his shifts; ad incitas 
redactus, nee 

They Brovenut it to this pass, 
that— ; rem huc deduxerunt, ut— ; 

The matter is now Brovucur to 
that pass, that— ; adeo res rediit ; in~ 
eum jam res rediit locum ; eo deduci- 
tur, ut—; Ter. Cic. . By their tricks 
it was brought to pass, that—; eorum - 
artificio effectum est, ut— ; Cic. 

He is Brovcut into danger; in 
periculum ac discrimen vocatur ; Cic. 
The business may be brought to an 
agreement ; ad concordiam res adduci 
potest ; Cic. 

The republie itself Brovcut me 
back into the city ; me incivitatem res- 
publica ipsa reduxit; Cic. Why do 
not you command her to be brought over 
hither? cur non illam hue transferri 
jubes? Ter. You brought more away 
with you from Athens besides your 
sirname ; non cognomen solum Athenis 
deportasti; Cic. 

Old‘age. has not yet BrouGut. me 
quite down ; non plane me enervavit, 
nec afflixit senectus ; Cic. 

By their means he kept himself from 
being Broveur to his trial; pe eos 
ne causam diceret, se eripuit; Cic. 

He cannot be Broveut off from it ; 
ab eo deduci non potest ; Cic. 

I cannot yet be Brovcur to de tt; 
nondum adducor ut faciam ; Cic, 

ie Ee ee eee 

pane os 

je SS 

See what Iam Brovext to! hem 
quo redactus sum! Ter. He brought 
them to that, that— ; eo redegit, ut— ; 

He has Brovent anger (mischief )- 
upon himself; in se iram derivavit, 
malum conjecit ; Ter. 

I heard by the seaman that Brovext 

' them ; audivi ex nauta, qui illas ad- 

vexit ; Ter. 

He has Brovcut me into a great 
deal of trouble ; magna me cura et sol- 
licitudine affecit ; Ter. ; 

They carry out with them all they 
Brovent ; efferunt que secum huc at- 
tulerunt ; Ter. 

We were Brovucut up together from 
children ; una e pueris parvuli educati 
sumus ; Ter. She brought him up from 
a child ; illum aluit parvulum ; eduxit 
a parvulo; Ter. ; 

_ He was Brovcurt up like a gentle- 
man; libere eductus est ; Ter. 

He has Broveut me into disgrace ; 
mihi invidiam conflavit; me in invidiam 
adduxit; Cic. 

The last that Broveut up the rear; 
ultimi quicogerent agmen; Curt. - | 

If any inconvenience be Brovcut 
on us ; si quid importetur nobis incom- 
modi; Cic. . i 

I thought I had Broveut that to 
pass; putabam meo labore esse per- 
fectum ; Cic. ; ? 

They Brovcur him word ; illi re- 
nunciaverunt ; Ces. 

You have Brovcut yotr hogs toa 

pretiy market ; tibi ad restim res re- 
diit. . 
' He Broveur great wars on the ci- 
tizens ; magnis belli fluctibus cives ob- 
jecit, oppressit. Lest they should also 
be Brovcat into great anger by him; 
ne illos etiam in iras pelliceret. 

It is Brovcut to a good pass, or 
ease ; res adducta in optimum statum. 
Hoc videor mihiesse consecutus, ut op- 
timam spem habere, optime sperare, 
optima spe niti possimus ; eo rem per- 
duxisse mihi videor, ut eventum spe- 
rare quam secundissimum ticeat ; rem, 
ut opinor, ita constitui, in eo statu col- 
locavi, in eum statum adduxi, ita com- 
posui, atque confirmavi, nihil ut adver- 
‘sum timere, nihil ut contra voluntatem, 
‘omnia secunda, qualia volumus, ex nos- 
tra voluntate, ex animi sententia spe- 
Tare possimus ; jacta sunt a nobis funda- 
menta reipublice, sic, inquam, ut certa 
propemodum in spe reliqua sint, 

BU 161 

Brovcut in by custom for men’s - 
use ; consuettidine introductum. Tra- 
laticium hoc est, usitatum, in more po- 
situm, more comparatum ; mos obtinuit ; 
more est, consuetudo ita fert, more 


BROAD ; latus, patulus. 

Broap awake; experrectus, vigi- 
lans, > 

To make Broan; dilatare, diducere. 

To lay Azroap ; pandere, exponere, 

To speak Broap ; ‘tustice loqui, 
plane, aperte dicere, 

You sleep till Broan day; stertis ad 
multum diem, -Till broad day-light ; 
ad clarum diem. 

A well three foot Bnroap; fons la- 
tus pedibus tribus; Colum, 

To make Broap signs; manifesta 
(clara) signa dare; clare significare ; 
Ovid, Ces. t 
He lies under the covert of a Broap,, 
beech-tree ; patulz recubat sub tegmine 
fagi; Virg. 

- A BROW; frons, 

A Brow or eye-brow ; supercilinm, 

The space between the Brows ; in- 

To bend the Brow ; caperare fron- 

To Brow-beat one ; torve tueti. 

Come, clear up your Brow ; frontem 
exporrige, et preebe hilarem. 

To knit his Brows ; supercilia vi- 

_brare3 frontem contrahere, corrugare ; 

Plaut. Cic. Plin. Z 

They led him to the Brow of the 
hill ; duxerunt eum usque ad superci- 
lium montis, 

The knitting of the Brows ; super- 
ciliorum contractio. 

A BRUNT ; insultus, impetus, -us, 
m. Impressio. 

If you be but able to abide the first 
Brunt ; primam si coitionem sustinu- 
eris ; Ter. To bear the brunt of the 
day ; maximum prelii impetum susti- _ 
nere ; Ces. 

To BUILD; edificare, fabricare, 
fabricari, condere, struere, exstruere, 
construere, fundare. 

To Buitp a city; urbem fundare, 

To Buitp under ; substruere. 

To Buixp about ; circumstruere. 

To Burtp again, or rebuild ; rewdi- 
ficare, instaurare. 

To Buitp up; exstruere. 

*To Buitp a fine house; amplam, 


162 BU 

amenam, preclaram et plenam digni- 
tatis domum edificare, exedificare. 
Domicilium, habitaculum excultum at- 
que ornatum, illustre et nobile; «des 
magnificas; habitandi sedem, locum 
cultissimum, ornatissimum exstruere, eri- 
gere, excitare, condere, fabricare, fabri- 
cari, fabrifacere, componere. _ Belle, 
Jaute, eleganter edificare. AEdificium 
amplum exstruere. Acdium regiarum 
inagnificentiam zmulari. Ambitiosam, 
egregiam, delicatam, splendidam do- 
mum exstruere. : : 

He Buiur a fine house ; preclaram 
edificavit domum ; Cic. 

The bridge began to be Burxt ; pons 
institui coeptus est; Cic. He built Sa- 
lamis; Salamina constituit; Paterc. 
There he built three cities; tres ibi 
urbes statuit; Paterc. To build a new 
town ; urbem novam condere. . 

To appoint where a temple should be 
Buixr ; effari templa ; sistere fana. 

To Buixp on one’s word ; alicujus 
verbis niti; Quint. 

i To make.a vow to Butip-a church ; 
vovere templum, 

_ To Burin not very high; edificia 
modice ab humo tollere. 

To Buiipa stately town ; oppidum, 
urbem, meenia edificare, condere, stru- 
ere, construere, constituere, ponere, 
componere, extruere, moliri. Urbem 
preclaram statuii—Muros optate mo- 
lior urbis,—Littore curvo meenia prima 
Joco. Urbis alte fundamenta locas, et 
pulchram construis urbem. Fundere 
arces ac tecta novare. 

To Burtp, trust or rely on one; 
fidere, confidere alicui. 

To rear up a very high Buiiptnc ; 
molem ceelo educere ; Virg. He built 
a school there for learning; scholam 
ibi erudiende juventuti instituit, statuit, 
fundavit, struxit. 

Lhave surveyed allyour Buripiwcs ; 
omnem edificationem tuam perspexi. 

Cowards never Bus.n trophies ; ti- 
midi nunquam statuere tropheum. 

He Butt houses of magnificent 
structure; magnifica structura «des 
erexit, The which town they built 
again out of the ashes ; quod oppidumn 
ex cineribus denuo excitarunt. He who 
had built and set out great and state- 
ly navies, ficets, or ships; qui maxi- 
mas exeedilicasset, ornassetque classes, 
naves, &c. 

But if you Buitpv you must beware 
yow be not excessive in charges and ex- 


penses ; cavendum est etiam si edifices 
ne extra modum sumptu et magnificen- 
tia prodeas. The school was built by 
his authority and at his expense ; schola 
hujus auspiciis et sumptibus est erecta. 

The world is Burt by divine coun- 
sel; mundus divino consilio est exedi- 
ficatus. ; 

Burtt out of the quarry ; hewn out. 
of the rock ; e solido vivoque saxo, 

He searched far and near in every 
stone-pit for that Buttp1nc ; ad hoc 
edificium complendum lapicidinas ex- 
enteravit omnes prope et procul. | 

The Buiip1nG had artificial marble 
pillars cast in a mould ; structure, e 
contusis cementis factitium erat mar- 
mor. ; 

Burtprncs of admirable architecture, 

for structure and height; structure ex. 

quadratis lapidibus admiranda, fastigi- 
ate ultra omnem excelsitatem que ma- 
nu fieri possit, 

Large strong Buirpies ; edificia 
Cyclopum firmata manu—Ferrati pos- 
= immensaque nectit—claustra cha- 
A BUOY of aship; truncus, an- 
chore index, truncus aque innatans, 
index anchoreinferne jacte ; index an- 
chorarius. 4 

To Buoy up; sustentare, suffulcire, 

To Buoy up a vessel; navem cup- 
pis in alteram partem ex aquisattollere. 

A BURDEN ; sarcina, onus, gra- 
vamen, fascis. ; 

To Burprn; onerare. Sarcinam, 
pondus, onus imponere alicui. Onera 
in humeros reponere. Oneribus ali- 
quem urgere, premere, opprimere, sub- 
igere, gravare ; oneribus, ponderibus, 
impedimentis gravissimis cumulare. 
Onus ponderosum, maximum, Aitna | 
gravius ; molem ingentem, Colosseam ; 
pondus grave, ingens, immensum, im- 
mane, magnum, cui vix plaustrum fe- . 
rendo par sit, in bajuli, geruli, servi 
tergum, humeros conjicere, collocare. 
Humerisimponere pondus vix tractabile. 

To carry or bear a BURDEN ; onus, 
sarcinam, &c, portare, ferre, gerere, 
gestare, sustinere, tollere, subire, baju- 
Jare. Tergum, humeros oneri submit- 
tere, subjicere. Oneri succedere. Va- 
lido sub pondere niti, Membra grava- 
bat onus, Gemuit sub pondere cymba. . 
Leve fit quod bene fertur onus, 

To cast off a BurDEN ; onus, pon- 
dus, sarcinam deponere ; tergo, humeris — 
excutere, abjicere. Se, humeros onere 


et Da ee 


Jevare. Pondera ferre negant humeri. 

The Burven of a song ; versus in- 

To Burpen one’s conscience ; religi- 
one obstringere, onerare, vel premere ; 
religione obligare. 

To be Burpensome to one; esse 
alicui oneri, gravis. 

Heavy Burvens or loads; onus 

Etna gravius; apud Cic. Colossea 
onerat moles ; res viribus impar, diffi- 
cultatibus plena; negotiam subacer- 
bam ; provincia dura, negotiosa, mo- 
lesta, aspera; negotium operosum, mo- 
lestum, involutum, difficile explicatu ; 
pistrinum, tum pro loco, tum pro re 
difficultatis plena. 
- To BURY ; sepelire, humare, inbu- 
mare, tumulare, contumulare, humo ali- 
quem mandare; corpus, cadaver mor- 
tuum humare, sepelire, cumulare ; tu- 
mulo mandare, tradere, dare, i imponere ; i 
sepulchro claudere, condere, compo- 
nete ; terra, humo tegere, obruere, ope- 
Tire ; terre parenti reddere, commen- 
dare. Sepulchrum ut. portum corpori 
quo recipiat se, ubi requiescat, dare. 
Corpus monumento recondere; sepul- 
ture tradere, inhumare; _ honorifica 
sepultura donare, afficere. Ossa sepul- 
chrali contumularedomo. Dare supre- 
mo corpus inane rogo. 

Not Buriep; inhumatus, inten. 
Jatus. Supremi diei celebritate privari, 
carere. Spoliari exequlis, inhumatum 
projici feris avibusque predam, 

To be Buriep; sepeliri, humari, 
tumulari, fanerari, sepulture tradi, pa- 
rentari; comburi; (ut veterum mos 
erat ; unde bustum pro monumento se- 
pulchrali ponitur.) | Ponere cineres, 
apud poet. Honorifica sepultura do- 
nari; sepulturee majorum suorum addi ; 
magnifico, post fata, deponi mausolzo ; 
in tenuem solvi favillam ; contumulari, 
terre insterni. Tellus gremio complec- 
titur ossa, 

I gave hima fair Buriat; funus ei 
satis amplum faciendum curavi. 

To honor the dead with Buriat ; 
extinctum supremo efferre honore ; su- 
premis muneribus decorare; officia 
suprema alicui prestare ; funeris exe- 
quias peragere ; corpus superjecta hu- 
mo operire, 

_ To accompany the Buntat with 
much mourning ; multo planctu et la- 
chrymis funus comitari. An honorable 
or solemn burial; funus splendidum, 

BU 163 

Funus ei vie amplum faciendum cu-. 
ravi ; dedi operam, ut funere satis am- 
plo, satis magnifico, satis honorifico ef- 
ferretur, ut exequiis honestaretur; exe- 
quiis eum honorificis prosecutus sum; 
honorifice sepultus est, sepultura ho- 
nestatus est; funeris, exequiarum, se- 
pulture honore non caruit ; habuit in 
funere, que illum decorarent, illi ho- 
norem adderent, decori essent, honon 

To BURN ; urere, comburere, cre- 
mare, concremare, incendere, inflam- 
mare, exurere. Flamma, igne, ignibus, 
incendio, incendiis vastare, delere, po- 
pulari, consumere; abolere, sepelire, i in 
cineres redigere, Flammis, ignibus, in- 
cendio dare, committere, tradere, In 
ignem mittere, conjicere, projicere. Ig- 
nem, faces ardentes edibus, tectis in- 
ferre, subjicere, fundere. In tecta 
faces ferre, servos cum facibus immit- 
tere, Subjectis urere flammis. Vul- 
cano tradere. Flamma crepitante cre- 

To Burn in sacrifice ; adolere, 

To Burn in the hand, &c. ; stigmate 

To Burn up ; exurere. 

To Burn or singe off the hair of a 
swine; glabrare, amburere. 

To Burn, neut. ; ardere, estuare, 

To Burn up as grass in hot swea- 
ther ; exarescere, 

Sun-Buryt ; torridus, adustus, 

A Burninc heat ; ardor. 

A BurninG fever ; ardens febris. 

A Burninc in scars; uredo, ustri- 
go, urigo. 

To Burn day-light ; 
sole accendere ; Cic. 

A rogue that i is Burnt in the hand ; 
nebulo stigmaticus, literatus. 

He was able to Burn his hand ; to 
hold it in the fire and let it burn ; ma-_ 
num urere potuit; Mart. 

That village was Burnt with light- 
ning ; villa de ceelo tacta est ; Cato. 

A great BurninG, a dangerous fire ; 
grande incendium. Hac nocte non 
mediocre excitatum est incendium ; ve- 
hemens ignis est accensus, zdes multa 
combuste sunt, igni corrupte sunt, 
consumpte, absumpte; gravis admo- 
dum periculi, summi damni exorta flam- 
ma est. 

To be Burnt or set on fire ; ardere, 
flagrare, conflagrare, defiagrare, incen- 

lucernam in 

164 BU 

di, uri,&c. Domus et res familiaris 
in fumum et cineres abiit. Rapidis 
abolere flammis. 

To Burn his father’s house ; patrios 
incendiv lares absumere ; ignem in @- 
des ejaculari paternas. 

He Burnt the navy; navibus ig- 
nem injecit, admovit. 

The fire Burns and consumes all 
things ; ignis depascit et absumit om- 
nia. , 

A Burnt child dreads the fire ; ic- 
tus piscator sapit ; rem factam stultus 
cognovit; post acerba prudentior. 

“Many houses were Burnt; edes 
multz conflagrarunt. 

That palace was wholly Burnt to 
ashes by a most lamentable fire ; hec 
regia sedes luctuoso incendio tota in 
favillas concidit ; regia tota considit in 
cineres ; Statius. 

I saw all.Troy Burnt; omne mihi 
visum considere in ignes—lIlinm; Virg. 

__ He had commanded those verses to 
be Burnt ; jusserat hec rapidis aboleri 
carmina flammis, 

To Burn all about ; amburere. 

To Burn a little; suburere. To 
burn much ; perurere, deurere, preu- 
Tere. ; 

To Burn together; concremare, 
comburere. . 

To Burn a malefactor in the fore- 
head, hand, or shoulder ; stigmatizare. 

To BURST, or break; act. dis- 

To Burst; neut. dissilire, crepare. 

To Bursr forth us tears; prosi- 
lire, prorumpere. : 

To Burst with laughing; risu 
emoriri. ; bata e 

To Burst out into laughter ; in ri- 
sum prorumpere. 

Tears Burst out; prosiliunt la- 
chryme. % 

Fire Bursts out if you strike the 
stone ; exilit ignis si lapidem lapis per- 
cusserit, — 

Ready to Burst; adeo inflatus, ut 
prope crepet. 

To Burst, or to break in; irruere 
in wdes; itrumpere, cum violentia 
quadam ; inferre se concitato impetu ; 
Livius, pro irruere, facere impetum, ha-~ 
bet, incedere, 

BUSY ; occupatus, solicitus, inten- 
tus, negotiatus, versatus, impeditus, 

Business ; occupatio, res, opus, 


Business, or trouble; turba, tamul- 
tus; tumultuatio, molestia. 

Full of Business ; negotiosus, ope- 

A Busy-body ; ardelio. 

To be Busizp or occupied about a 
thing ; occupari, solicitari, versari, sa- 

To Busy one’s self; sese occupare, 

solicitare, immiscere, versare ; agere. 
There is some Business ; turbatam 
To do Business for another; dare 
operam alteri. 
To manage Business ; 
tractare, res gerere. : 
To effect or perform a Bustness 
well ;- prospere, feliciter, ex animi sen- 
tentia, rem, negotium aliquod efficere, 
perficere, conficere, exequi, peragere, 
transigere, expedire, absolvere, et ad 
exitum perducere. Pertexere quod ex- 
orsus est, et usque ad extremum exe- 


qui. Ad optatos exitus provehi, pervehi. | 

I am fuli of Business ; negotii sum 

plenus ; Plaut. : ue 

A life full of Business ; vita oecu- 
pata; Cic. . 

I had Bustness in hand ; eram oc- 
cupatus ; Cic. . 

Always about one Business or ano-— 
ther ; semper agens aliquid et moliens; 


- What Bustness have you there ?— 
has he here? quid istic tibi (huic, hie) 
negotii est? Ter. 

That he should have so little care in 
a Business of so great import! tan- 
tamne rem tam negligenter agere! Ter. 

The Business went well on for me ; 
bene prospereque hoc operis processit 
mihi; Plaut. Hes 

Anill Bustness ; facinus improbam ; 
Plaut. . peut 

It takes off from Business ; avocat 

a rebus gerendis ; Cic. Abstrahit a— ; 
Id. He has enough to do about his 

own business ; is rerum suarum satagit ; ” 

Ter. : 
To find one Business ; facessere 
alicui negotium; Cic. This, T guess, 

is the business. Cogito id quod res 

est ; Ter. 

The Business went better for me 
than I expected; felicius hee res 
quam arbitrabar successit mihi, 
ness hindered me from writing back ; 
negotia impedierunt quo minus reseri- 



‘concursationibus confici. 


. To mind, follow Business ; rei dare 
operam; Ter. Come to the business 
in hand; .ad rem redi; Ter. Will 
you have me speak to your business? 
mene vis dicere id, quod ad te attinet ? 
Ter. That is their business; in eo 
occupati sunt; Cic. He does not 
make this his business, to—; non 
enim id agit ut—; Cic,’ 
In the height of your Business ; in 
summa occupatione tua; Cic. J had 
nobody whom I could better put that 
business to, than yourself; non habui, 
cui potius id negotii darem, quam tibi; 
Cic. What business is this? quid hoc 
rei est? Ter. That is not our business ; 
id non agimus; Cic. Business takes 
me off from ; negotiis impedior ; occu- 
pationibus prohibeor ; Cic. Ces. 
To Busy himself or be employed in 
many weighty affairs ; animum nego- 

‘ttis multis, plurimis simul implicare, 

distinere, immiscere, degravare, Se te- 
mere ingerere in plurimas simul res, 
Industriam suam in plurima stadia dis- 
trahere. Molestis se involvere negotiis. 
Negotia sibi facessere, exhibere. Sus- 
ceptarum rerum oneribus magnis premi, 
jeprimi, opprimi. Occupationibus 
maximis, gravissimis impediri, distineri, 
detineri. Negotiorum undis fluctibus- 
que obrui, immergi: mole urgeri, one- 
tari, defatigari. Laboribus assiduis et 
Plurimis ne- 
gotiis contrahendis implicari- 

Our Business is one, our causes are 
alike; res nostre similes, Rerum 
mearum imaginem video in tuis rebus ; 
in rebus tuis meas agnosco, simillima 
rerum nostrarum ratio est ; a rebus meis 
tue minimum differunt ; nulla est re- 
Tum nostrarum dissimilitudo, plane res 
meas in tuis agnosco ; res tuas nihil a 
meis intelligo differre, nihil discrepare ; 
congruunt res tue cum meis, rerum 
nostrarum eadem ratio est, nulla dissi- 
militudo ; qui tuas res intuetur meas 
intueri se dicet ; tuz res nihil differunt 

- ameis, inter res nostras nihil interest, ni- 

hil est, quo res tue differant a meis. 
A Busy-body, or a meddler in other 
men’s affairs; in aliena republica cu- 
riosus. Falcem in alienam messem 
immittere. In alienum officium irrum- 
pere. In alienam se rem intrudere. Ea 
curare que ad se nihil attinent, perti- 
nent. Alienis rebus vacare, se inge- 
rere, immiscere, implicare, interponere, 
Homo inquies, ingenio agili et inqui- 

BU 165 

eto. Tantumne ab re tua est otii tibi 
ut cures aliena ? 

So many Businesses trouble, me 
that my mind is almost distracted ; 
tot me impediunt cure, que animum 
méum diverse trahunt. Great and 
troublesome businesses almost oppress — 
and undo him; gravissima laborum 
opera eum pene opprimunt. — 

I have never so much as an hour to 
spare from Business ; mihi-nunquam 
tribuitur vacuum tempus et liberum, 
My brother, almost spent with continual 
Business, is now very ill; frater meus, 
laboribus assiduis concursationibusque 
confectus, graviter se nunc habet. _ 

Do not suffer yourself, I pray you, 
to be thus oppressed with so great Bu- 
SINEss; te oro, ne te obrui, tanquam 
fluctu, sic in magnitudine negotii sinas. 

Syllais so distracted by so many and 
so great Businesses, that he can hard- 
ly take time to breathe ; Sylla tot tan- 
tisque distentus est negotiis, ut respi- 
rare libere non possit. He is day and 
night in torture with the multiplicity 
of business; multis solicitudinibus dies 
noctesque discruciatur ; torquetur. He 
is entangled in managing many busi- 
nesses ; in contrahendis negotiis multis 
implicatur; Cic. 7 

To be distracted with the cares of a 
thousand troublesome Businesses, 
which this life is subject to ; millibus 
curarum, quibus hee vita est obnoxia, 

Whilst the mind is not resolved 
about a Business, it is distracted and 
thrust hither and thither in a moment 3 
quum in dubio est animus de re aliqua 
paulo momento huc illuc impellitur. 

That wise man is little worth, who 
is not wise in his own Bustness; odi 
sapientem qui sibi ipsi non sapit ; Cic. 

He is a fool that minds my Business, 
and cares nothing for his own ; stultus 
est qui meam quidem mentem observat, 
suam vero ipsius propriam nihil curat ; 
Theogn. in Stoheo. 

It is folly for one to be Busy in 
that which is none of his own business ; 
stultitia est quod sua minus interest 
percontari; in aliena republica curio- 
sum, in sua negligentem esse. 

I will withdraw myself from all pub- 
lic Business, and give myself to my 
studies ; abducam mejpsum ab omni 
reipublice cura, dedamque me literis, 

166 BU 

Z will not meddle with their Bust- 
Ness ; nolo me interponere. 
To free himself from all troublesome 
Business ; omnibus curis et angoribus 
semet eximere, abducere ; animum ha- 
bere ab omni molestia longe sejunctum. 
I am very Busy now; felix otii 
nunc non sum. You have no business 
there ; tibi isthic nec seritur nec metitur. 
A Busy bishop in another man’s di- 
ocese ; in aliena republica curiosus, 

_Do your own Business yourself; 

_ tibi ipsi sis Mercurius. 

Very full of Business ; non patiun- 
tur me turbw, turme negotiorum qui- 
bus nunc undequaque inyolvor, cir- 

I am as Busy as a bee, you must 
excuse me; dabis veniam occupationi- 
bus meis, per quas mihi non licet. 

I have some other Bustnezss (some- 
thing else) to do; majus opus moveo. 
He finds himself business. He does 
and undoes; the day’s long enough ; 
diruit, edificat, mutat quadrata rotun- 

I have Busrtness enough to do; 
quid ego agam habeo. Many distrac- 
tions called me off my businessy which 
I cannot yet dispatch; negotia me 
multa impedierunt, que ne nunc qui- 
dem sunt expedita, J have business, 
I must be gone; quedam me alio vo- 
cant negotiola. 

I had my hands full of Bustness 
then ; eram tunc sane occupatior. Per- 

haps I am something uncivil to inter- 

rupt you in your business thus; ego 
te fortasse in seriis occupatum negotiis 
interpello. He trusted that business 
with me; hanc mihi provinciam de- 

To a man so Busy as—; homini 
presertim occupatissimo, You are 

perhaps talking of some private Bust- 
ness, which I should not disturb you 
in ; aliquid fortasse rei serie inter vos 
nunc agitur, cui nolim esse impedi- 

A Business fell out which I never 
dreamed of ; sed preter expectationem 
objectum est negotium. 

Busy yourself with what you 
were bred to; tractent fabrilia fabri. 
My own business takes me up ; meos 
corymbos necto. 

Iam so Busy, I have no leisure to 
pare my nails; ne ad aures quidem 
scalpendas otium est, 


He is ready for all Businzss; ad 
singula actionum momenta presto est. 
I am so distracted with other men’s 
business, that, &c. ; agminatim in me 
jam irruentibus occupationibus aliormin 
adeo distractus sum, ut, &c. Multiph- 
city of business quite overwhelms ‘me ; 
unde negotiorum, quibus haud facile 
est enatare, me penitus obruunt,. 

I can spare no time from my Bvusi- 
ness, whatever else I may spare ; que- 
cunque habeam cetera, temporis vix, 
certe, satis habeo, 

I have been so hurried these two 
years with Business, that I cannot be 
at quiet in myself, either to read or 
write anything, or to see my friends ; 
impresentiarum ita a musis desideo, 
distrahorque, ut biennium jam, non 
amicis, non mihi vacaverim, me 

BUT sed, autem, vero, at, atque, 
ceterum, verum, primo, enimvero. _ 

I. Bur ruar, signifying if not, did 
not, were it not that, is rendered by ni, 
nisi, nisi quod, or quod nisi with a 
subjunctive mood: as, ae 

Bur that I fear my father ; ni me- 

tuam patrem; Ter. And but that he 
was ashamed to confess; et nisi eru- 
besceret fateri; Curt. But that we use 
the words otherwise ; nisi quod yerbis 
aliter utamur; Cic. But that Torqua- 
tus’s cause held me in hand, I had teme 
enough to—; quod nisi me Torquati 
causa teneret, satis erat dierum, ut— ; 
Cic. But that I supposed almost all 
of you knew it, I would discourse 
of that ; ni hoc partem maximam exis- 
timarem scire vestrum, id .dicerem ; 
Ter. But that the care of his funerat 
detained you ; nisi cura te sepulture 
ejus moraretur; Curt. But that, when 
the cause is removed, even by common 
use and custom, we speak agatnst 
truth ; nisi quod etiam ubi causa sub- 
lata est, mentimur, et consuetudinis 
causa; Sen.- But that I thought that 
all the city transactions, and town af+ 
fairs are made known to you, I myself 
would write them ; quod nisi res urba- 
nas, actaque omnia ad te perferri arbi- 
trarer, ipse perscriberem ; Cic. 

II. But, with for, is (in some cases } 
rendered by absque : as, 

Bur for him I should have looked 
well enough to myself ; absque eo es-. 
set, recte ego mihi vidissem; Ter. 
But for that I was with you to-day, I 
should never have seen the sun set ; 






 « f 


si absque te essem hodie, nunquam ad 
solem occasum viverem; Plaut. But 
for you, I should have had him right 
enough; nam absque te esset, ego il- 
Jum haberem rectum; Plaut. But for 
her, how happy should I be in all other 
‘things ; quam fortunatus ceteris essem 
rebus, absque una hac foret-; Ter. But 
for you, saith he, he had been excellent 
in some one language, especially in the 
Greck ; absque te, inquit, una forsi- 
tan lingua, profecto Greca, is longe 
anteesseé; Gell. 

Note; in those or such like expres- 
sions where the particles are thus used, 
the phrase will admit of these or the 

_like variations, but for him; had it 
not been for him; had he not been; 
but for you ; had you not been ; had it 
not been for you ; without you ; with- 
out your help, hindrance, &c, 

- ILL. Nor Bur with that (signify- 
ing not that—not) is rendered by non 
quod non, or non quin :_as, 

Not Bur that there have been such 
as—; non quod non tales fuerint, 
quales—; Cic. Not but that it was 
right, but because— ; non quin rectum 
esset, sed quia— ; Cic. Not but that 

every full sentence may be called an 

enthymem, but, as Homer, &c.;. non 
quod non omnis sententia proprio no- 
mine enthymema dicatur, sed, ut Ho- 
merus, &c.; Cic. in Top. Not but 
that there may be many good men in the 
provinces ; but—, &c. ; non quin pos- 
sint multi esse provinciales yiri boni; 
sed— ; Cic. 

IV. But, coming alone after no, 
none, never, scarce, or seldom, is ren- 
dered by quin, qui non, or nisi qui: as, 
There is scarcely a day, but he comes 
tomy house ; dies fere nullus est, quin 
domum meam veniret; Cic, _ There is 

none but is afraid of you; nemo est, | 

qui te non metuat; Cic. None hath 
shaken it off, but he that—; nemo 
illam excussit, nisi qui— ; Sen. 

- Note; when the particle, Bur, is 
thus used, it stands for, and may be 
varied by, who not, which not, when 
not, or wherein not, §c.: as, 

He never lets a day pass, Burt that he 
always comes ; nunquam non intermit- 
tit diem} quin semper veniat; Ter. 
‘I indeed passed by none but I sent 
letters to them; equidem neminem 
pretermisi, cui literas non dederim ; 

Cic. When you said that no man was 

BU 167 

rich, but he who could maintain ai 
army ai his own charge; cum diceres 
neminem esse divitem, nisi qui exerci- 
tum alere possit suis fructibus; Cic. 
I never knew any poct, but he always 
thought himself the best ; adluc_ne- 
minem novi poetam, qui sibi non opti- 
rous videretur; Cic. There is none’ 
but may complain, at this time, both 
most grievously and yet most truly ; 
nemo est, quin, hoc tempore, gravis- 
sime et verissime conqueri possit ; Cic. 
Yet there scarcely passed a day but 
that I wrote to him; nallus dies ta- 
men temere intercessit, quo non ad 
eum scriberem; Cic. You wiil find 
nowhere any, who says those things, 
but that he certainly thinks he knows 
what he says; neutiquam reperias, qui 
hec dicit, quin scire se plane putet, 
quid dicat; Gell. _ 

V. Bur, coming after nothing, or 
nothing else, zs rendered by quam, non, 
or nisi: as, She does nothing but 
grieve ; nil aliud, quam dolet ; Ovid. 
I saw nothing but what was commend- 
able; nil non laudabile vidi; Ovid. I 
aim at nothing but your safety ; nibil 
Jaboro, nisi ut salvus sis; Cic. He 
inquired about nothing in all the way, 
but whether the empire was safe and 
secured for him; nihil, tota via, quam 
essetne salvum sibiimperium requirens ; 
Suet. Wepossess nothing but what is 
perishing and mortal; nil non mortale 
tenemus ; Ovid, He made nothing 
his business but to be revenged of his 
enemies; nihil nisi de inimicis ulcis- 
cendis agebat; Cic. I desire nothing 
but Philumena; nihil aliud volo, nisi 
Philumenam ; Ter. 

I, Note ; af but after nothing may 
be varied by which not, it is rendered 
by quod non: as, 

There is nothing so incredible, Bur 
by language may be made probable; 
nihil est tam incredibile, quod non di- 
cendo fiat probabile ; Cic. There is 
nothing to be called liberal, or ingenu- 
ous, but that which is also just and 
honest; nihil liberale, quod non sit 
idem justum ; Cic. 

2. Note; Burt after what, or what 
else, is so rendered as after nothing, 
or nothing else; yet mostly by nisi : 
What else But the secret woods-tid 
hurt Phillis? quid nisi secrete lese- 
runt Phillida sylve? Ovid. What 

168 BU 

else is it to fight against the gods, like 
the giants, but to be, or do, contrary 
to nature? quid aliud est, gigantum 
more, bellare cum Diis, nisi nature re- 
pugnare? Cic, 

VI. Burt, after cannot, is rendered 
by non with an infinitive ; quin, or ut 
non, with a subjunctive mood: as, 

I cannot Bur lament his calamity ; 
non possum ejus casum non dolere ; 
Cic. I cannot but cry out ; non pos- 
sum quin exclamem; Cic. It cannot 
be but you must say, what you do not 
like; fieri nullo pacto potest, at non 
dicas quid non probes ; Cic. J cannot 
but be a friend to him ; non possum e1 
non amicus esse; Cic. There is 
scarcely any thing to prevent it, but 
that I must be in a most miserable and 
toretched condition; prorsus_nibil 
abest, quin sim miserrimus; Cic. I¢ 
cannot be but that the same man, who 
blames the good, must also approve the 

bad ; abesse non potest, quin ejusdem 
sit hominis probos improbare, qui im- 
probos probet; Cic. Those things 
cannot be ruined, but that these. also, 
by the same way, must fall to ruin 
likewise ; ruere illa non possunt, ut 
hac non eodem labefactata motu con- 
cidant; Quint. J would, but for 
hurting him; velim; ni foret ei dam- 

VII. Bur, after these words not 

‘doubt, not fear, not make question, 
&c., is rendered by quin, or ne non: 
as, - : 
There is no doubt But—,; non est 
dubium quin—j; Ter. I do not fear 
but I shall cloy you with letters; non 
enim vereor ne non scribendo te ex- 
pleam; Cic. No body doubted but 
thut he would again be restored to the 
kingdom ; erat nemini dubium, quin is 
in regnum restitueretur; Cic. Who- 
soever remembers these things, there is 
little or no danger, but that he shall 
think death either to be wished for, or 
not to be feared ; qua qui recordetur, 
haud sane periculum est, ne non mor- 
tem aut optandam, aut certe non ti- 
mendam putet ; Cic. 

Note ; Quin, and ne non, with their 
subjunctive mood, are'variable by turn- 
ing the nominative case into the accu- 
sative, and the subjunctive into the in- 
finitive: as, 

There is no doubt, Bur-that my son 
will not—, §c.; non dubium est quin 


nolit filius, or —nolle filium. J fear 
not but that I may prove, or approve 
thut; non vereor ne hoc non probem, 
or, me hoc probaturum. 

VILL. Bur, signifying only, is ren- 
dered by tantum, solum, and modo: as, 

Thou hast Bur the name of virtue 
in thy mouth; what itself is thou 
knowest not; nomen tantum virtutis 
usurpas ; quid ipsa valeat ignoras ; Cic. 
They disagree but about one thing ; 
in re una solum dissident; Cic. Be 
but ruled by me; mihi modo usculta ; 
Plaut. Be but true and faithful to 
your sister ; tu tantum fida sorori esse 
velis; Ovid. We have but the report, 
the consuls and the rest of the magis- 
trates have also the real knowledge ; - 
nuntiationem nos solum habemus, con- 
sules et magistratus etiam inspectio- 
nem; Cic. J will but say my prayers, 
and then I will come to you; Deos sa- 
lutabo modo, postea ad te; Plaut, 
What ails you but that you may do it ? 
quid impedit quo minus fiat ? 

IX. Bur, signifying saving, unless, 
or except, is rendered by exceptive 
particles, nisi, extra, preter, prater- 
quam: as, 

I will trust the money with nobody 
but himself; ego ipsi nisi nummum 
credam nemini; Plaut. He was con- 
demned by all but one ; omnibus sen- 
tentiis preter unam damnatus est ;- 
Cic. No body living ever touched me, 
but you; extra unum te, mortalis ne- 
mo Corpus corpore attigit ; Plaut. No 
bedy said so, but Cicero; nemo id 
dixit, preterquam Cicero. Whom we 
can see with no eyes, but those of the 
mind ; quem nullis nisi mentis oculis 
videre possumus; Cic. They declare 
that nothing is left to them, but the 
very ground itself; demonstrant sibi, 
preter agri solum, nihil esse reliqui ; 
Cxs. For those so great affairs I re- 
quire no. reward, but the everlasti 
remembrance of that day; pro tantis 
rebus nullum postulo premium, pre- 

‘terquam illius diei memoriam sempiter- 

nam; Cic. There was no kindred or - 
relation there present, but the little © 
Jemale friend; neque cognatus, extra 
amiculam, quisquam aderat; Ter. . 

Note ; Ifno casual word immediately 
follow but, when it is used in this sense, 
then it is not rendered by extra or pre- — 
ter, bué only by nisi or praterquam : 
e.g. in this English; There can be 

eet, Fare 





» yee, 
’ - 



no friendship but among'st good men, 

- the particle but cannot be rendered by 

extra or preter, but by nisi or preter- 
quam : as, Nisi [or praterquam] in bo- 
nis non potest esse amicitia; not extra, 
or preter in bonis, 
_X. Bur, in most other uses, is an 
adversative particle, and rendered by 
ast, at, atqui, autem, ceterum, -nisi, 
quod si, sin, sed, vero, verum, &c. : 

If you intend to stay in one place, 

expect frequent letters from us; Bur 

send also more frequently to us; tu si 
uno loco es futurus, crebras a nobis_li- 
teras expecta ; ast plures etiam mittito 5 
Cic. What further is to be inquired? 

' Was the thing done? bat that is evi- 

dent. By whom? but that is also 
known, Sc. Quid porro quérendum 
est? Factumne sit? at constat. A 
quo? at patet, &c.;-Cic. But we 
were then sensible of no vexation; at- 
qui nullam sénsimus tum vexationem ; 
Sen. But there is nothing more lovely 
to me than your duty and diligence ; 
mihi autem nihil amabilius officio tuo 
et diligentia ; Cic; I know not, but 

‘that I have said so to nobody, that I 

certainly know; nescio, nisi me sie 
dixisse nemini, id certo scio; Ter. But 
if fortune threaten any mischievous ac- 
cident; sin aliquem infandum casum 
fortuna minatur; Virg. He remem- 
bered not only whatever he had done, 
but also whatever he had said ; omnia 
ejus non solum facta, sed etiam dicta, 
meminit; Cic. A good and honest 

_ man indeed, but yet not so well edu- 

cated, as that—, &c.; vir bonus equi- 

dem, veruntamén- non ita institutus, 

ut—, &c.; Cic. He is about another 
business, although not with the same 
eagerness, but yet no less difficult ; ali- 
am rem aggreditur, non eadem asperi- 
tafe, ezterum haud secus difficilem ; 
Sal. But if he should once know that 
she were lost; quod si resciverit per- 

_isse eam, &c.; Ter, 

1. Note: Autem and vero are not 
to begin a sentence. 

2. Note: But is sometimes put for 
before, or before that, viz. when scarce, 
hardly, 7 some similar: word, goes 
before it with a verb, and then it is 
rendered by cum, or dum, with vix, as 
in these examples: 

Vix prior tumulias conticuerat; cum 

Scipio ab defessis jam vulneratisque re- 


| BU. 169 
centes integrosque alios accipere scala® 

jubet; hardly was the former stir 
ended, but [i. e. before that] Scipio 

bade— ; Liv, Vix agmen extra muni- 

tiones processerat, cum Galli flumen 
transire non “dubitabant; Czes.;- no 
sooner was the army gone out of their 
camp, but the. Gauls confidently under- 
took to pass over the river, Vix dum 
triclinio egressum confodi jussit ; he 
was scarcely gone out of the dining- 
room, but [i, e. before| he commanded 
him to be run through; Suet. Hec 
ego omnia vix dum jam ccetu vestro 
dimisso comperi; your company was 
ee brokenup, but [i. e. before |— ; 
1C. . 

In these two the expressed participles 
may bé resolved into a verb with cum : 
Vix triclinio egressus erat, cum confo- 
di eum jussit, Vix dimissus erat coetus 
vester, cum jam ego hec omnia comperi. 

And somay the participle that is un- 
derstood in that: as, 
« The day after, when tt was scarcely 
light, they began to surrender ; postero 
die vix dum luce certa [ sc. ente or ex- 
istente] deditio fieri cepta; Liv. Vix 
certa erat lux, cum deditio, 

Sometimes cum is expressed together 
with dum: as, _ | 

I had scarcely read your letter, Bur 
Curtius came; vix dum epistolam tuam 
legeram, cum Curtius venit ; Cic. The 
way was no sooner made open, but the 
fugitives rushed with violence through 
the gate ; vix dum satis patéebat iter, | 
com perfuge certatim ruunt per portam ; 

Sometimes it is understood with it : 

as, ; 

T had scarcely spoken one half, But 
heunderstood ; vix dum dimidium dixe- 
ram, intgllexerat; Ter. ise. Vix dum 
gixeram, cum intellexerat.. 

Cicero uses commodum in this sense 
with cum. 

Commodum discesseras heri, cunt 
Trebatius venit; you were scarcely 
gone yesterday, Bur Trebatius came: 
Commodum ad te miseram Demeam, 
cum Eros ad me venit; I had nosooner 
sent Demeas to you, but that i7ros 
came to me. 

Some other phrases. : 

He came Bur yesterday ; beri pri- 
mum venit.- But a while since ;, nuper 

admodum, non ita pridem. But ~ 

170 -BU | BY 

” now; nunc primum; Cic. He is but he has a mind to buy ; digitam tollere. 

just now gone; jam nuper [or mini- To Buy together ; coemere, com- 
mum] est quod decessit. Not butthat mercari. fy 
he had wit; non quod ei deesset in- © To Buy again; redimere. 

genium; Cic. This happens to none To Buy under the price or value ;~ 
but a wise man; soli hoc contingit sa- ademere. ve : by 
 pienti; Cic. There is nothing but- To Buy gften; emptare, emptitare. 
may be marred by ill telling ; nihil est ‘ Communication of Buyine and sell- 
quin niale narrando possit depravarier; img; Commercium, n. arn A 
Ter. There were but two ways out; ' That may be Bovcut; mercabilis, - 
erant omnino itinera duo quibus exire emptivus. : . 
possent ; Ces. But sparingly; omnino — It is good Buyinc with other men’s 
modice; Cic. He did but lay himin money; scitum est periculum ex aliis 
irons; non ultra quam compedibus facere tibi quod ex usu Sit. 
coercuit ; Sueton, There wanted buta To Buy with ready money ; Greca 
little but he had struck him; tantum fide mercari, } To buy farms ; pecuni- 
non percussit; parum abfuit quin per- am in prediis collocare. . To make 
cuteret ; propius nihil estfactum,quam gain by buying farms; pecunia in 
ut, &c. The last but one; proximus a prediis locata questum facere. You 
postremo; Cie. So may be said; a ,have bought at too dear a rate ; ni- 
primo proximus ;» the first but one, mio magno pretio conduxistis. I would 
i. e. the second, or next to the first. not buy it fora straw ; ego ne culmo 
Hec sunt a primis proxima yota meis; quidem emerem, Nib! . 
Ovid. There is none but knows; nemo You will not come up to the Buyine 
est qui nesciat ; Cic. They are forced price ; pretio fortassean deterreberis. 
to live on nothing -but honey; melle I have bargained and Boveur it ; 
coguntar solo vivere; Val. Nobody transegi. Nobody will give me what 
but I; ego vero solus; Ter. To be I bought it for; constitit pluris quam 
commended with abut; cum exceptione revendi potest. J bought none but 
laudari; Cic. There was nobody at these; has solas a mercatu sumpsi, 
home then butI; unastumdomieram; © Buy any thing else that is cheap ; 
* Plaut. He is nothing but skin and aut si quid aliud parvo parabile, He 
bone; ossa atque pellis totus est; would not buy it fora farthing ; vix 
Plaut. semi-obolo emeret. You must come by 
To BUY; emere, mercati. - it by buying ; argenteo illic piscandum © 
To Buy to sell agaim; promercari. est hamo. You may buy any thing 
To Buy beforehand, or to buy~out for money ; quidvis nummis presenti- 

of one’s hands ; premercari. bus opta, Et veniet ; clausum possidet. 
Yo Buy and sell; mercari, mandi- arca Jovem. 

nari, negotiari. : Either get it for love, or Buy it for 
To Buy meat or victuals; opsonari, money ; vel prece vel precio. You do 

opsonare. -not bid as if you meant te buy; 

To Buy any thing ; emere, mercari quid liceris, vel licitaris,. cum nihil sis “ 
aliquid ; rebus contractis dare argen- empturus? He gives too much that buys 
tum ; solvere, persolvere pretium ; pre- it for a farthing ; qui teruncio emerit, 
tio, ere, pecunia, nummo, argento, is nimio emerit. aac 
auro, aliquid acquirere, parare, compa- Know what books are come, and 
rare; ex alieno suum facere.—Libra what they may be Boucut for; cog- 

mercatus et ere est. nosce qui sint libri et quanti venales. F 
, Things Boucur at advantage; pro- would not buy it for a fig’s end ; fumi- 
mercalia, -ium, n. umbra non emerim, ee 

You cannot Buy it, but at a very Iwill not Buy, you sell too dear ; 
dear rate ; non ‘parabis nisi immenso non emam; nimio vendis. Buy, for F 
* pretio. Iam not for buying a pig in will sell as cheap as can be ; eme, mi- 
a poke ; ego spem pretio non emo; nimo namque vendam. * 
per He has not wherewith to buy a I. BY, before the original agent oF 
valter ; non habet quo restimemat.. _eflicient cause, and signifying from, of, 
To Buy-of one that has not aright to or out of, is rendered by a, ab, e, ex, 

sell; a malo auctore emeres To show -and de: as, , 



- esse me scit; Plaut. 

} BY 

_ He shall perceive nothing By me; e 
me nihil sciet; Plaut. He knows I 
um coming by the scent ; de odore ad- 
There was after- 
ward no less loss by. the water, than 
by the enemies; non minor ex aqua 

- postea, quam ab hostibus clades; Flor, 
' Weknow his mind by our own doings ; 

ejus animum de nostris factis noscimus ; 
Plaut. Most specious plays, but not 
agreeable to your genius, as I conjec- 
ture by my own; ludi apparatissimi, 
sed non¢ui stomachi, conjecturam enim 
facio de-meo; Cic. * 

Note: By signifying of (as of is 
used for concerning) is rendered only 
by de: as, They do not yet know so 
much by themselves; hoc illis de se 
nondum liquet; Sen. Not a se, or e se. 

Il. By, before the instrumental cause 

or means whereby or through which a 

thing is, is done, or comes to pass, is 
rendered by the ablative case without a 
preposition, or by the accusative case 
with per: as, 

He subdued him not By arms, but 
by death; non armis subégit, sed morte. 

_ You are a father to him by nature, I 

by counsel ; natura tu illi pater es, con- 
siliis ego ; Ter. It isno matter whether 
you do it by your proctor, or by your- 
self; nihil interest utrum per proeura- 
torem agas, an per teipsum; Cic. He 
will undo ‘his father by his villany; 
per flagitium ad inopiam rediget pa- 
trem; Ter. He said he would see his 
country by my means; meo beneficio 
patriam se visurum esse dixit; Cic. To 

-be broken by virtue; to be crushed by 

delay; frangi virtute; comminui mora ; 
Flor, Cesar being advertised by in- 
telligence, or a spy ; Cesar per indicem 
certior factus; Ces. A father by a- 
doption ; per adoptionem pater; Plin. 

That it might be evident, by the testi-- 

mony of all men, thut the commonwealth 

' was preserved by my means ; ut omnium 

testimonio per me remp. conservatam 
esse constaret; Cic. 

Note : The ablative sometimes has ab 
with it ; but that is, when not the in- 
strument, but the means are referred 
to: as,_ 

War often overthrows the insolent 
and insulting enemy By small means ; 
Mars sepe spoliantem hostem et exul- 
tantem evertit ab abjecto ; Cic. 

IT. By, before the English of the 

"participle of the present tense, is ren- 

BY 171 

dered by the gerund in do, or an abla- 
tive case put absolutely? as, 

Cesar acquired glory By giving ; 
Cesar dando gloriam adeptus est ; Sal. 
The flame increases by moving’ the 
torch ; mota face crescit flamma ; Ovid, / 
I punish bad citizens by good govern- 
ment, and treacherous friends by not 
trusting them; ulciscor malos cives 
remp.. bene gerendo, perfidos amicos, 
nihil credendo ; Cic. . 

IV. By, after verbs of taking, ts ren- 
dered by an ablative case of the part 
taken hold: of : as, 

Who is this that takes me By the 
cloak? quis me_ prehendit pallio? 
Plaut. For if Ihad taken him-by the 
hand; nam eum si manu prehendis- 
sem; Cic. I have a wolf by the ears ; 
lupum auribus teneo ; Ter. Prov. And 
the deformed carcass was dragged forth 
by the feet; pedibusque informe ca- 
daver protrahitur ; Virg. ‘ 

V. By, after a passive verb or parti- 
ciple, is rendered either by the dative 
or the ablative of the agent, with a pre- 
position: as, 

He is not seen By any body; nec 
cernitur ulli; Virg. He is praised by 
some, he is blamed by others; lauda- 
tur ab his, culpatur ab illis ; Hor. That 
fault was observed by none ; id vitium 
nulli notatum erat; ‘Ovid. They do 
not know that these things are taught 
by them ; hec esse ab his precepta ne- 
sciunt; Cic. I am not understood by 
any body; non intelligor ulli ; Ovid. 
I thought these things had been heard 
by you ; hec ego audita tibi putaram ; 
Cic. Yet neither these could be read 
patiently by any body; nec tamen ista 
legi poterant patienter ab ullo; Ovid. 
And when the fight was maintained 
constantly and stoutly by the enemies ; 
et cum ab hostibus constanter et non 
timide pugnaretur; Ces. Contempt - 
itself must be contemned by him that 
resolves to be virtuous and honest ; ad 
honesta vadenti contemnendus est iste 
(al. ipse) contemptus ; Sen. We will 
be helped by you, but even almost re- 
proached by others; abs te adjuvandi, 
abs aliis prope reprehendendi sumus ; 

Note 1. By also after verbs passive 
may be rendered by per: as, 

s agitur per (By) eosdem credi- 
tores; Cic. Id assequitur, si per (by) 
pretores consules creantur ; Cic. 

‘172 BY 

Note 2. If the English passive be to 
be'rendered by a Latin neuter passive, 
or neuter signifying passively, then 
By will be to be rendered by the ab- 
lative with a preposition, as in the Eng- 
lish of these, or similur passages: 

A preceptore vapulabis; ab hoste 
venire ; virtus parvo pretio licet omni- 
bus; mundus a se patitur; Cic. Ani- 
ma calescit ab ipso spiritu; Cic A 
vento qui fuit unda tumet; Ovid. Ni- 
hil est valentius a quo intereat; Cic. 
Occidit a forti, sic Dii voluistis, Achille ; 
Ovid. Dextra occidit ipsa sua; Virg. 

VL. By, before proper names of place 
after verbs of motion, is either rendered 
by the ablative case of the word of 
place, or by an accusative with per, or 
preter: as, 

I ioole my journey By Laodicea ; iter 
Laodicea faciebam ; Cic. He will go 
by Ticinun: to the Bethyck_provinee ; 
provinciam Bethycam per Ticinum est 
' ~petiturus; Plin. The fourth day he 
went by Arbella to Tigris ; quarto die 

preter Arbellam penetrat ad Tigrim ; 

Curt. They had passed by Miletus ; 
Mileto transirant ; Curt. Pelopidas, 
when he marched by Thebes, took the 
castle ; Pelopidas cum iter faceret per 
Thebas, arcem occupavit; Aimil. in 
Pelop. . They directed their course by 
Thebes to Demetrias; preter Thebas 
Demetriadem cursum dirigebant; Liv. 

Note 1. Per, properly denotes 
through ; preter, beside; but we use 
By for both. 

Note 2. Common names of place ad- 
mii of similar construction with proper ; 
Seu terra, seu mast (by seu, or by land) 
obviam eundum hasti foret; Liv. Fa- 
bulantur per viam; Plaut. Preeter ip- 
sum theatrum transeundum est; Sen? 
So; si secundum mare ad me ire cepis- 
set; Cic.. ’ 

VIL. By, before any person, part, 
thing, er place, proper or common, and 
intimaling something to rest, and be, 
er to be doing, or done near it, is ren- 
dered hy ad, apud, juxta, prope, prop- 
ter, secundum, and sub: as, 

He has gardens hard By Tiber ; ha- 
bet hortos ad Tiberim; Cic. By him 
sat Sulpitius; apwd eum Sulpitius se- 
debat ; Cic. The maid stands by her 
father ; juxta genitorem astat virgo ; 
Virg. He sat down by the bank of the 
Anien ; prope ripam Anienis consedit ; 
Cic. He lies down by. the river’s side ; 


propter aque rivam procumbit; Virg” .— 

He received a wound in his head hard 
by his ear; vulnus accepit in capite se- 
cundum aurem; Cic. By the town’s 
side, hard by the town; sub ipso oppi- 
do ; Gell. I studied not only by the in- 

struction of Aristophanes,~but_also of — 

Cleanthes; non solum ad Aristophanis 
lucernam, sed etiam ad Cleanthis lucu- 
bravi; Varro, He commands them to 
stay all night by, or at the water side ; 
apud aquam noctem agitare jubet ; Sail. 
Jug. She flew low by the sea side ; 
humilis volatequora juxta; Virg. That 
youmay not only dwell near by me, but 
altogether with me ; ut non modo pro- 

pe me, sed plane mecum habitare pos- -, 

ses’; Cic. God himself is near by you ; 
prope est a te Deus; Sen. Vulcun 
possessed the isles near by Sicily, which 
are cullked from him, the Vulcanian 
islands ; Vulcanus tenuit insulas propter 
Siciliam, que Vulcanie appellantur ; 
Cic. He sits or dweils near by you ; 
propter te sedet; Cic. Some few 
guards of horse were seen near by the 
river; secundum flumen pauce statio- * 
hes equitum videbantur; Ces. There 

were monuments on sepulchres or graves, 

and by thé way side, that passengers 
might know, &c. ; monumenta in sepul- 
chris erant, et secundum viam, quo pra- 
tereuntes admonerentur, &c.; Varr. 
Such as I was, when I vanquished -the 
first army near by Preneste itself ; 
qualis era, cum primam aciem Pie- 
neste sub ipsa stravi; Virg. There ts. 
but little ground or land here near by 
the town; agelli est hic sub urbe pau- 
lulum; Ter. . 

Note 1. Ad is hardly, if ever, in 
this sense applied to person ; secundum 
rarely, and therefore to be sparingly 
used. - : 

Note 2. Juxta, prope, and propter, 
are used in this sense without any 
case. “3 

Furiarum maxima juxta Accubat; ~ 

Virg. Alterius gladium prope opposi- 
tum e vagina educit; Cic. Etenim 
propter est spelunea quedam ; Ter. 

Note 3. Some hive used secus with 
an accusative case in this sense: as 

Conductus est Coecus secus viam 
stare. So Pliny: Secus fluvios, 

So some have used procul, as Virg.. 
Etprocul illam Turba ferox juvenum te- 
lis confixa procorum. And Ter, Quem 


€um istoc sermonem habueris, procul 
‘heic (as Palmerius reads that which 
others read procul hinc) stans accepi : 
but that is a thing to be observed only, 
and not followed. 

VIII, By, after a comparative de- 
gree, is rendered by the ablative case 
of the word which signifies the mea- 
sure of excess or defect : aS, 

By ten feet; turres denis pedibus, 
quam meenia altiores sint; Curt. He 
is taller than you by a foot and a half; 
sesquipede est, quam tu longior; Plaut. 
If a verse be pronounced shorter or 
longer by one syllable; si versus pro- 
nunciatus est syllaba una brevior aut 
longior; Cic. Yet that other man 
ts less vicious at least by one vice ; ille 
tamen alter uno vitio minus est vitiosus ; 
Cic, By as much again greater ; al- 
tero tanto major; Liv. Greater or 
more by twice as much ; duplo majus ; 
Cic. -He bought the house by almost 
the half dearer than it was thought to 
be worth ; is emit domum_ prope dimi- 
dio carius quam estimabatur ;- Cic.. 
By how much the more difficult, by so 
much the more famous ; quo difficilius, 
hoc preclarius; Cic. By how much 
the longer absent, by so much the more 
desired; quanto diutius abest, magis 
cupio tanto ; Tey. 

IX. By, in protesting, beseeching, 
swearing, and adjuring, zs rendered by 
per: as, 

I beseech you By the memory of my 
_ father ; per, te, parentis memoriam 
obtestor; Sen. I beseech you, by the 
immortal gods, have especial care of 
this ; incumbe, per deos immortales, in 
eam curam; Cic. The which I be- 
seech you by this right hand ; quod 
ego per hane dextram oro; Ter, JI 
swear by Mercury that Jupiter does 
not believe, &c.; per Mercurium juro 
Jovem non credere, &c. Plaut. 

X. By, referring to authority, agree- 
ment, counsel, example, or event, and 
signifying according to, is rendered by 
de, or ex: as, 

Reckon thus, that what I write to 
you is By his advice and authority ; 
sic habeto, me de illius ad te senten- 
tia atque auctoritate scribere; Cic. I 
knew presently thatit was done by 
agreement ; scivi extemplo rem de 
compacto geri; Plaut. Menwill judge 

The towers are higher than the wall 

BY 173 

of your doing, not so much by your 
intent, as by the event ; facti tui judi- 
cium non tam ex consilio tuo, quam ex 
eventu homines sunt facturi; Cic. 
That the money business may be settled 
or appointed by public or common con- © 
sent; ut res nummaria de communi 
sententia constitueretur; Cic. . It is 
built by the senate’s authority ; edifi- 
catur ex auctoritate senatus; Cic. To 
build by example; de exemplo edifi- 
care; Plaut. _Weshould soon see men 
judge of your counsel by the event ; 
ex eventu homines de tuo consilio ex- 
istimaturos cito videremus; Cic,s And 
being brought forth before the tribunal, 
he named the authors by agreement ; 
productusque -pro rostris auctores ex 
compacto nominabat ; Suet. 

Note: The preposition is not always 
necessarily to be expressed. , 

XI, By reason, having of, with a ca- 
sual word following it, is rendered by 
per or propter: as, Nor indeed could 
she by reason of her age ; neque per 
ztatem etiam poterat; Ter. J can 
make no camp by reason of the time of 
the year ; nec castra propter anni ‘tem- 
pus facere possum; Cic, Neither could 
there be any thing done by reason of 
the seldom sitting of the senate ; nec 
agi quicquam per infrequentiam pote- 
rat senatus; Liv. By reason of the 
sharpness of your wit, you perceive 
things that are most hidden ; propter 
acumen tuum occultissima perspicis. 
But if it have that with a verb follow- 
ing it, thenit is rendered by propterea 
with quod, or quia: as, No agreement 
could be. made,-by reason that he was 
not content ; res convenire nullo modo 
poterat, propterea quod iste contentus 
non erat ;-Cic. So, I have made you, 
of a servant, my freeman, by reason 
that you did serve freely or ingenuous- 
ly; feci ut e servo esses libertus mihi, 
propterea quod serviebas liberaliter ; 
Ter, That is a sad kind of comfort, 
by reason that they by whom that 
should be done, are the same way af- 
fected ; genus hoc consolationis acer- 
bum est, propterea quia, per quos id 
fieri debet, ipsi pari modo afficiuntur ; 
Cic. ; 

Ob, with a casual:word, and a pas- 
sive participle, may in this sense be 
used for By reason of, and for by rea- 
son that, Ob intenta Lepidz pericula ; 



~ hac non venit; Plaut. 

174 BY¥ 

by reason of the danger he had brought 
Lepida into, or by reason that he had 
brought Lepida into danger ; Tacit, 

_ Note 1. After the same manner are 

because of and because that rendered. 

Note2. Pre metu, ira, gaudio, lachry- 
mis, &e. are better rendered for fear, 
anger, joy, tears, than by reason of 
anger, §c. but the sense ts the same, 
and the Latin very elegant. 

XII, By, with self, or selves, follow- 
ing it, is often put for alone, and ren- 
dered by per, and solus : as, 

We will do the rest By ourselves ; 

reliqua per nos agemus; Cic. J shall. 

sit down by myself, if he come not 
hither; ego decumbam solus, si ille 
I learned this 
by myself to say, God save you, Ca- 
sar ; hoc per me didici dicere, Cesar, 
ave; Mart. Beat them both in a 
mortar by themselves; conterito in 
mortario per se utrumque ; Cato. To 
whom when t# seemed more profitable 
to reign by himself than with another, 
he killed his brother; cui cum visum 
esset utilius solum se, quam cum alte- 
ro, regnare, fratrem interemit; Cic. 
- He took cognizance of capital things 
alone by himself; cognitiones capita- 
liam reruni, per se solus exercebat; 
Liv. We are here now alone by our- 
selves ; soli nunc sumus hic; Ter. Also, 
Hic nos sumus, i. e. sole ; Plaut. 

XIU, By ann By signifies pre- 
sently, instantly, forthwith, within a 
little while, and is rendered by jam, 
mox, illico, continuo, confestim, e ves- 
tigio, ex continenti, extemplo, protinus, 
&e.: as, 

J will be here By anv By ; jam hic 
adero; Ter. J believe he will come by 
and by; credo illum jam affuturam 
esse; Ter. J will by and by return 
hither ; mox ego huc revertar ; Ter. 

XIV. By rue way sometimes sig- 
nifies incidentally, by the by, not ow set 
purpose, in passing, &c. and is ren 
dered by obiter, in transitu, or transcur- 
su, &c.: as, * 
_ That By the way I may avoid those 
Homer-scourges ; ut obiter caveam is- 
tos Homeromastigas;  Plin. I had 
lightly by the way touched those things 
in the fifth book ; qu libro quinto le- 
viter in transcursu attigeram; Quin. 
Those things our men have handled_by 
the way, but. the Grécians somewhat 



more diligently ; in transcursa ea attl- 
gere nostri, paulo diligentius Greci } 
Plin. And by the way, or by the by, 
he will read, or write, or sleep, within ; 
atque obiter leget, aut scribet, vel dor- 
miet intus; Juv. But the nature of 
those things is not so simple as to be 
handled or discoursed of by the way, 
or by the by ; eorum autem non sim- 
plex natura, nec in transitu tractanda ; 
Quint, There are also, at this time, 

some very famous, but to be men-— 

tioned only by the way, or by the by; 
sunt etiamnum non ignobiles quidain, 
in transcursu tamen dicendi ; Plin. 

When By the way refers to any 
journey, or travelling, then it is most 
properly rendered by in via, itinere, per 
viam, &c.: as, ‘ 

The man confesses he had vitiated 
By force one, I know not whom, by the 
way ; homo se fatetur'vi, in via;nescio 
quam, compressisse ; Ter. We heard 
by the way that Pompey was departed 

From Brundusium; im itinere audivi- 

mus Pompeium Brundusio profectum 
esse; Cic. They discoursed wt) the 
way ; fabulabantur per viam ; Plaut. 

XV. By, with its casual word, is 

sometimes to be rendered by an adverb 
im im: viz. : 

1. When manner of action is referred 
to: as - 

To do a thing By stealth; furtim 
facere aliquid; Cic. To come by de- 
grees to any place; gradatim aliquo 
pervenire ; Cic. : Aig 

2. When the casual word. is re- 
peated with By, or some other particle 

~ between: as, 

Street By street, all the servants’ 
names are set down; vicatim ommes 
conscribuntur ; Cic. He made-a law 
to divide the land man by man; legem 
de agro viritim dividendo tulit ; Cie. 

And so also, to be affected with joy ~ 

and grief By turns; item, gaudium 
atque egritudinem alternatim sequi. 
To conclude, we have bY degrees at- 
tained to all your honors; vestios de- 
nique honores, gradatim singulos sumus 
assecuti; Cic. He (or she.) pings. or 
falls away as it were by drop and drop ; 
guttatim contabescit ; Plaut. The se- 
dition by little and litile growing less 
and less ; deflagrante paulatim seditio- 
ne;-Tac. To answer to every thing 
one by one; singulatim rei cuique re- 

sgt o 



—— B fi 

batadictdh cle bbth sends 

1 : 

* ‘ 

BY ; 
spondere ; Cic. Clodius falling down 
at the feet of them all, one ; ad 

‘emnium pedes sigillatim accidente Clo- 

dio; Cic. He distributed to the peo- 

_ ple'‘man by man forty acres of land ; 

terna dena agri jugera viritim po- 
pulo divisit ; Plin. 
Hither may be referred other ways 
of rendering By, with its casual word, 
when it is thus used: as, 

~ Invices; By turns; Ovid. In sin- 

gulos dies ; day by day; Cic. 
_XVI. By, joined to a verb or par- 
ticiple, often serves only 10 complete 

_ the sense of it, and has nothing more to 
be rendered for ii, than the Latin of 
_ the verb or participle: as, : 

- Money is every where much set By ; 
plurimi passim fit pecunia. IJ was not 
by; ego non affui; Ter. They lay 
by for their ships oaks half consumed 

by the flames; flammisque ambesa re- - 

ponunt Robora navigiis ; Virg. That 
I would not tell you whilst he was by ; 
i, e. present ; id ego hoc presente tibi 
holebam dicere; Ter. He was by, or 
present, at that discourse ; ei sermoni 
is interfuit ; Cic. : 

Some other phrases. 

I will get them both down By night ; 
effectum hoc hodie reddam utrumque ad 
vesperum ; Plaut. By the hour’s end, 
ten days’ end; intra. horam, decimum 
diem; Liv. By this time twelvemonth ; 
ante annum elapsum. 
twenty years; per viginti annos ; 
Quintil. By break of day; cum prima 
luce ; diluculo-; Cic. - ‘ 

By night ; per noctem, noctu; Flor. 
Cic. By that time I shall have ended 
my year’s office ; ego Jam annuum mu- 
nus confecero; Cic. By that he had 
ended his speech ; sermone  vixdum fi- 
nito ; vix bene finierat, cum—. 

He is hard By; presto est; Ter. 
He lodges hard by ; in proximo divér- 
titurs Plaut. Be ruled by me; me 
audi; mihi ausculta; Plaut. Methinks 
I may do it by my office; pro mea 
auctoritate videor posse ; Cic. - By this 
time I suppose she has got some one to 
be her friend ; arbitror jam esse ali- 
quem amicum ei; Ter. I have by me, 

i, €. in my possession or power, a com-— 

mendation of the man; est in mani- 
‘bus viri laudatio; Cic. To try pillars 
by a plumb-line ; ad perpendiculum 
columnas exigere ; Cic. 

By weight ; ad pondus; Macrob, 

By the space of’ 

‘CA 175 

By the space of two furlongs ; per sta- 
dia duo; Plin. By the mother’s side ; 
per matrem ; materno ortu; Ovid, 
By candle light ; de lucerna; Pe- 
tron. By moonlight; adlunam ; Juv. . 
By, of measure, after a comparative, 
a sign of the ablatiée: as, altior pede ; 

‘higher by a foot. By, of place, or 

near, (of rest,) prope, juxta, secus ; 
(of motion,) per, preter. Hard by; 
in proximo. By what place or way ? 
qua? By some way or place; aliqua. 
A thing By the by; accessorium. 
Day by day; quotidie. To come by 
« thing ; assequi, consequi, obtinere. 
By my faith ; mehercle. A by-place ; 
recessus, latebra. A by-way ; via de- 
via, diverticulum, A by-word ; divet- 
bium, adagium, 


To CALL vocare, appellare, com- 
pellare,arcessere, vel arcessire ; citare. 

To Caxu by name ; nominare ; nun- 
cupare, compellare. 

To Cait to account; ad questio- 
nem vocare, rationem exigere. 

To Cau to mind or remembrance ; 
recolere secum, reminisci, 

To Ca. to witness ;. testari, ap- 
pellare ; testem laudare, - 

To Catt afar off; provocare, 

To Cxut after one ; inclamare, , 

To Cat again ; -revocare. 

To Catt aloud; exclamare. 

To Catt aside ; sevocare. 

To CaLt away ; avocare. 

To Catt back ; revocare. 

To Catu back or deny what one 
has said; recantare, retractare, dene- 
gare. : f 

To Cat down; devocare, 

To Cau for one ; arcessere, accer- 
sere. Sele - 

To Catt for a thing ; poscere. 

To Cat for help ; implorare opem. 

To Catt forth ; evocare, excire. 
~_ To Cart in an order, law, §c.; re-~ 
figere, abrogare, antiquare. 

To Cat into court; citare. 

To Cau one off ; dehortari. 

To Cau often; vocitare, appelli- 
tare, clamitare. 

To Cau over names, §c.; recen- 
sere, recitare, 

To Catt to one; adygcare, acela-- 

, © Cic. Gell. 

176 CA 

To Cauu together ; convocare. 

To Cat up in a morning ; suscita- 
re, excitare, expergefacere. 

To Cat up spirits ; ciere manes. 

To Caxu upon God; invocare Deum. 

To Cat. upon a friend in one’s 
way ; compellare, salutare de via. 

Can you Cart it to mind? numquid 
‘-meministi? Ter. I call to remembrance 
what I said; quid dixerim commemo- 
to; Cic. Call to mind, remembrance ; 
redige ad memoriam; Ter. J cannot 
call i¢ £0 mind now; mibi nunc non 
occurrit ; suppetit ; memorize non est ; 
Now I call to mind; jam 
redit in memoriam. 

Catt Davus out hither ; evocate 
huc Davum; Ter. He is. gone to call 
the nurse; nutricem accersitum iit; 
Ter. CObstetricem accerso; Ter. Call 
me thence ; inde me vocatote; Plant. 

To sound a Catt ; classicum canere. 
He will call you to an account ; -ratio- 
nem de te repetet ; Cic. 

I Catt God to witness it ; id testor 
‘Deos; Ter. They . called for our 
help ; opem et auxilium nostrum flagi- 
tarunt; Flor. That which you call the 
chief good ; id quod summum bonum 
dicitis ; Cic. So they called her; illi 
id erat nomen; Ter. They called 
her by another name when she was. 

little; fuit alind* huic parve nomen; . 

Ter. He calls him after his own 
name; suo dicit de nomine; Virg. 
Thou callest almost every one by 
his name; prope omnes nomine ap- 
pellas; Plin.: Call me not by this 
name any more ; ne me isthoc posthac | 
nomine appellassis; Ter. He shall be’ 
called ‘Venus’s grandson ; Veneris ne- 
pos audiet; Apul. J call your coun- 
tenance to mind; venit mihi in men- 
tem tui oris ; Cie. 
What do they Catt you? qui vo- 
care? Ter, 
They Cart for quarter ; armis po- 
sitis ad imperatorum fidem confagiunt ; 
' Cic. 
To Catt to be gine; conclamare 
vasa; Ces. They are called to arms ; 
conclamatur ad arma; Ces, 

To Cart to mind or remember the 
chances of this life; to think on the 
mutability of this world ; cogitare mu- 
tationes rerum humanarum,  Intendite 
animos vestros, ipsi vobiscum consulite, 

inite consilia cum animis vestris, et . 

gue sit fortune vicissitudo, que mu- 


tatio, qui fluctus rerum humanarum, 
quam varia tempestate jactetur homi- 
num vita, cogitate, animadvertite, at- 

‘tendite, examinate, _perpendite, cum 

ratione tanquam equissima lance, dili- 
genter zstimate. 

A Catutne or trade, order, state, or 
condition of life, &c.; professio, ars, 
genus vite; vocatio, studium, ratio, 
institutum, cursus, consuetudo vite 5 

artificium ; propositum, ordo, via vie 


To follow his Catuine or pnaheliton 
diligently ; officio suo satisfacere, non 
deesse ; sua munera indefesso labore 
exercere ; ex vocatione prescripta mu- 
nera et officia facere; munus suum 
obire, prestare; partes suas exequi ; 
intra officii cancellos se continere ; res 
suas non indiligenter tractare ; sui. mu- 
neris administratione laborare ; in suo 
munere diligentiam omnem adhibere ; ; 
in suisrebus strenue operam yising na- 

Be constant to and careful of your 
Cauine and profession ; provinciam, 
spartam, quam nactus és, orna. 

To Catt. incessantly for a thing ; 
fatigare : as, — 

ToCaxt for battle ; fatigare Martem. 

That may be Catiep back ; revo- 

That cannot be Catten back; irre- 
vocabilis, adj. 

I have Catrzp till I am hoarse ; 
jamdudum raucesco clamore ; clama- 
tum est usque ad ravim. I call till I 
am out of breath; anhelus clamo. He 
makes a noise and bellows like a mad 
bull, when he calls; Arcadiz pecuaria 
rudere credas, quum iste clamitat. 

ICAME; veni. He came; venit, 
&c. See Come. 

They Came to me; ad me aditum 
est ab illis, J¢ came by chance ; for- 
tuito cecidit. Jt came into my mind ; 
subiit animum. 

How Came your name to be Mane. 
chemus? quomodo Menechemi no- 
men factum est tibi? How came that 

Suspicion into your head 3 ? qui ‘isthec 

cecidit tibi suspicio? This evil came 
of you ; hoc a te ortum est malum. How 
came this disease on you? unde con- 
traxisti morbum ? 
denly on the country people ; in agres- 
tes ingruerunt morbi. 

Night Camxz on them while ‘they 
were fighting ; intervenit nox illis pre- 

Diseases came sud- 



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2 SHRNO m 

Se ne ae ~ 


a castrorum,. 

cA * 
liantibus. Marcellus came upon them 
as they were making the fortifica- 
tions; munientibus ipsis _ supervenit 
Marcellus ; Liv. 

He Came at length, or it was 
_long before he came ; post longum tem- 

pus rediit, Aliquando, denique, de- 

oe ee 77 
vere obsidionem; ab obsidione desis- 
tere ; oppugnationem remittere ; colli- 
gere papiliones, i, é. tentoria colligere. 
One that follows the Camp; ready 
to do any thing; lixabundus, ad}. 
And those that follow the camp ; lixe, 
calones. Lixa autem, x, m. est, qui 

mum, post diurnum tempus, longo tem- exercitum sequitur questus gratia; unde 

poris intervallo, cum temporis multum 
abiisset, transacto jam multorum anno- 
rum spatio, rediit, revertit, reversus est, 
recepit se ad suos lares, patriam, cuna- 
bula, patrias sedes. . 

-Your talk Came to my ears ; sermo 
tuus ad me perlatus. Tuus ad me ser- 
mo per honestissimos perlatus est, tuum 
ad me sermonem, detulerunt Homines 
honestissimi, mihi significarunt, aperue- 
runt, narrarunt, ipsa mihi verba sua 
exposuerunt ;_ perlatus est, delatus, al- 
latus est ad me tuus de me sermo. 

A CAMP; castra, presidium, 

A standing Camp ; stativa, x. f. 
vel pl. n. 

To pitch the Camp; castrametari, 
castra metari. , 

_To pitch a Camp or tents; castra, 
tentoria figere, ponere, locare, collo- 
care, facere, habere; signa defigere; 
exercitus consedit; stativa habere; 
consedere eastris ; late loca milite com- 
plet. | 

The pitching of a Camp ; castrame- 

The master of a Camr; prefectus 
Of or belonging to a 
“camp ; castrensis, adj. 

To remove (raise) his Camp ; castra 
movere ; Czs, His camp was like to 
be taken; castris capi imminehat ; 
Flor. We have our camp at the very 
gates ; nos ad portas castra_habemus ; 
Cic. I pitched my camp hard by the 
walls ; ad murum castra posui ; Cic. 

-The Camp was attacked; adsulta- 

tum est castris. Others assaulied the 
camp ; alii castra adpugnarunt ; Tacit, 

. To put forces in array before a camp; tell when to take out honeycombs, by— ; 

legiones in acie pro castris constituere ; 
Ces. They took our camp; nos cas- 
tris expulerunt ; Ces. 

To raise works about his Camp; 
castra operibus munire; Cas. To 
guard the camp; castra defendere ; 

‘< : 

To raise or move his Camp or siege ; 
movere, amovere, refigere castra, taber- 

_ macula defendere ; Ces. Locum com- 
_ miutare, exercitum alio deducere, sol- 

a . \ 

a liguriendo quzstu dict. vel quod cui 
extra ordinem militia sit, ei liceat quod 
libeat ; Fest. Vel a lixando, i. e. co- 
quendo, cibos militibus ; ut sit sicut a 
scribo, scriba ; ita a lixo, Jixa. 
-ICAN; possum, gueo, valeo; pol- 

I Cannor; nequeo. 

To do what one Can ; eniti, conari, 
dare operam. 

Pie Cannot; impotens, nescius, 
_ Fhat is as like the sea as Can be; 
id simillimum est pelago. 

Can you never be satisfied? nun- 
quamne expleri potes? Plaut. Do what 
you can to save my son; serva, quod 
in te est, filium; Ter. I will do what 
I can ; faciam ut potero; Cic. Dabo 
in eam rem operam sedulam. What I 
can; quantum in-me erit; Cic. Quod 
potero; Ter. Pro viribus ; virili par- 
te; Cic. : 

This is all that (thus much only) £ 
4 promise ; tantum habeo polliceri ; 


You Cannot but know—; sed te 
non preterit—; Cic. 

One Cannot tell which way it will 

“go; non intelligitur utro ierit; Plin. 
He cannot tell which is which; uter 
sit, non quit decernere ; Plaut. How 
can you tell? qui scis ergo istuc? Ter. 
quomodo id cognoscis? 

Jé is more than you—I—Can tell ; 
nescias; Ter. ignoro; Mart. Haud 
scio, an; Cic. Nobody can telt so 
well as you; you can tell best of any ; 
tu es optimus testis; Cie. They can 

eximendorum favorum signum sumunt, 
ex—. . 
They Cannot speak Greek ; Grece 
nesciunt; Cic, 
All I Can ;. quantum potero ; quam 
potero; Cic. Ter. Every man must 
_do all he can; omnia facere om- 
nis debet ; Cic. Make all the haste 

you can; quantum poteris festina; 

Plaut. Quantum potes abi; Ter. > _ 
They Can ill away with it; gravi- 


178 CA 

ter ferunt ; Ter. They can tell how to 
keep their ‘distance ; 3 in loco verentur ; 
Ler. Dowhat you can to get it done: 
operam, ut fiat,da; Ter. J¢ can be 
no otherwise ; fierialiter non potest ; 
Ter.. Jt is as ill as it can be; it can 
be no worse than it is; pejore res loco 
non potest esse ; Ter. 

Can you " quiet? potin’ ut desi- 

nas? Ter. J can find my brother no 
where ; fratrem nusquam invenio gen- 
tium; Ter. 
Cannot you hold your tongue? 
etiam'taces? Ter. There cannot be a 
safer course taken ; that is the safest 
course that can be; id tutissimum est ; 

As soonas Can be; primo quoque 
tempore. J will do what I can in that 
business ; faciam in eam rem operam 
sedulam ; faciam pro virili parte in ea 
re. How can you tell unless you try ? 
qui scis, nisi periculum feceris? Ter. 
Can it be so? potestne fieri? J can- 
not tell ; nescio. 

To CANCEL, blot, or rase; re- 
scindere, obliterare, inducere, delere, 
tefigere, antiquare, expungere. 

CaNceLLineG 3 litura, inductio, 
obliteratio, &c. 

To Cancer a law; refigere, oblite- 
rare legem. : 

To Cancer a will; testamentum, 
testamenti scripturam cancellare. 

To Cancet the will of the dead; 
voluntatem mortui rescindere ; Cic. 

A CAP;; pileus, pileum. 

A little Car; pileolus, pileolum. 

A furred Car; capapellis. 

Does he think I will come with Car 

in hand to him? is sibi me supplicatu- . 

rum putat? Ter. 

Off with your Car, boy ; apericaput, 
puer, To cap verses; versibus alter- 
nis contendere; Virg. Certare repe- 
tendis versibus, - 

To put a Car on one’s head ; pileo- 
-lum comis imponere; Ovid. They go 
to the market (to be sold) with caps 
on their heads; pileati venum eunt; 
Gell. We may thank our caps for 
this ; nobis hec pilea donant; Pers. 
They save their heads with putting on 
fur caps on them; caput his. cudone 
ferino stat cautum ; Sil. 

CARE or diligence 3 cura, diligen- 
tia, sedulitas, studium, 

Care or regard ; ratio, cura, 

Canz or heed ; cautio. 

-citum esse, angi. 


To have a Care or take heed ; ca 
vere, attendere. 

To take Cane, or be careful ; adhi- 
bere curam, accurare ; de re aliqua so- 
licitum esse ; anxie, vehementer labo- 
rare 5 assidue cogitare ; curam’ habere 
precipuam. Rem aliquam probe, se- 
dulo, diligenter curare; rei alicujus ra- 
tioneny diligentissime habere, . tota 
mente, toto pectore, in curam aliquam 
incumbere ; in aliqua re cogitationes 
versare ; omne suum studium ponere-; 
omnes vigilias, curas, eogitationes con- 
figere ; omnia. studia, omnem operam, 

_curan), industriam, cogitationem, men- 

tem denique omnem figere et locare ; 
heret in animo meo assidua cogitatio 
de hac re; erit mihi cure vel maxime; 
in hoc versantur; hoc spectant, huc 
spectant cure, cogitationesque mex, 
To take no Care; nihil pensi ha-+ 
bere. To care little "for a thing; vili 
estimare. To be in great care; solli- — 
» To take care or give 
heed to; attendere, necunaty advigi- 

dare, stadere. 

I perceive she Carrs not for me ; 
ejus alienum esse a me animumi sentio ; 
Ter. I have acare; est mihi cure; 
Ter. J will have a care of that ; illud 
erit nobis cure ; Cic. 

I will commit it to your Cane; $ 
committo et mando hoc tue fidei ; 
Ter. Heshas a care of his master : 
huic dominus cure est; Ter. 

They did not Cars for one another ; ; 
non amici fuerunt; Gell, What care~ 
I? quid mea? You must take care for 
them; iis consulendum est; Cic. J 
care not, so I but have her ; mea ni- 
hil refert, dum potiar modo ; "Ter, 

He Carzs for nothing ; otiosus ab 
animo; Ter, People care much for 
that; id populus curat,  scilicet ; 
Ter. Care must be taken ; cavendum 
est; danda est opera; adhibenda. est 
cura ; Cic. 

F. Can not for your safety ; salu- 
tem tuam nihil moror; Plin.” J care _ 
not for knowing; nihil moror scire ;, 
Plaut. Not to be cared for by his 
own ; suis contemptui esse ; Just. —. 

I must have a Care that—; ; viden- 
dum est ne—; Ter. Mihi cautio est 
ne—; Ter. 

A man must hate a Care of that ; : 
id videndum est vire; Cic. How 
little care I for it2 Quam hoc non 
curo? Cic, And we must have a spe- 

Sey ARN a ee 


cial care to remember ; sitque nobis 

~~ antiquissimum meminisse. 

Nor have you any Care of your- 
self ; neque te respicis; Ter, So long 
he has a care ; tantisper cavet ; Ter. 

Where is there any Cane taken 
that—+ ; ybi cavetur, ne— ; Cic.- For 

these things I take no great care ; de 
his non ita valde (non magnopere) la- 

- boro ; Cic, 

To cast away Care ; memoriam do- 
loris abjicere ; Cic. There is sufficient 
care taken ; satis provisum est ; Cic. 
Theodorus cares not a pin; Theodori 
nihil interest ; Cic. 

Care must be taken that they be 
not killed with heat ; providendura ne 
propter zstum dispereant, 

To take Cane for future time ; the 
next age; alteri seculo prospicere ; 
Cie > 

That he should have so little Care 

in a business of so great importance; : 

tantamne rem tam negligenter agere ; 
Ter. We will take care of that; cu- 
fabitur; Ter. J entreat you to have a 
care of me; i. e. have regard io, or 
respect— ; peto a te ut mei rationem 
habere velis; Cic. 

We must ‘take Cine: of our health ; 
abeeida est ratio valetudinis; Cic. 
What a deal of care has he brought on 
me ; magnam mihi injecit curam ; Ter. 
You have taken good care of yourself ; 
te curasti molliter; Ter. He cared 
for none but himself ; sibi vixit; 3um- 
ptum fecit ; Ter. 

I have had the Cane of them ever 
since they were children; ego istos 
usque a pueris curavi; Ter. To free 
from care; cura Jevare ; Cic. He cares 

not to be troubled with much company ; 

non videtur delectari turba. 

Let us divide this Care between us; 
partiamur inter nos hanc curam. That 
care shall be laid out in things worth 
knowing ; id in rebus cognitione dig- 
nis oper, cureque ponetur; Cic. To 
have care taken of one ; cure esse ali- 
cui, cordi esse alicui. 

To Care for, or regard a thing ; ; 

-_curare, estimare. 

To be much disquieted with Canes ; 3 
solicitudine, curis angi, distineri, dis- 
cruciari, confici, enecari, Excubate 
animo, nec partem ullam capere quie- 
tis. Solicitudine gravissima noctes at- 
que dies cruciari. Molestiaram mag- 
nitudine, anxietate multa, curarum 

CA 179 

7 Ss 
acerbitate frangi. Molestiarum mole 
opprimi ; estu, curisque variis jactari, 
in diversa distrahi. Continua, perpe- 
tua molestiarum vicissitudine exagitari. 
Molestiis, curis multis, plurimis, infi- 
nitis impedizi, urgeri, implicari, dilace- 
rari, divelli, distrahi, detineri, conteri, 
involvi, Nullam diurne vel nocturne 
quietis partem sibi impertire. Cujus 
in vita nulla est intercapedo molestia, 
Omnes in unum spectant, umus omnia 
gubernat; tot tantisque molestiis disten- 
tus, districtus atque distractus est, ut 
respirare libere non possit ; ut sine cura 
ne punctum temporisrespirare possit ; ut 
ne respirandi sit locus; ut liberum re- 
spirandi spacium vix habeat, vix repe- 

-Tiat—Magno, vario curarum fluctuat 

estu. Curis mordacibus uri. Pondere 
curarum ; Curis ingentibuseger. Tristes 
agitat mens anxia curas.—Mea perpe- 
tuis liquefiunt pectora curis. Vario 
turbidus ezstu Angitur.—Multa fati- 
gant pondera curarum.—Patet in curas 
area lata. Cura—Te coquit et vexat 
‘sub pectore fixa. Quid wternis mino- 
rem Consiliis animum fatigas ? Pectora 
sunt ipso turbidiora mari, Nec fruitur 
somno, vigilantibus excita curis. Ver- 
sare graves meesto sub pectore curas. 

I do not much Carex; non magno- 
pere curo. 

What Care I for that? Quid mea 
refert ? 

A Care or regard of liberty or free- 
dom; libertatis cura. Nihil aliud a 
communi libertate, nihil preter com- 
munem quesivi, curavi, secutus sum, 
spectavi; ad unam civium libertatem 
meas curas intendi, cogitationes retuli, 
studia contuli, preter communem lie 
bertatem proposita mihi nulla res fuit. 

T will have a special Care both. for 
your profit and honor; commnoda et 
honor tuus cure mihi sunt. Toto ani- 
mo de tuis commodis et ornamentis co- 
gito; mihi tuus honor, et tue fortune 
etiam atque etiam cure sunt; de utili- 
tate, ac laude tua zque ac de meipso 
cogito’; ita cogito, ut nemo magis ; 
tam cogito quam qui maxime. 

CaReFut or diligent ; diligens, in- 
dustrius, sedulus, studiosus. 

Careruu or heedful ; cautus, pro- 
vides, ; 

CAREFUL or pensive; anxius, soli: 

Tam Carervut over you, or my mind 
always runs upon you; cure mijhi ¢s, 




. laboro ; 

_ tatio est; 


Nunquam de te non cogito ; nullum a 
me tempus pretermittitur, de te tuis- 
que rebus cogitandi; nunquam mihi ex 
animo efiluis, excidis, discedis ; tota 
mente in rerum tuarum curam incum- 
bo 5 in te tuisque rebus animus meus 
perpetuo est; mez cure omnes in te 
sunt; te semper spectat animus meus ; 
mez cogitationes in te tuisque rebus 

~ consumuntur omnes, 

Tam Canerut of your welfare, or I 

- sip nameuriny of your profit, and devis-— 

§ how to do you good ; cure mihi tue 
ee sunt. Toto animo de tuis commo- 
dis, ornamentisque cogito ; tuanr utili- 
tatem assidue specto ; heret in animo 
meo, de tuis commodis assidua cogi- 
tatio ; si quid e re tua est, id maxime 

re vehementer sunt ; tue rationes quid 
postulent, nunquam Ton attendo; om- 
nis mihi de te, tuisque commodis cogi- 
tuam utilitatem mez spec- 
tant cogitationes omnes ; meas curas ad 
tuum commodum omnes contuli ; ani? 
mus meus in tua utilitate fixus et loca, 
tus est, 

To ease CaRrEs and troubles of x:ind 
with maisic 3 curis et angoribus Musa- 
rum, musice aditibere solatia. Ad 
strepitum cithara: cessatam ducere cu- 
ram. Fide Cyllenia levare diris pec- 
tora solicitudinibus. 

To be Canerut or much troubled ; 
angi, satagere, estuare, laborare. Like. 
care is to be had of the public, as of 
your own private wealth ; publica et 
privata wque curanda. Debet- unus- 
quisque suam voluntatem ad publicam 
causam aggregare; ‘rempublicam cu- 
rare, reipublice curationem habere ; 

~ reipublica rationtbus constilere eo stu- 

dio debemus, quo rem nostram familia- 
rem, quo fortunas nostras, quo privata 
commoda tueri, complecti, fovere so- 
lemus ; unusquisque wque. publicam 
rem curet ac privatam. 

To keep my honor I Care not what 
loss I suffer ; dignitate integra, for- 
tuna damna contemno,. Si modo dig-' 
nitas incolumis, adimi de fortuna, de- 

trahi de fortuna; fortunam comminui, - 
fortunarum jacturam fieri, fortunz de-- 

trimenta non recuso, contemno,’ eit 
duco, in minimis pono. 

From a less Care to a greater s 
ex minore cura in gravem conjectus. 
A thinore cura maximam ad solicitudi¢ 

nem traductus sum; curam equidem 

tuz mihi res, tue ‘fortune cu- 

CA | 
antea sustinebam, ferendam tamen ; 
nunc -solicitudine premor, gta ferri 
non possit ; hac solicitudine nihil gra- 
vius ; vincitur animus: meus, planeque 
frangitur hac tam gravi solicitudine. 

IT had great CARE on me; gravem 
cliram suscepi, gravis me excepit cura, 
gravis in me-incubuit solicitude; acer- 
ba mihi invasit solicitudo. 

Put away Cares ; bono animo sis, 

esto. Animum recipe, releva, Ad in- 
genium redi. Solve curas. Omitte tris- 
titiam. - 
sentique sis animo. Ne time. 

trepidas? Dolorem minue. “Luctum 
absterge. Ejice animi anxietatem. De- 
pone, omitte solicitudinem. Ne te 
afflictes, crucies, excrucies, laceres, 
Que te’ res solicitat, excruciat? Quid 
tristis es? Curas adime: Omnis eva- 
nescat dolor. 
Valeant cure. 

CareEtess, or at ease ; hosiery Soiis 

tus, otiosus. of 

All my Carx and trouble of mind is . 
gone; omni onere, pondere curarum | 

levata mens est. »Evanuit dolore Cura 
corde excidit. Depulsz curarum sunt 
nebule, Mens reponit onus.—Sedatis 
requierunt pectora curis.—Owmnis corde 
resedit Tristitia, affixique animo ces- 
sere dolores. 

CareEruL of a friends business ; 
summam in amici rebus curam adhi- 
bere. Amici rebus summo studio, di- 
ligenter prospicere, invigilare. Omnes 
ture res non minofi.mibi cure sunt 
quam mez. 
hementer solicitus sum. [n cogitati- 
one curaque rerum tuarum totus sum, 
excubo ‘animo, versor studiose. He- 
rum tuarum cura me maxime intentum 
habet. Quod precipis diligenter cu- 

Carevess or negligent ; : inconside- 
ratus, negligens, improvidus. 2L 

De te tuisque rebus ve- 

Animus redeat. — Virili grt . 

Cura ex corde excidats 

CaRELESSLY, or negligently ; se-. 
cure, neglectim, perfunctorie, oscitan- 

ter, inconsiderate. 

CARELESSNESS 5 incuria, securitas, 

oscitatio, negligentia, 
To be CarELess or naglignle in 
otio considere parum dere solicitum. 

considerate, supine, negligenter, dente 
omnia agere, gerere suas res. Nulla 
adhibita diligentia suas res administrare. 
Nulla de re solicitum, susque deque 

Oscitanter, indiligenter, solute, disso- ~ 
lute, incuriose, parum attente, param 

R ye f 
ened, erst rep Meg pet ~~ 


thabere omnia. Omni cura, solicitu- 
dine, molestia vacuum in otio desidere. 
Quasi Lethzo rore soporatum ; quasi 
de flumine Lethezo biberit, ita rerum 
suarum oblivisci omnium. Omnem 
curam et solicitudinem remittere, de- 
ponere, abjicere. Secure, otioseque 
in utramque dormire aurem, Quasi 
veterno laboret, ita nihil meminit sua- 
rum rerum. Homo incuria ef oscitan- 
tia summa ; somnolentia et torpore mi- 
rabili ; socordia segnitieque singulari, 
incredibili, Soluto, remisso esse ani- 
mo. Temere praterire quod facto: sit 
opus ; de rebus suis ut habeant se nihil 
moratur, non magnopere laborat. 

I have been Careress of my own 
advantage, I have not respected m 

profit; commodis meis non cynsului, 
Nullam hactenus. utilitatis mez ratio= 
nem habui; nullam -rationibus meis 
operam dedi; de utilitate minimum la 
boravi ; utilitatem minime spectavi, cu- 
ravi, queesivi, secutus sum; nullum 
in utilitate studium posui, nihil indus- 
trie locavi, nihil opere consumpsi ; 
diligentiam commodorum meorum cau- 
Sa nullam adhibui, ad res meas nullam 
contuli; res meas indiligenter adminis- 
travi, tractavi. Quid esset e re mea, in 
rem meam, quid ad vel in rem meam 
pertineret, faceret, conveniret; quid 
rebus meis prodesset, conducertt, utile 
~esset, utilitatem afferret, vile estimavi. 

TamCanetess of any thing ; or I 
care not a straw for it ; omnia nibil fa- 
cio. Trahantur per me pedibus omnia, 

_ non Jaboro ; nihil me afficit, nihil me 

tangit ; nulla re moveor, de quavis re 
~susque deque fero, eque omnia con- 
temno, fastidio, respuo; nulla res apud 
me pondus habet; nullius momenti 
est, in pretio est, ne minimi quidem 

‘I have been very i sacuk: nullam 
operam dedi, non laborayi, minime 
spectavi, curavi, quesivi, secutus sum ; 

nullum stadium posui ; nihil industri, ; 

opere locavi, posui; diligentiam nul- 
lam adhibui, contuli. 
Be Carervt in doing; take some 

' pains, look to it, §c.; cura,age curam, 

habe curam, fac, dispone, evigila; da 
_operam, cure tibi sit; tua ‘curatum 

To put or take away Care, thought, 
or sorrow ; liberare, exsolvere curis ; 
finem curis imponere ; curas secludere, 


CA 181 

demere, deponere, dimittere, avertere ; 
nubes curarum pellere. 

Wine takes away Care ; cura abit, 
fugit, excedit, deserit, dilabitur, lentes- 
cit, diluitur, mero. 

I Carx not; susque deque fero, 
habeo, in nullo discrimine pono; equi 
bonique facio, apud Ter, ZEquo ani- 
mo sum; nihil, laboro; mea non re- 
fert; manum non verterim, moverim, 
etiamsi domus ruat; minime estima- 
Tim } securus quonam Tes cadunt ; ndn 
magni pendo. - 

I Cane not a pin for té ; illud non 
emerim crepita digitorum. 

This has taken away all Care and 
comfort from me; hoc mihi curas 
“omnes, omnia solatiaademit, —__ 

Great memories are vexed with 
Canes; exedunt animos memores con- 
ficiuntque curis. 

This makes me Carurut ; hoc me 
solicitum habet. 

To vex and weary one with conti- 
nual Cargs ; novis curis, solicitudine 
continua aliquem afficere, fatigare, cu- 
ris continuis alicujus animum excruci- 
are ; aliquem curis districtum tenere, 

This Cane vexes me; hec me cura 
reynordet, angit, torquet, solicitat ; 
hec cura mentem exeruciat, 

The mind is distracted with abun- 
dance of Canes; in curas animus de- 
ducitur omnis;  solicitudinibus variis 
pene mens mea frangitur; curis undi- 
que districtus teneor ; _lassus, cura con- 
fectus stupet animus ; Ter. 

To be quiet without Care or cares ; 
curas rerum intermittere; Tac. Om- 
nes curasum nubeculas pellere ; curas 
relaxare ; somno fallere, laxare curas ; 
Virg. Animum curis solyere, exsolvere 
sepesitis mentem componere curis ; 
fessam curis abducere mentem. 

But now another Care troubles me ; 
jam nune alia cura impendet pectori ; i 

Tamas Carervn of you and yours 
as of myself and mine ; omnes tuz res 
non minori mihi cure sunt, quam mex’; 
saluti tuz, liberisque tuis summo cum 
studio presto semper ero; Cic. . 

To have a Care of another’ s~ busi- 
ness ; alicujus rebus prospicere ; rati- 
onibus alicujus consulere, That care 
did then chiefly trouble the Romans ; 
ea tum cura maxime intentos habebat 
Romanos ; Liv. @ 


182 CA 

If any thing concern you, I am 

_ chiefly Carerut of that; si quid e re 

tua est, id maxime laboro, 
F will be Carerut of what you 

command, because I am obliged to it; - 

.quod precipis, diligenter (ut teneor) 
curabo, 3 ; 

Inever Carev so much as I ought 
for my own business; nunquam spec- 
-tavi satis quid esset e re mea, in rem 
meam,. > 

To be extremely Caretess of any 
thing ; aliquid supine posthabere. 

‘ The city was wholly careless ; veternus 

civitatem occupavit. -: 

To be Caretess of the best and 

most profitable. things, and. careful of 
thing's pernicious and hurtful; _saluta- 
ria negligere, perniciosa consectari, 
utilia despicere, salubria contemnere. 
: . We find by experience-that if we be 
but a little CarnEvess, we are presently 
ensnared ; videmus enim, si tantulum 
animos dejecerimus, presto esse insi- 
dias. tea 

To live Caretessty ; in diem vive- 
re; non esse solicjtum de crastino ; 

Who can be so Caretess? quis 
tam dissoluto est animo ? 

Té shall be our Cane ; nostre partes 
erunt. : 

- Leave this to my Care; let me 
alone with this ; hoc mihi cure erit. 

How Carerut should men be! 
quanto caverent studio ! 

A peck of troubles ; a pack of Carxs; 
curarum sarcina, 

All the Carr lies on my back ; om- 
ne ‘onus in meos procumbit humeros, 

_ My chief Cart was that—; discus- 
sis aliis curis, cogitationem ego huc 
verti meam—, je 

I Care not for— ; non laboro de—. 

Take no Care for that ; let not that 
trouble you— ; mitte hance de pectore 
curam ; Virg. You care not for me; 
me plane negligis. . 

Lam in much Care (or am puzzled) 
about— ; variis distringor curis. What 
care I for that ; neque hoc ego mora- 
bor admodum, 
‘care ; hee res tibi sit cordi. Do not 
you take any care; do not make nor 
‘meddle ; never break your sleep for the 

‘matter ; tu fac. in utramvis dormias’ 
-aurem. I will take this care upon me ; 

ad me recipio provinciam, That is 

Let this be your chief 

and shall be my chief care; illa mihi 
‘prima curarum est, et erit. Let him 
have a care of that—; ipse viderit 
ul—. | 
: You must omit no possible Care ; 
‘omnis tibi movendus est lapis, ne—. 
Who cares for all that? id. populus 
curet scilicet; Ter. Have you a care 
of that ; tutemet videris. I know full 
well your care is as great; tibi aque 
magne cure esse, ¢erto scio. : 

IT am so full of Care; curarum. 
fluctibus inundor adeo. He has taken 
a special care ; inivit rationem commo- 
dissimam. New cares arise; emer- 
gunt nove anxietates. 

A special Care ; explorata et pro- 
visa ratio, . 

Caretess people; securi otiosique 
in utramque dormiunt aurem. 

Idle fellows ‘take Cane for their 
back and their belly, and for nothing . 
else; oscitantes ac supini cuticulam 
curant, genio duntaxat indulgentes. 

To be idle and Care ess ; in sinu, 
sib pallio, manum habere; sedere 
compressis manibus, 

No body can be so CARELESS ; Nemo 
tam audacis est negligentie. 

Supinely or stupidly Careress ; Le- 
theo rore, veterno, soporatus. 

He is alike Canevess and negli- 
gent of all things whatsoever ; divina 
atque liumana sunt illi promiscua ; ni- 
hil pensi neque moderati habet. 

What makes you so Caneress? 
Do you think that victory will fly down 
from heaven into your bosom, being 
asleep? te quid supinat? quid? cre- 
dis dormienti tibi in sinum de ccelo 
devolaturam victoriam ? ; 

I had a special Cane of that; or, 
that care was my chief business ; cur 
habui hane curam. 

To CAROUSE; potitare, Grecari ; 
permultun’, largius, intemperantius, 
Greco more bibere, potare, Exhaurire, 
exsiccare ingentia pocula, Plenas vini 
amphoras ingurgitare. Majoribus, ca- 
pacibus poculis ; zqualibus haustibus 
certdre, poscere, provocare, invitare, 
respondere. Magnitudine poculorum 
bibendoque decertare, concertare, con- 
tendere. Usque ad feces potare. Po- 
tationibus, poculis indulgere. Flore 
Libyco se complere. —Multis urgere 
culullis. —Impiger hausit Spumantem 
pateram, et pleno se proluit auro, Noc- 

1 TT 




Petry Tw 


cA. CA 183 . 




PASE enter ce ag am 


twttio certare mero, putere diurno. 
Certando plenos eyacuare cados. Du- 
cere multa pocula lune. —Immodico 
venas. distendere Iaccho. Threicia 
vicit amystide. Bacchi tibi sumimus 
haustus.. Drink healths ; siccat ine-, 
quales calices conviva solutus legibus, 

To CARRY ; ferre, portare, gestare. 

To Carry by cart or water ; vehere. 

To Carry, or behave himself ; $ geo 

' Fere se. 

To Carry often ; vectare, vectitare, 
cee, portitare. 

- To Carry water ; lixari. 

' To Carry wood ; ifgnari. 

To Carry on the shoulders ; baju- 

To Carry the day, cause, &¢. ; vin- 
cere, superiorem evadere ; pabam Te- 

- To Carry about; circumnvehere, 
circumferre. ~ 

To Canny about with him; circum- 

<I will Carry myself so in this of- 
fice, that—j; sic me in hoc magistratu 
geram, ut—; Cic. They carried them- 

selves 80, that— ; ita se gerebant, 
ut—; Cic. How I shall carry my- 
self; .quo pacto me geram; Cic. 
Have you carried yoereey. so, that—? 
itane parasti, ut— ? Ter,. So to carry 
himself, that— ; sic se adhibere, ut— ; 
Cic. Quint. 

Where are you Carryinc that 
boy? quo portas puerum? Ter. 

Unused to Canny burdens; insueti 
ad onera portanda ; Ces. . 

To Carry over the. sea to sell ; 
trans _mare (zquora) venum asportare ; 
Plaut. Claud. 

They were CARRIED away to Rome ; 
asportata sunt Romam # Cic. Will he 
carry her away? an "ilam hinc ab- 
ducet? Ter. 

To Carry a thing closely ; occulte 
ferre ; Ter. 

To be CARRIED straight down; di- 
recte deorsum ferri; Cic. 

They shull not Canny if so; inul- 
tum: id nunquam auferent; haud sic 
- auferent; Ter. 

» They are Carnrizep with full sails; 
passis velis pervehuntur; Cic, 

What answer shall.I Carry from 
you? quid nunc renuntiem abs te re- 
sponsem? Ter. 

They think to Canny their wealth 

thither ; illuc mes deferre cogitant; 
They will Canny any weight you 

‘will lay. on them; quicquid impo- 

nas, vehunt; Plaut. She should have 
been carried in a coach; illam: in curra 
vehi (reportari) jus erat ; Cic. 

The horse which Carriep me, or 
which I rede on; equus in quo vehe- 
bar; Cie. Let him be carried on a 
horse ; vehatur. equo; Ovid. 

He was Carnten back by a chariot 
and horses ; equis et curru eeporiates 
est ; Cic. 

To Carry .on one’s back, neck, 
shoulders ; reportare dorso, collo,/-bu- 

_ To Carry back the good-will of his 
province, glory from his proconsulship, 
esteem from his enemies ; reportare be- 
nevolentiam de provincia, gloriam ex 
proconsulatu, laudem ex hostibus ; 
Cic. Plin. 

It is but the other die almost since 
ZI Carriep him in my arms; quem 
ego modo puerum tantillum in manibus 
gestavi meis; Ter. Carried a long 
way about ; longis acti erroribus ; Pa- 

He is Carnrep on by his"own de- 
sire; sua cupiditate impellitur ; Cic. 

To Carry one’s demands to ano- 
ther; alicujus ad aliquem postulata 
deferre ; Ces, 

Carniep away by the strength of 
the river ; vi fluminis abreptus ; Ces. 

As he used always to Carry things 
with a brave mind ; ut erat corde sein- 
per infracto et alacri. 

To Carry in; invehere, invectare, _ 
inferre, importare, 

To Carry with himself ; 3 ducere, 
trahere secum. 

To Carry away; avehere, puters, 
abducere, asportare. 

To Carry away by Force § rapere, 

To Carry back; referre, reportare, 
To carry before ; preferre, PRpyehere, 
pretendere, .. 

. To Carry beyond or by ; preterve- 
here, preterferre. 

To Carry down, or along; deve- 
here. - To carry forth or far off; proe 
vehere, proferre. 

To Carry from one to another; 

To Carry m doors; intro auferre 

as bv 

184 CA 

To Carry over; transferre, trans- 
vehere, transportare, trajicere, 

To Carry out or forth; evehere, 
exportare, efferre, égerere. 

To,Canrry toa place; advehere. 

To Canry to and fro ; transvehere, 

To Carry together; congerere, 
conferre, comportare, ee 

To Carry up; subvehere, suppor- 

A ship for CARRIAGE ; navis vecto- 
ria, oneraria. 

_ A Carrer or bearer; bajulus, 
gestator, gerulus, 

A Carrier's horse ; jumentum. 

~ A Carrier of letters; tabellarius, 

Carriace of a man’s self, or beha- 
viour ; mores, vita, vite consuetudo, 
sompositio, sui conformatio; vite, 
vestis, victus, actionum ordo. 

He Carries fire in one hand, and 
water in the vther; altera manu fert 
aquam, altera ignem. 

They Canny two faces under one 
hood ; utrosque parietes linunt, 

He will Carry his mark to the 
grave ; quam diu ‘vixerit babebit stig- 
mam, nec illam nisi Orcus delebit. : 

To Canny coals to Newcastle; Al- 
cinoo poma dare. 

A CASE, or condition ; status. 

A Cass, or question ; questio, hy- 

A Case in law; causa. 

A Casz to put any thing in; locu- 
lus, capsa, theca,-z, f. 

Our Cases are alike; res nostre $i- 

Were you in my Case; tu si hic 
sis; Ter. If it were my case; si ego 
in isthoc siem loco ; Plaut, 

Itisa tried Cas; acta res est; 
Ter, Actum, quod aiunt, ne agas; 
It is a plain case ; res in medio 
est, apparet ; res ipsa indicat ; Ter. 

As the Cast stands now; in hoc 
rerum statu ; e re hata; quomodo nunc 
est; Ter.-Cic. Ut quidem nunc est; 
Cic. You see how thé case stands; 
videtis quo in loco res hec sit; Ter. 
If the case be so; sisicsit; Ter. So 
stands the-case ; sic res est; sic se ha- 
bet ; ejusmodi est; Ter. Cic. To ar- 
gue the case pro and con. ; manum con- 
serere ; in contrarias partes disserere ; 
Gell, Cic, 

I thought it a very hard Case ; du- 


tum admodum mihi videbatur; Cigs 
You are every whit in as bad a case ; 
in eadem es nave, causa; Cie. Ces. 
In very good case; perbono loco res 
est; Cic. As if it were their own 
case ; quasi suares agatur; Cic. The 
case is net the same; dissimilis ratio 
est ; alfa causa est; Cic. The case is 
altered; ‘mutatio fit; Ter. Mutata 
ratio est; Cic, Now the case is plain; 
nunc verum palam est ; Ter. 

He says it is not right that I should — 
meddle in (with) that Casz; negat 
recte fuisse me causam istam attinge- 
re; Cic. . : s: 

A Cass of conscience ; casus de fide, 
questio de fide, casus conscientiz, con- 
troversia de religione. 

In no Case ; haudquaquam. - 

Alteration of state, another condi- 
tion, or the Cast is altered or changed; _ 
mutatio rationis. Diversa -nune mea 
ratio est, non eadem est; immutata 
est ratio rerum mearum ; alius est rerum 
mearum status; aliter se me res ha- 
bent, non codem loco sunt. 

Make it your own Case ; quid mihi 
nunc apimi sit ad teipsum refer :' tu si 
isthic esses haud aliter sentias ; fingite 
modo animis, vobis ejusmodi sortem 

As the Cass then stood 3 ut se for- 
tuna dederat; e re nata melius fieri 
non potuit. Item pro re mata, &c, 
In €o rerum articulo, in eo casu, ut se 
res habuit. 

In good Case ; bene, belle, pulchre. . 

To Case ; immittere capsz. 

In good Case for flesh; pinguis, ni- 
tidus, bene curata cute ;—for estate, 
beatus. To be in good case; belle se 
habere. ; ; 

To CAST ; jacere, conjicere. 

To Cast a dart; jaculari, vibrare, 
torquere. : ; 

_ To Cast a bowl, &c.; mittere glo- 

To Cast accounts ; computare, ra- 
tiones subducere. 

To Cast one’s clothes; projicere, 

Casr-clothes; exuvie, veteramenta. 

I have Cast a block in his way ; in- 
jeci scrupulum homini ; Ter. 

He has Cast off all goodness ; vir- 
tuti nuncium remisit, bellum indixit ; 

He Casts up his accounts ; rationes . 

p tS 


fee-y aS eet nt 


colligit, conficit, computat, subducit ; 
gets Cie... .; 

To be Cast in one’s suit ; lite, cau- 

"$a cadere ; causam perderes damnari; 

Ter. Cic. Plaut. 

He may perhaps Cast us off ; forsi- 

tan nos rejiciat; Ter. 
hy do you go about to Cast away 
yourself? cur te is perditum? Ter. 

He wilfully Casts himself away ; 
prudens, sciens, vivus vidensque perit; 

Tt was at the last Cast ; res erat in 
extremum discrimen adducta ; Cic. Ad 
extrema perventum est ; Curt. 

To Cast away care, all remembrance 
of grief; memoriam doloris abjicere ; 
Cic. He cast his helmet at their feet ; 
galeam ante pedes projecit; Virg. 
The sea daily cast up the spoils upon 
the shore ; spolia in ripam assidue re- 
vomebant ; ; Flor. What was left he 
cast out of the cup; reliquum e pose 
lo ejecit ; Cic. 

That he could not be Cast out of 
the town ; ut ex oppido ejici non: pos- 
set; Hirt, If we but cast our eyes 
never so, littie down; si tantulum ocu- 
ios dejecerimus ; Cic. 

It is not long since he Cast his 
teeth ; illi haud diu est cum dentes ex- 
ciderunt ; Plaut. 

A winning, lucky, Cast ; jactus pro- 
nus, plenus, senio, venus, cous, A 

dosing cast; jactus supinus, inanis, ca- ~ 

nis, canicula, chius. 

To Casr accounts with a pen; scri- 
bendo conficere rationes. 

T have no luck in my Cast ; ne ego 

omo sum infelix ; Ter. - 

They Cast themselves down the wall, 
into the river ; de muro se dejecerunt ; 
sein flamen précipitaverunt ; Ces, 

To Cast into prison; in vincula 
conjicere ; Czxs. To cast himself down 
to the ground ; in‘solum se sternere 


To Casr darts at one ; dicieece spi- 
cula in aliquem. He cast the dart into 
the open air ; ethereas telum contorsit 
in auras. 

To Cast away ; abjicere, depel- 

Tere, rejicere, projicere, procul amo- 


‘To Cast his eyes; oculos conjicere, 

One that has a Cast in his eye; 

CA 185 

To Cast lots ; sortiri. 

To Cast metal ; confiare, fundere. ei, 

To Cast a mist before one’s eyes } 
nubem objicere, offundere caliginem. 

To Cast one’s nativity ;. horoscopum 
ad calculos vocare. 

To Cast a prisoner at the bar ; con- 

To Casr his rider; excutere sesso- 
rem. . 

The snake Casts her skin ; 
_ anguis pellem seusenectam, 

To Cast a smell ; afflare odorem. 

To Cast her young ; abortiri, abor- 
tum facere, abigere partum. 

To Cast abroad ; ss cea dis- 

To Cast about ; circumjicere. 

To Cast about or consider ; consi- © 
derare, deliberare, versare animum. 

To Cast aside; rejicere. ; 

To Cast himself away ; illudere 
vitam suam. 

Cast away at sea; naufragus. : 
To Cast back; rejicere, To cast 
back his eyes 5 reflectere oculos. To 
cast behind one’s back; a tergo.reji- 


To Cast between ; interjicere. 

To Cast down ; dejicere, deturbare, 
demoliri. To cast down his eyes; de- 
mittere vultum. 

To Cast forth; projicere, emittere, 

To Cast headlong’; precipitem or 

To Cast in; injicere, ingerere. 

To Casr in one’s mind ; animo re- 
volvere, secum recolere, recogitare. 

To Cast in prison ; in carcerem con- 
jicere, compingere. 

To Cast into form ; in formam redi- 

To Cast into a dead sleep ; conso- 

To Cast off ; rejicere, abdicare, re- 

To Cast out; ejicere, erigere, ex- 
pellere. - 

To Cast out of company ; extermi- 
nare e consortio. 

To Cast to and fro; agitare, ultro 
citroque jactare, 

To Cast under foot ; pessundare. 

To Cast up a reckoning ; colligere 

To Cast up his eyes; erigere oculos. 
To cast up a vapor; exhalare, evapo- 


186 CA 
rare. To cast up abank of earth; ag- 
gerere. To cast up a heap; acervare, 
ToCasr the fault on one; transferre 
crimen, trajicere culpam in aliquem. 
To be Cast in law ; causa cadere. 
A Casr (at dice); 3 jactus. A 
losing cast ; jactus supinus, A win- 
ning cast ; jactus plenus, or, pronus. 

The gates Cast off the hooks; pos- PI 

tes emoti cardine. 

To Cast én one’s teeth, or to upbraid ; 
exprobrare, objicere ; objicere culpam, 
improbare, increpare, objectare ; ingra- 
titudinis dicam alicui scribere, refricare 
nicus, probrum objicere, criininari. 

We will Casr a mist before his eyes ; 
glaucomam ob oculos objiciemus. 

To CATCH; rapere, arripere. 

To Catcn, or overiake one ;, assequi, 

To Caicu,. or lay hold of ; prehen- 

To Carcu in a nct; irretire, illaque- 

To Carcu birds ; aucupari. 

To Carcn hastily or greedily ; cap- 
tare, raptare. 

To Carcu as fire does ; concipere 
flammas. . 

To Carcu a cold, an ague ; ; frigore, 
febre corripi. 

To Carcn the. distemper, or the 
plague; afflari peste. 

To Carcu at; appetere, anniti, pren- 
sare, captare. 

Fo Caren before another ; preripe-. 


. To Carcu up ; corripere. 

A Carcu or song ; cantilena, canti- 
uncula alternatoria. 

Caveur with a sudden shower ; su- 
bito imbre oppressus 5 Varr. 

The girl was Caucut, and carried 
away from Attica; puella ex Attica 
abrepta est ; Ter. 

Wh do. you Carcu me, or lie at 
catch for me? quid me captas? Plaut. 

Catcu me ina lie and hang me; si 
- aa mentitum invenies, occidito ; 


You have got a great Catcu of it; 
spolia ampla refertis ; Virg. 

He kills all he Carcuzs ; quos des 
prehendit, interficit; Ces. 

To CATER; opsonare, 
seu obsonare,-ri, &c. 

A Cateren, or provider of victuals ; 

opiotind , 


opsonator, structor annon®. 

They are not CatEn-cousins; ira 
inter eos intercessit. ’ 

Cares ; obsonia, pl. ns 5 dapet, pl.3 
cibi delicati. 

I will be Caterrr; ego opsona- 
bo; Plaut. To cater for dinner ; op- 
sonate prandium; Plaut. J have ca- 
tered for supper; cene Re es ah 4 

To CAUSE, or make ; facere, effi- 
cere, causare, 

To Cause, or procure; concitare, 
creare, parare, gignere, parere. 

To Cause sorrow ; inferre dolorem. 

To Cavse sleep, love, §c. ; concili- 
are, parere. 

To Cavsz trouble ; ciere, concitare 
turbas. f 

A CAUSE, or occasion ; causa, occa- 
sio, gratia. 7 

A,Cavss, or reason ; causa, ratio. 

A soa db or action at law ; dica, 

The chief Cause or original of a 
thing ; origo, initium, fons. 

For good Cause, or reason ; hée 
non temere, injuria, immerito; sed jure, 
jure optimo, Justis, justissimis, gravis- 
simis de causis factam est. Optimo 
consilio feci, Cause me graves impu- 

For what Cause? cur? qnamob- 
rem ? quo nomine? 

For that Cavsz ; ergo, ideo, idcirco, 

For many Causes ; multis nomini- 
bus; causis plurimis. Jt is not with- 
out cause ; non temere est; Ter. 

I will give you CausE to remember 
me; faciam ut mei memineris ; Ter. 

I have no Cause to be angry; nihil 
est quod succenseam ; Ter. And not 
without cause ; nec injuria ; 3; Cic. 

He sees the ‘beginnings and Cavses 
of things; principia et causas Terum 
videt ; Cic. 

You will find you blamed me with-— 
out Cause; me abs te immerito esse 
accusatum rescisces; Ter. 

They will have Cause to rejoice 
afterwards ; fiet, ut postmodd gaude- 
ant; Liv. 

For so small a Cause; tantula de 
causa; Cic. 

Do not give Cause for any to 
think— ; noli committere, ut ins rie 
Beets ; Cic. 


‘ C A a 

For this Cavsx, that—} eo nomine, 
ut—; Cic. j 
I see no Cause why you should 
commend me so; ego nihil reperio, 
quam ob rem tantopere lauder ; Ter. 

_ LseenoCausz why you should hope ; 
qua causa speres non video. Non vi- 
deo cur speres, quare, quamobrem, qua 
causa, qua de causa, quam ob causam, 
qua ratione adductus, qua commotus 
causa, quo impulsus argumento ; que 
te ratio, quid rationis in hanc spem ad- 
duxit, impulit; cum in hance spem ve- 
nisti, quam rationem secutus es, qua te 
duxit, aut hortata spes est, quid effecit 
ut sperares? tua spei causam ignorare 
me confiteor ; spei tue causa me latet, 
preterit, fugit; mihi quidem aperta, 
perspicua, manifesta, satis clara non 
est ; perobscura apud me est, explorata 
mihi non est; obscuritatis apud me ha- 
bet plurimum. 

The Cause, author, or beginning of 
all evil; auctor mali. To horum mia- 
Jorum causa, ta fons, et origo ; tu tan- 
tas malorum faces incendisti; tu horum 
malorum initium attulisti; tu hec mala 
peperisti, hec mala excitasti; actor 
horum malorum preter te nemo fuit; 
~ ate fluxerunt hec mala, hee incom- 
moda, calamitates, acerbitates, infortu- 
nia, damna, detrimenta, pernicies, exi- 
tium, rerum eversio; horum malorum 
culpam sustines ; horum in te malorum 
culpa conferenda est omnis ; hac tibi 
sunt ascribenda, assignanda ; has ca- 
lamitates uni tibi acceptas referre debe- 
mus ; tudo heneficio vivit hee pestis, . 

My Catse wads overthrown -by 
chance ; casu causa cecidi, Ut causa 
ceciderim, litem perdiderim, evenit, ob- 
venit, contigit, obtigit, accidit, factum 
est, casu factum est, casus tulit, fortu- 
na fecit, fortune placuit, 

What Cause have you to despair? 

. quid est quare desperes ? 

The Causz went on our side ; nostra 
omnis lis est. He has lost his cause ; 
causa cecidit. 

The length of the war, &c. which 
has been the Cause of all impiety and 
licentiousness; belli diuturnitas, &c. 
que omnis impietatis et licentie fe- 
nestram aperuit. 

But they have been the Cavsz of 
this mischief to themselves ; sed ipsi 
_ hoe malum sibi conflaverunt. 

They will Cause themto be punished 


CA 187 

by death} cos curabunt morte mulctari. 

His avarice put me on that wretched 

Cause ; ejus avaritia me in hanc per- 
ditam causam imposuit. 

The love of viewing the country was 
the Cause of their coming hither; a- 
mor perlustrandi regiones in locos hosce 

But who can deny but that he was 
a great helping Cause to that thing ? 
quis autem inficietur hunc, eam ad rem, 
plurimum adjumenti attulisse ? — 

The exceeding great rigor or fierce- ' 

ness of the generals, or chief captains, 
had been the Cavs that the Roman 
commonwealth was brought into such a 
condition, that, &c. ; nimia superiorum 
ducum ferocia in talem statum rem Ro- 
manam deduxerat, ut, &c. It was easy 
to be known what strong desire of re- 
venge the remembrance of his father’s 
death would be the cause of ; facile 
cognitu erat, quantas faces,-quam ve- 
hementes ardores ulciscendi, allatura 
esset paterne mortis recordatio. 
_ A Cause; reason, an occasion, or 
means, &¢. ; res, causa, negotium. Gra- 
tia, apud antiquos, pro causa poneba- 
tur: Unde fluxerunt honorationes, mea 
vel tua gratia, i, e, pro mea vel tua 
causa,-in ablativo tantum; nupti- 
arum gratia, apud Ter. Nomina 
sepe pro causis vel negotiis a Cicerone 
poni invenias ; cum tot ibi nominibus 
acceptum Curtii referent; ergo adver- 
bium, ultima circumflexa, ponitur pro 
causa €vexae Virg. in 6. AXneid. illius 
ergo venimus; peregrinationis ergo ; 
virtutis ergo, for virtue’s sake. 

To declare the Cause wherefore ; 
tationem reddere ; Cic. Quod cur fac- 
tum sit ratio probabilis reddi possit.: - 

I have Cause to rejoice ; est quod 

Can any man show mea Causz or 
reason why—? potest aliquid cause 
divinari— ? 

There is no reason or Cause ; nihil 
est cause. “ ya 

The Causz of my now writing is— ; 
harum ad te literarum occasio est—. 

They never inquire into the true 
Cause ; totius negotii caput et fon- 
tem ignorant, ; 

This is the Cause or reason; hoc 
causz est. 

We come for his sake or Causes ; 
illius ergo venimus. | 

188 CE 

In which regard, or, for whose 
CausE 3 quo nomine. 

Without giving a Cause, or say- 
tng why, or wherefore; indicta causa. 

His negligence is the Cause of his 
pain; negligentiz suz ergo vapulat, 

ZT gave him no Cause to be angry ; 
is preter meritum succenset meum. 

To give upthe Cause, to quit claim; 
vadimonium deserere. 

Lam sorry I was the Cause of your 
sorrow ; ex me doluisse te doleo. 

Here lies the weight of the Cavusz ; 
in hoc pendet rerum cardine, 

Upon the same grounds, pretence, or 
Cause ; eodem colore, 

For three especial Causes; tribus 
potissimum de causis, 

For no Causes at all; nulla certe 

I can give no Cause or reason why ; 
nec possum dicere quare. 

They gave him no Cavse; nulla ab 
iis provocatus injuria, 

Good Cause why ; haud minima de 

To CEASE; cessare, desinere, de- 
sistere, supersedere: inceptum, incep- 
tum opus ; rem inchoatam, propositam 
sistere, dimittere, intermittere, mittere, 
omittere, deponere, in medio relinquere, 
suspendere. Incepto desistere, super- 
sedere. Ab incepto sistere. Desinere, 
conquiescere, considere; opera sue, 
labori parcere. Ultra, ulterius non pro- 

gredi. Rejicere in aliud tempus.~ Fi- - 

nem modumque ad tempus ponere, fa- 
cere. Anchoram jacere. Receptui 
canere. Manum de tabula tollere. Stu- 
dia remittere. Rem imperfectam, in 
suspenso relinquere, Incepto desistere. 
Sistere opus presens. Intermittere la- 
‘bore. Ludum incidere. Cursum sis- 
tere. Gressum comprimere. 

Kingly government Crasep at A- 
thens ; Athenz sub regibus esse’ desie- 
runt ; ’Patere. 

The work Crasns5 cessat opus ; 

He Ceases not from backbiting me ; 
non cessat de nobis detrahere ; Cic. 

The work was forced to Crasz Sor a 
while ; opus necessario intermittebatur ; 

To Crasz, or leave off for a while ; 
facere intermissionem ; Cic. 
tere ; in medio rem relinquere, suspen- 
dere rem, differre in aliud tempus ; 


Intermit- — 


in. suspenso reélingui, et relinquére } 
apud Plin. Anchoram jacere. 

Jo Cease from the revenge which he 
was meditating ; supersedere a ripe 
seu ultione, quam parabat, » 

To CELEBRATE ; celebrare, con- 

Fo Cetzesratea festival; celebrare 
festos dies ; — a birth-day; natales 
celebrare ; Hor. 

To lend one’s house ‘for the Crtx- 
BRATION of nuptials ; accommodare 
azedes ad nuptias ; Cic, 

’CrLesrity ; celebritas, fama, cla~ 
ritas, dignitas, splendor, 

He obtained the first Cevesarty in 
the forum ; clarus in toga et Princeps 

Men of the first Ceresrity for leari- 
ing and wisdom ; homines doctissimi 
sapientissimique. : 

To give more CreLesrity to the 
triumph ; ad sshenpiruyy: frequentan- 
dum; Cic, 

To CENSURE;; judicare, censere, 
sententiam ferre; censorem; animad- 
versorem, Aristarchum, magistrum dis- 
cipline, exagitatorem culpe# acrem, 
asperum, gravem, austerum, admo- 
dum severum agere. Censorium su- 
percilium distringere in aliquem, Cen- 
suris criticis, criminationibus, obtrec- 
tationibus, increpationibus severe et 
acriter insequi, verberare, cadere. 
Acri censura in aliquem‘animadvertere, 

To Censure one for false Latin ; 
Latinitatis violate alicui notam inu- 

Jo CensuRE other men’s vices and 
pass by his own ; vitia aliena censure 
nota perstringere, sus precterire. + 

To Censure one’s wit; judicium 
de ingenio alicujus facere. 

He was Censurep by all; in omni- 
um reprehensionem incurrebat, 

This action met wit a variety of 
Censures; hoc facinus non pari modo. 
probatum est ab omnibus, — 

Nor could the great men escape the 
Censores of the vulgar; neque po- 
tentiores calumniis vulgi caruere, 

A CEnsor, or reformer of manners ; 

Censorrous ; criticus, censorius. 

A Censure ; censura,-2, f, 

A sharp Censure ; acris animad- 
versor, in —}; austerus judex; censor 
severus, magister discipline, 


fatus, ratus, exploratus, manifestus. 

E Some Certain thing or person; 
_. gquidam, aliquis, quispiam, plur, ali- 

Certain others ; aliqui alii, 
For Certatn ; pro certo. 
| Tobe Cerrain, or manifest; con- 
stare. Jt is certain; liquet, constat, 
impers. f 
To be Certain of; certo scire. To 
know for certain; perspectum, seu 
exploratum habere. ~ 
' Cerrrarnty; certitudo. 
Certainty; certe, profecto, sane, 
nz, plane, prorsus, certo, indubitanter, 
__ proculdubio. 

For a Certarnry ; explorate, adv. 
I know for certain; mihi est explora- 
tissimum-} Cic. - <i ! 

To say for Certatn; pro certo di- 
cere; Cic. Do you say it for certain ? 
pro certon’ tu isthec dicis? Ter. — 

-. A Cenratn chance fell out that hin- 

dered me; casus quidam ne facerem 
impedivit ; Cic. It is certain that he 
studied Greek very hard, when he was 
an old man; Grecarum. literarum-con- 
stat eum perstudiosum fuisse in seriec- 
tute ; Cic. ) a: 

A man that has no Certain abiding 
place ; homo incerti laris; Ter. 

Aé Certain distances; certis spa- 
tiis intermissis ; Ces. ie 
_ As sure or Certain as you live ; 
certius quam te credo esse hominem. 

I do Certainty believe it; nihil 
habeo persuasius. Had I any thing 
certain, you should hear of it ; si quid 
haberem certi, id ad te scriberem, 

When I myself am Cerrain, or, 

am fully resolved; cum certus ipse 
_ fuero; quum constituero. 
_ Itis too Cerrarn and irue; it is 
sure enough; certo enim certius est. 
We know no certainty; nihil com- 
perti habemus ;° explorati nihil novi- 
mus. 3 

Of the matter; certaresest. 

_ [shall resolve on something, or be 

at some certainty; ipse fortassis ero 

eertior. 7 
There isno Certainty of anything; 

incerta sunt omnia, J am as certain 

___ of it as that I live ; tam scio, quam me 
. . vivere. < 

- To CERTIFY a thing ; cettificare, 

_ CERTAIN, or sure; certus, indubi- 

It is Cenratn; there is no doubt - 

CH 189 

ra -be certified of a person ; certioreim 

To Certiry, or acquaint a person 
with a thing ; significare, certiorem 
facere. Certified; certior factus. 

Crertiry me, or let me hear of all 
your business, or affairs ; de rebus tuis 
me certiorem redde. Fac me certiorem, 
redde certiorem de toto statu tuo, et de 
omnibus consiliis; significa mihi, ex- 
pone, aperi, explica, perspicue demon- 
stra, qui sit rerum tuarum omnium sta- 
tus, quis tuus avimus, qui sensus, que 
consilia sint; fac ut de tuis” rebus, 
tuisque consiliis, cognoscam, intelligam, 
certior fiam,.ex tuis literis erudiar, in- 
struar ; imaginem rerum omnium, cogi- 
tationumque tuarum literis ostende. 

To Czentrry one; docere, attestari, 
confirmate, commonefacere ; admonere 
aliquem de re aliqua; explanare quid 
alicui; rumores ad aliquem deferre ; 
non celare aliquem. 

We were Cxrrriritep by a sad mes- 
sage; tristis nuncius ad nos delates est. 

Ought not I first to have been Cert1- 
FIED, or acquainted, §c.? nonne prius 
communicatum oportuit? nonne opor- 
tuit prescisse the antea’ Ter, = 

The letters, &c. which did very grate- 
fully Certiry us of your health ; lite 
ras, &c. que nobis gratum admodun. 

-salutis tue indicium prestiterunt ; Cic. 

But I will not certify my mistress of 
that mischief; sed cesso heram. hoc 
malum impertire ; Ter. 

To Crxtiry one, and put out of all 
doubt; omni dubitatione aliquem libe- 
rare, exsolvere, eximere. 

EF will Certiry you of his coming ; 
certiorem te faciam, faciam ut intelli- 
gas, ut scias, ut sis sciens, de ipsius ad- 

I am credibly informed or Centi- 
rIED both by letters, and word of 
mouth, lately, that—, §c.; et scrip- 
tum est, et nunciatum mihi nuperius, - 
quod—, &c. _ i 
Certrry me and let me hear what 
news ; si quid acciderit novi, facias ut 

“Cerrtiry me, I pray thee, or let me 
know immediately ; facias tu mox ut 


To CHAFE, warm, or make hot ; 
calefacere, fervefacere. 

libellus, m., litera 

190 CH 

To Cuare, or rub with one’s hand ; 
terere, mollire, fricare. 

To Cuare, fret, or fume ; indignari, 
stomacharl, succenscre, excandescere 

To Cuare within himself ; ringi. 

To Cuare one, or make angry ; mo- 
“vere alicui bilem, commotum reddere. 

Cuarep, or made angry ; commotus. 

CuarinG ; estuans ira, 

To be grievously Cuarep or vexed 
in anger; substomachari, tumere ; ze- 
lari, apud Prophet. ; incensum, peric- 
tum, concitum esse; mordere labrum, 
seu frenum mordere, proverbia sunt, 
Moleste, indigne, graviter, egre ferre ; 
magno irarum fluctuare estu; Virg. 
Iracundia turgere, exardere, bile tume- 
re atra, corrugare nares; plumbeas iras 
gerere ; apud Plaut. Bilem ex alicu- 
jus rei teadio conceptam effundere ; in 
fermento jacere ; supra modum et im- 
potenter indignari; dare vela indigna- 
tioni, ire; apud Plin, Ad furorem 
pre nimio animi impetu vergere. E 
contra; deferbere, seu ‘defervere, refri- 
gere vel refrigerari, deflagrari, et re- 
languescere, dicitur ira et indignatio, 
quando home mitescit 
- et fervor animi consedisse; secedisse, 
dicitur [to cease from being chafed, to 
be uiet or well pleased again. | 

e is apt to Cuarg; cito indigna- 
tur; Cic. See Ancry. 

To CHALLENGE, or lay claim to ; 
vendicare, asserere, arrogare. 

To CuaLtence one into the field ; 
provocare ad pugnam, lacessere, 

To CHALLENGE or accuse one; pos- 
tulare, accusare. 

To CHALLENGE openig or gainsay ; 

To CHALLENGE or except against a 
witness ; elevare testimonium. 

To Cuartence, or dare to fight ; 
ad pagnam, certamen, duellum, in are- 
nam, palestram vocare, provocare, ex- 
cire, irritare, lacessere, evocare, posce- 
te. Alicui duellum, singulare certa- 
men indicere. Poscere cum quo con- 
currat. Voce lacessere ad pugnam. Mi- 
nimo me provocat, Vis ergo inter nos 
quid possit uterque experiamur? An- 
cipitis deposcit munera Martis. 

To fight upon aCHALLENGE} ex pro- 
vocatione dimicare. 

To send a CHALLENGE to 
arietem emittere ; 

Fight ; 
arietem objicere ; 

ct placidus fit, | 


Prov, In rixe, pugne cupidum dieé- 
batur, Antiquitus enim bellum sus 
cepturi fecialem mittebant, qui arietem 
adductum in hostium fines immitteret » 
hoc significans pacto civitatem et agros 
illorum hostibus compascuos fore. He 
has sent him a challenge ; challenged 
him into the field ; arietem “ ernisit, 

. He gives him a CuaLLence 5 mini-. 
mo provocat. 

I think I may Cuatvence that. as 
my right ; videor id meo jure quodam- 
modo vendicare ; Cic. 

The Chians CHaLtencs Homer for 
theirs; Homerum Chii suum vendi- 
cant; Cie. 

He Cuatencss all to himself ; to- 
tum sibi vendicat ; Quint. 

Since he Caaruedans me to it; 
quando hic me provocat ; Ter. 

To CHALLENGE one to sing ; ali- 
quem voce lacessere; Virg. | 

To CHALLENGE one about learning 
in certamen, palestram, literarum ali- 
quem provocare. : 

To CHANCE or happen ; agcidere,. 

contingere, evenire, 

To come by CHANCE 3 incidere, 

To get by Cuance of lots ; sortiri, 

It CuHancets ; contingit, accidit, 
evenit, impers. 

CuaNcE; casus,-us, mM. } fortuna, 
sors, eventus. 

. Wil Cuance ; infertusidins 

As it Cuancertu ; pro re nata. 

CHANCING, or happening by chance ; 
fortuitus, adj. 

By Cuance ; forte, fortuito, obiter, 
ex accidenti. 

By Cuance, a pretty youth passed 
by ; casu formosus puer preteriit; Cic. 
A wonderful Cuance happened ; 
casus mirificus “intervenit; Cic, Jé 
might seem not a thing that happened by 
chance ; non fortuitum videretur; Cic. 
He bears the chances of fortune stout- 
ly 5 ; fortuitos casus magno animo sus- 


If any man Cuance to ask—; si 
forte requirat aliquis— ; Ovid. You | 
do not know what shanan has befallen 
me ; nescis quid mihi obtigerit; Ter. 

‘An ill Cuance, a losing cast ; jac- 
tus supinus, inanis, canis, chius, 7 

Let. us try the Cuance of war; 
Martis experiamur aleam, 

Jt Cuances in an hour, that hap 
pens not in seven years; plus fati_ va 


RUN nt ak? # allie 



ees CH 
‘let hora benigni, Quam si te Veneris 
‘commendet epistola Marti. 

Cuance what chance may ; or, hap 
‘what hap may; sive leta contingant 
‘sive tristia, Quemcunque sors tulerit 
casum ; utcunque res dant sese ; quid 

me futurum sit Deus viderit. Quod- - 

“cunque acciderit ; ut ut erit.’ 

Cuance better, chance worse ; sive 
-adblandiantur tempora, sive pesos 

Have wcare of the main Culnew: : 

quid opus est, ut res tempusque postu- : 

lant, administres atque provideas, 

If some Miscuance happen ; sicubi 
“novercantis fortune Boreas insultave- 

We have but one Cuance for it ; 
hoc unum experiendum est. 

How many Cuances are against 
me! quote sunt sortes adverse ! 

We must take our Cuance ; : Jacta 
est alea. 

To CHANGE, or alter; mutare, 
alterare, immutare. To change, neut. 

To Cuance to the better; in melius 

. To Cuance color; impallescere. 

To CuanGeE by turns ; alternare, 

To CHANGE habitation or lodging ; 

To CHANGE money; commutare, 
cambire. é 

To Cuance his opinion; flectere 
judiciam, decedere de sententia. 

To Cuance from one place to ano- 
‘ther ; transferre, deportare. 

To Cuance out of one form into 
another ; transfigurare. 

To CHancE out of one hand into 

‘another ; transumere. 

To CHANGE or alter things; rem 

_ mutare, immutare, commutare, novare, 
innovare, variare, invertere, transfor- 

‘mare ; variam et diversam facere, alte- 
rare. Aliud ex alio facere. In lupum 
_ transfigurare. Vocem variare’ et mu- 
tare. Variat fortuna, variat sententia, 

It is Cuanckp ; mutari, et in alias 
transire.—Nomen faciemque 
Nnovavit, Verte omnes te in facies, 
“Omnia transformat sese in miracula re- 
Quos hominum ex facie dea 
‘seva potentibus herbis, Induerat Circe 

in vultus ac terga ferarum. 

The moon CHANGES ; luna coit; vel, 

_ movatar. 

CuanGe ; varietas, vicissitudo, 

CH T91 

Thé CuancGe of the moon ; interlu- 
nium, coitus lune. 

He Cuancep his mind ; a sententia 
sua discessit; Cas. His mind may 
“pg ; sententia ejus mutari potest ; 

er. r 

Never Cuancine countenance for 
it; ne oris quidem colore mutato; 
Curt. . 

He is driven to Cuance. his mind ; 
de mentis statu (de sententia) dejici- 
tur, deturbatur;: Cic. 

To CHANGE one’s purpose ; cedere,, 
demigrare de gradu. 

I love no CuanGinc ; antiquum vo- 
lo; Cic. 

To CuanGE his “apparel; mutare 

Fortune began i Cuance; fortuna 
se inclinaverat; Ces. 

To make a good CuanGe, i. e. of 
fortune, estate; in ccelum abire; ex 
angulo subsilire; Petr. Sen. 

They are given to CHANGE; novis 
plerumque rebus student ; Ces. 

My state is Cuanxcep, the case is 
altered ; diversa nunc mea ratio. Non 
eadem est, mutata est ratio rerum mea- 
trum. Alius est rerum mearum status, 
Aliter se mez res habent, non eodem 
‘loco sunt. Novata, innovata, mutata, 

‘immutata mea sunt omnia, 

His mind is Cuancep; mens mu- 
fata, Ad cundem. furorem’ tediit ; 
iterum defecit-a fide ; a’ pristina mente 
descivit, discessit, abductus est. _ 

The malice of others hus CuHancep 
my mind; asententia depulsus alio- 
rum malevolentia. Istorum maleyolen- 
tissimis obtrectationibus, improbis arti- 
bus, iniqua infensaque i imprimis opera, 
de vetere illa mea sententia depulsus 
sum,) detrusus, dejectus, veterem sen- 
tentiam deposui, abjicere sum coactus, 
discedere a sententia, desciscere, ani- 
mum abducere, institute cursum opi- 
nionis alio convertere, flectere, mutare, 
Istorum malevolentissimis obtrectatio- 
nibus de vetere illa mea sententia de- 
pulsus sum, dejectus, deturbatus ; fac- 
tum est horum culpa, commissum est 
horum iniquitate, ut a mea sententia 
desciverim, ut veterem illum sensum 
deposuerim, ut abjecta vetere illa sen- 
tentia, novam susceperim. 

Ihave no ‘cause to Cuance my 
mind ; non est causa mutande sen- 
tentiz. Quid est, quod in aliam par. 
‘tem traducere me debeat? cur. hanc 

192 CH 

opinionem abjiciam? Cur. hune depo- 
nam sensum? Cur ab hac sententia de- 
sciscam, discedam ? Curaliter sentiam? 
Cur a meipso dissentiam ? 

A man much Cuancep or altered ; 
qui alius plane factus est; a seipso, a 
consuetudine sua longe discessit, re- 
cessit, descivit ; sibi longe se dissimi- 
lem prebet ; eum se qui hactentis fuit, 
sti similem non prestat. Non ejus hic 
mos, hi mores fuerunt. In virum trans- 
iit alium, diversum, plane novum. 
Multum a se discrepat.' Heu quan- 
tum“hec Niobe, Niobe distabat ab illa, 

To CHANGE one’s mind or counsel 
about a thing not well resolved on at 
first ; vertere consilium rei non satis 
commode institute; parum bene in- 
stitutum recantare; a propcesito in- 
commodo resilire, declinare, referre pe- 
dem ; imitari nepam; Prov, i.e. can- 
crum. To go back from his word ; 
apud -Plaut. Nam qui retrocedit,’ 
nepam imitari. dicitur; nepa autem, 
auctore Fest. Pomp. Afrorum sidus, 
appellatur Cancer, vel, ut quidam pu- 
tant, Scorpius: unde Plaut. in Cas. 
retroversum cedam in parictem, imita- 
bor nepam, 

He Cuaycep or declined by litile 
and little from the way and custom of 
his ancestors ; deflexit paulatim de via 
et consuetudine majorum. ; 

To be Cuancen from himself, or 
from his own opinion ; a seipso dissen- 
tire ; a sententia sua labare, vacillare, 
in sententia seu opinione sua non per- 
manere, perstare, persistere ; palinodi- 
am canere ; Prov. i. e. diversumab his, 
quz prius dixeris,.dicere, atque in con- 
trarium vertere sententiam. - 

He is strangely Cuancrp! quan- 
tum mutatus ab illo! 

He turns or Cuances with every 
wind; instar Vertumni Romanorum, 
Protei Aigyptiorum, Empuse Greco- 
rum. > 
You look not like yourself ; you are 
much Cuancep ; totus alius rediisti ; 
pro imberbi nobis rediisti barbatulus. 

You are much Cuancep, become 
wery grave ; e Phedro mihi videris fac- 
tus Cato ; fit subito cygnus qui modo 
corvus erat. 

The wind soon Cuancep or turned 
into another quarter ; subito reflavit 
fortuna. ae 

To Cuance, or alter his purpose ; 

resilire ab instituto, 

He Cuancep his mind; propositi 
illum sui peenituit. 

I will see if I can Cuance him; 
nihil non experiar quo mutem illi sen- 

Our affections are~ very CuancE- 
ABLE, we loathe what we loved lately ; 
affectus nostri temporarios habent im- 
petus, qui simulatque relanguerint, 
odisse cepimus, quod ante veliementer 
arrisit. ~ Ae ; 

Fickle folks, they ring the CHancEs; 
plausus vertitur in sibilum ; laus verti-~ 
tur in vituperium, 

He is no CuancGeuine ; he is still 
the same man ;: antiquum obtinet ;» est 
idem qui pridem ;—veteris servat ves- 
tigia forme, 

What is the cause of these great - 

Cuances? unde ista tropica putamus, 
tam brevi temporis intercapedine acci- 
disse ? ' 

You may as easily fit a garment for 
the moon that Cuances every day; 
citius, et facilius lun crescenti sub- 
inde ac decrescenti, variosque in or- 
bem habitus sumenti, deponenti et re- 
sumenti, certa ac stata vestis possit in- - 
duci, quaam—éc. 

You seem to be Cuancep into 
some strange creature; mihi videris 
aliud quoddam animal. uae 

Allthe Cuanczs and metamorpho- 
ses in Ovid come short of yours ; nex tu 
magnificam passus es Metamorphosin, 

No water will Cuance a black- 
amoor ; piscis semper olet piscem, eti- 
amsi unguentis oblinas. : 

All things are CHANGEABLE as the. 
weather ; nasci, denasci, oriri, aboriri, 
nec quicquam stabile esse, vel firmum, 

The world is well CuanGep or 
mended ; sed ecce! consumpta lachry- 
marum nube, be 

There is Cuance for fair weather ° 
again after all; mihi solem fortuna re- 
duxit sereniorem.  __ 

A money-CHANGER ; nummularius. 

A Cnanoinc ; mutatio, commuta-— 
tio, variatio, immutatio. 

I must Cuance my note, or turn 
my discourse elsewhere ; oratio alio 
mihi demutanda est mea. 

Fortune, happening to CuanGE, gave 
a fresh proof of herinconstancy ; for- 
tuna fidem mutata novavit; Virg. 

Who wished to make Cuanczs; qui 
novari aliquid volebant, 


3 ore 

ee eS eee 

. = 


; "Women, like children, are Cuance- 
ABLE 7 in their sentiments ; itidem muli- 

eres, ut sunt pueri, levi sententia; 5 

To CHARGE, or command; impe- 
rare, jubere, mandare, Precipere, in 

. mandatis dare. 

To Cuance by proclamation ; edi- 

ie CHARGE one against a thing; 


"To CHARGE upon pain; intermi-\ 

A Cuanrce, or commandment ; -man- 
datum, preceptum, 

A Cuance, office, or government ; 
munus, negotium, ministerium, pro- 

To assign to some Cuarce; dele- 

To have the CHARGE of ; curare, _ 
To have the Cuance of another 
man’s business ; procurare. 
_To take Cuance of any thing ; ; sus- 
a ie capessere, curam gerere. 
To perform one’s CHARGE well; 
defungi munere.; susceptum perficere 
‘Committed to one’s CHarcE ; com- 
The executing of « Cuance or bu- 
siness ; ‘functio, administratio. 
A Cuarcr, or trust ; cura, custodia, 
To Cuarce, or trust ; mandare fi- 
dei ; curam alicui delegare. 
To take a great Cuarce on him; 
duram in se provinciam suscipere. 
To lay to one’s CuarGeE; insimu- 

_ late, accusare, incusare. 

_ To lay to one’s Cuance falsely ; 

To CuarGe with a thing ; vitio 
dare, exprobrare, objicere. 

A Cuarce, or indictment; ‘accu- 
Cuanrcep with 
accusatus, part. 

CuarcGe, or cast ;panmpts,-n8, m. 
impensa,-2, i 

To bear part of the CuarcE; in 

j- obnoxius, adj., 

_ partem impensz venire.  - 

To CuarGeE an enemy ; adoriti, in- 
vadere, aggredi. 

‘A Cuance in war ; impressio. - 

The trumpets on both sides’ sound 


| Fe Cuarce ; tube utrinque canunt ; 
a | 

CH 193 

He delivered what he had in 
CuarcGeE ; mandata exposuit ; Paterc. 

He Caarcep him to give his an- 
swer, before—; jussit prius respon- . 
dere, quam— ; ’Paterc. 

Did I not Cuarce you, you should 
not do it? interminatus sum ne fa- 
ceres? Ter. 

_HeCuarces through the thickest of 
his enemies ; per confertissimam hos- - 
tium turbam impetum facit ; liv. 

To Cuarce the enemy’s horse ; 
in hostium equitatum facere impressio- 
hem, dare ; Hirt. 

They. Cuarcep the enemy's left. 
wing ; in levum corny, hostium invecti 
sunt; Curt, 

He Cuarces into the thickest of his 

enemies ; in confertissimos hostes in- 

currit ; Sall. 

: Ease me of this Cuarcz ; leva me 
hoc onere ; Cic. 

Worthy of (fit for) that Cuanrce ; 
dignus eo munere; Cic. y 
To stand to one’s CHARGE; impe- 

rinm exequi; Curt. - 

Did I not Cuarce you? edixin’ 
tibi? Ter. 

Lay what Cuarce you will on me ; 
quidvis oneris impone ; Ter. 
I Caarcep him to watch a time ; 

precepi ei ut tempus observaret ; Cic. 

He gave it me in CHARGE; hoc mi- 
hi in mandatis dedit, mandavit, impe- 
ravit; Plaut. ~ 

He Cuarcep the enemy in front ; 
in hostium faciem irruit, impetum fe- 
cit; hostes a fronte adortus est; Cic. 

.They were routed at the first 
Cuarce; primo impetu pulsi sunt; 
Liv. Ne unum quidem nostrorum im- 
petum ferebant ; Ces. 

The first Cuarce is the hottest ; 
ptima coitio acerrima est; Ter. 

In the first Cuarce. we lost about 
threescore and ten men; nostri in pri- 
mo congressu citciter septuaginta ceci- 
derunt; Cas. 

The. whole Cuarce resteth on you ; 

ad te summa rerum redit; Ter. 

You have undertaken a great 
Cuarce; duram cepsti POFINCINE 5 ; 

He went to his Cuanrce ; ‘ad delega- 
tum sibi officium ibat; Plin. 

They were provided at a small 
CHARGE; parvo (quam minimo sump- , 
tn) curata sunt; Cic, Plaut. 

194 CH 

He could never be able to undergo 

the Cuarces of her; sufferre nun- legare, mandare, commendare ; in al-* 

quam ejus sumptus queat; Ter, 

Tt is less Cuarce to keep an ass 
than a cow; facilius asellus quam vac- 
ca alitur ; Varr. r 

In so little Cuancer did it stand ; 
tantule impendio stetit ; Curt. 

_ My coming was not a penny’s 

Cuarce to him; adventus noster ne 

nummo quidem sumptui fuit ; Cic. 

Free from taxes and _ public 
Cuanrczs ; tributis et oneribus publicis 

I will not Cuarce him with any 
greater matters; nolo in illum gravius 
dicere; Ter. ~ - 

He lays’ felony to his. Cuarnce; 
charges him with felony; eum furti 
alligat, insimulat ; Plaut. / 

I have had the Cuarce of them 
From children ; ego istos usque a pue- 
ris curavi; Ter. 

- They are Cuancen with arms, i. e. 
to provide, to bear arms ; arma impe- 
rantur; Ces, 

_They Cuance directly up the hill; 
impetum adversus montem in cohortes 
faciunt ; Ces, 

They stood (received ) our CHarceE ; 
nostrorum impetum sustinebant; Ces. 

They Cuarcep up the hill with 
their drawn swords; montem distric- 
tis gladiis ascenderunt ; Ces. . 

They were not able to endure the 
Cuarce of the horse; equitum vim 
sustinere non poterant; Ces. 

To receive the CuaRGE ; signa infe- 
rentibus resistere ; Ces. . 

To Cuarce with high treason; 
lesz majestatis reum facere. 

To undertake a CHARGE; in se ne- 
gotium, munus suscipere. Onerti ali- 
cujus muneris se subjicere, submittere. 
Munus impositum subire, sustinere. 
Rempublicam capessere. Provinciam 
cepisti duram. 

committere, permittere, concredere, de- 

terius fide deponere. Alium rebus 
preficere, “rei curatorem constituere. 
Alteri provinciam demandare, impe- 
rare, tradere, causam tuendam, defen- 
dendam, agendam committere, credere ; 
rei gerende, muneris obeungli potesta- 
tem, facultatem facere, Quibus in re- 
bus interesse ipsi non possumus, in iis 
opere nostre vicariam fidem amicorum 
gavit, quasi legato suo tuendam atque 

ornandam commendavit. Has. mihi 

partes imposuit. 

Lam in doubt whether it be best-to 
take CuarGe of the commonwealth on 
me, or not ; dubito de capessenda re- 
publica. Integra mihi res non est ad 
consulendum, capessam necne rempub- 
licam ; non est mihi libera, non expe- 
dita, non soluta de capessenda rep. de- 
liberatio ; liberam non habeo capiendi 
consilii facultatem, de suscipienda, ge- 
renda, administranda republica ; teneor 
implicatus, nec mea expedire consilia 
possum de suscipienda republica. 

- Let him assign the Cuarcer of that: 

business to me; exhibeat mihi hoe 

To execute his Cuancr, or to do 
his duty well; officio suo non deesse ; 
officio magnifice satisfacere ; pensum 
absolvere, conficere ; suscepte legatio- 
nis manus obire ; edilitatem summacum 
laude gerere ; nihil facere non egregie. 

Give him the Cuarce of what you 
would have done well; huic mandes 
quod quidem curatum recte velis, 

Masinissa being an old man exe- 
cuted all the Cuarcrs and offices of 
good king; Masinissa senex omnia 
boni regis officia et munera executus 
est ;Cic, 

Now I will go to the rest, and recall 
myselfto my own Cuarce and office ; 

“nunc ad reliqua progrediar, meque ad 

To neglect his Cuarce, duty, or meum munus pensumque revocabo. 

office ; muneri suo deesse.. Officium 
susceptum, quod cum fide impositum 
est, aut propter perfidiam abjicere, aut 
propter infirmitatem deponere. Officii 
partem non implefe, deserere. Sus- 
cepti negotii molem, molestiam subter- 
fugere. , 

To commit a thing to one’s CHARGE; 
negotii conficiendi curam alteri deferre, 
designare; alterius fidei, potestati 

To contain himself within the bounds 
of his own Cuanrce or office and duty ; 
regionibus officii sese continere ; Cic. 

When he had well performed the 
Cuarce and duty of an excellent cap- 
tain, and of a brave soldier ; cum is 
functus fuisset optimi ducis et strenui 
militis officio. 

To leave his Cuance ; a regione of- 
ficii discedere, abduci, declinare, desis- 


Hance mihi $partam le- 

ae ee eee eee fe eee BLE OS A 
= Erato: ors W <A t ibs TEI ORS 
De ee eg 7 




tere ; officio et muneri suo deesse ; siis- . 

ceptum officium deserere, intermittere ; : 
ab occupationibus se expedire ; nego- 
tiorum vinculis se exsolvere ; supersede- 
re Jabori ; sevocare animum a negotiis. 

T will not either by treachery throw 
away, or for weakness lay aside, that 
which was once assigned to-my trust 
and Cuarce ; nolo id quod mihi cum 
fide semel impositum est, aut propter 
perfidiam abjicere, aut propter infirmi- 
tatem deponere ; Cic. - 

I fear lest I should seem either to 
have exceeded, or to have come short 
in the performance of, my duty and 
‘CuanGeE ; vereor ne aut excessisse, aut 
non implesse officii mei partes videar ; 

To take the Cuanceof the cOmmon- 
wealth ; rempublicam capessere, guber- 
hare, suscipere, gerere, administrare. 

To lay the Cuarce of business upon 
one ; imponere humeris, vel, in hume- 
ros provinciam aliquam ; curam rerum 
demandare ; rei gubernaculis, negotio- 
rum molibus, preficere ; summam rerum 
- alicui committere. 

‘He neglects his Cuarce ; muneri 
suo deest, 

CHARITY ; charitas. 

CuaniraB_e; munificus, pius, mise- 
ricors, liberalis. 

Crakiry begins at home; charitas 
incipit a se ; proximus sum egomef mi- 
hi ; omnes melius esse sibi malint, quam 

CuaritTaBLe in censuring, equal, 
just ; candidus, eequus, charitate omnia 
“metiens; omnia in mitiorem partem 
interpretans, facilis, benevolus, pallio 
charitatis tegens nevos, 

~ Cuanrriry is piety and kindness to- 
wards our friends and relations ; and a 


CuasED away ; fugatus, part, 

The beast is Cuasep up and down; 
concitate agitur pecus. ~ 

He Cuaszs the geese out of the 


corn; de frumento anseres abigit; 
They followed the Cuase too eager- 

ly; elati studio temere insecuti sunt 
fugientes; incitati studio inconsultius 
processerant; Czs. 

They Cuasep them into the port ; 
in portum compellunt ; Ces. 

To follow the Cuasx ; cursum tenere. 

CHASTE, and pure ; illibatus ; cas- 
tus, purus, integer, pudicus, continens, 
mundus, Pudicitie, castitatis, conti- 
nentiz summe, singularis ; laude cele- 
bris ; incorrupte, illibate, intemerate, 
inviolate, immaculate. A Venere ali- 
enus, ab illicitis voluptatibus temperans, 
pudicitie inexpugnabilis, Hippolyto, 
Bellerophonte castior. Spectatum satis 
et magnum continentie exemplum, 
Ducit vitam alienam ab omni malierum 
consortio, Venere abdicata. Caste pu- 
reque vivere. Se integrum castumque, 
pudicitiam illibatam seryare. Pudici~ 
tiam colere. —Pudicus ab omni non so- 
Jum facto, verum opprobrio quoque 
turpi, —Me natura pudicum fecerat, et 
casto pectore durus eram. Constanti”. 
juvenis fide—Laudem de me nullus 
adulter habet. Tenor vite est sine 
Jabe nee. Fama (velim queras) cri- 
mine nostra vacat.,—Scopulis surdior, 
Icari voces audit adhuc integer. 

A Cuaste and pure virgin ; 
integra a viro, impatiens viri, 

To keep himself pure and Cuaste ; 
servare se castum et integrum ; pudici- 
tiam illibatam servare ; impia lascivi 
fugiens consortia cetus; ab omni mus - 
liebri congressu alienus ; thalami ex~ 

virgo - 

~ dutiful and affectionate observance of pertem vitam degens, 

them that love our country ; charitas 
est pietas erga propinquos et amicos ; 

| patrieque benevolis officium et diligg 

gens cultus; Cic. affectus ; Quint. 
We should be guarded by Cuarity 
more than by arms ; charitate septum 
esse oportet. A _nequitia, rapina, et 
sceleribus virum bonum abesse oportet ; 
_charitate autem (ut inquit Salvianus) 
et benevolentia, non armis, septum esse. 
A CHASE, or forest ; saltus,-us, m, 
To Cuase, er hunt ; venari, apctasi, 
To CuasE away ; abigere, in hdgibn 
- conjicere, : : 

That house never saw any thing but 
what was Cuaste and pure ; and every 
thing which is of the best discipline and 
manners ; quid enim domus illa vide- 
rat, nisi ‘pudicum et honestum, nisi ex 
optimo more, et sanctissima.disciplina ? 

Cuastity isgrateful and acceptable 
to God; castitas Deo grata; Tibul. 
Casta placent Superis. 

To CHASTISE ; castigare, corripe- 
re, punire ; animadvertere in. 

“To Cuastise the body and keep it 
under ;- carnem cohibere, macerare 5 
castigare corpus, et in servitutem redi- 
gere, ut est apud Apost. Fraudare, de- 

196 CH 

fraudare genium, i. e. naturam ; nature 
negare quod appetit ; natura non satis- 
facere ; afficeracarnem, ut obediat spiri- 
tui; utrationisi imperio et consiliis obtem- 
, perets ; apud Ambros. Fraudare corpus 

: voluptate : subducere cibum et potum ; 

cibo ad tempus abstinere; parce, con- 
tinenter, sobrieque vivere. 

To Cuastise one’s faults ; vindicate 
alicnjus delicta ; in aliquem, ob delic- 
ta, siiaadeentere! 

‘ CHEAP ; vilis, adj.; Pervilis ; nul- 
lius pretii. 

CueaPer ; vilius, minoris pretii. 

To grow Cuear; vilescere, eviles- 

It is Cuxav at twenty pounds ; vile 
est viginti minis. 

Corn is very Curar; framentum 
vile est; anuona pretium non habet ; 
Cic. pro Into est; Petron. 

' Farms may be had, will be let, or 

may be bought, ier ; Jacent pretia 

prediorum. - 

He or she selis Guuxeus than 
others ; vendit minoris quam alii; Ter. 

To Curaren; liceri, licitari, rogare 

To CHEAT ; fraudare, defraudare, 
decipere, circumnvenire, emungere. 

To Curat one cunningly of his mo- 
ney; tondere aliquem auro ; Plaut. 

You are fairly CHEATED ; tibi os 
est sublitam plane et probe: 

To CHECK, stop, or hinder ; repri- 
mere, inhibere, cohibere, 

To Cuxcx or chide ; carpere, per- 
stringefe, reprehendere. 

To give one a private Cuxcx ; sub- 

monere or summonere, aurem vellere et 

A sharp Cuxcx; dicterium, convi- 

To Cueck, or interrupt one’s talk e 
obrogare, reclamare, refragari. 

To CuEck one severely or very harsh- 
ly; asperius aliquem admonere, redar- 
guere, increpare, appellare ; severius ali- 
quem tractare ; rem cum aliquo asperius 
expostulare ; verbis graviter accipere ; 
verbis aliquem castigare, exagitare, cor- 
ripere; maledico dente aliquem car- 
pere ; notam censoriam alicui inurere. 

T will not Cxecx him harshly ; no- 
Jo in lum gravius quid dicere. 

To Curcx, or chide one gently ; 
molli brachio aliquem objurgare. 

The very stings, if you had any in 
your reproving and CHECKING of me, 

: CH 

were yet very grateful and acceptable 
‘to me; ipsi etiam aculei, si quos habu- 
isti in me reprehendendo, tamen mihi 
hon ingrati acciderant. 

CHEER, or good fare; dapes, lau- 
tus apparatus, 

Cuerr, or gladness ; gaudium, 

Poor Curer ;, tenuis apparatus. 

To make CHEERFUL; ; exhilarare, 

To CuEER or encourage ; exneneet, 

To CurEr the hounds ; hortari canes. 

To CHEER up ; soles: consolari. 

To be of good CuzER; bono esse 

To make good CurER; epulari hi- 
lare, indulgere genio ; genialiter agere, 

We had royal Curer ; regio appa- 
ratu accepti sumus ; Cic. 

Be of good Cuzer ; ; habe bonum 
animum ; Plaut. Bono animo fae sis ; 3 

Small Cuxer ; paulum obsont ; Ter. 

Dainty Cuzer ; Saliares dapes. Sic 
pro, pontificales, dixit Horatius, ponens 
speciem pro genere; opiparum enim 
convivium ac magnificum, saliare dicitur, 

Great CurER ; ccna recta; cena 
dubia. Dubiam enim ceenam, opipa- 
ram variis instructam ferculis appe is 
bant: unde Phormio apud Ter., ce- 
na dubia apponitur. Se dubia cena 
possit etiam intelligi, qua’ non careat 
suspicione veneni: unde apud Hor. 
—Vides ut pallidus omnis—Cena 
desurgit dubia, Item cena popularis ; 
Plautus enim ccenam popularem appel- 
lat magnificam, egregieque lautam, 
atque adeo gratuitam quoque, quales 
solent exhiberi populo. 

Slender Cuzer ; cena ambulatoria ; 
(viz. in qua ferculum unicum tantum 
pluribus convivis apponitur ; quod pro- 
inde circa mensam oporteat quasi am- 
bulare, et totam mensam circumire. ) 

CueErrut 3; alacer et alactis, adj. 5 
hilaris, latus. 

To be CueErrFvt; hilarescere. 

To look Curerrutty ; frontem ex- 
porrigere ; ponere supercilium ; expli- 
care frontem ; vultu esse hilar, 

He does not look CHEERFULLY; ex- 
cidit illi vultus. 

They all departed Cuxerrut and 
full of confidence to Alexia; omnes 
alacres et ‘fiducia plepi ad Alexiam 


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To receive or welcome one with a 
Cuererrut countenance ; hilari admo- 
dum et benigno vultu aliquem: exci- 
pere, intueri; leta fronte aspicere ; 
item, tranquilla et serena fronte ; in- 
duere faciles gaudenti pectore vultus. 

To CHEW meat; mandare, man- 
dacare, masticare.. 

Cuewine of meat is helped by the 
( 3; escarum confectio a lingua 

To Cuew the cud; ruminare, rumi- 

- mari, A chewing of the cud ; rumina- 


A CHICK, or CHICKEN 3 pullus 
gallinaceus, pullulus, . 

A haich of Cuicxens ; pullities, 
_/A Cuicx new hatched, or very 

| young ; pullaster, pullus recens exclu- 

You count -your Cuicxens before 
they are hatched ; ante victoriam ‘canis 
triumphum; incerta pro certis deputas. 
To CHIDE ; jurgare, objurgare, in- 
crepare, arguere, inclamare, incessere. 
Expostulare cum aliquo. 
Should I Cuive him for this wrong 
done me? cum eo injuriam hance expos- 
tulem? Ter. Cause enough to chide ; 

- satis vehemens causa ad objurgandum ; 

satis cause ad—; Ter. 

What can he Cutpe you for? quid 
jurgabit tecum ? Ter, He began chi- 
ding his brother; adortus est jurgio 
fratrem; Ter. Did you not then chide 
and scold him out of doors? nonne tu 
illum excipis jurgio? 

I Cur him soundly; sentiebat 
mé non esse mutam. . 

i have mischief enough on me, I need 

' mo more Curp1ncG too; satis malorum 
est, etiamsi non ‘accedat. objurgationis 

_ They Cutp ‘and brawled so long 
till they fell together by the ears ; in- 

-cruduit rixa usque ad verbera. 

. CH 197 

The. Cuter, or principal; a ring- 
leader of a party, the leader of the 
dance; quasi in vertice positus ; Suid. 
- The Cuter rule, place, or authority ; 

primatus, principatus,-us, m., princeps - 

locus, : 

To be Cuter; principatum obtine- 
re, primas tenere. 

_ Cuterty, principally, or especially ; 
precipue, presertim, maxime, potissi- 
mum, imprimis, apprime. 

The Cuter, and in a manner only, 
hope ; precipua spes et propemodum 
unica ; Curt. 

In Spain, Rufus was commander-in- 
Cuter; Hispanie preerat Rufus; 
Tacit. No one was left commander- 
in-chief; ad neminem unum sumina 
imperii redit; Ces. He was in chief 
command, or commander-in-chief ; erat 
summo in imperio ; summam imperii te- 
nebat ; Ces. Rerum potiebatur; Cic. 

A Cuisr heir ; heres prime cere ; 
ex toto asse. ‘ ; 

To be commander-in-CuieF ; esse 

cum imperio. Pot 

That is the Cutzr point, that— ; 
caput illud est, ut— ; Cic. ~ 

To give or hold the Curr place ; 
ptimas alicui doferre, tenere ; Cic. 

A Curertain, or captain; capita- 
neus, dux, princeps. 

The Cu1z¥ good ; summum bonum. 

A CHILD ;. puer, puerulus, infans, 

A little Curtin or baby; pusio, in- 
fantulus, pupus. 

A female Cuitp ;. virguncula, puel- 
la, pupa. 

A Cuitp born before its time ; 
abortivus, m. : 
«= ACuitp new born; infans recens 

A. Cuttp born after his father’s 
death; posthumus, posthuma proles. 

A fatherless Cuiip ; orphanus, pu- 
pilus, m. ’ 

He Cup him soundly; objur-, A Cuitp whose father liveth; pa- 

gavit eum graviter, 
He Curp me to some purpose ; verbis 
everberavit acrius. - 

~ CHIEF, or principal; primarius, . 

princeps, principalis, precipuus, pri- 
mus, supremus. 

One’s Cuier caré; cura potissina, 

Curer persons of a city or common- 
wealth ; optimates, primates. He that 
is chief, or principal in any order ;. 

_ . corypheus,-ci, m.; Cic., 


trimns, m., and patrima, f. 

A Cuitp taken away by elves, and 
changed ; puter supposititius. 

A CuItp exposed and left in the 
streets, whose father is unlcnown ; ex- 
positus, vel exposititius, projectitius, 
projectus puer. 

A sucking Cu1xp ; puer lacteus. 

A foster Cuitp; alumnus, altellus. 

A nurse Cuitp, or one that suck- 
eth the same milk; puer collacta- 
neus, . 

. | aan CH 

_ A Caixp one year old ; puer anni- 

A Cuitp two years oy bimulus, 

A Cuixp three years old; trimu- 
_ lus. 

A ward-Cuiip; pupillus. 

A nobleman’s Cutty ; pretextatus. 

In Cuixp, or great with child ; gta- 
vida, pregnans, adj. 

To be with Cuixp ; gravidari ; utero 
ferre, gestare. 

To have a Custp by one; filium 
suscipere de aligua, 

To be the father’s own CuiILp in 
manners ; patrissare.\ 

To play the Cuitp; pueriliter se 

To grow a Cup again; repueras- 

Of or belonging to a Cuixp ; pueri- 

~ lis, infantilis, adj. 

Cuitp-bearing, or the deliverance 
of a child ; ne RY 

Cutpsep ; puerperium, 

A woman in CERLDBAD; tata, 

Cuitp-birth ; puerpestui, parturi- 

tio, partus,-us. 

Great with Curb ; mulier gravida, 
pregnans ; uterum ferens, gerens, ges- 
tans; utero gravis; que utero in- 
gravescit, Uxori tumet aterus, Jam- 
que tumescebant vitiati poudera ven- 
tris, A.graque conceptum merubra gra- 
vabat onus, Jam gravibus justo pon- 
dere venter erat.—Tulit, vexit gravem 
maturo pondere ventrem. Cum jam 
prope partus adesset. Utero tumente 

A comfort in virtuous CHILDREN; , 

voluptas ex liberorum virtute. Mag- 
nam vjrtutem e moribus filiorum pater 
suscipit ; magna voluptate patrem affi- 

ciunt hene morati liberi; magne vo- 

luptati sunt parenti, qui moribus excel- 
Junt filii; capit ex honestis filiorum mo- 
ribus voluptatem summam et letitiam 

CuiILpHOOD ; soe wpuGa, weta- 
tula, tas tenella, 

Up from his Cu1ipuoop ; a pueri- 
tia, ab infantia,ab ineunte etate, a tene- 
ris annis, ab incunabulis 3 @ parvis, a 

From my Cuirpyoop; ab etate 
ineunte,’ prima ; infante, infantia pri- 
ma; orta primo ; etatis initio, annis 
“primis, ipso vite exordio ; ineunte prima 
| pueritia 5 ipso statim lacte, <A teneris 


unguiculis ; puero, puerulo, pusillo ; 
pueritia, parvulo, tenero, teneris. ere= 
pundiis, cunabulis primis ; temporibus 
primis etatis. Jam inde a puero, Ex 
quo primum natus ; primum spiritum 
hausi; vite limen attigi, A pueritia. 
huic me doctrine dedi; hec studia co- 
lui, hance studiorum Tatiana inivi, se~ 
cutus sum, in hec studia incubui. Ad 
hoc literarum genus me contuli puer, 
Given to some study even from his 
CuiILpHoop; a.puero.alicui studio 
deditus. Huic me doctring: a pueritia 
dedi ; hec mea puero doctrina delec- 
tavit; hanc ego doctrinam, hane studi- 
orum "rationem, hoc studiorum genus ab 
ineunte ztate sum secutus ; meam ope- 
ram ad hac studia jam inde a puero 
contuli ; in hoc studiorum genere con- 
sumpsi, collocavi, his studiis dedi ; hac 
studia a primis annis colui ; huic lite- 
rarum generi a teneris apnis devinctus 
fui ; incubui puer in hee studia, 
Desirous of glory or praise even from 
a CurLp ; a puero gloria cupidus, In- - 
flammatus ad gloriam a puero fuisti ; 
jam inde a pueritia gloria studio atque 
amore flagrasti; spectasti gloriam ante 
omnes res; a ‘primis annis, tibi erat 
gloria omnium rerum antiquissima, in 
animo erat, in oculis erat, in amoribus 
erat, in deliciis erat. 
Cuixpisu ; puerilis, ludicer. Child- 
ish pastimes ; nuces, pl. f, crepundia, 
I, DB. 
* Cuttpren ; liberi, filii, pl. me So- 
boles, pignora, proles. 
Without. Cus.pren, or childless ; 
improlis, orbus, adj. 
To bear CuitpREN, or, to ‘bedélicer: 
ed of children; filios, liberos, prolem, 
sobolem parere. Partum eniti. Foetum 
esucere. Liberos, partum, &e. edere, 
dare, ferre, producere, in lucem dare, 
proterre. Ventris onus ponere, red- 
dere. Puerperii laboribus defungi. Uteri 
ypignora dare. Feetum nixibus edere. 
~ My deughter was brought away from 
your house big with Cuitp ; abducta 
a vobis pregnans fuerat filia; Ter. 
Froma Cinitp; a teneris unguicu- 
lis ; jaro inde @ puero ; a puero parvo ; 


_ab ineunte etate ; Plaut. Ter, Cic,, 

_ When he was 4 Cup ; se puero ; 
Hor. When I was « child ; nobis pue- 
ris ; Cic. e is past a child ; nuces 
reliquit, Tiscensie ex ephebis ;_ Ter. 

A woman of her first CutLn ; prime 
pariu mulier; Ter. 


ee ~ 


oS tye 

: CH 

She i3 with Cuatro by Pamphilus ; 
gravida e Pamphilo est; Ter. 

The man immediately cries like a 
Cuitp ; homini illico lachryme cadunt, 
a puero; Ter. 

To play the Cuitp, or act like w 
child ; ; pueriliter facere ; Cic. 

_ A sweet (pretty) Curt ; 3 perscitus 
puer; Ter. 

She is past Cuiip-bearing ; parere 
hee per annos non potest ; Ter, 

Cuitpren and fools live merry lives; 
in nihil sapiendo jucundissima vita. 

Cuitpren will act like children ; 
parvulus facit ut parvulus. 

She is big with Cuitp, and very 
near her time ; gravida est, et jam ad 
pariendum vicina; hee adeo gravida 
est, ut appropinquare partus videatr. 
My wife is great with Cuip ; uterus 
uxoris miew tumet. Dionysius °s mother, 
when she was big with Cu1ip, dreamed 
that, §c. ; mater pregnans, quum Dio- 
nysium in alvo contineret, somniavit, 
quod, &c. 

To beget CuiupREN ; uxores gravi- 
das reddere; quamt gravidam reliqui 
Meo congressu; Plaut. Liberos gig- 
here, generare, procreare, suscipere, so- 
bolem propagare. 

The mother by poison destroyed her 
own CuiLp; mulier partum sibi ipsa 
medicamentis abegit, 

From a Curxp, or from the very cra- 
dle ; ab ipso statim lacte ; a primis sue 
nutricis amplexibus, 

The Cuiip may do well if he hap- 
pen right ; in lubrico virentis ztatule, 

CuiLpREN under age ; minorennes 
pueri atque puelle. 

Cuitpxoop or infancy ; prime eta- 
tis aurora, 

Curtpren but newly crept out of 
the shell; pueri ab ovo vix dum e- 
mersi. Very babies; little Cuiip- 
REN ; admodum peed 5 in ipso vite 
suz limine. 

_. A Cuitp four years old; puer qua- 

You must be spoen-fed like a Cutip 
or baby ;‘ similis regum pueris pappare 

The Cuitp is angry with the teat 
and will not lullaby; poscis et iratus 
mamme lallare recusas. 

You are but a Curip yet, your 
‘time is before you; adhuc tua messis 
_in herba est. 

You may teach a CurLp any thing ; 


C H f 199 

soft wax takes any seal; argilla quid- 
vis imitaberis uda; wtas cerea— ; u- 
dum et molle lutum. 

A guardian to orphan CuILDREN ; 
pater fiduciarius. 

Whose pupil is the CuiLp? in cu- 
jus fide est, ac clitntela ? 

He thinks he must be a Cutt and 
suck still; quasi ex nutu matris adhuc 

A Cuitp (or boy) not above four- 
teen years old ; adolescens vixdum pu- 

Curtpren that were born to be 
heirs; libéri in hereditatem omnium 
facultatum successuri. 

A Cuitp basely born; a bastard ; 
qui ex legitimis nuptiis non-est natus. 

Tt came from father to Cu1LpREN 
for many generations; a patribus in 
natos, perpetua succedendi serie, fu- 
isse devolutum. 

From his Cuiitpuoop, ever since he 
was born and known; ex quo natus 
notusque primum fuit, ad hee usque 

Cuitpren and children’s children ; 
Et nati natorum et qui nasceritur ab 
illis, ° 

A poor and Cu1LpIsx feng? in nu- 
tricum cunas eliminandum ; in primo 
vite actu; a primis sue nutricis am- 
plexibus ; hujusmodi maculas ab in- 
fantia sua contraxerunt. 

The little Cu1tp, my sister ; 
cula mea, | 

CHILDREN are certain cares, uncer- 
tain comforts; spesque metusque pa- 
tentum ; certa cura, incertum solamen, 

A Cuitp born before day ; manius, 
-li,m. Pranomen ; quiscil. mane nas- 

A Cuttp born at sun-rise; luci- 
us, a luce solari dict. 

A Cui tp born slowly, or such a one 
as is long before the mother be deli- 
vered of it ; chordus: puer, vel cordus, 

ACuILD born with his feet forward ; 
Agrippa,-z, m, ab egro partu; Nonn. 

A Cuitp born when the father is out 
of the country, or, is avery old man ; 
proculus,-i, m. a procul; est enim 
cognomen ejus, qui natus est patre per- 
egrinante procul a patria; sunt etiam 
qui credant ideo dictos, quia patribus 
senibus, qu. procul progressis ztate, na- 
‘tisunt; Fest. 

A Cuiip whose father dies before his 


200 CH 

grandfather ; opiter,-eris, m, et opitrix, 
-icis, f, dict. quod obito patre genita 
sit, aut, quod avum ob patrem, i. e. pro 
patre, habeat ; Fest. 

A Cuttp or twin, which being born 
“with another, that being miscarried, 
comes to perfect birth ; vopiscus,-sci, 
m, Plin. Quem mater quasi vi adipis- 
citur ; i. e.°cum difficultate acquirit ; 
vel, qui ope nature servatur, cui et 
opem fert. That one of twins nn 
comes to perfect birth. 

AsCuitp sucking long ; mammo- 
threptus, m. 

To CHINK, as the ground does; 

rimas agere, fatiscere. 

To stop Cuinxs ; obstipare. 

’ A Curnx; or cleft; rima. 

Full of Cuixxs ;. rimosus, plenus 
rimarum, or rimis, 

To Curnx, or sound as money j tin- 

To CHIP; preesecare, diniaaielk 

To Curr bread ; distringere crustas 

To Curr with an axe; asciare, de- 

To Curr, or cut to chips ; 
in frusta discindere. 

A Curr ; secamentum, assula, seg- 
men, frustuhim. 

A Cur of the old block ; patris est 

Currs of wood that carpenters make ; 
scidia, pl]. n., assule, pl. f. 

Cures to kindle fire ; cremia, quis- 

The Cuirrines of bread ; resegmi- 
na panis, stricture crustarum. 

A CHOICE ; electio, optio, delec- 
tus,-us. , 

Cuorce, or variety; varietas, diver- 

To make Cuorce ; agere vel habere 

To give one the Cuorce ; Aig aap 
facere vel permittere. 

Cuotice or excellent; eximius, ales 
tus, egregius. 

Of my own Cnotce; sponte. ve 
may be at our choice ; in nostra potes- 
tate est; manu est situm; Cic. 

Take your CHOICE ; optio sit tua 5 

Things delivered in Cuorce words ; 
electis verbis dictate res ; Cic. 

The most Cnotce men of the city ; 
electissimi viri civitatis; Cic. pro 
_ Quint. 



I shall not be long in the Cnoice of 
the death ; in necis electu parva futura 
mora est; Ovid. 

He may y take his Cuotce ; ei liberam 
est; Cic. 

If it were put to your Cagian3 D si 
conditio proponatur, . 

It was my chance, not my Cuorer 4 
sortito obvenerat. 

By the general Cuotce of all; eal 
culis omnium designatus; 

To give the people a free Cuoics ; 
libera dare populo suffragia. 

By the €uorce of the best part ; 
potioris partis suffragio. : 

No free Cuore : : emendicata suffra- 

a CHOLER ; bilis, cholera, f. 

CHOLER adust ; melancholia, atra 

Cuoteric ; biliosus, cholericus. ~ 

CHOLERIC or peevish; iracundus, 

Cuo.eric or testy ; homo iracun- 
dus, paulo iracundior, difficilis, moro- 
sus, asper, impotens sul, Qui de ni- 
hilo irascitur, facillime quovis minimo 
facto verbove exasperatur, exacerbatur, 
scintilla quavis accenditur. Ingenii 
irritabilis, In iracundiam~ preceps, 
Proclivis, pronus, propensus ad iram. 
Immodicus ire. 

To CHOOSE, or make choice of; 
eligere, deligere. Delectum agere, ha- 
bere, facere. , Bona quaque, commo- 
dissima seligere. Quod in quaque re 
optimum excerpere, Populi suffragiis, 
omnium calculis deligi, ascisci, desig- 
nari, allegi, constitui. 

To be Cuosen ; ; optio datur, CEE 

We have the Cuoicer of ; ad munus 

To Cnoose, or appoint ; designare, 
constituere. ‘ 

To Cuoose. into one’s place; suffi- 
cere, sublegere, allegere. 

To Cuoose out or cull; excerpere, 
seligere, delibare, eximere. 

To Croose into a company ; alle- 
gere, cooptare, asciscere. 

To Cuoose one as heir ; adoptare. 

To Cuvose by lots; sortiri, ——- 

To let one Cuoose, or give him his 
choice ; optionem facere, vel permittere, 

You may Cuoose whether you will 
or not; in potestate tua situm est; 
optio sit tua, — 

To Cuoost rather ; malle. 


Fe eet gee rege: | TTR eee eae Te tee en RTO er, ee me en ee 
a as vr © 2 ya . -, ee To , —— — ¥ ~~ sa oe fo - 4 . 
i 5 ad - e 7 

ay BE Be 

; eee oe | 

T cannot Cuoose but ; non possum 
non, non possum facere vel pati, quin. 
‘He Cuose rather to return, than— ; 
redire maluit, quam— ; Cic. | 
Tt is of our own Cxoosinc ; a vo- 
luntate nostra’ proficiscitur ; Cic. 
He hath time given him to Cuoose 
im tempus ad deligendum datum est ; 

TZ cannot Cuoose but weep, cry out ; 
nequeo quin Jachrymem; Ter. Non 
possum guin exclamem ; Cic. 

- Let her Cuoose whether she will or 
no ; non fiat, si non vult; Plaut. 
_ The mind cannot Cuoose but be 

. doing ; nihil agere animus non potest ; 

Cic. | 

We may Cuoosz ; in nostra potes- 
tate est; Cic. 

Cuoose you whether you had 
rather have; utro frui malis, optio sit 
tua; Cic, 5 

Cuoose it ; quid mea; Ter. 

_ To Cuoose one fellow of a cellege ; 
cooptare in collegium ; Cic. 

_ They Cuose me to be their arbitra- 
tor or judge ; me ceperunt arbitrum. 

_ Let him Cuoose one of the people ; 
sumat aliquem ex populo; ubi, sumere 
est pro, eligere, apud Plaut. 

He was elected and Cuosen not so 
much by men, as by God himself ; non 
tam homiaum suffragiis, quam divini 
numinis calculo deélectus atque ascitus 

To Cuooseall the best ; optima que- 
que seligere. 

We ought not only of evils to Cuoose 

the least,’ but also to pick out if there: 

be any thing that is good in them ; non 

-solum ex malis oportet eligere minima, 

sed etiam excerpere ex ipsis oportet, si 
quid insit boni. : 

Titus Gracchus was Cuosen in his 

é; in ejus locum T, Gracchus erat 

suifectus. - | 

He was elected and Cuosen by the 
common and publie approbation and 
assent of them all; summo consensu, 
omnium sententia, omnium comproba- 
tione, constitutus, designatus, allectus, 
_ To pick and Cuoosse the best ; com- 
modissima quzeque excerpere. 
~ If I might Cuoostz, or, were itin my 
choice ; si mihi esset integrum ; si mihi 
daretur optio, 

There is no Cxoosinc, where every 
thing is so choice ; nihil non est opti- 

_ Spectus, oculatus, provid 

Cl 201 

A CHURL; rusticus, inurbanus’ 
rudis, barbarus, Demea, agrestis, sor- 
didus, illiberalis, parcus, F 

Cuuruisu ; inaffabilis, inclemens, 
inhumanus, asper, inurbanus, tetricus. 

You are so froward and.Cuur isu 
that no man cares for your company, or 
desires to be acquainted with you ; ni- 
mium acerbus es, nimium in consuetu- 
dine difficilis, durus, asper; tua consue- 

tudo difficilior est; abest consuetudo 

tua ab omni suavitate ; non ea est consu- 
etudo tua, que propter suavitatem expe- 
tatur ; minime jucunda est, amara potius 
atque odiosa tua consuetudo ; quis na- 
ture tue perversitatem in consuetudine 
ferat? Quis te possit uti homine omni- 
um difficillimo, severissimo, asperrimo ? 
Quis tuam consuetudinem expetat, ca- 
rentem omni suavitate, nulla re jucun- 
dam? asperitatis et perversitatis tantum 
habet natura tua, quantum in consuetu- 
dine ferri vix possit, vel potius plane 
non possit ; usus tibi nullo cum homine 
diurnusintercedit ; ita difficilis ac durus 
es, iis moribus, eo preditus ingenio. 
Neque benignitas neque copia apud te 

CICERO; Marcus Tullius Cicero ; 
Arpinas, homo novus, at orator sum- 
mus. Romani maximus auctor Tullius 
eloquii. LDisertissimus Romuli nepo- 

tum. Optimus omnium patronus. Roma 

patrem patria Ciceronem libera dixit. 
Gloria Romane toge. Varicosus Arpi- 
nas. ; 

To study Cicero above all; uni 
Ciceroni suum studium dicare, suam 
operam, studia, vigilias dare, dedere, 
tradere, addicere. Ad unum Cicero- 
nem suam operam conferre. Summum 
in uno Cicerone studium ponere, col- 
locare, consumere, Unius lectione 
pasci, unico capi, delectari, teneri. 

CIRCUMSPECT ; cautus, circum-’ 
tus, prudens, cautus ; oCulos in occipi- 
tid gerens; Prov. a fronte simul et 
occipitio oculatus ; alter Janus; Prov.’ 
Quadrabit vel in providum ac circum- 
spectum, vel in ancipitem et perfidum. 
Persius ; O Jane, a tergo cui nulla ci- 
conia pinsit ; sumptuma Jano bifronte, 
et sic dici potest ut in Prov. preced. a 
fronte simul et occipitio oculatus, viz. 

- quum indicabimus admirabilem rerum 
“omnium cognitionem aut singularem 

prudentiam, que constat non presen- 
tium modo scientia, sed et memoria 

‘202 CI 

preteritorum, perspicientia; de tali 
etenim recte versum hunc usurpabi- 
mus: Que sint, que fuerint, que mox 
ventura trahantur; Virg. 
Very Crircumspexcr ; 


To be Cincumspect or wary; ca-— 

vere, providere, prospicere, circumspi- 
cere, advigilare ; rationem veluti ducem 
Sequi; ratione et consilio omnia fa- 

I wish you may be Crncumspecr in 
that affair ; ut cogitationem hujus rei 
suscipiatis, velim. 

A CITY ; utbs, civitas. : 

A litile Ciry; urbecula, civitatula. 

A City or town wabled ; oppidum. 

A chief Ciry ; metropolis, ,. 

A-Crry or town incorporate, having 
their laws and offices ; muvicipium,-ii, 
n, Municipes sunt Cives Romani, ex 
municiplis, legibus suis et suo jure 
utentes, muneris tantum cum pop. Ro- 
mano honorarii participes ; aS mu- 
nere capessendo appellati vVidentur ; 
Gell. 16. 13. é 

Dwelling in a Crry ; urbarus, adj. 

Near the Crrx, or pertaining to the 
city ; suburhanus. 

A Ciry great and mighty ; urbs, ci- 

‘vitas amplissima, ornatissima, celeberri- 

ma, copiosa, munitissima, florentissima, 
ainpla, et potens ; et-situ-loci et de- 
scriptione zdificiorum elegantissima, 
inprimis nobilis: Oppidum precla- 
rum, et ingenio loci et solerti opera 

To make free of a City; ‘civitate 

To banish out of the City; aint 
aqua et igni interdicere ; hominem pro- 

Not very far from the Crry ; non 
ita procul ab urbe. 

I lived a City life; vitam urbanam 
secutus sum; Ter. 

He threatened the Cxry with fire 
and sword ; urbi ferrum flammamque 
minitatus est; Cic. 

Plots are laid to destroy the Cirv ; 
inita sunt consilia urbis delenda, 

Very few accompanied him out of 
the City; ex urbe partum comitatus 
exiit; Cic. 

To leave, quit, fiy out of the pa 7 
profugere ex urbe; Ces. 

The Ciry is up in arms ; caidas in 
armis est; Ces. 

Ci ‘ 
omnibus civibus patet; Crs. 

He is made governor of the Ciry} : 
urbi preficitur; Cas. 

A Citizen ; civis, municeps; c g. 

The company or estate of C1t1zENs ; 

Civitas, civium societas. 

A good Citizen, or a good subject 
will have his chief regard to the public 
weal, or to the commonwealth ; boni 
civis est publica curare. Boni Civis 
est, ad bonum civem pertinet, bonum 
civem decet, suam voluntatem ad pub- 
licam causam-aggregare, accommodare, 
adjungere, conferre, cum BubNeR causa 
conjungere, in omni sua voluntate, quid 
rationes publice ferant, quid respub, 
postulet, spectare, intueri, attendere ; 
nihil unquam velle a publica re sejunc- 
tum, alienum, disjunctum, separatum, 
remotum, quod reipub. rationibus non 
conducat, expediat, utile sit; quod 
reipub. commoda non postulent, 

Show yourself a good Citizen ; take - 
heed you be not found an ili subject ; z 


‘da operam, enitere, ut bonum civem, . 

bonum te civem prebeas, praestes, ut 
boni civis partes tueare, sustineas, agas 5 
exequare, ut boni civis officio satisfa- 
cias, ut ea prestes que bonum civem 
decent, que expectantur ab ¢€o qui 
boni civis’ nomen aucupatur ; nol 
committere, cave ne boni civis in “officio 
reprehendaris ; ne boni civis officium 
pretermittas; ne quid a te fiat, ‘ne 
quid committatur bono cive minus dig- 
num, indecorum bono civi; ne Civis 
ejus, qui civitate dignus haberi velit, 
partes in te requirantar, officium in te 
desideretur;. obeunda tibi sunt, pre- 
standa sunt, non negligenter aut lan- 
guide munera boni civis. Non repre- 
hendar in officio boni civis ; } non com- 
mittam, ut officium boni civis in me 
desideretur. : 

A triumphant City ; urbs tropheis 
ornata, triumphis ditata. 

A maritime City; urbs maritima, 
mari vicina, maricongrua. 

In that City where reason itself, 
and civility or moderation of life and 
manners, is, as it were, naturally born, 
bred, or nourished ; in ea urbe ubi nata 
a alta est ratio et vite moderatio ; 


That Ciry divine providence esta- 
blished for the seat of the empire, the 
castle or fortress of ‘the people, the 
light of the nations, and the theatre of 

It is free for any man in the C1ry; the whole world, &e. ; hanc, divina de- 


- €L 

siguavit manus, sedem 7 imperii, arcem 
poptlorum, jumen gentium, theatrum 
orbis terrarum, &c.; Cic. 

A most stately Ciry or town, strong 
ly fortified both by nature and art ; 

_ oppidum elegantissimum, loci ingenio 

et solerti opera permunitam. 
ACLAMOR, orcry; clamor. — < 
To Cramor, or make an outery ; 
clamare ; magna contentione clamare, 
exclamare, vociferari. Plenis faucibus 
ejulare, Ingenti clamore obstrepere. 
Magna vociferatione uti, strepitu tur- 
bas dare, turbare, perturbare, complere 
omnia, Altissima voce, tragice, quam 
test maxime, -altissime, exclamare. 
agnos, ingentes clamores. tollere, 
edere. Vocem contentius emittere, ni- 
mis intendere, contendere. Stentore 
clamosior. Quantum potero voce con- 
tendam, ad ravim usque.—Jactare ad 
sidera voces. Magno clamore freme- 
bant. Clamas ut Stentora vincere pos- 
sit. Fertur ad astra sonus. It clamor 
celo. Sublatus ad ethera clamor. 
Ferit ardua sidera clamor, ingeminat, 

se tollit ad auras, Resonant magnis © 

elamoribus edes.—Cave _clamoribus 
 wdes foemineis resonant. 

A CLAP, or crack ; crepitus,-us, m. 
A Crap, ér blow ; ictus,-us, m. 

At one Cxap 3 unoictu, 

oa Crap of thunder. ; fulmineus fra- 

"To Crap hands ; plaudere. 

To Cuiar the. wings; quatere vel 
concutere alas ; alis plaudere. 

To Cuap, or give one a clap ; ferire, 
percutere. _ ; 
_ To Crap an actor on the stage ; 

To Crap the door to; claudere os- 
tium cum fragore. © 

To Crap, or wrap up together ; col- 

To Ciar up an agreement, &c. ; 
finire, consummiare, 

To Ciap up in prison ; compingere 
in carcerem. 

To Crap in, act. ; immittere. © 

To Crap in, neut. ; irrueres 

“To Crap one on the back ; iniuia? 

To Cuar on a piece ; assuere. 

A Crappine of the hands; plausus, 
' ‘Applausus, ni. 
The Crarrine of the wings; jac- 
fatus pennarum. 
' The Crarver of a bell; campane 

malleus, martellum. 

A Cuaprer of amill; crepitaculum, - 

A Crapper of a door ; cornix pul- 
satoria, marculus, ; 

To Crap spurs to the horse ; equo 
calcar (calcaria) addere, adhibere, ad-- 
movere, subdere, equum calcaribus con- 
citare ; Ovid. Liv. Plaut. Cic. 

Boys, Crap your hands; pueri plau- - 
dite; Plaut. 

To Crap one’s hands aloud ; plau- 
sum clarum dare ; manibus clare plau- 
dere; Plaut. 

Char up a bargain with Apella for 
the pillars ; cum Apella confice de co- 
lumnis ; Cic. 

Cuar up a bargain with him at any 
rate— ; ut secum aliquid qualibet con- ~ 
ditione transigeret—; Cic. 

All on a sudden there arose a storm 
with aloud Crap of thunder; subito 
coorta est tempestas cum magno fra- 
gore, tonitribusque; Liv, 

He will Ciar his right hand on his 
breast and pray ; dextra pectori ap- 
plicata, Dei nomen invocabit. 

He shot the pigeon as she was 
Craprine her wings; alis plaudentem 
figit columbam ; Virg, 

An ill Crap; magnum malum ; ca- 
sus acerbus;- infortunium crassum ; 
Ter. Virg. Plaut, Jactura atque dam- 
num; damnum maximum ; Cic. Ter. 

The door gave a great Crap; fores 
he creptierunt clare ; Plaut. 

To CLAW, or scratch; scabere, 
scalpere, fodicare. 

To Craw, or flutter ; eee blan- 
diri, demulcere. 

A Craw ; unguis, m. 

Cuawzp ; lacératus unguibus. 

A Cuaw- back, or Satter er; pal- 
po, m. 

They Craw one another ; tradunt 
operas mutuas, 

Craw me, and Ff will claw you; 
da mihi mutuum testimonium, 

CLaWING, i, € flattering 3 adula- 

Having Criaws; unguibus instruc- 

Having great Craws; unguibus 

CLEAN, or pure ; mundus, tersus, 
immaculatus, purus. 

Crean, or neat ; politus, expolitus, 

nitidus, elegans. 

Quite and Ciean ; funditus, radici- 
tus ; prorsus, omnino, 




To be CLEAN ;_nitere, sullen, nites- 

To CLEANSE, or mike clean ; pur- 
gare, expurgare, mundare, emaculare. 
Sordes, labes, maculas abluere, eluere, 
detergere, auferre, delere, Sentinam 
magnam, perniciosam exhaurire. Pur- 
gatum; purnm, mundum reddere, fa- 
cere. Maculis, sordibus liberare.— 
Maculas lesis de vestibus aufert, 

To make Cuiran by wiping, as, 
shoes ; abstergere, detergere: as, the 
nose ; emungere, 

To make CLEAN by washing ; ablu- 
ere, eluere, diluere, 

To make Cizan by brushing ; ever- 

To make Cian by scouring ; ema- 

To make Ciean by filing ; elimares 

They are CLEAN as a clock, as a 
penny ; nihil videtur mundius ; Ter. 

They become Crean otherwise ; fi- 
unt contraria; Cic. 

The most men do CuEan contrary ; 
quod a plerisque contra sit ; Cic. 

Therefore the eessels must be the 
ofténer made CuEan ; ob id vasa cre- 
brius mundanda; Plin. 

They make thetr feathers and quills 
Crean; plumam pinnasque emun- 
dant ; Colum. 

We shall: give them the Ciwanesr 
wuter that can be; quam purissimam 
prebebimus aquam ; Colum. 

Tam of a Crean contrary opinion ; 
ego longe secus existimo ; Cic. 

This waistcoat is - CLEAN enough ; 
hee subucula satis est munda; Lud, 

A CLEAN, or piste heart ; cor purum, 
mundum, tersum ; conscia mens recti ; 
cor liberum, et a ‘vitiis castum ; expur- 
gatum a peccatorum sordibus ; nullius 
sibi mali conscium; sine macula, sine 
labe, sincerum ; bona fide, recta mente, 
aliquid ‘facere, efficere. 

To Creanse, or purge by sacrifice; 
piare, expiare, lustrare. 

Criransep by water; elotus: by 
sacrifice ; expiatus,” 

CLEANSED from dregs and filth ; 
defecatus, depuratus. 

CLEAR, or pure ; purus, liquidus, 
limpidus. Bright; lucidus, clarus, 
Fair ; serenus, candidus, almus, Calm ; 
imperturbatus, serenus. Plain ; mani- 
festus, evidens, luculentus. Entire; to- 
tus, integer. Simple ; simplex, purus, 


merus, Easy ; facilis, proclivis. 
Cizar like glass; vitreus, Clear 
without mixture; meracus. Clear 

without clouds; innubilus, serenus. 
Clear that one may see through ; pel- 
lucidus, translucidus, perspicuus, lim- 

Crear without dregs; “defeecatus. 
Clear of sight; oculatus, perspicax. 
Clear from debt ; solutus feenore. Clear’ 
from guilt ; insons, innoxius, immu- 

A house Crear from the infection ; . 
domus contagione libeta. 

A 'Cuixar judgment ; acutum; per- 
spicax judicium, A clear spring 5 
fons illimis, perspicuus. 

A Crear sight; clara oculorum 
seu ee acies. 

A Czar estate; opes intacte. A 
clear reputation ; bona fama ; fama illi- 
bata. Clear or bright weather ; luci- 
dum, sudum celum, ’ 

A Crear fire; focus luculentus, 
A clear voice ; limpida, liquida, canora 
vox. A clear sound; acutus sonus. 
Clear wine; vinum meracum, 

The coast is *CLEAR}; vacua, non 
impedita via. . 

It is a Czar case; liquido patet. 

With a Cxiear conscience ; liquido. 

A Cxear day; celum mire sere- 
num, nec ulla usquam nubecula offus-~ 
catum, Vide ut blandiatur cceelnm. 
Dies clara, nitida, pura, placida, ame- 

To be CLeEar ; ; clarere,. clarescere, 

To become Cuzanr; lucescere, illu- 
cescere, inclarere, albescete, 

Tt Crears up; albescit lux, dies 
clarescit. . 

It is Crear, or apparent ; liquet, 
claret, imp. 

To CiEAR, i. e. to make clear, fair, 
or bright ; collustrare, illustrare, eluci- 
dare, serenare, clarificare, purificare, 

To Crear, or acquit ; absolvere, ex- 
cusare, expurgare. 

To Crzar, or pure himself ;-pur- 
gare se; eluere, diluere, excutere eri- 
men ; crimina sibi objecta, criminatio- 
nem diluere, dissolvere, Se noxa, cul-— 
pa eximere, exsolvere ; innocentem pro- 
bare ; criminis accusatione, judiciorum ~ 
pena liberare ; reum a crimine, a cul- 
pa expedire. Criminis suspicionem a 
se amoliri. Ingenii presidio innocen- 
tiam suam tuerl, ad salutem vocare : 

quod objectum est, vitio datum, pro- 
' . pulsare, refellere, nihil tale factum 

‘ostendere, Calumniam obterere, ob- 
_ tundere, 

- Most Crzar, manifest, or evident ; 

‘sole meridiano Clarius nitens ; ; solaribus 

aude lucidius radiantibus; vitream 

ns perspicuitatem ; quod vel cceco 
_ appareat. 

As Crear as day; luce clariora ; 

He Creans himself very much ; 
purgat se multum ; Cic. 

Let me Crear myself ; j sine me ex- 
purgem ; Ter. ' 

To Crear one of a fault ; aliquem 
ex crimine eripere ; de crimine pur- 
gare; Cic. Ter. — 

Crzar yourself of ‘this blame ; 
hoc crimine expedi ; Ter. 

These things are so Ciranr, there is 
no need of dispute about it ; hec ita 
sunt in promptu, ut res disputatione 
non egeat; Cic. 

That I account to be all Curae 
eal omne id esse in lucro deputo; 
y mer; 

J am Crear against i¢ ; animus ab- 
Boies a— ; Cic. 

It is a Crear case, or it is clear 
; eH itis so; palam est; manifeste pa- 

‘perspicuun est ; Cic. Plin. 

y am Crirar of another opinion ; 
longe mihi alia mens est; Sail. Secus 
existimo ; Cic. 

It is a Crear sky ; 3 @ fine ‘clear 
day; sudum est; Plaut. celum se- 
renum est ; Mart. 

I promised to Crear it by wit- 
nesses; id testibus me pollicitus sam 
planum facturum; Cic. 

Come, Crear up your brow ; fron- 
tem exporrige. 

T am Crear out of love with my- 
self ; totus displiceo mihi; Id. 

Tam Crear from this fault; a me 
culpa hee procul est; ‘Ter. 

To Crear a doubt; rem dubiam 

_. To keep Curran of danger 5 3 pericu- 
~ lum vitare. 

Crran-sighted ; perspicax. 

Crear-spirited ; sincerus, candidus. 

Creariy, or wholly; in, totum, 

To CLEAVE, cut, or divide; finde- 
re, discindere, secare. 

To Curave asunder; act., diffin- 
dere ; neut., dehiscere, findi, 


CL 205 

To Cuzave, or chap as the ground 
rimas agere, dehiscere. 

To Cxzave, or stick fast to; ad» 
herere, adherescere. 

To CLEAVE in, or to ; inherere. 

To Cuzave together ; coherere. 

To CLEAVE, or grow together ; 3 cOa- 
_CiEavine, or sticking ; glutinosus, 


Creavine fast; affixus, 
Let us Cirave the wood with 
wedges ; scindamus (findamus) lignum 


Envy Curaves close to those that 
are highest ;- invidia altissimis adheret ; 

It Cizaves to the rocks; 
adherescit ;.Cic. 

He Creaves the air; aera Gadit ; ~ 

To Creave+to pleasures; inherere 
voluptatibus ; Cic. 

Can this sin Cizave to this man ? 
potest hoc homini huic herere pecca- 
tum? Cic. 

They Crxave as toa mother ; sicut 
matri inherent ; Colum. 

To CLEAVE an oak 5 3 quercum cuneis 

To CLIMB, to mount, to ascend ; 
ascendere, conscendere ; niti gradibus. 

To Cums up to the top of the house’; 
summi fastigia tecti ascensu superare ; 
Virg. Evadere ad summa fastigia cul- 

To CLINCH;; contrahere, stringere, 

To CLIncH, one’s fist }; pugnum con- 

To Curncu‘a nail; inflectere, retun- 
dere, repangere. 

To Cuincs together ; comprimere. 

A CLOCK ; horologium. 

What o’Cxocx is it 2? quota est ho- 
ra? 54 

A Cuocx-maker ; faber horwlogiari- 
us, automatarius, The art of maleng 
clocks ; automataria, 

What o’Ciocx do you think it is 
now ? quam horam censes nunc esse? 
Lad. Viv. See what o’clock it is ; 
contemplare quota sit hora. - See what 
o'clock it is both by the clock and by 
the dial ; aspicito et in horologio ma- 
chinali.que sit hora, et in gnomone. 

Tt is a little past five by the Crocx ; 
in horologio digitns indicat horam paulo - 
plus quanta, About four o ee 

ad saxa . 



_ Hor. 

206 CL 

Hora circiter diei quarta ; Cas. About 
eight o’clock ; octavam circiter horam ; 
Before ten o'clock ; ante horam 
decimam ; Cie. 

They are as cleen as a Crock ; ni- 
hil videtur mundius ; Ter. 

CLOSE, or thick ; densus ; near as 
houses are; contiguus ; hidden; oc- 
cultus, abditus, absconditus;  stlent 
or still; tacitus, mutus; reserved ; 
taciiurnus ; secret ; areanus, secretus j 
fast ; firmus. 

Crose-fisted er covetous; parcus, 
avarus, tenax. 

Curosx together ; conjunctus; ady., 
conjuncte. Close togéther, of paris ; 
continuus. Close or, xarrow; angus- 
tus, arctus. 

Crose er dark weather ; j aer tene- 
brosus, nubilum coelum, 

A Cuose or pasiure ; Septum; ager 
clausus, clausura. 

CuosE by 3 in propinquo, in proxi- 

To Keep Crose to one ; coherere. 

If you can sit Coss ; si arcte pote- 
ris accubare; Plaut. . To follow one 

' close; instare vestigiis ; Flor. 

To keep a thing Cuose, secret ; rem 
-celate ; clam habere ; Ter. 

As Cxose as could be ; quam maxi- 
-me celatim poterat; Gell. 

Envy sticks Cxose to those that are 
highest ; imvidia altissimis adheret ; 

Crose by: the lake there is a: hand- 
mill ; apud ipsum lacum est pistrilla ; : 

Others are more Cxiose ; ceteri tec- 
tiores sunt; Cic. ~ 

He showed him a certain Ciosz, 
i.e. enclosure ; ei quendam conseptum 
agrum ostendit ; Cic. 

It must by all means be kept Coser ; 

quoqguo pacto tacito est opus; Ter. 
He pitched his tents Crose by the 
wall; juxta murum castra posuit; 

Long Cuose boats; naves longe 
tecte ; Ces. 

They were set Ciose by oneanother ; 
junctim Jocabantur ; Gell. 

To keep a thing Ctose ; contegere, 
celare, reservare. 

To keep Cuose in ; coercere. 

To stand Cuose; densare ordines. 
To lie close ; abdere se. 

A Cuose prisoner ; yinctus, incar- , 


in studia diligenter incumbere. 

If you are wise, keep Crose what 
you know ; tu si sapis, id, quod scis, 

CLosELy, or covertly ; tecte, digsi- 
mulanter, occulte, clanculum. 

Ciosenss, or nearness ; propingui- 
tas, proximitas. 

Be geo Ess in counsel ; ie 

CLOTH ; ; pannus, tela. 

To be supplied with meat, drink, and 

Croru ; ab aliquo ali et vestiri, 

To CLoTHE ; vestire, amicire. 

To find one meat, drink, and toad ; 
alere et vestire. 

Meat, drink, and Crorts ; victus et 

A table-CLorH ; mappa, - 
the CLoru ; instruere mensam. 

A CLOUD; nubes, nubis, f.' A 
little cloud; nubecula, nebula. To 
cloud, er darken; obnubilare. 

Croupy ; nubilus, nebulosus, 

Croupy weather; celum nubilum, 
obductum nubibus ; nebolosus aer. 

Croupy mornings turn to clear eren- 
ings; non si male nunc, et clim sic 
erit ; Hor. 

A CLOWN; agrestis, colonus, 
rusticus. Villanus. Rusticanus vir. Ho- 
io rusticus, incultus, horridus, seurgi- 
dus, agrestis, inhumanus, inurbanus, 
animo agresti et duro, Qui ruri assi- 
duus semper vixit. Ex hara productus. 
Abest non minus ab urbanitate, quam 
ab urbe procul. Cui nibil fere inest 
humanum preter formam. Moribus 
inconditis, incultis, impolitis. Male 
moratus, tornatus. Qui assidua con- 
stictudine cum pecoribus atque jumen- 

To lay 

*tisin brutum fere animal transiit, de- 

generavit. Corydon, Hirsutus, cndi- 
ra rusticitate trux. 

To play the Crown; intbabe se 

Ciownisu; rudis, inurbanus, infa- 

Somewhat Crownisu ; subrusticus, 

A CLUB; clava, fustis. 
club ; clavicula. 

A Cus, or society of fr iends ; sym- 
posium. A club of wits; synodus in- 

To Crus his-money, or wit, Sc. ; 
symbolam conferre. 

A little 

To keep close to his studies ;- 

el ea i eee 


Whe Be Mbit SRB A DA HR 


_ algor. 


To be every man his Crus; a sym- 
bolis esse. 
Crvs-law in company ;. j2s ibcibte: 
tis, sive symbolare. 

-A CLUTTER or stir s motes, tu- 

To make a Cuvier ; 

Ss ciere. 

To keep a4 Ciurrer ; importune ob- 

A COAT, a garment ; tunica. Coat- 
ed ; tunicatus. 

A Coar with sleeves ; tunica mani- 
cata, manuliata, 

A Coar down to one’s heels ; 
talaris, poderis. 

A Waist-Coar; indusium, subucula, 

A Coat of arms; insigne gentili- 

The horse casts his Coat; equus 
mutat pilos. 

My Coat must pay for that ; 
in me cuditur faba. 

To Coat, or put ona coat ; 
tunicam iuduere. 
Cut your Coat according to-your 





_ ¢loth; si non poisis quod velis,’ velis 
‘id quod possis. 

_ A COBBLER; cerdo, suppactor. 
Let not the cobbler go beyond his last ; 
ne sutor ultra crepidam. 

» COIN, or money ; moneta, pecunia, 
2s signatum. 

Counterfeit Corn ;. nummus_adul- 

To Corn, or make money; cudere, 
nummum signare, ferire, percutere ; 
argentum, aurum excudere. 

To make false Coin; nummos adul- 

~ terare. 

A false Cotner ; nummorum, mo- 
nete adulterator. 

To clip the king’s Corn ; nummos 
publicos accidere. 

To Corn stories, §c. ; fingere, effin- 
gere, comminisci. 

COLD, a substant. ; . frigus,-oris, n. 
A very great cold; frigus vehementis- 
simum. A little ‘cold ; frigusculum. 

A stiff-Cotp ; rigor. A chili-cold ; 
A shivering cold ; horror. 

To catch Coun ; contrahere frigus. 
To have a cold, or to be troubled with 
cold ; laborare ex frigore. To shiver 
with ‘cold ; horrere. To be stiff with 
cold ; obrigere. 

Coup, an adj. ; frigidus. Cold or 
chill ; algidus. - Cold as ice; gelidus, 
Cold, or stiff with cold ; frigidiusculus. 

_ lidus formidine diriguit. 

CO 207 

To be Coun, or to suffer cold; frige- 
re, algere, rigere gelu, obrigere’ ‘hyber- 
no frigore ; frigoré obrigescere ; con- 
fici frigore ; hybernis mensibus, tempe- 
tibus, frigore concuti, glacialem ictum 

The leaves fall by reason of the 
Coup weather ; frigore lapse cadunt 

Rivers are frozen by the Corn; 
concrescunt currenti in flumine crustz ; 

_Undaque jam tergo ferratos sustinet 


His heart is very Covn ; gelido fri- 
gore pectus astrictum est. 

As Coup as fice; frigidior hyeme 
Gallica. J€ is sinh cold ; admodum 

His love is not Coup ; amor illi non 

To grow Corp; frigescere. The 
blood grows cold for fear ; sanguis ge- 
By delay the 
matter grows cold ; “differendo res elan- 

A Cotp north wind ; horrifer Bore- 

To receive one Cotp1y ; frigide ali- 
quem excipere. 

A COLOR;; color, tinctura. 

A perfect, full, and deep CoLor;. ~ 
color satur, plenus, abundans, largus, 

A durable and lasting Cotor ; co- 
lor pertinax. A fading, decaying, or 
dead color; color evanidus, fugax. 

A lively, bright Cotor ; color flori- 
dus, vividus, vegetus. A dark, dusk- 
ish or sad color; color sirdus, auste- 
tus, lentus, . 

Cotor in grain; dibaphus, Mb i, €. 
bis tinctus, 

A weak and imperfect guise: 3 co- 
lor dilutus, remissus, luridus. A faded 
color; color obsoletus. A counterfeit 
or false color ; fucus. ; 

Painters’ Coors ; pigmenta, - The 
ground color; sublitio, 

A Cotor, or pretence; pretextus, 
species. Under color; pretextu, ob- 
tentu, simulatione, specie. 

To Coton; colorare, ‘tingere, ‘infi- 

To Coton, or pretend ; ; infucare, 

Under Cotor of a peace, a league; 
sub specie pacis ; sub umbra foederis ; 
Liv. Under color of respect, friend- 
ship, a feast; per simulationem offi- 
cii, amicitiz, convivii ; Tacit. 

208 CO 

He easily discerns that Cotor ; 

eum colorem facillime speculatar; Co- 

As soon as ever they saw our Co- 
LORS ; simul atque nostra signa vide- 
runt; Ces. They carried their colors 
with them to Curius; signa ad Curium 
transferunt; Ces. To run to their 
colors ; se ad signa legionum recipere ; 
Czs. To leave (forsake) his colors ; 
run from— ; ab signis discedere ; mi- 
litaria signa relinquere ; Ces. 

To advance the Cotors in giving 
a charge; inferre signa; Ces. To 
follow their colors; signa subsequi ; 
Ces. Ill-colored, or that has lost its 
color; decolor. 

Party-Cotorep ; discolor. 

Of the same Cotor ; concolor. 
sundry. colors; — multicolor. 
changes color ; versicolor. 

His Couor changes, or comes and 
goes ; non constat ei color. 

He ran from his Cotors ; ‘signa re- 
liquit, ab signis discessit. 
ced the colors and charged ; in hostem 
signa intulit. 

To COMB, or dress the hair ; capil- 
lum, comam, crines pectere, pexere, 
ornare, componere, Calamistrata coma. 
Caput comere ; _ pectine eburneo com- 
ponere, percurrere.—Cy toriaco deducit 
pectine crines, Et quid se deceat 
speculum consulit. Colere arte capil- 
Jos ; torquere ferro. Ordine, in sta- 
tione capillos, crines ponere. Turbatos 
pectere crines. Auro ornare capillos, 
Pectine compta Venus. 

To COMBAT ; pugnare, preliari. 

A Comsat; pugna, prelium ; mo- 
nomachia; duellum, singulare certa- 
men. 7 

To fight a Comsat or duel ; ferro, 
armis, gladiis, ensibus, inter se cominus 
pugnare, certare, decertare, depugnare, 
confligere, decernere, dimicare. Manus 
conserere. Ad manus venire. Ex pro- 
vocatione dimicare, Duellum commit- 
tere,—Inter se paribus concurrere telis. 
—Poscentem cum quo _ concurreret 
unus sustinui. Hectoreis solum con- 


currere telis. 
A ComsBaranrt $ pugil. 
To COMBINE; conferre capita, 

consilia et operas conjungere ; inter se 
constringi, conciliari, colligari, impli- 
cari, conjungi, conglutinari, teneri, 
connecti, coherere, devinciri, consoci- 
ari, mutuo quodam fodere, pactione, 

He advan- 


arctissimo societatis vinculo. Mutuam 
pactionem, societatem, confeederatio- 
nem inter se conflare, instituere, inire. 
A CoMBINaTION, or conspiracy ; 
conjuratio, confeederatio. 
Tv COME; venire. 
ten; ventitare. 
I am Come; veni, sate 
-ToComer opportuncly ; ; in tempore ve- 
nis. Opportune te mihi, in ipso tempore 
ostendis, In tempore eccum ipsum ob- 
viam. Optato, peroptato, exoptato, com- 
mode, percommode, peropportune, per 
tempus, in ipso tempore, opportune ad- 
venis. Opportune te offers, Non potu- . 
isti magis per tempus advenire quam 
advenis. [psa opportunitas non potuit 
opportunatius advenire. Attemperate 
hodie venit in ipsis nuptiis, - Pre tem- 
poris articulo optime te offers mihi. 
Gaudevu ; bene est me te jam vidisse ; 
salve, ad teibam; adventum gratulor. 

To come of- 


Teipsum quero ; expectabam, opperi- 

or, prestolor; nemo est quem mallem 
omnium, quem omnium magis page 
Te optime video. 

To Come forth, or to go abroad ; exire 
in publicum ; prodire in orbis theatrum, 
in publicum 3 venire sub oculos ho- 
minum; procedere in solem; Ter. 
Prodire, venire, in lucem, sub homi- 
num conspectu, &c, Exire in offici- 

Behold he is ae ; eccum ipsum, 
Lupus est in fabula. - Intervenit, inter- 
cedit, presto est, adest, astat, instat, 
in presentia est. Vox visa est, vocem 
audio, ipsum video. Ipse adest, Ip- 
sum videre letor. In conspectum dari, 
incolumem rediisse gaudeo, Prassentem - 
se sistere, exhibere, negotio interesse. 
—Coram quem queritis adsum, 

Come hither; hue iter accelera ; 
hue gressus’ move, accurre huc ; Ter. 
Adsis, adesto, ades, absolute pro, veni, 
accede: fer pedem huc; hue iter 
dirige; huc contende; huc flecte 
gressum ; adesdum, paucis te volo ; Ter. 

To Gicscn to pass ; accidere, contin- 
gere, evenire. 

The butter is Come ; 
sive densatum est. 

All is Come out; rescivit ommem 
rem; Ter. Al comes out ; erumpunt 
omnia ; Cic. 

I will stay for you here till- you 
Come out ; ego hic tantisper dum exis 
te opperiar ; Plaut. 

T had ili luck to Come hither ; haud 

i: butyrescit, 

- auspicato huc me appuli; Ter. 

i ali Seca a lt 

come hither; horsum pergunt; Ter: 

There Came some to me; aliquot 
me adiere ; Ter. : 

“Hard to be Come at ; aditu diffici- 
lis 5 ; Flor. 

He hardly misses a day but he 
Comzs ; never misses—j; dies fere 
nullus est quin ventitet; Cic, Nun- 
quam unum intermittit diem quin ve- 
niat ; Ter. 

His stomach 7s Come down ; jam 
mitis est ;— ira defervit ; Ter. Cic. 

This is Come as from Ethio- 
pes ex Afthiopia est usquie hae ; z 


That saying is but newly Come up ; 
nunc demum istec nata oratio ‘st ; 

How should I Come to know. it? 
qua resciscerem? Ter, 

So Came we to know; inde est 
cognitio facta; Ter. 

None is able to Come near him ; ar- 
tifex longe citra emulum ; Quint. 

Té Comes all to the sume; codem 
recidit ; tantundem egero; Ter. 

It will Come to nothing ; in_nibi- 
lum recidet ; Cic, 

He Came upon them as they were 
fordifying 5 3; mMmunientibus supervenit ; 


It Comers by too much ease; fit ex 
nimio_otio; Ter, . 

Whence Come you ? unde adyenis ? 

- When all Comes to all; ad_extre- 
“‘mpum, tandem; Cic, 

I asked whence that letter Came ; A 
quzesivi unde esset epistola ;- Cic. 

I know you do not Come abroad in 

ublic; scio te in publicum non pro- 

> ‘dire ; Cie. 

He Comes home from abroad ; per- 
egre redit; Ter. 

In fourteen years’ time they never 
Came into a house ;- intra annos 
quatuordecim. tectum non subjerunt ; 


All the parts Come at least to four- 
score; fiunt omnes partes minimum 
octoginta; Var. 

Tt Comes to be considered of ; in 
deliberationem cadit ; Cic. 

As soon as ever we Came to lund ; ; 

ubi primum terram tetigimus ; Plaut. 

What does it all Come: to? seven 
‘thousand ; quanta istec summa? sep- 
tem millia ; Plaut, 

CO 209 

See what all my cunning is Come 
to; hem astutia; Ter, 

It is Comz to pass ; evenit; Ter. 
Thence it comes ‘to pass that— ; inde 
est, quod; ex eo fit [provenit] ut— ; 
Plin. Cic. . . 

If it were of old age that that Came 

to pass ; si id culpa senectutis accide- 

ret; Cic. 

Tt Comes not. to so much as You 
thought; non _Tespondet opinioni cal- 

Those books never Came to hand ; 
nunquam libri illi in manus inciderunt ; 

I Come again to that ; 
illud ; Cic. 

Conk to the business again; ad 
rem redi; Ter. Illuc redi quo cepis- 
NE | aes 

To foresee things to Come ; futera 
prospicere ; Cic. For time to come ; 

“redeo ad 

‘in posterum, in reliquum tempus; - 


If it should ever Come to that ; . si 
usus veniat; Ter. 

If you can Come to speak with him ; 
si ipsum coram congredi_potueris ; 

Tt will Come to some mischief or 
other ; evadet in aliquod malum ; 
erumpet in nervum ; Ter. Yy 

It is Come to the last push; ad tri- 
arios ventum est, 

I will not Come behind ; posterioses 
partes non feram ; Ter. 

Old age Comzs creeping on; sen- 
sim, sine sensu ztas senescit ; Cic. 

Rather than you should Come into 
any danger—;  potius quam verias in 
periculum— ; Ter. 

He will Come to no trouble by tel- 

ling ; illi nihil pericli ex indicio erit; 

. He does what Comes next to hand ; 
facit quod in proclivi est; Ter. 

Come a litile this way Som the 
doors ; concede huc paululum a fori- 
bus; Ter. 

I shali be shut out from Comixc 
ai— ; extrudar hinc ne accedam ad— ; 

What Comes of it at last? quid ft 
denique? Ter. 

He will Comx presently; jam lic 
aderit ; Ter. 

I feared. what would Comer of it; 

metai quid futurum denique esset 5 qui 

-evaderet ; quorsum iret ; Ter. 



210 CoO 

Té is Come to his ear; aures ejus 
res contigit ; rem omnem rescivit ; Juv. 

Indeed I Come fairly off ; imo vero 
pulchre discedo et probe; Ter. © 

Is it Come to this, that—? adeone 
res rediit, ut—? Ter. ‘ 

Come ofa good house, kindred, fa- 
mily ; genere bono, summo, taco summo, 
nobili; familia nobili, cretus, creatus, 
natus, satus, ortus, editus, genitus, ori- 
undus ; Ter, Cic, 

Let me Come to myself a little; 
sine paululum ad me ut redeam; Ter. 

Bid her Come back; jube illam te- 
dire; Ter. Did he not come back to 
night? non rediit hac nocte? Ter. 

He is Come to the crown; regnum 
adeptus est; Liv. mA 

I shall Come even.with him; refe- 
ram illi gratiam; Ter. 

Jt will Come to destruction by co- 
vetousness ; avaritia est peritura ; Cic. 

He Comes short of none for brave- 
ry; spléndore nemini cedit ; Cic. Non 
multum, aut non omnino Grecis cede- 
retur; Cic, 

Tt Came through négligence ; fac- 
tum est negligentia-; Cic. 

I never thought it would have Come 
to that, that— ; nunquam putavi fore, 
ut—; Cic. 

“To give an answer to those that 

Come to you for counsel; tuis consulto- 

ribus respondere ; Cic. 

Nobody ever thought any of these 
things would hare Come to pass; 
‘horum nihil ita fore putatum est; 

- Cic. 

In this my friend Came behind, 
that— ; in hoc meus necessarius fuit 
inferior ; Cic. : 

They Come often to our houses ; ab 
ijlis domus nostra celebratur; Cic. 

He Comzs prepared ; venit medita- 
tus; Ter, ch 

If it Come in my way; si quid usu 
venerit; Ter. ~ 

Let fresh ones Come in the room 
of those that are weary ; integri defes- 
sis succedant ; Ces. 

They will Come first—he the first 
that come ; primi venient ; Ter. 

Come, leave your grieving ; omitte 
vero tristitiam tuam ; Ter. 

The matter is Come to that pass 
that— ; in eum res rediit locum, ut— ; 
Ter. ‘ 

By some ‘means or other it will 


Come to my father’s ear; my father 
will come to hear of tt ; aliqua ad pa- 
trem hoc permanabit ; Ter. 
That mischief is yet to Come ; id re- 
stat.mihi mali; Ter. 
Come be of good cheer; quin tu 
animo bono es ; Ter. rs 
What will Come ‘of it, f~—? quid 
futurum est, si— ? Petron. 
To Come near ; accedere, appropin- 
quare. ; 
.To Come short ; deficere. 
To Come about one ; circumvenire. 
To Come a great way about; ire 
per ambages. 
What Come about? quid 
queris ? : 
To Come after, or follow one; se- 
qui, sectari, consectari, 
To Come after one in a place ; suc- 
cedere. : 
To Come aguinst one; invadere, 
adoriri, signa inferre, 
To Come along ; procedere. 
To Come at, or overtake ; assequi. 
. To Come at, or obtain a thing ; ob- 
tinere, Consequi, potiri. 
To Come behind one; a tergo sequi. 
To Come between ; intervenire. 
To Come by one ; preterire. + 
To Come wy a thing ; nancisci, 

- adipisci. ) 

How Camu you by it? unde 
nactus es? ‘ : 

To Come forward ; procedere, pro- 
gredi, promovere. 

To Come forward in learning; in 
studiis suis progressus facere. 

To Come in ; introire, intrare. 

To let one Come in; intromittere. 

Come in ; i intro. . 

To Come in request; in honore et 
pretio esse, estiinari. 5 
To Come in place ; coram adesse. 

To Come in one’s way; obviam se 
dare. 2 

To Come in, i. ex to yield and sub- 
mit ; dedere se; partere. 

To Come into danger, trouble, &c. ; 
adire discrimen, molestiis implicari. 

What will Come of it? quo evasu- 
ra est hec res? 

To Come short of one ; longe infe- 
riorem esse. 

To Come off basely; turpiter se 
dare. To come off with credit ; lau- * 
dem ex re bene gesta promereri. 

To Come off conqueror ; palmam ob- 

-tinere. To come off a loser ; perdere. 


Te come off on equal terms ; pariare, 
$s conditionibus frui. 
Come on one unawares ; oppri- 
* mere inopinantem. 
ToComeout ; exire,egredi, excedere. 
To Come out, as the sun ; exoriri. 
To come out as blossoms ; pullulare. 
To come out of the water ; emergere, 
To come out, asa book, when it is 
printed; edi, “tn lucem emitti, typis 
vulgari. . ~ 
Come out here ; apage, apagesis, a- 
To Come fo, i. e. to cost ; * constare. 
To Come to one’s car ; ad aures per- 
To‘Come to an end ; ad exitum vel 
finem perduci. To come to an ill end ; 

* male interire. 

To Come to good, of a thing ; pro- 
spere succedere: Of a person ; in pro- 
bum virum evadere, frugi esse. 

To Come to hand ; occurrere. 

To Come to light ; manifestari, ma- 
nifestum fieri. re 

To Come to mind; in mentem ve- 
nire, subire animum. 

To Come to naught; incassum ce- 
dere, perire. 

To Come to himself; ad se tedire, 

To Come together ; convenire, coire, 

To Come up ; ascendere, sursum niti. 

To Come on one suddenly ; inter- 

~ venire: With force ; adoriri, invadere. 

To Come down ; descendere. 

For the time to Come ; in futurum, 
in posterum, dehine. 

To Come into use or custom ; abire 
in morem, in consuetudinem venire, 
exire, irrepere paulatim ; in usum abire, 
inolescere, inolere, 

This custom Comes to be common ;. 

serpit hac consuetudo per homines. 

ft Comes or rises from thence ; hinc 
vel inde proficiscitur, venit, provenit, 
profluit, manat, dimanat, oritur, surgit, 
fluit, nascitur, exit, originem ducit, per- 
manat. ‘ 

Hence Comes a great deal of mis- 
chief; hinc ortum est, natum est, malo- 
rum agmen ; hinc radix est malorum 

We perceive that all villanies and 

_wickednesses Come from one fountain ; 

ex uno fonte oninia scelera manare cer- 
nimus; Cic. 

When it Comes to your turn; quum 
tue vices fuerint. 

co 211 

When we Come to die; cum mors 
instabit. : 

_To COMFORT ; solari, consolaH, . 
recreare, reficere. 

To be Comrorten, or take comfort : 
solamen accipere, recreari, respirare. 

To Comrort or encourage ; confir- 
mare, animos addere. 

ComrortTep ; allevatus, réfooillatos, 
exhilaratus, part. 

To Comrort one in sorrow ; suavi- 
tate verborum alicujus dolorem minu- 
ere, delinire; molestiam levare, alle- 
vare ; meerorem mitigare, luctum remo- 
vere ; dolores lenire ; fletum absterge- 
re ; moestitiam excutere ; tristitiam lax- 
are = ; egritudini Sctnediom.- curationem, 
medicinam ferre, afferre, adhibere ; ani- 
nium demissum, depressum erigere, sus- 
tentare ; moestum a tristitia ad jucundi- 
tatem, ilaviintenk: letitiam, gaudium 
reducere, deducere, revocare ; anxium 
a solicitudine avocare, vindicare, a cu- 
ris liberare, abducere, vulnus animi sa- 
nare, mitigare. Calamitate oppressos, 
dolore confectos, egritudine exhaustos, 
meestitia contabescentes, consolatione 
permulcere, sustinere ; erigere, reficere, 
recreare, replere gaudio. In summam 
miseriam redactos consolari, Animo 
laboranti, egro, pessime affecto mederi, 
medicari; solatium,-consolationem pra- 
bere, adhibere, dare, offerre ; remedium 
invenire ; pristinam equitatem resti- 
tuere. Aliquem jacentem excitare, in- 
ducere in spem ; languentem, afflictum, 
diffidentenr rebus suis, in miseriis con- 
stitutum solatio sublevare, confirmare ; 
expectatione bonarum rerum erigere; a 
meerore ad cogitationem bonorum revo- 
care.’ -Aliquid levationis misero afferre. 
—Lenire dolentem solando,—et dictis 
avertere curas. Mocerenti solatia dicere. 
Erigere, respicere et solari jacentem ; 
Ailoquio levare, sustinere.—Dictis me- 
rentia pectora mulcet. Dolorem verbis 
moderari. Solatur, minuitque metus, 

I want those Comrorts ; ea me so- 
latia deficiunt ; Cic. 

It was some Comrort to me; non- 
nihil me consolatur; Cic. That is my 

comfort ; id mihi solatio est ; Plaut. 

Comrort her all you can, give her 
all the comfort you can ; istam, quam 
potes, fac consolere; Ter. 

You will give her some anger 
illi animam relevabis ; Ter. 

Comrorr yourself; bono animo sis ; 

To be ComronrteD, or receive com- 



212 CO 

fort ; amicorum solatiis, consolatione 
in maximis doloribus recreatus sum ; 
ad spem bonam reductus, revocatus, 
non mediocriter confirmatus, erectus ; 
luctus mihi levatus est. In multis et va- 
riis molestiis, hac una consolatio fuit; 
unicum erat solatium ; non mediocrem 
consolationem attulit, magne consolati- 
onis debet esse. In adversis casibus, in 
maximo meo luetu hac consolatione 
sanor; solatio utor, fruor; hec sunt 
solatia, heec fomenta summorum dolo- 
From, . - 7 
Comrort or consolation; consola- 
tio, solatium, solamen, levamen. A 
litile comfort ; solatiolum. 
Comrorttess; tristis, deploratus ; 
ab omni consolatione exclusus, conso- 
Jationis expers; omnibus solatiis orha= 

tus, ommi spe spoliatus, ab omni spe 

derelictus, Est omnino vix consolabi- 
lis dolor, Ommia me solatia deficiunt, 
Cujus luctus nullo solatio levari potest, 
Meo laboranti, eegrotanti animo, meis 
animi. vulneribus> “remedia inutilia re- 
periuntur omnia ; nullum est quod me- 
deri_possit remedium.. Nullus est qui 
meo dolori facere medicinam possit.— 
Inconsolabile vulnus Mente gerit. 

ComFrortaBLe; consolatione plenus. 

Comrortasie and pleasant ; amee- 
nus, jucundus, 

The consideration of like examples 
in others Comronts the afflicted ; at is 
a comfort to huve companions in misc- 
ry ; afilictis aliorum exempla solatio. 

This second reason or cause Com- 
FORTS me; altera hec ratio me con- 
solatur. _ Secundo loco me conso- 
Jatur recordatio meorum temporum ; 
altera est ratio, que mihi solatium af- 
fert, preebet, parit, solatio est; alterum 
illud est quo sustentor, recreor;  iila 
est, que me consolatur, altera ratio ; 
accedit aliud ad animum meum susten- 
tandum, deinde sustentor meorum ma- 
Jorum memoria. 

Comrorrtiess, or which cannot be 
comforted ; qui consolaria nemine que- 
at, Nihil est quod solatiam, consola- 
tionem preabere, afferre, parere, solatio 
esse, consolationi esse mihi possit, nulla 
res est, que recreare, reficere, levare, 
vindicare a dolore, liberare solicitudine, 
eximere dolore, abducere a cura, avo- 
care a molestia, abstrahere, avellere a 
mocrore animum meum possit ; afflictum 
a merore animum, langnentem, jacen- 
tem erigere, excitare, confirmare, nulla 
jam consolatio potest ; affectum dolore 


~animum sanare nulla ratio valet ; labo- 

ranti animo, egrotanti, pessime affecto 
mederi satis nulla ratio valet; parum 
apta remedia reperiuntur; inutilis, in- 
firma, inanis, supervacanea prorsus om- 
nis medicina est ; quis jam homo (di- 
cerem nisi esset impium, quis jam Deus) 
animo meo virtutem dolore ereptam re- 
stituere possit ? quis ea sanare vulnera, 
iis vulneribus mederi, medicinam afferre, 
remedium invenire, que mihi fortuna 
intulit, imposuit, influxit? ita dolore 
obruor, ut emergere nulla ratione pos- 
sim, ita malis opprimor prorsus ut re-. 
spirare non liceat; respuit jam animus 
meus, quasi desperata salute, omnem 
medicinam, remedia cunefa, omnium 
consolationum genera; frustra in me 
consolando ponitur opera, inanem ope- 
ram sumit, qui ad me consolandum ag- 
greditur ; insitus, infixus in aaimo do- 
lor ita penitus est, ut evelli nulla ratione 
possit; ut nulla vis rationum possit 
esse tanta, que illum ne die quidem 
vel unico, possit evellere, extrahere, e- 
ducere, eripere; finem facere dolori 
meo, finem imponere, modum statuere, 
terminum statuere, dvlori  medicari, 
neqre homo est neque res ulla, que 
possit; non est ut possim in dolore 
mihi temperare, dolore abstinere, dolo- 
rem sedare, abjicere; meipsum ad eam 
hilaritatem, eam jucunditatem, quam 
dolor ademit, revocare, referre me ad 
pristinam aniini zquitatem, in eum sta- 
tum, unde me dolor dejecit, deturbavit, 
depulit, detrusit, restituere. , 

This is an useful and not a necessary 
Comrorr: Nothing is chiefly to be la- 
menied or grieved by any one, which 
befalls all and every one ; consolatio 
hee utilis est si non necessaria: nihil 
est precipue cuiquam dolendum, quod 
accidat universis; Cic. 

Yet nevertheless I am supported by 
that Comrorr, which you, O Brutus, 
have udministered to me by your 
most acceptable letters ; verumtamen 
ea consolatione sustentor, quam tu 
mihi (Brute) adhibuisti literis tuis sua- 

Whilst a man’s reputation i is safe and 
unstained, honesty tiself is a Comrorr 
to poverty ; dum existimatio viri est 
integra, facile consolatur honestas e- 
gestatem ; Cic. . 

You have CoMFORTED me S80, as yf 
you had brought me from death to life 
again ; qui mortuum me reducem in 
lucem feceris ; s Ter, 


EN ce 



tal Bi Dit eae 




We ought by Comrortine and en- 
couraging, to endedvour to raise up the 
mind of our friend cast down, and that 
he may recover himself into better hopes ; 
consolationibus eniti et efficere debe- 
mas ut amici jacens animus excitetur, 
atque ut inducat se in spem cogitatio- 
nemque meliorem. . 

By which Comrorts of yours you 
have supported me when I was extremely 
afflicted; quibus me consolationibus 
tuis languescentem sustentavisti ; Cic. 

Free me, I pray you, from this grief, 
or, at least, lessen it by some Comfort, 
or counsel, or by whatever means you 
ean; eripe mihi hunc dolorem, aut mi- 
nue saltem ; vel consolatione, vel con- 
silio, vel quacunque re potes ; Cic. 

Tt remains that I should Comrortr 
you, and offer you reasons, by which I 
may endeavor to take away your griefs ; 
reliquum est ut te consoler, et afferam 
rationes quibus te a molestiis coner ab- 
ducere ; Cic. 

By his coming the soldiers began to 
hope, and their minds were Comrort- 
ED ; hujus adventu spes militibus erat 
illata, etanimus eorum redintegrabatur ; 
Ces. ; 

In the greatest of my griefs, I es- 
teem this for my Comfort; in maximo 
meo dolore, hoc solatio utor, fruor, me 
consolor; id ego quasi consolationis 
loco repono. ¢ 

My mindis Comronrtep whenever 
the report of your being beloved is 
brought hither ; assurgit animus meus 
quoties amabilitatis tue sermo huc dif- 
fertur, : 
To COMMAND ; jubere, mandare ; 

aliquid mandare, jubere, precipere, im- 

perare, edicere. Negotium alicui dare, 
tradere, demandare, injungere, impo- 
nere. Dare alicui in mandatis, Cum 
mandatis aliquem mittere; preceptis 
onerare. Mandatum, in mandatis ha- 
bere, accipere. 

To Commanp or appoint ; indicere, 

 _ instituere. 

‘To Commann with authority; im- 

To Commann in the king’s name ; 
- To Commanp to appear; eyocare, 

To Commanp or give one order; 

_ precipere, injungere. — 

To bé in Commanp; esse cum im- 


CO , 213 
To Commanv hard, impossible 

things ; mandare, jubere, &c. nimis 
dura, gravia, difficilia : res gravissimas, 
perdifficiles, difficillimas: laboris im- 
mensi, intolerandi: opere infinite : 
difficultatis summa, inexpugnabiles, 
supra vires, qua vires exuperant, nego- 
tii maximi. Graviora sunt, majora, 
difficiliora ques imperantur, quam ut 
prestari, perfici possint, Onera impo- 
nuntur graviora, quam sustineri pos- 
sunt: quae humerinon valent, recusant 
ferre. Non est mearum virium ea pre- 
stare, exequi, efficere que precipiun- 
tur. Imperia Manliana; cruel com- 
mands. _, ; 

It is desirable to Commanp or have 
rule over many ; optabile est, imperium 
in multos habere, quibus liceat impe- 
rare, qui pareant imperatis, quorum 
opera, jure tuo, pro tuo jure, pro po- 
testate possis uti, multis preesse ; pa-~ 
ratos ad voluntatem, ad imperium, ad 
nutum, habere multos. : 

Octavius CommanpeD, or had com- 
mand ‘over the fleet ; Octavius classi 
preerat; Paterc, 

He was not able to be out of Com~- 
MAND; imperio carere non potuit ; 


He Commanven.him to desist from 
his enterprise ; jussit incepto desistere ; 
Paterc. | 
. The Commanp was obeyed ; obedi- 
tum erat imperio; Paterc. 

As often as it is ComMMANDED ; to- 
ties quoties precipitur; Cic. 

I come at the Commanp of Jove; 
jussu Jovis-venio; Plaut. 

Mummius the Consul was appointed 
to CommAnp in that war; destinatus 
ei bello gerendo Consul Mummius ; Pa- 
terc. . 

To do as he is ComMANDED ; impe- 
riam exequi; Plaut. Jussa capessere ; 
Virg. , 

Varus said he had a [the] Com- 
MAND ; Varus imperium se habere dice- 
bat; Cic. ; 

_ He hadthe Commannd of Africa ; 
Africam obtinuerat; Cic. He had the 
command of a province; provinciam 
tenebat; Cic. 

They are in chief Commann, i. e. 
Commanders in chief ; potiuntur rerum ; 
Cic. ’ : 

To be ‘at one’s Commann;-—do 
as one shall be commanded ; qu® quig 
imperaverit facere; Cas.—ut erit ime 


214 — CO 

peratum ; Ces. Ready to do his com- 
mands; Parati qua. imperaverit facere ; 
Ces. : 

To list one’s self under one’s Com- 
MAND ; apud aliquem sacramentum di- 
cere; Ces, 

You Commanp or bid me do such 
things, which no man is able to do; 
difficilia imperas. Soles ea mihi jmpo- 
nere, qu sustinere vix possum; ea 
imperas, precipis, jubes ; mandas, com- 
mittis, quz vires meas -exuperant, que 

. prestare, perficere, exequi vix possum ; 

magni negotii est, summa difficultatis, 
opera non exigue, ad exitum ea per- 
ducere, quz in mandatis a te habeo ; 
Dura nimis, gravia, difficilia mihi im- 

A Commanp, or place of command ; 
prefectura. gre 

At thy Commanp ; tuo jussu. With- 
oué cominand ; injussu. 
~ Commanven ; of things, mandatus, 
imperatus : of persons, jussus, 

ComMANDED to appear ; 
evocatus, accersitus, accitus. 

A Commanper or Officer ; przfec- 
tus militum. A Commander-in-chie/ ; 

Tam Commannen that which I can- 
not accomplish ; imperatum, quod pra- 
Stare nequeo. Imperas mihi, jubes, 
mandas, id fieri a me vis quod exequi, 
efficere, prestare neque debeo neque 
possum ; das mibi rem in mandatis pa- 
rum honestam, et ejusmodi, que vires 
meas exuperat. . 


To be at one’s ComMANnp ; alicui sub- 
servire, se totum dare, que quis impe- 
ravit facere. Say 

A following one’s ComMAND ; obse- 
quium, obtemperatio, 

To give ComMAaNDMENTS to one 
about great affairs ; mandata alicui de 
rebus magnis deferre. 

This my father CommManpED me 
on his death-bed ; hoc parens wger de- 
cumbens mihi injunxit. 

Death Commanps all. things ; om- 
nia sub leges mors vocat atra suas ; 
Ovid. : 

He very speedily executed the king's 
Commanps ; per-breviter et mature 
mandata regis exequutus est. 

He published it by Commanp from 
i senate; senatusconsulto plebi e- 

ixit. : 




To COMMENCE or begin ; inci- 
pere, auspicari. ~ 

To ComMENcE an action, or suit of 
luw against one; litem alicui inten- 
dere, dicam impingere ; aliquem im jus 

From that time he Commenced 

pleader ; tum primom causas tractare at- 
que agere ceepit. = . 
- To COMMEND cr praise ; landare, 
depredicare ; verbis, Jandibus, ornare, 
exornare ; de meliore nota commendare, 
suo calculo probare, comprobare, om- 
nia bona de aliquo dicere. 

To CommEND or commit to one’s 
trust ; commendare ; mandare fidei ali- 

To CommMEND him_to one ; imper- 
tire alicui salutem, vel aliquem salute. 

Commend me to him; salutem ei 
dic meis verbis. : 

To Commenp one by letters ; litera- 
rum significatione, causam alicujus gra- 
vissime commendare. Petere per lite- 
ras, ut aliquem aliquis officiis persequa- 
tur, humanitate tueatur, protegat: in 
fidem, gratiam recipiat. Mlirifico ge- 
nere commendationis ornare, juvare ali- 
quem ; omni studio, solicitudine, animi 
contentione, orare per epistolam, ut 
quis quem amore complectatur, juvet 
re. Non valgari commendatione uti 
pro aliquo, alicujus gratia. Studiose 
per literas, magnopere, etiam atque 
etiam, diligenter commendare.—Alicui 
laudare et tradere dignum, &c. Hor. 
Epist. 19. ‘ 

ComMMENDABLE ;_laudabilis, 

I Commennpep her ; eam collaudavi ; 

If she Commenn his beauty ; si lau- 
dabit hec illius formam ; Ter. ao iy 

ICommenvep you to him with all 
diligence, very carnestly, or heartily ; 
ei te commendavi ut diligentissime po- 
tui; Cic. Aine 

I €ommenp it to your care, trust ; 
Hoc committo et mando tue fidei ; 
Ter. ang 

He Commenps him very kindly to 
you; plurima te salute impertit; tibi 
multum salutis impertit; Ter. Cic. 
Tibi salutem plurimam dicit, adseribit ; 
Cic. . : 

You Commenpep him to the skies ; 
Quem tu verbis ad celum extulisti ; 
Cic. I commend you to the skies before 
him ; facio te apud illum deum ; Ter, » 




_ mam do, 


I see no cause why you should Com- 

MEND mie so; ego nihil reperio quam 
ob rem tantopere lauder; Ter. 
To Commenn one but slenderly ; de 

alicujus laude parce dicere ; Cic. To 

commend one to his face ; coram in os 
aliquem laudare ; ‘Ter. 

He was CommenveD for his paint- 
ing ; Hoc laudi datum est, quod pin- 
geret ; Cic. 

Eouwanparions ; ; salus, salutatio. 

Letters of ComMENDATIONS; com-— 

mendatitie litera. 

ComMENDATORY ; Commendatitius, 

Breviuscule quedam commendandi 
formule: + 

Album calculum addere. Creta no- 
tare. Bona dicere omnia, Admirabi- 
Jia de eo predicant ; suffragium meum 
demerebere. Omnium sententiis, stu- 
diis, calculis approbatur; applauditur. 
Risu et vsculo excipere; uno, pleno 
ore landare. Ore consono nuvcupa- 
rent, Adorea aliquem afficere, Parit 
Jaudem et lauream. Tibi Jaudem in- 
" signem defert. Suas lauros hederasque 
“habent. Ommne tulit punctun. Nun- 
quam satis laudata. Non peenitenda. 
Laus sonautior. Hoc illi habent ut 
cerebrum Jovis. Huic consilio pal- 
Uberiore laude mactare ali- 
quem. “ 

You have done me a great pleasure 

~ in doing my ComMENDATIONS ; grata 

saius alterius nomine dicta, Quod eum 
salvere a me jusseris, meo nomine salu- 
taveris, quod ei meis verbis saluten: 
dixeris, amo te plurimum, 

I Commenn this business to you, I 
leave this matter to your honesty and 
discretion ; commendo tibi hanc rem, 
omnem tibirem atque causam commen- 

do, atque trado ; ejus negotium sic ve- 

lim suscipias, ut si essct res mea tibi 
commendo ac trado, ut gravissime, di- 
ligentissimeque possum. 

To Commenp others thereby to get 
himself more favor of them, to curry 
favor by praising of men ; Taus gratiz 
causa. Tantas in me inades confers, 
effers me Jaudibus non judicio tuo, me- 
ritove adductus meo; sed ut ineas a me 
gtatiam, gratiz causa, ad colligendam 
benevolentiam ; gratiam meam his lau- 
dibus aucuparis, das hoc auribus meis ; 
saapeins mihi, non veritati ; auribus in- 

is, toqueris ad voluntatem ; non 
hoc ex animo facis, sed €0 conidilic id 
“spectas, id secutus, meum tibi ut amo- 


CO 215 

rem hoc artificio, hoc tuo quasi merito 
adjungas, ut mihi gratificeris. 

To send ComMENDATIONS ; salutem 
mittere, salutare. 

A Commenpation rising from vir- 
tue only; laus ex sola virtute. Tue 
sapientie est, veram laudem in una 
virtute positam existimare ; pertinet ad 
sapientiam, spectat ad eam sapientiam, 
qua tu excellis; est ejus sapientia, 
qua in te elucet, viget ; tuum est qui 
sapiens et haberis et es, qui sapientia 
prestas, abundas, in quo sapientia plu- 
rimum est; virum sapientem, qualis 
es tu, decet in animum inducere, pro 
certo habere, sic habere, ita credere, 
existere veram laudem, nasci, fluere, 
manare, ab una virtute, verum decus 
in una virtute situm esse, locatum, con- 
stitutum, solidam gloriam non aliunde 
quai a virtute pendere. Yo give one’s 
commendations ; palutens ab aliquo di- 
cere, annunciare. 

A most earnest ComMEN DATION and 
praise ; commendatio d:ligentissima. 

I would have you believe, that by 
whatever good offices in all things 
you oblige Atticus, by my CoMMENDA- 
TION Of him, by the same you also ob- 
lige me; te ita existimare velim 5 qui- 

-buscunque officiis, rebus in omnibus 

Atticum mea commendatione obstrinx- 
eris, iisdem me tibi obligatum fore. 

Whatsoccer good office, civility or 
honor you confer and bestow, through 
my COMMENDATION, .on my son-in- 
law, I will take that as bestowed on 
myself, and done to my advuntuge ; 
quicquid officii, beneficii,, honoris ‘in 
generum meum, recommendatione mea 
contuleris, id existimabo in meipsum, 
atque in rem meam, te contulisse, 

For I Commend him so to you, as 
that I can commend none with greater 
earnestness, and for more guod and just 
reasons ; sic enim eum tibi commendo, 
ut neque majori studio quengquam, ne- 
que justioribus de causis, commendare 
possim ; Cic. 

Do so much, for friendship-sake, as 
to CommMEND me in your talk abroad, 
or to speak well of me, and to give me 
your good word and report; tribuas 
hoc amori nostro, ut me honestes, Meis 
libris velim, si minus ex animo potes, 
gratie saltem causa suffragere ; meis 
libris si minus judicii, at gratie saltem 
causa faveas? quod obtinere a judicio 
tuo fortasse non possum, impetrem ab 

216 CO 

amore, ut mea scripta probes, commen- 
des, tuearis ; Quod veritati non potes, 
amori tribue, ut mea tuo testimonio 
subleves, tua commendatione exornes, 
honestes, in honore adducas. 

To COMMIT or do; patrare, per- 
petrare, committere, admittere. 

To Commir a fault ; delinquere. 

To Commit treason ; majestatem 

To Comnir to, or trust one with ; 
mandare, demandare, delegare, tradere, 
committere, commendare. — 

To Comnir a thing to keep; depo- 
nere, credere, concredere, 

To Comair one to custody or prison ; 
in custodiam, in carcerem, conjicere. 

To Commir a business to one’s dis- 
cretion or management ; arbitrio alicu- 
jus permittere. 

To Comair a thing to one unfit for 
é¢; furenti gladium committere. © ‘Ty- 
ranno exercitum credere. Impio, im- 
perito clavum imperii tradere. Ignavo, 
stulto, Reip. administrande potestatem 
facere. Lupoovem committere. Asinus 
ad lyram. Prov. 

‘He that has a business Committed 
to him ; delegatus. , 

To Comkir some heinous fault, or 
mischievous deed; scelus committere, 
Gravissime peccas, scelerate agis, sum- 
mum dedecus admittis, piaculum com- 
mittis, maximo te scelere adstringis, 
obstringis, culpam gravem committis, 
iniquissime facis, scelus committis, per- 
petras. Conficere, patrare facinus ; ad- 
mittere, perpetrare, comniittere, edere, 
signare, facinus indignum, flagitium, 
noxam, turpe aliquid, &c. facere faci- 
nus indignum se aut suo genere ; facere 
capitale, i.e. facinus capitale; Plaut. 
Immanes zquare Cacos. 

Ihave Commirrep all my affairs to 
him, or, he does all thing's for me ; pro- 
curat mea. Meas rationes tractat, 
mea hegotia gerit, meas res curat, ad- 
ministrat, meus procurator est, mea ne- 
gotia procurat, is est cui res meas com- 
misi, credidi, commendavi, tradidi, 
mandavi, sustinet rerum meatum. cu- 

To Commir one’s self to one’s friend- 
ship, and. tyjgion ; in alicujus amiciti- 
am et fidem se conferre, 

To Comair an office to one ; munus 
alicui deferre. J will commit this bu- 
siness to Davus; Davo isthuc dedam 
jam negotii, The care is tommitted to 

ee ate ee 


you ; cura tibi demandata est. 

To Commit to ee memoria: 
mandare. , : 

To Commit murder ; occidere. 

To Commit adultery ; adulterari, 
meechari, alterius cubile inire. 

To Commit ‘to another, what was 

committed to Ms; SUTFOBAI, subdele- 


To Commir or leave the matter to 
God ; Diis permittere, committere ; 
Deo ‘fortunzeque committere; permit- 
tere Divis, apud Hor, Dare se fatis, 
apud Virg. Jovi fuerint hee ommia 

To Commit to one’s charge, tuition 
or tutelage ; alicujus fidei, tutele, sa-. 
pientia, atque potestati aliquid com- 

-mittere, concredere, permittere, dele- 

gare, rebus suis aliquem preficere ; in 
patrocinium alicujus sua et sese dare ; ; 
aliquem rei arbitrum et curatorem con- 

He Commtrs to you, himself, all his 
estate, and all his dependanee and 
hope, so long as he lives ; tibi se, om- 
nes suas opes fortunasque commendat, 
tibi committit existimationem ac <i Wig 
reliquee vita. 

A son, &c. who is Comirrep to 
your education ; filius, &c. qui tibi in 
disciplinam. est traditus. King Phi- 
lip, who committed or entrusted his 
his son Alexander to, or with Aristo- 
tle; Philippus Rex, qui Alexandro 
filio suo Aristotelem accierit; Cic. | 

To deceive the people, who had 
Commitrrep themselves to his protec- 
tion ; fraudare populum, qui in tutelam 
ejus pervenerat ; Cic. 

When we call J upiter, Salutaris, 
hospitalis, stator seu statorius, we 
mean that the safety of man is Com- 
MitteD to his tutelage and protec- 
tion ; cum Jovem salutarem, hospita- 
lem, statorem seu statorium diciimus, 
hoc intelligi volumus, salutem homi- 
num in ejus esse tutela. Et sic Galba 
populum Romanum tutorem institu- 
ere se dixit filiorum suorum orbitati ; 

COMMON, ordinary or’ usual ; 
communis, vulgaris, usitatus, frequens, 
passim obvius, protritus, trivialis. 

Common to every body, or to any 
body ; publicus, promiscuus. 

Of the Common or vulgar 
gregarius, plebeius, 

The Common-people ; plebs, vulg , 


oe nes a a ai Ra 


piebecula; vulgus hominum et quis- 
quiliz ; multitudo promiscua, imperita, 
aga, indocta, levis; civitatis, populi, 
- vulgi, fax ima, infiiuia.— Ventosa plebs, 
—populi pars infima nostri. 
A Common saying ; titum sermone 
proverbiun. ; 
Common soldier; miles’ grega- 
ritis. . 
A Common for cattle ; compascuum, 
ager compascuus. Common of -pas- 
ture ; commune pasture, i. e. jus com- 
pascendi, Common -of fishing, Sc. ; 
commune piscaria. 
To make Common ; pervulgare, 
Common ty ; vulgo, populariter. 
Commonty, or for the most part ; 
plerumgue, fere. 
To have all things Common; in 
commune vivere, emere, vendere, 
agros dare colendos; honores vypcare, 
conferre omnia. Privatum nihil, nul- 
jum censum privatum, peculium nul- 
lum habere ; sed omnia omnium, om- 
nibus communia. Ubi meum et tuum, 
private res jucurdissimam vite socie- 
tatem querimoniis atque litigiis non di- 
rimunt, distrahunt, corrumpunt, Sa- 

rei habuit, sed omnia comimunia et in- 
divisa omnibus fuerant, veluti unum 
cunctis patrimonuin esset. Communes 
utilitates in medium aéferre. 

This hill is Common 3; we have both. 

interest ‘in this hill; we are: joint 
lords of this hill; hic tibi mecum, hic 
inter nos communis est mons, divisus 
aquarum -divortiis; particeps uterque 
“nostrum hujusce montis est; mons hic 
pertinet ad utrumque nostrum, juris 
uirlusque nostrum est; jus habemus 
uterque in hoc monte. = ~~ 

In the opinion of the Common peo- 
ple it is small; est ad-vulgi opinionem 
mediocris; Cic. 

They were naturally Common ; na- 

~ tura fuerant communia ; Cic. 

- It is a Common saying ; vulgo dici 

_. solet; Ter, 

lt is Common to you and me; mihi 
tecum commune est; Cic. 

Consult for the Common good ; con- 
sulite in medium ; Virg. 

To muke Common, or bring abroad 
| for common good; afferre in medium ; 

_ is_grown a Common proverb, 
ge; factum jam tritum sermone 

© proverbium ; Cic. 


co 217. 
It is the Common talk, town talk ; 

in ore est omni populo ; Ter, 

Let him use Common things as 
common}; communibus utatur ‘pro 
communibus ; Cic. : 

A Common proverb ; diverbium, ad- 

-agium, vulgi fabula, dictum celebratum, 

vulgo jactitata sententia ; populi dis- 
persa perauras fama. _ | 

‘A Common thing, or that thing is 
common; common things, or these 
things ave common; res trita, commu- 
nis et pervulgata ; item, vulgaris, per- 
vulgatissima ; hac vulgata et obsoleta 
sunt; res est lippis et tonsoribus nota ; 
cum omnibus nota sint, et quotidiano 

_sermone subtrita, obvia et ubique oc- 

currentia; commune et late patens, 
pervagatum, quotidianum; audita et 
pervulgata, et percelebrata sermonibus 
res est; res quotidian et vernacule ; 
perspicua sunt hee quidem, et vulgari 
prudentia scita; Cic. Obsolevit jam 
ista relatio; effertur in vulgum. In 
eum sermonem incidere, qui cum fere. 
multis erat in ore; cum multis aliquid 
communicare ; communi quod in usu 

- versatur. 
turno regnante nemo quicquam private © 

A Common-wealth ; respublica, de- 
mocratia,-x, f, principatus populi. 

*" A Common-wealth’s-man ; democra- 


A good Common-wealth’s-man, or 
statesman; politicus, idoneus pa- 
trie. ; 

An excellent Common-wealth’s-man, 
both in peace and war ; civis tam in 
toga, quam in armis illustris, insignis ; 
tum domestica fortitudine, tum militari 
prestans. Es togatus et paludatus pa- 
trie defensor, propugnator. Consiliis 
et armis remp. adjuvare, communire. 
Et foris et domi presidia stabilitatis, 
ornamenta dignhitatis patrize procurare. 
Vir tam domi consilio clarus, quam for- 
titudine foris admirabilis. Tam in pace. 
quam in bello bene, optime de repub- 
lica mereri, Cujus ut in bello admi- 
nistrando, conficiendo foris predicanda 
est fortitudo, ita in-tranquillitate pro- 
curanda, in constituenda repub. domi 
prudentia est singularis, Qui in rebus 
pacis et belli cum summis hominum 

/utilitatibus versatus est: neque in re- 

bus exteris, forinsecis magis laudandus, 

quam domesticis institutis. Justitia 
dubium, validisne potentior arms. 

Claram militia. togeque decus. Quo 
justior alter Nec pietate fuit, nec i 


218 CO% 

major et armis. Res patrias armis tu- 
tatur, moribus armat, legibus emen- 
dat.— Quém Marte togaque precipuum, 

- non bella magis finita triumphis, quam. 

res domi geste extulerunt. 

. To love the Common-wealth, state, » 
or his country ; reipublicae, se. totum | 

dedere; nihil nisi reipub. bonum, et 
utilitatem sibi proponere ; in salutem 
populi patrimonium collocare, suam 
voluntatem ad publicam causam ac- 
commodare, aggregare ;. animus infixus 
in patrie charitate ; fidem et animum 
singularem habere in remp. Insigni 
in patriam benevolentia et pietate vir. 
Patriam, terram natalem, altricem, an- 
tiquissimam et sanctissimam, parentem 
clarissimam. habere ; omni amore, be- 
nevolentia, charitate amplecti. Rep. 
patria nihil habere charius, jucundius, 
gratius, antiquius, Salutem publicam 
civium suis opibus, rebus omnibus an- 
teponére.. Communis salutis studiosis- 
simus, Salutem patriz rationibus suis 
preferre. De reip. salute magis 
quam de sua solicitum esse. Utilitate 
- Civium sic, teneri,-ut quicquid agit ad 
eam referat, oblitns commodorum suo- 
Tum, , Magno amore inflammatum esse 
in patriam, omnes suas curas et cogita- 
tiones in reipub. salute defigere ; Cic. 
‘in Ant, 

A man who was of singular and ex- 
cellent trust, duty, and Jaithfulness to 
eur Common-wealth; vir, qui singu- 
lari exfiterit in remp. nostram officio 
et fide.: 2i,;)-. 

We ought. not “only to consecrate 
and give ourselve